GH Transcript Wednesday 10/31/12

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/31/12


Provided By Suzanne

[Footsteps approach]

Lulu: Uh, we're not open yet.

Dante: Give me all the money in the register and no one get hurt.

Lulu: [Chuckles] But we don't have any money in the register.

Dante: [Sighs] Well, then, I, uh, I guess I'll just have to steal something else.

Anna: Penny for your thoughts?

[Knock on door]

Todd: Go away.

[Knock on door]

Todd: That's right. It's Halloween. Bah, humbug!

[Knock on door]

Todd: [Groans] All that sugar will rot your teeth.

Both: Happy birthday, Maxie!

Maxie: You remembered! And you got me a cupcake with a real candle!

Patrick: Okay. Got to light this baby up.

Maxie: Okay.

Emma: Make a wish.

Maxie: Okay, now, I have to think about this, because birthday wishes are extra powerful. I know exactly what I want. [Blows]

Patrick: [Gasps]

Starr: Michael, I am so glad that you called. I literally just ran out of candy. Could you grab a bag on your way over?

Michael: I'm sorry, but I -- I can't make it.

Starr: [Sighs] Are you sure? It might help you focus on something besides Jason.

Michael: I'm -- I'm sorry to bail. I just -- I'm not feeling up to it tonight, you know?

Starr: Are you positive? Maybe you could come over later.

Michael: I can't. Not tonight.

Starr: [Sighs] It's Halloween. It's not gonna be the same without you, and --

[Knock on door] Hold on. There's a -- there's a trick-or-treater at the door, okay? I'm calling you back. Hello --

Michael: Uhh!

Starr: [Screams] [Breathing heavily]

Michael: Gotcha.

[Door unlocking]

Monica: A.J.?

A.J.: Mom. Mom. Oh.

Monica: It's all right. Nobody knows that you're here, but they're bound to find out. Alice has to do the cleaning, and Edward is always puttering around. You just can't stay here.

A.J.: Mom, I told you last night -- I'm not leaving. I want my life back. And, more than anything, I want a chance to get to know my son.

Monica: If anyone saw you, you would end up behind bars. You are a wanted man.

A.J.: Mom, relax, all right? They haven't caught me so far.

Monica: That's because people think you're dead.

A.J.: Okay, listen to me. I have not seen you in such a long time, I don't want to waste a single minute arguing with you, all right?

Monica: Good. So you'll do what I ask and you'll leave.

A.J.: Tell me about Michael first. What's he like? Come on. Please tell me.

Monica: Well, I don't get a chance to see him very often, but what I do know is that he is thoughtful, he's considerate. He's going to school at PCU.

A.J.: Yeah?

Monica: Mm-hmm.

A.J.: Is he getting straight a's like Jason or, um, straight c's like me?

Monica: Well, I have not asked to see his report card, but I know he's intelligent, and I'm sure he's doing well.

A.J.: I tell you one thing I noticed -- he's tall. I saw that last night. He's -- he's like a grown man.

Monica: It's been a long time since you've been here. As I said, times have changed.

A.J.: Well, I'll tell you one thing that hasn't changed -- this room. Mom, what did you do? You stuck this thing in a time machine or something?

Monica: [Chuckles]

A.J.: I mean, almost every-- no wait. Everything in this room looks exactly the same as the day that Jason and I left for boarding school.

Monica: And that's the way I like it. I do, because sometimes I come up here, and I think about the way it was when you boys were little. You two got along so well together.

A.J.: I know.

Monica: Oh. Oh-ho-ho. Do you remember this? I remember this Halloween.

A.J.: [Laughs] I remember that mask!

Monica: Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

A.J.: I scared the hell out of Jason. He screamed so loud. Dad dropped a drink in his lap, and grandfather swore that he was having chest pains.

Monica: And you were so pleased. All you did was just laugh.

Michael: You should have seen your face.

Starr: You nearly gave me a heart attack, Michael.

Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. The girl who had snakes as pets and can name every spider in north America -- come on. You loved it.

Starr: Okay. Maybe I loved it, and maybe I didn't. I'm just glad that you ended up coming over here.

Michael: Yeah, well, there's no point sitting around dwelling on everything. So, does this mean I get my treat?

Starr: That depends. What did you do to deserve it?

Michael: Well, I am a vampire, so, uh, I can give you eternal life.

Starr: No, no, no! No. I'm kind of liking my life just the way it is right now.

Lulu: Hmm. I don't know if I like you better as a cop or a robber.

Dante: Hmm. Well, I just, uh, got back from the community center. You know how we go there every Halloween, dress up, take the kids badges and cuffs and hats, and they chase us around?

Lulu: Mm-hmm.

Dante: Anyway, this one kid finally got me. A little kid, 5 years old -- he goes, "I arrest you forever!" I guess he was happy I was a robber.

Lulu: I -- I think I'm happy you're a robber, too.

Dante: That's good.

Lulu: Well, it's sweet that you do that.

Dante: Yeah, these kids need something positive in their lives.

Lulu: Yeah. I mean, uh... a lot of kids do.

Dante: Ah. Is that one of the pamphlets we got from Dr. V.?

Lulu: Yeah. It's adoption. I don't know. I mean, I know that a lot of kids are born every year and they need a good home.

Dante: And... ours could be one of them?

Maxie: Well, that was the best birthday cupcake I've ever had. Thank you.

Emma: You're welcome, Maxie.

Maxie: You know, today's a special day for you, too.

Emma: It's Halloween.

Maxie: It is Halloween! And you should be wearing your costume already. I know you're gonna look gorgeous. I can't wait to see it. Go put it on.

Emma: Okay.

Maxie: Okay. So cute.

Patrick: So cute.

Maxie: Thank you for remembering. It means more than you know.

Patrick: Everything you've done for me, it's not a problem. And speaking of Halloween, what's the big plan tonight there, rock star?

Maxie: Actually, I'm moving out tonight.

Duke: This photograph doesn't do you any justice.

Anna: Really? It's the least of my problems. I've got to find the person who finished off Bernie Abrahms, 'cause that's the one that killed Jason Morgan.

Duke: Are you making any progress?

Anna: Yeah, I'm waiting on forensics. Plus, there's some fibers that I found at the scene. They're working those up. With any luck, it'll lead me to our man. Or it's all unrelated... and he's out there somewhere, just laughing at me.

Duke: I can assure you he's not doing that.

Todd: What the hell are you doing? Luke Spencer.

Luke: Hmm. No wonder you didn't recognize me. Last time, you were the one with the mask.

Todd: I -- I don't know what you're talking about.

Luke: Oh, really? Sure, you do. The gardener's shack. Me tied to a chair, held hostage by heather Webber and some spud with a hockey mask and a machete.

Todd: You were held hostage for a long time. Clearly, you're hallucinating. Have you considered professional counseling?

Luke: I knew that heather was a whack-job. She couldn't be gotten to. But her accomplice -- he was something else. He could have freed me, if he'd had a soul.

Todd: [Chuckles] Assuming that there was an accomplice -- and I'm sure that he does have a soul, somewhere -- maybe he just figured that you would get yourself out of that mess by yourself.

Luke: Really? He was about your height, about your weight, and he had a fixation with fine Italian footwear.

Todd: Right. So starving, dehydrated, but you noticed the shoes. [Chuckles] But that's good, because it's the details that make a story compelling. If you're here because I'm a publisher, I'm afraid I can't print your story. I'm sorry, but you being held hostage by heather -- that's old news.

Luke: You're a very skilled dissembler, Manning. But I can spot a bluff. Let's not play any more games. I know that you were her accomplice. Just admit it.

Patrick: Why are you moving out?

Maxie: I can't impose on you and Emma.

Patrick: Since when?

Maxie: [Sighs] Look, we're not even technically gonna be family anymore. Once I sign the divorce papers, matt will be my ex-husband and you'll be my ex-brother-in-law.

Patrick: You are Robin's cousin. You're always gonna be family to us.

Maxie: Sometimes family can get on your very last nerve.

Patrick: Okay. All right. I know that we had some rough sledding in the beginning, but I feel like we've settled into something here.

Maxie: I kind of feel like I'm in limbo, you know? Like -- like I've convinced myself that I'm helping take care of you and Emma, but what I'm really doing is avoiding living my own life.

Patrick: Yeah. No, I'm not gonna lie to you. I feel like you had a little bit of that.

Maxie: Okay, and I'm not gonna do that anymore. I think it's time that I get out on my own and -- I don't know -- start a life with someone else.

Patrick: Spinelli?

Maxie: You know how life is all about timing? Mine happens to be very terrible. He's seeing someone new. She's cute and smart and very nice. She speaks Spinelli better than I do. They can about comic books or astronomy for hours. And the horrible part is I actually really like her. Not enough for Spinelli, though. I want him with me.

Patrick: Was that the birthday wish?

Maxie: Me and Spinelli forever. Yeah, it's got to happen. I told him about the divorce. And once he sees that I'm moving out of here, he'll know I'm serious.

Patrick: All right. Uh, well, in that case, I'm not gonna stand in your way of moving forward.

Maxie: Ditto.

Todd: See a guy in a hockey mask and a decent pair of shoes, and you just assume that it's me? I -- I don't even know what to say to you.

Luke: Hockey mask, shoes, known association with heather. You were her boss. You were up to your neck in the baby switch.

Todd: No. I was a victim. I trusted her before I figured out that she was a complete and total lunatic.

Luke: Uh-huh. Well, then, you won't mind I take a look at your shoe rack.

Todd: No, no, not at all, right after you get your commissioner girlfriend who talks funny to give you a warrant. But I don't think she'll do that, because she might have told you, but she was there when the charges against me were all dropped.

Luke: Well, she doesn't anything about the shoes yet.

Todd: Well, um, if you want to waste her time and the taxpayers' money going through my shoe closet, go ahead, knock yourself out. But for now, I think it's time for you to your treat and leave.

Luke: I know it was you, Manning. I know it. I can't prove it -- yet -- but I'll give you a word of warning -- when the wheel of karma comes around, it's gonna roll right over you.

Todd: You forgot your mask.

Luke: Oh, no, you keep it -- for next time.

Anna: What do know about the second shooter?

Duke: Only what you told me. But I do know you're smart, you're strong, you have great instincts, and at the end of the day, you always get your man.

Anna: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I really do have to come to a resolution on this case. I owe that to the Quartermaines.

Duke: Hey, tonight is my first night at the haunted star, and they're having this big Halloween bash. I'd love it if you'd come. Will you do that?

Lulu: I don't know about adoption. I just -- I have to get used to the idea of little Rocco not looking like you.

Dante: Well, there's no guarantee the he would have been as handsome as his father and that he would have been a boy, anyway.

Lulu: I know. You know what I mean? I just know how much it means to you to have your own child.

Dante: We want to be parents. That's the point, right?

Lulu: So you don't care if the child isn't biologically yours?

Dante: No. Who cares where the baby comes from? It's you and me and how much love we have to give that counts.

Michael: Oh --

Starr: [Laughing] I'm try-- I was trying to be sexy and smooth, and I couldn't get your cape off.

Michael: Let me do it. See if I can do this.

Starr: Do you want help?

Michael: Here you go. I got it.

Starr: That's better. Oh! Oh, my God!

Michael: [Laughing] Are you okay?

Michael: Oh, I'm all right.

Starr: We're absolutely hopeless. This is not --

Michael: Maybe, uh, we should move this into the bedroom. Or not. It's -- I --

Starr: No. It's, um -- yeah. No. We could. It's just -- what's this?

Michael: Oh. Um, Monica gave that to me.

Starr: Well, that's -- that's Jason, right? So, who's -- who's that?

Michael: That's my father.

Monica: You know, I think I have these costumes in a closet somewhere. I didn't throw out anything from your childhood.

A.J.: I'm glad you didn't throw them out.

Monica: Me too. Me too, because after you... Left, I would come up here a lot and think about you and Jason and when you were younger. And I would regret the time I didn't spend with you boys, when Alan and I were off doing something else. The times that we missed -- so many of them. Now Jason is gone.

[Doorknob rattles]

[Knock on door]

Tracy: Monica? Monica, who's in there?

[Female announcer]

There's surprising news

about whole grain.

Maxie: So, how are things going with you and Dr. Westbourne -- or Britt? That's her name, right? Britt?

Patrick: She's a colleague. We work together.

Maxie: You guys are colleagues that date.

Patrick: We went to dinner.

Maxie: Yeah, you don't have to explain it to me in detail.

Patrick: Hey, it was --

Maxie: I'm just happy that you're getting out of the house for something other than one of Emma's activities, not that Emma's activities aren't thrilling and totally worth your attention and time. It's just you're a hot guy. Women of the world deserve a shot at that.

Patrick: Okay. I don't know if I agree with that.

Maxie: Patrick, Robin knew better than anyone -- you don't stop living your life because someone you love dies. She would want you to have some fun. And Emma's gonna need a woman in her life sooner or later. The sooner you start dating --

Patrick: Maxie, I am nowhere near that with Britt or anybody else right now.

Maxie: I'm not saying she's the one. I'm just saying that somewhere out there is a woman who's totally worthy of you and Emma. And the sooner I move out, the sooner that clears up some psychic space.

Patrick: Some what?

Maxie: You know, nature, like, totally does not like a vacuum. So if I go, then good things will happen for both of us?

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Maxie: Oh, miss belle!

Patrick: Wow!

Maxie: You look gorgeous. Do a little turn for me. Doesn't she look beautiful?

Patrick: The most beautiful princess I've ever seen.

Maxie: I love your costume. Now, go out there tonight and have some fun. I don't want you to miss what wonderful surprises could be waiting for you.

[Knock on door]

Josslyn: Trick or treat!

Carly: [Chuckles]

Todd: You're an ear of corn! That's perfect.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Todd: Um, I'm -- I'm not really ready for trick-or-treaters, so, uh, c-can I give you $14?

Carly: No. No.

Todd: Uh, blended scotch?

Carly: Um, there's something in this room that's a little more appropriate than scotch.

Todd: Of course. You know, your mom -- she looks great, and she -- she always knows everything. Here you go. Um... put this is your pumpkin.

Carly: Oh, Todd.

Todd: What?

Carly: Are you kidding? Oh -- [Chuckles]

Josslyn: Thank you.

Todd: You're very welcome.

Josslyn: What are you supposed to be?

Todd: Me? I'm the devil.

Carly: That's not funny.

Todd: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Carly: What is this doing here?

Anna: I don't think I should take time off work. You know, we're really backlogged at the station.

Duke: All work and no play? Anna, you take the night off. You'll be refreshed tomorrow.

Anna: Yeah, but it's your first night on the job, you know? I don't want to get in the way.

Duke: What, do you think I can't make martinis and make scintillating conversation at the same time?

Anna: I told you you were overqualified for the job.

Duke: Listen, bartending is a very honorable and respected profession. I know that. But I also know I'm not there to mix drinks. I'm there so that Luke and Lulu can keep an eye on me, which is a complete waste of their time, 'cause I have nothing to hide.

Luke: Glad to hear it.

Anna: Hi.

Luke: Hi. Well, if you're here hoping to get some extra work slinging hash, don't bother. I'm part owner of this joint.

Lulu: Would you seriously consider adopting a child?

Dante: Yeah. I want a family with you. I don't really care how we get there.

Lulu: I mean, you can't just be going through the motions to make me happy. This has to be something that we both choose.

Dante: We already chose this. Yeah, the situation's changed, but what we want hasn't changed. Yeah, I think about my upbringing and my mother was great, but I love the fact that it's gonna be you and me together when we have kids, and we'll be there for backup.

Lulu: Yeah. But I had both my parents, and my family wasn't normal.

Dante: Right. Well, we'll have everything we need. We love each other. We have good jobs. We have money in the bank. We have a place to live. We have a perfect place to -- to have a kid, to raise a kid, you know? I --I don't really care where he comes from. So, yeah, I can see us adopting.

Lulu: I think I can see it, too.

Tracy: Who is in there?!

Monica: It's Tracy. She can't know you're here.

A.J.: Just ignore her.

Tracy: I know someone is in there. I can hear voices. Why is this door locked?! Open up this door right now, or I'm calling the police!

[Doorknob rattles]

Michael: When I was visiting my grandmother, I asked her if I could have this.

Starr: They look so much alike, and you look like both of them.

Michael: They're actually half brothers. They grew up together. I guess, for a while, they were pretty close.

Starr: What happened?

Michael: Well, A.J., My biological father, was kind of a screw-up. Actually, a total screw-up. He, uh, was driving drunk one night. Jason was in the car with him, trying to get him to stop, and, uh, A.J. Ran into a tree. Jason ended up with, uh, brain damage.

Starr: Oh, my -- that's awful.

Michael: So, then Jason left the Quartermaines and, uh, went to work for my father -- my adopted father.

Starr: Right. Sonny.

Michael: Yeah. And when my mom needed help, she went to Jason. She always said if it wasn't for Jason, A.J. Would have taken me for sure. Actually, A.J. Did take me.

Starr: When?

Michael: A.J. Kidnapped me, Morgan, and Kristina. They got found, but, uh, A.J. Kept me for a couple months, convinced my family I was dead. Eventually, he got found out, and it got really bad.

Starr: Okay. You don't have to tell me, but just know that my father has done horrible things, okay? I'm not gonna judge you.

Michael: A.J. Shot his own father in the back -- my grandfather. Jason and A.J. Were fighting up on this landing, and they -- they broke through the banister. I just remember how scared I was watching them fall.

Starr: Michael, you were there?

Michael: I don't even know why I'm talking about this. I hate even thinking about it.

Starr: Okay, well, then why -- why did you ask your grandmother for this picture?

Tracy: Okay. That's it. I'm calling the cops.

Monica: That won't be necessary.

Tracy: Who is in there, Monica? Who were you talking to?

Monica: My son. That was me still taking insulin

Tracy: You were talking to your son?

Monica: Well, I never had -- I never had a chance to say good-bye to him. There was no body, there was no funeral, and I felt lost. I really wanted to just come up here and spend some time and talk to my son -- yes.

Tracy: Oh. Well, we all grieve in different ways, but I am a little surprised that you chose to come up here, because you were never in this room when the boys were living in it.

Monica: Thanks for reminding me of my failings as a parent. What would I do without your support?

Tracy: Monica, it wasn't just you. Alan was a miserable failure, as well, but it doesn't mean that you didn't love your boys. A.J.?

Duke: Is there an establishment in Port Charles that you don't own a piece of?

Luke: The haunted star. That's my daughter's project. Otherwise, you'd still be unemployed, speaking of which, shouldn't you get over there? You don't want to get fired on your first day.

Anna: Oh, please. Do we need to start all of this again?

Luke: It's just a suggestion.

Duke: I really do have to go. Will you please consider my invitation?

Anna: Yes. [Sighs]

Duke: Robin?

Patrick: Excuse me. What did you say?

Duke: Oh, excuse me. Uh, t -- this beautiful little girl -- she reminds me of a little lady I once knew -- Robin Scorpio.

Emma: That's my mommy. She's an angel.

Duke: Oh, yes, she is. You must be Robin's family. I'm Duke Lavery. I'm, uh, from Anna's past.

Patrick: It's all right. Yes. Duke. Um, uh, yes. I'm -- I'm Patrick. This is Emma.

Duke: Hello, Emma.

Emma: Hi.

Patrick: Yeah, Robin's talked about you. Uh, I heard you were back.

Duke: I was very sorry to hear about Robin.

Patrick: Thank you.

Duke: It's very sad. I knew your mommy when she was a little girl. We were very close. I always knew she would do great things, and she did.

Luke: So, what does Lazarus want now?

Anna: Oh, he just suggested that maybe I went over to the haunted star. Apparently there's some party going on there tonight.

Luke: That's a great idea. Would you like to go -- as my date?

Michael: I never had a picture of A.J. I don't really think of him as a father. Sonny's my father. He doesn't look like that bad of a guy.

Starr: He must have had some good in him.

Michael: Monica -- my grandmother -- thinks so she said even though he's made a bunch of horrible mistakes, that he really did love me.

Starr: I can believe that.

Michael: Yeah. You know, sometimes I think, you know, if he were still alive, how I would feel about him -- if -- if I would be able to forgive him, or would I hate him like everybody else?

Starr: Okay, well, just because someone does something that's wrong doesn't mean you can't love them. Look at trey.

Michael: Oh, trey only knew his dad's good side until a few months ago.

Starr: Okay, well, then, take it from me. I saw firsthand how awful my father could be, but I still love him...and he loves me.

Todd: That's a hockey mask, Carly.

Carly: I know what it is. Didn't you get that for your son as a gift? Weren't you supposed to send it to him?

Todd: You caught me, and I did. I-I-I did send it to him. And he sent it back, 'cause he doesn't want anything to do with his father. I guess it's gonna take more than just a hockey mask to patch things up between us.

Carly: Oh. So, you were just kind of sitting here by yourself, thinking about your kids.

Todd: No. I did a bunch of stuff. I did a little work. I had a sandwich. I was getting ready to watch television.

Carly: You need to get out of this room. What do you say, Josslyn? Don't you think Mr. Manning should put on a costume and come trick-or-treating with us?

Josslyn: Yes!

Carly: Yes.

Todd: Well, okay, that's very nice of you, joss, but I don't have a costume. Believe it or not, this is my real face.

Carly: Then you can wear this. Wasn't there some monster that would wear this?

Monica: A.J.?

Tracy: That is A.J., Isn't it, in the grim reaper costume? Talk about foreshadowing.

Monica: It is my son, Tracy.

Tracy: Well, let's not sentimentalize. A.J. Was a train wreck from the time he was a teenager -- drinking, lying, car accidents. And that was before he really took a turn for the worse. He stole all that ELQ money and shot Alan in the back.

Monica: I don't need a laundry list of every single mistake he ever made.

Tracy: Mistake? I don't think trying to kill your father classifies as a mistake. Jason was a hit man for the mob and was a saint by comparison.

Monica: That's why I locked that door. We may not have the same feelings, but I loved both my sons, Tracy, and this is why I would like a little privacy, please. So if you don't mind...

Tracy: Okay. Chat away. It's when they start chatting back that we have a problem.

[Door locks]

A.J.: That is definitely one person that I do not miss.

Duke: Sorry to interrupt.

Lulu: Oh!

Duke: Am I early?

Lulu: No, you're right on time. This is my new bartender -- Duke Lavery.

Dante: Oh.

Lulu: Duke, this is my husband, detective Dante Falconeri.

Duke: Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm very close to your boss.

Dante: Oh, yeah, the commissioner. Yeah, I heard you were back in town. Uh, nice to meet you, too. I, uh, I got to get going.

Lulu: You're not coming to the party?

Dante: No, no, I will later. See ya. Uh, I got to swing by the station first and talk to forensics and see if they've done anything with the evidence about the Bernie Abrahms shooting and Jason disappearing. We got to find this guy who's behind all this.

Anna: So, you want me to go, uh, to some Halloween party as your date?

Luke: Yes. Why not?

Anna: Oh, God, I could write a list. I don't know where to start, though.

Luke: All right, all right, all right. I know I made a decision about Robert that you didn't like, but he's alive, and even he will forgive me...

Anna: It's not about Robert.

Luke: Well, good, because I want to focus on us.

Anna: Us at the moment?

Luke: How can you say there's no us? We're friends, we're roommates, and, in the last few months, we became a lot more than that.

Anna: Right.

Luke: Anna... I think you know how I feel about you. I really want this to work. But you got to meet me halfway.

Anna: Okay. I cannot go to Duke's place of work with you.

Luke: Why? The man is pouring drinks over there. He hasn't spoken to you in over two decades, and now you're telling me that you're worried about hurting his feelings?

Anna: Yes, I am, actually. Emma! Ooh!

Emma: Grandma Anna!

Anna: Oh, you look beautiful! Look at you! So sophisticated and princessly, with a business degree. Did you get lots of pictures?

Patrick: Tons of pictures of you, didn't we? We went down to Abernathy street. They have this big, like, graveyard set up. We were looking for the big, bad werewolf. He wasn't much beast to your belle, though, was he?

Anna: No.

Shawn: I've got some treats over here for a beautiful princess. [Chuckles]

Anna: Aw. She seems so happy. You're doing a great job.

Patrick: Thank you.

Anna: You really are.

Patrick: I just ran into Duke.

Anna: Right.

Patrick: Yeah, he said some nice things about Robin.

Anna: They were very close. Really. Very.

Patrick: Yeah, he seems like a very nice guy.

Luke: Doesn't he, though?

Anna: Okay. I think I'm gonna go and do some photographs with my little granddaughter. Maybe there's better lighting outside. Come on, sweetie. Let's go.

Luke: Oh.

Patrick: Good to see you, buddy. Did you get lots of candy?

Tracy: Hmm. Would you please explain to me why any little girl would dress up as a princess? Those stories never end well.

Luke: Nope. Fairy tales never do.

Tracy: Aren't you the cranky pants? You look like you just lost your best friend.

Luke: We'll see.

Tracy: [Chuckles] Feel free to be just as cryptic as you like. I won't complain.

Luke: [Laughs] Since when?

Tracy: Since you are at least semi-coherent.

Luke: As opposed to?

Tracy: My sister-in-law. I think that Jason's death has pushed Monica around the bend. She's lost what's left of her mind. Legally stay here, will you -- will you promise that things will be better?

A.J.: I'm gonna make sure of it.

Michael: [Sighs] I'm sorry. This is not why I came over here -- to talk about the -- the father I never knew and the uncle I just lost.

Starr: Michael, it's okay. It's your family.

Michael: I appreciate the support and everything, but, I mean, we're supposed to have fun. This is Halloween, right? Let's, uh, go over to the haunted star.

Starr: The haunted star, where I just quit my job?

Michael: I wouldn't recommend it if I thought Johnny would be there. Now, there's -- there's a court hearing today, and Johnny's there. Connie's probably getting shipped off to ShadyBrook as we speak.

Starr: Right. I just hope that Kate gets the help that she needs.

Michael: In the meantime, I, uh, I talked to Dante. He said Lulu put a lot of effort into the Halloween party, so I thought the least we can do is show up. Who knows? We might actually enjoy it.

Starr: Okay. Yeah. Let's go to the party.

Michael: One condition, though.

Starr: There's a condition? You're the one that invited me.

Michael: I know, I need your help. This is supposed to be a fun night, right? So if you see me getting all negative and sad, I'm gonna need you to distract me.

Starr: Oh.

Michael: Yeah.

Starr: You want a distraction?

Michael: I do want a distraction.

Starr: Like this?

Michael: Exactly.

Starr: Yeah, maybe when we get back from the party, we can finish what we started.

Todd: Halloween's kind of amateur night, don't you think? I'm not big on the whole dress up and pretend to be someone else.

Carly: Are you kidding me? You never took your kids out tick-or-treating?

Todd: Starr loved Halloween. All the snakes and spiders. Uh, but maybe you guys should get going, 'cause there's a whole world of candy out there waiting for you.

Carly: Are you just gonna stay here and wallow?

Todd: Yeah, pretty much.

Carly: It's not very devilish, Mr. Manning. Come on, Josslyn. Let's go. Let's go get some candy -- more candy. Oh, goodness. [Chuckles] Can you say good-bye to Mr. Manning?

Josslyn: Good-bye, Mr. Manning.

Todd: Good-bye, corn.

Carly: Come on.

[Footsteps approach]

Patrick: Wow. You're not wasting any time, are you?

Maxie: Well, there's no time like the present. I'll send for the rest of my stuff tomorrow.

Patrick: Yeah.

Maxie: Thank you for rescuing me when I had nowhere else to go.

Patrick: Thank you. You did the same for me.

Maxie: This is silly, 'cause I'm gonna see you all the time. Uh, maybe at Lulu's Halloween party.

Patrick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Maxie: Okay. And, um, remember what I said, please. You deserve to be happy.

Patrick: Thank you, Maxie.

[Door locks]

[Sighs] Hey, Sabrina, it's Patrick.

Luke: Maybe you should take it a little easy on Monica.

Tracy: Oh, yeah. Grieving mother and all that.

Luke: Well, it's got to be a slow walk through hell. Anna's still stumbling around in the dark.

Tracy: Oh. Would that be the Anna that just blew you off to go watch her old flame -- sorry, her ex-husband -- make drinks?

Luke: That would be the one. God, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he makes his move tonight.

Tracy: Do it.

Luke: Do it? Three's a crowd.

Tracy: It's Halloween. With the right costume and mask, nobody would even know you were there. The party starts at 9:00.

Lulu: Okay. It's 9:00. The doors are open. The customers should be coming in any minute.

La la la, yeah, yeah my heart pounds I turn around it's a wonder I can breathe

when you stare me down

[Knock on door]

Carly: Todd, it's me.

Todd: Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Todd: Where's your little trick-or-treater?

Carly: Uh, Josslyn was tired, so, you know, I took her home. And I was sitting on the couch, thinking how I could eat all of her candy. Then I remembered that Mercedes was there, and I couldn't stop thinking about you and how sad and miserable you looked when I was here.

Todd: "Miserable" is a really big word, don't you think?

Carly: Anyway, do you want to spend the night with me?

Starr: I hope you understand why I quit. It had nothing to do with you or the club, obviously. It's just that I couldn't work with Johnny anymore.

Lulu: Let's not even talk about that. Tonight is about fun.

Michael: Yes, it is.

Starr: [Chuckles]

Monica: A.J.? A.J.? A.J.? A.J. A.J.? Damn it, A.J., Where did you go?

Starr: [Chuckles]

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