General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/25/12
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Lulu: Hey.
Luke: Hi, baby. So, you're having a Halloween party, huh?
Lulu: Well, this is the Haunted Star. I thought I should live up to its name.
Luke: [Chuckles]
Lulu: You think you want to come?
Luke: Oh, I don't think so. You know, right now, I am up to here with ghosts and goblins and Duke Lavery rising from the grave.
Lulu: I thought you were gonna prove he's a ringer.
Luke: Well, that was the plan, but it didn't turn out so well. I actually ended up proving he's the love of Anna's life.
Dante: Forensics pulled two slugs from Bernie Abrahms. One matches the gun we found here last night that has Joe Scully's prints on it. And the coroner says there's gunpowder residue on Scully's hands.
Anna: Okay. Scully's one of the shooters, obviously.
Dante: Got to find out where that other bullet came from.
Anna: This Bernie Abrahms, he worked for your father?
Dante: He did.
Anna: We need to find out who other than Scully wanted Sonny's accountant dead.
Sonny: Kate's sick, Trey. This other part of her, whatever you want to call it, is destroying her life piece by piece. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Alexis: The longer that Connie stays in control, the worse it is for Kate. So we don't want to see Kate disappear altogether.
Sonny: I wouldn't be asking you this favor if I thought there was another way.
Trey: Okay, so -- so without me, then there's no Kate.
Alexis: Right.
Trey: All right, well, I guess, uh, I hope you guys had a better goodbye than I did.
Alexis: Trey.
Trey: No. No. He killed my dad.
Sonny: That's not what happened.
Trey: Look, I am not helping you, okay?! Kate's never coming back!
Sonny: She's your mother!
Alexis: Stop it.
Sonny: That's why you need to help her!
Trey: No. I don't "need" to do anything, especially not for you. Connie is your problem, not mine.
Connie: Hey, I'm just trying to have a little fun, all right?
Michael: Not having enough fun with Johnny?
Connie: No, because I'm thinking about you, Mikey, 'cause you sure as hell ain't gonna get nothing from that priss, Starr. Why don't you let Connie give you some relief?
Starr: Connie! Get your hands off of my boyfriend, you sick freak!
Carly: What's that?
Sam: Spinelli, I'm so glad you're here. You're just the man for the job.
Spinelli: What -- what job is that?
Sam: Finding Jason.
Spinelli: You want my help locating his remains?
Sam: No, I'm not searching for Jason's body. I'm searching for Jason. He's out there somewhere. And if anyone's gonna help me find him, it's you.
Spinelli: I'm flattered by your faith in me, but --
Sam: Come on, Spinelli. We're investigators. We're partners.
Spinelli: Yeah, but --
Sam: But what? Come on. Are you in, or are you out?
Michael: Just get out of here, Connie.
Connie: Oh, that's too late 'cause your girlfriend just caught us in the act.
Starr: Caught? No, I caught you with your hands all over Michael, which is harassment, by the way.
Connie: Are you gonna make a citizen's arrest? Careful, because Michael might have to testify, and my guess is he enjoyed it.
Michael: She's sick, Starr.
Starr: She's sick? She's certifiable.
Connie: Hey, I'm just pointing out simple truths here. Michael's no virgin. He used to bang a hooker. And you know what? She taught him a thing or two, I'm sure.
Michael: I told you to shut up about Abby.
Connie: Oh, she's not here. I'm sorry. But the good news is, is that I am, all right? Don't you want a woman?
Starr: A woman? You're not even half a woman. You're an alter and a symptom.
Connie: Oh, blah, blah. D.I.D., blah, blah. You're a possessive, little thing, aren't you? I see you're officially over your last boyfriend and your little dead kid.
Starr: Are you kidding me?!
Sonny: You want to hate me? Go ahead. But you know what? There are other ways to get payback. Don't sacrifice your mother 'cause she --
Trey: My mother?
Sonny: Yeah, your mother.
Trey: My mother dumped me in a dresser drawer the day I was born, all right? The only family I ever had was my father, and you murdered him.
Sonny: How many times I got to tell you? I didn't kill your father.
Trey: Oh, excuse me. Let me rephrase that. You sent your enforcer to go do it for you.
Sonny: No, let me tell you what happened. Your father shot my accountant, Bernie Abrahms, last night. And for all I know, he shot Jason, too.
Trey: Yeah, but that's your version of the story. Where's the proof?
Sonny: No, there is proof, 'cause that's the last thing he said to me before he died.
Trey: And I'm supposed to believe that, huh? You wanted my father dead how many years now?
Sonny: Because he's a son of a bitch!
Alexis: Sonny. No matter what you think about him, it's this guy's father, okay? And you have every right to be upset. Although I don't think all your anger is directed at Sonny.
Trey: What are you talking about?
Alexis: I think you're angry at your father.
Luke: I got a DNA sample.
Lulu: [Sighs] I'm afraid to ask.
Luke: I was able to get a few strands of the smarmy bastard's hair, but the real Duke Lavery died before DNA profiling, so there was nothing to match it to.
Lulu: Oh. So, you can't --
Luke: Then I got his fingerprints, and they were a perfect match.
Lulu: Well, I guess that's it, then.
Luke: No, not necessarily. With enough money and a skilled identity thief, you can fake fingerprints.
Lulu: A skilled identity thief?
Luke: Hey, I know a con when I hear one, Lulu. This guy did not spend 20 years in a Turkish prison. And if he's lying about that, he's lying about everything.
Lulu: Yeah, but, dad, if you can't prove it --
Luke: If I can't prove that this guy isn't Duke Lavery, I can at least prove that Duke Lavery is up to no good.
Anna: All right, so this Bernie Abrahms, your father's accountant, he transfers the bulk of Sonny's assets into your sister's name, the idea being that her husband, Scully's son, would inherit in the very likely event of her death.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Anna: How on earth did all that get past Sonny?
Dante: Bernie was more than an accountant. He was a consigliere. He ran Sonny's business, knew the inner workings, moved the money around. Like, everyone would say that he was completely loyal.
Anna: Yeah, but you put someone in that kind of position, they have a lot of power to do damage. Do you think Jason Morgan found out and he shot him, that -- because he found out Bernie was being disloyal?
Dante: Bernie used his last breath to tell Sonny that Jason was shot and in the water. He wouldn't do that for the guy who just shot him.
Anna: There's definitely a second shooter, then.
Dante: According to Trey, his father was working with someone else.
Anna: A partner?
Dante: Not so much a partner, but a boss, someone he had to answer to.
Anna: Okay, so then assuming this individual gave the order to hit Bernie, do you think he was also behind the transfer of the assets, or do you think that Scully was acting alone there?
Dante: No, Scully's not smart enough, and he -- he wouldn't have the foresight to engineer this kind of thing.
Anna: Then we need to I.D. the second shooter. He's responsible for everything that happened here last night.
Spinelli: Sam, I came to -- I came to congratulate you on the return of your baby, but -- but also just to be with you in the wake of this loss.
Sam: If that's all you've got for me, you know where the door is.
Spinelli: You -- you want me to go?
Sam: No. I don't want your sympathy or your negativity around me or my son. I've had enough of that from my family.
[Computer keys clacking]
Spinelli: Well, I'm sure your mother and sisters just want to comfort you.
Sam: No, they have already written Jason off. And I expected better from you.
Spinelli: Sam, I spent all morning in a wet suit diving off Pier 52. The -- the current had slowed considerably, but the water was freezing. I got a chill even with the proper equipment. There was no sign of Jason.
Sam: Okay. Well, like you said, the current was really strong. I'm sure Jason drifted down shore a little bit.
Spinelli: The authorities disagree. They did a sweep of the shoreline, and -- and they come off empty. The Coast Guard speculates that -- Jason's body was carried --
Sam: Don't. Don't. Don't say "his body." Don't assume that he's gone.
Spinelli: The police say his death is all but confirmed.
Sam: We are not the police, Spinelli. We can see things that -- that they don't. We can take on cases that they can't. I know I'm right about this, just like I was right about Todd hiding something in his safe about my baby. I know. I know that Jason is alive.
Todd: Uh, bills, you know. Work really piled up when I was cooling my heels in lockup. Feeling better?
Carly: Do you want the polite answer or the real answer?
Todd: Let's go for real. I hate polite.
Carly: I mean -- if Jason's gone, I don't really -- know how I do this, you know? I don't know what my life is gonna be like. Jason never failed me. Ever. And I always knew that everything was gonna be okay, because Jason was always there. No matter what happened. Always on my side, even when he knew I was wrong. He was there when every one of my kids was born. He looked after them, especially Michael.
Todd: Yeah, you said he was great with Michael.
Carly: He was. He was perfect. And he was a perfect father. It's why it's just so unfair that he didn't get to raise a child of his own. Just --
Todd: He seemed pretty attached to Sam's kid when I saw him at the hospital.
Carly: Yeah. [Chuckles] I really wish Daniel would have turned out to be Jason's, you know. Then he wouldn't be completely gone. There'd be a part of Jason still here.
Lulu: All right, well what if Duke is exactly who he says he is? He's a victim of circumstance, and after all these years in captivity, he's come back because of his love for Anna.
Luke: "A," I don't believe it. "B," so what? I don't care. She's taken.
Lulu: Does she think that?
Luke: Well, maybe "taken" is a little strong. She's otherwise involved. We've got a good thing going. [Chuckling] We really do. I'm not gonna let this spud mess it up.
Lulu: But he's still her husband.
Luke: Thank you for that.
Lulu: I'm sorry. I know -- I know that this is frustrating, but obviously Anna sees it differently than you do.
Luke: Look, let's talk about you and your cop husband. How's the parenthood thing going? Is it all on track and everything? Oh. What? Did I put my foot in my mouth?
Lulu: It turns out that Dante and I can't have a child, after all.
Luke: Oh. Sperm problems?
Lulu: It's me.
Luke: You? What?
Lulu: I have a condition where I can get pregnant, but I will miscarry sometime in the second trimester, so -- anytime Dante and I create a baby, I will lose it.
Luke: I'm so sorry.
Lulu: But it's not the end.
Luke: No. What's this?
Lulu: Supposed to be alternatives. I mean, I guess there's more to parenthood than giving birth, right?
Alexis: I know it must be very difficult to reconcile the -- the -- what you know about the man who raised you with what you now know about --
Trey: You know, let's just skip the psychoanalysis with me, right. I'm not the one that needs a shrink.
Sonny: You're right. It's your mother who needs treatment. That's why we need your help.
Trey: I don't have to help you.
Alexis: I'm not making light of your suffering, Trey. You were abandoned. I'm just asking that you try to understand what got her to that point.
Trey: Why should I care?
Alexis: Because you have the chance to ask questions to things that you never had answers to. You have a chance to get love from a mother that you -- you never knew. But we need Kate back. She needs to get the treatment. You're gonna lose your mother before you even get a chance to know her if you don't help us.
Starr: If you say one more thing about my daughter, you will --
Connie: Why is everybody slapping me today?
Michael: Let's get out of here.
Starr: No, I am not going anywhere, not when you throw Cole and Hope in my face when they're the reason that they're gone!
Connie: Cue the violins.
Starr: You murdered two people!
Connie: No, I did not! Get your facts straight! I didn't murder nobody, and I'm sick of taking the rap!
Todd: You really think it would make such a huge difference if -- if Jason were a father?
Carly: Well, yeah. I mean, that child would be one last tie to him.
Todd: Yeah, but kids don't grow up to be like their parents. I mean, take me for instance. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm actually an improvement over mine.
Carly: But a-a piece of them would still be here, you know?
Todd: You think Sam feels the same way?
Carly: I know how I would feel. I mean, if I got to look in that little baby's eyes and still feel close to my friend, if I got to watch that little boy grow up into a strong man like Jason, I think that would mean everything. Sam has to feel the same way. She was married to Jason. They were gonna raise that little boy together. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I shouldn't be going on and on.
Todd: I-I-I can't --
[Knock on door]
Carly: Um --
Diane: Hello. I thought I would save you a stamp. Hello, Carly.
Carly: Hi, Diane.
[Door closes]
Diane: I am so sorry to hear about Jason and Bernie, of course. What a wonderful man. True professional. It's a great loss.
Carly: It is.
Diane: I've tried to call. Well, I actually just left a message for Max. I'm assuming he's doing damage control. But when you see him, please give him my condolences.
Todd: Condolences for the bodyguard.
Diane: We all worked together very closely for many years. I had tremendous respect for Bernie and for Jason, of course. I know how close the two of you were. He was adamant that you and your children always be taken care of. Of course, to me, you never seemed particularly helpless. [Chuckles] But he was -- he was determined. He would literally have done anything for you.
Carly: Um, you guys have work to do, so I'm -- I'm gonna get out of here.
Todd: Uh, Carly --
Carly: It's okay. Look, I'm fine. I'm good. And, uh. -- Thank you for listening and being here. It meant a lot. And thank you for always taking care of Jason. I mean, I know you were paid. But you kept him free, and I know he appreciated that.
Diane: I can't believe he's gone. I thought he was indestructible.
Carly: We all did.
Sam: Look, I think Jason was pulled out into the channel. I've been researching currents and shipping lanes.
Spinelli: Okay. With a current of one knot, a person of his height and weight would move at the rate of just under --
Sam: Yes? Yes? Yes? Come on. So, you think it's possible, right? Jason could be out there somewhere.
Spinelli: [Sniffs] You want my professional opinion?
Sam: Yes. Please.
Spinelli: Well, the job of a private eye is to investigate his client's suspicions without prejudice and follow clues to the truth.
Sam: Yes. Okay, that's good enough for me.
Spinelli: All right, well, let's start at the beginning.
Sam: All right.
Anna: I need a list of everyone who came into contact with Scully this year, so I need his phone records, computer, everything, the works.
Dante: I'll get a copy of the visitor logs for Atlantic City. He did about a month in lockup before charges were dropped.
Anna: Need to interview the guards, cell mates, any associates.
Dante: Hey, you know what? The M.E. says that he had proper medical care for that bullet wound in his shoulder, something above and beyond whatever Tracy did for him.
Anna: Well, he didn't go to the hospital, so we need to find out where he went after the Quartermaines.
Dante: Well, he went underground. He was gone for a week.
Anna: You think he was holed up with this individual? You know, the one the son mentioned? Maybe it's the --
[Clattering noise]
Luke: Adoption, huh? That's a big decision.
Lulu: We haven't made any decisions. I mean, we really even haven't had a chance to talk about much. Up until a couple days ago, I was still very focused on getting pregnant.
Luke: Well, it's a cold, old world out there, and there are a lot of kids -- broken-hearted who need love and a home. So, if you're willing to open your arms to them, I'm proud of you.
Lulu: [Sighs]
Luke: You're gonna make an amazing mother.
Lulu: Thank you. It's just been a long couple days. I need to talk things over with Dante, just like you need to talk with Anna.
Dante: Police!
Anna: Anyone there?
Dante: Well, no one there, but we definitely had a visitor.
Anna: A visitor with very expensive taste. Look at that.
Luke: Anna knows more about how suspicious this Lavery character is than she wants to admit.
Lulu: I meant you need to talk about your relationship.
Luke: Relationship?
Lulu: Be honest with your feelings and what you have to offer.
Luke: Oh, darling, I don't know that I have anything to offer. Probably nothing except I appreciate the woman she is.
Lulu: Well, don't tell me that. Tell her.
Luke: Well, you know, commitment is not really my thing.
Lulu: Hmm. Compared to Duke, who stayed committed to her through all those rough years in prison.
Luke: Hey, this is not helping.
Lulu: I am just telling you what you're up against.
Luke: I know what I'm up against. I just don't know how to handle it.
Lulu: I think that you should focus on proving why you are the right man for Anna instead of trying to prove that Duke is the wrong one.
Luke: Hmm.
Duke: Luke Spencer. What a surprise.
Alexis: Don't you want a relationship with your mother?
Trey: Why? She never wanted one with me. Connie threw me out like a piece of trash, and Kate forgot I even existed.
Sonny: Trey, she didn't know you existed. She was a sweet, loving person until your father crushed her and raped her.
Trey: You don't know that.
Sonny: Kate is sick! That's the bottom line here! You're the only one who can get her in treatment. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Trey: Yeah, I understand perfectly clear. And you hate having to ask me, don't you? You know what? It turns out you wasted your time.
Sonny: Have you heard anything that we've said to you at all?
Trey: Yeah, I heard everything I need to hear, and now I would like you to leave. See, I have to make arrangements to bury my father.
Starr: What do you mean, you took the rap? You're the one that killed Cole and Hope.
Michael: Kate confessed that you shot out Anthony's tires. You're saying it was somebody else?
Connie: No. I fired the gun. I just didn't murder anybody.
Starr: Sure you did!
Michael: Your actions led directly to their deaths. That's how murder works.
Connie: Is it my fault that Cole lost control of his car, and he's a lousy driver?
Starr: You're saying that Cole caused his own death, the death of our daughter?!
Connie: I got nothing more to say.
Carly: I do. Get the hell out of my hotel.
Spinelli: Uh, the current last night was particularly -- oh, my. [Chuckles]
Sam: [Chuckles] Spinelli, I would like you to meet Daniel Morgan.
Spinelli: Oh, my gosh.
Sam: Danny, this is your Uncle Spinelli. He's gonna help us find your daddy.
Spinelli: I'm gonna do what I can, Danny. Oh, look at those guns! He's certainly a Morgan.
Sam: He looks just like him, doesn't he? He's got his eyes. You are a Morgan.
Spinelli: Yes, certainly share a great deal of DNA.
Sam: Jason is his father in every way that counts, and I know Jason is trying really hard to come home to us right now.
Todd: Here you go.
Diane: [Chuckles] What? No -- no bonus for freeing a guilty man?
Todd: I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Diane: Well, let's connect the dots, shall we?
Todd: Uh, I don't know. If I start chatting with you, are you gonna bill me for that, too?
Diane: Mm-hmm. So, you fire me, a best-selling author with a rabid fanbase, and you hire Heather Webber to write my column. Now, that tells me that she's got you over a barrel. And given the nature of the charges brought against you, I'll just bet she actually has some proof that you were involved in the baby switch.
Todd: Are you blackmailing me?
Diane: Oh, heavens no. Don't be ridiculous. No, I'm perfectly fine with my fee. Besides, I couldn't come forward anyway. [Sniffs] Attorney/client privilege. I'd be disbarred.
Todd: So, if I decide to have a little chat with you -- it would be in the strictest of confidence?
Diane: Why? Do you have something else to confess?
Todd: For the sake of argument, let's just say that I did know all along that Sam's baby was alive.
Diane: [Exhales deeply] Well, it's reprehensible, but you're not the first person in the world to ever conceal a child's paternity.
Todd: So, you represent a lot of baby switchers?
Diane: My clients pay me for my discretion, Mr. Manning. I will not discuss their affairs with you, nor will I discuss yours with them. However, hypothetically speaking, if you actively participated in -- keeping Sam's child from her and then delivered said child to Téa Delgado, then yes, you could be charged with kidnapping. And I would strongly advise you not to mention these alleged activities to anyone.
Todd: I told my daughter.
Diane: You told your daughter? All right, well, uh, how old is your daughter, how desperate is she for money, and what is the current status of your relationship?
Todd: Well, we kind of have this relationship where we tell one another the truth.
Diane: The truth. How new. How fresh.
Todd: I couldn't lie to her.
Diane: No, but apparently you have no trouble lying to anyone else.
Todd: No. None at all. I just, I got in this bad situation, and I didn't have a lot of options. I've done everything that I could since then to try and make this right.
Diane: You know, I am -- I believe that I have misread you, Mr. Manning. And here I thought you would have no trouble with things like conscience and scruples.
Todd: No, I don't. It's just, when it comes to certain people.
Diane: Would any of these certain people be likely to testify against you in a court of law?
Todd: [Chuckling] And I almost told someone else, but -- they'd hate me for it.
Diane: Right, and we -- we can't have Carly hating you.
Todd: I never said Carly.
Diane: Oh, please. After that fond farewell I just witnessed? Who else could it be?
Connie: This is my hotel as much as it is yours.
Carly: My best friend is missing and presumed dead. I cannot handle your insanity right now, so you get out or I will have you --
Starr: Don't worry about it, Carly, because Connie's gonna be committed.
Connie: Wrong. My loving husband would never do that to me.
Starr: Your son will. Trey's with Sonny and Alexis right now signing the papers as we speak to put you away.
Connie: Crap. That's what Sonny meant when he said Johnny wasn't the only one.
Michael: The only place you're going is back to ShadyBrook.
Connie: No, wrong, kid. Because if Sonny had a court order, he'd have the white coats here with him. And let me guess. The little bastard hates Sonny more than he hates me.
Anna: Ah, it's in pretty good condition. Means it hasn't been here long. I don't think it has anything to do with the shooting last night, though.
Dante: It could. It's a pretty good vantage point, clear line of sight for seeing Bernie and Joe and Jason showing up.
Anna: All right. So if we're correct and Scully was under orders to take out Bernie, and then whoever gave those orders, maybe they showed up, they wanted to supervise in person, and they saw things weren't going as planned, and the second shooter stepped in to finish the job.
Dante: Sam.
Sam: Oh, hi. Hi, Dante.
Anna: Hi, Sam.
Sam: Hi.
Anna: I'm so sorry for your loss. And is this little baby -- hi, I'm so happy that you guys are reunited again.
Sam: I'm just trying to find my husband.
Anna: [Sighs] This is a crime scene right now. We're just beginning to --
Spinelli: Well, I'm sure the commissioner remembers that we are licensed investigators.
Sam: Yes, we are. So, what were you saying about second shooter?
Duke: I'm looking for John Zacchara or Lesley Lu Falconeri.
Lulu: That would be me. Lulu Spencer-Falconeri.
Duke: Spencer?
Luke: She's my daughter, as if you didn't know it.
Lulu: What can I do for you?
Duke: Well, I'm actually -- I'm looking for a job. I'm sure your father's filled you in. I've been gone for quite a while, through no choice of my own, and I'm hoping to reestablish myself.
Luke: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, you had to come in to my daughter's.
Duke: I had no idea that this was a Spencer operation. I've been to all the nightclubs in town looking to see if anyone needs a manager. I used to have my -- my own club here in Port Charles. It was -- you may have heard of it. It was called Duke's.
Luke: Ooh. Creative.
Duke: I won't waste any more of your time. Please excuse me.
Lulu: Uh, Mr. Lavery, wait.
Todd: Carly can't find out that I lied about the baby.
Diane: Well, then it's a good thing you didn't tell her. I'm certainly not going to tell her. Your daughter is the one to worry about.
Todd: Carly kept going on about how she really wanted it to be Jason's baby, that -- that Jason would somehow live on through this kid.
Diane: Yeah, well, I'm certain that Carly was speaking out of pure emotion. Unfortunately, Franco is the biological father.
Todd: Yeah -- maybe, maybe -- maybe not.
Diane: Would you care to clarify that?
Todd: Franco's not the father. Jason is.
Diane: What's that?
Todd: Heather switched the DNA test to make everybody think that Franco was the father, but this is the real DNA test.
Diane: And this is proof that Jason is the biological father? There's no doubt?
Todd: Uh, no.
Diane: Well, then, yes. You are absolutely correct. Carly would certainly want to know about this. So would the child's mother, for that.
Todd: Yeah, I feel pretty bad about Sam. I don't know. I --
Diane: Listen, you don't need to try and convince me. Just paid me a lot of money to be on your side.
Todd: Okay. But this is my point. If Heather's in a coma and Jason's gone, why wouldn't we tell Sam who the father is?
Anna: Jason came down here in response to a phone message from Bernie, correct?
Sam: Yeah. Yeah. Bernie left him a message and said it was a matter of life and death.
Anna: Do you still have that recording? Because if we can analyze it, there might be something in there we can hear.
Sam: Yes, actually, I do. And I think that's a really good idea. If we can figure out who the second gunman is, maybe we can figure out where Jason is.
Anna: Yeah.
Sam: Perfect.
Dante: Wow, she's, uh, she's in some serious denial.
Anna: Oh, I don't know. That's what everyone calls it, denial. And you actually feel like it's hope. Then that goes away. That's when it becomes very painful. Sometimes things get turned around, though, and your hope gets realized.
Duke: I have plenty of experience, uh, I can assure you. Uh, I can be efficient and discreet. I'll make sure things run smoothly.
Lulu: We don't need a manager.
Duke: Oh. I see.
Lulu: But what we do need is a bartender.
Luke: What? Hold on.
Duke: Well, I'd be delighted.
Luke: What?
Duke: I can do an honest day's work for honest pay.
Lulu: That would be great. I have to speak with my partner, of course, and draw up the paperwork. But if you wouldn't mind coming back tonight --
Luke: What?!
Duke: Of course, I will. Uh, well, thank you, Miss Spencer-Falconeri.
Lulu: Oh. Call me Lulu.
Duke: Thank you, Lulu. I won't disappoint you. You have a remarkable daughter, Spencer.
Luke: What just happened here? What?!
Michael: How are you?
Carly: I'll get through it. I mean, that's what Jason would want, right?
Michael: [Voice breaking] I can't believe he's gone. I keep waiting for somebody to say that it was a mistake.
Carly: I know. I know. Do you know that I would have lost you the day you were born if it weren't for Jason? We are so lucky that he loved us.
Alexis: This is a really bad --
Sonny: Just hold -- there's something that you need to know.
Connie: What?
Sonny: They found Joe Jr. dead last night. He was killed.
Connie: Yeah? So what?
Sonny: So, the man who hurt you all those years, he cannot hurt you anymore. And I know seeing him was the worst possible thing that could have happened to you. That's why you had to leave. But it's over. You are safe. You can come back to me, Kate.
Carly: Do you think you need to go after Starr? She seemed pretty upset when she left.
Michael: God, she -- she said there was something she had to do.
Starr: Trey, I thought you were gonna have Connie committed.
Trey: Oh, so that's why you're here.
Starr: I just walked in on Connie hitting on Michael in the lobby of his mother's hotel.
Trey: Shouldn't you be talking to Michael, then?
Starr: Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to see the person that's responsible for Cole and Hope's death every single day, just to know that she's not going to be punished, she's not even gonna get treated, Trey?
Trey: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
Starr: Then help me put her away.
Trey: I-I-I can't. I already spoke to Sonny and Alexis, and I'm -- I'm not signing the commitment papers.
Starr: It's never too late to do what's right.
Diane: There are a great many people who are going to want to know this baby is Jason's, starting with Sam.
Todd: Tell them all.
Diane: Me?
Todd: Yep. Okay, here's the thing, right? No one can know that I was ever in possession of this DNA test. I'm gonna ask you to invoke the, uh, attorney/client privilege that you were talking about before.
Diane: So I'm just supposed to hand Sam a document that proves that Jason is the father of her child without explaining where or how I got it?
Todd: Yes. That is exactly what you're supposed to do.
Diane: Yes, but I'm an attorney, Mr. Manning. I'm not a secret agent.
Todd: You're a smart lady. I can tell already. And you are -- you keep telling me -- the best at what you do.
Diane: Which is the practice of law and the trying of cases. I am not delivering some sort of random DNA test to the mother of a --
Todd: [Sighs]
Sonny: It's safe. You can come back. You can come back. Just -- you're not gonna get hurt. Just come back to me.
[Cell phone ringing]
Sonny: Don't answer that. Stay with me.
Connie: [Sighs] Yeah. Hello? Yeah, this is Mrs. Zacchara. [Chuckles] Yeah, I want to take a test drive. Are you cute? I mean, I know the car's cute, but I don't want to take a test drive if you're not cute.
Starr: Trey, I know what it is like to have a father that has hurt people, okay? I have dealt with it my entire life. It's like they're two separate people, right, one that everyone hates and the father that you love. But what I have learned is that you can't get caught up in his drama. You have to be your own person and make your own decisions.
Trey: Good for you.
Starr: I know you, Trey. And I think you'll do what's right. I think that you will choose to help someone that desperately needs it.
Anna: Have Forensics run these fibers to see if there's any DNA present. Help us find the second shooter. Looks like it's off a scarf. It's like a fringe?
Dante: Yeah.
Luke: What in the name of hell do you think you're doing?
Lulu: Think, Dad. Keep your friends close --
Luke: And your enemies close to your daughter? No. No, I don't like this. Where did you learn to be so devious?
Lulu: Guess.
Anna: So, follow up with Ballistics. See if they've had any progress with that second bullet.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Anna: And, you know, listen, if Sam comes in with that recording, just process it, all right? Don't try to convince her about her husband or anything. Let her come to it in her own time.
Dante: I get it. I understand. I will.
Anna: Okay.
Duke: Anna.
Anna: Yeah? Duke. What are you doing down here?
Duke: I got lucky. I got myself a job. Do you have time? Do you want to hear about it? I'm very excited.
Anna: Uh, no, I'm working right now.
Duke: Oh. All right. Oh, there's a shooting down here, yeah?
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Duke: I read about it in the paper. How's it going?
Anna: Fine, you know. Following up on some leads.
Duke: Good work. [Chuckles]
Carly: Have you talked to Sam?
Michael: Yeah, only for a minute. [Sighs] Starr and I were watching the baby when she went to the pier to look for Jason.
Carly: He's such a beautiful little boy, isn't he?
Michael: Yeah.
Carly: The first time I saw Jason holding him, I was flooded with all these memories of when Jason held you as a baby. I should call Monica and talk to her.
Michael: I already did.
Carly: How's she doing?
Michael: Upset. She was -- [Sighs] She didn't like when I said that Jason was like a father to me. [Sniffles]
Carly: Why? He was. He was.
Michael: She said that A.J. was my father.
Carly: A.J.? Jason loved you, okay?
Michael: Monica doesn't see it that way.
Carly: Well, I'm not gonna judge her, because she has to get through this any way she can. We all do.
Michael: I miss him already.
Carly: I do, too. [Voice breaking] I miss him so much.
Todd: I want to run an obit in tomorrow's edition on Jason Morgan, only I don't want to focus on all the gangster stuff. I want you to play up all the really great stuff he did in his life. Yeah, I understand that, but if you look, maybe you'll find something.
[Knock on door]
Todd: And send it to me. I want to see it before it goes to layout. Spy-nelli. What do you want?
Spinelli: The truth about Sam's baby.
Sam: Diane? What are you doing here?
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