General Hospital Transcript Monday 10/1/12
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: You look gorgeous.
Starr: Really? Thank you!
Michael: Wow.
Starr: You are not looking so bad yourself, there.
Michael: Well, thank you. You ready?
Starr: Yeah.
Michael: How about you? Want to go see your father get married?
Trey: We'll catch up with you guys. I need to talk to Kristina.
Michael: You know, actually, it's kind of a big day, so maybe your conversation can wait --
Starr: But, Michael, this seems like an important conversation. Hey, we'll meet you guys there.
Trey: Kristina, I am sorry I didn't answer you yesterday. You are my wife. You're right. I should be able to trust you with anything.
Kristina: I know families are complicated. I mean, look at mine. But whatever's going on with your mom, we can figure it out together.
Trey: She's gonna be there today, at the wedding.
Kristina: I don't understand. Why?
Trey: She's the bride.
Connie: Da, da da da ugh. Da, da da da na, na, na na ah. Ha ha. Now, does this say "check me out" or what? Huh? [Chuckles] Oh, this is gonna be a wedding for the books. All thanks -- to Johnny boy.
Carly: Wow! You look great. Little formal for the park, though, don't you think?
Johnny: I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that.
Carly: Really?
Johnny: Yeah.
Carly: Did you get a better offer?
Johnny: No, not even close. Um -- Kate -- she came by the club after you left last night, and, uh, she wants me at the wedding.
Carly: You're kidding.
Johnny: Unfortunately, no.
Carly: Why?
Johnny: In case something goes wrong.
Carly: Lulu's gonna be there. Her husband's the best man. They can troubleshoot if something goes wrong.
Johnny: I don't know. Maybe -- maybe she wants me there for backup. Look, hey, I'm sorry. I was looking forward to spending the day with you.
Carly: You still can. I'm gonna go with you to the wedding.
Johnny: No, you can't do that.
Alexis: I got my lipstick, my driver's license, my glasses. The only thing missing is my bulletproof vest.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Alexis: No, I'm serious. When Sonny has a wedding, gunfire usually ensues. The invitation says black-tie optional. Aren't you taking that a little too far?
Sam: I'm not going, not after last night.
McBain: You sure about the results?
Jason: Elizabeth said they did the test two or three times.
McBain: I don't get it. It all seemed to add up.
Jason: Right up until the part where the baby wasn't Sam's.
Olivia: [Gasps] Oh, look at you two! You look great!
Dante: Thank you. How you feeling, ma?
Olivia: Good. Good. Great.
Dante: Yeah? No more hallucinations?
Olivia: You know what? I should probably go check on Kate. Maid of honor duties and all that stuff, right?
Lulu: Well, tell her that we say good luck.
Olivia: Yes! Will do. Will do.
Steve: What was that all about?
Dante: Uh, well, I guess she didn't tell you.
Lulu: She had another hallucination last night about Kate.
Dante: Uh, make that about Connie.
Connie: [Humming]
Olivia: All right.
Connie: Hey!
Olivia: That's it. This is real. You are not Kate. You are Connie.
Milo: Look, I keep having flashbacks -- like the PTSD kind. Ms. Howard was all over my --
Max: Shh! You want the whole room to hear?
Milo: It just feels like I should say something.
Max: You idiot. The boss can't know anything about this.
Sonny: Can't know anything about what? Hey! Did you know that honey nut cheerios
Sonny: You better start talking. Now.
Lulu: What's going on? Calm down, calm down. It's just a wedding.
Maxie: "Just a wedding"? You know, that sentence should not even exist, but that's not what I'm upset about. It's Spinelli. I took your advice, and I decided to tell Spinelli that he was my Mac. So I tracked him down at the bachelor party last night.
Lulu: Uh, you know that's a major faux pas, right?
Maxie: Could we focus on me, okay? He was with a girl.
Lulu: At a bachelor party.
Maxie: Not that kind of girl! A fully clothed girl, and she was reasonably cute, or at least I think she was. I didn't really have time to process.
Lulu: Process what?
Maxie: Spinelli was asking her out when I got there. The girl was accepting the invitation to go with Spinelli on a date!
Lulu: So what'd you do?
Maxie: Well, I left, obviously. It was a disaster.
Lulu: No, it's not. Spinelli didn't even hear what you had to say. Once he hears you say that he's your Mac, he'll come around.
Maxie: Mm-hmm. And what if it's too late? Oh, too late -- crap! The bird seed! Nothing can go wrong today! You hear me?! Nothing!
Lulu: Mm, guess Spinelli didn't get the memo.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Jason: Hey.
Elizabeth: Hope it's okay, just stopping by like this.
Jason: No. No, it's always good to see you.
Elizabeth: How are you?
Jason: Uh, well, I gave McBain the DNA test results, and -- and he was as surprised as I was. And Spinelli and his lab-tech friend still swear that the baby who died couldn't have been Sam's and the blood type in the file was correct.
Elizabeth: Well, I don't see how that's possible.
Jason: I mean, really, the only way to prove it is to exhume the baby, and -- I'm just not gonna do that to Sam.
Elizabeth: Going to this wedding's probably the last thing you want to do. Sonny's your friend. He's counting on you. Were you actually gonna wear a tie?
Jason: I know. Was thinking about it.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Jason --
Jason: Yeah, Sam delivered them last night. She's going through with the divorce.
McBain: Hi.
Sam: Hi.
McBain: You mind if I came in?
Sam: Of course, yes, please.
McBain: Thanks.
Sam: Sorry.
McBain: No. I, um, got a message from your mom? She said she was leaving something here for me. It was from Clint Buchanan's lawyer.
Sam: Oh. Um, well, all of her work stuff is over -- here we go. John.
McBain: Yeah.
Sam: For you.
McBain: It's Natalie's handwriting.
Sam: Okay. Well -- maybe it's good news. Maybe it's something about Liam.
McBain: My hands are shaking.
Sam: I'm -- I'm gonna give you some privacy.
McBain: Hey, Sam -- don't go far.
Kristina: My dad's marrying Kate Howard.
Trey: I know.
Kristina: So she can't be --
Trey: She is. Kate Howard is my mother. Look, I know, I know. It seems crazy -- no crazier to anybody but me -- but it's -- it's true.
Kristina: Kate Howard is your mom -- the same woman who ran out on you when you were a baby.
Trey: Yeah. My dad confirmed it all.
Kristina: Wait. Then he must have known her when she was younger, obviously. Who is he? Someone back from Bensonhurst? Who is he, Trey?
Trey: His name is Joe Scully Jr.
Kristina: Scully. Oh, my God. That -- Michael told me about him. He's the guy who hates my father. He's the reason --
Trey: Look, Kristina --
Kristina: You told Starr that our fathers had history together, but then you swore you made it up for the show!
Trey: I lied.
Sonny: I'm waiting.
Max: It's nothing, boss.
Sonny: It didn't sound like nothing.
Max: Well, you know Milo -- not the best at keeping secrets.
Sonny: Neither are you.
Max: Um, it's a surprise we cooked up -- for your wedding.
Milo: Yeah, a big surprise.
Sonny: Okay, save it for later. 'Cause I don't want any surprises today.
Connie: Let go of me! What is wrong with you?!
Olivia: I know what I'm seeing, Connie!
Connie: I'm Kate!
Olivia: You keep saying that. Give me a break with this outfit! Kate would not wear that on Halloween, let alone her wedding day!
Maxie: What is going on?!
Sonny: Have you seen Kate?
Dante: Uh, not yet. But I know my mother's with her, helping her get ready.
Maxie: So you picked this dress.
Connie: As if I'd ever walk down the aisle in this.
Olivia: Yeah? Why you wearing it then?
Connie: To show Maxie -- to ask her why in God's name she chose this as an option for me.
Maxie: You said to err on the side of Connie. This is Connie.
Connie: Yeah, for Halloween maybe, but as Liv pointed out, this is my wedding day.
Maxie: Okay, well, there are two other dresses, and both of them are very stunning and very Kate. Let's try those on.
Connie: Let's not. You can go now.
Maxie: Okay. Oh! Um, are you firing me?
Connie: No. I just think Liv can take it from here with the gowns. Why don't you go pass out some crab dumplings or something?
Maxie: Sure.
[Door opens, closes]
Carly: Why don't you want me to go with you?
Johnny: No, I want you -- I want you to go with me, but --
Carly: What?
Johnny: I just fear that seeing her will bring up a lot of bad memories for you, you know?
Carly: Thank you. But if you can handle it, I can handle it. I have to be there to keep an eye on you, you know? To make sure you don't overdo it.
Johnny: I'm fine.
Carly: Says the guy who just got out of the hospital. I'm gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna make sure that Mercedes and Josslyn are okay, and I'm gonna change. No more arguing. And one good thing -- it's Sonny and Kate. Everything's gonna be gourmet. We get to eat and drink on their dime.
Johnny: Well, isn't that a bonus?
Carly: Lighten up. It's gonna be great. Losing weight clicked for me when I had everything
Lulu: [Scoffs] Doesn't Kate have servers to do this?
Maxie: Look, if Kate asks me to serve, I'll serve. Napkin?
Lulu: Uh, no, hey.
Dante: I'm good. Thank you.
Lulu: So -- he's here.
Maxie: Who?
Lulu: Your Mac.
Maxie: Mac's here? That's weird.
Lulu: No, your, um -- it's Spinelli, but he's here --
Maxie: Where?
Lulu: Right there, but he's with --
Maxie: Hi. I'm glad I ran into you. We really need to talk.
Spinelli: Uh, perhaps --
Ellie: Ooh! Dumplings? Mmm! I hope you don't mind a date that eats.
Spinelli: Oh.
Connie: Thank you for helping me out of this horror show.
Olivia: There you go, honey.
Connie: Do you think I picked the right option?
Olivia: You are gonna look stunning.
Connie: [Chuckles]
Olivia: I am so sorry. I guess I'm still just a little bit mixed up -- or a lot mixed up. I don't know. Everything just -- it seems so real.
Connie: Honey, that's the LSD. It's not your fault. You certainly don't have to apologize to me.
Olivia: But I do need you to know how thrilled I am for you and Sonny. I wish you guys a lifetime full of happiness. You both deserve it.
Connie: Thank you.
Olivia: And I got you something.
Connie: Oh, yeah?
Olivia: Of course. I'm your maid of honor. But don't get too attached to it 'cause it's just on loan. Right here.
Connie: Oh. How lovely.
Olivia: That was Nonna's.
Connie: Nonna's.
Olivia: She made that lace by hand. Isn't that amazing? I'd like you to carry that with you today.
Connie: Wow. You really shouldn't have.
Olivia: No, what are you talking about? It's perfect. It's old, it's borrowed, it's blue, it's new -- to you, at least.
Connie: Yeah, it certainly is. Thank you. You -- you really shouldn't have.
Olivia: You're welcome. You're welcome. I -- I hope it brings you all the good luck and the happiness that it brought to Nonna.
Connie: Oh.
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Kate, you in there?
Connie: Oh, speaking of bad timing, he can't see me like this.
Olivia: Let me handle it. Sonny, you know the rules! You can't see the bride before the ceremony.
Sonny: Superstitions are gonna have to take a back seat. Can I have a little time with my wife-to-be?
Trey: Kristina, wait, please. You have to understand, I just found out about all this myself.
Kristina: Yeah, the "Kate was your mother" part. So what about the rest? You knew our fathers were enemies!
Trey: No, no, not from the beginning.
Kristina: Oh, my God.
Trey: What?
Kristina: Trey -- as in the third. M-Mitchell's not even your last name.
Trey: Okay, yes, my name is Joseph Mitchell Scully iii, okay?
Kristina: You didn't want us to know who you were.
Trey: No, no, it's not like it was a big secret. It was a professional --
Kristina: Joe Scully was your grandfather?
Trey: But I never met him.
Kristina: Yeah, maybe 'cause my dad killed him! I feel sick.
Trey: Kristina, please --
Kristina: Don't touch me!
Trey: It's not what you think, I swear.
Kristina: Oh, just admit -- you lied!
Trey: Not about everything.
Kristina: [Laughing] Everything that's happened between us was all a setup!
Trey: No, no, no.
Kristina: No, no! You were playing me! None of it -- none of it was real! Oh, can I have your word about that, Joe the third? Because you never lied to me before because -- because you never manipulated me to use me against my own father!
Trey: Kristina, please, just let me explain. I made some mistakes.
Kristina: Why the hell would I believe you about anything?!
Sam: Is everything okay?
McBain: Apparently, Natalie has met someone.
Sam: What?
McBain: Didn't expect it. It just happened. That's how she put it. Had to read it twice. You know the rest.
Sam: Wait a minute. Does this mean she wants to be with another guy?
McBain: I, uh -- it would seem so.
Sam: Okay. Well, what about your son?
McBain: "P.S. John, if you care about Liam -- you will honor the restraining order and stay away."
Sam: Come on. That's unfair.
McBain: Yeah, it's also not gonna happen. I'm gonna keep fighting for my son. I'm gonna get my visitation. Okay. Natalie's made her choice. She can't keep me from Liam. As far as our relationship goes, it's over. I'm on my own again.
Sam: That makes two of us.
Jason: Sam and I ran into each other on our anniversary at the restaurant where we got married.
Elizabeth: Fate?
Jason: Yeah, the people who owned the place thought we showed up to celebrate. You know, we didn't want to disappoint them, so we -- you know, we had dinner together, and we talked, and -- that's when I saw the papers, and Sam wanted to tell me something about them, and at the same time, I got a text from McBain about the DNA, and I -- I just -- I left without the papers.
Elizabeth: On purpose?
Jason: No, Sam and I both agree that this divorce has to happen. I just -- I wasn't expecting her to follow up last night.
Elizabeth: I think why she did. So... [Gasps]
McBain: You delivered the divorce papers?
Sam: Not when you think. I mean, uh -- I meant to, but I got sidetracked. Anyway, I -- yeah, I -- I gave them to him last night.
McBain: Look, I know we talked about this. Are you sure this is what you want?
Sam: No. But it has to happen. I overheard something at the bachelorette party.
McBain: About Jason?
Sam: Yeah, about Jason. And just like that letter told you where you stand with Natalie -- I know where I stand with Jason.
Jason: You know why Sam served me the papers when she did?
Elizabeth: I have always had feelings for Jason. But I am not gonna be the one to come in between Jason and Sam. But he assured me it was okay. He said that things are gonna be over between them and that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Something happened last night at the bachelorette party.
Sam: I overheard Elizabeth telling someone that she and Jason had kissed.
McBain: I thought you already knew there was something going on.
Sam: No, I did, but after everything that's happened between Jason and I recently, and I thought we were reconnecting or whatever you want to call it -- I assumed that whatever was going on between he and Elizabeth was over. But I was wrong.
Elizabeth: I hate to be the one to tell you this, Jason, but Sam is dating John McBain.
Sam: And I honestly thought that things had changed. I mean, not that Jason and I don't have a lot to work through, because we do, but I just thought there was hope. You know?
McBain: Yeah, I know.
Sam: [Scoffs] And now it's gone.
Jason: So the night of our anniversary, Sam was already with McBain.
Elizabeth: I don't know when it started. But after everything you've done for Sam, it isn't fair.
Jason: No, what isn't fair is Sam losing her son in the first place. That's why I did what I did. You know, not to get Sam back. I just -- I just always wanted her to have the chance to be a mother. And now she's never gonna get that chance.
Elizabeth: Jason -- are you sure about this?
Jason: [Breathes deeply] Let me get my coat so we can get out of here. Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Yeah?
Jason: Thanks.
Elizabeth: Thanks for what?
Jason: For being honest. Means more than you know.
Ellie: Oh, Damian, you have to try one of these.
Maxie: You call him Damian?
Spinelli: It is my name.
Maxie: You're Spinelli. Are you insane?! He can't eat that! There's shellfish in there! He's allergic!
Ellie: Oh. Well, are these actually made from a decapod crustacean of the infraorder brachyura?
Maxie: Is that English?
Spinelli: She's only asking because, if not, it may actually not be true crab.
Ellie: In which case, the histamine levels are much lower.
Spinelli: Ellie's mind is amazing, is it not?
Maxie: Ellie -- and Spinelli. I am amazed. Excuse me. I have to go make sure everyone gets crabs.
Trey: I know this looks a little shady --
Kristina: "Looks"?
Trey: Okay, it's not like this relationship was a big plot from the beginning.
Kristina: Bull! You knew I was at Yale. You definitely knew who my father was.
Trey: Come on. Everyone did.
Kristina: Everyone's not you. Everyone didn't approach some sad, poor mob princess in a diner to suggest a reality show. You expect me to believe that was legit?
Trey: Yes! Yes, I knew you were pissed at your parents, and I wanted to make a name for myself. Okay? Of course I knew who your family was. It was mine that I really had no clue about. My dad -- he kept me in the dark.
Kristina: Until he didn't. When did you find out?
Trey: That he was in the mob?
Kristina: And he knew my father.
Trey: Not until I went to go visit him in jail.
Kristina: That was months ago. You've been lying to my face ever since.
Connie: What's wrong? You look tense.
Sonny: No, it's just -- something's been bothering me. I tried to reach you last night, and I couldn't get through.
Connie: Oh, I'm so sorry. I turned off my phone. I was just trying to relax.
Sonny: The argument -- you know that argument you had with Trey?
Connie: Speaking of not relaxing --
Sonny: What was it about?
Connie: Are you serious? Sonny, I told you. It was just about him marrying Kristina. I disapproved, to say the least.
Sonny: That's it?
Connie: What else?
Sonny: Well, he implied there was more to it than that. You're not leaving anything out, right?
[Television turns on, salsa music plays]
Carly: Okay. So, Josslyn and Mercedes are all set, an -- oh. Doesn't that look like -- don't you think she looks just like -- [Chuckles] Oh, never mind. Okay. Come on. We got to go. Don't want to be late for Kate and Sonny's wedding. Don't want to upset the bride.
Johnny: I love you. Never forget.
Carly: I won't. Hey, come on. What's going on? I mean, last night, you wanted me to run away with you, and it was so incredibly romantic but completely out of left field.
Johnny: Just a crazy idea. I'm just so happy to -- be alive. And I'm glad to be with you.
Carly: Me too. Let's go. Come on.
Johnny: I'm coming.
Trey: Look, I didn't lie because I wanted to. I lied because my father ordered me to.
Kristina: What, are you 12?
Trey: I was in shock, okay? My entire world had just been turned upside down!
Kristina: What about my world, Trey -- the one where I married you? It wasn't so your father could get his investment back, was it? Was it?!
Trey: No.
Kristina: So he asked you to marry me -- no, I'm sorry. He ordered you to marry me?! Why?!
Trey: To get back at your father.
Connie: Okay, something did happen in my conversation with Trey, but I didn't have the heart to tell you.
Sonny: What was it?
Connie: He said horrible things about you. It was hard enough to hear them, let alone repeat them back to you.
Sonny: That's all that happened?
Connie: I'm very sorry, Sonny. I never meant to keep it from you. I just didn't want to make you angrier. Why does he have to do this, today of all days?
Sonny: Hey, hey, hey. It's no trouble.
Connie: Are you sure? Feels like there's something else you want to say?
Sonny: No, it -- it can wait. I love you.
Connie: I love you, too. [Giggles] Now get out of here. I got an altar to get to.
Sonny: Oh! Well, I think I got one, too.
[Both laugh]
[Classical music plays in distance]
Connie: Get it? "Alter"? I crack myself up.
[Door opens]
Olivia: Hey, I just saw Sonny leave. You been crying?
Connie: Oh. It's happy tears. Hey, would you mind if I just had a few minutes to myself?
Olivia: Of course. Honey, come here. You just let me know if you need any help with that dress okay?
Connie: I will.
Olivia: Okay. [Sighs]
Sonny: Hey, I didn't think you were coming. I especially didn't think you were gonna bring him.
Carly: Well, actually, I am with Johnny. Kate asked him to be here.
Sonny: Today?
Johnny: Believe me. It wasn't exactly on the top of my "things to do" list.
Sonny: Well, no one's making you stay, Johnny.
Carly: This is a special occasion.
Sonny: Okay. All right.
Carly: Why don't we take this opportunity to bury the hatchet?
Michael: Sounds good to me.
Starr: Yeah, me too.
Carly: Thank you. Great.
Johnny: I'm gonna go in back and check on something. Excuse me.
Spinelli: So I told Maxie that there could be no rekindling of our friendship until we were both otherwise occupied. Romantically, that is.
Ellie: And are you -- occupied?
Spinelli: That remains to be seen.
Ellie: Well, that sounds -- complicated.
Spinelli: Well, actually, it's quite simple. We began as friends, became non-spouses, then non-exes, and now she's married.
Ellie: She is? Where's her husband?
Spinelli: In prison for manslaughter.
Maxie: She calls him Damian.
Lulu: So?
Maxie: I don't know. I don't like it.
Sam: Hey, I'm really sorry about Natalie.
McBain: Should have known something else was going on. I guess, in some way, I should have seen this coming.
Sam: Come on. It's not gonna make it hurt any less.
McBain: It should hurt, Sam. I just lost something -- very valuable to me. And when you lose something that you thought you could build your life around -- you know, once you get past the blame and who did what to who -- at least you're left with that person, you know? The person you were in love with, the one that you had this rare connection with. And it's just gone. And you're left -- you're left trying to figure out what comes next.
Jason: You ready? Hey, Elizabeth, you ready?
Elizabeth: No, um --
Jason: If we don't leave now, we're gonna miss the whole --
Elizabeth: I have to tell you something.
Jason: Are you okay?
Elizabeth: No. Jason, the last few months have been really crazy, and I -- I'm barely recognizing myself right now, and --
Jason: What's going on?
Elizabeth: -- There's a lot of things -- Jason, I lied to you. I lied. With my friends, we'll do almost anything.
Spinelli: It's a surprisingly kitschy touch for the queen of couture's nuptials. Although according to Maxie, there have been many such departures in taste. You know, perhaps one of Mr. Sir's enforcers sent them along as a token of congratulations.
Ellie: So the "queen of couture" --?
Spinelli: Yeah, uh, the bride -- Kate Howard.
Ellie: Oh. And "Mr. Sir"?
Spinelli: Uh, the groom -- Sonny Corinthos. "Mr. Sir," years ago, started as a term of respect.
Ellie: Hey, you think it would be okay if you, uh, just called me "Ellie"?
Spinelli: Yeah. It's a most beautiful name.
Alexis: Kristina said she's gonna be late.
Sonny: What else is new?
Alexis: Apparently something intense is going on with her and Trey.
Sonny: He finally admitted that he's Scully's son.
Alexis: Willingly?
Sonny: I didn't beat it out of him, if that's what you're asking.
Alexis: What else did he admit to?
Sonny: Wouldn't tell me who his father is, didn't tell me what he's planning, but he did say he got in a fight with Kate.
Alexis: About what?
Sonny: She said that she was giving him a hard time about Kristina, and he started lashing out, but I got that -- there's something -- I don't know --
Alexis: Think it was something about her being his mother?
Sonny: Kate would have told me.
Alexis: When are you gonna tell her?
Sonny: Not till after the wedding, like we said, Alexis.
Alexis: You okay?
Sonny: Well, I'd feel a lot better if, you know, I knew that Joe Jr. Didn't have anything in store.
Kristina: Everyone said that you were a liar and a hustler and you were playing me! But I knew better. I actually thought you cared.
Trey: I-I did. Kristina, I still do.
Kristina: So what's the big plan, huh? How does marrying me gonna get back at my father?
Trey: I don't know.
Kristina: You don't know.
Trey: It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I already told my dad that I wanted out. I am done doing his dirty work, Kristina.
Kristina: [Laughing] I'm sorry. It's -- it's not funny, except it is, 'cause now you're stuck with a wife for no reason. It sucks to be you, Trey.
Trey: I'm not proud of myself, Kristina -- but when we made love -- for the first time --
Kristina: When you told me you wanted to be with me for real?
Trey: I meant every word. Kristina, if you believe anything, please -- please believe that.
Dante: All right, well, you can't get married without one of these.
Michael: Oh, yeah. How you feeling?
Sonny: You know, anxious, nervous a little bit, but with you guys here, I feel great.
Michael: There's no place you'd rather be.
Dante: You know what? You and Kate have truly been tested. You fought for the woman you love, and here you are.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
Michael: If that's not worth standing up for, I don't know what is.
Sonny: You know what makes me feel great -- is that we're family, right? You guys know that. Nothing's more important to me than that. And, as of today, Kate's a part of that. How do I look?
Michael: You look like somebody who's about to get married?
Starr: Have you seen Johnny?
Carly: No. No, uh -- Kate probably has him cleaning barnacles off the boat.
Starr: Can she really be that demanding?
Carly: Yes, she can.
Connie: Hey, hey! About time you showed up. You ready, Freddy?
Johnny: No.
Connie: Huh? That's the wrong answer.
Johnny: Carly's here.
Connie: Let's party.
Johnny: I can't do this to her. Please.
Connie: "Please" what?
Johnny: It's not too late to change your mind.
Elizabeth: Sam is not with John McBain. I made it up. Please don't hate me.
Jason: Uh, w-why would I hate you?
Elizabeth: I wanted you to get a divorce. I went out of my way to make it happen.
Jason: Make it happen how? By telling me Sam was with John McBain?
Elizabeth: And I told Sam that you were with me. Actually, I made sure she overheard it. It doesn't really matter, but I'm pretty sure that's why she delivered the divorce papers.
Jason: Why -- why would you do that?
Elizabeth: She saw us kiss on your birthday. But she didn't -- she didn't hear what you said to me.
Jason: That we couldn't be together.
Elizabeth: I didn't want her to know. Especially -- especially because I heard the two of you were getting closer.
Jason: Sam said that?
Elizabeth: She told Kristina. She didn't know I was listening.
Jason: So you made Sam believe that I had moved on.
Elizabeth: And it was really stupid. It was stupid, and it was immature. It's not the person I want to be. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Jason.
Sam: Here you go.
McBain: Thanks. You know, given our past, this -- may not be the best idea right now.
Sam: Yeah, probably not.
McBain: I think I probably should get going.
Sam: I think I should probably walk you out.
Maxie: Hey, can you go check on Kate?
Lulu: Why?
Maxie: Because if I do it, she's only gonna bite my head off.
Lulu: You don't think she'll bite mine off? And you're better at handling her than I am.
Maxie: True, but you have nothing to lose, and I do. Besides, I would do it for you.
Lulu: You absolutely would not.
Maxie: You're right. And that just proves what a better person you are than I am. Please, could you just go? And I need to stay and keep an eye on Ellie and Spinelli.
Lulu: Her name's Ellie?
Maxie: Stop. Just go.
Spinelli: I find it somewhat troubling that Jason has not yet arrived.
Ellie: Your friend from last night?
Spinelli: Uh, yeah. He made a terrible mistake, and he's doing everything in his power to make amends for it. Just want everything to turn out okay for him.
Ellie: It's remarkable how much you care. I can tell you're a really good friend, Damian.
Spinelli: Well, that's kind of you to say, Ellie.
Ellie: I'm sure Jason will be here soon.
Spinelli: Jason and the groom are longtime friends and business partners, and -- Jason would never let Sonny down. Unless he was unavoidably detained.
Elizabeth: Jason, please, just try to understand. I only did these things because I care so much about you. I just -- wanted it -- to finally be our time.
Jason: Look, I -- I should get to the wedding.
Elizabeth: Jason, wait. There's more. It's about Sam's baby.
McBain: More than anything, I just want you to be happy.
Sam: So do I.
Steve: What?
Steve: What?
Olivia: I just pulled this out of the trash.
Steve: What? What am I looking at?
Olivia: You are looking at a valuable family heirloom. This was our dead grandmother's. I gave it to Kate, and she wiped mascara all over it.
Steve: Maybe she mistook it for a tissue.
Olivia: When was the last time you saw a lace tissue? I know -- I know that you think I'm crazy, you think that this is all in my head. I'm telling you, something is up with my cousin and not in a good way.
Carly: Is there still no sign of Johnny?
Carly: What the hell does Kate have him doing?
Johnny: I will do anything you want -- anything. Just please, leave Carly out of this.
Connie: It is so sweet how you try to protect her. Totally futile but so sweet. Look, Johnny, you're gonna lose her one way or the other. Better now than down the road, right?
Johnny: I will not let you do this to me.
Connie: It's not like you have a choice!
Alexis: That's it. I'm calling Kristina.
Sonny: All right. Tell the bodyguards the ceremony's gonna start. I want security to be perfect.
Max: You got it, boss. No one's gonna mess up anything for you and ms. Howard.
Sonny: I just got a feeling that Joe Jr.'s gonna try.
Kristina: We're over.
Trey: Kristina, wait.
Kristina: For what? You to feed me more lies? And as soon as I get my hands on those papers, I'm annulling this joke of a marriage.
Trey: Kristina, please, you have to believe me. I never wanted any of this to happen.
Kristina: But it did. Don't follow me.
[Door closes]
[Cell phone rings]
Kristina: Aah! Aah!
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