General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/28/12
Provided By Suzanne
Starr: [Sighs]
Michael: [Chuckles]
Starr: Hey! What time is it? Why didn't you wake me up?
Michael: It's okay. It's okay. Your watch is still on Port Charles time.
Starr: Mm.
Michael: Got your complimentary continental breakfast.
Starr: What'd you get?
Michael: Check it out.
Starr: Oh, a bagel. Thank you. What'd you do all morning?
Michael: Mostly watched you sleep.
Starr: Oh. Did you -- uh, I hope I didn't drool.
Michael: No, you looked beautiful.
Starr: Okay, good. We better get going if we're gonna find Kristina and Trey. Unh.
Michael: [Chuckles]
Trey: Hey, dad.
Joe Jr.: Hey, champ. What's the good word?
Trey: It's almost a done deal.
Joe Jr.: Huh.
Kate: All right, knock on every door, and let everybody know that we've turned off the water. Any left in the room should be discarded immediately. And if they don't answer, stick one of these under the door. Thank you.
Joe Jr.: Sounds like everything's on schedule. Let me know when it's done.
Trey: Yeah, you'll be my first call.
Joe Jr.: Glad to hear it. Ah, but, Trey...
[Knock on door]
Joe Jr.: ...Don't come home until I tell you.
Trey: You want me to stay in Vegas?
Joe Jr.: I can't go into details. I just need you to trust me.
Trey: You know I do, dad. Love you.
Joe Jr.: I love you, too.
Kristina: So... what do you think of my dress?
Dante: Is this everybody? Good. Roadblocks are being set up. The federal government wants the county of Port Charles quarantined. People are already trying to evacuate. That means we're gonna have a lot of mess out there. I want patrols on every major artery and every leftover uniform patrolling places selling bottled water. Don't let this turn into a riot. That's it. Be safe.
Sonny: Saw that bastard jerry on TV. He wants a panic. Looks like it's working. Can I do anything to help?
Dante: John McBain just called in. He and Jason are holding jerry Jacks at gunpoint.
McBain: Hey, buddy, you ain't looking too good. You ever want to eat solid food again, you better start cooperating.
Jerry: Do you honestly think you can get me to talk?
Jax: No. But I can.
Jerry: Jax. What the hell are you doing here?
Jax: You first.
Jerry: You're supposed to be grounded in shanghai. You're supposed to be in custody.
Jax: Oh, I see. You were the one that arranged for my misunderstanding with customs.
Jerry: That's right. It's to save your bloody life.
Jax: While you kill Carly and my daughter? Get up!
Jerry: Your daughter is safe, and you were supposed to be, too.
Jax: Tell me that this is all a bluff, a diversion, that you're really after something else, that you didn't really poison the water supply.
Jerry: I'm sorry, little brother. That's exactly what I've done.
Ewen: Elizabeth, wait! Wait! Jason is wrong!
Patrick: Hey, let her go!
Ewen: Patrick. Look, you have to understand. I wasn't -- I wasn't trying to hurt Elizabeth. I was simply trying to explain --
Elizabeth: Explain what?
Ewen: That I absolutely had no connection with jerry Jacks threatening the city. You believe me...right?
Carly: Johnny, it's me. Um, I don't know if you have heard the news or seen any television, but please call me the second you --
[Banging on door]
Carly: This is you. I know it's you. Okay. Thank God that you're --
Todd: "Not Johnny." That's what you're thinking.
Carly: [Sighs]
Todd: Did you see the guy on the TV?
Carly: Yes. That's my brother-in-law, jerry Jacks.
Todd: Okay, not the name that he gave me when I sold him access to my cable franchise.
Jerry: Everyone in Port Charles has been exposed to the pathogen.
Jax: Why would you do this?!
Jerry: [Chuckles] You know me, Jax. Always up for a challenge.
Jax: No, that's not it. You're desperate. You have to be.
McBain: Maybe explain to your brother that things are gonna end badly for him.
Jason: Jerry only speaks one language. You poisoned the city. How you gonna undo it?
Todd: He told me his name was James Craig.
Carly: [Sighs] That's the name he used when he held this hotel hostage.
Todd: How was I supposed to know that? It's not like we have a secret handshake at psychotics anonymous.
Carly: You're not psycho. As far as I know, you've never threatened an entire town.
Todd: Well, this time, maybe I kind of did.
Carly: He contaminated the water last night. By the time he got to you, it was already done.
Todd: You really think he was serious? You think he put a pathogen in the water.
Carly: This is jerry Jacks. He is capable of anything. Jax is trying to figure out what he's doing now.
Todd: Right. Jax. Your perfect not-so-quite ex-husband.
Carly: Well, you know what? Thank God they're related, because that's the only reason jerry's decided to protect my daughter. Not that that helps my other children.
Todd: Or mine.
Starr: Well, I hope we have better luck today than we did last night.
Michael: Yeah. Vegas is a big place. It's not like we can go door-to-door looking for them.
Starr: Well, let's just hope that Kristina and Trey aren't doing anything too crazy.
Michael: Yeah, like... climbing out of a window and flying down here in the first place.
Starr: Okay, we'll admit that that is a little crazy. I haven't known your sister for too long, but she does seem like the rebellious type. And she did drop out of college to star in a reality show. Maybe she just wanted to blow off some steam, away from your dad and her mom.
Michael: Yeah, and with Trey, who told you that his dad has a history with mine and some reason that he might want to get back at him.
Starr: Okay, well, that doesn't mean that he's going to hurt Kristina.
Michael: The thing is, we don't know anything about Trey except for that his dad's a criminal.
Starr: That doesn't mean that Trey is one! If anyone should understand, it's us. You didn't follow in your dad's footsteps.
Michael: Yeah, but I never tried to hide who my dad is or what he does. So what is Trey hiding? Why didn't he just tell us the truth about his dad?
Joe Jr.: Connie.
Kate: Kate.
Joe Jr.: Apologies. Old habits.
Kate: Sonny told me you were in town. Didn't realize you had the gall to stay at my hotel.
Joe Jr.: Oh, you know I always like nice things. If you didn't know I was here, why'd you come to my room?
Kate: Because I'm notifying all the guests of the health hazard.
Joe Jr.: Yeah, I saw jerry Jacks' pre conference. If the water's already contaminated, it's a little late to be handing these out, isn't it?
Kate: Mm. Well, for the record, I hope you drank a bucket of it.
Joe Jr.: [Laughs]
Kate: Don't let me keep you. I'm sure you want to spend your last moments with the woman you love.
Joe Jr.: Excuse me? Woman?
Kate: Whoever you were on the phone with. You sounded almost human. Who is she, your wife?
Trey: So, we don't need any audio on the preliminary stuff. Just get some beauty shots, glamour shots, and we'll do some narration underneath later on. But, uh, look, listen this time. Try to show a little sensitivity to the bride. Don't jam the camera in her face, all right?
All right. You got it.
Trey: All right. You look beautiful.
Kristina: [Chuckles] Thank you.
Trey: Yeah.
Kristina: You know, you're right. They have some really great boutiques here.
Trey: I told you. You got the perfect dress.
Kristina: I just want to make the producers happy. You know, so they'll recoup their investment on "mob princess" so your dad can pay all his legal bills.
Trey: [Chuckles] My dad's everything I have, Kris. I can't tell you how grateful I am.
Kristina: Stop. It's not every day you get married on a TV show. Be a good story to tell the grandkids.
Trey: Mm-hmm.
Kristina: My grandkids. Uh... that I'll have much later than this when I get really married, for real. That shouldn't be a problem, right? I mean, the marriage is gonna be annulled so fast, my dad won't have a chance to freak out.
Sonny: Dante. Jerry Jacks was willing to blow up a hotel. He'd have no problem poisoning the whole town.
Dante: Yeah, well, look, the CDC's testing the reservoir. If this is real, there's no telling what jerry put in the water or how to stop this.
Sonny: I'll question jerry. I know -- but I know you're gonna turn me down, right?
Dante: Look, like I said, John McBain already has jerry. Let's just hope he can get some answers.
Sonny: People outside are already starting to panic.
Dante: I have every available uniform out on the street.
Sonny: Yeah. But you know what? Um, I can get my guys out to a local market, right, and just -- no, to keep order.
Dante: Sonny, it's not like -- thank you -- not like I don't appreciate the offer, okay. But I can't exactly deputize you guys to be out on the street. It way exceeds my authority, and the mayor would never go for that.
Sonny: Okay, listen to me. If things start to deteriorate and you change your mind, the offer still stands.
Dante: That's good to know if it comes to that.
Ewen: Elizabeth... tell him.
Patrick: Why would Elizabeth think you were involved with jerry Jacks?
Ewen: Jason Morgan. He put the idea in her head.
Patrick: Why would Jason do that?
Ewen: You were the one who told me to watch out for him, that he demands ongoing devotion from every woman he has ever been involved with, including your own wife. The way you bust in just now -- almost like you were expecting a scene. And then when you saw us -- how would you believe I would hurt Elizabeth?!
Jason: I need you to check on Elizabeth, okay, and warn her to stay away from Dr. Keenan.
Ewen: Now tell me, did Jason get to you, too?
Jerry: [Grunts]
McBain: Here's the thing. We kill him, if he dies... we're kind of screwed.
Jax: So, this is why you faked your own death, so you could plan everyone else's?
Jerry: Oh, I can assure you, I was shot and fell in the water. Bloody freezing, you know. I can assure you. I didn't think I'd survive.
Jax: Yet here you are, threatening everyone I love.
Jerry: Not your daughter. Have you forgotten --
Jax: You kidnapped her in the middle of the night, jerry!
Jerry: To save her. Or would you like her to suffer --
Jax: Why are you doing this?! What do you want?
Jerry: Well, I was about to explain myself when I was rudely interrupted, and now I'm afraid that everyone's gonna have to be very patient.
Sonny: You know this is personal for me, 'cause I was there when jerry Jacks held the metro court hostage. So whatever I can do so nobody else gets hurt...
Dante: Look, I apprec--
Sonny: What?
Dante: I'm just saying I appreciate it. Really, I do. But I can't have you taking matters into your own hands.
Sonny: I got to protect people. And not only from jerry Jacks.
Dante: Who else are we talking about here?
Sonny: Joe Scully Jr.
Dante: The guy who killed McBain's sister?
Sonny: He also attacked Kate when she was a teenager. Scum like that should be locked up for life. Instead, he's walking the streets. I don't know what he's got planned.
Joe Jr.: For the record, I wasn't speaking to my wife. I can't express my feelings to people close to me?
Kate: Your fellow mobsters?
Joe Jr.: Ah! I'm a private citizen.
Kate: [Scoffs] Look, Joe, if you came to Port Charles to torture Sonny and me, I guess the joke's on you.
Joe Jr.: Mm.
Kate: Your charges may have been dropped, but it looks like you're getting a death sentence, anyway.
Joe Jr.: [Chuckles] You know, a night at your hotel can be fatal. I can see why people flock to stay here.
Kate: You know, you don't seem like a man who's about to die.
Joe Jr.: Well, maybe that's because I have no intention of it.
McBain: I don't have time for this. Maybe you'll feel like talking down at the station. On your feet.
Jerry: Before or after the waterboarding?
McBain: Waterboarding? We don't do that anymore. We got all new stuff.
Jerry: Are you sincerely gonna let them torture your brother?
Jax: You did this to yourself, jerry.
Jerry: I know I'm a disappointment, but you used to look up to me. Thought I was capable of anything.
Jax: Well, you've certainly proved that, haven't you?
Jerry: Don't give me too much credit. I had a little help with this project.
Jason: You and Keenan?
Ewen: Did Jason convince you that I was part of this, that I was somehow connected to jerry Jacks?
Patrick: We all saw jerry on TV. I came to check on Elizabeth. When I walked in and saw your hands on her, maybe I overreacted.
Ewen: Because of jerry's broadcast?
Elizabeth: You never answered me. Just now, when we saw jerry on TV, you said you never thought he would go that far.
Ewen: I told you. I was familiar with the Jacks family from what I read about them. But, you know, jerry's always seemed a bit off. You saw it yourself. You know, when he held those people hostage, I mean... now he's endangering a whole city. To save one woman and one child only to threaten the lives of everyone else.
Carly: Okay, well, Morgan's fine. I got to get in touch with Michael.
Todd: I'm calling Starr.
Starr: This couch could not have been comfortable to sleep on.
Michael: [Groans] I slept great.
Starr: Oh, you did?
Michael: Yes.
Starr: Is that why you were up so early, watching me sleep?
Michael: I was still on Port Charles time.
Starr: Oh, nice try. Thank you for being a gentleman, though.
Michael: My pleasure.
[Cell phones ringing]
Starr: Oh. It's my dad.
Michael: And my mom.
Starr: Dad?
Todd: Shorty. Where are you?
Starr: You know, uh, away.
Michael: Uh, w-what do you mean, mom? Why would something be going on?
Carly: They have no idea what's going on.
Todd: Don't think Starr knows, either. Uh, when you say "away," where are you?
Michael: Las Vegas.
Todd: Las Vegas, Nevada? Starr, what are you doing in Las Vegas?
Carly: Are you with Starr?
Starr: Uh, I-I'm with Michael, but I-I promise it's not -- it's not what you think.
Todd: You know what? I-I'm glad you're there. I think you should go hit the tables. I think you should play...
Starr: You what?
Todd: Uh, blackjack and -- and roulette. Hey -- hey, you know what? If you don't play, you can't win.
Starr: Okay, this is officially the weirdest conversation I've ever had with you.
Michael: Okay. I'll play the numbers. Um, I'll call you in a couple days, okay?
Starr: Uh, yeah. Love you, too. Bye.
Michael: Love you. Bye.
Carly: Bye, baby. I love you.
Michael: [Clears throat] My mom just told me to play her birthday numbers.
Starr: No, no, no. Get this. My dad just told me to have a good time. Did someone slip something in his drink?
Carly: Think we should tell them what's going on?
Todd: No. The less they know, the better.
Michael: Do you think we, uh, should have told them about Trey and Kristina?
Starr: Yeah, I-I don't know. I'm worried for your dad to find out about it. And I know that you can't stand Trey, but I still think that this could all be innocent, and I don't want your dad going into protective mode.
Michael: Is that a polite euphemism for breaking his kneecaps?
Starr: Okay, don't sound too excited by the visual of that.
Michael: Mm. Well, you're right, though. I shouldn't tell my dad about this. At least, not until I know what Trey and Kristina are really doing here.
Trey: Nervous?
Kristina: A little. Okay. A lot. [Chuckles] I mean, I know this is just a stunt for mob princess, but it''s the first time I ever got married.
Trey: Me too. [Chuckles] Look, I really appreciate this, Kristina.
Rev. Love: Miss Davis, Mr. Mitchell?
Trey: Yes.
Rev. Love: What do you say? Ready to tie the knot?
Carly: Did Starr say what they were doing in Vegas?
Todd: No. She didn't tell me what your son was up to.
Carly: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey! We've already had this conversation, okay? They're adults.
Todd: Yeah. They're adults. I don't want my daughter hanging out with the son of a gangster.
Carly: That's my son, okay? And Michael is a good kid. And he would do anything for Starr.
Todd: Yeah, anything, including sending her to prison.
Carly: He perjured himself to save her.
Todd: Yeah, only because I blackmailed his father.
Carly: Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Michael cares about Starr, and she is perfectly safe with him. I mean, isn't that where we want them? Don't we want them in Vegas and having fun and not here, dealing with all this?
Todd: You're really that scared? You really think this guy is for real?
Starr: I'm starting to worry that my dad might be in trouble.
Michael: Why would you think he is?
Starr: Because if I would have told him on a normal day that we were in Las Vegas together, he would have assumed that we had eloped, he would have flown all the way out here to make sure that we would have --
Michael: Oh, crap.
Starr: What? You have nothing to worry about. We're not eloping.
Michael: No, we're not. [Sighs] Trey and Kristina might be.
Starr: What are you talking about? They just started dating.
Michael: Think about it. Why else was Trey so desperate to get Kristina to Vegas that he snuck her out of a window? I think Trey is gonna try and marry my sister. Look, just start dialing.
Starr: What, every wedding chapel in Vegas?
Michael: Find one that has a camera crew setting up at an altar. You know Trey is gonna want to film this for his dumb reality show.
Rev. Love: So, tell me, did, uh, you two bring a companion on this, your sojourn into marriage? A witness.
Trey: Oh, uh, we brought the cameraman. Can -- can he witness and shoot at the same time?
Rev. Love: Well, that might be a bit problematic. But not to worry, though. I'm sure that Mrs. Love would be more than happy to oblige. Uh, Esther? Darling.
Esther: Yes.
Rev. Love: This young couple needs an escort on their way to everlasting joy.
Esther: Oh, my. Don't you make a lovely bride.
Kristina: Thank you.
Esther: Oh, no need to be embarrassed, honey. A woman in love has that certain glow.
Rev. Love: And Esther should know what she's talking about. She's been lighting up rooms for the past 50 years.
Esther: 50.
Trey: 50? Wow.
Rev. Love: Yes. We are celebrating our golden anniversary.
Esther: Mm-hmm.
Rev. Love: We got married right here in Vegas, actually. Not much older than you two, as a matter of fact.
Esther: June 16, 1962. It was a magical night.
Rev. Love: Yes. We went to see frank Sinatra at the sands.
Esther: Oh, yeah.
Rev. Love: Old blue eyes was up there singing "bewitched, bothered, and bewildered."
Esther: Ooh.
Rev. Love: [Chuckles] That was it. We ran right down the road and got married at the first chapel we found. We liked it so much that we bought the place and have been running it ever since.
Esther: Mm-hmm. We hit the jackpot, honey -- luck and love. And we want to pay it forward. Although of the two, now, love is the one that lasts, the one you build your life on.
Rev. Love: Look at us, preaching to the choir. [Chuckles] We don't have to tell you kids that. [Chuckles] Why you're getting married in the first place.
[Both chuckle]
Esther: Excuse me.
Rev. Love: [Sighs]
Kate: You're telling me you're not afraid to die? I know you, Joe. You're a coward. The only time you felt brave is when you hurt someone who couldn't fight back.
Joe Jr.: Yeah, 'cause you know so much about me.
Kate: Yeah, I saw firsthand the night you raped me.
Joe Jr.: Your word against mine.
Kate: You think you're not gonna be judged for this, Joe? Your charges may be dropped, but for what you did, you're going straight to hell.
Joe Jr.: Yeah, well, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Connie? Because you'll be sitting in the seat right next to me! Or do you expect the almighty to forgive a little bitch like you who threw away her own baby like yesterday's trash?!
Sonny: Hey, hey, you all right? What the hell you doing, Joe?
McBain: Keenan, the shrink?
Jerry: I'm afraid I don't know the name.
[Siren wailing]
McBain: Well, maybe your memory will come back to you at the station.
Jason: Now, you can't handle this like you did Joe Scully.
McBain: That mean something to you, Joe Scully?
Jerry: No, no. It doesn't.
Jax: You're lying.
Jerry: I don't have a reason to lie.
Jax: They can't read you, jerry, but I can. You're lying. Tell me what this is really about.
Jason: All right, you want answers? Get rid of the patrol cars. I'm gonna get you answers.
McBain: We've got him with everything, all right? Obviously he's hiding something. More importantly, we've got to find Keenan.
Ewen: How could you think I'd be capable of doing something like that? Exposing an entire city to -- to a deadly pathogen?
Elizabeth: 'Cause I just saw how you reacted to jerry threatening everyone I love.
Patrick: Okay, if this is true, there's gonna be a lot of sick people in this city. Now, you -- and you're trained to deal with psychological crises, so we're gonna need you at the hospital. Can you go back there?
Ewen: Yes. I can. I-I'd just feel better if you believed me.
Elizabeth: I-I'm still --
Patrick: I will talk to Elizabeth, all right?
Ewen: Okay. Okay. Look, just call me, okay, if you need anything. You'll know where to find me. I'll see you both at the hospital, okay?
Patrick: Okay, listen to me. We haven't got a lot of time.
Elizabeth: Why? What's going on?
Patrick: Jason sent me here to warn you about Ewen. He didn't want you anywhere near him.
Elizabeth: What? I thought Jason didn't like Ewen for whatever reason, that he was seeing a threat where it didn't exist, but now --
Ewen: Jerry, I don't know what the hell you think you're doing. You never told me you were gonna threaten the entire city. And that -- that includes Elizabeth. You -- you dragged me in so deep, and... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. [Sighs]
Jerry: Is this really necessary? I won't be able to go anywhere after Jason's friendly greeting.
McBain: Do you understand your rights as they've been explained to you?
Jerry: Would it be too much to ask to retain Alexis Davis for her services?
Jax: She's still recovering from the shot you gave her.
McBain: Get him out of here.
Jerry: Well, ask her, nevertheless. Thank you.
Jax: Why'd you ask about Ewen Keenan?
Jason: Do you know him?
Jax: Uh, just sounds familiar.
Starr: Kristina Davis and Trey Mitchell. She has long brown hair, very pretty. He is good-looking with short brown hair.
Michael: Can you tell me who you referred them to?
Starr: Well, they would have brought a camera crew. Okay. Thank you.
Michael: Did you -- do you have an address by any chance? Okay. All right. All right, thank you very much. This is a big help. And, look, if I ever get married in the future, you're the first place I'm gonna call.
Starr: You got something?
Michael: Yeah. Uh, Trey tried to book a wedding. When he tried to bring his own camera crew, they didn't let him, so they sent him to another chapel.
Starr: How long ago was this?
Michael: A couple hours. Come on. We got to stop this before that tool marries my sister.
Starr: Okay.
Esther: There.
Kristina: Thank you.
Esther: Oh, baby, those butterflies you're feeling -- they will disappear as soon as you kiss your new husband. Okay.
[Pitch pipe plays note]
Esther: [Vocalizing Wagner's "Bridal Chorus"] [Continues vocalizing]
Rev. Love: Esther, Esther. Esther, dear, thank you. Thank you, darling.
Esther: Okay, okay. Uh-huh.
Rev. Love: [Chuckles] Now, you said you had your own camera crew. I think they'd like some footage of the bride's walk up the aisle.
Trey: Yeah. Okay.
Esther: Come on, baby. Come on. Here we go. It's okay. Start right there. Wait a minute.
[Pitch pipe plays note]
Esther: [Vocalizing Wagner's "bridal chorus"] [Continues vocalizing]
Rev. Love: T-thank you, Esther. Thank you. Well, last but not least, the vows. Did you happen to prepare your own?
Trey: Kristina and I thought we would stick with the traditional.
Rev. Love: Ah. Good choice. If it's not broke, why fix it, huh? [Chuckles] After all, marriage is a solemn estate and therefore should not be entered into unadvisedly or lightly.
Carly: What are we supposed to do now? Sit and just wait to get sick?
Todd: Nobody's gonna get sick.
Carly: Really?
Todd: Yeah.
Carly: Because jerry, who held this place hostage --
Todd: He put a pathogen in the water? Let's think about this for a second. He -- he what? He's gonna kill everybody in a small town in upstate new York that only a couple million people in this world have ever even heard of? Why? What would that get him?
Carly: So you think he's trying to scare us into giving him what he wants.
Todd: Carly, I think everything's gonna be okay. I do. You don't need to worry. This guy jerry, he's an amateur. Let me tell you something. When I held my hometown hostage, I used dynamite. You know why? Because dynamite is dangerous. Water is what? Water is just water. Please. Come on. Here, I'll show you. Cheers.
Carly: What the hell are you doing?!
Todd: Didn't know you care.
Jerry: Ah, home sweet home.
Dante: Jerry Jacks.
Jerry: Detective Falconeri. Such a pleasure to see you again. I get the impression that the feeling's not mutual.
Dante: Take him to the interrogation room. Oh, don't worry. We won't make you wait too long.
Jerry: Good.
Dante: What happened to his face?
McBain: I think he tripped.
Dante: That's good. Did he tell you anything?
McBain: No, not yet.
Dante: Maybe I'll have some better luck.
McBain: Detective.
Dante: Yeah?
McBain: You mind if I sit in?
Dante: Not at all. Let's go.
Jax: Who's this Keenan guy? Why do you think he has anything to do with this?
Jason: [Sighs] Dr. Keenan is a psychiatrist who's working at general hospital right now. Originally, he's from Australia.
Jax: Well, that's a pretty big country.
Jason: Yeah, just to catch you up, we think that Alexis was injected out at Wyndemere, and I went out there to check it out, and Dr. Keenan shows up. So I did a background check. Turns out he moved to Port Charles after spending a lot of time in Alaska.
Jax: Just like jerry and me.
Patrick: Jason came to me at the hospital. He wanted to ask me a question about when jerry poisoned Nikolas. He thinks there's a connection between what happened to Alexis and Josslyn.
Elizabeth: Okay. So why involve Ewen?
Patrick: I have no idea about that part.
Elizabeth: Up until this point, Ewen has never given me a reason to doubt him. And I know he cares about his patients. He would never want to hurt them.
Patrick: I know this doesn't make any sense at all, but you do think that he's suspicious, right?
Elizabeth: He said something about not knowing that jerry would ever go this far.
Patrick: Which means that they're working together.
Elizabeth: But why? Why would Ewen ever want to work with someone like jerry Jacks?
Rev. Love: And now to symbolize your everlasting joy, the bride and groom will exchange rings. Do you have the rings?
Kristina: We were so excited, we didn't have time.
Rev. Love: Oh.
Trey: I did.
Kristina: You got me a ring?
Trey: Yeah, they, um, sell them in the hotel lobby.
Kristina: Right. I forgot.
Trey: [Chuckles]
Rev. Love: But, uh, before you two put those rings on each other's fingers, cementing your bond for all eternity, I must ask... if anyone here objects to this union, speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Sonny: You harassing Kate?
Joe Jr.: No, she's harassing me! I'm a guest at this establishment!
Sonny: She's co-owner, Joe! You came here deliberately to put yourself in her way!
Joe Jr.: How was I supposed to know that Connie Falconeri would wind up in the hospitality industry?!
Sonny: Enough! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear your garbage. Pack your bags, get out!
Joe Jr.: Whoa, on what grounds are you evicting me?
Kate: You can stay in your room as long as you pay your bill. But you might not find the service to your liking.
Sonny: Kate...
Kate: [Sighs]
Sonny: I went to the police station.
Kate: Yeah?
Sonny: And by now, jerry Jacks is in custody.
Kate: Really? Thank God.
Sonny: What's he doing here?
Kate: I don't know. He says it's -- he didn't know. I believe him. It's probably coincidence.
Sonny: No, no, no. You know what? Either way, I'm, uh... he's not coming near you again. I'm gonna take care of it.
Kate: Thank you. I appreciate that so much. But you're right, Sonny. We don't have time. If jerry Jacks is telling the truth, the pathogen's in the water. We have 48 hours to live.
Sonny: I promise you, we are not gonna go down without a fight.
Todd: Well, someone once told me that the glassware in this hotel is not complimentary.
Carly: It is when you're the owner.
Todd: You know, it's not that I don't appreciate your concern. If I drank the water, it wouldn't have mattered. I took a shower this morning. What are you doing? Careful. Give me that. You okay?
Carly: Yeah. I'm okay.
Todd: Yeah.
Carly: Shouldn't we be doing things, you know, like getting our affairs in order?
Todd: That's an interesting question, right? If you only had a little bit of time left... how would you spend it, Carly? What are you doing here with me? Where's your boyfriend?
Carly: Uh... Johnny left. H-he... wanted to give me and Jax some space so we could figure some stuff out.
Todd: Of course he did. Took the first plane out of here, didn't he?
Carly: I'm pretty sure he's already been infected.
Todd: How? You've seen the guy's hair. He's not big on the shower.
Carly: [Chuckles] Are you really gonna complain about Johnny?
Todd: No, you know what? We can complain about anything you like. We can complain about his personality. We can complain about, uh, his mob ties.
Carly: You're unbelievable.
Todd: We can complain about his --
Carly: We could be dying, and there is this huge crisis going on, and you are gonna spend the last five minutes talking... you spent five minutes trying to distract me from what's going on.
Todd: It was more like 30 seconds.
Carly: [Chuckles] Thank you.
Todd: You are very welcome.
Carly: [Sighs]
Jason: You and Keenan -- does that name mean something to you?
Jax: No. I thought it sounded familiar, but, I mean, I kept up with the news in Port Charles, so I must have read it somewhere. Listen, I'm gonna go check on my daughter. Carly told me you, uh, you stayed with her when she was sick. Thank you.
Jason: She's a great kid.
Jax: Maybe I can figure out a way to return the favor, think of a way to get through to my brother.
Dante: We know there's a counteragent. You said so in your broadcast, so why don't you tell us where it is?
Jerry: Aren't you gonna say the magic word?
Dante: Mm?
Jerry: "Please."
McBain: That's cute. You know what happens to cute boys in prison?
Dante: Yee.
Jerry: Well, I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.
Dante: [Sighs] What do you want, jerry?
Jerry: Release me, and I'll tell you.
McBain: You know we can't negotiate with you.
Jerry: Well, then I'm afraid we're at an impasse.
Elizabeth: So, what do we do now?
Patrick: We go to the police. We tell them that we think Ewen is involved.
Elizabeth: Okay, I'll call Dante. [Sighs] [Gasps] Ewen.
[Telephone ringing]
Ewen: I thought you believed me.
Jason: Come on, come on, come on.
Elizabeth: This is Elizabeth. Please leave a message.
Trey: [Exhales]
Rev. Love: Very well. And may I say, I think you made the right decision.
[Running footsteps approach]
Michael: Kristina!
Kristina: Michael, Starr, what are you guys doing here?
Michael: What do you think? We came to stop the wedding.
[Cell phone beeps]
Joe Jr.: [Sighs]
Kristina: It's too late.
Rev. Love: Uh... [Chuckles] We'll just leave you -- you all to discuss this. [Chuckles] [Clears throat] Uh, you two have the chapel till 5:00.
Starr: [Sighs]
Kristina: Say hello to Mrs. Trey Mitchell. [Laughs]
Sonny: Listen to me. We didn't come this far to let some freak like jerry Jacks take it all away from us.
Kate: I wish I could be that certain.
Sonny: We're not gonna die. We can't. You know why? We haven't gotten married yet.
Kate: [Sighs] Is that your only reason for living?
Sonny: It's the best one I know.
Todd: Hey. Nobody's gonna die. Dying's overrated.
Carly: [Chuckles] [Sniffles] You want to stick around?
Todd: Me?
Carly: Mm-hmm.
Todd: Absolutely.
Carly: Good. I'd miss you if you were gone.
Todd: What a sweet thing to say.
[Lock clicks]
Carly: Jax. What's going on?
Jax: Jerry's in custody. Who's your friend?
Carly: Uh, jasper Jacks, this is Todd Manning.
Jax: How you doing?
Todd: I'm good. Wow. You weren't kidding. He is perfect. That's like the best handshake I've ever had. I'm glad you're finally here to take care of your family.
Jax: Excuse me?
Carly: Todd. Hey, what did jerry say?
Jax: He's, uh, he's playing games, so I guess now all we can do is wait.
Todd: Yeah, I-I'm not gonna wait. Excuse me. I'll see you all around.
Carly: I know that look. You're keeping something from me. What?
Jax: Jason mentioned a doctor named Keenan.
Carly: Ewen Keenan. He's a psychiatrist.
Jax: I know. I'm just -- I'm trying to figure out why that name is so familiar to me.
Jason: Elizabeth?!
Jerry: All right. Wonderful. By all means, lock me up. We can speak again in the morning. Perhaps you'll be more receptive to negotiate the counteragent. Have a good night. It might be your last.
Sonny: Now we're even. And when people ask you where you got that fat lip, why don't you tell them a fairy did it to ya? And watch your step, 'cause I'll be watching everything you do.
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