General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/26/12
Provided By Suzanne
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Todd: What do we have here, Johnny? And to think, I was one click away from deleting this, and you're about to finally do something interesting, and by that I mean... a super-hot Kate Howard.
Kate: Excuse me?
Connie: Poor Kate can't remember shooting out Anthony Zacchara's tires.
Johnny: Connie's right. As long as Kate can't remember, I'm in the clear.
Anthony: I wouldn't be too sure about that. Kate might not remember what she did, but I do. And I'm here to make sure you never forget.
Dante: [Clears throat] So, how long are you gonna keep her under?
Ewen: Until I'm sure she's no longer a danger to herself or others.
Dante: You say that like it's her fault.
Ewen: I'm simply stating a fact. Your mother threatened you and Dr. Webber with a scalpel last night before turning it on herself.
Dante: Yeah, because Heather Webber pumped her full of LSD. Just... it's tough to see... her like this.
Ewen: I know. And, uh... I'll bring her out of sedation as soon as we're sure the drugs have cycled out of her system.
Dante: What if they don't?
Elizabeth: Steven? Is that Olivia's?
Steve: Yeah. I assume you heard.
Elizabeth: Well, about Heather and that she...
Steve: Kidnapped Luke. Took a shot at the police commissioner, and he took the bullet? How she injected Olivia with a massive dose of LSD?
Elizabeth: Are you okay?
Steve: Forget about me. Worry about Luke and Olivia.
[Elevator bell dings]
Lulu: Okay, we're here. Let's find you a bed. Do you want me to ask Steve --
Patrick: No.
Lulu: Okay. Well, tell me who you want me to talk to.
Patrick: Nobody, Lulu. This was a mistake. I shouldn't be here.
Lulu: Patrick, you have to be here.
Patrick: No. I can't do it. I can't do anything without Robin.
Anna: Last night, you said Robin was still alive. And you are going to explain to me why you would say something so cruel. And you better pray I like your answer.
Robin: Mom, Dad, someone help me! Please, someone help me.
Nurse: You're about to get all the help you need right here.
Robin: No! No! I'm -- I'm refusing treatment! I -- I don't consent to this!
Man: Just relax.
Robin: Just stop! I won't try to escape again. I promise. I promise I'll be good!
Nurse: I'm sure you will be... after the procedure.
Robin: I'll take the pills. I swear.
Nurse: You proved you couldn't be trusted.
Robin: Well, then... then drug me intravenously. Just do -- do whatever you have to do, but please, please don't do this. Please.
Nurse: I know this is upsetting. We wanted to avoid E.C.T., but you gave us no choice. We have our orders.
Robin: Whose orders? Whose orders?! Who's doing this to me?!
Anthony: What do you say, John? Give your old man a hug.
Johnny: Get the hell away from me. I killed you.
Anthony: You can't keep a guilty conscience down, and you, my grandson, are nothing if not guilty.
Johnny: Doing everything I can to make it up to Starr, all right?
Anthony: Oh, I'm sure a recording contract and a nightclub gig might more than compensate for killing her boyfriend and her daughter.
Johnny: Shut up!
Anthony: Just want you to be prepared. Starr's gonna feel the exact same way when she finds out.
Johnny: It's not gonna happen.
Anthony: Of course, it will. Kate'll tell her.
Johnny: Kate doesn't know.
Anthony: Ha! How long do you think that's gonna last?
Todd: That's a nice color on you. You look good not crazy.
Kate: Yes, Mr. Manning. Well, unemployment will do that to you.
Todd: Integration, too, from what I hear.
Kate: I'm not here to talk about Connie.
Todd: Thank God. I don't ever want to talk about Connie ever again.
Kate: Well, that makes two of us.
Todd: Well, three, really. 'Cause...
Kate: I would like to get my magazine back from you.
Todd: Your magazine.
Kate: Yes.
Todd: No. When I bought Luxcorp, I bought your magazine, and when your sanity nose-dived, so did the circulation of Crimson, so I suspended publication.
Kate: My magazine is my life. I spent many years building it.
Todd: It's a magazine about people playing dress-up. Let's talk about something really fun and interesting. Let's talk about you and Johnny Z. two-timing Sonny and my good friend Carly.
Lulu: You can do this. Just come with me. Come on.
Elizabeth: How bad is it?
Steve: I don't know. I can't even think straight. Psychopharmacology isn't exactly my specialty.
Elizabeth: But you have an opinion, don't you?
Steve: Olivia absorbed a massive, massive dose of LSD. And there's no way to predict what'll happen.
Elizabeth: What did Dr. Keenan say?
Steve: That we'll know more when she regains consciousness.
Elizabeth: Okay. Ewen is an amazing psychiatrist. This is his specialty. If anyone can pull her through, it'll be him.
Steve: Thanks. You're a good sister.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] If I can do anything for you, will you please just ask? Your mother has been monstrous--
Steve: Heather... Is not my mother.
Heather: Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Now you want to talk about your dear, undeparted Robin.
Anna: I strongly advise you to skip the taunts. You just get to whatever proof it is you think you have.
Heather: Last night, when I mentioned Robin, you refused to listen. I was a cruel, evil bitch.
Anna: Yeah, I think that's pretty accurate. You murdered Maggie Wurth, Luke nearly died because of you, and Olivia -- I don't even know what's gonna happen --
Heather: Olivia's gonna be just fine. She experienced a little too much purple haze. Hey, it happened to me once. Look at me now.
Lulu: You have friends, and we're all gonna help you get better.
Patrick: Ah. Why is it so hard for you to comprehend, Lulu? I can't get better in here, okay? My colleagues, if they find out, my reputation is shot.
Lulu: If you don't get help in a hospital, under supervision, you are not gonna have a reputation to worry about.
Patrick: Just because you had a couple relatives that are addicts, it doesn't make you an authority. You understand that?
Lulu: You know what? It doesn't take an authority to know that if you don't start to deal with your issues, you are gonna continue swiping more drugs, and you will lose Emma. Patrick, all the drugs in the world are not gonna bring Robin back. I'm sorry, but you really need to get help. This is really the only way.
Robin: Tell me right now who's behind this!
Nurse: I'm not at liberty to reveal that information.
Robin: I have a right to know who's keeping me from my husband and my little girl.
Nurse: You need to calm down and stop worrying. This will all be over soon.
Robin: [Whimpers]
Johnny: There are exactly two people in this world who know what happened to Cole and Hope -- me and Connie -- and neither of us is talking.
Anthony: I wouldn't bet the farm on Connie's silence.
Johnny: She's got at least as much incentive to keep her mouth shut as I do. If Kate remembers, Connie gets integrated out of existence.
Anthony: And you get a one-way ticket to Pentonville. Are you seriously willing to take that chance? And even if Connie doesn't give you up, what about Kate's shrink?
Johnny: Dr. Keenan? What about him?
Anthony: Kate is still in therapy, John. What if Dr. Keenan digs far enough inside her head to uncover what you did? And Connie is impulsive and sloppy. She leaves evidence around, like that tube of lipstick.
Johnny: I'll toss the lipstick.
Anthony: These things have a tendency to escalate. How long before Connie does something you can't cover up? Now, the way I see it, you've got three options -- one, come clean to little Starr. Ha! I didn't think so. Number two -- kill Connie.
Johnny: I'm finished killing.
Anthony: Then you got one option left.
Johnny: What's that?
Anthony: Run.
Kate: What happened between my alter and Johnny is none of your business, and it's in the past.
Todd: Are you sure?
Kate: I don't want to talk about my illness, Mr. Manning. I want to talk about how I can get my magazine back.
Todd: Well, okay. Um, what's in it for me? You know, besides a huge overhead and a sneak peak at the next fall line of Valentini?
Kate: Valentino.
Todd: It's a magazine. The world needs another magazine like it needs another daytime-TV chat show.
Kate: You do realize that I can have you evicted.
Todd: Come on.
Kate: The lease agreement stipulates that you must get my permission to renovate -- to change anything in this office.
Todd: Your business partner and my good friend Carly, she signed off on all of these changes. Now, you can talk to your lawyer if you like, but I'm pretty sure that I'm within my rights as a tenant.
Kate: Perhaps you'd respond differently if the compromise came from Sonny.
Todd: Are you threatening me? You are? You're gonna sic your goomba boyfriend on me? Well, you don't sound like a hoity-toity fashion-magazine editor right now, do you? Am I talking to Kate? 'Cause it kind of sounds like I'm talking to Connie.
Elizabeth: I can't imagine what it would be like to have Heather as a mother and --
Steve: Heather is not my mother. My mother is the woman who raised me and you and Sarah. All Heather has ever done is use me, right from the beginning when she sold me as a baby. And I knew it! So why was I so willing... to trust her?
Elizabeth: Because you wanted to believe that she could change.
Steve: Lizzie, I let that woman into my life and look what happened. She killed Maggie, and God knows what's gonna happen to Olivia.
Elizabeth: Steven, please don't blame yourself.
Steve: Taking responsibility for Heather was the biggest mistake of my life. I need to see Olivia.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Ewen: Okay. Your -- your mother's gone through a harrowing ordeal. Now, when she wakes up, she... she might be confused and disoriented and quite afraid.
Dante: Okay. What -- what can I do?
Ewen: Just be her son. Reassure her, and keep in mind the numbers -- the medicine and the case history -- are all on her side.
Dante: Thank you.
Ewen: Of course. I'll be on hand when it's time to bring her around. Oh, and... I don't know your mother well, but, you know, in the course of our few conversations... it was clear that she was strong, shrewd, and very stubborn.
Dante: Seems like you know her better than you think.
Ewen: Olivia suspected Heather before anyone else. She won't let Heather get the best of her in the end.
Heather: So you're willing to consider the crazy idea that your precious Robin might still be alive.
Anna: Why don't you tell me what you think you know about her. And if you refuse to answer, I have ways to compel you.
Heather: You know something, Slim, you're not looking so hot. Are you not sleeping well at night? Are you lying awake, thinking I might just be telling the truth after all?
Lulu: Can you sit tight while I go find Dr. Keenan? Patrick?
Patrick: You know, when Robin and I first got together... we'd, like, sneak off into closets. There was this one time that Epiphany came in on us. [Chuckles] Robin was so embarrassed, she got beet red. And I used to make fun of her about it.
Lulu: Are you gonna be okay if I leave you here for two minutes?
Patrick: Yeah. I'll stay here.
[Door closes]
Patrick: [Sighs] Can't go anywhere without Robin.
Robin: Please... the effects of E.C.T. on memory are unpredictable.
Nurse: I know all about electroconvulsive therapy. I've administered this treatment hundreds of times. It's perfectly safe.
Robin: You could be causing brain damage. That can't be what your boss really wants.
Nurse: I don't speculate on the intentions of my superiors.
Robin: Well, you should. And so should your boss. Because when my mother finds out about this, she's gonna kill you both with her bare hands.
Elizabeth: Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry. I, um... hmm.
Ewen: I miss you. Maybe that's my fault for -- for not following up after our dinner together. I wanted to, but... I felt you backing off, so... I backed off, too, and... now we've both backed off, and... I don't, for the life of me, know why. But maybe you decided that you weren't ready for another relationship. Or perhaps you prefer someone else? Look, all things said, you know, I'm still interested. If I didn't make that clear before, I -- I want to make it clear now. I am still... interested in you.
[Monitors beeping]
Steve: You know, for months... Olivia tried to warn me about Heather, but I wouldn't listen. I let my mother manipulate me... to the point where I believed it was Olivia acting unfairly. I refused to accept the truth. Heather is, and was, dangerous.
Dante: Look, her doctors should have never released her from Ferncliff. Okay? But they did, and she took full advantage.
Steve: Still my responsibility.
Dante: No, look. She doesn't want you beating yourself up about this. She wants you to help her pull her through, okay? Dr. Keenan seems to think she's gonna be -- she's gonna be just fine.
Steve: My sister has a lot of faith in you and Keenan. I hope she's right.
Ewen: I don't mean to put you on the spot, especially here, of all places, but... I needed to -- to make my feelings clear. What happens next is -- it's up to you. Do you still have my number?
Elizabeth: Yes, I -- I do.
Ewen: Good.
Lulu: Dr. Keenan, hi. I need to speak with you in private. I'm so sorry for interrupting.
Elizabeth: We'll talk about this later.
Ewen: Sure. Just let me know.
Lulu: Come with me.
Kate: I told you Connie's gone. I'm integrated.
Todd: Yeah, I'm not so certain. Are you?
Kate: I am certain.
Todd: You better be. Because your illness is the only reason that you're aboveground after killing my granddaughter.
Kate: And I will carry that guilt with me for the rest of my life, Mr. Manning.
Todd: That guilt won't bring my granddaughter back.
Kate: So in lieu of killing me, you're gonna kill my magazine.
Todd: Yeah. Rest in peace, Crimson.
Kate: No. Listen-- oh, so, now what? You're gonna tell me next that I should be grateful you haven't done something worse?
Todd: Here's what I know about D.I.D.
[Cell phone rings]
Kate: You're not listening --
Todd: ...If it turns out you were just a Connie in Kate's clothing --
Kate: This is Kate Howard. Yes, Olivia Falconeri is my cousin. What? Wh-when? Oh. Yes, I'll be right there. Do you realize that your gossip columnist attacked my cousin last night?
Todd: Sure. It's already front-page news -- "LSD O.D. Oh, da, doo dah day." Wow. So serious.
Johnny: I'm not leaving Port Charles.
Anthony: Connie's still unpredictable. And even if she keeps her word, she and Kate are both nuts. What if one of them has another meltdown? You'll be as good as dead. Cut your losses and go.
Johnny: I got a life here.
Anthony: You won't once the truth comes out.
Johnny: I'll make sure that doesn't happen.
Anthony: How? As long as Kate --
Johnny: I finally have everything I want! I'm finally out of your filthy business! I got my nightclub!
Anthony: You can open a nightclub anywhere.
Johnny: Yeah, but I won't have Carly.
Anthony: You'll find another woman.
Johnny: It won't be her. Look, I lost her once. I'm not losing her ag--
Anthony: You and Carly are over. She just doesn't know it yet.
Johnny: You shut the hell up!
[Glass shatters]
Johnny: What the hell?
Todd: So you say Connie's gone and you're all better. Let's go to the videotape.
Johnny: Kate?
Connie: [Scoffs] Guess again.
Johnny: Connie.
Connie: Ho ho! Give the man a cigar.
Johnny: Aren't you supposed to be...gone?
Connie: Yeah. What can I say? The reports of my death were greatly exaggerated.
[Key clicks]
Todd: Gotcha.
Robin: My mother happens to be a trained killer, meaning she kills people for a living, and when she finds out that I'm alive, and she will, she's gonna come for me. And she is gonna come for you, too, and everyone that took me away.
Nurse: Yes, we know all about Anna Devane. We're ready for her.
Heather: I'm so pleased you finally came around.
Anna: 'Cause you're just lying! Luke believes that, too.
Heather: Well, I don't care what Luke believes. He's not thinking straight. He's all hopped on painkillers. Now, about Robin --
Anna: You failed to come between me and Luke, so you kidnap him. You fail at that and you try to kill me instead. And you fail a third time, and you shoot the man you claim to love.
Heather: I love Luke so much more than you ever will.
Anna: The only weapon you have left is lies.
Heather: This is not a lie. Robin's alive. And if you don't want to hear it, maybe your son-in-law will.
[Door opens]
Lulu: Hey, you're still here. Good.
Ewen: Dr. Drake. Thanks, Lulu. I'll take it from here.
Lulu: Okay. Patrick, I'll check in with you. Soon.
Patrick: Thank you.
Lulu: Thank you.
Patrick: So, what'd she tell you?
Ewen: That you have a substance-abuse problem. And you miss your wife. How about we start there?
Patrick: [Breathes deeply]
Nurse: Don't worry. This will all be over soon.
Robin: Turn it on high.
Nurse: Excuse me?
Robin: You heard me. Crank it all the way up! You know what? In fact, you better kill me, because if I don't die, I will use every last thought, every part of my body that I can still move, to kill you myself!
Nurse: Really?
Robin: [Breathing heavily] Mom... Dad, I love you. Uncle Mac... Patrick, Emma -- baby, I love you so much. I'll never forget you. I promise. I'll never, ever, ever forget you. [Whimpers] I promise. I promise. I promise.
[Electricity crackling]
Anna: No, no, no. You don't spread this poison to Patrick. It's bad enough that you're torturing me. I won't let you get to him.
Heather: Well, since you're so resistant, it only seems fair to tell someone who might be willing to listen to the truth.
Anna: Oh, God, he's mourning his wife, for God's sake!
Heather: And I can put a stop to that. You, Patrick, and little Emma, you can all be together, and you can bask in the wonderfulness that is Robin. I can reunite the Scorpio family, and I will -- on one condition.
Dante: Hey. Hey, how's it going?
Lulu: How are you?
Dante: How's -- how's your dad?
Lulu: Much better. We had a good talk.
Dante: Good, good. I'm glad he's doing okay.
Lulu: How's your mom?
Dante: I don't know, I mean, they said she's gonna make a full recovery.
Lulu: Are you worried?
Dante: You just didn't see her last night. I mean, she was -- she was so scared and, uh... seeing things that weren't there, you know, and then she had that knife to her throat, and I just can't get that image -- I just can't get it out of my head. The fact that someone can do that to her, do that to my mother, and to make her something she's not... they say she's gonna be fine, but, I mean, what if they're wrong? What if my mother, as I know her, is gone, and she's lost -- I don't know -- inside her head or something? I mean, does that even happen? I don't know.
Lulu: Come here.
Todd: Kate, I hate to say "I told you so," but these alters, they -- they don't go away so easy.
Connie: You see, integration only really happens if the host can remember everything the alter said or did. And, uh, there can't be any secrets. Yeah? You know I got a whopper.
Todd: Enough gloating, Connie. Cough it up.
Johnny: What is that?
Anthony: My guess would be some kind of surveillance equipment. But I'm dead, so what do I know?
Johnny: What secret are you referring to, exactly?
Connie: It's not a secret to you. It's a secret to Kate. Because poor Kate can't remember shooting out Anthony Zacchara's tires. But there's a reason, right? Because you and I both know she didn't do it.
Johnny: No. This can't be happening.
Anthony: Don't look now, Johnny. Someone's spying on ya.
Johnny: Get the hell out of my office!
Connie: I'll tell you exactly what happened at the PCPD. You got me to take the blame for shooting out Anthony's tires, and you know I didn't do it.
Johnny: Who did this? Who planted this here?
Anthony: Could be a lot of people. You don't lack for enemies.
Connie: Kate is over -- over herself with this. She has so much guilt, she can't believe that she did something she didn't really do. So I'm not gonna say nothing, Johnny. I'm not gonna tell the cops, Kate, nobody!
Johnny: Then what are you doing here, huh?
Connie: I need someone to know that I exist. The same way you need someone to know the truth, Johnny. I'm your safe place.
Johnny: Screw you.
Connie: You need to talk to someone, and it has to be me before you go talk to someone else who has no incentive to keep their mouth shut. You did it!
Johnny: Fine. It was me. I did it. I'm guilty, all right?
Anthony: Who would want to spy on you, John? How long have they had that camera there? What have they seen?
Johnny: Look, I'm doing my best to make it up to Starr.
Connie: How? By helping her with her stupid little album? You think writing some songs is gonna make up for killing her boyfriend and her baby? Not that I'm here to judge.
Todd: Johnny, you son of a bitch! You killed my granddaughter!
Johnny: Then why are you here, Connie?
Connie: I want to make sure you don't grow a conscience, Johnny, all right? Because if you say anything, if you fess to anything, we're both dead.
Anthony: Think, Johnny. Your life comes down to what you've said in this office and who you said it to. How much are you on the hook for?
Connie: You're not gonna confess, right?
Johnny: No. I'm not gonna lose everything I care about, all right? Yo-- Carly, this club -- I'm finally starting my life over, and I got plans for the future for both.
Connie: You and me both, pal.
Johnny: I'm on the hook for everything. Kind of risky, don't you think? Coming all the way over here, sneaking out?
Connie: How so?
Johnny: Well, when Kate wakes up in the morning, she's gonna realize that she blacked out and she's not fully integrated.
Connie: It's all good, Johnny. I left when she was asleep, and I'm gonna slip right back in next to Sonny, which won't be my favorite thing, but he's a necessary evil right now. And tomorrow, Kate will wake up just as stupid as she was yesterday.
Johnny: Oh, so you got it all figured out, huh?
Connie: That's right. And you know what, Johnny? No one's gonna know that we had this
Johnny: Mm.
Todd: Guess again.
Patrick: The last few days that I was taking them, I, uh... I was seeing, like, visions of -- and I mean, I -- I know that it was the drugs, but it just.. it felt like she was still real, you know?
Ewen: Robin's made the decision to stop that much more difficult, yeah?
Patrick: I -- I don't know if I've actually made that decision yet.
Ewen: Well, that's -- that's the best answer you could have given. You told the truth. You know, if I'm going to help you, I need you to be honest with me at all times, no matter how difficult or embarrassed you might feel, Dr. Drake. Honesty is -- is key.
Patrick: Well, I don't know what part of the dependency is physical or emotional right now.
Ewen: Right. The most challenging thing will be dealing with the loss of Robin. These past few months since her death, you've -- you've been in a kind of limbo. You need to learn how to move forward in life without her, Dr. Drake, and you will be able to do this, and... it will be a life worth living. I promise.
Dante: Dr. Keenan says when the drugs get through her system, then she should be fine.
Kate: I'm very sorry I couldn't get here sooner. What can I do?
Dante: Nothing. We just -- we just got to wait.
Kate: Have you eaten? Because if your mother wakes up and realizes I haven't fed you, she's --
Lulu: That's so unlike you.
Kate: I know. I -- you're used to me barking at you for lattes, and now I'm bringing you food. It's just a reflex -- a Falconeri female thing. When we get worried, we smother. Your mother's the worst at that.
Dante: I know, I know.
Kate: You know, I'm gonna run to Kelly's.
Dante: No, please don't. Just...stay here with her. It'll do her good.
Kate: All right, but then when I -- when I'm done, I'm gonna bring you something, and you're gonna let me do that.
Dante: Okay.
Kate: Okay.
Dante: Look, if you got to go see your dad, do that.
Lulu: No. I'm right where I need to be.
Patrick: So what happens now?
Ewen: We, uh -- we get you admitted. And I -- I know you're concerned about your reputation, but don't worry, okay? It's all right. I've -- I've treated other doctors with substance-abuse problems, and I know how to be discreet.
Patrick: I hope so.
Ewen: There will be withdrawal symptoms. It's -- it's going to get ugly. But...I'll be there to help you. You know, the same way you helped me on the operating table.
Patrick: I want you to know that when I did your surgery, I... I was sober. I wasn't on the pills yet.
Ewen: That's...good to know.
[Cell phone rings]
Ewen: Oh. [Clears throat] I need to take this, but in the meantime, fill out this intake form, and, uh... don't go anywhere.
[Ringing continues]
[Door closes]
Steve: I can't believe what my mother's done.
Kate: Liv's tough, you know? She never quit a fight. The harder someone tried to push her down, the stronger she stood up. There was this awful girl in school -- Chrissie Lucca. Ooh. She wanted to get in it with me one day. I tried to walk it off, but she cornered me. And I knew she was gonna tear my hair out by the roots. And then she got this really nervous look on her face. And I realized that Liv was right there. [Chuckles] By the time we got through with Chrissie Lucca, trust me, she never messed with either of us again.
Steve: Falconeri girls.
Kate: That's right. Takes a lot to bring us down, you know. But... no matter what, we always stay strong. I've been to hell and back -- look at me. I made it back. Liv will, too.
Johnny: Connie was here last night. We talked about everything -- you, Starr, Cole... Hope. If this camera was here, then --
Anthony: You have to assume it was.
Johnny: ...Then somebody somewhere can put me away.
Anthony: Or worse.
Todd: How did I not see this coming? How did I not see this coming? You son of a bitch, Johnny. All your hand-wringing and your beating of your chest and your redemption, all the crap you fed Carly about how her love had changed you! You liar! You lied to my daughter? You lied to my little girl? You tell her you're gonna help her? You're some kind of a savior, because you killed her child! It should have been you! Should have been you that went over that cliff! Should have been you that burned in that car! I can't make you suffer the way they suffered! But I can sure as hell make you die.
Anna: All right, let's hear it.
Heather: I want full immunity. You'll drop all charges. I'll be a free woman. Oh, and one more thing -- I want a public apology from you.
Anna: An apology?
Heather: Allow me to heal my relationship with my son, and I'll do the same for you and your daughter. That's the deal. Take it or leave it.
Anna: I'll leave it, thanks.
Heather: Really?
Anna: Yeah.
Heather: Then you'll never hear the truth about Robin.
Anna: No, I will.
Heather: Oh, no, you won't.
Anna: Yeah.
Heather: No, because we have a deal, or we --
Anna: [Pulls a gun on Heather] You talk.
Nurse: I hate this part of the job.
[Door opens]
Nurse: Yes, we did exactly as you instructed. Dr. Scorpio took the full dose. It's done.
[A sign shows Robin is at Ferncliff's Critical Care Unit]
Elizabeth: Yes, I need results for Olivia Falconeri. Doctor's name is Ewen Keenan. Yes, I'll hold.
Kate: Well, your mother would have a rosary, but we'll just have to do without one.
Lulu: Do what?
Kate: Say the Hail Mary. It's a Falconeri family tradition. My Aunt Theresa swears by it, and she must be right because every Falconeri in Liv and my generation is alive and kicking.
Dante: Hmm.
Kate: So why don't you grab your mother's hand?
Dante: It seems like you're channeling Aunt Theresa right now.
Kate: Yeah, I guess I am. Is there a harm in that?
Dante: No.
Kate: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Anthony: I've got to say, Johnny, this does not look good. Somebody's had eyes and ears on your inner sanctum. You, my grandson, are good and screwed.
Johnny: I am. Aren't I?
[Knock on door]
Todd: Hi, Johnny. Everything okay?
Heather: I did see her. It was right before I was released. I heard they were bringing in a new patient to the critical-care unit. And they were supposed to keep her identity under wraps. Well, I was curious, so I nosed around, and that new patient happened to be Robin.
Anna: No. It couldn't... be Robin. You were mistaken. It was someone that looked like her.
Heather: I saw her. I saw her face, just as clearly as I'm seeing yours now. She was with a nurse -- Nurse Fletcher. But there was someone telling that nurse what to do.
Anna: Who?
Heather: I didn't see his face.
Anna: It was a man? What was his name?
Heather: Fletcher just called him "Doctor."
Nurse: [to Ewen] We did as you instructed. I hope you know what you're doing, Doctor. The patient -- she -- she didn't respond well.
On the next "General Hospital":
Johnny: Whatever it is you think you know about me--
Todd: Oh, I do know, Johnny. I was right about you all along.
Tracy (to Luke): Were you planning on dumping me and rushing back to Anna?
Anna: Oh, if there's any truth to this, Robin, I will tear this place apart.
Carly (to Jason): You're not divorcing Sam.
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