GH Transcript Thursday 7/5/12

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/5/12


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Brenda

(Bell rings)

Tracy: Luke!

Anna: No. Sorry to disappoint.

Molly: The water's perfect right now. Why don't you put on your suit and we can go for a swim?

T.J.: Where can I change?

Molly: Uh, here's fine. I will go get us some snacks for us to take to the dock. I'll be back in a few minutes.

T.J.: Wait.

Kristina: I can't let you spend all afternoon cooped up in a dingy warehouse. It's gorgeous outside.

Trey: Yeah, well, I have to work.

Kristina: You will be working...on your tan. You don't want to look pasty during our press tour now, do you?

Trey: Well, there's not gonna be a show to promote if we don't get any footage.

Kristina: Ugh! The cameras have been rolling for weeks. I'm sure the crew could use a break and you could use a break. Maybe we even can take some time to enjoy the holiday? Trust me. You don't want to miss the fireworks.

Trey: Okay, look, I'm not gonna miss a thing, right? Guys will get everything on tape. I can watch it in playback whenever I want. Right now, we have a tour to get to.

Kristina: Why are you so interested in my dad's coffee business?

Trey: The show is called

"Mob Princess" for a reason. Your dad's running a whole lot more than coffee through that warehouse.

Kristina: You honestly think my dad would invite you for a tour if something illegal was going on?

Trey: Of course not. Just Sonny's a smart guy. He'd probably get everything cleaned up before the cameras even showed up, which is why we're not gonna tell him we're coming. Who knows what we might walk in on.

Joe Jr.: You're making a mistake.

Sonny: You forced yourself on Kate to teach me a lesson? You know what I learned, Joe? Bastards like you deserve to hurt...a hell of a lot more.

Joe Jr.: Connie Falconeri got pregnant with my kid, dumped him the day he was born, and took off. You want to kill me over a woman like that?

Sonny: I'm gonna enjoy it!

McBain: Sorry I'm late... but I'd kill for a cup of coffee.

Sam: My son was my last chance to be a mother. And now he's gone.

Todd: I am sorry for what happened to you.

Sam: Why? It's not your fault.

Todd: I need to tell you about something.

Sam: Tell me about what?

Todd: Your baby.

Sonny: You have lousy timing, McBain.

McBain: Yeah, well, you know, I would have been here sooner, but I got tied up in New Orleans. I know. I know -- nothing personal... unlike what's going on here.

Joe Jr.: You have to stop him. He's gonna kill me.

McBain: No, he's not gonna do that. You're gonna hand him over to me, aren't you, Sonny?

Sonny: You had your chance. From what I heard, Jason got you there in time just to save your ass. Now you get the hell out of here before I have Max drag you out.

McBain: Max is otherwise incapacitated.

Sonny: It's not your business.

McBain: You know better.

Sonny: Look at him. He's filth.

McBain: No doubt about it. But I'm still taking him.

Sonny: Don't bet on it.

Kristina: My dad's warehouse isn't going anywhere. The sun -- that's another story. Why don't we just spend a couple hours here? Lay out, swim, and then you can go do work later.

Trey: Kristina, this show is important to me. Okay? I thought it was important to you, too.

Kristina: Forget trying to guilt me. I'm just as committed to "Mob Princess" as you are.

Trey: Yeah, not at the moment, you're not.

Kristina: The whole country has the day off today. It would be un-American not to enjoy it.

Trey: Okay, I think you're forgetting the gold here. Or are you just comfortable with your parents running your life, trying to change your mind at every turn?

Kristina: I know why I'm doing this.

Trey: Good. Maybe you can explain why you're doing this. I thought we were under the understanding that this was supposed to be professional between you and me -- business first. Why are you ignoring that?

Kristina: Why are you ignoring the way you felt when you kissed me?

Molly: What was that for?

T.J.: I missed you. I thought we'd be able to see each other more now that it's summer, but I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks.

Molly: Well, you're always working.

T.J.: It's not by choice. Shawn's got me working extra shifts at Kelly's. He thinks that me having a job will keep me out of trouble or something.

Molly: Or keep you away from me. Shawn would totally freak if he found out you were here with me.

Shawn: Probably.

Molly: Which is why you can't show up on my sister's TV show.

T.J.: I get it. You think she'll tell anybody?

Molly: No. Nothing's gonna distract Kristina from how mad she is at my mom.

Trey: Hey, guys, get the car loaded! I'll be right there!

Kristina: We're both consenting adults. I don't see what the problem is.

Trey: Look, if we don't get any useful footage at the warehouse, then I'm gonna be forced to use the footage of your sister stealing kisses from her forbidden boyfriend.

Kristina: You said you erased that footage of Molly.

Trey: Yeah, well, get me something better to replace it with, huh?

[Car door opens]

Kristina: Maybe there's a different way to change your mind.

Trey: Krissy, just --

Alexis: Hi.

Kristina: Mom! Uh... I thought you were working today.

Alexis: Yeah, I was. I thought it would be nice if I took time off to spend with my daughters.

T.J.: Sounds like someone just pulled up.

Molly: It's probably just the rest of the crew. My mom hates having the cameras around, so Kristina and Trey are gonna make the most of her being at work. And we should, too.

Alexis: I thought we'd make a picnic and go down to the lake, watch the fireworks like we used to.

Kristina: Sorry. We have plans. Don't we?

Trey: Yeah. Yeah, we're --

Kristina: We're going swimming.

Trey: Going to Sonny's warehouse.

Kristina: We're busy.

Alexis: Fine. I'll ask Molly.

Molly: Well, that's not what I meant about making the most of the day.

T.J.: No?

Molly: No.

T.J.: So, then, what did you mean?

Molly: Put on your suit first and I'll show you. You should probably change before the day gets away from us.

T.J.: I'm more concerned about you getting away from me.

Sam: What about my baby?

Todd: I'm not sure how to say this.

Sam: Just say it. Tell me what you know about my baby.

Heather: Well, Happy Independence Day!

Todd: What are you doing here?

Heather: You hired me, remember?

Todd: It's a holiday. The office is closed.

Heather: Gossip doesn't take holidays. Neither does your assistant, apparently.

Todd: Sam and I are just -- we're discussing something. Can you come back later?

Heather: Not if you want the early edition to get out on time. My first column. It can't go to press without your approval.

Todd: I'll take a look at it. As soon as Sam and I are finished.

Heather: It took me a little longer than I expected. But that's because I found out a little rat was following me -- a rat named Spinelli. But you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?

Anna: Are you enjoying your holiday?

Tracy: I was until you decided to crash my family barbecue.

Anna: Uh, yeah, well, I'm here on police business, you see.

Tracy: With a warrant?

Anna: No, I don't need one. Monica and Edward, they've kindly allowed me to search the premises.

Tracy: The police have already done that.

Anna: Yeah, no, I thought I'd do it myself, in case they missed something.

Tracy: Really? Gee, I didn't realize that police commissioners have the time to personally inspect every crime scene.

Anna: You see, I have Mayor Lomax on my back, and she really wants me to close any unsolved cases. For example, the disappearance of your husband.

Tracy: You're not gonna find him here.

Anna: Would you answer some questions for me?

Tracy: I have already told you absolutely everything I know!

Anna: Right. Anthony's dead.

Tracy: He is dead. And guess who killed him -- Luke.

Anna: See, I'm not so sure.

Tracy: Really? Hmm. Do you have a better suspect?

Heather: How dare you and that little cybergeek go after me.

Sam: Look, if Spinelli is investigating you --

Heather: "If"? I caught him trailing me. Stealth isn't his strong suit, which seems odd, considering how dependent your business is on it.

Sam: No, Spinelli and I are not business partners -- not anymore. So if he's tailing you or investigating you, then you've got to take it up with him.

Heather: Your obvious virtues may fool men but not me. You're awfully quiet.

Todd: I-I really don't know what to say.

Heather: Well, you could start by telling me what's going on here -- the two of you, with your heads together on a holiday. And don't lie to me. I'm the gossip columnist. I know when someone's feeding me a line.

Sam: Todd was just about to tell me something.

Heather: That's suspiciously vague.

Sam: It was...something about my baby.

Tracy: Why don't you just say it? You think I killed him.

Anna: I think you're pointing the finger at Luke because you're mad at him.

Tracy: And you're not? He left you high and dry that night, as well, unless the two of you have already made up.

Anna: No. No, I haven't heard from him since he said he was coming over to...straighten things out with you.

Tracy: You mean dump me. It's okay. You can say it. It's not the first time. Luke and I tend to burn bright and then flame out just as quickly, usually when something or someone... takes his attention. It's the thing about Luke Spencer -- he has the attention span of a gnat.

Anna: For someone you claim to love, you clearly don't have a very high opinion of him.

Tracy: Well, you shouldn't, either. He's clearly played both of us and God knows how many other women. He's probably shacking up with someone right now.

Heather: If you'll excuse us, Mr. Manning and I have some important business to discuss in private.

Sam: W-wait. What about my baby? What were you gonna tell me?

Heather: Whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait until later. You see, we're on a deadline. And a paper can't turn a profit that doesn't go to print.

Todd: I could take the hit. I could afford it.

Heather: Well, I can't. See, this job's a second chance for me, and I'm not gonna let anything or anyone get in the way.

Todd: Can you just give us a few minutes? I really do want to talk to you more.

Sam: Yes. Of course.

Heather: Why don't you make yourself useful and order us some lunch? Hey, I, for one, am famished. Chinese okay with you? We can discuss the column over lunch. Come on. Let's eat. Make that mu shu for two.

Todd: You okay with that?

Heather: Why wouldn't she be? She's your assistant. It's her job to keep you happy, well-fed.

Sam: Yes, I can handle it.

Heather: There you go. You were talking to her about the baby? What the hell were you thinking?!

Sonny: You gonna save this bastard's life after what he did to your sister?

Joe Jr.: I -- I didn't do anything to Theresa. It was Sonny. He killed her. It's the truth! What, you don't believe me? Then why was Sonny found next to Theresa's body with a gun in his hand?!

Sonny: I was trying to help her! But it was too late. She was already dead because you put a bullet in her chest!

Joe Jr.: No, don't listen to him. Sonny's just looking for an excuse to waste me.

Sonny: I don't need one, Joe.

McBain: Put the gun down, Sonny. Put the gun down.

Sonny: Your sister wasn't the only victim. There was Kate, and there was a lot of other ones, but I am gonna make sure... that there's not gonna be any more.

Kristina: That's not fair.

Trey: How do you figure? I just want to go down to your father's warehouse and see what he's shelving besides coffee. You want to help keep Molly and her secret boyfriend's relationship a secret, so win-win. We both get what we want if we leave now.

Kristina: I cannot believe you're using my little sister to get your way.

Trey: Really? It's so much worse than what you're using to get your way?

Kristina: Fine. You want to go to the stupid warehouse, we'll go to the stupid warehouse, but first, you better erase the footage of Molly -- oh, God -- T.J.

[Pop music plays]

I could be your number-one little party. I like to get my groove on the party groove on, get your groove on 'cause I know I got the boom-boom body

[Music continues]

Alexis: Oh, my... G-o-o-o-o-od!

Trey: Sounds like the secret's out.

Joe Jr.: I-I have plenty of women panning at my feet -- always have. Why would I need to force myself on Connie when she was asking for it?

Sonny: You're just begging to die, Joe.

McBain: He ain't smart -- all right? -- But you need to be. You got kids to think about. You got Kate.

Sonny: I am thinking about Kate and what she did. It's his fault she got sick.

McBain: Okay. Okay, but Kate avoided prison time, right? You won't be so lucky, Sonny. You kill him, it's murder one, plain and simple.

Sonny: He deserves to die, but first... he's gonna admit why he killed your sister.

Joe Jr.: Screw you, Corinthos. I'm not saying nothing.

McBain: You know what? You ain't smart, are you? It's not good to antagonize the guy with the gun in your face, all right? I mean, he doesn't have to kill you. He can just hurt you -- a lot.

Sonny: I like the way you think, lieutenant.

McBain: Then again, you can tell me what happened to Theresa.

Sonny: You got 3 seconds, Joe. 1...

Joe Jr.: Don't stand there.

McBain: Don't look at me. You can help yourself.

Sonny: ...2...

McBain: 3.

Joe Jr.: Okay! I did it! I killed Theresa.

Anna: We could just theorize about where Luke is all day long.

Tracy: Yes, we certainly could if we wanted to waste time. He and his companion of the moment could be practically anywhere by now, from Burma to Borneo, as long as she's picking up the tab.

Anna: Could we just stick to the matter at hand, which is your presumed dead husband.

Tracy: It is not a presumption. He is dead. I found the body.

Anna: Right. In here.

Tracy: Yes, in here, along with the murder weapon.

Anna: And then what?

Tracy: [Sighs] Luke and I were accusing each other, which was really just a diversion because Luke actually killed him.

Anna: All right, so you were arguing. Then what?

Tracy: Well, your officer what's-her-name showed up.

Anna: Padilla.

Tracy: Yes, she showed up with another policeman.

Anna: She was responding to this call about shots fired on the premises.

Tracy: Yes, she was. And they were on their way down here to the boathouse, and Luke and I did not want to get caught with a dead body.

Anna: All right, so, you grab this body and you take off.

Tracy: We made it as far as the terrace, where we laid him out on a lounge.

Anna: And that's where Padilla found you.

Tracy: You know, if she's the best and the brightest your police academy has to offer, you have your work cut out for you. That woman was standing right next to a dead body and didn't realize he was dead.

Anna: Yeah. All right. Well, according to her report, she says that the subject was unresponsive and that Luke said he was sleeping.

Tracy: [Scoffs] Yeah. Luke said a lot of things that weren't true. At the top of the list was that he was innocent of murder.

Anna: If the plan was for you two to get rid of the body, why didn't you do it right after Padilla and the other officers left?

Tracy: We would have, if Heather Webber hadn't shown up.

Heather: You just don't get it, do you. Sam's not here to make a fresh start. She's a spy, and she's digging up dirt on you.

Todd: I'm not blind. I know what she's doing. She was poking around this desk when I walked in on her this morning.

Heather: Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you just fire her and get it over with?

Todd: That would look a little suspicious, don't you think, if I fired her the day after I hired her? Shouldn't I wait for her to do at least one thing that's stupid and incompetent?

Heather: Just don't pretend you're not keeping her around to ease your conscience.

Todd: You know what? I feel like hell because of what I did to Sam. And I promised myself that I would do anything that I could to try and make it up to her. Excuse me for having a heart.

Heather: Which seems to come and go like the wind.

Todd: You don't know anything about my heart.

Heather: How about the day you offed your brother?

Todd: My brother was a miserable human being. The argument could be made that he deserved to die.

Heather: Not according to his widow.

Todd: Okay. That's another thing -- you don't get to talk about Téa, okay? You don't know Téa. But she is a very principled woman. She is a pain in the ass. And I'm sure that she would not want Sam to suffer any more than I do.

Heather: Sam doesn't deserve your sympathy or your guilt.

Todd: She's grieving for a baby that isn't dead -- a baby that I could give back to her. How do I not feel guilty about that?

Robert: Delivery?

Sam: Oh! Hi. That was -- Robert!

Robert: Hey, Sam. How's it going?

Sam: Great. Thank you.

Robert: My grandparents gave the regular guy the day off.

Sam: How are your grandparents?

Robert: They still talk about you and Jason. Joining of the dragon and the phoenix. That was a wedding to remember.

Sam: Yeah, well, your grandparents made it special and so did you.

Robert: It was my pleasure. I mean, the love in your eyes when you looked at Jason... can't imagine how it's grown since.

Alexis: What are you doing in my daughter's room in your underwear?

T.J.: I-I can explain.

Alexis: Put that book down.

T.J.: Okay.

Alexis: Pick that book up.

T.J.: Okay.

Alexis: Cover up! Now!

Molly: Mom! W-what are you doing home?! I thought you were working.

Alexis: You called him? You called him? You didn't even wait till I pulled my car out of the driveway?!

Molly: I can explain!

Alexis: Explain why he doesn't have any clothes on! Get dressed! You -- get out! March!

Kristina: I can't believe I just let my mom waltz right inside. I knew T.J. was here. I should have at least tried to warn Molly.

Trey: Ah, well, too late now. Damage is done.

Kristina: You think?

Trey: Hey, I'm guessing this probably isn't gonna be pretty, so we should probably leave. I know. Why don't we go to the warehouse?

Kristina: No way! I cannot leave Molly here alone.

Trey: She's got her boyfriend for support.

Kristina: Secret boyfriend, who my mom is probably gonna try to kill the first chance she gets. This is all your fault.

Trey: Oh, whoa, whoa. Wait. My fault?

Kristina: Yes. If you would have just erased the footage when I asked you in the first place, I wouldn't have been busy fighting with you when my mom came home.

Trey: I think the word you're looking for is "flirting."

Kristina: Why do you have to be such an ass?

Trey: Okay, look, I was trying to respect your wishes. You said you didn't want your sister's secret love life on camera, so I said, "hey, okay. Let's go shoot something useful, something that the crew can get and we can use instead." How does that make me an ass?

Kristina: It's --

Alexis: You -- sit. Stay! Great! We have an audience. Why don't you explain to everyone what a half-naked boy was doing in your bedroom?

McBain: Why? What did Theresa ever do to you?

Sonny: Turned him down.

Joe Jr.: You don't know everything, Corinthos.

Sonny: You hit on all the women at the Sea Breeze, and don't tell me you didn't, Joe. And they only put up with you because they needed a job. But Theresa turned you down cold! And it pissed you off, didn't it! And you waited till I left the club to go after her, right?!

McBain: Is that it? Theresa fought back, so you killed her?

Joe Jr.: You don't want me to answer that, Lieutenant. You don't really want to know why your sister died.

McBain: I know you're gonna tell me right now.

Joe Jr.: Don't say I didn't warn you.

McBain: Start talking!

Joe Jr.: I shot Theresa because of you.

Alexis: Did I or did I not tell you that you couldn't see him?

Molly: T.J.

Alexis: I'm sorry. What?

Molly: T.J. He has a name.

Alexis: That tone -- not gonna help your cause. I'm waiting for an answer, Molly.

Molly: Yes, you told me to stay away from T.J.

Alexis: And you deliberately disobeyed me.

Molly: We like each other.

Alexis: Obviously.

Molly: Besides, it wasn't fair.

Alexis: You are in no position to judge what's fair or what's not fair because you don't seem to know the difference between what's right and wrong and the truth and a lie.

Kristina: Can you really blame Molly for lying? She learned it from the best.

Robert: You know, when I stopped by my grandparents' restaurant that night, the last thing I expected to do was to perform a wedding.

Sam: Yeah.

Robert: There's something magical about it.

Sam: Yeah, there was, wasn't it?

Robert: Well, I better get going. Plenty more deliveries.

Sam: Yeah, I've got to get back to work, too.

Robert: Hey, remind your boss that today's a holiday.

Sam: Yeah.

Robert: You and Jason need to celebrate. Dragon and the phoenix. All right?

Sam: Tell your grandparents I said hello.

Robert: They'll be so glad that I ran into you.

Sam: Okay.

Robert: Enjoy your double happiness now, Sam.

Sam: Thank you.

Todd: The pain that I've caused Sam... all that grief.

Heather: Can't be undone.

Todd: Sure it can. I just come clean. I just tell her the truth about the baby.

Heather: Go ahead. Be noble. Tell her about the baby. And while you're at it, pack up your nice, new life and prepare to go to prison. Doesn't make any difference to me.

Todd: The hell it doesn't. If I go to prison, you're going to prison. I'm sure the police would love to hear about the dead mob boss you were pushing around in a wheelbarrow.

Anna: So, Heather was here the day that Anthony's body went missing?

Tracy: Yes. Ever the opportunist, she had stopped by to rub the Franco scandal in our faces. I'm sure you read the gory details.

Anna: Yeah, Franco's the baby's father or something.

Tracy: Yes, he's also my brother's son. Heather went on and on about how fortunate we were to have such a talented artist in the family. I should have known she'd be a Franco fan. Psychos attract.

Anna: What is Heather doing? She's trying to blackmail your family with this information?

Tracy: No, she's -- she's trying to insinuate herself, as if she could. One thing the Quartermaine family agrees on is our mutual dislike of Heather Webber.

Anna: How long did she stay?

Tracy: Can't say. She left while we were still discussing damage control.

Anna: God. I'm almost afraid to ask. Did she notice Anthony's body on the terrace?

Tracy: [Chuckles] She tried to shake his hand. Luke passed off his...lack of enthusiasm by saying he was three sheets to the wind, as opposed to 2 feet in the ground.

Anna: She wasn't suspicious?

Tracy: Actually, she was offended that Anthony was so rude. However, the conversation quickly turned around to Franco and Sam's baby. Isn't it just like my brother to have a serial killer's son that nobody knows about?

Anna: We're talking about your husband's corpse. Can we just...?

Tracy: Oh, yes. Right. Um... so, by the time Luke and I got back out onto the terrace, the body was gone.

Anna: Could Heather have moved it?

Heather: Don't you dare compare what you did that night to what I did?

Todd: Oh, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. What you did is much worse.

Heather: You acted out of some distorted need for acceptance while what I did, I did for Lu-- love.

Todd: You talked me into switching babies.

Heather: I didn't have to talk very hard.

Todd: You told me that Sam didn't want that baby... that she was bringing her child to the garden shed because she was going to abandon him.

Heather: It was a reasonable assumption.

Todd: What is your problem with her? What is so terribly wrong with Sam?

Heather: She's a selfish, lying opportunist?

Todd: And you're not? You tricked me into taking Sam's live baby a-and... and giving it to Téa.

Heather: What? Suddenly you're blameless?

Todd: Well, I don't know. I'm not somebody who thinks well under pressure.

Heather: All you had to do was walk outside and go and tell Téa the truth.

Todd: I take a live baby away from Téa and give her a dead one? How am I gonna do that?

Heather: I don't know. How would you do it now?

Todd: Well, now I think that... I think that Sam deserves to know.

Heather: Well, I think the truth would really hurt Téa and a whole lot of other people you care about. How about your daughter, Starr? How about if she knew that you gave another woman's baby to Téa? Do you think she'd forgive you?

Todd: We're done.

Heather: Oh, no. Not until you promise you can keep your mouth shut.

Todd: I'm not gonna make you any promises.

Heather: Assuming you don't mind facing a prison sentence for switching babies.

Todd: What? Come on. I shot my brother in cold blood. My lawyer got me off. I'm pretty sure he can get --

Heather: And you don't care if your family writes you off forever.

Todd: They will come around eventually. They always do.

Heather: Okay. How about Sam's husband? Jason? You know, the hit man? What do you think he'll do when he finds out?

Todd: Come on. Is he really as deadly as everybody says?

Heather: Why don't you have your research department check into it. He's never been caught. He doesn't leave any evidence.

Todd: I told Sam I had to tell her something about the baby. What am I gonna do?

[Knock on door]

Sam: Hey, lunch is here.

Heather: Whoa, wait! We'll eat in a couple minutes. Just close the door behind you.

Sam: It's gonna get cold if I leave it out there any longer, and we have a conversation to finish.

Joe Jr.: Look, I'm telling you, lieutenant, if you want to blame anyone for your sister's death, you look in the mirror. Her blood is on your hands.

Sonny: I should have warned you -- nothing Joe Jr. does is ever his fault.

McBain: Well, he's desperate and he's a liar, but I'm gonna hear him out. Sonny says he walked in on you and Theresa arguing.

Sonny: I did.

McBain: What does that have to do with me?

Joe Jr.: I saw Theresa and you talking, asked around, found out who you were, what you did for a living. There's no way that I could let Theresa spill her guts about the business to a Fed.

McBain: She wasn't selling you out. I was trying to convince her to get the hell out of that place!

Joe Jr.: It's not that easy. You don't get to walk away, and you sure as hell don't talk to law enforcement. Theresa broke the rules.

McBain: So you killed her?

Joe Jr.: You did. Your sister would have been fine if you just left her alone.

Sam: What did you want to tell me about my baby?

Heather: Let's eat. It's not gonna get any warmer.

Sam: I'm not hungry.

Heather: Mu shu?

Todd: Sam --

Sam: Just say it.

Heather: Heaven's sake! I'll say it. Maybe we can eat in peace.

Todd: Heather.

Heather: No, really. It's only fair. After all, you're in this position because of me.

Kristina: For you, of all people, to lecture Molly about honesty, when you went behind my back and asked my dad to do whatever he did to get me into Yale is a joke.

Alexis: Yes, dear. We all know how you feel.

Kristina: At least Dad doesn't go around pretending he's all upright and ethical, when all you do is lecture about ethical and accountability. What is that -- "do as I say, not as I do"?

Alexis: Are you done? Because I'm never quite sure. Do you know that she had an unsupervised party here? Got drunk and passed out?

Kristina: And you went to my gangster father and asked him to threaten someone to get me into Yale. Show of hands -- which is worse?

Alexis: Why don't you sue me for trying to do what's best for you?

Kristina: Best for me, which I clearly don't have a say in and only you do.

Alexis: Because I'm the mother! And I'm an adult!

Kristina: Wake up, Mom. We're not little kids anymore. When are you gonna accept that? I'm sorry I let her walk inside. I should have done something to warn you.

Alexis: You knew that T.J. was in there?

Kristina: It's not a big deal. He's her boyfriend.

Alexis: Her boyfriend? She's 15, and she was gonna have sex with that boy in her bedroom?!

Molly: Oh, my God! Is that what you think?!

Alexis: What am I supposed to think?! He's in your room in his underwear!

Molly: I let him change in there while I got us some snacks for us to take to the dock! That's all! I swear!

Kristina: Jumping to wrong conclusions. There's a surprise.

Alexis: Get over here! I'm having a conversation with her.

Kristina: The whole world will see on TV.

Alexis: Nobody's gonna see anything on TV. This whole thing is stupid. It's not gonna air. Go home! Get a life!

Cameraman: Hey!

Alexis: You expect me to treat you like an adult when you refuse to let go of this childish vendetta? Do you see what this stupid little show is doing to our family?

Kristina: This show isn't doing anything to our family. All the lies are.

Alexis: How long have you been seeing T.J.? Let me ask you -- did you ever stop seeing him?

Molly: No.

Alexis: You know, we have rules in this house, Molly, and they're there for a reason, and you can't just do whatever you want whenever you want to!

Molly: We weren't doing anything!

Alexis: I'm supposed to take your word for that after how you've behaved?!

T.J.: Yes, you should, because it's the truth.

Tracy: Heather left the house not long before Luke and I realized Anthony's body was missing.

Anna: Where were you just before that?

Tracy: We were in the den with Monica.

Anna: Okay. So it's feasible then that Heather or someone could have moved the body before you and Luke came back outside.

Tracy: Well, that begs the question -- why would she do it?

Anna: Because she's unstable. And she has this obsession with Luke, and maybe she felt that if she moved the body, she'd be helping Luke somehow.

Heather: There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just --

Todd: Heather, I-I feel like I should be the one --

Heather: No, I realize you're uncomfortable about sharing the truth with Samantha, whereas I have no problem pointing the finger.

Sam: Okay. Great. Will somebody please tell me what's going on?

Heather: It's your husband's fault your baby died. You see, Jason had your friend, John McBain, roughed up so he would leave town. And that's how you got stranded with a sick baby in a motel room and you couldn't get to a hospital in time.

Sam: How...?

Heather: Because it's my job. I keep my finger on the pulse of this community, even the dark side. That's how I found out the truth about Jason. I dug deep, but at least now we know. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Sam: Yeah. Are you?

Heather: Of course I am. See? Now you can breathe. Everything's out in the open. You don't have to feel guilty about keeping secrets from Sam anymore. You know what? I don't feel like mu shu. I think I'm gonna go get a BLT. Read this. See you later.

Sam: Is that all you had to tell me?

Todd: Well, that and -- I'm sorry. I -- I -- Sam, I didn't know if knowing all those details would give you some sense of closure or if it would just upset you more, but I'm truly sorry that I kept the truth from you.

Sam: I -- I don't understand, because there's no truth that's gonna bring my baby back.

Sonny: Nice work, Joe. I couldn't have made a case any better than you did yourself.

Joe Jr.: Go to hell.

Sonny: I'll be seeing you there.

Joe Jr.: Oh, yeah. He's a cop. He's not gonna let you kill me. If he did, he'd have my blood on his hands along with his sister's.

Sonny: I was there, Joe. Don't forget -- I saw you pull the trigger. She was unarmed, but she was fighting you. That's why you killed her!

Joe Jr.: She was talking to a Fed! Hey, Sonny. Hey, what if my father had ordered you to take care of her? What would you have done?

Sonny: I don't want to talk about "what ifs"!

Joe Jr.: Oh, that's right.

Sonny: Doesn't matter to me! You know what matters to me?! What you do, you pay for!

Joe Jr.: You let him kill me, Lieutenant, and you're no better than he is!

Sonny: I'll take this piece of garbage right now, Lieutenant! All you got to do is look away. Nobody has to know.

Todd: "Like the worm in the apple, the truth will eventually be found"?

Heather: [Humming] 4th of July feast for my handsome friend. I hope Luke isn't too hungry. He gets cranky when he skips a meal.

Both: Oh, my!

Heather: Oh, sorry.

Anna: Hi.

Heather: Ah. Anna Devane. Or should I say Commissioner Devane?

Anna: Yes.

Heather: Fancy running into you here.

Anna: How are you?

Heather: Never better. Beautiful day out.

Anna: Mm-hmm.

Heather: Please wish Luke a happy 4th of July for me.

T.J.: We weren't doing anything wrong, Ms. Davis. I give you my word.

Alexis: I don't know what the rules are in your house, but in my house, it's not cool to walk in to my daughter's bedroom and find a boy in his underpants.

Molly: Oh, my God! I told you he was changing!

Alexis: You shouldn't have had him there in the first place, Molly!

Kristina: Maybe if you didn't forbid them from seeing each other, they wouldn't have to do it behind your back.

Alexis: Why am I the bad guy here?! Why am I the bad guy when I'm just trying to protect my daughter?!

Molly: Because I don't need you to protect me from T.J.!

Alexis: You're a teenager! You don't know what you need!

Molly: Oh, yeah? Just because you got pregnant as a teenager doesn't mean I'm going to!

Alexis: You need to go home now. And you need to know that I'm gonna talk to Shawn about this.

T.J.: I don't have a ride.

Alexis: I really don't care.

Kristina: Trey and I can take you. I think that's enough "crazy mom" footage for today.

Molly: Thank you, Kristina.

Kristina: It's the least I can do. Might want to say goodbye now. We don't know when the warden will let you out again.

Alexis: You can say goodbye right here.

T.J.: Bye.

Molly: I'll see you soon.

Alexis: No, you won't.

Kristina: Okay.

Alexis: We're not done here, Molly.

Kristina: Hey, T.J., could you wait in the car for a second?

Trey: Well, that was interesting.

Kristina: Told you we didn't need to go to my dad's warehouse.

Trey: Oh, no, we are going. Trust me. I just hope we didn't miss anything interesting while we were stuck here.

Sonny: I think we were at 2. Sorry, Joe. That makes three.

[Gun cocks]

McBain: Put the gun down, Sonny.

Sonny: Mnh-mnh.

McBain: Put the gun down!

Sonny: What the hell you doing, McBain? Let me do this right now.

McBain: As much as I want to, there's a few lines I still can't cross.


Officer: Atlantic City P.D.! Everybody put your hands where I can see them.

McBain: All right, all right.

Sonny: What the --

McBain: Take it easy. I'm a cop, all right? I'm gonna show you my badge.

Officer: All right, let me see it.

McBain: All right, nice and easy.

Officer: Lieutenant McBain. You're the one who called this in.

McBain: Yeah, that's right. This is Joseph Scully Jr. There's a warrant for his arrest. Do you mind? I've waited a long time to do this.

Officer: Go right ahead.

McBain: Thanks.

McBain: Joe Scully Jr., You're under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney.

Joe Jr.: My lawyer... will get me out of this.

McBain: Oh, yeah? You get out, and I'll be waiting. At that point, you're gonna wish you were back in the joint. Get him out of my sight!

Officer: What about him?

McBain: He's clean.

Officer: Are you sure?

McBain: Yeah, I'm sure.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Heather (to Luke): Happy 4th of July. Did you miss your little firecracker?

Spinelli: [Seeing Anna speaking into a little tape recorder] A-are you investigating Heather Webber, too?

Maxie: [Sighs] But you know what that means. I mean, he lied to me. So that implies that at least he feels guilty.

[Patrick pops another pill]

[John and Sam enjoy a drink together at on the dock]

Jason (to Sonny): Whatever's going on between her and McBain -- it's still happening.

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