GH Transcript Monday 6/18/12

General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/18/12


Provided By Suzanne

Todd: And I'm gonna need a view of the harbor, like a panoramic view. No more windowless walls for me. And -- no more walls with bars on them, either.

[Knock on door]

Todd: Hold on one second, please. You know what? I'm, uh, gonna have to call you back. Um -- it's open. Hey. Good morning.

Carly: Morning. I brought you your complimentary paper. But I'm guessing you've already seen it.

Heather: Do you have a dollar to spare for your mother? I really must stay informed.

Olivia: I do not know how else to describe, Spinelli. The woman just creeps me out.

Spinelli: [Sniffs] Hmm. Steve's mother is odd. At best.

Olivia: Yeah, well, it's not her best I'm worried about. Did you find anything else about where Heather was the night of the storm?

Spinelli: I'm currently retracing her steps, hoping to stumble upon some sort of -- mm -- clue. You know, I will deliver my findings shortly, but first, I have to attend to a personal matter.

Olivia: Oh. Maxie?

Spinelli: No. My friend Samantha.

Molly: It was peaceful there, don't you think? All those flowers surrounding the baby. Sam, I know this must be so hard for you. But I'm glad everyone was together to say goodbye.

Kristina: Everyone except Jason.

Jason: [Sighs]

Tracy: Don't you ever knock?

Jason: Grandfather wanted me to sign something for ELQ.

Tracy: Where's Michael? I need both your signatures.

Jason: I have no idea where Michael is.

Tracy: Great. Well, I can't wait. Have to get over to the metro court and discuss something important with my ex-husband.

Luke: Morning.

Anna: [Sighs] Morning.

Luke: So -- that happened.

Anna: Yep. It did. Should we, uh?

Luke: Talk about it?

Anna: Yeah, exactly.

Luke: God. When did this get to be so awkward?

Anna: We slept together. I thought we agreed that this was gonna be a mistake.

Luke: Was it a mistake?

Todd: Look, ma -- no airbrushing.

Carly: Your photo editor better be a lot kinder to me if I ever grace those pages.

Todd: Well, it's good thing you have an in with the owner.

Carly: Who are you? [Laughing] You know what I mean! Who buys a paper and changes the name overnight?

Todd: Fine. I'll tell you all about myself. You want some coffee?

Carly: No. And, you know, a shirt would be nice.

Todd: Oh, right. It's totally inappropriate that one of us is half-naked, because you are in a committed relationship with a guy who's not committed to you.

Carly: You look tired.

Todd: Thanks. I was up all night, evaluating my new company's holdings.

Carly: How'd that go?

Todd: Well, the newspaper doesn't do much for me, but -- I do own a cable network. So, you know, I can rule the world. And, um, I'm developing apps. And, uh, I own a fashion magazine called crimson, which could use a little help, but --

Carly: Kate Howard owns crimson. My ex-husband gave her the start-up capital.

Todd: Sonny?

Carly: No, my other ex-husband -- jasper Jacks.

Todd: This is a small town.

Carly: Mm.

Todd: Well, in 2009 -- crimson needed a cash infusion, so she sold controlling interest to a company called "Lux core," and now I own "Lux core."

Carly: "Luxcorp."

Todd: Doesn't matter anymore. 'Cause now it's called Manning enterprises. What do you think? M.E. As in me.

Steve: I thought you got your news from Kimmel.

Heather: I do, now. But at Ferncliff, it was lights-out by "grey's anatomy." So I had to get my news in print. That's my favorite -- the sun.

Steve: This kind of looks like a rag, mom.

Heather: Well, that's the fun of it. Mr. Manning alwa -- if he's not at the center of them himself.

Olivia: Where exactly are you, Spinelli?

Spinelli: Route 59, just past mile marker 13 -- the very road that Heather was on that fateful night.

Olivia: And what kind of clues are you looking for out there?

Spinelli: Well, ideally, the one that would just kind of fall into my lap, but -- alas, there's little to see here, except for the lovely scenery.

Olivia: Yeah, well, we know Heather didn't go trekking all the way out to the boonies to look at the view.

Spinelli: Yeah, she was on this road for a distinct reason. Now, if I -- if -- perhaps if I take a soil sample, I can compare it to the mud on her boots and narrow down a destination.

Olivia: Oh, Spinelli, you are the best. Just whatever you do to get this nutjob out of my life.

Heather: What nutjob is that?

Olivia: I'll call you back.

Spinelli: Why would she come out here in the midst of a storm? Why the isolation? What was she hoping to accomplish that she...

Anna: Do you think last night was a mistake?

Luke: Answering a question with a question -- very smooth.

Anna: Well, you're doing the same thing right there.

Luke: [Chuckles] Well, okay. Last night -- wow. [Exhales sharply]

Anna: [Laughs]

Luke: It was certainly -- enjoyable.

Anna: Yeah, it was. Yeah, but -- don't you think it just puts so many things at risk for us? You know? Our friendship and -- my job and --

Luke: Tracy's feelings.

Anna: Tracy's feelings. Yeah. She wants you back. For all I know, you want her back. Or you may not.

Michael: Jason?

Jason: What? Are you here to sign the ELQ papers?

Michael: You too?

Jason: Yeah. Tracy left them for us right here.

Michael: I'm surprised you bothered. I thought you'd be at the funeral with Sam.

Jason: I-I didn't -- I didn't know.

Michael: What, Sam didn't tell you?

Jason: Well, I-I don't really think she wants me around.

Michael: What, because you're not the father?

Jason: No, because I'm the reason the baby died.

Anna: Given the circumstances, thought maybe a little clarification might be in order. Do you want to get back with Tracy?

Luke: I'm so hungry, I'm gonna order breakfast.

Anna: Oh, wow. You're talking about breakfast right now?

Luke: Well, yeah. You know, I worked up quite an appetite. Didn't you? Uh, slim, I just think that this is a conversation that needs to happen -- after breakfast. And -- oh, damn it. That's right. Caroline put a lock on our room service. Ah! Hospitality suite. They got a breakfast bar. They've got those great cranberry muffins. I'll get them.

Anna: You wouldn't be avoiding giving me an answer, would you?

Carly: M.E.?

Todd: Yeah. Me! D.B.A./M.E. In Port Charles.

Carly: I get it, I get it. I, um -- I'm impressed. And shocked.

Todd: Why?

Carly: You're making a serious commitment here.

Todd: I told you I was thinking about putting down roots in Port Charles.

Carly: Yeah. Uh, roots -- "roots," you know, is buying a house or renting an apartment, but --

Todd: Maybe I'll buy this hotel. Just kidding. Real estate doesn't do a thing for me. Publishing is the only decent thing that I ever got from my old man. Well, that and a boatload full of money. I may be a despicable human being, but my children have trust funds. You think they're ever gonna soften toward me?

Carly: Probably not.

Todd: Well, there you go -- all the more reason to stay in town. If the only one of them that can stand the sight of me is Starr, I should never let her out of my sight. So, what do you think?

Carly: What do I think about what?

Todd: The newspaper. Did you read it?

Carly: No, I didn't read the paper.

Todd: You didn't read it? Why not?

Carly: Because I have a hotel to run.

Todd: Don't you have a staff? You couldn't just skim it?

Carly: Why do you care if I read the paper?

Todd: Because I value your opinion.

Carly: Really?

Todd: I do, and this is new territory for me.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Todd: Please?

Carly: Oh -- okay, okay! Fine! But please go put on a shirt!

Todd: [Laughs]

Carly: And stop doing that.

Todd: Okay.

Carly: Okay. Uh --

Todd: Hey, you got to be honest with me, all right? Don't hold anything back. I'm gonna count on you to be the person in my life that's brutally honest with me.

Carly: I will.

[Door closes]

Carly: [Laughs] Wow.

Jason: Two of my guys worked McBain over, left him at the side of the road. At the same time, Sam was waiting for him to take her and the baby to the hospital, and the baby fell asleep. She said she couldn't wake him up.

Michael: Look, there's no way you could have known that would happen.

Jason: Michael, I sent the guys. It makes it my responsibility.

Michael: You didn't mean for the baby to die. You didn't mean to involve Sam at all.

Jason: But Sam's son might be alive if it wasn't for me!

Michael: Babies die in hospitals, too. Respiratory failure might have happened to anyone.

Jason: I'm just saying, that's why Sam doesn't want me at the funeral!

Michael: It doesn't mean you shouldn't be there.

Alexis: You're not to bring up Jason again. Do you understand?

Kristina: I'm sorry. I just think it'd be nice if he got over himself and was here for Sam.

Téa: A lot of things would be nice, like if this never happened in the first place. But today, I would like her to just be able to get through this, so do not --

Kristina: Shut up about Jason. I get it.

Alexis: Thank you.

Kristina: I just can't believe this is happening. I feel like I just found out about the baby, and now we're burying him?

Alexis: I know.

Molly: Can I get you anything? I think there's some water in the car.

Sam: No, I'm good. Thank you, though.

Molly: It feels like I should be doing something.

Sam: Are you kidding me? You've done enough. You picked out the flowers, and you helped mom with the service.

Molly: Is it okay?

Sam: Yes, of course. It was beautiful. Hey, where'd you get this poem?

Molly: Um, we studied it in English. It's called "do not stand on my grave and weep." It's a nice sentiment, but -- it's kind of hard to live up to.

Sam: Yeah. Maybe someday.

Officer: That your car back there?

Spinelli: Uh, yes. Yes, it is, indeed.

Officer: I'll call a tow, give you a ride.

Spinelli: Oh, gracious! Thanks, Officer, but my car is in working order, and I'm -- perfectly happy here.

Officer: Crawling on the side of the road where anyone can come along and flatten you.

Spinelli: A risk I'm afraid I have to take. Damien Spinelli, private investigator. Yeah, I'm -- I'm tracking the movements of a potentially dangerous woman, and I have reason to believe that she may have traveled this road the night of our most recent storm.

Officer: Mm. That storm was straight-up nasty.

Spinelli: But you -- you were on duty?

Officer: Yeah, cell tower was down. Blocked the road not far from here.

Spinelli: So, I imagine you didn't see many comings and goings.

Officer: Not many, no. But this woman did ignore the "road closed" sign. I found her pulled over not too far from here.

Spinelli: Um -- by any chance, was this the woman you saw?

Heather: Who were you referring to as a nutjob?

Steve: Mom, this is none of our business.

Heather: Oh, I think it is. I mean, it sounds like this person is giving Olivia trouble. This is the woman you love. We wouldn't want some volatile personality coming between you.

Olivia: That's not gonna happen.

Heather: What a relief.

Olivia: Isn't it? No, really, that was about a, uh -- customer at the metro court who complains about everything from the soap to the light bulbs to the grip on the remote control, so --

Steve: Sounds like a real piece of work.

Olivia: She is, but don't worry. I got it under control.

Tracy: Luke! No morning to sleep in. We have important things to discuss! Oh, he always does sleep like a bear in hibernation. Luke! That's it. I'm coming in!

Todd: Which one of these two makes me look like a man of wealth and taste -- "a" or "b"? I've got other shirts.

Carly: Wait. Um --

Todd: It's that bad? Look, in fairness, I only had time to reformat the front page -- and put my picture on it -- but whoever wrote the article you don't like, let me know. I'll give them a pink slip.

Carly: The article's fine. Just really sad.

Todd: Yeah.

Sam: I'm sorry.

Alexis: What on earth for?

Sam: For not being stronger. I feel like every time I try, it just knocks me down again.

Alexis: Look at me. The fact that you have been going through the motions of doing this demonstrates not only how strong you are but how courageous --

Sam: Don't kid me. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I feel like I'm falling apart right now.

Kristina: Then fall apart, okay? I mean, that's why we're here -- to pick up the pieces.

Molly: Yeah, Sam, we love you so, so much.

Sam: It's just that, when I was looking at my daughter's grave at the service, I realized that -- I never got to see her. I never got to hold her. I ache for her, but I can't picture her face, you know? But with my son -- oh, he was so beautiful, and I held him, and he was so warm. I feel like I miss him so much. I -- [Sniffles] I can't even breathe. I just don't know how I'm gonna get through this. [Smooches]

Alexis: You will. I promise.

Jason: Sam told me to leave here alone.

Michael: Just because she said that, that's -- that doesn't mean that's what she really wants.

Jason: [Sighs] You sound like your mother.

Michael: And what does she tell you?

Jason: That, uh, Sam needs me, and in time, she can -- she can forgive me.

Michael: You don't believe that?

Jason: I mean, even if she could forgive the part I played in the baby's death? She thinks I'm glad he's gone. Sam can never forgive me for that.

Tracy: What are you doing in Luke's bed?

Anna: We switched rooms.

Tracy: Why?

Anna: 'Cause my mattress is -- it's really soft.

Tracy: Oh. And you like it hard.

Anna: Firm. Otherwise I can't sleep.

Tracy: Did you hear me calling for Luke?

Anna: No. I just woke up.

Tracy: Oh. I'm gonna go find him.

Anna: No, don't!

Tracy: "No, don't"?

Anna: He -- I -- heard him puttering around, and then, like, the door closed to the suite, so he's gone out.

Tracy: Oh. So, for somebody who just woke up, you're awfully aware.

Anna: I went to the bathroom. And that's when I heard that. And then I came back to go to sleep.

Tracy: Mm-hmm. And what time was that?

Anna: Oh, I don't know. An hour ago, something like that.

Tracy: Really?

Anna: Mm-hmm.

Tracy: Huh. Luke hasn't gotten up that early since -- never.

Anna: Well -- there is a first time for everything. Shall I just tell him that you came by and then you had to go?

Tracy: You know what? I think this is happening for the best. I have been wanting to talk to you for a very long time.

Anna: About what?

Tracy: What else? Luke.

Heather: I'm surprised. Why would your boss call you about a problem guest?

Olivia: Who else?

Heather: Don't you just clean the rooms?

Olivia: Is she serious with this?

Steve: Mom, Olivia runs the metro court.

Heather: I stand corrected. So, you find it fulfilling running a hotel?

Olivia: Yes, as a matter of fact, Heather, I do.

Heather: Glad to hear it. It gives me hope as I embark on my own job search.

Steve: You're looking for a job?

Heather: I can't keep mooching off my son now, can I?

Olivia: Um, are you sure that you're ready for that, Heather? You know, a job is a lot of responsibility.

Heather: A job will keep me busy. It'll give me structure and a chance to concentrate on the things that are really important, like rebuilding my life with my son. My relationship.

Sonny: Relationship?

Luke: Shouldn't you be at Ferncliff?

Heather: I'm out now.

Luke: So I see.

Heather: You and I standing here, it's a gift, Luke.

Luke: That's not the word I would have chosen.

Heather: I'm grateful for another chance.

Luke: Chance at what?

Heather: Us. Of course, I want a relationship. I want what everybody else has. And I'm gonna have it.

Officer: That's her.

Spinelli: Oh! Uh -- you're certain?

Officer: Yeah, you don't forget a woman like that.

Spinelli: This is most fortuitous. Did she give you any indication what she was doing out here?

Officer: Um, she had been at a bar, I think. Must have gotten turned around because of the weather. Good thing she pulled over when she did. If she'd gone any further, she would have crashed into the cell tower I was talking about -- killed her and her passenger both.

Spinelli: I'm so -- her passenger?

Officer: Lady was traveling with her husband.

Spinelli: Pardon me, but did you say "husband"?

Officer: Yeah. Lady you're after was driving. Husband was in the passenger seat. At least, that's who she said he was.

Spinelli: That -- that is most peculiar, because, to my knowledge, ms. Webber has not been married since her ill-fated union with Edward Quartermaine.

Officer: Maybe that's who she was driving around with?

Spinelli: Doubtful. They did not have a happy parting.

Officer: Well, look, whoever the guy was, he was dead to the world.

Spinelli: Okay. Could you describe this man?

Officer: Yeah, he was on the older side, you know? Skinny, white hair, drunk as a skunk.

Anna: I'd love to sit and chat, but I actually have to get to work. All this sleeping around -- I mean, you know, sleeping in -- it's -- I -- police commissioner doesn't get much chance to rest.

Tracy: Well, you'd probably get a lot more if you weren't sleeping with Luke.

Anna: Sorry?

Tracy: In his hotel suite.

Anna: Yeah. Right.

Tracy: He snores like a freight train.

Anna: I hadn't noticed.

Tracy: Well, you will. You know what? Scratch that. You won't.

Anna: Why is that?

Tracy: Because I am officially taking Luke Spencer off your hands.

Anna: Okay.

Tracy: We're getting back together. As soon as you are no longer an issue -- I don't mean you "you." I mean the police. I'm not supposed to say anything, but Luke wants me. He is afraid to commit.

Anna: Oh, gosh, that is so unlike him.

Tracy: Well, it's the timing of it. It's the whole Anthony debacle.

Anna: Mm-hmm. Well, you can't fault him for that.

Tracy: Yes, I can, because nobody knows better than you that we had absolutely nothing to do with whatever befell Anthony. You let us go.

Anna: Right! That is, of course, until a body turns up. And the fact that Anthony's blood was found in your boathouse. And a text from you asking him to meet you at said boathouse. Plus, then, of course, there was you and Luke trying to dispose of the gun.

Tracy: Oh, no. Circumstantial.

Anna: But so compelling, don't you think?

Tracy: Anthony has plenty of enemies, all of whom were much more likely to off him than Luke or I, and if you would take us off your suspect list, you would be able to focus all of your time and all of your energy to finding the real culprit.

Anna: All right. And then when this cloud of suspicion is removed from above you and Luke's head, it will give you a chance to get back together.

Tracy: Win-win.

Anna: Yeah, except for one thing standing in your way.

Spinelli: You said they were out this way?

Officer: Yeah. You know, I can check the mile marker where I pulled her over.

Spinelli: That would be most helpful.

Officer: Uh, what was that date?

Spinelli: Thursday, the 31st.

Officer: Yep. Smack between 12 and 13.

Spinelli: Okay. So this is the correct location.

Officer: Mind my asking what it is this lady's done?

Spinelli: Therein lies the mystery. But I am determined to solve it.

Heather: I thought you'd be pleased I'm making plans for the future.

Olivia: We are.

Steve: Yeah, mom. I admire your initiative.

Heather: But --

Steve: I just -- but I think we should take this one step at a time. You know, a relationship will come when it comes. Right?

Olivia: Uh, yeah. Absolutely.

Steve: I think we should just focus on, you know, getting a job. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's an opening at the metro.

Olivia: Ri -- I -- I will look right into that.

Heather: Thank you, but hospitality isn't my thing.

Olivia: No kidding.

Steve: Did you have something specific in mind?

Heather: I always loved reading the news. Why not help deliver it?

Carly: You didn't know about the burial?

Todd: How could I know that? I barely know this woman.

Carly: It's your paper. You should know what's in it.

Todd: It's like I said -- we threw this edition together at the last minute.

Carly: I just feel so bad for Sam. I mean, she's married to my best friend. And she had a lot of medical complications, and she couldn't get pregnant, and then she tried and she tried, and finally, it happened, you know? And -- and then something this awful... I -- it just doesn't make sense. Why is life so unfair? [Sighs]

Todd: I don't know. No one should ever have to lose a child.

Carly: Did I remind you of your daughter and your granddaughter?

Todd: I'm really sorry -- for this woman's suffering.

Carly: Me too. And I'm gonna tell her. Take care.

[Door opens, closes]

Jason: You know, when I found out Franco was my brother -- and the baby's father, it was almost too much for me to even -- to even take in.

Michael: I don't blame you.

Jason: And Sam wanted me to promise to love the baby, and I just -- I just kept remembering Franco and how much -- and how much I hated him -- and how much I hated what he did to Sam and what he did to you, and I thought this baby would be a reminder of that, so when she asked me to promise to love him -- I just -- I couldn't.

Michael: You just -- you just need some more time.

Jason: I didn't have time! I didn't have time. She moved out. She went to a motel. I couldn't say what she wanted to hear. At some point, it was just the opposite. I mentioned adoption.

Michael: Why would that be so bad?

Jason: To ask her to give her baby away?

Michael: Do you think the baby would have been better off?

Jason: With two parents who love him, who didn't remember Franco or remember what happened to Sam in Hawaii, yeah. At some point, I thought the baby would be better off, but all Sam heard was that I wanted the baby gone. And now he's gone.

Michael: Well, did you take it back? I mean, did you tell her that --

Jason: It's too late, Michael. I tried.

Alexis: I wish I could give you a date. I do. I wish I could tell you the exact time that everything's gonna be okay. I can't. But I know that it will. You just need to be patient, and you need to allow yourself some time to grieve, and, unfortunately, that --

Sam: Grieve. Mom, I just feel like grieving is a lie. Ugh. Forget it. I don't even know what I'm talking about.

Alexis: What do you mean, "forget it"?

Sam: I mean, how am I supposed to mourn my son when everything inside me says he isn't dead?

Todd: If we switch these babies -- tea can never know that her baby died, and Samantha can never know that her baby is alive.

Heather: Trust me -- everybody's better off.

Todd: Not everyone.

[Music plays]

Jason: Yeah, I went to -- see Sam the night of the storm, and -- tell her that I could love her baby and -- [Sighs] -- And be his father, but she was already wandering out in the woods with the sick baby. She was gone.

Michael: Did you tell her you changed your mind?

Jason: Yeah, she doesn't -- she doesn't believe me.

Michael: Well, she will.

Jason: She's lost too much. You know, uh, you're the first baby I ever -- I ever held. I, uh -- I remember the day they put you in my arms, and you were just so -- [Sighs] So tiny and fragile. And now -- now look at you. Sam will never get the time with her son that I've had with you. That's what I took from her, Michael.

Michael: Look, Jason, you lost the baby, too. You should be at that funeral.

Jason: I can't -- I can't go. It's gonna hurt Sam too much to see me.

Michael: Look, maybe she needs you but she just can't say it. Jason, you never know if you don't try.

Sam: You think I've lost it.

Alexis: No.

Sam: Look, I -- I know my son is gone. It just -- it doesn't make any sense to me.

Alexis: Death rarely does.

Sam: He was beautiful. And then he got sick, and then he was gone. And then I can't stop thinking about how I left him out there alone. And -- and was he terrified? I just -- you're right. You're right. I can't -- I can't think about him right now.

Alexis: Don't think about it, all right? Just remember him the way that he was right after he was born, with his fists all clenched up, screaming his head off.

Molly: Yeah, that's how we'll remember him, too.

Sam: He was beautiful. Thank you.

Alexis: Don't. It's okay.

Sam: I don't know what I would do without you guys.

Kristina: We love you, Sam.

Sam: I really don't.

Molly: So do a ton of other people.

Sam: Oh, yeah?

Molly: Yeah.

Spinelli: Among which I humbly count myself. I am so deeply saddened by your loss.

Sam: I really wish you could have seen him. He was beautiful.

Spinelli: I was awake half the night seeking a way to express an appropriate sentiment, but -- there's nothing to say. There's no way to make it right. I can only tell you that -- I love you, and I'm so very sorry.

Sam: Thank you.

Kristina: Michael.

Michael: Hey.

Kristina: Hey.

Michael: I'm sorry about the baby.

Kristina: Sam's really holding it together. She keeps saying how she can't believe he's gone. You want to meet me at Kelly's?

Michael: Let me just talk to Sam first.

Kristina: I don't think it's a good idea. We can't even mention Jason's name around Sam. I don't think she should see you today.

Michael: Okay.

Sam: Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey.

Sam: Hey.

Michael: I, um -- I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. You would have made a great mom.

Sam: Oh, thank you.

Carly: I'm sorry. I'm so -- so sorry.

Olivia: You want to deliver newspapers? Like, on your bike?

Heather: No, silly girl. I want to report. [Clears throat] Heather Webber for the Port Charles sun. What did the president know, and when did he know it? Pretty good, huh?

Steve: It's something.

Olivia: Um -- not to burst your bubble or anything, Heather, but jobs in journalism are really hard to come by, particularly for people who have absolutely no prior experience.

Heather: What are you saying?

Steve: Maybe you -- maybe you should just choose something that requires -- you know, not such specific skills.

Olivia: Right. Like the haunted star is reopening.

Steve: It is?

Olivia: Yeah, as a nightclub. Maybe you could be a server or something.

Heather: The haunted star? That's Luke Spencer's boat, isn't it?

Tracy: What could possibly keep me and Luke from being together?

Anna: Uh, your current husband springs to mind.

Tracy: Oh, him.

Anna: Yeah, you and Anthony are still married, aren't you?

Tracy: No. Yes! [Stammers] In name only. We're living separate lives. It's over.

Anna: What if he turns up alive?

Tracy: It's still over, and Luke and I are just beginning.

Anna: Oh. Yeah. Well, I don't want to get in the middle of all your -- affairs.

Tracy: Good. So let me suggest that you consider moving out, because, personally, I think it's a really bad idea for you to be shacking up with a former suspect, no matter how innocent he is. Wow! I can't believe how good it feels to get that off my chest! I'll let myself out.

[Door opens, closes]

Anna: You missed all the fun.

Olivia: Luke doesn't own the haunted star anymore. Lulu and Johnny Zacchara do.

Steve: Since when?

Olivia: Since yesterday. Dante just filled me in, and I can't say he was terribly thrilled about it.

Heather: So Luke has nothing to do with the new club?

Olivia: Not that I'm aware of, no.

Heather: Oh, just as well. Slinging drinks is kind of lowbrow, anyway. Unless you weren't currently employed.

[Cell phone rings]

Steve: Duty calls.

Heather: I've got to go, too.

Steve: Yeah, listen, we'll bounce around some more ideas later, okay?

Heather: I don't need any more ideas.

Olivia: No, Steve's right. You might want to keep your options open. I don't think people like Todd Manning just hire people off the street.

Todd: I've got a new mother waiting. You should never keep a new mother waiting.

Heather: Don't dismiss me, Mr. Manning! Or I might be forced to tell the new mother that the baby she's cooing over isn't really hers. I'm not worried. I can be very persuasive.

Tracy: Alice, where are you?! Quit working! Join me for a drink on the terrace! Oh, no. Maybe she should get -- Luke's room ready. He's gonna move in sooner rather than later.

Anna: [Breathes deeply] So, how much of my conversation with Tracy did you hear?

Luke: Enough. I got the, uh -- the gist of it.

Anna: Yeah. I think what happened last night -- it probably shouldn't happen again.

Alexis: Is everyone ready to go?

Sam: I think I'm gonna stay for a little while.

Molly: Are you sure?

Kristina: We can stay as long as you need.

Alexis: I think that we should give Sam some time alone.

Sam: Thank you for everything, especially the service.

Molly: Did it help at all?

Sam: Yeah. It's a start. I love you guys.

Kristina: We love you.

Molly: We love you.

Carly: We could have carpooled, you know.

Todd: I --

Carly: To the cemetery.

Todd: Oh. Um -- you know, you must be confusing me with some other media mogul who's got a scar on his face.

Carly: I don't think so, no.

Todd: No?

Carly: Who knew? Todd Manning's heart is bigger than we thought.

Olivia: How is Sam holding up?

Spinelli: There's no masking the depth of her loss.

Olivia: Oh, honey, we don't have to do this right now. Why don't you go? Go and be with Sam.

Spinelli: No, I think I've given her all the support that she'll accept. Besides, we have much to discuss.

Olivia: What, you found something out about Heather?

Spinelli: And her husband.

Olivia: Her who?

Todd: What the -- what -- what are you doing here?

Heather: Just reading about the terrible tragedy. Well, when you think about it, it's not that tragic at all. I mean, Sam's baby's still alive, and we're the only ones who know about it. Call me crazy, Mr. Publisher, but that story would be front-page news.

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