General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/13/12
Provided By Suzanne
Carly: Checking out already?
Todd: Where have you been?
Carly: I've been busy.
Todd: So have I. I had to take Téa and her baby back home.
Carly: Why didn't you stay in Llanview?
Todd: Well, I'm allergic to balloons and confetti.
Carly: Oh. Must have been awkward. You know, everyone celebrating while you feel you're the one responsible for this baby growing up without a father.
Todd: We switched these babies. Téa can never know that her baby died, and Samantha can never know that her baby is alive.
Todd: And I am responsible.
Jason: So, uh, still getting used to that.
Elizabeth: Yeah. Thanks.
Jason: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Luke didn't think a bar was the best way to honor our son.
Jason: Yeah, probably not.
Elizabeth: I try not to think about it, but it sure is easier not seeing that sign on the way to work.
Jason: Well, if it helps you, I'm glad he did.
Elizabeth: It's strange how random things affect you when you're grieving. Thinking about Sam?
Jason: Yeah. I just -- you know, I wish there were something I could do for her, but seeing me just makes everything worse.
Elizabeth: Sometimes there is no way to comfort.
Jason: Sam blames me for what happened. Because of what I did to John McBain.
McBain: Sam. Hey.
Sam: Hey.
McBain: They released you from the hospital already?
Sam: Yeah. There's no reason to stay. It's not like I have a baby waiting for me in the nursery or anything. Hey. You okay? You okay?
Starr: You want to record my album on a boat.
Johnny: Come on. It used to be a floating casino.
Starr: Seriously?
Johnny: Look, I know it could use a facelift, but I know for a fact it's got a state-of-the-art sound system. The former owner, Luke Spencer -- great taste in music.
Starr: "Former owner," as opposed to the current owner, which would be you?
Johnny: Well, yeah. Co-owner. His daughter, Lulu Spencer, she's my partner.
Starr: Isn't this all a little sudden?
Johnny: Yeah. I thought I could use a fresh start. Figured you could definitely use the same.
Starr: I might be ready for it, now that I know who really caused the deaths of Cole and hope.
Michael: I get it now.
Sonny: What's that?
Michael: Why you made that deal with Todd Manning. He knew that Kate shot out Anthony's tires, that she's the one who killed star's family.
Sonny: Okay, the woman who did those things was not Kate. And Kate needs me now more than ever.
Kate: These past few weeks, I've barely had time to think. The thought never even crossed my mind. Oh, my God. Oh, God, what if I'm pregnant?
Ewen: If you are, we can deal with it. Okay, there's no sense in panicking.
Kate: I don't even know who the father is -- Johnny or Sonny. And who's the mother -- Connie or me? If I'm pregnant, then who knows when the baby was conceived? Connie had sex with Johnny. I had sex with Sonny. And...
Ewen: And what?
Kate: We always used protection, Sonny and I. Connie --
Ewen: What did she do? This is a positive step, okay, if you can remember.
Kate: I don't remember having sex with Johnny! I only remember waking up in his bedroom afterward in his shirt. Connie is so bent on revenge, she -- she -- why would she practice safe sex?
Ewen: Don't torture yourself by jumping to the worst --
Kate: No, because she only exists to protect me from immediate danger! She doesn't care about the consequences. She doesn't have to face them. I do. Oh, my God! What if I'm having Johnny's child?
Johnny: You found out who killed your daughter and boyfriend?
Starr: I can't tell you who it was, but I can tell you that it didn't happen the way I thought. They never meant to hurt anyone.
Johnny: You sure about that?
Starr: Yeah. It wasn't Sonny. He had nothing to do with it.
Johnny: Wow. I'm sorry for trying to convince you that...he was the one that was responsible.
Starr: You didn't ask me to steal your gun or to try to shoot Sonny. I did that all on my own. And I apologized to Michael because now I know that his dad had nothing to do with it, and I told him that you didn't either. You know, I stood face to face with the person who took everything from me, and I wanted to hate them so badly, but I... I couldn't. Not the way I did when I thought it was Sonny.
Johnny: So, that's it? It's over for you?
Starr: Well, I think it would be different if I thought that they died because of some mobster's vendetta.
Johnny: Different how?
Starr: I could never be in the same room as that person and not want them to suffer.
Carly: You helped deliver Téa's baby in the middle of a rainstorm. You got her and her kid to the hospital. That baby would have died without you. I mean, you have no idea what kind of loss that is.
Todd: And you do?
Carly: [Sighs] My best friend's wife, Sam Morgan, she just lost her baby.
Todd: How's she doing?
Carly: I didn't think you knew her.
Todd: Well, you seem affected by it, so...
Carly: Well, it's awful. I mean, this isn't the first baby Sam's lost, and she's devastated. And Jason's devastated. I mean, he wasn't the father, but he would have raised the baby with Sam, and they would have worked things out, and they would have been happy.
Elizabeth: Wait, you're responsible for whatever you did to McBain, but you're not responsible for the death of that baby.
Jason: If McBain got the baby to the hospital, he'd still be alive, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I know that's what Sam thinks, but the baby died from respiratory failure.
Jason: At least the baby would be in the hospital, could get help, put it on a ventilator, you know, do something.
Elizabeth: There was no guarantee that he would have survived, and if you can't take my word for it, then you need to talk --
Jason: We're never gonna know, because I sent those guys after McBain. I wanted to get him out of the picture, because I thought that's gonna solve my problems.
Elizabeth: When you love someone and you see them slipping away, sometimes you just don't think straight. I'm not placing blame, but there was a time when Sam was so desperate to hang on to you, she watched our son be kidnapped. She watched us frantically searching for him and said nothing.
Jason: She'll always regret that.
Elizabeth: And you will always regret this.
McBain: Why don't you grab a seat over there?
Sam: No, I'm fine.
McBain: You're not fine. And neither am I. Look at me. I'm holding a purse, all right? Look at -- you're lucky I don't run you right back to that hospital.
Sam: They would just turn you around. Nothing's physically wrong with me, anyway. I mean, I'm almost fully recovered. What about you?
McBain: Hmm?
Sam: Hmm? How are those cracked ribs? I know what happened, John. I know why you didn't come back for me and my baby after you went to get the car.
McBain: Yeah, that will teach me not to skip out on a bill next time.
Sam: Don't. It was Jason's fault.
McBain: I don't -- I don't think it matters whose fault it was.
Sam: Well, it does to me. Jason had those guys beat you up, and I will never forgive him for that.
Elizabeth: For what it's worth, I told you were really sorry about everything.
Jason: And how'd that go over?
Elizabeth: Like you'd expect. She's not in the right frame of mind to hear anyone defend you. She even told me that...
Jason: What? What did she tell you?
Elizabeth: Later. I'll tell you later.
Jason: No, I'd like know. What did she say?
Elizabeth: She told me that the two of you were over... and that now you're all mine.
McBain: There's no way he could have known what was gonna happen.
Sam: You are not defending him right now.
McBain: No. No, but, you know... I have this way of provoking people, you know, and the way he reacted was... not a total surprise. I mean, the timing caught me off guard.
Sam: Oh, yeah. Me too. I mean, if Jason were really willing to support me, to open his heart to me and my child, he would -- he would have been there, and I would have been at home when I went into labor. But when he finally decided it was okay, that he could raise Franco's baby, it was too late. I mean, for all of us, especially my baby.
Carly: Why'd you come back to Port Charles?
Todd: I would think that you would want to encourage a repeat customer.
Carly: You came here to help star, and now she's out of jail and all the charges have been dropped, so why are you here?
Todd: There's a grand total of one person that can stand me in Llanview. He's this big. And he thinks I'm spider-man. My own sister, Viki, she can't stand me right now. She might come around. But... and Blair -- she would forgive everything that I've ever done if I were the last man on earth, but right now she is punishing me by saying she's in love with my ex-wife's brother, who has a funny name.
Carly: Oh, so there's no chance that she could actually really like this guy.
Todd: Oh, no way. But for the moment, Blair's like everybody else in Llanview and hates me.
Carly: Well, I can see why you need a change of scenery.
Todd: And Starr. After everything she's lost, I feel like I want to be close.
Carly: What does Starr think about that? You know, what does she think about her daddy looking over her shoulder?
Todd: Oh, she's probably gonna tell me to get lost and go on and on about how she has to make it on her own.
Carly: You're not gonna respect her wishes at all, huh?
Todd: She's a chick. She may say she's tough, but deep down, she's -- she's vulnerable.
Starr: Okay, this place isn't so bad.
Johnny: See? You're starting to see the possibilities.
Starr: Anything to get started on my album. I need something new to focus on, other than thinking about a way to earn rent.
Johnny: Wait. I thought you were an heiress or something.
Starr: I don't want to live off a trust fund. I want to pay my own way.
Johnny: Hey, I respect that. You know, for a while, I refused to take anything from my family, too, but eventually I caved. But, hey, if you think you can go it alone, good on you.
Starr: Ask me that when I find an actual paying job.
Johnny: I'll tell you what. Why don't you record here by day and work here at night?
Starr: Oh, I don't think I'm ready for that. But if you're looking for a waitress...
Johnny: Okay. Why don't we wait until the renovation is finished, then we can find a job that properly suits your skill set.
Starr: How did I get so lucky? Ever since I've come to Port Charles, you've been the answer to all of my problems.
Johnny: [Chuckles] Why don't we, uh, test out the acoustics, huh?
Starr: Right now?
Johnny: Yeah. Consider it an audition.
Sonny: How'd you know I was protecting Kate?
Michael: Starr told me.
Sonny: [Chuckles] That son of a bitch Manning. I mean, the deal was that his daughter would go free if he kept his mouth shut about Kate.
Michael: As far as I know, Starr's dad only told her.
Sonny: Well, he wasn't supposed to tell anybody.
Michael: Yeah, he just wanted her to know the truth about how her boyfriend and little girl died, you know. You know, maybe finally it'll bring her some peace.
Sonny: You want that for her?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, she's been hurt enough.
Sonny: Well, you were pretty angry when you saw her pointing a gun at me. You said you wanted her to pay for everything that she did and --
Michael: Starr regrets everything that she did. She said she owes us both a big apology.
Sonny: I don't make it a habit of, you know... forgiving people who try to kill me, but I did see the kind of pain in her eyes.
Michael: Starr was out of her mind with grief. She did something she wouldn't do under normal circumstances. And when I talked to her today, I realized that... I can forgive her.
Sonny: That's the same way I feel about Kate. She had no control over what was going on with her.
Michael: How is she?
Sonny: She's getting the help she needs. With any luck, the worst part is over.
Kate: After everything I've done, everything I've done to Sonny, he stood by me. He's forgiven me. Do you know what a miracle that is?
Ewen: I think we all possess a deep reservoir of compassion.
Kate: No. Not after this. If I have Johnny's child, he will never be able to get past that.
Ewen: Let's just slow down a minute, okay? We don't even know if you're pregnant.
Kate: I know my body.
Ewen: And it's had to weather an enormous amount of trauma over these past few months.
Kate: So is that what you think this is, is stress?
Ewen: There are any number of potential causes, from stress to the medication.
Kate: Or I could be carrying Johnny Zacchara's child!
Ewen: There's only one way to know for sure. A pregnancy test.
Elizabeth: Sam wasn't thinking. It was just something she said in the heat of the moment.
Jason: She threw our friendship in my face when I confronted her about McBain. And I know that she wasn't happy when I asked you to bail me out of jail. She didn't say anything, but I could tell that she was hurt.
Elizabeth: Well, she was pregnant with Franco's baby, and you were being questioned about his murder. I mean, didn't you explain to her that you were trying to spare her?
Jason: It doesn't matter. I did what I did. I got to live with it. I really wish you would see that none of this is your --
Jason: You know what? I don't want to talk about this anymore, okay?
Sam: John, I never got a chance to thank you. I mean, for everything you did. You delivered my baby in a motel.
McBain: Yeah, they didn't mention anything about that at the front desk.
Sam: I can't stop thinking about him. How -- how it felt to hold him. I mean, I looked down at him. He was so beautiful. He was so perfect. [Sighs] Now he's gone. I just... I came back to get my stuff. I have to leave.
McBain: What? Where you gonna go?
Sam: My mom's. I know it's a little chaotic there, but I think it'd be good for me to be around family.
McBain: Yeah, given everything that's happened, maybe that's the best place to be. Huh. Well... I guess this is goodbye.
Sam: [Laughs] You don't have to be so dramatic. I'm leaving a motel, not Port Charles.
McBain: I know. But I am.
Johnny: Is that an original composition?
Starr: Yeah. I wrote it awhile ago, but I never sang it in front of anyone.
Johnny: Don't tell me you're getting stage fright.
Starr: Nope. I'm going to sing this for Cole and hope. Hang your coat up by the light it's cold as loneliness outside and it's too hard to find the words tonight to say goodbye
Michael: I owe Johnny an apology.
Sonny: What? You owe him nothing.
Michael: Well, he was telling the truth. I mean, he didn't try to kill Anthony or frame you.
Sonny: Michael, all Johnny's trying to do is bring me down. Look what he did to Kate. He's taken advantage of her mental illness. You know what that is? That's a coward. That's a user.
Michael: Yeah. He was wrong. No question. I'm just saying that he wasn't guilty of what I was accusing him of.
Sonny: Oh, okay. So he had one good day.
Michael: Look, I'm just saying that sometimes people can surprise you, you know. Turns out mom was right to believe in him. Actually, I should probably tell her that he's innocent.
Sonny: You know what? I'm sure she already knows. I would not be surprised if they're already back together.
Todd: Starr is my daughter. And every time I look at her, she's still... I just -- I feel like I have to protect her.
Carly: There's a fine line between protecting and controlling, and you will cross it, and Starr will resent you.
Todd: I have a good reason to be worried. The only reason she's staying in town is to make an album with your ex. Johnny Zacchara does not have the best reputation. He still is your ex, right?
Carly: I need to check on the chocolates --
Todd: Oh, no! You took him back?
Carly: Okay, you're the one that stood right here in the hotel lobby and told me that some people get caught up in the moment and they hurt the people they care about.
Todd: Yeah, I was talking about me -- me and Blair, not you and that loser.
Carly: Johnny's sorry, and he's been doing everything he can to make up for it.
Todd: Really? How? Flowers? More flowers? Jewelry? Did he pony up for a diamond?
Carly: No, he gave me something more valuable.
Todd: What, a helicopter?
Carly: Cards on the table. He swore there'd be no more secrets.
Todd: And you fell for that? Listen, every single time that I've told a woman that there were no more secrets, it's because I had a secret.
Carly: Okay! You know what? I believe Johnny, so I'm not gonna waste my time second-guessing him. And you know what? You shouldn't either.
Todd: All right. It's your heart. But that doesn't mean that I'm gonna let him work an angle on my daughter.
Carly: Johnny's not gonna take advantage of Starr.
Todd: Oh, right. You're such a great judge of his character, that I should take your word for it.
Carly: You should take my word as a parent. Johnny went out of his way to keep Michael out of the business.
Todd: "The business." Is that what they call the mob these days?
Carly: This recording contract is legit. Johnny's never gonna put Starr in a position where she can get hurt.
Starr: Hanging on to time hoping for another day but I won't smile again without you where is yesterday? Where are all those plans we made? Why'd you have to go so far away?
Ewen: Kate, is everything all right?
[Door opens]
Kate: It's ready.
Ewen: What does it say? .
Ewen: Kate, is it positive or negative?
Kate: It's a plus sign. [Sobs] It's -- it's true. I'm -- I'm pregnant with Johnny Zacchara's baby.
Johnny: Yeah! That is incredible.
Starr: Stop! You do not have to do that.
Johnny: This is nothing. Wait until you got this entire place on their feet.
Starr: Okay, I'm not sure I'm ready to perform live.
Johnny: Okay, well, hey, first things first. We'll record an album, right? So come over here tomorrow and we'll talk backup arrangements.
Starr: Tomorrow?
Johnny: Yeah. I'm not keeping you a secret any longer than I have to.
Starr: Oh, gosh. This is all happening. I can't thank you enough.
Johnny: Oh, forget it.
Starr: No, really. It means so much to me. You have no idea.
Johnny: Well, you know... I guess I should be the one that's thanking you for giving me a chance to redeem myself.
Starr: Redeem yourself for what?
Johnny: Let's just say I've done some things I'm not proud of.
Starr: My last producer made a porn. I'm sure you can't get worse than that.
Todd: You think Johnny's gonna make you happy, go for it. I mean, I think you can do better, but it's your life.
Carly: That's refreshing.
Todd: Starr's life, on the other hand...
Carly: So you're gonna stick around and meddle.
Todd: Are you kidding? I'm her father. It's my God-given right to meddle.
Carly: Far be it from me to take away your God-given right, but I'm just saying, you don't have anything to worry about.
Todd: Johnny Zacchara is a less-than-reliable human being and comes from a seriously demented family. And if you knew anything about my family, you'd know I would never say anything like that lightly.
Carly: I'm not saying Johnny's perfect, okay? I mean, his father -- not his father, but the man who raised him -- he's missing. And when Johnny knew that my uncle was under suspicion --
Todd: Luke Spencer's your uncle.
Carly: Yes. That's not the point. The point is that Luke was arrested for killing Johnny's grandfather. And Johnny told me.
Todd: That makes Johnny a tattletale.
Carly: He's not a tattletale! He came to me, and he told me the truth! Cards on the table. That's all I'm saying. Have a nice day.
Todd: [Laughing] Okay. "New commissioner releases roomie." That's the best this paper's got?
Carly: You think you can do any better?
Todd: Are you joking? Off the top of my head, without even reading the article... um... "the divine miss Devane." "Devane intervention."
[Cell phone rings]
Carly: This is Carly.
Johnny: Hey. It's me. You busy?
Todd: "To err is Spencer. To forgive -- Devane."
McBain: You know I came to Port Charles for a reason.
Sam: To get something on Sonny. It's personal. About a woman.
McBain: My sister.
Sam: Wow. That I-I did not know. Hey... why don't you tell me about it?
McBain: My dad was a cop. He was a good man, made some mistakes. He was killed in the line of duty. At the hospital, he told me he'd been unfaithful to my mother... and he had a daughter. He hadn't seen her in a long time. And he made me promise to go find her and make sure she was all right. It was the last thing he said to me.
Sam: Okay. I mean, of course you had to keep your promise.
McBain: When I finally tracked her down, her life hadn't turned out the way my dad had hoped. She'd fallen in with the wrong crowd, you know. She was hanging out with these people, you know, these guys that sort of think of themselves as glamorous, but really they're just thugs in fancy suits.
Sam: Talking about organized crime.
McBain: There was one guy in particular. His name was Sonny Corinthos. Before I could get Theresa away from the life... Sonny got her killed.
Sam: John, I'm so sorry.
McBain: We went our separate ways. He did his thing. I did my thing. But I never forgot. And I told myself some day I was gonna make him pay for what he did.
Michael: Look, star knows that Kate didn't mean to cause that accident. She's just... sick.
Sonny: The psychiatrist says that the alter personality is a way for Kate to protect herself, to deal with a trauma. I think I caused it.
Kate: [Sobs] How can I be pregnant? W-what are the odds?
Ewen: This is a lot to process, okay? We need to --
Kate: No, I only -- we only had sex once! How can I be pregnant? Oh, my God. What am I gonna do?
Ewen: The plus sign means you're pregnant.
Kate: I know that.
Ewen: This is a minus sign. Kate, why would you say you're pregnant when you're not?
Kate: What are you talking about? I saw the results. I'm pregnant.
Ewen: I'm looking right at them. This is negative.
Kate: No, it's not! It's positive! It's positive. Oh! Oh, God. This is the worst thing that could ever happen.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Jason: So, what's up with you and Dr. Keenan?
Elizabeth: Excuse me?
Jason: Well, I just know that you were really worried after, you know, Kate knocked him out.
Elizabeth: Uh, she did a little more than just knock him out. He was in the I.C.U. You know he had to have surgery.
Jason: Okay, you were really glad when he was okay.
Elizabeth: He's more than okay. He's being released, and we kind of have a date tomorrow.
Jason: Wait. A date.
Elizabeth: Yeah. You know, I haven't allowed myself to think about romance, but I kind of like him. I mean, he's nice, and he just -- he's thoughtful and kind, and he understands me.
Jason: As long as he understands that if he doesn't treat you right... he'll answer to me.
Sam: You want justice for your sister. That's completely understandable.
McBain: Thanks for listening. Gonna have to put all that on hold for a little while. The warrant's expired. It's time for me to go home to Natalie and Liam.
Sam: So, uh, so I guess... I guess this is goodbye.
McBain: Looks that way.
Sam: You know, I never did figure out why you seemed so familiar.
McBain: Maybe some day.
Sam: Yeah. Maybe in a random place, at some random time. I mean, that's how these things happen, right? A coincidence that doesn't really feel like a coincidence. Anyway... [Chuckles] Safe travels.
McBain: You too. I hope you find what you're looking for. You deserve to be happy.
Elizabeth: And you win again.
Jason: You said I should play fair. I'm sorry.
Elizabeth: No. You should. That way when I do win, it'll mean something.
Jason: Listen, I hope Dr. Keenan's right for you. You deserve to be happy.
McBain: Goodbye, Sam.
Sam: Goodbye, John.
Carly: Johnny?
Both: Hey.
Carly: Why did you want me to meet you here? And how did you even get in this place?
Johnny: Meet the new owner of the haunted star. Well, co-owner.
Carly: Owner?
Johnny: Yeah.
Carly: You gonna franchise? You know, put strip clubs on every corner?
Johnny: I don't own a strip club anymore.
Carly: You got rid of Vaughn's.
Johnny: I'm done with that life. I'm starting a new one.
Carly: By running a casino.
Johnny: It's not a casino anymore.
Carly: Okay. Well, I hope you're not gonna use this tub for charters. I mean, I don't even think the engine even works. I'm sure Luke sold parts for scrap years ago.
Johnny: You ever heard of the power of positive thinking? Come on. Close your eyes. Close them! Come on.
Carly: Ugh! Okay.
Johnny: All right. What do you see?
Carly: An old boat. I know. I'm terrible at this game. I'm sorry.
Johnny: Not everybody has the visions that I do. It's gonna be a night club. A legitimate one. It is. Nothing but good times and good music.
Carly: Starr Manning.
Johnny: We're gonna record her album here.
Carly: Okay, well, then you better get yourself a flak jacket, because I just spent an hour defending you to her father. He is convinced that you're gonna try and take advantage of his daughter.
Johnny: I already hurt her the day that she came over and I turned my back and I let her get her hands on my gun. If she had gone through with that whole thing and actually shot Sonny, it would have ruined her life.
Carly: She didn't.
Johnny: Yeah. No thanks to me. That whole thing, though, it scared the hell out of me -- the idea that my actions were affecting everybody else's... that my hatred for Sonny was so strong that it poisoned everything I touched, and... [Sighs] I don't want to be that guy anymore.
Carly: Hey... you're not that guy.
Johnny: Well, I may not be able to have made things better for Starr, but I can certainly try and help her.
Carly: That's exactly what I told her father. And when Todd sees how sincere you are, you have nothing to worry about.
Johnny: [Chuckles]
Todd: Call this news?
Starr: Dad?
Todd: Hey.
Starr: Hey.
Todd: I was worried about you.
Starr: Why?
Todd: Why? You've got an awful lot to process.
Starr: Because I found out that Kate Howard was responsible for the accident?
Todd: Anything you want to talk about?
Starr: I went to see her. And I thought that I would be screaming and crying, but instead I ended up feeling sorry for her. She's sick. She has what aunt Viki and Jessica had, and they got cured. I hope she will, too.
Todd: Well, we talked about being better people, but... that was fast. Look at you, all compassionate.
Starr: After I almost killed someone. I almost threw my whole life away. I would still be in lockup if you hadn't -- if you weren't here. I told you that I didn't need you, and I did. I'm really glad that you are here.
Todd: Any chance you could tell that to your mother?
Starr: Actually, uh, I did talk to her. She says you don't want to stay in Llanview.
Todd: Yeah, I'm gonna move to Port Charles and pursue my childhood dream of being a rock star.
Starr: You heard that I started recording my album.
Todd: Yeah. With Johnny Zacchara.
Starr: Yes. Johnny. We started today, actually. He's a really great guy.
Todd: Oh, those are like the worst words a father could ever hear.
Starr: It's true. What?
Todd: It's nice to see you smile.
Starr: Yeah. I think for the first time since I lost Cole and hope, I am finding reasons to smile.
Michael: Dad, I don't understand. How could you have caused Kate's condition?
Sonny: Kate got shot at our wedding. I almost got her killed. Connie, I guess, emerged in a way to protect her from me.
Michael: Is that what the psychiatrist told you?
Sonny: Doctors say that in most cases of D.I.D., The alter comes from a childhood trauma. But we -- we grew up together. If something happened, I would have known.
Michael: But you and Kate broke up, right?
Sonny: Well, we didn't break -- she cut me out completely. We were supposed to run away together. She never showed up. She never contacted me. She went her way. I went mine. Now that I'm thinking about it... that was the last time that I saw the Connie I knew.
Michael: When?
Sonny: Connie Falconeri was 17 when she left me standing on that corner in Brooklyn. Next time I saw her, she was Kate Howard.
Kate: Oh, God!
Ewen: Kate, I promise you, you're not pregnant.
Kate: No. I prayed. I prayed every night to God. I prayed that he wouldn't let this happen. But he did.
Ewen: Listen to me. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real.
Kate: [Crying] How can I have a baby, doctor? I'm only 17 years old.
Jason: Aw, that's it? No rematch? One more game.
Elizabeth: Nope. I can't. I got to go.
Jason: Okay. Well, uh, thank you for... for this.
Elizabeth: Hey, thanks for the pool lesson.
You gonna be okay?
Jason: Yeah. I'll be okay.
Elizabeth: Okay.
And we all fall down and we broke our crown
Jason: [Sighs]
And where is redemption now?
Johnny: So, I got a call out to the contractors. I'm gonna even hire an extra crew if that means this place gets open in time.
Carly: Wow. You're gonna make this place something special.
Johnny: Yeah, well, it's easy when I got the inspiration. I want to be the man that you deserve, Carly. And, uh... and I think the haunted star is the perfect start.
Carly: Then we can put the past behind us.
Johnny: Yeah.
Starr: So, do you feel better?
Todd: Hmm. About what?
Starr: About Johnny. You said yourself you could see how me working with Johnny makes me happy, right? So you don't really have to stick around much longer.
Todd: I wouldn't go that far.
Starr: Are you serious about moving to Port Charles?
Todd: Sure. Why not?
Starr: You don't have a newspaper here. You're going to quit making life miserable for Briggs? What are you gonna do here?
Todd: I got a few ideas.
Michael: All right, I'll see you, dad.
Sonny: All right. Listen, no -- I don't have to tell you, but no one has to know that Kate was responsible for the accident.
Michael: Oh, yeah. I understand.
Sonny: Good.
Michael: You really love her, don't you?
Sonny: Sometimes it takes a little while to realize how much. And, uh, you know, this is not her fault. And I'm gonna do whatever I can to get her help so she can figure out why she's sick.
Kate: [Crying] Oh, God! Oh, my God!
Ewen: You're 17 years old?
Kate: Yes! I'm not gonna be 18 for a few more months.
Ewen: Kate, please, okay? I need you to listen to me.
Kate: Who's Kate?
Ewen: You. Kate Howard.
Kate: I don't know who Kate Howard is. I'm Connie Falconeri.
Ewen: C-Connie?
Connie: Yeah. How am I gonna tell my boyfriend? How am I gonna tell Sonny that I'm pregnant? [Crying]
[Door closes]
McBain: Don't go getting all irritable with Milo and max. They're busy chasing down a possible intruder on the property -- guy I paid to intrude.
Sonny: What do you want, McBain?
McBain: Let's talk about Theresa.
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