GH Transcript Thursday 4/12/12

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 4/12/12


Provided By Suzanne

Jason: Sam. Hey.

Sam: Hi. What are you doing here?

Jason: Uh, I'm looking for you. I was going to Dr. Lee's office, but Elizabeth said she saw you talking to some guy.

Sam: She did?

Jason: Did I miss your check-up?

Heather: Kelly's. Wow, how I have missed this place. Your father and I used to come here all the time.

Steven: Yeah?

Heather: And he would always order a BLT. Jeff loved the BLT.

Steven: [Laughs]

Heather: You know what?

Steven: What?

Heather: I think I'm gonna order one myself today in his honor.

Steven: Great. Let's sit.

Heather: Okay.

Steven: [Clears throat]

Heather: A BLT at Kelly's with my son. What more could I want?

Ewen: Can I help you?

Olivia: I'm sorry to bother you. Do you have a minute?

Ewen: I'm in the middle of something at the moment.

Olivia: There's really no polite way to say this. Um, um, I need to talk to you right now. This can't wait.

Ewen: Are you looking for a therapist?

Olivia: It's not for me. It's for a family member.

Ewen: What seems to be the problem?

Olivia: [Sighs] How do I put it? Uh, she's crazy and she needs to be institutionalized.

Kate: This purse is like a black hole. I just need to find my aspirin and I'll be okay. Oh, here it is.

Sonny: Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey.

[Clears throat]

Carly: Hi.

Johnny: Hello.

Carly: Uh... you didn't have to pick me up.

Johnny: Aren't the one that told me you're a lousy driver?

Carly: Yes. [Chuckles] I am. You can tell by all the dents in my car.

Johnny: Yeah, so I'm here to safely deliver you to the courthouse.

Carly: Wow, look at you all dressed up and clean-shaven.

Johnny: I wanted to look my best. Today's the day Sonny Corinthos goes to prison.

Sonny: Michael. I thought -- I thought we agreed.

Michael: Yeah.

Sam: What happened with Spinelli and the shocking information about your person of interest?

Jason: Uh, he's doing more research, so I thought I'd meet you for the check-up.

Sam: I just -- I feel bad. You should be at Sonny's trial.

Jason: No, I don't care about the opening arguments.

Sam: I know, but I'm sure he wants you there.

Jason: Are you trying to get rid of me?

Sam: [Chuckles] NO. I'm just -- I don't know. I'm not used to you showing up like this.

Jason: Well, I just -- I just really want to support you and the baby.

Kelly: Sam. Uh, you needed to see me about something?

Luke: Let's go somewhere else.

Heather: Waitress, excuse -- wait! Luke.

Luke: [Sighs] Heather. What can I do for you?

Heather: As if you don't already know. We have some unfinished business. I'd like to finish it.

Ewen: I didn't realize you were aware of her situation.

Olivia: How could I not be? The woman is nuts! I -- sorry. I'm sorry. I know that that is not a politically correct thing to say, but I wasn't aware that Steve had told you about her.

Ewen: I'm sorry. Uh, who are you talking about?

Olivia: Steve's mother. Heather Webber. Wait a minute. Who are you talking about?

Kate: Look, we're all a little on edge. Why don't we just go into the courtroom?

Sonny: Michael, answer me. Why are you here?

Starr: This isn't some big conspiracy. Michael and I ran into each other. I was upset. He was trying to help.

Kate: I'm sure this must be very upsetting for you.

Starr: Upsetting? Yes, it's upsetting coming back to the place where my daughter and boyfriend were killed.

Sonny: I-I know how you feel about me, but I-I really am very sorry.

Starr: You already said that.

Sonny: Well, I didn't -- I thought you might have forgotten 'cause there was a lot going on when I said it before.

Starr: Oh, I remembered. And I didn't believe you then, and I don't believe you now.

Sonny: I didn't cause that accident. And it's gonna come on the trial when I'm vindicated.

Alexis: Good morning. Everything all right? We should get inside.

Sonny: Michael. You coming?

Michael: Uh, yeah, in a minute.

Johnny: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so excited of the prospect of Sonny being locked up.

Carly: You're entitled to your own feelings.

Johnny: But you don't share them.

Carly: I said before if Sonny caused the accident, he should be punished.

Johnny: "If." Right?

Carly: Sonny swears he didn't do it. At one time, I would have believed him, but now I-I'm just glad I don't have to make the decision.

Johnny: Yeah, and you know Alexis Davis is gonna make it look like I framed him.

Carly: We both know you didn't plant that gun in Kate's office.

Johnny: Hmm. It's kind of ironic, don't you think, that, uh, you're my alibi?

Carly: Well, we were together all night, remember?

Johnny: Yeah. How do you think Michael's gonna feel about both of us testifying against Sonny?

Carly: [Sighs] Well, Michael was at the scene of the accident. They have called him as a witness. He's gonna want to protect his father. All we can do is tell the truth. After that, it's -- it's out of our hands.

Johnny: All right.

Michael: Look, you didn't have to cover. I don't care that my dad knows you're staying with me. And, uh...I probably should have told him anyway.

Starr: So that your dad could pressure you even more?

Michael: Well, just because I love my dad doesn't mean I can't help you.

Starr: [Sighs] Thank you for bringing me here. Now comes the hard part.

Michael: Look, no matter what happens in there, I want you to know that I'm glad you came to me. I-I know we're on opposite sides here, but, look, I know what you lost and I want you to have justice. Okay?

Starr: Thank you.

Michael: Come on. Let's go.

All rise! Court is now in session. The honorable judge Colin Shepperd presiding. Docket number 12536, the people of the state of new York versus Michael Corinthos Jr.

Be seated.

[Gavel bangs]

This is a tragic but simple case. All you have to do is follow the logic. Now, there are three elements which must be proven. Means, motive, and opportunity. The defendant, Michael "Sonny" Corinthos, is a very wealthy man. He's a very powerful man who has built an empire on violence and vendettas. These aren't courtroom theatrics. No. These are facts. Sonny's target on the evening of February 28th was his rival, Anthony Zacchara. Now, Sonny announced his intentions to murder Mr. Zacchara in front of witnesses. Sonny had a motive. The gun in question was recovered from his girlfriend's office, thus establishing the means. The final point of logic is opportunity. Sonny Corinthos has no alibi for the evening of February the 28th. The state will prove that he followed Mr. Zacchara's car, shot out his tires, and caused the accident which took the lives of Cole Thornhart and his 3 year-old daughter, hope. There was a third casualty that evening -- Starr Manning, who lost both her daughter and the love of her life.

Starr: The car keeps slipping. It's going to fall any second. You need to get them out. Please. Promise me.

Michael: I promise.

If you follow these points of logic, there's only one conclusion. Sonny Corinthos is guilty.

Ewen: I apologize for my lack of focus. I was thinking about a different patient. Um, tell me more about Steve's mother. You said her name was Heather?

Olivia: Heather Webber. Yes. She's been in Ferncliff for the past eight years.

Ewen: The facility for the criminally insane?

Olivia: That's the one.

Ewen: What led to her incarceration?

Olivia: She killed a man. And I don't know all the details, but I know that she had a complete, total mental breakdown.

Ewen: But that was eight years ago. Presumably, she's made progress since then.

Olivia: She's been given a conditional release and Steve's agreed to take complete responsibility for her, but she's -- she's his mother. He wants to help her, but he's not at all objective about the situation at the moment.

Ewen: Right, and you're concerned about Heather's mental state.

Olivia: Uh, let's just say she did not make the greatest first impression. She was completely rude. She was totally dismissive of me, and she was possessive of Steve in a way that was -- it was just freaking creepy.

Ewen: But she was just released after eight years in a mental facility. Is it possible she was just trying too hard?

Olivia: You see? You see? That's exactly what I tried to do. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. That's when she kicked it up to the next level. She offered me a cup of Téa.

Ewen: Téa?

Olivia: Significant. Significant if you know -- if you know Heather's history.

Ewen: Enlighten me.

Olivia: Okay. When Steve was a baby, there was another woman that Heather wanted out of the way because she saw her as a rival for Steve's affections, so she served her a cup of Téa laced with LSD.

Ewen: That's very unsettling.

Olivia: Now, you see -- you see, when -- when Steve is in the room, she acts all sort of kooky and eccentric, but when she handed me this cup of Téa, no, she knew exactly what she was doing. It was like -- like she was trying to scare me or -- or -- or -- or freak me out or something like that, you know? Now, you see, now I sound like I'm paranoid when you probably think that I'm the one that needs the shrink.

Ewen: No, I believe everyone can benefit from analysis, but I can see why you'd be worried about Heather.

Olivia: I'm telling you, there is something off about her, and I just think that maybe she -- she tricked the people at Ferncliff into -- into releasing her too soon.

Ewen: So you've come to me for a second opinion.

Olivia: Yeah, obviously I would need to talk to Steve about it and everything, but -- but I just want to see what the options are.

Ewen: I'd be happy to -- to give an independent assessment, but, uh, Heather and Steve would -- would have to agree to it first.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Heather: I owe you an apology. And you, too. When I came to see you the other night, it was just to -- well, I wanted to make amends for past mistakes. I did not mean to upset anybody or cause any trouble. That was not my intention.

Steven: That's easy to misinterpret when someone just shows up out of the blue.

Luke: Yeah. Yeah. It's -- it's easy. Yeah.

Heather: Assuming you were a couple. Silly me. I mean, it's clear that you're just friends. You're not really Luke's type at all. He prefers blondes.

Luke: Okay, well, thank you for the -- the apology. We totally accept it. Right?

Anna: Right. You know, we have to get to that thing --

Heather: No, no, no, no. Please. Please, uh, Luke, give me a chance to make it up to you. Let me buy you lunch. I mean, technically, it would be on Steven's tab, but, well, it's the thought that counts.

Luke: Yeah, well, it's very sweet of you, Heather, but we have this thing that we really need to --

Heather: No, I won't take "no" for an answer. Come on.

Luke: Okay. Thanks. Anna, join us.

Anna: No.

Luke: Please? Please? Please?

Alexis: Well, the district attorney and I do agree on one thing. That the accident that took the lives of Cole and hope Thornhart is a profound tragedy. I'm a mother. My client is a father, and words cannot describe the sympathy that we have for miss Manning and the magnitude of her loss. However, convicting an innocent man will not lessen miss Manning's pain. Now, the district attorney just spoke to you about following simple logic. My client, the case against him is entirely circumstantial. It's all conjecture, no basis in fact. There is no proof that he was on the road the night of the accident. There is no proof that he shot out the tires of Anthony Zacchara's car. There is no proof that he is responsible in any way for the accident that caused miss Manning to lose her family. My client is innocent. And I intend to prove that to you and to the court. Thank you for listening.

Prosecution may call its first witness.

Prosecution calls detective Dante Falconeri.

Carly: Where's Jason?

Jason: We're here for, uh, Sam's check-up.

Kelly: I didn't realize I had Sam on my schedule today.

Jason: Oh.

Kelly: [Chuckles] Receptionist must have made a mistake. Fortunately, I have an opening. We can do it now.

Sam: Oh, that would be great. Yes.

Kelly: Follow me.

Sam: Thank you.

Kelly: I am going to need to examine Sam privately first.

Jason: Got it. I'll -- I'll be in the waiting area.

Kelly: Okay.

[Door closes]

Kelly: What's going on?

Sam: I need you to run another DNA test.

Kelly: I don't understand. The first test proved Jason was the father. Why would you need another one?

Sam: Because of this.

Heather: Still as good as when rose Kelly was running the place. You remember rose, Luke.

Luke: Sure. Sure. I liked rose. I wanted to date her.

[Chuckles] But I've always been partial to the times when my aunt ruby ran this joint.

Anna: Oh, I love ruby.

Heather: Yeah. When aunt ruby took over the diner, you would have thought she'd been in the business her whole life. You never would have guessed she used to be a madam.

Luke: Yes, she was. And I've always been proud of all my aunt's business ventures. You know, she left this place to, uh, me and Bobbie.

[Cell phone ringing]

Steven: [Clears throat] Excuse me.

Steven: HI.

Olivia: I need to talk to you about your mother.

Heather: Mmm. This is so good.

Anna: Mm.

Heather: It reminds me of when I was a little girl. Oh! Oh, I am so sorry! Gosh, I am such a klutz.

Anna: Really?

Heather: Sorry.

On the evening of February 28th, the same night that Anthony Zacchara's tires were shot out, you, yourself were the target of another shooting, detective?

Dante: Yes, I was.

Were you injured?

Dante: Uh, no. Sonny, my father, pushed me out of the way. He saved my life.

Was your father injured?

Dante: Yeah, he was shot in the left arm.

Did you try and get your father some medical attention?

Dante: Yes, I did, and when I returned with a doctor, Sonny was gone.

Did you search for your father?

Dante: Yes, I did.

And where did you find your father, detective?

Dante: At John Zacchara's penthouse holding a gun in his hand.

Johnny: He was armed with a 9mm semi-automatic. He was gonna kill me.

Did he tell you why?

Johnny: Yeah. He thought I was the one who fired at Dante in the garage.

Carly: I told Sonny that I was with Johnny most of the evening.

And were you able to convince your ex-husband of Mr. Zacchara's innocence?

Carly: Sonny came to believe that someone else was the shooter.

Who was that?

Carly: Johnny gave the impression that it was Anthony Zacchara, that he might have been responsible.

Johnny: When Sonny left my apartment, he said that my grandfather, Anthony, had tried to kill Dante and that he was gonna make him pay.

Tracy: Mr. Corinthos barged into my house and announced that he was gonna kill my -- husband, Anthony Zacchara. Not that I would have minded.

Could you clarify that last statement? You mean you wouldn't have minded if Mr. Corinthos murdered your husband?

Tracy: [Chuckles] Not really. But then I thought about Alice, our housekeeper, complaining about the mess and my father lecturing me about bringing violence into the house and my sister-in-law threatening to evict me, so in the end, I decided it was easier to request that Mr. Corinthos leave, which he did.

And did Mr. Corinthos say anything else before he so obligingly left your home?

Tracy: Possibly. I don't really recall.

Ms. Quartermaine, I have to remind you, you are under oath. You need to tell us Sonny's exact words if possible.

Tracy: It was something to the effect of -- "finding you will be half the fun. Watching you die will be the other."

Your witness.

Miss Davis? Cross?

Alexis: Thank you. Did you actually see Sonny shoot out Anthony Zacchara's tires on the night in question?

Tracy: No, I did not.

Dante: No, I did not.

Carly: No, I did not.

Johnny: No, I did not.

Alexis: No further questions, your honor.

Step down. Call your next witness.

Prosecution calls Starr Manning.

[Merritt] For smooth frizz, I recommend

What were you and your family doing in Port Charles on the evening of February 28th?

Starr: We had been living in los Angeles, but we had to go back to Llanview, Pennsylvania, the city where I grew up. Our plane was rerouted, and we had to drive the rest of the way. We rented a car.

And you were in that rental car when the accident occurred, correct?

Starr: Yes.

Now, I know this will be difficult for you, but I need for you to tell us about those moments leading up to the accident.

Starr: Cole and I -- we loved each other very, very much, and we had been apart for a while due to outside circumstances. We had only been together for a few weeks before, um --

It's okay. Please take your time.

Starr: Uh -- we were very happy, and we were very excited for our future. Cole wanted to make things more solid for me and for hope.

[Voice breaking] And he asked me to marry him.

I know this is difficult.

Sonny: [Whispers] Hey, this is not relevant. How come you're not objecting?

Alexis: [Whispers] Because it's not gonna do you any favors if I start bullying a-a teenage mother who's grieving. I'll object when it's necessary. Just relax.

Starr: He said that I had to give him an answer, and that's when we heard the gunshots.


Are you sure about the noises you heard?

Starr: Yes. I am positive. I've heard gunshots before.

Go on.

Starr: Everything happened so fast, almost all at once. I saw the headlights. I was screaming. Cole tried to swerve, but --

Anthony Zacchara's car. It forced you off the road, correct?

Starr: Yes. Yes.

What happened next?

Starr: Our car had gone through the guardrail. I was on the passenger side. It was the only door that worked. I got out, but --

Starr: Help!

Starr: -- The car was slipping. The passenger side was hanging off the edge of the cliff.

What about Cole and hope?

Starr: They were trapped. Cole's leg was broken, and hope was still strapped in her car seat, and it was wedged, and I couldn't get their doors open.

What did you do then?

Starr: I ran over to -- to the other car, and the older man was getting out.

Was this the man? The other driver?

Starr: Yes. That's him.

Olivia: I'm at the hospital with Dr. Keenan. I was just thinking it might be a good idea if we got Heather an independent evaluation.

Steven: I don't like the way she took off on her own to find Luke, but that -- that's no reason to overreact.

Olivia: Overreact? Honey, the woman disappeared the first day you were responsible for her care, and she went right to see Luke Spencer, the former object of her obsession. Don't you think that's a red flag? I'm sorry. The woman is working another agenda.

Steven: She was just released after years of being institutionalized. She deserves the chance to --

Olivia: Steve? Are you there?

Heather: This is so embarrassing. I never used to be this clumsy.

Anna: Really? That is hard to believe.

Heather: You know, maybe you should put some water on that before the stain sets.

Anna: Oh, I think that's a great idea.

Heather: And be sure to use cold water. That works best. Here we are. Alone at last. It's important that you understand how hard I've worked to become a person who can lead a normal life. All I want is to put the past behind me and focus on the future.

Luke: Heather, what -- is exactly this future that you want to focus on?

Steven: You have a point. Maybe I should bring my mother over to the hospital after all.

Sam: Jason and Franco were fraternal twins.

Kelly: If two possible fathers are related as full brothers, they may share many of the same DNA markers used in paternity testing.

Sam: Okay, so you're telling me that Jason might not be my baby's father?

Kelly: Well, we didn't screen for shared DNA markers. Jason could have registered a false positive.

Sam: Okay, well, that's why I want you to use this and run Franco's DNA.

Kelly: I take it that Jason does not know.

Sam: No, Jason has no idea that he and Franco are related and that he could possibly not be my baby's father.

Kelly: Sam, that's a lot of stress to go through alone.

Sam: I know, but if Jason is the father -- and I pray that he is -- it'll make it a lot easier for him to accept that Franco's his brother.

Kelly: The sample is marked "FBI." How -- how did you get it?

Sam: I have -- I have a connection.

Kelly: Okay. I'll run a rush on the test.

Sam: Okay. How long will it take?

Kelly: You'll have the results in 24 hours.

Sam: [Sighs]

The man in this photograph, who our witness just positively identified, is Anthony Zacchara. This will be entered into evidence. Please, go on, miss Manning.

Starr: I begged Anthony to help me, but he said that he couldn't.

He refused to help you?

Starr: He said that he couldn't because someone was gunning for him.

And what was your reaction?

Starr: I screamed. I said, "you have to help me. You're the one that caused this accident."

What did Mr. Zacchara say?

Starr: He said, "don't blame me, kid. Blame the guy who shot out my tires. His name is Sonny Corinthos."

Alexis: Objection. Hearsay.

Proceed, counselor.

One final question, your honor. What happened to Cole and your daughter?

Starr: Um -- I was -- I was passed out, but from what I was told, the car slid off the edge of the cliff with Cole and hope inside of it and --

[Voice breaking] And it ex -- it exploded with Cole and hope inside, and they died.


No further questions, your honor.

Alexis: Your honor, one question. Miss Manning, I would just like to ask if you actually saw Sonny --

Starr: No, I did not see Sonny Corinthos shoot out Anthony Zacchara's tires! But that doesn't mean that he didn't do it!

Alexis: But it doesn't mean that he did. No more questions, your honor.

You may step down, miss Manning. Next witness.

Prosecution calls Michael Corinthos III.


When you and your brother, detective Falconeri, came upon the accident, you were out searching for your father, correct?

Michael: Yes.

Why did you think you'd find him on highway 115? That's the quickest route to the airport, am I right? You believe your father was looking for Anthony Zacchara and he was probably trying to get out of town, am I right?

Alexis: Objection, your honor. Leading.


You and your brother both believed your father was gunning for Anthony Zacchara, didn't you?

Alexis: Inflammatory.

Sustained. Spare us the theatrics, counselor.

Mr. Corinthos, do you believe your father, Sonny Corinthos, was pursuing Anthony Zacchara on the evening of February the 28th?

Michael: Yes.

Your witness.

Alexis: Did you see your father at the scene of the accident?

Michael: No.

Alexis: Did you see your father's car on the road at any time that night?

Michael: No.

Alexis: Did you see your father at any time prior to the accident?

Michael: Yes.

Alexis: Where?

Michael: He was at the hospital. He'd been in the emergency room to get stitches.

Alexis: Would you say that he appeared emotional?

Michael: Yeah.

Alexis: Angry?

Objection. Calls for speculation.

Alexis: Your honor, this is Mr. Corinthos' son. He would certainly be able to identify if his father appeared angry or not.

Overruled. Continue, miss Davis. But don't take too long getting there.

Alexis: You said that your father appeared emotional. Do you know why?

Michael: Well, he just lost somebody close to him. Dr. Robin Scorpio had just died in a lab accident, and my father had known her since she was a teenager, so --

Alexis: And when your father heard the news of Dr. Scorpio's death, how did he react? Was he outraged? Was he angry?

Michael: No. He was, uh, sad and quiet. He loved Robin a lot.

Alexis: That's all. Thank you.

You may step down. Counselor, call your next witness.

Ballistics test confirm that this is the gun used to shoot out Anthony Zacchara's tires. Correct?

Dante: Yes, it is.

Where did you find this gun?

Dante: In Kate Howard's office at crimson magazine.

Luke: Heather -- there is a whole, big, wonderful world out there for you to catch up on. It would be a mistake and, frankly, a waste of time for you to focus on me.

Steven: [Sighs] I'm just worried how my mom's gonna react when I try to drag her into a shrink's office. She thinks she's perfectly normal again.

Olivia: Yeah, but we've seen enough to know that Heather's nowhere close to normal. I-I think at the very least, we need to hand over her files to Dr. Keenan to see if he comes to the same conclusions as her doctors at Ferncliff.

Heather: I just wanted the chance to tell you I'd like to start over.

Luke: Start what over?

Heather: To start over as friends. I just didn't want to say so in front of the others.

Steven: Sorry about that. That was work. I have a consult. How would you like to take another trip down memory lane? Come to the hospital with me.

Heather: Right now?

Luke: You know, that's a great idea. Give you time to reacquaint yourself with your son, re-bond. Wonderful. Wonderful.

Steven: Luke's right. And this time, I'm gonna be the one to not take "no" for an answer. All right?

Luke: Okay. Bye. See you. Oh, my God.

Jason: Uh, you didn't tell me you were doing a sonogram.

Kelly: Oh, it's supposed to be next week, but since my office messed up and called you on the wrong day, I figured might as well give you a little bonus.

Jason: Great. Thank you.

Sam: You okay?

Jason: Yeah. Yeah. I'm just, uh, you know, I'm excited to see our baby.

Kelly: Okay. Here we go.

[Chuckles] There's your baby. Looking nice and healthy.

Jason: Wow. Look at our baby, Sam.

Sam: I can't believe it.

Kelly: He or she is being a little shy today. If you want to find out if it's a boy or a girl, I can try to finagle.

Jason: It's -- it's up to you.

Sam: Well, what do you think?

Jason: Uh -- I think I'd like to keep it a surprise if that's okay.

Sam: All right. A surprise it is.

Jason: Okay.

Let the record reflect that Kate Howard is Sonny Corinthos' current girlfriend. Who does the gun in question belong to?

Dante: We don't know. The, uh, serial number was filed off and the fingerprints were wiped clean.

No further questions, your honor.

Alexis: Detective, how did you get access to miss Howard's office?

Dante: I took the elevator to the third floor in the Metro Court hotel.

Alexis: This is a private elevator?

Dante: No, it's a public elevator.

Alexis: Oh, so it's accessed by anyone in the lobby?

Dante: Yes.

Alexis: Did this elevator go straight to miss Howard's office?

Dante: Well, it went to the reception area, where there's a couple desks, and, uh, no one was there at the time.

Alexis: So you took it upon yourself to go into miss Howard's private office?

Dante: Well, the door was wide open, so, yes, I walked in.

Alexis: So, if you can do that, anyone can do it.

Objection. Calls for conjecture.


Alexis: Detective, did you see Sonny Corinthos leave the gun in Kate Howard's office?

Dante: No.

Alexis: Isn't it possible that anyone then could have planted the gun in Kate Howard's office?

Johnny: This is the part where she tries to point the finger at me.

Carly: Well, why don't we get out of here?

Alexis: So it's possible that anyone could have planted the gun in miss Howard's office. Correct?

Dante: That's correct.

Alexis: I have no further questions.

Detective Falconeri, you may step down. Mr. Martinez, call your next witness.

Prosecution calls Kate Howard.

Anna: Where is our barking-mad friend?

Luke: Steven Lars took her to work with him. It's apparently "take mom to work" day.

Anna: Oh, thank God.

Luke: Yeah. You okay?

Anna: She did that on purpose.

Luke: Gee, you think?

Anna: Yeah.

Luke: Well, look on the bright side. At least they're not bloodstains.

[Chuckles] Oh. Too soon?

[Both laugh] You know, you got it in your hair.

Anna: Only you could top a lunch with a psychopath with an off-color joke to make me laugh.

Luke: [Chuckles]

Anna: Pretty good. It's sticky, right?

Luke: Yeah. A little bit.

Steven: My consult shouldn't take that long. You okay waiting here for a few minutes?

Heather: I'll be perfectly fine, Steven. Steve.

Steven: You can't wander off like you did yesterday.

Heather: Don't worry. I learned my lesson.

Steven: Okay. I want to trust you. But you also have to prove yourself. Don't leave or there will be repercussions.

Heather: I look forward to the day when a speech like that won't be necessary. I'll do everything I can to earn your trust.

Steven: Good. I'll be back.

Jason: Is it okay if I -- if I hold on to this?

Sam: Yeah. Of course. Kelly and I still have a few things to go over, so, I mean, you can head out.

Jason: Yeah, I should get to Sonny's trial.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Sam: He's so happy. This is gonna destroy him. I can't -- I-I can't even think that way right now.

Kelly: Here. You'll need this when you pick up your DNA results tomorrow. And please try to rest tonight. You'll know who your baby's father is in 24 hours.

Sam: Jason. I mean, it has to be Jason.

Steven: This is my mother's file from Ferncliff.

Ewen: I'll read over it as soon as I can.

Steven: Doctors are pretty confident about her progress.

Ewen: It's -- it's a good idea to get a second opinion just to make sure there were no mistakes.

Olivia: Exactly. The last thing we need is a dangerous, crazy woman on the loose.

Heather: Hello, Samantha. Remember me?

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Kate: I do.

You may be seated.

For the record, could you please state your name?

Kate: My name? My name is Connie Falconeri.

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