General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/12/12
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: I-I don't know if my father caused the accident.
Starr: You can't even say out loud what really happened!
Michael: Look, you -- you can't be sure if this --
Starr: [Voice breaking] Your dad killed Cole and my little girl! You saw her in the back of that car! You saw her! She was stuck in her car seat! You saw Cole! He was reaching for her! He begged you to help him!
Michael: I did everything I could to --
Starr: And you knew! You knew that your father did it, and you sat here, and you talked to me, and you act like you cared, all along knowing that your dad killed them!
Michael: Y-you can't be sure.
Starr: I can't be sure? The other driver told me. He said, "Sonny Corinthos shot out my tires." That's what he said. That's your father, right?
Michael: Yes, he's my father, but we can't be sure that he caused the accident.
Starr: I can be sure. Who else could it be?
Kate: Yes. Hello, Dr. Keenan. Um, it's Kate Howard again. I called you earlier. Maybe you didn't get my message yet. That's all right. If you could just call me back as soon as you can, I-I really need to speak with you. Thank you so much. Bye.
Ewen: Will you settle for a house call? I got your message. You said you needed help.
Dante: What's going on?
Lulu: Ask your partner.
Delores: Like he's gonna believe me over his wife.
Dante: Could one of you just tell me?
Delores: Fine. Your wife just accused me of destroying evidence.
Olivia: I-is this about Lisa Niles? Because, you know, the first mate confessed to all of that --
Steve: No, it's not Lisa Niles. A patient in Memphis.
Olivia: [Sighs] A patient. Okay. Thank God. You see, I thought -- I-I mean, not -- not "thank God." I know losing a patient has got to be terrible, but I thought you meant... honey, you lose patients no matter what, no matter how good a doctor you are.
Steve: I didn't lose a patient, Olivia. I killed a patient... deliberately.
Carly: I wouldn't worry. If this guy, Todd, tracks Sonny down, Sonny can take care of himself.
Blair: Hmm. Well, you don't know Todd, because when he gets an idea in his head... where did you say Todd was going?
Carly: I didn't.
Blair: He swore you to secrecy, did he? Well, you know what? You won't be the first, and you won't be the last. But if you care about this friend, I feel I need to warn you that Todd can be very volatile and dangerous, especially when it comes to his family.
Carly: And you know this how?
Blair: Because I'm his ex.
Carly: [Laughs] Oh, that's funny.
Blair: What?
Carly: I'm Sonny's ex.
Blair: Hmm.
Todd: Sonny Corinthos?
Sonny: Who wants to know?
Todd: Father of the girl you put into the hospital. Grandfather of the little girl that you killed. I find the omega choices overwhelming.
Steve: I had a patient in Memphis, and they transferred him from the prison hospital. He'd been beaten by -- by fellow inmates and was in a persistent coma.
Olivia: How old was he?
Steve: Early 20s. And there was no indication he was ever gonna regain consciousness. But in every other respect, he was perfectly healthy. He possibly could have lived for years.
Olivia: He'd been trapped in a bed, right? That's n-no kind of life! So you felt sorry for him, yeah?
Steve: No. I said he was a prisoner. A life sentence for a string of murders. This guy was irredeemable. And at the same time, Maggie had a patient, a 14-year-old little girl, a straight-"a" student, a violinist, a precious, precious, little girl with a congenital heart defect. And she needed a transplant. She was dying, and she was running out of time.
Olivia: And your patient was a match.
Steve: Even if we could have turned things around and brought this guy back, then what? He serves his sentence on the state's dime? Possibly killing other inmates just to pass the time? I did what I did, and I'm not proud of it, but I saved a life, a worthwhile life, and I took out someone who didn't deserve a second chance!
Lulu: I'm not accusing you of anything, Delores. I'm just pointing out the fact that you were the only one near the computer at the time the photos went missing.
Delores: You just started working here. You're not a detective.
Dante: Okay, whoa. Could we just take a timeout for a second here? Baby, did you really accuse her?
Lulu: She's the one who told me she was the only one near the computer when the photos went missing off of the hard drive and the cell phone.
Delores: Why would I delete evidence on my own case?
Dante: Well, it's not just your case. There's been a lot of victims that were all attacked the same way and --
Delores: And who was the one making all the noise about the department not paying attention? Me.
Dante: Okay. Great. She's right. She's worked harder than anyone else to find the guy who's been beating up the dancers. She was the one who realized we brought in the wrong suspect in the first place.
Delores: So why would I destroy evidence? It makes no sense!
Johnny: Whoa, whoa. Detective, just because you're having a bad day, does that mean you should take it out on your partner or your wife?
Dante: Oh, you should watch your mouth, Johnny.
Johnny: Yeah? Hey, everybody, Sonny Corinthos made bail. Isn't that great? Despite your best efforts. I'm assuming they were your best efforts, right? There's no way that you would let somebody get off killing a child even if it was your father.
Ewen: Did something happen, Kate?
Kate: I don't know. I mean, it's probably nothing. I've had a lot on my mind. And, frankly, what you're suggesting is ridiculous.
Ewen: What happened?
Kate: What happened was, uh, when we last spoke, when Dante interrupted us, uh, he told me that Sonny had been arrested, that he apparently tried to kill Anthony Zacchara and two people were killed.
Ewen: Those are very serious charges.
Kate: Yeah. And, uh, someone was trailing Anthony Zacchara. They shot out his tires on a windy stretch of highway 115. His car veered into another vehicle, killing a father and his little daughter.
Ewen: That's very upsetting.
Kate: The police recovered the gun that caused the accident.
Ewen: Okay.
Kate: There were no fingerprints, no serial number.
Ewen: Right. So, how does any of this connect to Sonny?
Kate: Because the gun was found here in my office.
Carly: I appreciate your concern --
Blair: No, no, no. Don't misunderstand. I am so not concerned about Todd. I just don't want to get caught up in another fallout of one of Todd's disasters. That's all.
Carly: He did seem a little intense.
Blair: A little?
Carly: But then he calmed down when I told him that Sonny was arrested.
Blair: Sonny was arrested?
Carly: Last night.
Michael: Anthony, he hates my father, okay? T-t-they -- he would do anything to hurt him, even blame him for an accident he didn't cause.
Starr: Why?
Michael: [Sighs] Look, it started out as business, but now it's personal. Anthony and my father have been fighting for years.
Starr: Like a feud?
Michael: Yes. Something like that. I mean, it's a little more complicated, but it's --
Starr: I know. I understand. That's how my -- that's how my uncle died, you know. It starts out one man wants revenge, the other man wants to get even, and then before you know it, there's a car chase and the one man shoots out the other man's tires and then they don't care about the innocent people that are on the road, the innocent people that may get hurt.
Michael: I'm sorry.
Starr: Your dad wanted revenge. And in return, my family died. Is he happy that he ruined my life?
Blair: Sonny's in jail? That's -- that's great. That means Todd can't get to him if he's in police custody.
Carly: Todd told me about his daughter. Is she your daughter, too?
Blair: Yeah.
Carly: Oh, I'm so sorry. T-that was my, uh -- my son, Michael, pulled your daughter from the accident.
Blair: I didn't realize... he's a lovely boy.
Carly: Thank you. He, uh...really wished there was more he could do.
Blair: I'm just grateful for what he did do. I guess there was nothing that anyone could do to -- to save... hope or -- or -- or Cole. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm -- I'm angry. I'm -- I'm really angry, and -- and -- and if -- he's the father of your children, I get that, but I swear to you, if he had anything to do with -- with the death --
Carly: If Sonny is responsible, he needs to pay.
Blair: Well, I can sympathize with you, because after what Todd has done, I can't wait until they lock him up for good.
Sonny: I-I don't know where you're getting your information, but I didn't kill anybody.
Todd: My daughter, Starr, says that you did.
Sonny: I know -- I know what happened, and I'm -- I'm very sorry for your loss.
Todd: My loss? My 3-year-old granddaughter was strapped into a car that you sent tumbling over a cliff.
Sonny: It was a tragedy.
Todd: It was murder, and it's on your head.
Sonny: Wanting justice is not the same thing as me being guilty.
Todd: My daughter, Starr, says that a Mr. Sonny Corinthos shot out the wheels of the other car.
Sonny: Right. But sometimes you shouldn't believe everything you hear.
Todd: Where you going? We're not done talking here. What is that? New crystal light energy -- for women.
Steve: Tell me what you're thinking.
Olivia: J-just -- just give me a second, all right? You drop a bomb like that...
Steve: So, I-is this... is this gonna break us up, too?
Dante: Can you do me a favor and file that for me, please?
Delores: You want me to file this?
Dante: Yeah. On your way out. What are you doing here, Johnny?
Johnny: Well, when your father came to my apartment, waving around a 9mm, by the way, he threatened to kill me and made it very clear he was going to do that, and he would have if you and Carly didn't walk in and talk him down.
Dante: Oh, well, you're welcome. But are you here to file a complaint? 'Cause it's kind of late.
Johnny: No, no, no, no, no. You were supposed to take him to the hospital, right?
Dante: I did.
Johnny: Except he didn't stay for very long. H-h-he tried to kill Anthony and ended up killing a little girl and her father instead who happened to be on the road at the same time. What kind of justice is that?
Dante: Johnny, you want to help solve this case, why don't you tell me where your granddaddy is? Maybe he can answer some questions.
Johnny: Probably laying dead in a ditch somewhere, thanks to your father.
Dante: So you deny having heard from Anthony since the accident?
Johnny: No, no. Don't try to deflect the blame here. That's not gonna work. I'm just saying, one way or another, Sonny's gonna pay for what he did.
Sonny: You don't want to do that.
Todd: Really? Why not?
Sonny: I'm gonna say this for the last time, 'cause I have compassion for what you're going through.
Todd: Do I really need to tell you where you can put your compassion?
Sonny: Okay. That accident, your granddaughter, what happened to her, I am very sorry, but I had nothing to do with it. I'll say it again and again and again.
Todd: No, I-I-I'll tell her that you said that. I'll go to her now and I'll tell her that you had nothing to do with --
Sonny: You should be with her. You should, you know, comfort her and whatever you got to do. You should stay out of things that you don't understand.
Todd: Oh, no, no, I understand. Come on. I've met guys like you. I understand. I understand you're used to getting your way. I understand you're used to intimidating people. I-I understand that you've never been held accountable for anything that you've ever done. But all that's about to change.
Sonny: You don't want to go down this road.
Todd: You know, I think that you're the one that doesn't understand. I feel misunderstood. You don't know me. You don't know how I'm put together. You don't know what I'm capable of.
Sonny: But I-I do know that you're a grieving grandfather.
Todd: No, I'm Todd Manning, you son of a bitch, and I'm the son of bitch who's gonna make you pay for what you've done.
Blair: I still can't believe that Todd had the nerve to show his face here.
Carly: I think your daughter needs her father. I mean, she needs both of you.
Blair: No, no, no. She does not need him, and he knows it. But did that stop him? No. God, I don't know he managed to sneak into her room.
Carly: Well, if it helps, I mean, he did seem genuinely concerned.
Blair: Maybe. Or maybe he was just trying to fake it, you know, to get into her good graces.
Carly: It seemed really important to him, you know, what she thought about him.
Blair: Of course. He wants her to love him because that makes it easy for him to manipulate her.
Carly: Really? 'Cause it just seems really harsh.
Blair: You have no idea.
Carly: If he's anything like my ex, I think I do.
Blair: Really? Well, why don't we start on how he treats my daughter, shall we?
Starr: You never told me why you keep coming back here.
Michael: Look, I'm -- I'm just worried about you.
Starr: More like you're worried about your dad. Were you with him?
Michael: When?
Starr: Were you with him in the car when he shot out the tires? When he -- when he killed my family? I-I-is that why you're here? Did he send you to see if there were witnesses?
Michael: No, I was with my brother. Look, I don't know if you remember. W-when we got to the accident, my brother, Dante, he -- he chased after Anthony.
Starr: Your brother -- why were you riding with your bro -- it's a very weird time to be riding around with your brother. Were you looking for your father? Did you know this whole time your father killed Cole and hope?
Michael: No. Starr, I didn't. Look, I swear on anything you want, I didn't.
Starr: Someone that you love.
Michael: My little sister.
Starr: Swear it on her life.
Michael: I swear on my sister, Josslyn's, life... that when I got to the accident, I had no idea my dad was involved.
Starr: When did you find out?
Michael: When I brought you to the hospital, my dad was here, too.
Starr: [Sighs] Did he come to check on me? To find out what I saw?
Michael: It wasn't about you. He was, uh... he was shot. He was talking to my brother, and that's the first time I knew [Sniffs] He was a suspect.
Starr: He's not a suspect. He did it.
Michael: You have no idea who Anthony Zacchara is, okay, or what he's done. He has a lot of enemies. Anybody could have shot out his tires.
Ewen: So, no serial number, no prints, and yet the gun is found right here in your office. I'm sorry, but how does any of this connect to Sonny?
Kate: It doesn't con -- it shouldn't. But he had just been here, and the police think that he dropped it.
Ewen: I'm no expert, but I think a decent attorney could get that evidence tossed.
Kate: Well, I hope so, because he would never do that. Sonny wouldn't chase after Anthony, shoot his tires out, kill two people. A little girl. Only --
Ewen: You're afraid Sonny did it?
Kate: I'm afraid maybe he didn't.
Olivia: I don't know how I feel about this, all right? Steve, you're a doctor. People trust you to, first, do no harm, and no matter how logical it might seem to sacrifice the -- the bad kid for the good thing, that's not your call. I mean, you don't know. You -- you don't know that that good kid isn't gonna turn into a serial killer, and -- and you don't know that the bad kid isn't gonna wake up one day and decide to be a saint. You just don't know.
Steve: Sur-surgeons play the percentages. We have to. It's what we do. It's all we know.
Olivia: But this goes way beyond deciding whether or not to -- to take the gallbladder out of a fat guy!
Steve: I shouldn't have said anything. I don't want to burden you with my mistakes.
Olivia: So you -- you do realize that this was a mistake?
Steve: It was a choice...a choice that I have to live with. The question is, can you?
Dante: Did you come up with anything?
Lulu: No, no, no, no. Don't touch. I.T.'S going a remote scan to see if they can find any of the files.
Dante: They're gonna -- they're gonna find deleted files?
Lulu: Yeah, well, they're gonna try.
Dante: Oh. Okay.
Delores: I filed your folder.
Dante: Great. Thank you, Padilla.
Delores: And at some point, we're gonna have to discuss who's the file clerk and who's the cop.
Dante: Uh-huh.
Lulu: Wow. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things more difficult with you guys.
Dante: Did you really accuse her of deleting those files?
Lulu: Yeah, I pretty much implied it.
Dante: She's right, you know. Why would she destroy evidence for her own case?
Lulu: I don't know. All I know is, she was sitting right here when the photos went missing. And I don't know. She's acting...
Dante: Strange?
Lulu: Yeah.
Kate: [Sighs] The last time we spoke, you -- we talked about how I don't remember things.
Ewen: You mean the blackouts.
Kate: The blackouts. The blackouts. Yes. And how some people... they don't remember when they've done things.
Ewen: That's true.
Kate: So when they asked me if the gun was mine, I told them that I never saw it before, that I don't own a gun.
Ewen: Okay.
Kate: But what if I have... and I just don't remember?
Starr: It's not hard to find out who your father is and what he's done.
Michael: I know what they write about him.
Starr: Then why is it so hard to believe that Sonny Corinthos, career criminal, would do this?
Michael: He's my father. You know, I'd like to believe he wouldn't lie to me, that he wouldn't kill two people, two innocent people and cover it up.
Starr: He's a mobster. That's what mobsters do. They kill people. They kill people and they cover it up.
Michael: Not little kids.
Starr: He didn't know them. [Voice breaking] He didn't know hope. He didn't know Cole. He didn't know them. He didn't care about them!
Michael: Some of the articles you read about my father are true. You know, sometimes he's guilty, but he's not always guilty. And even when he's wrong, he's still my father. Look, I-I'm not defending him. I'm just saying I understand him. I-I know what drives him and... I love him anyway.
Starr: I get that.
Blair: All of the horrible, evil things that Todd has done to Starr, he always manages to convince her that he has seen the error of his ways.
Carly: [Chuckles] "Things will be different."
Blair: And he "will never do it again." Always a next time. He always breaks her heart.
Carly: That's the worst part.
Blair: Yeah.
Carly: You know, we can divorce them, but our kids can't.
Blair: No, it sucks. It is the worst.
Carly: Well, the hardest part is seeing all those traits that we hate coming out of our kids.
Blair: His anger. A-and Starr, she is so, so angry right now.
Carly: Well, but I can't blame her now.
Blair: I get that, but there's a difference between anger and that soul-sucking rage.
Carly: [Scoffs]
Blair: So, what did Sonny do to finally get you to dump him this time?
Carly: You're the guest. You should go first.
Blair: Yeah? How much scotch you got?
Carly: [Laughs] Plenty.
Blair: All right. I'm gonna spare you the long story. The short version is that my ex thought it wise to murder his twin brother then frame my boyfriend for the crime. Mm-hmm.
Carly: Wow. Killing two birds with one stone.
Blair: Oh, Todd thought so. Nice, huh? Sonny?
Carly: [Sighs] Sonny hates my husband. Uh, almost ex-husband. Sonny, um, rigged Jax's plane and caused it to crash.
Blair: Talk about harsh.
Carly: But he -- Jax got out. He survived. He's fine. But that's what did it for me. I mean, out of all the times over and over again I covered for Sonny... and now, um, I'm done.
Blair: Me too. To never looking back.
Sonny: I'm trouble. [Sighs] You don't need my --
Todd: You're right. I don't need your trouble. I don't need trouble. I just -- I need for you to be held accountable for what you've done. I need you to pay for what you've done.
Sonny: See, now we're talking in circles, and I-I don't want to do that.
Todd: I-I do that sometimes. I-I-I talk in circles, and -- and I don't always finish my...
[Clears throat] All right. I-I'll try and be direct with you. Right? If I continue to be a problem for you, would you kill me?
Sonny: That could easily be arranged.
Todd: Then I'll kill you first. [Sniffs] Bacon?!
Lulu: Well, you don't think that she deleted evidence, do you?
Dante: The question is, why? Why would she delete these photos? It's the first real lead we've had.
Lulu: It would mean she doesn't want you to find whoever attacked her.
Dante: Which would mean she's covering for someone. The question is, who?
Johnny: Officer Padilla. I was waiting for you.
Ewen: You think it may be your gun?
Kate: No. I don't think that, because that's impossible. I don't know anything about guns. I don't know how to load a gun or shoot a gun. And why would I go after Anthony Zacchara?
Ewen: Didn't you tell me he was your boyfriend's sworn enemy?
Kate: Oh, yeah, so I-I trailed Anthony, I shot out his tires, I killed two people, and then I came back here and... [Chuckles]
Ewen: And what?
Kate: And made love with Sonny. You're suggesting I killed two innocent people and then came back here and did that? This is -- this is insane.
Ewen: What did you do before you and Sonny came here?
Kate: I don't know what I did before, okay? I'm telling you this. I did not kill two people. Will you just please tell me that that's impossible?
Ewen: Is that what you think?
Kate: Don't answer my question with a question, doctor. I need your help, not psychiatrist tricks.
Ewen: You're the only one who knows what you're fully capable of.
Kate: That's right. I know what I'm fully capable of. And I didn't do it. So, thank you. [Sighs] Thank you. I know now that...what happened had nothing to do with me.
Ewen: So how did the gun get here?
Sonny: What you should be doing right now, thinking of a family that you have left. Plus I got a half-dozen people out there waiting for me. There's a police station. You will never make it outside of here.
Todd: Who says I need to make it outside of here?
Sonny: Okay, I don't know what game you're playing, but you pull that trigger, you will be dead before I hit the floor.
[Gun cocks]
Todd: Just so long as the man who killed my granddaughter dies.
Blair: How many times have you been married to Sonny?
Carly: Oh, that's just way too personal.
Blair: Uh-oh. That means it's more than once.
Carly: You go first. How many times you been married to Todd?
Blair: No, no, no. You are the host. Your turn. You're first. [Chuckling] Four? Oh, my God. You're a glutton for punishment.
Carly: Oh, I'm sure you have me beat.
Blair: Yes and no.
Carly: Five is more than four.
Blair: But only three with this guy.
Carly: What the hell does that mean?
Blair: It's a long, long story. The question is, why -- why in God's name do we just keep going back? Why do we keep marrying these guys?
Carly: Well, I've seen yours. Have you seen mine?
Blair: Only in pictures, and he looks pretty damn good.
Carly: So does yours.
Blair: Yeah.
Carly: Is he romantic?
Blair: He... he always remembers the important stuff.
Carly: Yeah, whatever, until they don't remember.
Blair: Well, when they don't remember. But, God, when he remembers, he's so generous.
Carly: It's not just that. It's just also...the way they live life, you know. They're just so alive, and they make you feel so alive.
Blair: No.
Carly: No. No. What the hell?
Blair: No! We are not going back.
Carly: No, we're not. And Sonny is the father of my kids, and that is all.
Blair: Well, Todd is the father of my kids. Otherwise, I would have shot him.
Carly: [Laughs]
Starr: My father... he isn't perfect. In fact, after his last... disaster, I swore that that was it, that I was done. And then Cole and hope die, and I open my eyes, and I see him standing there, and I tell him that I don't want to see him, and [Chuckles] He... he never listens to me. He's -- he's a terrible person. But then he's also...
Michael: Your dad.
Starr: And I... I was so mad at him for everything that he has done. But all of a sudden, it just didn't -- it didn't matter anymore. [Voice breaking] And all I wanted him to do was to hold me and tell me that he would make everything okay, even if he couldn't. [Sighs]
Michael: I...I understand.
Starr: Well, I hope so, because my dad said he is going to make your dad pay for killing my daughter.
Todd: It's a cute little town you got here. Can I ask you something? Why do they call it Port Charles? I haven't seen a port.
Sonny: Doesn't matter.
Todd: I like it here. Easy to buy a gun. Do you have any idea how easy -- silly me. Yeah, I forgot myself. [Laughs] That's funny, right? I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you know how easy it is to buy a gun in this town.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
Todd: You control all the illegal activity in this town, don't you? Yeah, there is a circle, right? There -- there's symmetry. Kind of poetic, isn't it? You're gonna make money from the gun that I bought to blow you away.
Sonny: What do you expect me to do?
Todd: Not much. Your part's easy. All you have to do is die... [Cocks gun] ...You child-killing bastard.
(Bell rings)
Steve: For a talker, you're awful quiet.
Olivia: You know what? You and your girlfriend had months to think about this.
Steve: Maggie is not my girlfriend.
Olivia: Okay, you just were whispering to her about how you played God.
Steve: Okay, I get it. I know how religious you are. I-I know what your faith means to you.
Olivia: Okay, well, then, you should know that this -- this isn't something for me to judge. This is something for you to work out with your own conscience. Steve, I... I've known my share of criminals in this lifetime. Hell, I had a child with one of them. I think that's why I fell so hard for you. 'Cause I really thought you were different.
Steve: [Sighs] I've disappointed you.
Olivia: That's not it. See, I know you didn't take someone out just 'cause they got in the way of your business. You honestly believed in sacrificing one life to save another. But can you see how that's just not your choice to make?
Steve: If you're asking if I'd do it again, no, I wouldn't.
Olivia: Well, that's something. You could just leave it all in the past, right?
Steve: I wish I could.
Johnny: You said you wanted something from me.
Delores: The name of the man who murdered my sister. And so far, I've gotten nothing.
Johnny: You're asking me to use my connections and my position. I'm just asking you to do the same.
Delores: If you're asking me to manufacture evidence, you can forget about it. You're gonna have to figure out another way to get back at Sonny.
Johnny: What do you give a damn about?
Connie: How Sonny will feel when he sees Kate knocking boots with his worst enemy.
Johnny: So you want to make him jealous.
Connie: Oh, no, no. Jealous would be he sees us holding hands together. I want him to burn. I want him so pissed off that he kicks Kate to the curb for good.
Kate: Doctor, I know you're relatively new to Port Charles, but I suggest you do your research. Sonny has many enemies, starting with the Zaccharas. And after he publicly humiliated Johnny in front of everyone, I am sure that Johnny is the shooter.
Ewen: You'll have to forgive me. I don't know the gentleman, but if this Johnny wanted to get revenge, why not just shoot Sonny?
Kate: Because he despises his grandfather. And what -- what better way to get back at Sonny than to shoot Anthony's tires, blame it on Sonny? They'll both be eliminated.
Ewen: It's a complicated scenario, one that would require a great deal of planning, which doesn't --
Kate: But that's what happened, doctor. Johnny's the shooter. End of story.
Michael: The cops will find out who caused the accident.
Starr: My dad won't wait for the cops. When it comes to his kids, his grandkid, if he wants justice, nothing will stop him.
Michael: Okay, if that's what he's after, he doesn't have to worry. 'Cause my dad was arrested yesterday.
Starr: He what? Why didn't you tell me?
Michael: You didn't really give me a chance to --
Starr: Do they have enough evidence? They said that he always gets off, that he's this "Teflon don."
Michael: He -- he had an arraignment today, and I don't know how it went --
Starr: An arraignment was today? I have to go. I have to go.
Michael: W-w-what -- you can't get out of bed.
Starr: I have to tell the judge that Anthony said that -- that -- that he was the one that shot out his tires.
Michael: A-a-are you sure you're strong enough?
Starr: I have to do this. I have to do this for Cole and hope.
Michael: I-I don't think my dad caused the accident, but... you have a right to tell your side of the story.
Starr: I'm glad you agree.
Michael: Just get dressed and I'll drive you to the courthouse, okay?
Carly: Wait. Here is to our kids making better choices than we did.
Blair: Yes. Wait, wait. No. Keeping them healthy and keeping them strong.
Carly: That's a good one.
Blair: Mm-hmm.
Carly: [Gasps] Here's to no more men with lousy childhoods.
Blair: Oh, God. Amen to that, sister.
Carly: God.
Blair: Wait. Blair Cramer.
Carly: Carly Jacks.
[Laughing] Nice to meet you.
[Cell phone rings] Hmm.
Blair: Is that -- oh! That's me. Hello? What? D-did she say where she was going? W-well, thank you for calling. Uh, Starr's checked out of the hospital and she's with your son.
Carly: Michael? Well, I'll call him.
Blair: No, uh, um, the nurse said that -- something about an arraignment?
Carly: They're at the courthouse.
Blair: What?
Carly: Let's go.
Blair: What --
Carly: We'll catch a cab.
Blair: Okay.
Sonny: I'm a father, too. When my son was shot, I wanted them to pay.
Todd: So you understand then why I have to do this.
Sonny: You're making it that much easier for the real killer to get away clean, is what I'm saying.
Todd: I'm making it easy for me. [Voice breaking] I can't fix this one... for my little girl. My daughter lost her child. My daughter lost the man that she loved, and I can't fix it. I can't fix the life that you so carelessly broke. But at least I can tell her that justice was served.
Sonny: What if it turns out you killed the wrong man? What is she gonna have then?
Todd: [Sighs] Better safe than sorry.
[Indistinct conversations, laughter]
Delores: I.T. Have any luck?
Dante: Uh, no. The, uh -- there's nothing on the hard drive.
Delores: They have any idea how those photos disappeared?
Dante: No, they were deleted. No way of telling who did it.
Delores: Is there anything that you want to ask me?
Dante: Not a thing.
Delores: Good.
Dante: [Sighs]
Lulu: Wow.
Dante: Yeah, she's pretty touchy. This is her third precinct in as many years.
Lulu: Why so many transfers?
Dante: [Sighs] It's complicated.
Lulu: You like her.
Dante: I-I did.
Lulu: And if she's interfering with an investigation?
Dante: Then we have to find the guy who's beating up these girls some other way.
Olivia: You don't have to worry about me saying anything. The only person that I would ever tell is father Coates at confession.
Steve: [Sighs] I appreciate [Clears throat] Your trust in me.
Olivia: Yeah.
Steve: And I wish I could promise you that this would all just go away.
Olivia: Well, why wouldn't it?
Steve: Someone has pointed the new chief of staff at southern regional in my direction.
Olivia: But I thought you said that Maggie was the only one that knew anything about this.
Steve: Someone else knows. Johnny Zacchara.
Kate: Thank you for your time, doctor, but I don't need a shrink. I'm fine.
Ewen: There's no need to pay me for the visit.
Kate: No, I insist.
Ewen: And you're welcome to call me anytime.
Kate: That's completely unnecessary.
Johnny: Kate.
Kate: Well, I was wondering when you were gonna show up.
Sonny: You're not doing your daughter any favors by killing an innocent man.
Todd: Everyone always says they're innocent, but we are none of us innocent.
Blair: Todd! God, don't -- don't do this!
Starr: Dad! What are you doing?!
Blair: Starr --
Todd: Starr, meet Sonny Corinthos.
Michael: Dad.
Sonny: Michael, don't.
Todd: Oh. Michael, welcome. Say good-bye to your father.
Starr: Dad, please don't.
Todd: Kid yourself, Starr. I'm doing this for you.
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