GH Transcript Thursday 3/8/12

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/8/12


Provided By Suzanne

Carly: Okay. Uh, good luck.

Todd: Thank you. You too.

[Monitor beeping]

Starr: Dad?

Todd: Hi.

Starr: Get out!

[Cell phone rings]

Carly: [Sighs] Hey. Hey. I really want to talk to you right now, but I can't.

Johnny: Is everything all right?

Carly: No. I mean, everything's fine. I just can't talk to you right now, so I'll call you back as soon as I have a minute, okay?

Epiphany: This better not be a personal call while you're on duty.

Johnny: Carly, are you there?

Anthony: Hey. Forget Carly. Keep your focus on Sonny's current flame and how you're gonna use her to bring Sonny down.

[Knock on door]

Kate: Oh!

Ewen: I didn't mean to startle you.

Kate: That's all right. Do you have an appointment?

Ewen: I'm Dr. Keenan, the psychiatrist. We met on the docks -- after your boyfriend was shot.

Kate: Oh. Yes. That's not a night I care to remember.

Ewen: I understand. You were upset, and you left so abruptly. I was concerned --

Kate: What can I do for you, doctor?

Ewen: I wanted to see if you were okay.

Lulu: Rough night?

Dante: Oh, uh, it just got way better. I thought you weren't coming in.

Lulu: Yeah, well, Mac came over and figured I should give him some time alone with Maxie.

Dante: How's she doing?

Lulu: She's a mess. I mean, she loved Robin. It's like losing another sister.

Dante: Yeah. Mac's going through the motions, but he's barely holding it together.

Lulu: This kind of loss -- I don't know how Robin's family is gonna get over it.

Holly: Oh, Robert. I'm so sorry about Robin. It's such A...tragedy.

Robert: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Holly: She was a lovely girl who grew up into an amazing woman.

Robert: Who now seems to have a half brother. Ethan Lovett is my son.

Holly: Oh, Robert.

Luke: You've got a lot to be proud of in Ethan, Robert. He's, uh, wise beyond his years and utterly fearless.

Robert: He's also the prisoner of Helena. I couldn't save my daughter. I'm not gonna let that happen to my son. Why are you two looking at each other?

Epiphany: You're impersonating hospital staff.

Carly: No, I'm not. I was walking down the hallway, and one of your clumsy orderlies spilled his coffee all over me, ruined my outfit. Then he so nicely gave me his scrubs.

Epiphany: Uh-huh. And what was his name?

Carly: His name?

Epiphany: The orderly. He broke hospital protocol, so I'm gonna have to put him on report.

Carly: [Chuckles] Okay. Fine. I'm going to see Jason. Sam banned me, so I had to improvise.

Epiphany: By pretending to be hospital staff?

Carly: Sam has no right to keep me away from Jason.

Epiphany: Yes, she does. She's his wife.

Carly: I'm his best friend. I have been his friend longer than she's been his wife. I know what he needs, and she has no right to shut me out!

Epiphany: Look, I don't have time to kick your scrawny butt, but I will if the next step you take doesn't take you around to that elevator.

Carly: I'm not leaving till I see Jason.

Epiphany: I'm gonna call hospital security, and they're gonna throw you out by your scrawny-ass ponytail.

Ewen: I'm concerned about you.

Kate: Oh, well, that's very kind but completely unnecessary.

Ewen: When we met, you were on the pier in the middle of the night wearing your blood-stained wedding dress.

Kate: It was a horrible night, I agree, but I'm fine now, so thank you for coming by, but this is not a really good time.

Ewen: You told me it wasn't your boyfriend's blood on the dress. It was yours from an old wound.

Kate: That's right. From an old wound that healed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a magazine to publish, and I don't recall scheduling a therapy session.

Ewen: You also told me you'd been suffering from blackouts. You find yourself places you have no recollection of how you got there.

Kate: [Sighs]

Ewen: It happened again, didn't it?

Kate: What makes you say that?

Ewen: Listen, the symptoms you're exhibiting don't go away on their own, okay? These blackouts -- they increase. They increase in frequency and duration.

Johnny: If I want your advice on who to sleep with, I'll ask -- right about the time hell freezes over.

Anthony: A golden opportunity just fell into your lap. Sonny's true love at the moment wants to jump into bed with you -- at a time and place where Corinthos will witness the event.

Johnny: Kate Howard shows up at that door pretending or thinking that's she's this Connie Falconeri. What part of that sounds like any part that I want to get near?

Anthony: The part where you use her to pay Sonny back for everything he's done to us.

Johnny: She is not a sane person.

Anthony: Yeah! Neither is Corinthos. That's the beauty of it. You saw what happened last summer. The man was running all over town with a gun in his hand. He shot off a round in Patrick drake's home. If Sonny sees you and his precious Kate making the beast with two backs, he'll spiral out, leave himself totally vulnerable, and then we can take him down.

Johnny: I can think of a lot more ways to take Sonny down that don't involve taking advantage of a mentally unstable woman.

Anthony: Hey, Sonny had no problem taking advantage of Claudia.

Johnny: [Scoffs] You never gave a damn about Claudia -- dead or alive. Why start now?

Anthony: John, we both know Sonny killed Claudia, as sure as if he'd been the one swinging that ax handle.

Johnny: Yeah, well, if I take advantage of Kate and her mental instability, I'm no better than Sonny.

Anthony: How many times does a guy have to threaten to kill you before you shut him down?

Johnny: The last time Sonny threatened to kill me, it was because you tried to kill Dante -- his son -- and you shot him instead.

Anthony: I swore to you that was not me in that parking garage.

Johnny: Who else would target Sonny's kids?

Anthony: Dante's not a kid. He's a reckless, self-righteous cop, and I'm sure that's made him plenty of his own enemies.

Dante: So Sonny went to the Quartermaines, made some threats. So I went to Kate's office, looking for him, 'cause he was already a suspect, and that's where I found the gun.

Lulu: Were there any fingerprints?

Dante: Of course not. Standard for Sonny's operation. He wipes the gun down, and you dump it wherever you can.

Lulu: Yeah, but I don't think Sonny would dump the gun at

crimson. Have you talked to Kate?

Dante: No. I've left her messages. She won't call me back. But I need to get a statement from her.

Lulu: And you've arrested Sonny?

Dante: Am -- am I crazy to believe after everything that he's done that he didn't do this?

Lulu: No, you're not crazy. He saved your life.

Dante: He took a bullet for me. He would have died for me. But he -- he would also kill someone to protect me or any of his other kids.

Lulu: So, do you think that he went after Anthony?

Dante: [Exhales sharply] It's an easy way to get rid of someone -- shoot out their tires on a winding road. I can see that Sonny would do that, but he did not know that there was a car in the oncoming lane. That doesn't change what happened -- a father and his kid are dead. A mother, not much more than a kid herself, has lost her family. Someone has to answer for that.

Todd: I know you're upset at me, but I'm your father, and you need me right now.

Starr: I don't need you. I survived years without you, and it was hard at first. I learned to adapt. I'll do it again. I don't want you here.

Todd: I know. I heard that.

Starr: Then why did you come?

Todd: Because, Starr, with Cole and hope gone, you need your family now more than ever.

Starr: We all know how much family means to you, right? You only murdered your brother -- the man that I had come to think of as my father.

Todd: Victor was never your father.

Starr: You're not even sorry.

Todd: The only thing I'm sorry for, Starr, is what you're going through right now.

Starr: I believed in you. I defended you. I agreed to help you, and you lied to me.

Todd: I didn't lie to you deliberately.

Starr: [Sighs]

Todd: I didn't.

Starr: [Scoffs]

Todd: I didn't remember ever killing victor. When you asked me if I was innocent, I-I thought that I was telling you the truth.

Starr: Well, at some point, you did know and you kept on lying to me.

Todd: I didn't want to lose you.

Starr: Too late.

Todd: Come on. It'll never be too late for us, Shorty. Come on.

Starr: Stop. Don't call me "Shorty"! You are not sorry for what you have done. You're just sorry that you got caught.

Todd: All the horrible things that have ever happened in this world -- if I could go back and change any of them, the thing that I would go back and change is what has happened to Cole and to hope. I would bring them back to you.

Starr: But you can't. They're gone.

Epiphany: We have a problem on the 10th floor. You did not just do that.

Carly: I don't want any trouble with you, Epiphany.

Epiphany: Then take those scrubs off and get off my floor.

Carly: You of all people know how much Jason means to me. He's my best friend. If he's gonna recover, he's gonna need my help, and Sam has no --

Epiphany: I don't care about your personal issues, okay? I'm not choosing sides here. But Mrs. Morgan says you're banned from his room, so you're banned.

Carly: You know what? I'm gonna remember your sympathy and your help when this hospital wants an endowment from me.

Epiphany: Money is tight, and those scrubs are hospital property. So I'm gonna escort you down to the locker room, where you're gonna take them off.

Carly: No need.

Kate: Do you have a habit of bursting into people's offices, uninvited, and handing them a diagnosis?

Ewen: Anything you say will be confidential.

Kate: I have a psychiatrist.

Ewen: In Chicago. I'm here, and I'm very good at what I do. Why not let me help you?

Kate: [Sighs] All right. Fine. I showed up to work in those clothes. I don't remember buying them, let alone putting them on, and I would never wear anything like that.

Ewen: Why not?

Kate: Because it's not me. It's -- it's Connie.

Ewen: Who's Connie?

Anthony: Doing the deed with Connie is a bloodless retaliation. No one gets hurt but Sonny.

Johnny: And Kate, because let's assume she has no idea what her other personality is up to.

Anthony: Hey, we both know the only reason you aren't jumping into bed with her is Carly.

Johnny: I'm not discussing Carly with you.

Anthony: I get it. She's a spitfire. But you know what this is, right?

Johnny: You tell me.

Anthony: Carly made a play to keep her son out of the business, right?

Johnny: That deal was off the table a long time ago.

Anthony: Carly's sleeping with you for two reasons, John -- to protect her son and to piss Sonny off, which is fine for her. I make no judgments. But you certainly don't owe her anything like fidelity.

Johnny: Believe what you want.

Anthony: I believe we need to hit Corinthos where he lives, before he hurts us again.

Lulu: You know, you can get yourself taken off the case.

Dante: Sonny said the same thing -- that I shouldn't be putting us both through this.

Lulu: So, why are you doing it?

Dante: Because I want to know either way. If he's innocent, I want to prove it. If he did this -- if he shot out those tires and killed those innocent people -- I want to know that, too.

Lulu: Seems like you're always trying to prove something when it comes to Sonny.

Dante: If people in this department want to think that I cover for Sonny, let them --

Lulu: No, no, no, no. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you trying to prove something to yourself.

Dante: I-I don't know what I'm supposed to feel for my own father.

Lulu: You can feel conflicted. That's okay.

Dante: He -- he thinks so differently. I mean, this guy eliminates his enemies. If I'm looking at the evidence, he is guilty.

[Footsteps approach]

Delores: Hey. We just got word Kate Howard is back in her office.

Dante: Maybe she can tie the gun to Sonny.

Lulu: Or not.

Kate: My given name is Constanza Louise Falconeri -- or "Connie," to my family, of which there are many. I grew up an only child, but I had an inexhaustible supply of relatives -- grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins on both sides. I grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, which is where I met Sonny, my boyfriend -- the one who got shot.

Ewen: Where did Kate come from?

Kate: I was ambitious. I was a straight-"a" student, and I wanted to get out of Bensonhurst, which I did. I got a scholarship to Princeton, and that's where I changed my name to Katherine Hardwicke Howard.

Ewen: So Connie is who you were back in Bensonhurst.

Kate: Mm-hmm. Before I acquired any polish or understanding of style. Yeah. Tight. Tough. This is how all the girls in the neighborhood used to dress, myself included.

Ewen: But you don't dress like that anymore.

Kate: God no. Not for years.

Ewen: But you came to work dressed in Connie's clothes... that you don't remember putting on.

Kate: Why are you talking about her like she's a separate person?

Ewen: Perhaps she is.

Luke: English and I were just having a little dispute. That's all.

Holly: Nothing new there.

Robert: A dispute about what?

Holly: I just --

Luke: She thinks that you're possibly not up to the challenge of rescuing Ethan.

Holly: I just can't believe, you know, with the amount of grief that you're facing, that --

Robert: I can get to Helena, get our son, and I can bring him home.

Luke: I'm gonna take another look around the house, see if maybe I missed any clues as to where she's taken him.

Robert: Luke tell you where he found me?

Holly: I know how much you loved Robin and how much she loved you. She wouldn't want you to throw your life away.

Robert: [Chuckles] You know, I thought I understood what love was all about, until one day this little 6-year-old -- perky -- walked into my living room with a bow in her hair and changed everything.

Holly: She was a lovely little girl.

Robert: Strong-willed, too. But, you know, it wasn't till I heard her call me "daddy" that I really understood that I could love someone with everything that I am. At that moment, I-I'd have given my life to spare her any pain.

Holly: It was an accident. There's nothing you could have done.

Robert: Good parents are there for their children, not missing in action like I was for half of her life. I'm telling you, that is not gonna happen with our son.

Holly: [Sighs] Robert, I feel so guilty.

Kate: Okay, what do you mean that she's a different person?

Ewen: It's a possible explanation for your blackouts.

Kate: No, it's not, all right? I had my mind on other things. I put my outfit on without realizing what I was wearing. That's all.

Ewen: Has your psychiatrist in Chicago referred you to a neurologist? Could your blackouts have a physical cause?

Kate: No, he doesn't seem to think so.

Ewen: Then maybe Connie's the answer.

Kate: Oh, well, please. Look, doctor, people change their name in my business all the time. It has nothing to do with my difficulties.

Ewen: There's a psychological condition known as dissociation, and we all experience it in one form or another. After a long day and you drive home from work, your mind wanders. You arrive in your driveway with no memory of getting there.

Kate: That's right. That's exactly it. I'm not paying attention. I-I wasn't paying attention when I went into my closet this morning.

Ewen: Yes, but in more extreme cases, dissociation can lead to a form of amnesia -- blackouts. Often, these states are caused by stress or a particular trauma.

Kate: So this is a reaction to Sonny's shooting?

Ewen: It could be. In rare instances, when a person is unable to cope with stressful or traumatic situations, they subconsciously call upon another part of themselves. We call this dissociative identity disorder, where a completely separate entity emerges and functions on its own, as if it were a wholly --

Kate: Wait a minute. Are you seriously suggesting that I have multiple personalities?

Dante: Hey, uh, can you do me a favor?

Lulu: Yeah.

Dante: Remember when we were in the evidence room, we found the dust, footprints in there? You gave me an idea. I went to the alley where Delores was attacked, and I found prints.

Lulu: From the attack? That was a few weeks ago.

Dante: Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but I-I think I might have found something. So, uh... I got these prints. I took pictures of them. I'm trying to upload them on the computer. When they're done, could you get them to Delores?

Lulu: Yeah. Sure. Um, you know, also, whatever you decide about Sonny, I know you're gonna do the right thing.

Dante: Thanks.

[Smooches] You know, this girl -- she lost her family. I just -- I want to get this case done with and give her some closure, you know?

Todd: I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and soon there will be a trial, and I will probably be held accountable for some of the things that I've done wrong. But until that trial, I'm gonna sit right here, and you can kick and scream all you want. You can do whatever you need to do. I'll be here for all of it. You know, when all hell broke loose... I was just so happy that you weren't anywhere near me. All I really wanted was for hope to have the kind of life that your mother and I could never really provide for you.

Starr: We shouldn't have tried to come home. We should still be in California right now.

Todd: When everybody was screaming and yelling at me about how I'm so irredeemable

[Exhales sharply] I would take comfort in thinking about you in California with your family. You know, picture you at the beach with Cole... walking with hope between you, and she would reach up... and grab each of your hands, and you would -- you would swing her up into the --

Starr: [Crying] Please stop it. St--

Todd: Making sand castles. Starr, you made something beautiful. You made something beautiful.

Starr: [Sniffles]

Todd: She had your smile.

Starr: We did build sand castles together, and Cole and I would laugh because hope took it so seriously. She would say, "this is belle's room, and this is the beast's room."

Todd: It's okay.

Starr: [Crying] Oh, I miss them so much. How can they be gone? How can they be gone?

Ewen: The blackouts you've been experiencing -- the gaps in time -- it's possible that you've been doing these things as someone else, which is why you, Kate, don't remember doing them.

Kate: Oh, I see. Okay. So what you're telling me is I'm running around as Connie, leading a double life. Is that what you're telling me?

Ewen: How else would you explain the clothes, the memory loss?

Kate: This is ridiculous. I am under stress. I-I'm handling it, and I am fine. Now please leave.

Ewen: You're fine? I-I think we both know that you're not fine. As I said, these episodes could become more frequent. You need someone here to talk about what you're experiencing.

Kate: Well, I got to give you credit, doctor. This is a novel approach at drumming up business.

Ewen: You're good at intimidating people, aren't you? But if I'm right about your condition, this isn't something you can handle alone.

Dante: Oh. Sorry. Am I interrupting something?

Kate: No, no. Not at all, Dante. Dr. Keenan was just leaving.

Ewen: Call me. We can discuss this further. Detective.

Dante: Doc. Everything okay?

Kate: Yeah, it's great. I'm just trying to get the magazine out.

Dante: Well, I'll try to make this as brief as possible. Was -- was Sonny here today?

Kate: Yes.

Dante: Do you know around what time that was?

Kate: Uh, I don't know. Midafternoon? What's this about?

Dante: Does this look familiar to you?

Johnny: I got one chance with Carly. If I blow it, she may never come back. Why would I risk all that on some cockamamie revenge plot that hinges on a mentally unstable woman?

Anthony: Sonny Corinthos has dedicated his life to ruining ours. You think about when he humiliated you at that party. We may never get a better chance to repay the favor. Besides, unstable or not, Kate, or Connie -- whatever the hell she calls herself -- is not hard on the eyes. Come on, John. Convince me you're not the least bit tempted.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Johnny, it's Carly.

Johnny: Go upstairs. Nobody can know you're hiding out here.

Anthony: I'm going. Hey, don't let Carly make you forget your priorities.

Johnny: Coming!

Carly: You will not believe what just happened.

Todd: Who was driving?

Starr: Cole. But the accident wasn't his fault. We were talking, and we -- and he asked me something.

[Voice breaking] He asked me something really important. And he was waiting for my answer, and that's when the headlights just came straight at us.

Todd: A drunk driver?

Starr: No. He didn't seem drunk. He said it wasn't his fault.

Todd: You spoke with him?

Starr: When I got out of the car, I -- I tried to get Cole out, but his leg was broken. So Cole and hope were stuck inside.

Todd: What was the other driver doing?

Starr: He was this older guy. And I-I begged to use his phone, because I couldn't find my phone and Cole's phone was broken. I needed to call 911, and he -- he let me do that.

Todd: Okay. Did he say anything else?

Starr: He said that he -- he heard a car come and he got scared, because he said that someone was chasing him, that someone shot out his tires.

Todd: Did he give a name?

Starr: You're the one that drove into our lane!

Anthony: Don't blame me. Blame the guy who shot out my tires. His name is Sonny Corinthos.

Starr: He said I should blame Sonny Corinthos.

Todd: S-Sonny Corinthos?

Starr: Corinthos. That's -- that's why I knew that guy's name -- the guy that tried to get hope and Cole out of the car. Dad, I need to get to the police station. I need to tell them what I know.

Todd: No. It's okay.

Starr: No. Come on. We need to tell them. It's --

Todd: It's all right. I'll make everything all right. You just need to get some rest.

Dante: You ever see this gun before?

Kate: No.

Dante: Well, that's interesting, because I found it right here in your office.

Kate: And you think it belongs to Sonny because you found it here?

Dante: Has Sonny ever had a gun like this?

Kate: I've never seen that before. What is this about?

Dante: This gun was used to shoot out Anthony Zacchara's tires last night.

Kate: Well, it wasn't Sonny.

Dante: How can you be so sure?

Kate: Because, Dante, if your father was gonna kill someone, he would make damn sure that the gun couldn't be traced back to him, and he certainly wouldn't involve me in any way.

Dante: Well, maybe it was an accident. Maybe he stopped by to see you, got distracted, and dropped the gun.

Kate: Maybe since we're speculating, how about maybe it was planted?

Dante: Has anyone else been in the office today, Kate?

Kate: Maxie.

Dante: Okay. I was here when she arrived, and the gun was here before that.

Kate: Have you talked to Sonny about this?

Dante: Yes, I did.

Kate: And what did he say?

Dante: He said it wasn't his. Someone left this gun here. Is there anyone else you can think of that was in this office today?

Robert: I just wish that I'd gotten to know Ethan all these years. We'll deal with that later. Right now, the most important thing is that we have a son and he's in danger.

Holly: Helena will kill him if she isn't stopped.

Robert: I don't want you to worry. I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen.

Carly: You would think with all the money I've given that place they would let me in to see my best friend.

Johnny: Please slow down. Is this why you couldn't talk to me above a whisper earlier?

Carly: I was trying to sneak into Jason's hospital room?

Johnny: "Sneak"?

Carly: Yes. Sam has now decided that I'm not allowed to see Jason.

Johnny: Well, she finally got sick of sharing her husband, huh?

Carly: Sam never told Jason that Robin was dead. Sam wants to protect Jason, only Jason hates being protected.

Johnny: So you're saying you know Jason better than his wife does?

Carly: Are you really asking me that question?

Johnny: My mistake.

Carly: Jason and I have a bond, and I know how much he loved Robin, and he would want to know how Robin died and not be treated like he's some incompetent who can't make his own decisions.

Luke: There's nothing. The house has been swept clean. But among Cassandra's things, I did find a photograph of your son. So you'll need it to know who you're looking for.

Robert: [Exhales sharply] He's a good-looking boy.

Holly: Yes, he is.

Robert: I...see a lot of his mother in him.

Holly: He's a true force of nature. I could see it the moment he was born. And then I saw it again when I met up with him all those years later. He had been living on his own since he was 15.

Luke: He has tremendous potential, Robert. A man couldn't ask for a better son.

Robert: It sounds like he means a lot to you.

Luke: I love him. You will, too.

Robert: You know, the relationship doesn't change just because --

Luke: Man, you're his father. You get to know each other. That's -- that's important. You should do that.

Robert: I want to thank you for taking him in. I mean, the kid's gonna learn a lot from Luke Spencer.

Luke: Well, I think we learned a lot from each other.

Robert: I'm sorry, Luke.

Luke: No, no. This is gonna be great for both of you.

Robert: And what about you?

Luke: Me? I'm fine. I'm gonna be in touch with lucky eventually, and I've got this amazing, beautiful daughter right here in town.

Delores: Hi. I didn't know you were still here.

Lulu: Yeah, I had to run something to evidence room.

Delores: Cool.

Lulu: Um, Dante wanted me to print these photos from the crime scene and give them to you.

Delores: Oh, great. Thank you.

Lulu: Is it hard for you to work on this case after you were attacked?

Delores: It makes me want to find this guy even more.

Lulu: Huh. Okay. That's weird.

Delores: What?

Lulu: The pictures should have been uploaded, but there's nothing here.

Delores: Oh, well, try sending them back from the phone again.

Lulu: Well, there's nothing here, either.

Delores: The pictures are gone?

Lulu: Something must have happened. Did you see anyone around the desk?

Delores: No. Why?

Lulu: Well, these pictures didn't delete themselves.

Kate: Isn't -- isn't there some kind of registration process, serial numbers?

Dante: Well, yeah, there used to be, but someone scratched it off, didn't want to trace it back to them.

Kate: Well, Dante, it looks like you got a difficult investigation ahead of you.

Dante: Where are you going?

Kate: I'm going to see your father. He probably needs a friend after being grilled yet again by his own son.

Dante: He's not at home.

Kate: What do you mean? Where is he?

Dante: He's under arrest. After Anthony's tires were shot out, he veered into oncoming traffic and killed a young father and his child.

Johnny: I'm sure when Jason wakes up he will want to see you, Carly.

Carly: That's what I'm talking about. I don't even know if Jason's woken up. I don't know. Everyone's saying that the procedure went right. I don't know if they're telling the truth. What if Jason died and I never got a chance to tell him how much I love him?

Johnny: No matter what happens, Jason knows that you love him.

Carly: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I -- oh, God, I did not come here to complain. Wow.

Johnny: It's okay if you did.

Carly: I just, um, wanted to see you, and I don't really know why.

Johnny: Doesn't have to be a reason. You know, I would have liked to have seen you in those scrubs.

Carly: [Laughs] Oh, gosh. Well, I was busted by Epiphany, and she was not happy.

Johnny: I can imagine.

Carly: Yeah, it was quite a scene. She threatened to call security, and I, uh, threw the scrubs in her face and walked out of the hospital in nothing but my bra and underwear.

Johnny: Wow. There's something I would have liked to have seen.

Carly: Yeah?

Johnny: Yeah.

Kate: I need to see Sonny.

Dante: He's not being arraigned until tomorrow.

Kate: This is not right, Dante. Sonny did not do this.

Dante: I want to believe that, too.

Kate: No, no. No. I know. I was with him from the second that he left the hospital.

Dante: After he was treated at the hospital, Kate, he went straight to the Quartermaines, where he threatened Anthony's life in front of a witness. Don't lie for him. You make him look even more guilty.

Kate: Your father saved your life last night. Have you forgotten that?

Dante: You keep coming up with stories like this, you're gonna wind up in a cell next to him.

Carly: Thanks for listening to me and...talking me down.

Johnny: Anytime.

Carly: I'm gonna hold you to that.

Anthony: Too bad she had to get home to the kid. It could have been a fun night for you.

Johnny: If you got something to say, say it.

Anthony: Just that it's not easy dating a mom with a young kid. I mean, she has to leave to change a diaper, and you're stuck here all hot and bothered.

Johnny: Stop -- now.

Anthony: I know a good way for you to let off a little steam. Her name's Connie. Give her a call.

Dante: Did you get those photos printed out?

Lulu: Um, yeah. Well -- I don't know. I must have done something, because the file is empty.

Dante: They were uploading when I left.

Lulu: I know. And then I-I went to the evidence room, and when I came back, there was nothing -- no photos on your phone or on the computer.

Dante: Did you delete anything?

Lulu: No. That's what's crazy, is I upload pictures all the time at home, and I used to do it for the magazine, and nothing like this has ever happened before.

Dante: Okay. Okay. This is weird, because everything before the alley is still there, and everything after the alley is still there.

Lulu: So you think it was deliberate?

Dante: Yeah, I do. I think while you were in the evidence room, someone came over here and deleted the photos of the footprints.

Lulu: Why? Who would do that?

Starr: Mom's on the phone with John, trying to track down Cole's parents. She's going to be back here any minute. She's not gonna be happy to find you here.

Todd: Your mother knows that I'm here.

Starr: She saw you?

Todd: Yeah. She's -- she's a little cranky.

Starr: You're out on bail. You're not even supposed to leave Llanview. I'm surprised she hasn't turned you in already.

Todd: You don't need to worry about this, okay? Really.

Starr: Dad, please. Do not get into a fight with mom. It's not what I need right now.

Todd: I'm not going to. I love you.


Todd: Please get some rest. Don't you worry. Sonny Corinthos isn't gonna get away with hurting my family.

Robert: I'll call you, though, when I find out anything.

Holly: Oh, that won't be necessary. I'm going with you.

Luke: You sure you want to do that?

Robert: I usually work alone.

Holly: I'm his mother. I'm not gonna sit around waiting for you to call when I can be helping you find him.

Robert: I know better than to argue. I'll make preparations.

Luke: [Inhales, exhales deeply] So...

Robert: So...

Luke: Thank you for doing this.

Robert: About what happened back there on the bridge --

Luke: Look, Robert, you and I have always lived on the edge. Gravity's gonna take us down soon enough, old son. Just promise me you'll stay off ledges, rooftops, and cliffs.

Robert: I want you to take care of Anna for me. I hate it that I'm leaving her to grieve alone.

Luke: I'll keep an eye on her. Are you sure you want to join this wild-goose chase?

Holly: Well, someone's got to keep an eye on Robert and slow him down and make sure he doesn't find out that we're lying to him about Ethan.

Luke: Well, take him to Cairo. And when he discovers that Helena is not anywhere around there, just haul him off to Australia or somewhere. Are you sure you're up for this?

Holly: Robert needs this, and I need to know that Ethan's safe from Helena.

Luke: We are doing the right thing.

Holly: Are we?

Luke: Well, you said yourself Robert needs this.

Holly: Yeah, but what about you? You're going to have to tell everyone, including your children, that Ethan isn't your son.

Luke: I know the truth. So does Ethan. That's all that matters.

Holly: I just hope this decision doesn't come back to haunt you.

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