GH Transcript Tuesday 1/31/12

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 1/31/12


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Molly: Hey, Shawn.

Shawn: Hey, Molly.

Molly: Where's TJ?

Shawn: Still sleeping.

Molly: It's past noon.

Shawn: Yeah, I know. He talked me into this little compromise. He said if he had to spend the day studying, the least I can do is let him sleep in. Figured it wasn't worth the fight. But you're right, though. Should go wake him up. Especially since he's got a friend here. Be right back, okay?

Molly: Okay.

Alexis: All right, you get settled. I'll get you something to eat. You want the usual?

Molly: Yes, please, with extra ketchup.

Alexis: Of course.

Ewen: Thank you. Miss Davis.

Alexis: How are you?

Ewen: How's it going?

Alexis: Good. Thank you. How's everything at Wyndemere? Patient doing all right?

Ewen: Unfortunately, she's made little progress and hasn't regained her memory.

Alexis: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I really have trouble understanding her fascination with Wyndemere. Don't know what's drawing her to that place.

Ewen: Well, she's been drawn to similar places in the past--dark, mysterious. But I'll admit she's rather taken with Wyndemere. It's almost as if she thinks there's something special out there waiting for her.

Ethan: I realize that cheese and crackers doesn't really count as a meal. Probably should have gone to the grocery store, but, uh, if you want to go to a restaurant, you know, maybe somewhere with food, we could always do that.

Cassandra: No, no. I think that this is a perfect spot for lunch. It's nice and warm by the fire. And there's no prying eyes watching over us. Mm. Except for hers, of course.

Ethan: Yeah, but she's not bombarding us with questions the way Ewen does. How is your roomie, by the way?

Cassandra: Mm. I'm not sure. He said he had to work.

Ethan: Oh, he found something more interesting than you.

Cassandra: Oh, I'm a problem that can't be solved. I'm sure that's an endless source of frustration. I mean, I'm not surprised that Ewen needs a break every once in a while.

Ethan: I'm sure his fascination outweighs his frustration.

Cassandra: Why are we spending our time talking about Dr. Keenan, when we could be doing so many other things?

Ethan: Like what? What'd you have in mind?

Cassandra: Mm.

Ethan: Oh, anybody who says nothing good happens at Wyndemere couldn't be more wrong.

Luke: Think again, Dodge.

Dante: The King Street Pier is a total loss. We're just lucky no one got hurt.

Delores: Fire inspector suspects arson.

Ronnie: Of course it was arson. The only question is who lit the match, which I hate to break this to you, Falconeri, but I'm guessing it was your dear old dad. Or maybe--hey, speak of the devil.

Johnny: Hey. You wanted to see me again.

Dante: Yeah. were gonna buy the King Street Pier, and then Sonny's organization acquired it, right?

Johnny: Yeah, it got torched. I read about it.

Ronnie: Yeah, sounds like Sonny got exactly what he deserved, huh?

Johnny: Not even close.

Sonny: King Street was a tear-down. I just don't want Johnny going after anything else I own. Yeah, just tighten security for the other warehouse. Bye.

Carly: Feeling good about yourself? I mean, there's nothing you like more than landing a cheap shot, right?

Sonny: Are you here for anything specific, or do you just want to pick a fight?

Carly: You're going after Johnny Zacchara? What the hell are you thinking? You once again made our kids a target, Sonny.

Tracy: That is correct. That is the number. I need a two-bedroom suite for an extended stay, move in immediately. Yes, the name on the card is Anthony Zacchara. What do you mean it's been declined? Well, run it again, and I will call you back.

Anthony: Trouble in paradise?

Tracy: The boathouse is nobody's idea of paradise, and I refuse to stay there one more night.

Anthony: I think it's kind of quaint.

Tracy: No, kind of quaint is a bed and breakfast in Vermont. Not quaint is deck chairs, beach towels, and a space heater. So put down the flower and give me your wallet.

Anthony: My wallet?

Tracy: Yes, your wallet. Your credit card was just declined and I need another one to reserve a room at the Metro Court. Of course, if it was Luke, he'd just make a phone call, and we'd be comped.

Anthony: Eh, maybe so. But I bring a lot of other things to the table.

Tracy: Really? Like what?

Anthony: Your continued freedom, for one thing.

Sonny: I really, really don't believe the Zaccharas are gonna come after my kids again. But if they do, they will regret it.

Carly: Well, here's a thought, Sonny--don't provoke them. Michael has already spent time in Pentonville. He has scars from that he will carry around forever.

Sonny: What that animal did to Michael was because of Franco. I--look, I had no control over that.

Carly: You're making choices, Sonny! You're making really bad choices! And you don't stop long enough to look around you and see how much pain it's causing everyone. And now this thing with Johnny. I don't--

Sonny: Are you defending Johnny now? All I did was tell him the truth. It's what you should have done, instead of lying about Jab’s death and having our kids--

Carly: All right, you knock it off. Knock it off. Don't you turn it around. You know damn well if I told anyone that Jax was alive, you would have made sure he wasn't.

Sonny: You always paint me out to be the bad guy, but I'm no different than Johnny.

Carly: Oh, God. You know what? Johnny is able to show some compassion. That seems to be lacking in--

Sonny: I don't have a lot of compassion for somebody who's trying to kill me.

Carly: You don't know Johnny did that! What if he didn't, Sonny?

Sonny: Right.

Carly: I mean, how do you justify telling Johnny that his sister is really his mother?

Sonny: Why would he talk about that all over town? It's like--I'd keep that to myself.

Carly: He's not talking about it, all right? I practically had to beg him to tell me.

Sonny: Okay. So, since when are you and Johnny buddies?

Dante: What do you know about the explosion on the King Street Pier, Johnny?

Johnny: I only know what I read online. Hey, is it true that the suspect in the assault of these dancers was found dead? So, what, case closed, right?

Dante: That's just one suspect.

Johnny: But if it was the guy, it's safe to assume--

Delores: He wasn't.

Ronnie: Padilla didn't think there was enough evidence.

Dante: The DA, Ronnie. That's why we cut the guy loose.

Johnny: But are you looking at somebody else?

Dante: We're working on it.

Johnny: Well, please speed it up. I got a business to run.

Ronnie: Well, if you ask me, your dancers are fine. Okay, because a dead guy can't exactly commit assault.

Johnny: Okay, "A," I didn't ask you, and, "B," I'll be sure to take that into consideration. Are we done here?

Dante: Yeah, we're good for now.

Delores: So, this is the second job this month that has fallen through, Eddie. No, I know construction is slow right now, but we needed that money. [Speaking Spanish] I'm not blaming you. Listen, I'm at work. I can't--I can't do this right now. Fine. I love you, too.

Johnny: Must be tough to make ends meet now, huh? Especially with your rent going up and all.

Delores: Where'd you hear that?

Johnny: I'm friends with the guy who owns the building. He's having some tough financial times, as well. But he does owe me a favor.

Delores: If this is the beginning of a bribe, please stop right now.

Johnny: Just stating the facts, all right? I'll see you around.

Delores: Yeah. I'll see you.

Luke: Luke Spencer.

Cassandra: I'm Cassandra.

Luke: Cassandra--a lovely name. What brings you to Spoon Island? Are you a big fan of "Dungeons & Dragons"?

Ethan: Privacy, actually. Something that seems very hard to come by around here.

Luke: Well, this decrepit old mausoleum is hardly a place to look for solace. Too many lost souls wandering around these halls.

Ethan: Yeah, too many lost souls wandering into this room.

Luke: I'm actually talking about the ones who drew their last breath on this island--Katherine Bell, Emily Quartermaine, even old Vlad himself, to name but a few. I'll bet the real-estate agent didn't clue you in on the body count before they rented the place. If you haven't guessed from all the gargoyles, the Cassadines were a pretty twisted bunch.

Cassandra: Well, I'm not afraid of ghosts.

Luke: Well, Helena isn't dead. Not that I haven't tried to make her so.

Cassandra: Helena Cassadine. Oh. There seems to be a healthy obsession with her in your family.

Luke: The obsession is mutual, believe me.

Ethan: Yeah, look, uh, why don't we skip the history lesson for today, okay? We'll save it for another time.

Luke: I'm just trying to let your young friend know what she's in for here.

Cassandra: Well, there's something to be said for a little mystery. I'm gonna go see what other food I can scare up.

Ethan: Cute.

Cassandra: I thought so.

Ethan: What the hell was that?

Luke: I'm just trying to get to know your mystery woman a little better--something that I suggest you do.

Ethan: I already know everything I need to know about her.

Luke: Oh, I seriously doubt that.

Shawn: It's late enough. You got work to do.

Alexis: Hey, TJ.

Shawn: Hey.

Alexis: How you doing?

Shawn: Great.

TJ: Hey.

Molly: Hey. So, I was thinking we could start with history, if that's okay with you.

TJ: I'd rather start with a bagel and some cream cheese.

Shawn: If you wanted breakfast, you should have gotten up before noon.

TJ: Well, I didn't. I'm tired, and now I'm hungry.

Alexis: And that's why I got you these, because I figured you might be.

TJ: Thank you! What is this?

Molly: It's a garden burger.

TJ: Oh. It's okay. Think I'm gonna get a real burger.

Shawn: No. You're gonna eat what's put in front of you.

Alexis: Okay, I'm gonna let you guys figure out the food thing, and I'm gonna go to work. Love you. I'll see you later.

Molly: Okay. Love you, too.

Shawn: Hey. Thanks a lot for agreeing to do this. You know, it's great of Molly to take away her time from all her friends to help TJ.

Alexis: Yeah, well, Molly doesn't have that much of a social life. She either has her head in a laptop or her head in a book.

Shawn: Well, you know, maybe this will be good for both of them.

Alexis: Maybe. You will keep an eye on them, won't you?

Shawn: Yes, I will.

Carly: Why shouldn't I be concerned about Johnny? He's always been decent to me.

Sonny: Yeah, okay. So that lip lock you gave him a couple months ago at Jake's--that was just, what, a gesture of friendship?

Carly: What it was is none of your business.

Sonny: Why are you all up in mine?

Carly: Sonny, I'm just trying to stop you from making a bad situation worse.

Sonny: You're just trying to--you're allowing Johnny to manipulate you into protecting him.

Carly: Johnny and Michael grew up in the same world, okay? Johnny knows what the business can do to kids.

Sonny: All Johnny cares about is what Michael can do for him.

Carly: You're wrong. Johnny refused to let Michael into his business. He didn't want him caught in the middle.

Sonny: Who told you that? Oh! Let me guess. Your buddy Johnny.

Carly: Johnny's not looking to exploit anyone. He proved that when he turned down the offer I made him.

Sonny: What offer?

Carly: One that would keep Michael out of Johnny's business for good.

Sonny: Oh. And in exchange for what? Or do I even want to ask?

Dante: Hey, you shouldn't let him get to you, you know.

Delores: Who?

Dante: John Zacchara. Looked like he was giving you a hard time before.

Delores: Right.

Ewen: Detectives.

Dante: Hey.

Ewen: I reviewed your files and was able to work up a profile on the assault suspect. I'd say you're after a male, Caucasian, 25 to 40, probably not originally from this area. He's a student of human nature who works and interacts with people outside their homes. Most likely, he's had difficult relations with women in his personal life. But he would never hurt someone who was close to him. Instead, he takes out his anger and frustration on the strangers, the victims.

Delores: Which is not what we had on Donofrio.

Ronnie: Must make you feel really good about yourself, doesn't it, Padilla?

Dante: Would you back off?

Ronnie: So the profile doesn't match. Big deal. Okay? It doesn't change the fact that we let a known killer go loose.

Ewen: He may have had a criminal history, but Donofrio wasn't the attacker. I read his file, too. History of public crime, domestic abuse. Way too obvious. The man you're looking for is far more cunning. You could be standing right beside him and you might not even know it.

Tracy: Does this mean the honeymoon's over?

Anthony: Why would you say that?

Tracy: Because you just renewed your threat to turn me in to the SEC.

Anthony: No. You got me all wrong, Venus. As far as I'm concerned, this honeymoon's just starting.

Tracy: And isn't it a shame that we don't have an actual bed, like in a hotel suite? And why is that? Oh, that's right. Your credit card got declined. So much for what's yours is mine.

Johnny: Yeah, it looks like your new husband here is flat broke. Guess the only thing that's his is yours.

Anthony: Maybe I'm more like your last husband than you realized.

Tracy: How can you be broke?

Johnny: Easy. I cut him off.

Anthony: I'm glad you're here, John. We need to talk.

Johnny: I'm here to see Tracy, not you, Grandpa.

Tracy: What are you talking about?

Johnny: Oh, I guess he didn't tell you. It's okay. Don't feel bad. He didn't tell me either. I had to hear it from Sonny.

Tracy: Hear what?!

Johnny: The truth after a lifetime full of lies. I'll give you the cliffs notes. See, it turns out my father here is actually not my father at all. He's my grandfather.

Tracy: Your what?

Johnny: Grandfather. But wait. It gets better. See, my actual father is somebody that you used to know, another one of your husbands--Gino Soleito. But wait. It gets even better. To round out this perfect family portrait, my mother--wait for it--was Claudia, who I spent my whole life thinking was my sister.

Tracy: Back up. You're a Soleito?

Johnny: That's right. And I came here to tell you that I fully intend to stake my claim to the money Gino left behind.

Luke: It baffles me how you can be so adept at running a con and so inept when it comes to women.

Ethan: I think I take exception to that.

Luke: Oh, really? How about your initial foray into the perils of matrimony?

Ethan: Oh, come on. Leave Maya out of this, all right? That didn't even count.

Luke: It didn't? You jumped in with both feet and got your heart stomped there.

Ethan: Yeah, that was for money. And then love. But this is different, okay?

Luke: Okay, what? What's different about it? You're skipping the money part and going right for the love?

Ethan: No, Cassandra's not like anyone I've ever met.

Luke: Well, I don't doubt that. She's a blank slate--a beautiful woman with no memory. She's an empty canvas on which you can paint your fantasies.

Ethan: I've never considered myself much of an artist. Okay, but, hey, maybe I'm leaving myself open to possibilities.

Luke: Yeah, well, just do yourself a favor and slow down. Don't jump in any harder.

Ethan: Look, I am out here having a perfectly great time, trying just to get to know Cassandra, and you have to waltz in and ruin everything.

Luke: All I'm doing is asking her some questions, which apparently you hadn't planned to do.

Ethan: Maybe I don't want to know who she was before I met her.

Luke: Well, I can guarantee you this. People don't try to block out happy memories. It's only darkness and despair they try to run away from.

Ethan: Oh, my God. Look, Cassandra's not hiding some deep, dark secret, okay? She just doesn't remember who she was.

Luke: Yes. And that's exactly what concerns me.

Ethan: I give you plenty of space to go make your own mistakes. Now all I ask is that you return the favor. Okay? Can you do that for me?

Dante: Well, thank you for this profile, Doc. It will help us figure out who we're dealing with.

Ewen: No worries. I'd be happy to speak with anyone you bring in for questioning. I might be able to get a better read on the person, help narrow down the leads.

Dante: Sure.

Ewen: Let me know. Damn.

Dante: You all right?

Ewen: Oh, my cell phone is in my blazer, which I appear to have forgotten at the coffee shop. I'm always doing that. Call me if you need anything. That is after I find my phone.

Ronnie: Well, that was a big fat waste of time. What'd he give us? White male, 25 to 40, takes his aggression out on women. Big deal. I could have given you that. And you know what? I wouldn't have charged the department for it.

Delores: Well, I think that what he put together might help us.

Dante: So do I.

Ronnie: Well, I don't. All right? Enjoy explaining the expense report to Mac.

Dante: Okay.

Delores: Geez.

Dante: Yeah, just ignore him.

Delores: I know. I'm getting really good at it. We don't even have a suspect. That's what gets me so mad.

Dante: Like in your sister's case?

Delores: Yeah.

Dante: You were pretty young when that happened, yeah?

Delores: I grew up pretty fast after burying Rosa. We need to catch this bastard soon.

Dante: Look, if this is some crusade for revenge, you got to be real careful. There's a thin line between vengeance and justice, and when that line gets blurred, mistakes get made.

Carly: Yes, Sonny, there's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my kids.

Sonny: Nothing or no one, apparently.

Carly: What do you care?! I mean, you're back with Kate again. And I can tell you how that's gonna end.

Sonny: You don't have any idea who Kate is.

Carly: No one does. Is she Kate? Is she Connie?

Sonny: It doesn't really matter, does it?

Carly: You know what? I know you. I know you, and I know your expectations in a relationship, and she will never meet them.

Sonny: Oh, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Carly: "Glutton for punishment." You know what I think?

Sonny: What?

Carly: I think you just love the challenge, Sonny.

Sonny: Okay, you know what? We're getting off the subject here.

Carly: Fine. Then leave Johnny alone.

Sonny: My work is done. I told Johnny the truth. How he deals with it is his problem, not your problem.

Carly: When I found out I was adopted, I felt betrayed, like my whole life was one big lie. Then I came here and I did my worst.

Sonny: By jumping in bed with your mother's husband? And now here we are, 2012, you're gonna do the same thing all over again, and you tell me that I should learn from my mistakes?

Luke: I'm not trying to tell you how to run your life. I'm just asking you to proceed with a little caution.

Ethan: My life, okay. I'm gonna proceed however I choose.

Luke: Dodge, you're my son. I love you. You didn't live here when everything Cassadine was pure poison to every Spencer they could get their hands on. Anybody who wants to live in this graveyard is asking for misery.

Ethan: The Cassadine legacy on this island is over. Okay, they're all dead or moved on. Now let's close that book. I want to start a new chapter here.

Luke: If this were a game of poker, you would have already lost the farm. I mean, here you are. You don't even know this woman. You've put all your cards on the table, face-up. What the hell has happened to you? Suddenly this mysterious woman walks into your life. You throw caution to the wind. You put all your chips on the table. I don't get it.

Ethan: Look, maybe I want to go for broke, okay? Cassandra's an amazing woman.

Luke: Yeah, an amazing woman that you know nothing about. Now, what happens if she suddenly does remember her past? I mean, what happens if there's some spud out there that she's got history with? Maybe even a family. You are gonna be out in the cold.

Ethan: Yeah, that's exactly why I don't want to waste time with what-if's. Look, maybe she will remember at some point, okay? But until then, I am enjoying what's happening right now. If there's one thing I learned from you, it's how to live in the moment. Now let me do that, okay? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find my mystery woman. I believe you know the way or ways out. I'll see you.

Delores: You've been on more than one case in which you were personally involved.

Dante: I have. And it almost cost me Lulu.

Delores: Yeah, but you guys worked it out.

Dante: Yes, we did work it out. You know, I feel like you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. You know all this stuff about me, and I still don't know anything about you.

Delores: Well, there's not much to know.

Dante: You know, I don't think so. Padilla, look, you're my partner, and I think I want to know more about the person who I'm trusting to have my back, so why don't we go out sometime, all of us--me, Lulu, you, Eddie?

Delores: Sure. Yeah.

Anthony: Let's not get too greedy, John.

Johnny: The money Gino left behind is rightfully mine. And I don't have to marry into the family to get it, either, like my grandfather.

Anthony: I want to apologize for John's attitude. He and I obviously have a lot to discuss.

Johnny: I got nothing to talk about with you.

Anthony: Good. Then you can listen. Would you mind?

Tracy: I need a drink.

Anthony: You want to know what's rightfully yours? A bullet in the head. Because that's all you're gonna get from the Soleitos if you try to take a piece of their family pie. They've never been big on sharing.

Johnny: Oh, well, lucky for me I grew up in a family with the same values.

Anthony: The difference is I happen to give a damn about you. They don't.

Johnny: You tend to forget that Sonny still doesn't know that you shot Dante. And we both know how protective he is over his kids.

Anthony: Really? Well, he wouldn't take the news about you planting drugs in his warehouse any better, either.

Johnny: I got no reason to be scared of Sonny. You have every reason in the world.

Anthony: Look, John, I'm trying to make allowances because I realize you've had a terrible shock. But keep in mind if it wasn't for me, you'd be in a box right next to your mother, and you still could be if you're not careful.

Carly: You know what I've learned? I've learned there's no reasoning with you, because you don't listen and you never admit when you're wrong.

Sonny: And here I thought that you would be happy that I didn't start a war, no blood on the streets. All I did was give Johnny some information--

Carly: I should be proud that you didn't pick up a gun?! You still blew Johnny's life apart, Sonny.

Sonny: Anthony blew Johnny's life apart. I was just the messenger!

Carly: You openly provoked Johnny and Anthony, made them that much more dangerous. But as long as you're winning, to hell with everyone else, including our kids, huh?

Alexis: What's going on with the kids?

Carly: Why don't you ask Sonny? You better hope Johnny has some compassion. 'Cause if he doesn't, there's no telling what you just unleashed on our children.

Alexis: Please tell me that was Carly being overly dramatic.

Sonny: There's nothing to worry about.

Alexis: You know, somehow, I just don't really find those words very reassuring. There's something going on here, so why don't you just tell me what it is right now?

[Door slams]

Spinelli: Ah! Gracious greetings, proud patriarch. I was surprised to be--

Mac: What is she thinking?

Spinelli: I assume you're referring to Maximista?

Mac: Maxie. Her name is Maxie. Why the hell can't you call anyone by their real name?

Spinelli: Though admirable in its pristine simplicity, "Maxie" seems too--

Mac: I knew it, Spinelli. I know this is what you were doing.

Spinelli: I don't--

Mac: You moved in with her, all right? She's got to listen to your Spinelli speak 24/7, and it's taken its toll.

Spinelli: With all due respect, between Maximista's busy schedule and my own commitments, we spend but a few hours together at night.

Mac: You spend nights with Maxie?

Spinelli: I have to come home to sleep.

Mac: Not in the same bed.

Spinelli: Alas, not yet.

Mac: "Alas," my ass, Spinelli. Maxie is off limits.

Spinelli: Look, I'm her roommate. I paid first month's--

Mac: Spinelli, something is wrong with Maxie. She's avoiding me, ducking my calls, which can only mean she's doing something that I don't approve of, like taking up with you!

Molly: Roosevelt was elected president in 1901, after McKinley was assassinated. [Stomach rumbles] You might as well try it. It's close to the real thing, anyway.

TJ: If it's that close, why not just get the real thing?

Molly: Really? Do you have any idea what's involved in making ground beef, how they treat those poor animals? Well, it's inhumane, not to mention disgusting.

TJ: Really? They're cows.

Molly: They're living, breathing animals. I just watched a documentary on the whole process, how it all works. It honestly made me never want to eat meat again. I've actually been thinking about starting a school club to raise awareness about the issue.

TJ: An anti-beef club?

Molly: Mm-hmm.

TJ: Where you'd do what, sit around and eat tofu?

Molly: No, we'd petition the school board to offer healthier alternatives on campus. And beef wouldn't be the only issue. Have you seen the vending machines? Nothing but sugar.

TJ: Isn't that kind of the point of a vending machine?

Molly: No! I think we should be putting our resources towards a school garden. That way, we can teach kids about sustainability while helping them make informed choices about what they eat and where.

TJ: So you're telling me that you want to take away all the vending machines--sodas, candies--and make people plant carrots in their free period instead? I'm sorry, but that's pretty wack.

Molly: A lot of school systems have already started doing it. You'd be surprised.

TJ: Let me know which ones so I make sure I don't end up there. [Scoffs] And you wonder why you only have five MyFace friends.

Shawn: Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Shawn: What's wrong?

Carly: Oh, God, you know, I mean, there's always something wrong. Just the usual.

Shawn: Mm.

Carly: How's it going with TJ?

Shawn: Hmm. I'd be lying if I told you things are going well.

Carly: That bad, huh?

Shawn: Yeah. TJ's a real challenge. It's got to be hard to have your whole world turned upside-down, you know, to lose your dad, be without your mom. No, he needs a support system. And I don't know if I'm capable of giving that to him.

Carly: I think that your even trying is just awesome. And it's great. I do. I think the best thing you could do for TJ is just be present for him. No matter how much he tries to push you away.

Johnny: You expect me to believe you got my best interests at heart?

Anthony: I've been protecting you your whole life.

Johnny: Claudia protected me, not you! Hell, even your wife Maria jumped in front of a bullet for me--your bullet.

Anthony: I was out of my mind.

Johnny: No, you were showing your true self. You know, my whole life, I wondered how a father could hate his kid so much he would try to wipe him out. But now it all makes sense. I was a product of Claudia, and we both know how you felt about her.

Anthony: You need to think very carefully about how you use this information.

Johnny: Oh, believe me, I've thought. And I got big plans for you. Congratulations on your wedding, by the way. Although I should be offering you my condolences.

Sonny: The Zaccharas--they're not a threat.

Alexis: Carly seems to think otherwise.

Sonny: Carly's exaggerating.

Alexis: Not always.

Sonny: Well--

Alexis: Look, since you blackmailed me into being your attorney, I am now obligated to try and keep you out of prison, so why don't you tell me what you've done this time.

Sonny: First of all, it's not what I did. It's what Johnny did. Did you get a call from the cops about the pier explosion?

Alexis: Yeah, that you conveniently had an alibi for?

Sonny: Can you make it go away?

Alexis: Are you trying to make me quit?

Sonny: You're not gonna quit.

Alexis: Done it before.

Sonny: Yeah, when things got complicated.

Alexis: Complicated?

Sonny: Yeah.

Alexis: I got pregnant with your kid. And that kid, by the way, if she's in trouble, I deserve to know about it.

Sonny: I have the kids watched, you know, all the time. You know I do. So what are you talking about?

Alexis: I spoke to Kristina. You called earlier.

Sonny: So?

Alexis: Which means you're concerned about her. You're checking up on her, right?

Sonny: Well, I mean, she went off to college. It's the first time she's ever been on her own. You know, is it terrible that her father wants to see how she's doing? Huh?

Alexis: You know, it would be a shame, a real shame, that we went to all this trouble to get her in, and you made all those threats, you pulled all those strings--it'd be a shame if it all turned out to be for nothing.

Sonny: And I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know why? Because I would lay down my life for my kids.

Dante: You can prove that by not going after the Zaccharas.

Ethan: I am impressed with your culinary skills. There were only three edible items in that pantry. Maybe you used to be a chef.

Cassandra: I have a feeling you're just as resourceful. Something you undoubtedly got from your father.

Ethan: Yeah, sorry about that. That was embarrassing.

Cassandra: Oh, no, I didn't mind. I find him quite interesting.

Ethan: I guess that's one word for it.

Cassandra: Yeah, he seems to be just as drawn to this place as I am.

Ethan: You know what you said earlier about the obsession? It's true. My family and the Cassadines have been at war for, I don't know, decades. And Helena seems hell-bent on dragging our generation into it.

Cassandra: Hmm. So, are you intending on taking the responsibility, carrying on the family tradition?

Ethan: No. No, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Cassandra: Prove it.



Mac: Do you know the happiest day of my life?

Spinelli: I assume that question is rhetorical, since--

Mac: The day Maxie didn't marry you. The day I realized she wouldn't have to spend the next 50 years listening to your incomprehensible babble.

Spinelli: In point of fact, I was the one that chose not to wed Maximista, and not for lack of commitment or love, but because I could see that the state of matrimony terrified her. I knew she wasn't ready.

Mac: So why are you weaseling your way back into her life?!

Spinelli: Although we are no longer romantically entangled, I...remain her devoted friend.

Mac: Oh, give it up, Spinelli. You're carrying a torch for Maxie the size of a bonfire. You're hoping that proximity will lead to opportunity so you can catch her in a vulnerable moment and take advantage of her.

Spinelli: I think you're indulging in a moment of parental paranoia. I assure you my intentions are strictly honorable.

Mac: She's dating Matt Hunter now. All right? Don't mess it up.

Spinelli: Do you truly believe that he is better suited for her than I?

Mac: He's all right, I guess. He's Patrick's brother. Maxie is trying to emulate Robin, you know, be with a nice, stable doctor. I'm not crazy about the guy, but he's a definite improvement over you.

Spinelli: Yeah, well, I-I beg to differ. Unlike Dr. Hunter, I am neither self-centered nor egotistical. I will always put Maximista's welfare above my own. I see the good in her as we as her flaws and foibles, and I will never take her for granted.

Mac: We're done here. And if Maxie hears about this conversation, I'll arrest you first and charge you later.

Molly: You know, that wasn't very nice, especially considering I'm just trying to help you.

TJ: What am I, your hobby, since you have nothing else to do with your life?

Molly: So, you're reading "Catcher in the Rye"?

TJ: Supposed to be. Haven't started it yet.

Molly: Well, it's, um, it's a really good book. I think you'd like it. Main character actually reminds me a lot of you.

TJ: Why?

Molly: You tell me.

TJ: You really want to help me, convince Shawn to get me a tablet computer so I don't have to carry all these stupid books around.

Molly: How about you show him you deserve one by getting good grades? Why don't you read through the first few pages while I look over the study questions?

TJ: There. Done.

Molly: Wait, really? Okay, what did you think of the Smith character?

TJ: Seems pretty chill.

Molly: TJ, there is no Smith character.

TJ: You got me. I didn't read it.

Molly: Because you can't read? You can't read.

Carly: You know what? I have to cancel my order.

Waitress: Oh, no problem.

Carly: Can you tell Shawn? He went up to get his phone.

Waitress: Sure.

Carly: Thank you. Okay.

[Cell phone ringing]

[Elevator dings]

Johnny: I missed your call. Leave a message. I'll get back to you.


Carly: Hey, it's Carly. Um, I was just checking in to see how you were doing. Give me a call a-and let me know if you're okay.

Alexis: If you're here on official business, I'm gonna need a moment alone with my client.

Sonny: Alexis, it's okay. I asked him to stop by.

Alexis: Oh. Okay. So, if you find yourself in handcuffs, give me a call.

Sonny: Thanks for coming by.

Dante: Yeah. If this is about the King Street Pier, you might as well save your breath and your bullets. You get involved in this, it's just gonna make it messier--

Sonny: This has nothing to do with Johnny.

Dante: Well, then, what's this all about?

Sonny: I'm about to make you an offer you can't refuse.

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