GH Transcript Tuesday 1/24/12

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 1/24/12


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Carly: Hey, um, it's your favorite niece.

Luke: Caroline! To what do I owe this dubious pleasure?

Carly: You sound awfully cheery.

Luke: Well, I'm all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after that lovely night's sleep in the suite that you so generously provided.

Carly: Okay. Why I'm calling is because--

Luke: Uh, the fruit basket was a really lovely touch, but the bananas were a little over-ripe.

Carly: I don't need the favor, okay? I don't need the favor. The problem with Johnny has been solved, so you can stop whatever scam you're running.

Luke: Too late.

Carly: Why?

Luke: Got to run.

Carly: No, no, no, no, no. What did you do?

Luke: I did what I said I'd do. I'm a man of my word.

Carly: Luke, what did you find out?

Luke: Uh, got to run, niece. Got to run. Sorry.

Carly: Luke! Damn it! [Sighs] God!

Johnny: You sure this is the original birth certificate?

Man: Our record-keeping is beyond reproach, Mr. Zacchara.

Johnny: It hasn't been forged or altered?

Man: The certificate is authentic and certified. Father, Gino Soleito. Mother--

Johnny: Yeah. Claudia Zacchara.

Michael: Hey.

Sam: Hey, Michael. I've been meaning to call, see how you're doing.

Michael: Look, I'm here on business.

Sam: PI business?

Michael: I need to hire you before I do something I'll regret.

Matt: Missed you last night.

Maxie: Yeah, well, you didn't ask me out.

Matt: I asked you to come over.

Maxie: Hmm. That's not really the same thing. And besides, I was too busy to care about it, so--

Matt: Did something happen that just--I mean, just flew over my head?

Maxie: Well, you're getting warmer.

Matt: Are you feeling under-appreciated?

Maxie: Try ignored, sidelined, uh, taken for granted, but you know what, Matt? It's water under the bridge because my life is too joyous and exciting to care about it.

Matt: All right, look, I-if there's something I've done--

Spinelli: Fair morning, Maximista. Oh, hey, man friend.

Maxie: Hey. You found the cereal okay?

Spinelli: Yeah, many thanks.

Maxie: Mm-hmm.

Matt: He slept over?

Maxie: Not that I owe you an explanation, but, uh, Spinelli and I--

Spinelli: Oh, we're, uh--Maximista and I are living together.

Maxie: Mm-hmm.

Matt: To--wh--

Maxie: Don't give me that look, Matt, because you know what? I asked you first, but you turned me down.

Matt: What? So he just--he just fills in, what?--To make me jealous?

Maxie: Ha ha! Yes, because my whole universe revolves around you.

Matt: Y-you know what? With moving in, yeah, it does, okay? What if I decided to change my mind?

Maxie: Did you?

Spinelli: Uh, if I might step in [Clears throat] The Jackal has already paid one month's security and first and last month's rent, so the man friend's theoretical change of heart is not an option.

Tracy: Good morning, dear. Did you enjoy our wedding night?

Anthony: You'd have more spring in your step if we'd consummated.

Tracy: [Laughs] See this smile? That's because we didn't. And we never will.

Anthony: You keep up the chilly reception, I may be forced to stray.

Tracy: Oh, please. I beg you, spend every waking moment in the arms of another woman.

Anthony: Oh, you don't mean that.

Tracy: I married you because you threatened to turn me in to the SEC for using Gino's money to finance ELQ. What other purpose could you possibly have for me?

Anthony: All in good time.

Tracy: Let me throw out some possibilities. One, I am so charming that I make every day a joy.

Anthony: [Laughs]

Tracy: Okay. Two, um, we share so many laughs together, you are looking forward to a lifetime of bliss. Three, you want to get your hands on the ELQ trust. And that's gonna happen over your dead body. Sorry to disappoint.

Anthony: You'll enjoy my company soon enough.

Tracy: Really? Are you planning on putting hallucinogens in my morning latte?

Anthony: Oh, it hadn't occurred to me, but I'll keep it in mind.

Tracy: Yeah, well, you better put some in your own when I make you so miserable, you'll beg me for a divorce.

Anthony: Ooh, you're so feisty before breakfast. I love that in a woman.

[Knock on door]

Anthony: It's room service. 15 minutes late. Eh, you know, you can't find good help these days. It's a real problem.

Luke: Good morning, newlyweds! Hungry?

Kate: "Cartooning, dancing, engineering."

Lulu: Careers at a glance listed alphabetically.

Kate: Do I sense a hint of desperation?

Lulu: More like inspiration. I'm trying to find something that will trigger my "aha" moment.

Kate: Aha. Why don't you scroll down to "F" for "fashion"? You know, you did a decent job at Crimson. You could still have your job back.

Lulu: Thank you, but that's not my passion.

Kate: Good luck with cartooning.

Olivia: Good morning, all. I see you're spreading cheer with my, uh, lovely, new daughter-in-law.

Kate: That's right. It's lovely to see a woman with style. Maybe you can do something with her. Lord knows I've tried.

Olivia: Uh, velvet gauchos, matching vest with contrast stitching, junior high. Ring a bell?

Kate: No.

Lulu: [Chuckles] That was friendly.

Olivia: Ah, that's what cousins are for. Ah. You and Dante having a fight?

Lulu: No. Why?

Olivia: [Chuckles] I don't know. Since when is a big old glass of wine the beverage of choice with breakfast?

Sonny: Day's looking up already.

Kate: You look pretty decent for being shot a couple days ago.

Sonny: I'm much better. So, I haven't heard from you in a little bit, right?

Kate: Yeah, I, um--I just needed some time to think.

Sonny: You've been thinking about the space in--in the middle?

Kate: [Sighs] I'm not going anywhere, Sonny. All right? Can you just not get shot again?

Sonny: I'm taking all the precautions I can.

Kate: You still think it was Johnny?

Sonny: Situation's been handled. We'll just leave it at that.

Michael: I want to find the guy who's beating up the dancers.

Sam: Okay, but, Michael, we already talked about this. I think you should go to Dante or somebody at the PCPD.

Michael: I've already heard the lecture about the so-called alibi.

Sam: Okay, I get that you're frustrated, but you still can't go--

Michael: Phone calls from a public phone booth? I mean, who even knew those existed anymore? Those calls could have been from anybody.

Sam: Okay, well, what exactly am I supposed to do?

Michael: Look, this is Chuck Donofrio. Dig up proof on him that he's our guy. It might help keep me out of prison.

Sam: What's that supposed to mean?

Michael: I think he's guilty. If he's not arrested and charged--I might get myself into serious trouble.

Sam: What kind of trouble?

Lulu: I'm trying a new pinot that Carly told me about.

Olivia: Oh. 'Cause, uh, you see, me, if I'm gonna do any sort of wine-tasting, I generally at least wait till lunch.

Lulu: It's almost lunch. And everything is great between me and your wonderful son.

Olivia: Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear it. You doing some job-hunting?

Lulu: Yeah. I'm stuck on what it is that I want to do. And even if I figure it out, the job market's so lousy.

Olivia: Well, you know, if you want, you could always get a job here. I can make it happen.

Lulu: You don't even know if I'd be good.

Olivia: Come on. You spent a year working under the ice queen of Coney Island. I'm sure you can get the thumbs up from me.

Lulu: Thank you. I'm just trying to hold out for the right thing.

Olivia: Well, you know, if you're really feeling the pinch, you could always, you know, sell the Haunted Star.

Lulu: Oh, well, I don't know. It might be me being stupid or my way of enabling, but I know if my dad's gonna show up anywhere, he would probably be there, so--

Olivia: You do know that he's in town right now.

Lulu: Yeah. Yeah, I know that. He's just, uh, avoiding me like the plague. And Ethan says I shouldn't take that personally.

Olivia: Easier said than done, right?

Lulu: I'm used to it.

Olivia: I should probably tell you, he's staying here at the Metro Court.

Lulu: Oh, that's news to me.

Olivia: Yeah, Carly's got him comped and everything.

Lulu: I wonder what that's about. What? Have you ever had a drink at lunch before?

Kate: Uh, you know what, Sonny? You can just keep the details of the shooting to yourself. I don't--I don't want to know.

Sonny: All right.

Kate: All right?

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Kate: But, um, I gave your daughter-in-law the opportunity to come back to Crimson, and she, uh--she said no.

Sonny: Well, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. I wanted to send Dante a wedding gift, but he didn't want to accept it.

Kate: OH. Well, you--I understand. You can't blame him.

Sonny: Yeah, so I got something else that I want to do for them, and I was thinking maybe I could talk to you about it. So, maybe we could have, like, dinner tonight and--

Kate: Oh, tonight's not good.

Sonny: You busy?

Kate: Yeah, I'm, um--I just--I have this business thing out of town.

Johnny: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Carly: Johnny, I know you're in there.

Johnny: [Sighs]

Carly: I-I was calling to you. I guess you didn't hear me.

Johnny: Just distracted.

Carly: You okay?

Johnny: Wouldn't mind a little privacy.

Carly: Uh, okay. I'm--I-I'll be a minute. I just, um--well, I just wanted to thank you again for last night.

Johnny: No big deal.

Carly: It was a big deal to me. You know, your offering to stay away from Michael with no price tag, so--

Johnny: You're welcome.

Carly: You're not really talkative. Any particular reason?

Johnny: What's it to you?

Carly: Just--you were decent to me. I just thought I'd return the favor.

Johnny: Hmm. 'Cause that's how it goes, right? Like that time you came here with a blender as a housewarming gift. You wanted something from me. I mean, everything's negotiable. Everybody's got a price, right?

Carly: What happened?

Johnny: [Sighs] Doesn't matter.

Carly: I'm guessing you had a run-in with someone. Sonny? Your father? Luke?

Luke: Well, you lovebirds must be hungry. Must have worked up quite an appetite. But I won't get personal.

Tracy: What are you doing here?

Anthony: Uh, what my lovely bride means is, "get the hell out."

Luke: Ooh. Got up on the wrong side of the marriage bed? Or are we still trying to figure out which side is whose?

Tracy: "Not to get personal."

Anthony: Hey, that's our breakfast. I get cranky when people steal from me.

Luke: Well, at the risk of my kneecaps, this bacon is delicious. I'm gonna have to order some tomorrow.

Tracy: Yeah, order all you want at Kelly's.

Luke: No, not at Kelly's. I'm your neighbor. I'm just down the hall.

Tracy: You're staying here again?

Luke: Courtesy of my lovely niece.

Tracy: Ah. How'd you work that out?

Luke: An exchange of favors.

Tracy: You owe Carly?

Luke: No, she owes me.

Tracy: [Chuckling] Oh. Those deals always come back to bite you.

Luke: Well, I have teeth, too. We'll see whose teeth are sharper. Sausage?

Matt: Let me get this straight. So, I tell you that moving in together is, you know, potentially a very big deal, one step that I'm not sure I'm ready to take--

Maxie: Actually, you straight up turned me down.

Matt: Uh, that is not how I remember it going at all!

Maxie: Oh, please, Matt! I'm standing there in the hospital, and you disrespected me in front of Elizabeth and half the General Hospital staff!

Matt: What are you talking about, disrespecting--

Maxie: You went on and on about the photo shoot and how I know zilch about your research, which is understandable.

Matt: You don't know anything about my research.

Maxie: I'm not in the medical profession, Matt. I don't know the cancer lingo terms. I mean, you just stood there. I mean, I didn't get any sympathy from you or support. No, you just stood there while I fumbled around and tried to say rapamapa--

Matt: Rapamycin receptors.

Maxie: Yeah, and then Elizabeth smirks, and you're trying your damndest not to laugh.

Matt: I-I did not. I-I was not laughing.

Maxie: No, I saw your face. I mean, my own boyfriend laughing at me.

Matt: I was--

Maxie: I mean, whatever happened to being decent or--or--or being a gentleman?

Matt: Okay. Look. I'm sorry if you thought that I was disrespecting you. I-I didn't mean to come off that way. But what does that--how does that affect--why is he moving in? Can you please explain this to me?

Maxie: [Scoffs] Spinelli's my roommate.

Matt: Y-y-y-yeah! With a one-year lease! What is that?!

Maxie: Okay, he happens to believe me about the guy with the hat.

Spinelli: Skimmer. Headpiece. Fedora.

Matt: Oh, we're back to that excuse again?

Maxie: He's real, Matt, okay? So I'm sorry that you don't believe me, but every time I open my door, he's there.

Matt: Really? Every time?

Maxie: Yes, and he bolts before I have time to yell for help!

Matt: Really?

Maxie: [Scoffs] [Gasps] Oh, my God. He's there.

Sam: Where did you get this?

Michael: It doesn't matter.

Sam: It does if you're planning to use it.

Michael: Look, just get me something on Donofrio.

Sam: No, I am not gonna help you until you tell me what's going on.

Michael: This piece of garbage needs to pay. Sam, Abby was everything to me.

Sam: I get it, Michael. I--I get it. It doesn't mean you can go and take the law into your own hands.

Michael: The cops won't help me. Nobody else will, either.

Sam: Wait a minute. Like who?

Michael: I went to my dad to ask him to stop Donofrio.

Sam: And what? Sonny refused?

Michael: He told me to stay out of it. So I went to Johnny Zacchara. I-I told him I want to work for him, use his organization to track this guy down. But he turned me down, too, so--

Sam: So, you went out and bought a gun.

Michael: Look, if nobody else is gonna stop this guy, I'm going to. Isn't that what Jason did to Franco?

Anthony: What did you do with the waiter? Tie him up and dump him in a closet?

Luke: Oh, no. That's not my style. I use the art of persuasion.

Anthony: Really? To the tune of how much?

Luke: $50.

Anthony: All right. Here's your tip. Now scram and leave my lovely bride and I in peace.

Tracy: Let's not be hasty.

Anthony: Your ex is a leech. He's crashing our wedding, our bridal suite--

Tracy: He does have a habit of showing up when he's not invited. And, you know, I don't think he spent this much time on our honeymoon.

Luke: Well, not on the first one, but then neither one of us really remember that one, but the second--

Tracy: Let me divert you from your trip down memory lane and ask you a question. Uh, does this visit have a purpose? Are you here perhaps to tell me that our divorce was a fake and I'm not really married to Anthony?

Luke: Nope. The divorce was official.

Anthony: And so is this. Find yourself another breakfast cart to hijack.

Tracy: I think we should show Luke compassion. I mean, if the man's life is so barren that he feels the need to keep popping up in ours, why not humor him? Let him stay.

Luke: Mrs. Z, who knew you were such a good Samaritan?

Anthony: Oh, what the hell. I will allow my Venus this one concession since we'll be leaving this joint in a couple hours anyway.

Luke: You're checking out so soon?

Tracy: Not soon enough.

Anthony: Ah. You hear that enthusiasm? Great minds think alike, my precious rose. I'll head right over to Johnny's and get my clothes.

Tracy: And do what with them?

Anthony: Well, move into the Quartermaine manse, of course. I wouldn't want you to come back to my son's place. It's too cramped. Not enough privacy.

Luke: Taking your new hubby home to the bosom of the family? Oh, that's gonna be beautiful.

Anthony: So, I'll see you at the house a little later, then?

Tracy: Why not?

Luke: Are you sure you want to leave your blushing bride with her ex here in your marital boudoir?

Anthony: My wife is a woman of great integrity and morals. I have no qualms about her loyalty.

Luke: Hmm. Loyal and shy.

Anthony: Hey. Next time you contemplate just showing up, wait for an engraved invitation or I'll arrange for an engraved headstone.

Luke: Well, that's too subtle. Could you make it any clearer?

Anthony: No one likes a smartass.

Tracy: I do.

[Door closes]

Luke: Let me see that rock.

Tracy: He spared no expense, unless it's a fake.

Luke: No, I think that's the real deal.

Tracy: Remember when you proposed and you gave me a ring?

Luke: Yeah. I dropped big bucks on that gem.

Tracy: It was gorgeous. [Chuckles] I was so sure you'd conned somebody, and I was--really surprised to find out it was real.

Luke: The look on your face when you found out it was real was priceless.

Tracy: I think it was the best surprise of my life.

Luke: Regrets, Spanky?

Tracy: Yeah. You?

Johnny: Why would you ask if I've run into Luke?

Carly: Uh, no real big reason. I mean, you saw Luke and I talking at Kelly's. You know, I've been worried about Michael, and then you were there.

Johnny: So you figured if we ran into each other, he would have told me? It's a little convoluted, even for you, don't you think?

Carly: I have a lot on my mind. Obviously so do you. I--

Johnny: Yeah, well, Michael's not on mine, so you satisfied?

Carly: Look, I just, uh, really appreciate that, you know, you're gonna help me keep Michael safe.

Johnny: It's up to Michael to keep himself safe.

Carly: Yeah. Yeah. But, you know--you turned him down. Sonny's turned him down. He doesn't really have many other options, so--

Johnny: You're grateful. I get it. Now leave. Please shut the door on your way out.

Carly: Johnny, if something's wrong--

Johnny: "If something's wrong," what, Carly, huh? What do you care?

Carly: I don't know. But I do. Like I said, you were good to my kid.

Johnny: You might want to stop calling him a kid.

Carly: Well, when you're a parent, your kid's always your kid, you know, no matter how old they are. When they're happy, you're happy. You feel terrible when they're in pain. You worry about them. [Chuckles] Mother's instinct can make you do pretty desperate things.

Johnny: You've done a lot of desperate things for your kids, huh?

Carly: Yeah. But what parent hasn't?

Johnny: Guess you're capable of anything when your back's against a wall.

Carly: Like making a deal to sleep with you?

Johnny: Didn't realize it was such a hardship.

Carly: I'm just saying that a parent's love for their child really does transcend everything else.

Johnny: Yeah, well, that's well beyond my realm of comprehension, but I'll take your word for it. [Sighs]

Carly: I'm sure Anthony wasn't a typical father.

Johnny: Yeah. He tried to shoot me. He fired a gun at my mother. I stepped in front of the bullet. That sound like good parenting to you?

Carly: No, it sounds like a terrible way to grow up.

Johnny: You think?

Carly: Well, you know, you do things differently, then, when you have kids.

Johnny: Don't get hasty.

Carly: I mean, I can tell that something's wrong, and I'm really sorry, and you don't, you know, have to talk to me about anything, but--I do owe you, you know, so--if you want to talk, I'm here.

Johnny: Sure thing.

Carly: [Sighs] See you around.

[Door closes]

Robin: Come in. Don't mind me. I'm just cleaning up after my 35-pound tornado.

Jason: [Chuckles]

Robin: [Sighs] Coffee?

Jason: Uh, no. No. I'm fine. Uh, how--how are you? How are you feeling?

Robin: A little jet-lagged.

Jason: Besides that.

Robin: Um, besides that, I guess all things considered, I'm feeling pretty good. I, uh, got back late last night from Seattle.

Jason: What--what was in Seattle?

Robin: I wasn't trying to disappear. You refused to help me do that, and you were right.

Jason: Did you tell Patrick where you were?

Robin: [Sighs] I told him last night. I told him everything like I should have months ago.

Jason: [Sighs] As long as you guys are okay.

Robin: Thanks for not saying "I told you so."

Jason: So, what exactly was in Seattle?

Robin: A doctor who's on the cutting edge of HIV therapies.

Jason: Did he help you?

Robin: Well, I'm on a new protocol now, but it'll be a few weeks before we know if it's working or not. Turns out, I'm terrible at waiting.

Sam: You have no idea what Jason did or didn't do.

Michael: Look, we both know that Jason finally made Franco pay.

Sam: No, we both know Jason would not want you going off on this guy.

Michael: I just want these attacks stopped.

Sam: What? You would feel better if this guy was found?

Michael: Probably not, okay? But it's--it's a start.

Sam: It was an accident, Michael.

Michael: I got her sent to Chicago so she would be safe from this freak.

Sam: You are not the reason why she died.

Michael: She was on the phone with me. She was distracted. If she wasn't talking to me, she would have saw that crane.

Sam: I-it was not your fault! You keep trying to make up some reasons as to what happened, and sometimes bad things happen for no reason at all.

Michael: Abby's gone. What am I supposed to do with that? How--how am I supposed to go on?

Sam: Michael, you just got to give it some time.

Michael: I still--I still do things that we used to do. I--I-I go to the cafe that we always go to in the neighborhood. I-I go to the movies. I-I-I cook dinner at my house every single day. It gets harder knowing that I'm doing it by myself. And every day, it's more real that she's never coming back--and the--future that we planned for each other is never gonna happen, and I don't want a future without her. [Sighs]

Sam: Hey. Listen to me, Michael. Abby would not want you to stop your life, okay? She would want you to go on.

Michael: She'd want her friends' attacker to be found. It's the least I can do in her memory.

Sam: Really? I think she would actually freak if she saw that you had a gun.

Michael: I'm not gonna use it.

Sam: Okay, well, then, what are you gonna do with it?

Sonny: You didn't tell me you were heading out of town.

Kate: You know how it is, Sonny. It's part of the business, getting called away at the last moment.

Sonny: This is a business trip?

Kate: Yeah. San Francisco.

Sonny: How long?

Kate: Two days.

Sonny: Two days. Huh. I can go with you. I mean, we could have dinner--

Kate: Oh, you know, that's--that would be great, but I'm gonna be so busy. I have photo shoots and meetings and, uh, not gonna be doing much but sleeping and ordering room service.

Sonny: All right. Well, when you get back, we'll--

Kate: When I get back, you'll be the very first person I call.

Lulu: All right. Maybe it is a little early for wine, but I have been pretty stressed-out about this whole job thing, so--

Olivia: And the wine makes you feel better.

Lulu: My mother-in-law, the shrink.

Olivia: No, I'm just asking.

Lulu: It's really not a big deal.

Olivia: Okay. But it--it--it comes up maybe--you know what? Doesn't matter. I'm butting out. This is me butting out.

Lulu: Okay. It's nothing for you to worry about.

Olivia: Got it. And good luck to you on the job search. You know, you--you asked me if I've ever had a glass of wine with lunch. I do every once in a while, but never alone.

Spinelli: Unhand me, knave!

Matt: All right. I can walk. I can walk. Would you just stop?

Spinelli: Now my robe is creased!

Matt: Yeah, seriously. Kink in my neck now.

Man: Either of these jerks bothers you, I'll take them out right here. You just say the word.

Spinelli: Threaten all you want, but you are outnumbered, sir.

Man: I brought along a pal.

Maxie: God, what do you want from me?!

Man: Mr. Zacchara Sr. wants to make sure you're okay.

Maxie: Anthony?

Man: Your roommate moved out. Mr. Z was worried you could get hurt what with these attacks on girls in town.

Maxie: Okay, so, uh, let me get this straight. You've been scaring me out of my wits for two weeks, and now you're actually guarding me?

Man: Sorry, miss. Thought I was flying under the radar. What about these two boneheads?

Spinelli: Um, "boneheads"?

Matt: Uh, excuse me. I'm a doctor. Thanks.

Maxie: No, no, uh, they're not bothering me at all. Actually, this one's my new roommate.

Man: They ever get fresh with you?

Maxie: No. I mean, sometimes that one does, but, uh--uh, but never mind. It's--

Man: All right. I'll be outside keeping watch. You just yell if you need anything.

Maxie: Yeah, sure. Thanks. Wow. I mean, all this time, I thought I had a crazy, psycho stalker, but I actually have a guardian.

Matt: Why would Zacchara be paying one of his goons to follow you?

Maxie: Oh, I don't know. I'm just--you know, he's just doing me a favor or something.

Matt: Why?

Spinelli: Since when have you had a relationship with Anthony Zacchara?

Maxie: I don't have a relationship with Anthony Zacchara.

Matt: Well, do you have something over him right now?

Maxie: Oh, yeah, because, you know, I love blackmailing lethal mobster whack-jobs. You know me and my death wish.

Spinelli: Okay, even still, this generosity is perplexing.

Maxie: Perplexing? Okay. Well, why don't you guys think about that, get back to me? Meanwhile, I have to go a photo shoot or Kate's gonna be the one that rubs me out. And, hey, wash that cereal bowl.

[Door closes]

Kate: I really have to go. I'm gonna be late for my plane.

Sonny: You okay?

Kate: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Sonny: You seem a little tense, like you don't--you don't want to spend time with--

Kate: Well, you know how I get when I'm in work mode.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kate: Just tense.

Sonny: Right.

Kate: But I'm gonna make it up to you after dinner.

Sonny: Okay. Don't stay away too long, 'cause you know how I get.

[Both laugh]

Kate: Yeah. Call you in a few days.

Sonny: All right.

Sonny: [Sighs] Hi.

Lulu: Uh--Dante's at work. I'm not expecting him to come.

Sonny: No, that's fine. I just wanted to a-ask you a question about Kate.

Lulu: OH. Okay.

Sonny: Does she go on--on trips a lot, like to San Francisco?

Lulu: Uh, yeah. She used to.

Sonny: Does she have a favorite place that she goes to?

Lulu: Uh, the Bayfront Excelsior, Suite 1214, corner room. She likes the view of the bay.

Sonny: All right. Yeah. Okay. Good. Good. I was just gonna say, I-I-I don't think I've ever seen Dante happier, and I--and I think--well, I know that you have a lot to do with that, and I appreciate it.

Lulu: Thank you.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Robin: Elizabeth told Patrick when I was gone that my HIV levels were unstable. So he busted me before I had the chance to tell him the truth.

Jason: I'm sorry.

Robin: I'm sorry, too. I mean, I-I did tell him everything. I told him how I was trying different protocols here at General Hospital and then how I went to see Dr. Makeba in Seattle, and he was wonderful, of course. Supportive and understanding, which made me feel worse.

Jason: Did you tell him about Stone?

Robin: I did. I told him that I had to watch Stone die and I didn't want him or Emma to be put through that kind of hurt and pain, but he didn't agree. He said he's my husband, you know. H-how could I even think about leaving my family like that and try to deal with all this on my own, so--anyway, how are you?

Jason: I'm fine.

Robin: Mm-hmm. Well, you've given me the tough love, so I'm gonna give it right back. How are your anger episodes?

Jason: Just--they're fine. It's over.

Robin: I read something in the paper today about--Franco's gallery catching on fire. They found his body. [Sighs] You're okay? Really?

Michael: I'll get rid of the gun. I'll toss it in the river.

Sam: Well, why don't you let me do that?

Michael: No, I need to do this myself. I need to watch it sink. So, you'll--you'll see what you can find on this Donofrio guy?

Sam: Hey, are you sure he's the attacker?

Michael: Well, sure enough that I wanted to kill him.

Sam: Not the most objective response.

Michael: Well, I'm not objective at all. That's why I need your help.

Sam: Okay. You got it.

Michael: Thanks.

Sam: [Sighs]

Robin: You were gripping so hard. I mean, you don't even know that you're doing it, do you?

Jason: Not until I look down and I see my hand.

Robin: What about your anger episodes?

Jason: [Sighs] Fewer, but I-I still feel them coming. [Sniffs]

Robin: I think that the cause is physiological. Could be a complication from the surgery.

Jason: We did the tests. Inconclusive, right?

Robin: That's why we ran more tests. So until we get the results back, just please be careful.

Jason: Okay. I just don't--I don't feel sick.

Robin: Then how do you explain Thanksgiving or your outburst at the PCPD or fainting at the hospital? That's not normal behavior for you.

Jason: Look, Robin, I just--I don't want you to worry about me.

Robin: Right. After all the things that you've seen me through [Scoffs] I can't do that. I care about you too much. Jason, I know you. I can see it. You're angry about something, but Franco's dead. I mean--he can't hurt you or anyone you love anymore. Right?

Luke: So, uh, you really didn't do the deed with him?

Tracy: [Laughs] Are you kidding me? You know I wouldn't touch him with a 10-foot pole. Ugh!

Luke: Well, I doubt that he's gonna be satisfied with a sexless marriage.

Tracy: He's perfectly content with a loveless one. Why not?

Luke: It took you and me a while to warm up to each other.

Tracy: Do not even think of comparing yourself to Anthony Zacchara. You are infuriating. You are frustrating. Exasperating. But you're also intoxicating and wildly irresistible.

Luke: Wow. Thank you. There's nobody in the world I'd rather have a backhanded compliment from.

Tracy: Well, don't let it go to your head. I'm still pissed at you for being so helpful during the wedding.

Luke: The man paid for the boat, the crew, and armed guards. What did you expect me to do to stop it?

Tracy: I don't know, but you could have tried something just for old time's sake.

Luke: Oh, relax, babe, and just eat your breakfast. You're gonna need your strength for the hurdles ahead.

Tracy: Hurdle number one--going home.

Luke: I'd pay big money to be a fly on the wall when the prodigal daughter brings Anthony Zacchara home to Daddy.

Tracy: [Sighs] Don't make jokes.

Luke: Honey, do you know any better way to handle this?

Tracy: How did I get myself into this mess? [Sighs] Never mind. I know how. I could just kick myself from here to the curb.

Luke: Take heart, darling. I have a feeling that all of this is gonna turn out just fine.

Anthony: You missed my wedding. A son should be there for his father.

Johnny: Don't you ever call me that again, you sick son of a bitch.

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