General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/23/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Elizabeth: Hey, hey, hey. Be careful. You don't want to break it.
Cameron: What is this one?
Elizabeth: I can't tell you. You're gonna have to wait till the morning, which will come a lot faster if you hurry up and get ready for bed. And Santa won't come until you're sound asleep.
Cameron: There is no Santa!
Elizabeth: Don't say that--
[Knock on door]
Elizabeth: Or he will never come at all.
Cameron: Santa's for babies!
Elizabeth: Santa's for everyone who believes.
Cameron: You're lying! That's why Dad left!
Robin: Thank you for giving me Dr. Makeba's number. [Sighs] If--if anyone can help me with, uh, my patient, it's him. Merry Christmas, my friend.
Patrick: Who was that?
Robin: It was, uh, Brenda. She's enjoying her first official Christmas as a mom.
Patrick: Oh, good.
Robin: Speaking of, where's Emma? Is she sleeping?
Patrick: With one eye open, waiting for Santa to come on down the chimney.
Robin: Oh, that explains the disposable camera by the stairs.
Patrick: Yeah. The man with beard has his work cut out for him this year.
Robin: Yeah. She's really bouncing off the walls, isn't she?
Patrick: She said it's gonna be the best Christmas of her whole life.
Robin: Yeah? That's good. Me too.
Patrick: Good. Yeah.
Robin: [Sighs]
[Footsteps approach]
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: I know you had your heart set on your cousin performing the ceremony, but--
Dante: But what?
Lulu: I'm not that big on religious symbols and traditions.
Dante: You think this is too catholic for you?
Lulu: It seems a little stiff and formal. You know what I mean?
Dante: Hey, yo, Tommy!
Father Tommy: Stud. My man.
Dante: What's going on?
Lulu: "Stud"? Did you just call him "stud"?
Father Tommy: That's what we called him back in high school, 'cause he was such a--
Dante: I was a good poker player.
Lulu: Right. Okay.
Dante: Uh, this is my bride-to-be, Lulu Spencer, obviously.
Father Tommy: Lulu. A pleasure. I hope my cousin gets down on his knees every day and thanks God for you putting up with him.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: I do make sure he appreciates me.
Father Tommy: So, you two ready to tie the knot?
Dante: We are. We got the marriage license ready to go, and thank you again for doing this.
Father Tommy: No trouble at all. Dance card's free until midnight mass. It'll be my pleasure--stud.
Dante: Great. I think we're good to go.
Father Tommy: All right. I'm gonna put a couple things together and see you two at the altar.
Dante: Thanks.
Lulu: Well, he's--unexpected.
Dante: So, are you feeling a little more relaxed?
Lulu: A little.
Dante: [Chuckling] A little? This is it.
Lulu: This is it.
Dante: This--this is your last chance to back out.
Lulu: We made this decision together.
Dante: Well, I just--I want to make sure it's really what you want.
Lulu: Are you having second thoughts?
Dante: [Chuckling] No. No, I'm not. I've been sure about us forever.
Lulu: Okay, then shut up and marry me.
[Hurried footsteps approach]
Olivia: Dante Angelo Falconeri, you got to give your mother more than an hour's notice when you're getting married!
Dante: You complaining?
Olivia: No, I am not. I am the happiest woman on the face of the earth right now. Honey, this is the best Christmas present ever. [Sighs]
Father Tommy: Aunt Olivia?
Olivia: Oh, my God! Tommy! [Laughs] Look at you in the robe.
Father Tommy: Look at you.
Olivia: I swear to you, I'm as proud as your own mother right now.
Father Tommy: Yeah, well, it was either the priesthood or the rackets, and I figured the odds of getting into heaven were better on the other side of the confession box.
Olivia: Amen to that. And now you're marrying your cousin. I mean--it's a beautiful thing you're doing, honey, you know?
Father Tommy: Yeah, well, throw a couple extra dollars in the collection plate, and we'll call it even.
Dante: You got it.
Olivia: Okay, so, uh, the others should be on the way--
Dante: "Others"?
Olivia: You said you wanted to keep it really small, so that's what we're doing. You got Kathy, Caroline. You got Jackie. Uh, Theresa, the sister-in-law, couldn't make it. Thank God. You got Aunt Titzi, you got Uncle Jude.
Dante: No, you got to call them and cancel, Ma.
Olivia: What? Cancel? They're gonna be crushed.
Dante: Well, I don't care. This is our wedding. It's supposed to be us and you. I don't Lulu drowning in a sea of Falconeris.
Olivia: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You got no one here to stand up for Lulu?
Lulu: Dante is all I need. So, um, do you have anywhere that I can change?
Father Tommy: Follow me.
Dante: I love you.
Lulu: I love you.
Olivia: Honey--
Dante: [Chuckles]
Olivia: [Sniffles] You know, I-I have thought about this day since the moment that you were born, and I've always hoped that there was [Sighs] Some piece of wisdom that I would be able to give you.
Dante: You taught me more than you know, ma--to respect women and to treat them well.
Olivia: Oh, you know what? I'll take credit where credit is due. From the bottom of my heart, you came into this world with a heart of gold. Dante, you are gonna make Lulu such a wonderful husband.
Dante: I'll do my best.
Olivia: [Chuckles, sniffles] Okay. I am--I am no great expert on marriage, but--but you know who is? My parents. And I watched them every day. They showed each other respect and appreciation and forgiveness, and they never stopped loving each other. Now, if you do that, you and Lulu will be happy forever.
Dante: Thanks, Ma.
Olivia: [Sniffles]
Dante: Oh! Now, could you call Aunt Titzi?
Olivia: All right, all right. But, listen, you never underestimate the importance of family, okay? [Sniffles]
Patrick: You think we might have went a little overboard?
Robin: You think?
Patrick: Well, not everything under here is for the little princess. You know, there might be one, maybe two, for you.
Robin: Really? Well, there might be a couple for you, too.
Patrick: Is that right?
Robin: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: Well, I think we should open one now, because then we don't look overindulgent on Christmas morning. What do you say?
Robin: Nice try. No, no, no, no. If Emma has to wait to open her presents, so do you.
Patrick: I don't want to open one. I want to give one to you to open.
Robin: I don't want to open any.
Patrick: I think you should.
Robin: I don't think I should.
Patrick: I think you should.
Robin: What is it? Is it a gift certificate?
Patrick: Might be. It might be something better.
Robin: Better than that?
Patrick: Mm-hmm.
Robin: Give it to me! [Chuckles]
Patrick: I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see this.
Robin: I don't understand. "Property transfer. Statutory B." I don't know. What is this?
Patrick: It's a land deed. Charles Lane. Just under an acre. Big enough for a massive garden, a big play set for Emma. I figured there's no use designing our dream home if we don't have land to put it on, so we might as well start the dream now and--and make it a reality.
Tracy: Why do those damned carolers come around every year?
Edward: Because it's a tradition on Christmas Eve, Tracy.
Monica: And I think the singing is lovely.
Tracy: Well, I think it's caterwauling. Do you know there are more suicides this time of the year than any other?
Monica: Then I just may consider it if you don't shut up.
Alice: Hey, dinner's almost ready.
Edward: So, what has cook prepared?
Alice: Well, she's made something for everyone this year--crab, melancholy, and bitters.
Tracy: Wow. We need to hire new help.
Monica: Has anybody called?
Alice: You mean like Mr. Luke?
Monica: No. Like Jason.
Tracy: Why would Jason call? You're just his mother.
Edward: I agree with Monica. Jason is a cause for concern. His behavior at Thanksgiving was--was nothing short of alarming.
Monica: Well, he needs to have a checkup. He hasn't had one since after the surgery. And I don't where it's coming from, but this rage of his--it's not like him.
Tracy: And yet so like a Quartermaine.
Sam: Remember last Christmas when we went to get that tree?
Jason: Oh, you mean the--the scrawny one? You picked the scrawniest one on the lot.
Sam: How could anyone resist that scrawny, little tree?
Jason: [Chuckles] It was easy. I just couldn't resist you.
Sam: We got home--remember?--And we were--we were ready to decorate it by ourselves, and then we got company. I think it was Michael, Spinelli, and Molly. I don't know. It was a real romantic night.
Jason: We'll have to make up for it this year.
Sam: But we don't have a tree. I mean, look. You look over there, and it's just really bare.
Jason: Well, do you want to go get one? I'm sure there's a few scrawny ones left.
Sam: I don't know. It's up to you. Do you?
Jason: I just want to stay here. I'm just happy with you. You know I love you.
Sam: I love you, too.
Jason: We're gonna be okay.
Sam: Yeah, I know. I have missed you.
Jason: I've missed you, too.
Sam: Nothing can come between us ever, okay? I want to spend this Christmas reaffirming that.
Jason: Actually, I got something for you.
Sam: A gift?
Jason: Yeah, it's, you know, just something small.
[Drawer opens, closes]
Jason: There you go. And?
Sam: [Chuckles] It's a phoenix.
Jason: Yeah, I-I was thinking about Robert Yi said when we got married--how, you know, the phoenix is the goddess of all creatures, but she can turn bad luck into good. And that's you.
Sam: I love it. Thank you.
Jason: Mm-hmm.
Sam: I got you something.
Jason: What?
Sam: Uh-huh.
[Drawer opens]
Jason: Really?
Sam: Yeah. Wait for it.
Jason: [Sighs]
Sam: I wanted to give you something that would remind you of us--me. [Chuckles]
Jason: It's the dragon.
Sam: [Chuckling] Yeah.
Jason: Wow.
Sam: They say if you have the phoenix and the dragon--together, it's meant to be.
Jason: Well, now they are.
Alice: What happened to this family? You guys used to be so happy at Christmas.
Tracy: What house were you in? All we ever did was bicker and fight when we weren't stabbing each other in the back.
Alice: Yeah, but at least when the chips were down, you had each other's backs.
Edward: You know, I agree with Alice. When Lila was alive, this house was happy. She loved Christmas.
Monica: The joy that she got from giving presents.
Edward: You know, the year that she died, she was planning to get me a pair of monogrammed cuff links so--so they could find their way back in case I lost them. [Chuckles]
Monica: This was the last present that Alan gave me. He planned to, uh, add a bracelet every year so eventually it would be a band.
Tracy: Well, that definitely lightened the mood.
Monica: You know, the joy of Christmas is in making people happy, Tracy. I know that's a concept that's beyond your grasp. But who knows? Maybe in the year 2012, you might just get a soul.
Edward: You know, I'm--I'm going to see what cook has prepared, and it better not be crab.
Monica: I'm gonna go with you, 'cause it's chilly in here.
Tracy: Alice? I have an errand I want you to run.
Alice: What, you want me to get some lumps of coal to put in people's stockings?
Tracy: No. Actually, I'm feeling a little goodwill toward men. Don't push me!
Alice: What do you need?
Tracy: I'd like you to go to, uh, Harrington's Jewelry Store.
Patrick: I'm sorry. That was probably insensitive. I--I should have involved you in this.
Robin: No, no, no, no. That's not it. I really love it. Thank you.
Patrick: You sure? Because [Chuckles] You don't--
Robin: It is just I can't believe that you would think of this, 'cause it's the most wonderful gift I've ever gotten in my whole life.
Patrick: Then why are you crying?
Robin: [Chuckles, sniffles] Um, because I'm happy. I'm a woman. That's what we do. [Both chuckle] No, I-I--we just have everything we've ever wanted, you know? Our daughter and now a beautiful place to build our home and--uhh. It just feels too good to be true. [Sniffles]
Patrick: Yeah, sometimes I wonder what we did to deserve this, but I know if it all went away, I would still have you and Emma.
Robin: That's right. Uhh. Okay. Your turn.
Patrick: Yeah?
Robin: Yeah.
Patrick: Okay. Well, what about this one? It's right here.
Robin: Oh, no, no, no. You don't want to ruin Emma not seeing your face when you open her clay bunny.
Patrick: Robin, you just told me what our daughter made for us?
Robin: I'm sorry.
Patrick: That wasn't very nice at all. Now I have to act surprised tomorrow morning.
Robin: Forget about it. Try this one. Here. That one's for you--from me.
Patrick: Okay. Here you go. Keep that for next year. Nice! Great idea. Thank you. I love it. It's perfect.
Robin: Well, only the best. It's for recording all of the happy, fun moments in our life.
Patrick: It's perfect. Awesome. Perfect gift. Thank you so much. You were listening.
Robin: Good for Christmas.
Patrick: Perfect.
Robin: Hey! What are you doing up?
Patrick: Miss Emma, are you a little too excited to sleep?
Emma: Yes.
Patrick: Yeah?
Robin: Do you think we should let her stay up?
Patrick: What do you think?
Emma: Yes.
Patrick: You think?
Robin: Yes? Okay, all right, all right, but as long as you help me with the cookies and the milk for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer, okay? Aw, sweetheart.
Patrick: Let's get a little video going.
Robin: Why not start now?
Patrick: Might as well start now. Emma, are you excited for Christmas?
Emma: Yes.
Patrick: Yeah? Say, "ho, ho, ho."
Emma: Ho, ho, ho.
Patrick: Yes!
Ewen: Your son's response is perfectly normal. He's confused and upset and taking it out on the person who's closest to him.
Elizabeth: Wow, I've never heard that before, except in every single parenting magazine.
Ewen: Give Cameron time. When he sees he's still secure and loved, he should calm down.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Psych 101 tips keep on rolling. Thanks for stopping by, but I really need to get my kids in bed before Santa comes.
Ewen: Adults, on the other hand, have a way of hiding their feelings, suppressing their emotions.
Elizabeth: Like I'm covering my annoyance right now.
Ewen: No, I'm pretty sure that's out in the open.
Elizabeth: Oh, good.
Ewen: But I'm guessing you have mixed feelings about being left alone.
Elizabeth: Why are you even here?
Ewen: You did reach out.
Elizabeth: Yes. Yes, I did. But this, here, is incredibly unprofessional. I don't care that you were supposed to treat me at ShadyBrook. You don't know me or anything about me, except that I like honey in my tea, and that was a lucky guess.
Ewen: You're angry.
Elizabeth: Yes, I am.
Ewen: Good. That's a start, even if I'm not the one you're angry at.
[Owl hooting]
Lucky: Last time I was here, I was looking for a sign--some kind of message--and I got one. It saved my son's life. It gave me hope that--maybe you do exist. Maybe there's some unseen presence of love and goodness shining down on us. But I still don't know--why you chose to save Aiden--and not Jake. I'm not--I'm not trying to be ungrateful. I just--I can't keep going on like this. I need--I need something to believe in--something to really, really believe in--and a direction to follow.
Dante: Hey. You, uh, you called off the troops?
Olivia: Well, you told me to, right?
Dante: That's--that's not an answer, Ma.
Olivia: Um--
Lulu: I'm ready.
Dante: Wow. Uh, that--that--that--that's all I got, is wow.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Should we get this party started?
Olivia: No! No. No. Wait. I know--I know that you guys want to keep this real simple and basic, but there's a couple traditions that need to be respected here.
Dante: Ma, can we just get it to--
Olivia: Honey, I would like you two to go into this marriage with all the luck on your side. And on that note--I would like you to hang on to this.
Lulu: Is this an heirloom?
Olivia: Yes. My aunt Theresa gave that to me when this one was born--to ward off headaches.
Lulu: Aw, it's something old.
Olivia: Yeah.
Dante: I thought the chain broke on that during the investigation.
Olivia: Yes, it did. And when the case was closed, you gave it back to me, and I put it on a blue ribbon. So now you got something blue.
Lulu: And something borrowed?
Olivia: Borrowed is 'cause I'm gonna come back and get it from you when I get a headache again next week.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: Now we are ready, right?
Olivia: No, no, no. No. No, no, no. No, no. No.
Dante: Ma, Tommy needs us out of here by midnight mass. Tommy, please tell her.
Father Tommy: Do you think I'm gonna give your mother attitude?
Olivia: Yeah, last time you tried that was when I caught you out back behind the deli with--right. We, uh, we won't walk about that right now. We'll gonna keep this all about my son and his beautiful bride, who needs a bouquet.
Lulu: Wow! Oh, my gosh. Well, now we're ready.
Father Tommy: Aunt Olivia?
Olivia: Wait. No.
Dante: Ma, what the heck?
Olivia: Wait a minute. One more thing. Okay? It was just a little last-minute light bulb.
[Wagner's "bridal chorus" plays]
Dante: I love you so much.
Lulu: I love you.
[Music stops]
Father Tommy: Be seated.
Robin: Cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, so I think we got it all. You getting all this?
Patrick: Oh, I'm getting it.
Robin: Okay, good.
Patrick: What's up with you?
Robin: What do you mean?
Patrick: Well, you usually don't like being in front of the camera. Now you're the star of the show?
Robin: [Sighs] Well, yes. I'm inspired by my husband and my daughter.
Patrick: Hmm, the two clowns of the family, hey, kiddo?
Robin: Mm-hmm. I'm not a clown, but I can be funny sometimes, right?
Emma: Yeah.
Patrick: Yeah. Now all of a sudden, she's not camera-shy.
Robin: [Chuckles] Well, so Emma can look back on this Christmas and remember all the fun that we had.
Patrick: Oh, we always have fun, don't we?
Emma: Yes.
Patrick: Just imagine when she's got kids and we got grandkids running around.
Robin: Oh, stop. So not ready for grandchildren.
Patrick: You're right, you're right. Let's just stay in the moment.
Robin: Yes.
Patrick: Nothing better than the present, right, kiddo?
Robin: Except something is wrong with this picture. Daddy's not in it. Come on.
Patrick: No, no, no. It's okay. I'm on a roll here. This is good.
Robin: I know how much you like being in front of the camera and flashing that dimple. Come on.
Patrick: Okay. Twist my arm.
Robin: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Sit on the couch.
Robin: Oh, family photo. You might want to fix your hair, though.
Patrick: What are you talking about? How's my hair look?
Emma: Good.
Patrick: Good? Better? Good?
Emma: Yes.
Patrick: Nice. Okay. Say, "Merry Christmas."
Emma: Merry Christmas.
Patrick: Yes!
[Sleigh bells jingling]
Robin: Emma--do you hear that?
Emma: Yes.
Robin: [Gasps] I think I heard some sleigh bells.
Patrick: Sleigh bells? Are you kidding me?
Robin: Yeah.
Patrick: Is he getting close? Come here.
Robin: Uh-oh. I think I see--see that red dot way in the distance?
Emma: Yes.
Robin: Yeah. That Rudolph's nose.
Patrick: Think that's Rudolph?
Robin: He's leading Santa's sleigh.
Patrick: Uh-oh. He's just about here. Lucky you wrote Santa that letter. He knows our address.
Robin: [Chuckles]
Father Tommy: We have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining of Dante Angelo Falconeri and Lesley Lu Spencer in holy matrimony. If anyone can show just cause why these two should not lawfully be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Olivia: Oh, hell, no.
Father Tommy: Amen to that. Join hands and recite after me.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Olivia: Oh.
Father Tommy: Now join hands and recite after me. I, Dante, take you, Lulu, to be my wife--
Dante: I Dante, take you, Lulu, to be my wife--
Father Tommy:--To have and to hold from this day forward--
Dante:--To have and to hold from this day forward--
Father Tommy:--For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health--
Dante:--For better, for worse, for, uh [Clears throat] Rich--rich--
Father Tommy: Having trouble with that one?
Dante: Cut me some slack. I'm a little nervous. For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health--
Father Tommy:--To love and to cherish, till we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.
Dante:--To love and to cherish, till we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.
Father Tommy: I, Lulu, take you, Dante, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward--
Lulu: I, Lulu, take you, Dante, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward--
Father Tommy:--For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health--
Lulu:--For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health--
Father Tommy:--To love and to cherish until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.
Lulu:--To love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.
Father Tommy: Well done. So, who has the rings?
Dante: Uh, we, uh, we forgot.
Father Tommy: Oh, you're really on top of this.
Olivia: Not to worry. Because I sort of figured that it might slip your minds, so, luckily, your uncle Cosimo's a jeweler. So I got you both covered. Okay.
Dante: Thank you. Give me that one.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Dante: Thank, Ma.
Olivia: Don't mention it.
Father Tommy: Thank you, Aunt Olivia.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Father Tommy: Dante? I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, I honor you in the name of God.
Dante: I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, I honor you in the name of God.
Father Tommy: I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, I honor you in the name of God.
Lulu: I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, I honor you in the name of God. [Chuckles]
Dante: I love you.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Father Tommy: Now that Dante and Lulu have given themselves to each other by scared vow and--
Lulu: Actually, can I, um--can I say a little bit more?
Father Tommy: It's your wedding.
Lulu: There's a--a part of me that always believed that good things couldn't last and that everybody gets hurt, and that's something that I was afraid of my entire life. And then I met you, and I was so crazy about you that I couldn't help falling in love with you. For the first time in my life, the fear is gone, because of you. You've changed me. You're everything that I could ever want. Thank you for loving me, and I promise that my love goes beyond this life. It's for eternity.
Dante: Um--I know there's people out there who--who don't believe that love at first sight exists, but I'm here to tell you that--that it does, 'cause I've loved you from the moment I saw you. From every day since then, I can't wait to hear your voice and to see you smile and hear you laugh. If someone asked me what I want in my life, I'd say, "nothing, because it's all right here in front of me already." I love you, Lulu, with everything I have, and I will for the rest of my life--every day.
Father Tommy: Now that Dante and Lulu have given themselves to each other by solemn vow, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of a ring, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You know what to do.
[Mid-tempo rock music plays]
Singer: The shoes on her feet
Olivia: They did it!
[All cheering]
Man: Way to go, buddy! Way to go!
[Cheering continues]
Patrick: [Smooches] Very creative.
Robin: [Chuckles] She bought it.
Patrick: Yeah, she did.
Robin: She even thought that the red dot was Rudolph's nose, not the top of the cell phone tower.
Patrick: That wasn't Rudolph?
Robin: Are you drunk?
Patrick: No. Just ye of little faith.
Robin: [Chuckles] Faith? Faith in what? A guy in a big suit?
Patrick: Oh, faith in Christmas miracles. If there's ever gonna be a miracle, it's gonna happen on Christmas Eve. I love you.
Robin: I love you, too.
Tracy: Oh, look. There are presents. Oh!
Monica: Well, let's see who they're for.
Edward: Huh.
Monica: Well, one is for me. And for you.
Edward: Oh.
Monica: And, hey, Tracy, for you.
Tracy: Who bought this?
Edward: Well, I didn't. Monica, did you--
Monica: All I have done this year is give donations.
Tracy: Huh. Well, I guess none of us bought presents this year.
Edward: Well, look at this. These are just like the monogrammed cuff links that--that Lila was going to buy me, and--and there's no card, either.
Monica: Oh, my goodness.
Edward: What is it?
Monica: It's a--it's a bracelet, just like mine--just like the one that Alan was going to give to me.
Edward: Well, I-I-is there a card?
Monica: No. There's just my name written on the wrapping paper.
Tracy: Well, I guess Santa's elves must have made them in the workshop.
Monica: Oh, come on, Tracy. You got to admit, this is extraordinary.
Edward: Monica, would you--would you help me put in this--this monogrammed cuff link? Here. Well, Alice, it's about time you're back. Who brought these?
Alice: Well, no one while I was home.
Monica: Well, somebody must have sneaked in while you were out.
Edward: Oh, how in blazes could that happen?
Alice: Tracy--Tracy, I'm really sorry, but--
Tracy: About what?
Alice: By the time I got to Harrington's, they were already closed. I couldn't buy any of the presents.
Ewen: Come on. Go ahead. Feel free to let me have it.
Elizabeth: Is this your idea of a fun Christmas Eve?
Ewen: Get your anger out here with me. You won't have to take it out on your kids. Maybe in time, you'll even be able to put your anger at your son's father in proper perspective.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Are you gonna bill me for this session?
Ewen: This wasn't a session, just a visit.
Elizabeth: Well, then you totally wasted your time.
Ewen: Maybe not. I brought you something.
Elizabeth: What kind of shrink brings presents?
Ewen: The kind that shares a hobby with his non-patient.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Ewen: No more hints. Open it. You said you paint. I hope you--call me when you're ready to talk. Merry Christmas.
[Owl hooting]
[Gate hinges clank]
[Footsteps approach]
Lucky: Are you here to shore up my faith--or shatter it?
Singer: Don't want a lot for Christmas there's just one thing I need I don't care about those presents underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own more than you could ever know make my wish come true you know that all I want for Christmas is you
Cameron: I love you, Mom.
Elizabeth: I love you, too. [Sighs] Look at that tree.
Singer: This Christmas I won't even wish for snow no, I'm just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe there's no sense in hanging stockings there upon the fireplace 'cause Santa, he won't make me happy with a toy on Christmas day I just want you here tonight holding on to me so tight girl, what can I do you know that all I want for Christmas is you Very good! Yeah! And all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere and the sound of children's laughter fills the air and everyone is singing I can hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa, won't you bring me the one I really love won't you please bring my baby to me I don't want a lot for
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