General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/21/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Maxie: Excuse me. I'm looking for Dr. Matt Hunter. Could you tell me if he's checked in? Well, that was rude.
Elizabeth: Stay the hell out of my life!
Lucky: I wish I could be here to see what Santa brings you this year, but I have to go away.
Cameron: Why?
Lucky: Uh, well, I was looking for something, and I got interrupted before I could find it, so...I, uh, have to go back tonight.
Lulu: So, uh, what would you call this?
Dante: Slice of heaven.
Lulu: [Laughs] I'm not gonna argue there, but this timing seems a little weird.
Dante: Why? You--you agreed to be my wife. You're--you're wearing my ring. That's reason to celebrate to me.
Lulu: So, is this a post-engagement pre-wedding getaway?
Dante: It is whatever you want it to be.
Lulu: You're what I want...every day for the rest of our lives.
Dante: I know.
Sonny: What happened?
Jason: Bernie's gonna be okay.
Sonny: Yeah, I know. That's great news. But why did he--he get hit in the first place?
Jason: It was supposed to be a meeting. Turns out, it was an ambush.
Sonny: But I-it wasn't supposed to be Bernie.
Jason: It was supposed to be me.
Sonny: Okay, you are a hard man to kill. Anybody who tries usually ends up dead--unless you're distracted or vulnerable. I mean, like right now. When I walked in here, I could have driven a-a truck through here.
Jason: I knew it was you, Sonny.
Sonny: You gonna tell me this would have happened if you were paying attention? You either d-deal with your personal stuff or you're gonna have to handle the--the business. I-it just seems to me that you can't do both. And don't ask Shawn, 'cause look what happened the last time.
Jason: What happened to Bernie is on me, Sonny.
Sonny: I am not blaming you. We just have to fix the problem, okay? I need to be able to rely on you, and I can't do that if you're chasing Franco.
Jason: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to stop?
Sonny: Okay, I want him dead more than anything, okay? But I'm not gonna sacrifice everything I worked on--
Jason: I never asked you to sacrifice anything.
Sonny: You built this business, too. Franco is a stupid reason to throw it all away. You got to shut down your emotions--
Jason: I can't!
Lulu: So, what are we doing today?
Dante: Uh, well, for the, uh, price of this hotel room, I sort of think we should just lay in bed all day.
Lulu: I want to go and hang out in the city.
Dante: You mean hit up somewhere other than, uh, Madison Avenue?
Lulu: Okay, I realize that a shopping spree is not your idea of a good time, but...
Dante: No, look, I-I-I love that you want to get my mom a gift, but w-we don't have to hit up every store on the Upper East Side.
Lulu: She's gonna be my mother-in-law. I want to make a good impression.
Dante: You don't need any help in that department. She already loves you. I mean, every fight we have, she's on your side, not mine.
Lulu: Well, good. I want to keep it that way.
Dante: [Chuckles] Do you think we'll fight a lot when we're married?
Lulu: Well, I don't know. We're both pretty strong-willed.
Dante: I'm strong-willed. I think--I think you're just a little bit stubborn.
Lulu: You're stubborn! Shut up! You're totally stubborn! The--the--the day at Jake's, you wouldn't take no for an answer.
Dante: I don't--I don't actually remember it like that at all.
Lulu: Really? Y-you don't remember, uh, fighting both of my brothers at once?
Dante: No, I remember that. I don't do that for just, you know, any hot blonde.
Lulu: You don't? Are you sure about that?
Dante: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, sure, she has to be smart and funny and beautiful, inside and out.
Lulu: So, you figured all that out when they were kicking your ass?
Dante: I did. I figured that out when they were kicking my ass. I know what I want to do today. There's something I want to share with you.
Lucky: [Gasps] Wow. That is so cool, man. That's perfect. This is, like, perfect for my trip. It's like you'll be there with me. Listen, uh...Cam, I'm really sorry that I'm--I'm going away so soon,'s just--I want you to know that I'm gonna be thinking about you and your brother the whole time I'm gone, all right? And I'm--I'm counting on you to help little Aiden open his presents and empty his stockings on Christmas. Can you do that?
Cameron: Why can't you stay and get back together with Mom?
Elizabeth: Haven't you done enough to hurt my family? Why can't you just leave us the hell alone?
Maxie: I happen to care about Lucky too much to watch you trick him into another reunion that he doesn't even want.
Elizabeth: Hey, you were the one who put all of this in motion. You've done everything you can to undermine my marriage, and now Lucky and I are still dealing with the fallout.
Maxie: Okay, first of all, you and Lucky are over. There is no "you and Lucky," Elizabeth, and that's your fault because you cheated on Lucky first with Jason and then with Lucky's own brother.
Elizabeth: Okay, this is none of your damn business.
Maxie: Oh, yeah? Well, it kind of became my business when you walked up in here and you slapped me across the face because I told Lucky the truth.
Elizabeth: No, no, no, no. Y-you did everything you can--you went out of your way to turn him against me!
Maxie: You checked yourself into ShadyBrook for a crisis that you weren't even having! I mean, it's pathetic, and, you know, really, it's quite cruel when you consider the fact that Lucky's own mother was a legitimate mental patient. You make him miserable, Elizabeth, okay? Just let him go.
Elizabeth: Wait, wait, wait. You're not trying to protect Lucky. You just want revenge because Matt and I have become friends.
Maxie: You always have a backup plan, don't you? So, when Lucky fails to, uh, hang on to you, you're just gonna move in on Matt?
Elizabeth: Does it bother you that I can actually comprehend what Matt says? 'Cause if you feel insecure about it, maybe you should find somebody else to take this out on and leave me the hell alone.
Matt: What is going on here?
Elizabeth: [Laughs] Nothing new. She's just trying to sabotage my life.
Maxie: Oh, it's not my fault that Lucky happened to walk in and hear the truth that you faked that breakdown.
Elizabeth: Really? Prove it.
Maxie: I don't have to prove it. You admitted it to Matt.
Elizabeth: You told her? You know how Maxie feels about me. You knew she would run straight to Lucky.
Maxie: Well, why'd you even go to Matt and start bragging about your fake breakdown anyway?
Matt: She wasn't bragging. I-I never said anything about bragging.
Elizabeth: I trusted you.
Matt: And I was upset. I-I--when I realized what you were doing, not so much to Lucky but to yourself--
Maxie: Oh, you mean tricking Lucky back into a relationship that she trashed in the first place?
Matt: You were guilting Lucky back into a relationship, and I knew that was a relationship built to fail.
Elizabeth: So, you--you what? You decided to give it a little push and send my family crashing down?
Matt: No, I went to speak with Lucky face to face, and I told him what I felt and how I didn't think it was a good idea.
Maxie: You know, what are you even doing here, Elizabeth? I mean, did you seriously think that you could come to work after you uncommitted yourself?
Elizabeth: I don't owe you an explanation.
Maxie: You should be at home, right, working on Lucky? I mean, I bet if you used those tears that you pull out so well and--and you told him that you were really, really sorry and that you were just confused and desperate, you'd be able to reel him back in. I mean, you are so good at your little victim and martyr act.
Matt: Okay. All right. You know what? That's enough.
Lucky: The first most important thing is that your mom and I will always love you, even if one of us has to go away for a little while, like me. But we're still your parents, and we're proud of you and...nothing matters more to us than making sure that you're safe and happy. It's just that your mom and's just better that we're not married, you know, that we're just parents so we can focus on the good things, like loving you and Aiden.
Cameron: I love you, Dad.
Lucky: I love you, too. You're the one who taught me how to be a dad.
Cameron: Thanks.
Lucky: Yeah. Okay. Want to go put this together? Huh? Let's see what you can do, all right? Go for it.
Cameron: One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!
Lucky: [Sighs] Hey, buddy. You want to come up? [Chuckles] Come here. Oh, look at you. Look at you. You know...
Aiden: [Coos]
Lucky: I was so hard on my dad. Every time he would leave, there was a part of me that would just want to blame him and judge him and...and now I'm doing that to you. See, the thing is, don't leave because it's easy. You leave leave because you have to.
Aiden: [Coos]
[Door opens]
Ethan: It looks like you're getting ready to leave again.
Jason: Just--I just been--I've been missing things I should have seen coming. You know, like the ambush. I-I should have realized that it was a setup.
Sonny: Why didn't you?
Jason: I don't know. Okay? I-I don't know what is going on with me. I can't--I can't think clearly. I don't know why that I get so angry. It's like I--it's like I black out.
Sonny: What do you mean, you black out? You had another--did you have another seizure?
Jason: No, it's nothing like that. It's my temper. And it's getting worse. It was--it's like it used to be. I'd flipped tables and--and smash the furniture, and I slammed the mayor down on the table.
Sonny: Something I used to do.
Jason: I can't even remember it half the time, Sonny. And I feel--I feel the anger. I-it comes and I can't--I can't shut it down. And the next thing I know, it's...
Sonny: Something's broken, right, on the ground? Hmm?
Jason: You remember the night that I met you at Luke's?
Sonny: Yeah. You were--you lost it in the middle of the show.
Jason: Yeah, you said it wasn't because I was brain-damaged. You said it was because I had a bad temper and I had to figure out how to control it.
Sonny: Right.
Jason: I mean, you--you made it sound like it was normal or manageable.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Jason: All those years that, you know, you started to lose it and you--you would freak out and I would be the one who would stay calm...part of the reason I could stay calm I could pay you back for believing in me.
Sonny: You don't owe me anything. You owe it to yourself to deal with whatever it is you're going through.
Dante: Thanks for doing that with me.
Lulu: I'm glad you asked. Have you ever been to the world trade center before 9/11?
Dante: Uh, yeah. My, uh, my mom took me there to eat at windows on the world when I was a kid. And 9/11, I was--I was at school, and the news came in, and I just kept thinking about that time I was there, and I was looking at these buildings, and I thought how impossible it was that they could fall.
Lulu: It's hard to imagine how much was lost until you see it in person and all the names carved in stone.
Dante: I knew some of those names from my neighborhood. Not the bankers or stockbrokers, but the policemen and firefighters. Used to see them at the church or at the park with their families...or in the bar using their uniforms to pick up girls. I mean, they--that's--they weren't saints, but they were doing a job they believed in.
Lulu: Like you believe in yours.
Dante: Yeah. I'd like to think that if I had my badge back then, I-I wouldn't have thought twice about going into one of those buildings.
Lulu: Is that what this is about? Is this...a test?
Ethan: So, you're going back to Ireland?
Lucky: Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm no good to anyone here, not until I figure out what I want for my life.
Ethan: Well, far be it from me to question a voyage of self-discovery. But your, uh, your timing's pretty bad.
Lucky: Look, I wish that I could be here with Elizabeth and the boys. I really do. But I don't want to build up their hopes and then just have e-everything come crashing down. I mean, that--that's just cruel.
Ethan: Yeah. Does Lulu know?
Lucky: What? Y-you didn't get her message?
Ethan: The deliriously happy voicemail about she and Dante are engaged?
Lucky: Yeah.
Ethan: Yeah, I got it.
Lucky: No, I didn't want to rain on their parade, take away from that whole thing, so I didn't--I didn't tell her. But look, if she's mad at me after the fact, I can take it. She has every right.
Ethan: What about Luke?
Lucky: Oh, what about him?
Ethan: He's bound to rear his head again at some point. What do you want me to tell him?
Lucky: Uh...I guess you can tell Dad that--that I love him and, uh...I finally understand. I'm in no position to judge.
Ethan: And what changed? What happened?
Lucky: No, I mean, I went to see Elizabeth at ShadyBrook, and there was a part of me that knew she was faking the whole breakdown. And turns out, I was right. The whole thing was a play to get us back together again.
Elizabeth: I'm not gonna apologize for trying to hold my family together.
Maxie: Oh, dress it up all you want. You still lied.
Matt: Okay, look, she has been through so much lately, including nearly dying of pneumonia.
Maxie: She used Lucky's guilt to trap him.
Matt: No, look. If I may--if I may, she was trying to keep her family together, her kids with their father, and as someone who grew up without a parent, that's certainly something that I can appreciate, although not the method.
Maxie: Well, she slapped me. Are you implying that I deserved it?
Elizabeth: Don't ask questions if you can't handle the answers.
Maxie: You deserved to lose Lucky, and I hope that someday when the kids ask him why he had to bail, he tells them the truth. He couldn't live with you.
Matt: Oh, Maxie, s-s-stop this and just--
Elizabeth: No, this is good. This is good for you to see just how hateful she really is.
Maxie: At least I'm honest. I don't have to act like a victim to get what I want.
Elizabeth: Okay, we need to talk--away from her. But right now, I need to go get my paycheck and then just go home to my kids.
Maxie: Yeah, hurry home. Take that last shot at manipulating Lucky.
Matt: All right. Look, listen, before you--
Maxie: Not another word out of you or I'll slap you.
Jason: We should just talk about the ambush and how to retaliate.
Sonny: Well, first we have to figure out who to retaliate against. I mean, I heard that the shooters worked for the Soleitos? Is that true?
Jason: It's a risky move for them. They don't have any power here in Port Charles, so taking me out gets them nothing.
Sonny: Gino Soleito and Anthony Zacchara, uh, were friends back in the day, and I'm sure Anthony figured out that I was out of town, talked to somebody in the PCPD, which told them, you know, when you were arrested, when you're getting released.
Jason: Right. I think Anthony posted this whole thing up without Johnny knowing.
Sonny: W-why do you--w-what's the big deal about Johnny? W-why do you want him to be innocent?
Jason: I-I-I don't. I don't. I just know that Johnny doesn't want a war.
Sonny: Anthony does. If--if Anthony and Johnny come after us, father and son full blast, can we stop them?
Jason: No.
Sonny: Okay. So, what we got to do is, uh, keep pretending there's a truce, right, until we can get some strength in our position. How long's that gonna take, you think?
Jason: Can you give it your full attention?
Sonny: No, the question is, can you?
Jason: I mean, if you asked me to take Anthony out, I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee any result.
Sonny: Well, I mean, uh, you know...are you stalling or you're not sure you can trust yourself?
Jason: I've just been making a lot of mistakes.
Sonny: Well, stop making mistakes. You got--you can't--look. You got to--you got to get out of your head.
Jason: Could you get out of your head? Could you when you were locked in a room, you're smashing furniture, talking to people who weren't there and I said "get out of your head"--could you? How easy would that be?
Sonny: You were the--you were the one who helped me through those times. I'm just trying to do the same for you.
Jason: You're just trying to manage me.
Sonny: That sounds like somebody--that sounds like something somebody else said. You remember who?
Jason: You.
Sonny: Now I know what you dealt with all those years. It seems like for every anti-aging problem, when I hired you, I thought I was doing you a favor. I wanted to give you some kind of responsibility, right, so you were able to support yourself. You didn't have to take any money from the Quartermaines.
Jason: Yeah. Yeah, you did all that for me. Yeah.
Sonny: Yeah, for about a month-and-a-half, until Lily died, then my life fell apart. But you covered for me, and that kind of was the pattern. I would lose it. You would cover for me, until last summer when you were in the hospital and you couldn't do anything.
Jason: No, you pulled it together.
Sonny: But there was collateral damage. I hurt a lot of people. Some people I didn't care about, but I got to tell you, I feel very sorry about what happened with Robin.
Jason: You know, Robin came to see me in lockup.
Sonny: That's a good thing, right, 'cause you guys haven't been seeing each other much.
Jason: Yeah, it was good. We got to talk about a lot of things.
Sonny: My name come up?
Jason: Not exactly, but, you know, I got the impression that if you reached out to her, she wouldn't--she wouldn't turn you away.
Sonny: Last thing--last thing I'm gonna do is get in between Patrick and--and--and Robin, 'cause he--he hates the air I breathe. And you know what? Especially after what happened with the gun going off in his house, a little kid there, you know, I mean, it's just...look, I know you've been through a lot, right? But all you got to do is look at me. I'm still standing.
Jason: Yeah, but it's different.
Sonny: No, it's not different. You--you're in trouble. I know what that's about, you know, and I want to--I want to be able to help you. You just got to tell me how to help you.
Jason: You can't.
Sonny: Can you let me decide? Why--why did you first make the--the mistake? Was it after the surgery or when you went to Hawaii or what? After you blacked out?
Jason: I already tried this with Spinelli.
Sonny: Please, don't compare me to Spinelli 'cause I'll get really upset.
Jason: No, I'm just saying, it doesn't do me any good to talk about it.
Sonny: Tell me what's going on with you.
Lulu: You probably think I'm being paranoid.
Dante: Uh, a little, but it's cute and endearing.
Lulu: It just--it occurred to me that a lot of the firefighters and cops left spouses behind, and...I don't know. Maybe you wanted me to ask myself if I could handle seeing your name written on a wall somewhere.
Dante: It wasn't a test. I just wanted to share that with you. I wanted you to see that these people gave the best of themselves and it's something to emulate and it's an example to follow.
Lulu: Do you think that helps the families, knowing that they're heroes? Does that help them not miss them as much?
Dante: I think they know that they died doing something that mattered, that they were trained for.
Lulu: We keep coming back to you dying and me being left behind.
Dante: Look, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but not if it ruins you.
Lulu: Do you think I'm gonna change my mind about marrying you?
Dante: Are you?
Lucky: I don't know. Elizabeth justified the whole thing by saying that she was fighting for our family and if she could only get through to me...we could be happy again.
Ethan: [Chuckles] Yeah. I think you and Elizabeth have two different definitions of that word.
Lucky: We just can't seem to let go. I mean, every time Elizabeth was ready to move on, I would fight to win her back. And now it's her turn, I guess, to fight for me. Because, like, the love that we had is just...I don't know. It's like we're drowning and--and the only way to survive is if one of us pulls free.
Ethan: Well, don't drown. You're making the right choice.
Lucky: Hey, listen. Um, I'm asking you as my brother to, uh, look after my boys, okay? I mean, you don't have to babysit or anything like that, but just keep an eye on them for me, and if they need me, find a way to let me know.
Ethan: I will.
Lucky: And you know what? Uh, you might want to be a little bit more careful yourself, 'cause all that time you're spending at Wyndemere, it's, uh, it's a bad idea.
Ethan: Au contraire. It's actually become quite lucrative for me. See, Alexis hired me as the caretaker.
Lucky: Again, bad idea. That house has a strange effect on people, man.
Ethan: Effects aren't always bad, okay? Maybe, uh, you got to be open to possibilities.
Lucky: That depends on the possibilities. Okay. What is it? What happened, huh? What happened out there? What?
Ethan: I...[Groans] I promised not to tell anyone.
Lucky: You kidding me? You promised? Who did you promise? Dude, I'm going to Ireland in a few hours. Nobody in Dublin or Wicklow or County Cork's gonna care what you tell me about Wyndemere.
Ethan: You don't know that.
Lucky: Oh, I do.
Ethan: Okay. All right. Fine. Fine. There's a young woman living there.
Lucky: What's her name?
Ethan: Uh...I don't know that, either. She's skittish, okay? She's a little skittish. She's, uh, she's hiding out from someone or something, you know. Maybe she's a runaway.
Lucky: Okay. Okay, she's a runaway. She's running from what? From who? Because you know Helena's probably around there.
Ethan: Exactly. That's all the more reason to--
Lucky: To what? All the more reason to what?
Ethan: To stick around and try to look out for this girl, you know?
Lucky: How--how many times have we talked about this? You do not want to get tangled up with Helena.
Ethan: Well, I'm not gonna hand someone over to her on a silver platter, either.
Lucky: [Sighs] Okay. You don't know her name.
Ethan: Uh-uh.
Lucky: What do you know? What has this young woman told you?
Ethan: [Laughs] Um, she actually hasn't told me anything. No, I mean, literally. She has not spoken a word to me yet. Uh, even with all of my wily charms and best coaxing, I don't know, I mean, I'm kind of halfway convinced that she just--she just can't even speak.
Lucky: Ethan.
Ethan: Hmm?
Lucky: Do you know what this looks like?
Ethan: What?
Lucky: You're being conned.
Ethan: Oh, come on!
Lucky: No, seriously. Look in the mirror, man.
Ethan: She's not conning me, okay? What would be the point? Look, we just--we just ran into each other, okay? I mean, she's--she's like a-a stray. She's like a lost cat.
Lucky: Well, cats have claws. She might be looking for something or someone to sink them into.
Ethan: Okay. [Both laugh] Look...
Lucky: [Sighs]
Ethan: Look...I'd like to think that not everything in life has a darker lining.
Lucky: Since when?
Ethan: Um...
Lucky: All right. So, this whole thing you're telling me is about a young woman--and I dare to presume pretty, young woman...
Ethan: Oh, yeah.
Lucky: ...Who's lurking around in a--in a mausoleum.
Ethan: Hey. It's a house.
Lucky: It's a mausoleum.
Ethan: It has a mausoleum, but it's a house, okay? And some rooms might actually turn out to be quite comfortable.
Lucky: Well, that house and that family has a very ugly history with the Spencers, so you might want to think twice about putting your faith in anything you discover over there.
Ethan: That's a little hypocritical coming from you. You put your faith in--in some stones on the ground in a cemetery in Ireland, and it saved your little boy's life.
Lucky: Ethan...not everything is a game. You're in dangerous territory. And take it from someone who...nearly found out too late.
Ewen: We meet again.
Elizabeth: What are you doing here?
Ewen: Checking in with the acting Chief of Staff.
Elizabeth: You're working at General Hospital?
Ewen: Guest privileges. I'll be seeing some of my outpatients here.
Elizabeth: You plan on lying to them like you did me?
Ewen: I never lied. You made assumptions, an issue that's complicating your already-problematic life.
Elizabeth: You misled me into believing you were a patient at ShadyBrook. It was very manipulative.
Ewen: Ah. Not a pleasant feeling, is it?
Elizabeth: If this is how you deal with your patients, it's a good thing we never had that session.
Ewen: You were assigned to me, and I wanted to get to know you.
Elizabeth: That's right. I was assigned to you. So you knew that I was a painter. Is that why you pretended to be one? Was there anything under that canvas other than a bunch of stick figures?
Ewen: There you go again--making assumptions.
Elizabeth: You used something personal, something that used to be very important to me to--to get me to open up and to say things that I-I--
Ewen: That you wouldn't say to your therapist? I meant what I said.
Elizabeth: Which part? Type of tea you brew? The honey from stingless bees?
Ewen: I think you would benefit from therapy. I could see you on an outpatient basis.
Elizabeth: Well, I don't need a therapist, and if I ever do, I am certainly not coming to you.
[Cell phone rings]
Elizabeth: Hi, baby. Is everything okay?
Cameron: Mom, Dad's getting ready to leave.
Elizabeth: Okay. I'll be right there.
Matt: Maxie. Listen.
Maxie: You know, you are so lucky that I couldn't find Robin, because I planned on telling her all about how you dissed me to suck up to Elizabeth. And believe me, Robin would have taken my side because some people know the meaning of "loyalty."
Matt: Lower your voice, okay? I was not siding with Elizabeth. I don't think that you deserve to be slapped, okay?
Maxie: That's funny, because you could have said something when Elizabeth was standing right there.
Matt: I--look, she's going through so much right now, okay? I feel very bad for her.
Maxie: Then great, Matt. Sympathize with Elizabeth all you want.
Matt: [Groans] Listen. Can you listen to me? It's almost Christmas. I don't want us to be like this.
Maxie: Yeah, well, you should have thought about that before you drop-kicked me in front of Elizabeth.
Matt: Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Christmas is my favorite time of year. I don't want that to be ruined by us fighting, okay?
Maxie: [Sighs] You know, when I was little, I used to love Christmas so much, but then for a while, my sister died, and after that, I don't know. I started to hate it.
Matt: Okay. And how about now?
Maxie: I guess I'm learning to love it again. I mean, I know it's crazy commercialized, is all about tradition and reconnecting family. And I, uh...I helped Mac pick out all these ornaments, and they're pretty awful, but he loves them.
Matt: Are they too colorful?
Maxie: Let's just say that Emma told him that his entire apartment looks and sounds like the North Pole.
Matt: Sounds?
Maxie: Yeah, he always insists on playing all these Christmas carols, and he wants to read "The Night Before Christmas" all the time.
Matt: Okay. So, out of the entire Christmas thing, what is your favorite part?
Maxie: Hmm. I'd have to say waking up Christmas morning and having that feeling like I did when I was a child, believing that there's still magic in the world.
Matt: Okay. You want to hear my Christmas wish? Just that I want to spend it with you.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry it took so long. I had a problem with my--my check and just--is Lucky upstairs with the boys?
Ethan: Well, Cam is, uh, putting together a pirate ship he got for another Christmas present, and Lucky's on his way to the airport.
Elizabeth: He didn't want to wait to say goodbye?
Ethan: For what it's worth, I think he wanted to avoid hurting you.
Elizabeth: He wanted to avoid hurting himself.
Ethan: He told me what happened.
Elizabeth: I guess you called it. He just needed to get away from me.
Ethan: When I said that, I was way out of line.
Elizabeth: No, not--not really. I-I did fake a breakdown. That kind of makes me the lowest of the low, doesn't it?
Ethan: Lucky doesn't think so.
Elizabeth: Well, it can't just end like this. He can't just walk away, I mean, 'cause that would make him the bad guy. He's got to come back, and he's got to tell me that he will always love the girl I used to be, right?
Ethan: Lucky knows were both at fault for what happened.
Elizabeth: Yeah, but I was the one willing to lie and cheat to keep our family together.
Ethan: What if you'd succeeded, hmm? What if you'd been able to keep Lucky trapped like Laura did with Luke? I mean, just going through the motions that--that--when he couldn't wait to get out?
Elizabeth: So, what are you saying? That history is doomed to repeat itself? Lucky leaves, I stay, the love gets so painful that it becomes a burden, and eventually, I end up losing my mind?
Ethan: It doesn't have to be that way.
Elizabeth: You're right. It doesn't. Do you mind staying with the boys for a little bit?
Ethan: No, but are you sure about this?
Elizabeth: At this point, I'm not really sure about anything.
[Door closes]
Lulu: It was overwhelming to see the memorial today, and I just wonder if it'll ever be possible to visit that place and not feel the loss.
Dante: I hope not.
Lulu: I got emotional when we were walking back.
Dante: I know. I saw that.
Lulu: It's just--it's just that everything seems so normal and people were just going to get their coffee, and I'm sure that's exactly what it was like the morning that it happened. Everyone was thinking about the rest of the day, you know, and they were running late or worrying about whatever, and...I don't know. I just wonder if they knew it was their last morning, would they have appreciated life or called someone that they loved or...
Dante: They didn't know. No one does. We just got to make the best of the moments we do have.
Lulu: And stop counting the ways that we could lose each other and love each other in the moment.
Jason: The first time I lost was--it was in Hawaii.
Sonny: With Franco?
Jason: Sam and I rented the same house that we did when I was sick, and, um...there was just something off, you know? I knew it, and I--and I felt it. Cameras. Franco was watching us the whole time. And when Carly and Shawn showed up to warn us, I should have sent Sam home with them that night.
Sonny: Why didn't you?
Jason: Because I made the--I made the wrong choice, Sonny, decided it was just another game, and I-I didn't want to overreact. Carly and Shawn left. I was gonna go up to Toronto to look for Franco. You know, Sam and I wanted to spend the last couple days...together. You know, she had this idea that we wouldn't spend more than 20 bucks. We surprised each other. I left the house wide open. Franco got his chance.
Sonny: His chance? What do you mean? To do what?
Jason: You know, Franco, um, he set a trap, and I walked into it. And that's--and that's--that's when I lost it. I couldn't think. I couldn't come up with a plan. And I--and I just--I went crazy. I started hitting the walls. I started yelling at him to come at me. I was useless.
Sonny: You blacked out?
Jason: I don't--I don't know. Some of the--some of the things I can remember perfectly. Some--some things are a blur.
Sonny: Obviously, you found a way out.
Jason: No, he let me out. And he left a trail--a motel key. We went to the room. We found a girl dead on the floor and something new that he spray-painted on the wall.
Sonny: Who was the girl?
Jason: I have no idea.
Sonny: Well, look, at least he didn't go after somebody that you love, right?
Jason: I should have been able to stop him.
Sonny: We--we all should be able to protect the people we love, keep them safe and everything. We want control. We want power. But...we lie to ourselves and say we can do it, but we can't. You're doing Franco's work for him. You're--you're crucifying yourself for what he did, Jason.
Jason: You don't know what he did.
Sonny: Then tell me. What--what did he do?
Jason: You know what? You're right. Business is first.
Sonny: No, screw business. Screw business.
Jason: [Sighs]
Sonny: You're in trouble. I've been there. You know that. I've been to a point where I, you know, I couldn't even think. I want you to trust me to help you. What's going on?
Woman: Daddy's gonna be so excited to see you guys. [Chuckles]
Maxie: Can I have my cell phone back?
Matt: [Chuckles] No. Not until you promise you will celebrate Christmas with me.
Maxie: Well, it won't be much of a Christmas if I lose my job, 'cause then I won't be able to buy presents or--or--Matt, come on. Give me my phone.
Matt: Okay. Fine. Under one condition. Can you meet my condition? That is you have to at least consider spending Christmas with me.
Maxie: Well, that depends if you have a high tolerance for Christmas carols and awful decorations.
Matt: No problem. There's no problem. I can do that.
Maxie: Never mind. Elizabeth's back. You know what? She looks really sad. She could probably use your sympathy. Just please remember she's only trying to use you same way she did with Lucky.
Elizabeth: Are you heading out?
Ewen: That depends. Did you need something?
Elizabeth: I thought about what you said.
Ewen: Which part?
Elizabeth: I need help.
Dante: Thank you.
Lulu: I'm a glass-half-empty kind of person. I always see the downside before I see the good, so...the more that I fell in love with you, the more afraid I was that it wouldn't last. But...I think today put it into perspective, and it's a waste of time to worry about what might happen and let fear get in the way with happiness.
Dante: We're gonna have our worries, you know. We just got to pick each other up. So, when you're scared, just hang on to me.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: I'm gonna hang on to you.
Lulu: I really hope that you know I'm proud of you and what you do. And the risk that you take is just a reminder for me to treasure every moment because life is random and nothing is guaranteed and...I'm lucky to have this time with you.
Dante: Do you mean that?
Lulu: Absolutely.
Dante: Then what--why wait? Let's get married now.
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