GH Transcript Thursday 12/8/11

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/8/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Kate: No, no.

Sonny: No, no, no, no.

Kate: Wait, Sonny.

Sonny: What?

Kate: I'm sorry.

Sonny: I'm not gonna hurt you. What are you doing?

Kate: Not yet, but if I let this go any further, you will.

Coleman: Hey, girl. What's up?

Olivia: Hey, hey. I'll have a, uh, beer and a shot.

Johnny: On my tab.

Olivia: You don't have to do that.

Johnny: I want to. Mind if I join you? It's not good for you to drink alone.

Olivia: Actually, I'm, uh--waiting for someone.

Johnny: Well, either you're early or he's late.

Olivia: Okay, so what's your excuse for drinking alone?

Coleman: He was in the company of several beauties before the former mayor started crying "assault" and cleared my room out.

Olivia: Who assaulted him?

Johnny: Jason Morgan. Dante had to cut his date short and haul him down to the station.

Olivia: Oh, God. Lulu must have loved that.

Johnny: Yeah, well, Lulu wasn't here.

Olivia: I thought you said he was on a date.

Johnny: He was, with his smoking-hot new partner.

Pres: I want those charges filed tonight.

Dante: It's not like Morgan's going anywhere.

Pres: I used to be mayor of this town. I know how things work when it comes to the mob.

Dante: Really? How do things work?

Pres: Morgan stays in lockup without any formal charges being filed just long enough for his legal counsel to get here. Then you cut him loose and justice is never served. Well, this time, it's gonna be different.

Dante: Okay, relax, Your Honor--or ex-honor. What is it? Your former honor?

Pres: [Sighs] I tried to effect change as mayor, mainly by cracking down on organized crime. Might have had a chance if some of the cops in this department weren't protecting the very people I was trying to put away--people like your father and Morgan.

Dante: What about people like Franco--guys who kill for art or sport?

Michael: There's no sign of Franco. Why don't you just let me take you home now?

Sam: I need to look around.

Michael: Sam, he's not here.

Sam: This is where he wanted Jason to meet him.

Michael: That's what Jason was guessing. That circle Franco painted could have meant anything.

Sam: No, it was a clear message.

Michael: It was a circle.

Sam: It was a shape that goes around, where you follow it around and you end up right back where you started.

Michael: You mean on the corner of Front and Van Owen?

Sam: Yes, this is where he first saw him.

Michael: [Sighs] Look, if you're right--

Sam: Where are you going?

Michael: I'm gonna see if Franco left another clue.

Sam: Why don't you let me handle it?

Michael: No. The hell you will. Jason doesn't want you chasing after Franco. That's why he told me to send you home, and that's what I'm gonna do.

Sam: I am not leaving. Jason's biggest concern is you. You're the one who should go.

Michael: And leave you unprotected?

Sam: I can handle myself. I mean, I almost threw you over the balcony the other morning. Remember?

Michael: Okay, yes, because you caught me by surprise and I didn't want to hurt you. Franco is the exact opposite.

Sam: I can deal with Franco.

Michael: Forget it. If anybody has a score to settle with that sick son of a bitch, it's me.

Pres: If Franco is back in town, the public should be alerted, which is exactly what I was trying to do when Morgan viciously attacked me.

Dante: I don't think that really qualifies as a vicious attack.

Pres: Do me a favor. Would you help Detective Falconeri separate his birthright from his badge before I'm forced to expose every dirty cop in this department?

Dante: My job is to collect facts, not pass judgment. That's the job of a jury.

Pres: Okay, here's a fact. Jason Morgan viciously attacked me, and there are two eye-witnesses--not that either of them will give an honest account considering that one was his wife and the other was his nephew. And we all know how mob families protect their own, don't we?

Dante: Look, it sounds like Jason was just trying to stop you from creating a huge panic in this town.

Pres: If there is a serial killer on the loose, the public needs to be informed.

Delores: We don't even have confirmation that Franco's in town.

Pres: If it were up to your partner, we'd never know, would we? Why don't you check in with your father, Detective? Find out how Sonny Corinthos wants to handle this.

Dante: You got a problem with my father, you should probably take it up with him.

Pres: Unlike most people in this town, I'm not afraid of the mob, but they should sure as hell be afraid of me. Make sure that Morgan stays in lockup--or I'll have your badge on a silver platter.

Sonny: What's wrong? I mean, we were having a good time. No one is gonna get hurt.

Kate: Hiding your feelings and running from your past is your idea of a good time?

Sonny: Well, you're the one who ran, Connie. I mean, look, I waited on the corner for you, right? I was--I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you.

Kate: Just like you were gonna spend it with Carly and Brenda?

Sonny: Oh. Why do you always have to bring that up?

Kate: Because, Sonny, I see the pattern even if you don't.

Sonny: So, I came to New York for a therapy session?

Kate: You know, maybe a little therapy wouldn't hurt. Huh? It's certainly more productive than losing yourself in yet another woman.

Sonny: Is that what you think?

Kate: No, I know you don't do it on purpose, Sonny, but you are so intent on burying the pain of your past, that you make whatever woman is in your life a distraction from what's really going on.

Sonny: You're more than a distraction.

Kate: I saw the bruises and the black eyes that your stepfather gave you. I know what he did to you and your mother.

Sonny: Deke is dead! I don't want to go there. Why can't you accept it?

Kate: How can I when you haven't?

Steve: Tell the boys their mom loves them.

Maggie: You okay?

Steve: I'm fine.

Maggie: You look stressed.

Steve: I'm tired. Just about ready to sign out.

Maggie: You got a minute? You just said you were done for the day.

Steve: I have plans.

Maggie: Don't want to keep your Olivia waiting, huh? It's okay. You can tell me about Dr. Niles another time.

Steve: What about her?

Maggie: Lots of speculation about her murder.

Steve: Don't believe everything you hear.

Maggie: Apparently the board removed Robin as Chief of Staff because she's a suspect. Do you think she did it?

Steve: What kind of question is that?

Maggie: I work with the woman. It's only natural I'd want to know if she was the killer.

Steve: You have nothing to be afraid of.

Maggie: If Robin snapped once, she could easily--

Steve: Robin didn't kill Lisa!

Maggie: If she didn't, then who did?

Maxie: You're probably wondering why I called. It's about the favor you owe me.

Anthony: Consider me at your service.

Maxie: Okay, remember that time I pulled you out of the water?

Anthony: [Chuckling] I may be old, but I'm not out to lunch. Of course I remember. And I always repay my debts. All you have to do is tell me how.

Maxie: Okay, let's just say, for argument's sake, that there was this person--this evil, vile person--that did something so horrible and she made the lives of everyone around her very miserable.

Anthony: So this person's of the female persuasion?

Maxie: Uh, female, male--it doesn't really matter. But let's just say that this person made people's lives so miserable that someone finally decided enough was enough.

Anthony: I assume this someone did something to stop the vile woman?

Maxie: If they did, they probably wouldn't want anybody to know about it, but they would also probably worry that maybe someone would eventually find out about it, which is why they would probably want to do something to make sure everything stayed quiet.

Anthony: Are you asking me to cover up a murder?

Maxie: [Gasps] I never said "murder." I never even implied it.

Anthony: But if that is what you wanted, you'd be in luck. Happens to be my specialty.

Olivia: I know my son. He would never cheat on Lulu or any other woman he was dating.

Johnny: Who knows? Drinks, an attractive co-worker. Dante wouldn't be the first guy to have strayed.

Olivia: Oh, but I raised my kid better than that.

Johnny: Dante's not exactly a choir boy. I'm not sure he ever has been.

Coleman: Yeah, and our gender is not known for making the wisest choices, especially when there's a good-looking girl around.

Olivia: I don't care if a super model in a g-string walked through your door twirling a flaming baton. My kid wouldn't cheat on Lulu, because he knows he would have to face me if he ever disrespected her or any other woman that he was dating.

Johnny: Haven't you learned, Olivia? Not everybody can live up to your expectations.

Olivia: Dante's not everyone.

Johnny: People make mistakes, for any number of reasons.

Olivia: I take it you're referring to yourself?

Johnny: No, actually. Maybe I'm referring to your date. Looks like Dr. Steve Webber stood you up, huh?

Olivia: He'll be here.

Johnny: Wonder what's keeping him.

Steve: Don't you have rounds to finish?

Maggie: Good thing about Pediatrics--most of my patients are in bed by 8:00. It gives me plenty of time to catch up on current events, like the murder of Dr. Lisa Niles. Did you know her well?

Steve: Well enough to know she wasn't stable.

Maggie: So you think she deserved it.

Steve: I didn't say that.

Maggie: You wouldn't be the first if you did.

Steve: [Sighs] Look, Maggie, you obviously know Lisa Niles wasn't very popular in this hospital. Grilling people about her death isn't gonna make you any new friends.

Maggie: We're friends, right?

Steve: Would I have asked you to come work here if we weren't?

Maggie: I think you did that to keep an eye on me, make sure that what happened in Memphis stays in Memphis.

Steve: How far are you gonna keep pushing this?

Maggie: Don't worry. We're friends, remember? Your secret's safe with me.

Anthony: So, this murder you want me to cover up--

Maxie: Can we please not call it a murder?

Anthony: Well, what would you prefer?

Maxie: Whatever word describes an--incident that takes the life of an evil person and makes the world a better place.

Anthony: I'd call that fortunate. Um, the cops might not agree.

Maxie: Okay, the cops can't know about this--obviously.

Anthony: Easy, cookie. You're starting to sound a little guilty.

Maxie: Well, why would you bring up the police?

Anthony: Well, your father's the Police Commissioner, isn't he? [Chuckles] You might want to back off the morning Joe before daddy starts wondering why you're so jittery.

Maxie: Can we just back up to the favor that you owe me?

Anthony: Of course. But, uh, before I agree to anything, there are a few matters we need to clarify.

Maxie: Like?

Anthony: For starters, a job like this requires a lot of finesse, especially since Dr. Niles being offed has been--

Maxie: Who said anything about Lisa Niles?

Anthony: [Chuckles] I may not have a fancy degree like your doctor boyfriend, but I can still connect the dots. A lot of people had a bone to pick with Lisa Niles, including you--and me.

Maxie: You? Wait, that night that I picked you up out of the water, you said you'd had an altercation with a beautiful woman. It was Lisa?

Anthony: [Chuckles] Girl had impeccable timing, I'll hand her that. One minute we're having a civilized conversation. The next--wham! I'm treading water in the harbor bleeding from my gut.

Maxie: That must have made you really angry.

Anthony: Well, after I got over the initial shock, I was pretty ticked--mostly that she'd caught me off guard. I wonder if Lisa saw it coming when she got hit.

Maxie: Well, you tell me.

Anthony: How would I know?

Maxie: Well, you just admitted that you were angry after Lisa attacked you, which gives you a motive for murder.

Sam: So, what's your plan? You're just gonna hang around and wait for Franco to show up?

Michael: Better me than you.

Sam: [Chuckling] Then what are you gonna do? You gonna kill him? And then you're gonna wind up back in jail. And then what happens, Michael?

Michael: It'll be worth it if it keeps Franco from hurting anybody else.

Sam: Listen, I understand that you want to make him pay.

Michael: No, you don't. Not really. You don't know what it's like to have no control, no power to stop what's happening to you.

Sam: I am so sorry.

Michael: Look, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, and I'm sure as hell not asking for your pity.

Sam: No, I know, but what he did to you was wrong.

Michael: Yeah, but I have to be the one to live with it--or at least try to. Not you.

Kate: I thought you were making progress, Sonny. I thought coming to Bensonhurst, the place that has so much power over you--

Sonny: I don't want to talk about this right--

Kate: There you go again. You're shutting down, just like you do every time we talk about what happened to you as a kid.

Sonny: Okay, do you blame me, Kate?

Kate: You have to face your past, Sonny, and you cannot do it by turning to alcohol or women.

Sonny: You got me all figured out now, don't you?

Kate: Do you ever wonder--wonder why your marriage with Brenda didn't work?

Sonny: Yeah. I do wonder, but I know. She couldn't deal with my life.

Kate: Oh, well, sorry to tell you, you're not dealing too well with it yourself, at the moment.

Sonny: What do you want me to do? You want me to open a vein and beg you to heal me?

Kate: I want you to admit that there's a problem.

Sonny: Not everything that happened in my past as a kid was a nightmare. I have good memories, memories that I keep, you know? Like when I used to walk down the boardwalk with a real pretty girl and she used to hold my hand.

Kate: You used to hold on so tight.

Sonny: And it was crowded, and I didn't want to lose you.

Kate: You know what I think?

Sonny: What?

Kate: I think you hoped the tighter you held on, you wouldn't get pulled back into that closet.

Sonny: I wasn't thinking about the closet when I was with you.

Kate: Not self-consciously. But you know what? We reveal a lot about ourselves, what's going on in our lives, without ever meaning to.

Sonny: What did you reveal?

Kate: You know what I remember? We'd go to the beach. You would convince me to go out, jump the waves with you. [Sighs] I was so scared. I was so terrified of drowning that I held onto you for my dear life.

Sonny: Well, maybe, the thing is I was the one who was drowning, and you saved me.

Kate: Because I knew that you were in pain, and I wanted it to stop.

Sonny: And you want to me to go back there.

Kate: No, I don't. I want you just to face your demons, Sonny. I will go with you. We can do it together.

Sonny: No, no, no. I thought you didn't want to be my life raft.

Kate: I know. I don't, but if this is what it's gonna take for you to deal with this, then I'm willing to do this with you.

Sonny: Listen to me. Listen to me, okay? I do not want you to hold my hand through the trauma. If I'm gonna do this--

Kate: Yeah?

Sonny: --I'm gonna do it on my own.

Kate: Yeah, when?

Sonny: Soon.

Kate: [Sighs]

Sonny: But right now, I just want to be with you. No one's drowning. At least, not yet.

Dante: You got Floyd's statement? Thanks. [Chuckles] This guy--in or out of office, there's never been a situation he couldn't spin to his advantage.

Delores: I'm sorry.

Dante: Why? Did you vote for him?

Delores: I'm talking about you and Lulu. I didn't realize you guys--

Dante: Look, you, uh--you can go home, if you want. No point sticking around here. You weren't there for the arrest, so there's nothing really for you to do.

Delores: Do you mind if I stick around? I might learn something.

Dante: Are you serious?

Delores: Isn't that why we got assigned to each other, so you can teach me everything that you know?

Dante: Ah, we got assigned to each other because Ronnie thinks I need a babysitter. As for you learning stuff, you're not gonna find out anything you don't already know.

Delores: Nice. Then why not divvy up the open cases and make the best out of our time and resources? All I need is the evidence room key, and I'm goo--

Dante: That's not gonna happen.

 ["Deck the halls" plays]

Spinelli: Oh, uh, gracious greetings, Blonde One.

Lulu: Hey, Spinelli.

Spinelli: You seem--subdued if not sorrowful. Is there anything I can do?

Lulu: No, I don't think there's anything you can do.

Spinelli: Why--I mean--I'd gladly sit in silence. Unless, of course, you want to be left alone.

Lulu: No, you can sit. It doesn't have to be in silence. Actually, maybe you can help me and tell me if I'm crazy.

Spinelli: Uh, the Jackal has cause for concern regarding others that are close to him, but you seem--pretty sane to me. [Chuckles]

Lulu: So, why did I break off an engagement to a man that I'm madly in love it?

Spinelli: You're engaged?

Lulu: Was engaged. I was engaged to Dante, but I didn't tell anyone, which should be the first clue that I am not ready.

Spinelli: Well, if I might speak from personal experience, the prospect of matrimony is pretty overwhelming, even in the face of sincere and binding love. So--it's completely understandable if you'd want to postpone it.

Lulu: I gave him the ring back and told him I couldn't be his wife. I, uh--I don't know. He couldn't compromise on being a cop, and I couldn't commit to the idea of being married to him and wondering every day if it's gonna be his last day in the line of duty.

Spinelli: Okay, but I'm sorry. Not to be argumentative--

Lulu: No, but the whole time I knew he was a cop, so it's unfair for me now to decide that I can't handle it.

Spinelli: Actually, I was gonna point out that when I first met you, you had a penchant for adventure. You were fearless. I mean, you even risked your life to save me when I was a complete stranger.

Lulu: Oh, in Alcazar's warehouse when those guys were coming after us and we got hammered.

[Both laugh]

Lulu: And I knocked out--Jason with the tequila bottle.

Spinelli: Yeah, crazy ninja skills, yes!

Lulu: That is so funny. I completely forgot about that.

Spinelli: Watching you fell Stone Cold is one of my most cherished memories.

Lulu: What happened to me? When did I start playing it safe?

Sam: Look, I realize no one can understand the hell that he's put you through. I just don't want to see you get hurt again, and neither does Jason.

Michael: Jason can't do anything about Franco while he's locked up.

Sam: Okay, well, then we'll do it for him.

Michael: Do you remember what happened here, the night that Jason first saw Franco?

Sam: Yeah, um, your father was supposed to have some sort of meeting, and there was an ambush.

Michael: Yeah, you see that brownstone right there?

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Michael: That's where the meeting was supposed to take place.

Sam: And I know that there was a limo parked outside--assuming they heard the gunshots go off, put him in the limo and took off in that direction.

Michael: Jason said he saw Franco wave at him when they drove off.

Sam: Which means he must have been standing over here somewhere just so he could see enough but be out of the line of fire.

Michael: Okay, so, if Franco wanted Jason to go back to where it all started--the clue must be--

Sam: What is it?

Michael: Franco was definitely here.

[Alarm rings]

Johnny: Hey, Coleman, another round, please? Thank you.

Olivia: Uh, no, that's okay. I'm gonna wait for Steve to show up.

Johnny: Hasn't he kept you waiting long enough?

Olivia: He's a doctor. Johnny, saving lives takes precedence over the local happy hour.

Johnny: Right, I forgot what a saint he was.

Olivia: I thought you were happy that I found myself someone safe.

Johnny: Yeah, I just wish you were with someone who put you first.

Olivia: And what makes you think Steve doesn't?

[Footsteps approach]

Johnny: You tell me.

Steve: Are you following me?

Maggie: Like I said, my patients are in bed by 8:00. I figured I'd unwind after a long day.

Steve: Oh, and you just happen to come to the same place I came, huh?

Maggie: You always had the best taste in dive bars. So, now, how does this place stack up against your favorites in Memphis?

Steve: How much longer are you gonna keep bringing up Memphis?

Maggie: Just till I get acclimated. Now's as good a time to start as any.

Steve: Is that what you're doing--getting acclimated?

Maggie: Hey, you were the one who was so concerned I hadn't made any new friends. This is my attempt to be social. Wish me luck.

Maxie: You know, I'm starting to think that that favor that I asked you isn't much of a favor at all since it stands to benefit you just as much, if not more, to have the whole incident with Lisa covered up.

Anthony: That's what you think?

Maxie: Well, you said it yourself. You were angry, and Lisa attacked you. It doesn't really make you look innocent, because she died that same night. So, if you want me to keep quiet you're gonna gave to help me.

Anthony: Let me get this straight. You're blackmailing me to do a favor I already copped to owing you in the first place?

Maxie: Well, seems like you want this investigation to go away just as much as I do.

Anthony: There's are a lot of people in this town who wanted Lisa to disappear for good and are sleeping better now that she has. And a lot of them are in your immediate family.

Maxie: Yeah, but none of us have a history of violence. So, if the police find out that you had a little run-in with Lisa that same night--

Anthony: I would be moved to the top of the suspect list, and all your problems would be solved.

Maxie: So if you want me to keep quiet, I'm gonna need some assurance that I'll be protected.

Anthony: [Laughs] There's all kinds of ways to keep you quiet, cookie.

Sam: W-w-w-w-wait, wait.

Michael: For what?

Sam: It could be a trap.

Michael: Okay, I'm not gonna touch it. Neither are you.

Sam: I'll be fine.

Michael: No, you could lose a hand or worse, and there's no way Jason would forgive me if something happens to you.

Sam: Okay, whoa, wait a minute. Let's think about this for a second. Okay, if Franco set this up for Jason, he's--he's not gonna kill him. It would end the game.

Michael: Let's just let the cops handle this, okay?

Sam: Yeah, the cops are useless, Michael.

[Lid clangs]

Sam: Looks like another gift for Jason.

Michael: Uh, shouldn't we let Jason do this?

Sam: No, because if we bring it to him, the cops might confiscate it.

Michael: Another message?

Sam: What are you doing?

Michael: I'm calling Bernie. Dad has a cop on the inside that can get the DVD past the guards to Jason.

Sam: No. Jason can't know about this.

Lulu: For a long time, all I ever wanted to be was a true Spencer, but now that I think about it, it just means being completely irresponsible and taking off whenever you feel like it and basically trampling all over everyone's feelings.

Spinelli: Wow. Do I detect a tone of disillusionment with the proud patriarch? [Chuckles]

Lulu: Uh, I don't know. Maybe I've been left one too many times. I just don't want to go through it again. Seeing my dad, hoping that things will be different, but knowing he's never gonna change. And every time I start to count on him, he takes off again.

Spinelli: Is it possible that you're projecting your feelings of abandonment onto your prospective spouse?

Lulu: Well, they're completely opposite. I mean, everything that Dante believes in--honor, trust, his badge--those are things that my dad runs away from.

Spinelli: Yet they're alike in a pretty telling way. I mean, you--your father has left you many times, and now you're afraid that Dante will do the same thing. But not by following some crazy enterprise, but--by dying, which is, you know, far more cruel and final.

Lulu: Yeah. Maybe I'm burned out by my dad. I'm closed off to hope, and I don't want to get invested in a marriage with Dante that could be pulled out from under me.

Spinelli: Okay, but before succumbing to fatalism, accepting that your love is doomed and just kicking it to the curb, as it were, perhaps it'd be wise to take inventory of what you'd be giving up?

Lulu: Uh, I don't know what you mean.

Spinelli: Just before dumping Dante, you know--remember what it was that made you fall in love with him in the first place.

Dante: Are you just gonna stand there and frown all night or do you want to help me with this--

Delores: This is unbelievable. Do you think I don't know what you're doing?

Dante: I'm doing a nuisance report, which more trouble than it's worth.

Delores: You think a woman--a Latina woman, at that--can't possibly handle her own case, do you?

Dante: I don't think you being a woman, Latina, or otherwise has anything to do with it.

Delores: Really? Just like it has nothing to do with why I've been transferred from one precinct to another nine times over the past nine months?

Dante: I don't know anything about that.

Delores: Every guy is the same. You think that having a woman as a partner is gonna slow you down, even though I could outrun every guy in my class back in the academy.

Dante: Well, you can definitely outrun me on account of my half-lung thing I have over on this side.

Delores: Not funny.

Dante: No, seriously. If anyone's been screwed over with this assignment, it's you.

Delores: Getting screwed over because you're a woman doesn't only happen to cops.

Dante: What is that supposed to mean?

Delores: No one has done a damn thing about those strippers that were attacked. Name me one Officer who has even bothered to follow up.

Dante: Me. Me. I have, for one.

Delores: But you already have a full case load.

Dante: I thought you'd be happy someone was on it.

Delores: I'll be happier if you let me take it off your hands and give it the attention it deserves.

Dante: I'm surprised you don't want the Lisa Niles investigation all to yourself.

Delores: You're never gonna give me that. Your mother's involved.

Dante: I got to make sure they don't get the wrong person.

Delores: Just like you're never gonna give me your shooting because your father's involved. Just like you're gonna process these papers yourself because Jason Morgan is your father's hit man.

Dante: Wow. You have it all worked out, don't you?

Delores: Listen. The search for whoever's doing these things to these girls is the most logical one for me to take. Besides, I'd really like to catch this creep before he strikes again.

Dante: Oh, that's assuming he will.

Delores: Oh, I can assure you--if we don't catch him soon, I predict two more girls are gonna check into General Hospital by the end of this month.

Dante: Is this a hunch of yours or do you have something to back up this claim?

Delores: Statistics. In 2009, over the course of three months, five cocktail waitresses were attacked on their way home from work and nothing was stolen. Last year, five other girls were attacked outside another club. Again, nothing was stolen.

Dante: So you think this was the same guy.

Delores: I think there's a definite pattern there that we shouldn't ignore.

Dante: All right. You might be right.

Delores: I am more than willing to take a look into it. It's not like I have anywhere else to be.

Dante: You should probably clear that with your husband first.

Delores: What? No. He knows this is what I've got to do.

Dante: Really? How did you make him understand that?

Delores: Funny. Your fiancée asked me the same thing.

Dante: That's ex-fiancée.

Delores: I should have given it more thought to my answer. Maybe you two wouldn't be in this place.

Dante: We aren't in a place. We're just--done.

Maxie: I wasn't trying to insult you.

Anthony: No one likes being backed into a corner, cookie, especially not me.

Maxie: Of course you don't. They are cramped and uncomfortable.

Anthony: Whenever someone tries, I tend to react badly.

Maxie: But I wasn't trying. I swear.

Anthony: It's lucky for you I have my orchids now. They've taught me patience, something I was sorely lacking in the past. I mean, it's not surprising. I'm Italian. The smallest thing could set me off.

Maxie: Well, that was then. This is now, right?

Anthony: I mean, everyone has their limits, and there's always a chance the kinder, gentler Anthony I'm trying to become could have a relapse.

Maxie: We definitely don't want that, do we? You know, I think Kate has some orchids in her office.

Anthony: Stay right where you are.

Maxie: I was afraid that you would say that.

Anthony: Listen to me. I like you. And because you haven't said anything about pulling me out of the harbor--

Maxie: And I won't. I mean, if anybody can keep her mouth shut, it is me, Maxie Jones. Zip!

Anthony: Okay, then. Let's get this straight. I want to know who I'd be covering for.

Maxie: Is that detail really necessary?

Anthony: For instance, should I make it look like your doctor boyfriend offed Lisa to save you or like you did it to save him?

Maxie: I was actually thinking that we could make it somebody completely unrelated because then we're both off the hook and, hey, so are you, so added bonus.

Anthony: I like the way you think, cookie.

Maxie: So you're gonna do it?

Steve: I should have called.

Olivia: You're not actually all that late.

Steve: Well, I had to do a couple things at the hospital.

Olivia: So I see.

Steve: I didn't invite her. This night was supposed to be about us, not our exes.

Olivia: Johnny was already here.

Steve: I'm sure he was overjoyed to see you come in alone.

Olivia: He did buy me a drink.

Steve: You let him?

Olivia: I didn't want to be rude.

Steve: I'm sure he's used to that.

Olivia: He also asked to sit with me and keep me company until you got here, but I turned him down.

Steve: His loss.

Johnny: So, you know Steve from the hospital, right?

Maggie: We worked together in Memphis.

Johnny: That's a good town.

Maggie: I loved it there.

Johnny: But you're here now. Why?

Steve: Coleman, can I get another of whatever she's having and a beer?

Coleman: You got it, buddy.

Johnny: A beer and a shot. That's what she's having.

Steve: Thanks.

Johnny: Yeah, so, Maggie was just telling me that you two know each other from Memphis.

Sonny: I could order up some strawberries, 'cause I know you love strawberries.

Kate: I think we should skip the champagne and strawberries.

Sonny: It's just one drink. Come on.

Kate: Yeah, that's all it takes. You know it.

Sonny: Well, it's not like we're a couple kids, you know, making out under the boardwalk. I mean, we almost got married. I desperately, desperately want to be with you.

Kate: You desperately have to wait a little bit longer.

Sonny: Why are you fighting us being together?

Kate: I'm not fighting us, Sonny. It's--don't you understand? I don't want you to use me as something to escape your past.

Sonny: Okay, you're selling yourself short, because you are the bright light that brings me out of the dark places.

Kate: Yes, and you always go back in.

Sonny: Well, isn't that what you said you wanted me to do? Go back to where it all started?

Kate: No, this isn't just about the brownstone, Sonny. This is about the darkness inside of you--

Sonny: Yes.

Kate: --That you cannot shake off.

Sonny: Do you really have to keep talking about what was? 'Cause it would be nice to just forget all the darkness, just for like a second, and we can just have fun with--look at this, yes--just have fun, you know what I mean?

Kate: Get out of there.

Sonny: What?

Kate: Stop. No.

Sonny: Come on.

Kate: No, do not flash those dimples and think my clothes are gonna magically fly off, okay?

Sonny: Oh, I don't have to rely on magic. I just give it a helping hand.

Kate: Oh, yeah?

Sonny: Come on, Kate.

Kate: Sonny.

Sonny: What?

Kate: It's not gonna happen tonight.

[Both chuckle]

Coleman: All right, man. This is for Olivia, but I got to tap a new keg for your beer. I'll be right back.

Steve: Do you mind bringing this over to Olivia? I need to discuss something with Maggie regarding a patient.

Johnny: Yeah, man. Take your time. Cheers.

Steve: What the hell did you tell him?

Maggie: How do you expect me to make new friends if I spend the whole night talking to you?

Steve: Maggie, I swear.

Maggie: I didn't say anything that would get you in trouble with your Olivia. Now, would you relax and try to enjoy your evening? I certainly plan to. Cheers.

Maxie: Just so we're clear--I don't want to know any details.

Anthony: Deniability has its advantages.

Maxie: Yeah, especially when it comes to my dad. I mean, I want to be able to plead ignorance if he starts getting suspicious and asks a bunch of questions.

Anthony: Well, you ask plenty yourself, cookie.

Maxie: I only asked if you were gonna do it.

Anthony: Wouldn't me saying yes be one of those details you're trying to avoid?

Maxie: Does that mean you're gonna do it?

Anthony: I'll consider it.

Maxie: What does that mean?

Anthony: That means that I'll keep your offer in mind and we'll see what comes of it. It's interesting to know what you're capable of. You got guts, cookie. Makes me want to keep this as clean and clear as possible.

Sonny: Why does it always come back to sex with you?

Kate: [Laughs] Sonny, are you kidding me? You--you're the one trying to get my clothes off.

Sonny: See, that's what I'm talking about. I was just trying to lighten the mood, and then you automatically think that I want to see you naked.

Kate: So you're gonna stand there and say you weren't talking about sex.

Sonny: Okay.

Kate: Uh-huh.

Sonny: Listen to me. What I was thinking about was--skates.

Kate: What?

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Kate: Skates?

Sonny: Because Christmas would not be the same if we weren't, like, doing a couple of laps around Rockefeller Center.

Kate: Are you serious--you want to go skating?

Sonny: Oh, you're not up for it? Okay.

Kate: No. I am up for it. Are you kidding? Are you being serious?

Sonny: Yes, I am serious.

Kate: This is great.

Sonny: Yes.

Kate: It would be a shame this time of year not to experience that.

Sonny: I believe we're gonna have a lot of experiences to come, you know what I mean?

Kate: Yeah. We'll see.

Sonny: All right. Go ahead.

Kate: [Laughs]

Sonny: We will see.

Kate: Skating.

Sonny: [Laughs]

Spinelli: Now, before you think I've become an advocate for your ex-fiancé, may I remind you that I was not a fan of this romance to begin with.

Lulu: Oh, no, I know. I--I know a lot of it had to do with him hurting your ego.

Spinelli: Yes, I failed to discern that he was an undercover operative trying to bring down Stone Cold and Mr. Sir's entire enterprise.

Lulu: Well, what can I say? He's pretty good at what he does.

Spinelli: Wait. So, was it his police work that attracted you to him in the first place?

Lulu: No. No. It was--it was the fact that he made me laugh. He--he would use these dumb pick-up lines and they wouldn't work, but it was just about making me smile.

Spinelli: Okay, but a successful relationship needs more than just a shared sense of humor. There has to be a mutual trust. Has he--I don't know, has he kept things from you? Any reason to doubt him?

Lulu: Well, whenever we've broken up, we've always worked it out because he doesn't want to give up on us.

Spinelli: Okay, well, is that still the case?

Lulu: Well, he wanted to work this out, but I don't know. I've just been thinking that as much as it hurts and even though I love him, it's better to let it go now.

Spinelli: Well, then, I guess you have changed. I mean, 'cause the Lulu Spencer that I first met, the one who risked her life to save an obnoxious stranger and knocked Stone Cold on the head with a tequila bottle wouldn't have hesitated to follow her heart.

Dante: I'm gonna go down to lockup and take Jason's statement. When I get back, why don't we go over the statements of those dancers who were attacked?

Delores: Okay. Perfect. Hey, Dante.

Dante: Yeah.

Delores: Are you okay? About Lulu and all?

Dante: No. Not really.

Michael: Why are you trying to keep the DVD from Jason?

Sam: I'm not. If Jason hears that there's a DVD, he's gonna want to see it right away.

Michael: I told you. My dad has a guy on the inside that can give him the DVD.

Sam: Yeah, but what if they catch him with it and take it away from him?

Michael: Okay, well, if we get rid of it after he watches it--

Sam: I said no, Michael. Seeing this DVD will only drive Jason crazy.

Michael: How can you say that? Sam, you don't even know what's on the DVD, do you?

Sam: Jason?

Michael: Sam, what do you think is on that DVD?

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