GH Transcript Wednesday 12/7/11

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/7/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Maxie: No, Miss Howard is not here. No one's here except me. I'm lucky like that. Try again tomorrow.

[Telephone rings]

Maxie: Kate Howard's office, and do you have any idea what time of night it is? She is not here right now. What makes you think that she would be here right now, huh? She has slaves for that. I hate my life! Okay. Okay, Maxie, just calm down. Your head won't literally explode. Just--just breathe. [Breathes deeply] Okay. See? It's already better. It's already getting better. Damn it, Matt. Hey, it's me, for the gazillionth time. Did you really have to pick right now to disappear? I mean, has it slipped your mind there is a murder investigation going on and that maybe you going off the radar might not make you look so good? But that's not the point. Just--there's a million reasons that I need you here right now, so just call me, okay?

Lulu: Good. You're here.

Maxie: What's good about it?

Lulu: I need some help.

Maxie: Okay, I don't--I'm sorry, but do you realize that I have been crazy busy since our second assistant quit?

Lulu: Can we please not go there?

Maxie: Oh, really? Is it inconvenient for me to go there? Why don't you try to take a walk in my Cartullos? I mean, Kate has been crazy demanding lately, if you can't tell by the fact that I'm here at this ungodly hour!

Lulu: I just--

Maxie: I don't have time, Lulu, to listen to you go on and on about--

Lulu: Maxie, shut up! Please, make some time.

Dante: Can I, uh, help you find something in my desk?

Sonny: You cannot be real. You're something I made up in my head, right?

Little Sonny: I'm real to you.

Sonny: Okay, get out of here. You got to get out. Get--get out. Get out--I'm telling you to leave. You don't belong. Why didn't I burn up this hellhole years ago? There's much pain, so much suffering in this place. You're just a relic--something from my past, right? And that's where you belong--in the past, because you have nothing to do with me.

Little Sonny: I am you.

Sam: Sorry. My--my...nerves have been shot lately.

Michael: Hey, there's no reason to apologize, okay? What's got you so upset?

Sam: It's just I know this creep that is going around, beating up girls because he thinks he can. I don't know. I guess it just...hit home a little bit.

Michael: Sam, were you...ever victimized?

Sam: Yes.

Jason: [Sighs] What are you trying to tell me? I'm not like you.

Franco: You would have been better off if you'd died in that crash. You have a gift. You don't honor it. No, you're not like me. No one is.

Jason: So, you're what? Huh? You're punishing me? You think I'm gonna stop loving her for what you--is that what you think?!

Spinelli: Stone Cold? Look, if you require a moment of privacy--

Jason: I need you to look at this, Spinelli, and help me figure out what Franco's saying, okay?!

Dante: Rather you not go through my stuff, okay?

Off. Padilla: I was looking for your notes on the boat search. I thought I'd combine them with mine, you know, since we're partners and all.

Dante: Yeah, partners. Just remember we're not equals. I'm running the case, so hopefully you just do whatever I ask you to do.

Off. Padilla: Touchy.

Dante: Yeah. So, if I want you to look at files or assignment stuff, I'll put them on your desk. That way you don't have to go rummaging through my stuff, okay? We clear?

Off. Padilla: Yes, sir.

Dante: All right. Good. Thanks.

Off. Padilla: You don't like me too much, do you?

Dante: Uh, tell you the truth, do kind of rub me the wrong way a little bit.

Off. Padilla: That's because you think I'm overly ambitious. Maybe you like your women house-trained.

Dante: [Scoffs]

Off. Padilla: Sorry. Sorry. That was inappropriate. I admit I can come a little too eager sometimes. But you got it wrong when you called me uptight. I'm about learning other ways. All I care about is whatever gets the job done, whatever makes a difference out there.

Dante: All right. Well, then, we should get along just fine, as long as we're good on the...boundaries thing.

Off. Padilla: Fair enough.

Dante: You can start by getting out of that uniform. Nothing makes a witness shut up quicker than an eager face in blue polyester and a notepad.

Off. Padilla: Well, you won't get an argument from me.

Dante: I'll remember you said that.

Off. Padilla: Look, obviously, we got off on the wrong foot, and I really regret that, because now we have to work together, and...the partner relationship is crucial.

Dante: I agree.

Off. Padilla: So, maybe we should start acting like partners--I don't know--go out and grab a beer after a shift one night, get to know each other.

Dante: All right, how's--how's tonight sound?

Off. Padilla: Are you serious?

Dante: Yeah. I got nothing going on.

Off. Padilla: Well, okay. Uh...sure. I just--I have to go home and change.

Dante: All right. You do that. I'll finish up here. We'll meet at Jake's in, say, half an hour?

Off. Padilla: Half an--okay. That will work.

Dante: You have to check in with your husband or anything?

Off. Padilla: Oh, no. He--he knows how important it is for me to fit around here. Besides, he's away on business...again. What about your fiancée?

Dante: Uh...that's not gonna be a problem.

[Telephone rings]

Maxie: There. You have my full attention. So, you talk. I'll listen. Just make it fast.

Lulu: I'd like you to do more than listen. I need some advice.

Maxie: Mine? Since when?

Lulu: Well, I considered going to Olivia, but I know what side she'll land, so I just--I don't know. I trust you to be objective and honest with me.

Maxie: Yeah. Then I'm gonna have to ask, "since when?" [Scoffs] Fine. Okay. What's going on?

Lulu: [Chuckles] Okay. I...have been trying to hide it--probably not very well--but I've been a mess ever since Dante was shot. I can't stop thinking about it. And every time the phone rings, I think it's gonna happen again, which is not a stretch...

[Telephone rings]

Lulu: ...Given what he does for a living.

Maxie: [New York accent] Vinnie's pizza. No, not Crimson. Yeah, we must have a similar number. Would you like to order a pizza? Okay, so long. [Normal voice] Go on.

Lulu: Being constantly paranoid about something absolutely horrible happening to him was bad enough, but now he has gone back to work way too soon when I begged him not to...and I thought we had come to a mutual compromise that he was going to take a desk job.

Maxie: Wait. Really? He took a desk job?

Lulu: Well, the agreement lasted all of 10 minutes, and he's already working cases, as if the feelings that I'm having don't matter. And he told me that I had to decide whether I could live with it or not, so I...broke up with him.

Maxie: [Sighs] Again?

Lulu: He thinks that I'm being unreasonable and that I cannot accept who he is.

Maxie: Yeah, you do see why he thinks that, though, right?

Lulu: But I am not trying to change him! I am trying to keep him from dying!

Maxie: Okay, we're all gonna die, Lulu.

Lulu: Yeah, but we're all not walking around, inviting it every day!

Maxie: Okay. So, what's your bottom line here?

Lulu: My bottom line is either I move on or I'm in this 100%.

Maxie: And?

Lulu: I don't know. That's why I'm here to get some advice.

Maxie: [Chuckles] You want my advice? Here it is--two words for you--dump him.

Michael: Look, is this something you want to talk about? Because you don't have to, not with me. Completely understand.

Sam: No, it's just, you know, before I came to Port Charles, before I met Jason...I didn't have the best taste in guys. I mean, I picked some doozies, trust me. It's like I had a sign on my forehead that said, "abusers, here I am. Come get me."

Michael: I didn't know that.

Sam: It's not like it was a secret, Michael. I think you might have just been a little too young.

Michael: I always think of you just being tough and in control.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Michael: Look, you know that you are not at all responsible for however you were abused.

Sam: Yeah, I know. I know. I just sometimes think that I could have been more--I don't know--aware.

Michael: Look, did something happen recently--something that you don't want Jason to know about?

Sam: No. No.

Michael: Look, Sam, I mean, you can talk to me. I'd respect your wishes not to tell anybody else.

Sam: It's just, you know, sometimes the past creeps up on you. That's all.

Michael: Yeah. That's what it's like when I think about Franco coming back--big old reminder of what he set in motion when I was in prison, as if I'd ever be able to forget that.

Sam: Were--were you able to forget that?

Michael: I'm working on it. Abby's been my everything. If I'm ever able to fully heal, it'll be because of her.

Sam: You really love her.

Michael: [Chuckles] That's an understatement. She just left, and I already miss her like crazy.

Sam: Well, it's a good thing that she's not here in Port Charles with this attacker around. At least she's safe.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, it was worth pulling a couple strings. And talk about close to home--all the victims are her friends.

Sam: You know, you've done your best to protect Abby. You can't play hero, Michael.

Michael: That's the same thing Abby said. Look, Sam, be honest with me here--do you think Jason would just stand by and do nothing if he thought someone might hurt you?

Spinelli: Well, perhaps it would be enlightening to begin at the beginning, as it were. You know, it seems to me that Franco views his ongoing conflicts with you as a series of competitions in the vein of a chess match. I mean, otherwise, he simply would have killed you and gone away.

Jason: Yeah, but he doesn't want to kill me. He wants me to be like him. That's the point.

Spinelli: I-I confess, I don't--I don't really know what that means.

Jason: Well, Franco can't feel. He thinks if he takes away what I love that I'm not gonna be able to feel, either.

Spinelli: Which explains why he targets those close to you--to make you feel responsible for their suffering. Yeah, but a curious anomaly has arisen there. As far as I know, there's been no casualty in this latest engagement, no--

Jason: Spinelli! Franco did enough.

Lulu: Are you really advising me to dump Dante?

Maxie: Did I not make myself clear?

Lulu: No, I just--I want to understand why.

Maxie: Okay. Well, if you'd like me to give you a different piece of advice, just let me know, 'cause it'll save a lot of time since you always tend to do the opposite of whatever I tell you to do anyway, like when I told you not to walk out on Dante and you walked out on Dante, and I told you to accept his proposal, and, unless I missed something, there was no engagement announcement.

Lulu: So, is this reverse psychology and you're telling me I need to move on from my feelings and work things out?

[Telephone rings]

Maxie: No, I'm just saying that you should do whatever it is that you're going to do anyway. [Sighs] What is it? Do you really think that this warrants a call in the middle of the night? Look, if the layout is wrong, then send it back. It's not rocket science, okay? Buh-bye.

Lulu: That's rude.

Maxie: Really? Really? You're gonna give me advice and criticize my work ethic when you're the one who left me here to do all this work by myself anyway?

Lulu: Is that why you're so irritable?

Maxie: No, God. Believe it or not, Lulu, I have a lot on my plate, professionally and personally, so excuse me if I don't want to indulge in your free-floating anxiety over Dante and I don't want to give you reams of advice that you're never going to take. know, I'm your friend, so...I'll give it one more shot.

Lulu: Thanks.

Maxie: All right. Here's the best advice that I can give you. Figure it out for yourself. Okay? I'm only saying that because you're the only one who can decide whether your raging anxiety over Dante's job is enough for you to want to lose him. I mean, he loves you and he supports you in all that you do, and he's not gonna disappear on you when you do something really bad, and...I have to get back to work.

Lulu: Um...okay. I'll leave you to it.

Maxie: [Sighs] Lulu...whatever you decide, just good luck, okay? I mean that.

Johnny: Okay. I just went to check on Lindsay at the hospital.

Ranelle: Is she gonna be okay?

Johnny: She's still touch-and-go.

Ranelle: The bastard.

Johnny: Wish I could do more, though.

Ranelle: Taking care of the girl's medical expenses isn't a small thing, Johnny.

Johnny: Still, it's not enough, you know?

Diane: Why are you so interested in Johnny Zacchara?

Pres: Something's going on over there, and he's in it up to his neck. Why don't you go see if you can find something out?

Diane: On Johnny Zacchara? I can tell you right now it's a big fat nothing.

Pres: Mm-hmm. You never know until you try.

Diane: See, you're still thinking like the mayor. You got to think like a newspaperman. Yes, your instincts are spot-on. There's a story over there, but we're not gonna get anything from Johnny Zacchara. The girls, now--well, that's an entirely different situation and one I might be able to infiltrate.

Sam: You know it's not in Jason's nature to do nothing if someone he loves is in danger.

Michael: It's a mind-set you've lived with for a very long time, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Michael: So, you should understand where I'm coming from. I am not gonna let Abby be the victim of some psycho who gets off abusing women.

Sam: Okay, th-th-this is--this is the situation, Michael. Sometimes it doesn't matter what happens. The people you love will still get hurt.

Spinelli: Perhaps the jackal might be more effective if I knew the extent of Franco's activities in the latest encounter.

Jason: You know everything you need to.

Spinelli: Well, as I understand it, Franco's latest missive was a-a package addressed to Josslyn containing a DVD and a baby doll? Which is most curious. I mean, there must be some significance beyond the toy itself. I mean, does it relate to a child, Josslyn, or some other--

Jason: D-do you know what the circle means?

Spinelli: Uh, I have not yet--

Jason: Okay, but that's what I really need to know right now--why he came back and why he painted this circle!

Spinelli: Right, a circle. It's a geometric concept with no beginning and no end, also--

Jason: You don't know, do you?

Spinelli: I can--

Jason: Yes, no?

Spinelli: I can enlist the--

Jason: Spinelli, just leave.

Spinelli: I'm worried about you.

Jason: I'm fine.

Spinelli: [Sniffs]

Franco: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, saints and sinners, especially you, Mr. Morgan, keep your seat belts unfastened, your hands outside of the car, and let's...I fooled you. I'm a happy man...indeed, is most definitely not what you get...the blurring of lines between illusion and reality...

Jason: [Sighs] So, what--what is this?! Are you here?! Are you watching me?! Come get me!

Mac: Hey, just heard from forensics. Results are in on the Lisa Niles murder weapon.

Dante: Oh, it'd be nice if we found out something we didn't already know.

Mac: Yeah, well, we need a break in this case before it starts to freeze up.

Dante: Yeah.

Mac: How's it going with Padilla?

Dante: know, it's good. She's pretty, uh, eager to solve this murder case.

Mac: What about you?

Dante: Yeah, I'm good. I'm fine.

Mac: I'm still wondering if I didn't make a mistake putting you back on active duty so soon after major surgery.

Dante: Look, Mac, you saved my life by putting me back to work, especially right now.

Mac: Why especially right now?

Dante: Oh, you know how it goes with women.

Mac: I vaguely remember.

Dante: Look, I'm going to head out. I'll get that forensics report on my way--

Mac: You know what? Get some rest. I'll get it.

Dante: Hey, baby, it's me. Uh...look, I can only speak for myself and say that I hate the way we left things. Okay, we--what we have is pretty special, and I think we'd both be idiots to let it go without a fight, so there's got to be some way we can fix this. Call me back.

Lulu: I'm here. Uh...I came to give you this.

Sonny: You little brat. You're not me. You might be a relic, a memory, a piece of some--something I used to be. But I haven't been that--that scared, powerless a long time. My name is Sonny Corinthos. I run an empire. People respect me. People fear me. You hear that? People fear me! You don't believe that? You think I'm still in there, helpless, hiding? That's not me anymore! And it won't be, ever. You sit in that closet...making judgments like you know everything. You don't know anything, 'cause you're worthless. You couldn't help your mo--[Voice breaking] You couldn't help your mother. You couldn't help yourself. No power, no control. You're not me! And I'm definitely not you! You make me sick. And I don't want to see your scared, pathetic little face again. Disappear--now!

Kate: Sonny? Sonny.

Sonny: Whoa. Come here. [Sniffles, sighs]

Off. Padilla: [Sighs]

Johnny: That's more like it.

Off. Padilla: More like what?

Johnny: You are as hot out of uniform as I imagined.

Off. Padilla: Do me a favor and just stop.

Johnny: I couldn't stop now if I tried. Just tell me that you're not here on official undercover business and you can have a drink with me.

Off. Padilla: You mean those two women is not enough for you?

Johnny: They're business associates.

Off. Padilla: Is that so?

Johnny: Yeah, they dance for me at Vaughn's.

Off. Padilla: You usually conduct business with your strippers at other people's establishments?

Johnny: I've temporarily closed Vaughn's. Some freak uptown is targeting girls for beatdowns, and some of my girls got caught up in the mix. I'm trying to prevent any further incidents.

Off. Padilla: Why haven't I heard about this?

Johnny: You're a cop. Cops don't give a damn about strippers getting beat up.

Off. Padilla: How many out of your club were hurt?

Johnny: Three--so far.

Off. Padilla: You said "beatdown." Is that serious?

Johnny: Let's just say the guy's got issues.

Off. Padilla: Yeah, now that I think about it, I-I think I heard a mention at the station about a stripper being roughed up, but they made it sound like it was on and gone.

Johnny: See? That's what I'm saying. The cops would rather harass me on a regular basis than lift a finger to actually stop this guy.

Off. Padilla: [Sighs]

Coleman: Just so you know, your husband's good friend Franco just left him another message out there in the alley.

Jason: [Sighs] There's always a message. There's always a message. What's the message?

Franco: Play nice.

Jason: I work alone.

Franco: Not on front street, you didn't. When you killed...

Jason: Stay away from her! How long are we gonna play games?

Franco: I would have thought that you saw it instantly.

Jason: See what?

Franco: Us. We're the same. Just tell him that Franco says hi.

Jason: Get out! I'm not like everyone else!

Franco: Yoo-hoo!

Jason: Remember that.

Franco: Please stop. You know you want to. Not like front street. That was a work of art. I win.

Jason: Do you hear me?! I'm gonna kill you!

Franco: [Echoing] This will end when I say so.

[Siren wails]

Jason: [Sighs] The circle has no beginning. It has no end. The circle has no beginning. It has no end! The circle...he did.

Michael: Jason. Jason, everything all right?

Sam: Coleman said that Franco left another message. Is that it--a circle?

Jason: He's waiting for me.

Sonny: Yeah, I'm fine.

Kate: [Sighs] What happened?

Sonny: Uh, this place is empty, but it just feels like there's still something here--I don't know--in--within the walls here.

Kate: Still within the walls, yeah?

Sonny: Yeah.

Kate: Sonny...

Sonny: Hmm?

Kate: ...As much as you wish it to evaporate, to make it like the horror never's still here. It's a part of you, you know?

Sonny: Yeah.

Kate: But it doesn't have to define you.

Sonny: Easy words to live by, but just going there is another thing.

Kate: Yeah. That's right. And coming here was the first step in facing what you hate about yourself the most--who you are, where you've come from, what you've done. Staring your demons in the face is a good thing.

Sonny: There are no demons.

Kate: No. That's right. Just...sad memories of a very sad boy. Hey.

Sonny: Hmm?

Kate: Let's get out of here.

Sonny: Okay.

Kate: We can always come back later if you want.

Sonny: No, I'm not coming back.

Little Sonny: Yes, you will. You still need me.

Maxie: Okay, Matt. You're really starting to freak me out. I happen to know that you called the hospital forensics lab, and I have a pretty good idea what you were looking for. I also know that the police told you that they found something. We really need to talk, okay? We need to talk about you-know-who and what happened. I'll be out of here pretty soon, yeah. Um, I can't wait to see you tonight, either. So, what are we gonna do? Oh. Whipped cream, hmm? Oh, uh, someone's here. I got to go, but I'll talk to you later. Okay, love you. Okay, bye. Sorry. Didn't see you come in.

Mac: You were pretty involved in that conversation.

Maxie: Yeah, my boyfriend, you know. We're gonna make sundaes later.

Mac: Where is Matt really, Maxie?

Maxie: He's at the hospital, of course. I mean, he's very dedicated to his work.

Mac: Why are you covering for him?

Maxie: I don't know what you're talking about.

Mac: No one's seen him. He hasn't answered any calls. Look, what is going on, Maxie? Is Matt involved in the Lisa Niles murder?

Maxie: Okay, don't you dare make him a suspect, okay? Matt didn't do anything wrong.

Dante: So, that's it, then?

Lulu: Yeah.

Dante: There's no room for a discussion here?

Lulu: We've talked. There's nothing more to say.

Dante: Well, how about I don't want to lose you?

Lulu: But you know what it would take to keep me, and you've made your choice. So have I.

Dante: [Scoffs] Look, there has to be a way to fix this.

Lulu: If you can honestly think of one, I'll hear it.

Dante: I guess not.

Lulu: Well, I still have some stuff at your place, so I might as well get it now while you're at work, and...

Dante: Wow. No point in dragging this out, either, I guess.

Lulu: I'm sorry.

Dante: No, don't--look, if you're gonna leave, you might as well just get it over with.

Jason: Franco's taking it full circle. That's the message.

Sam: So, what does that mean, exactly--we go back to where it all started?

Michael: Where did it first start? I mean, where was he born, the scene of his first crime, where did he become an artist?

Jason: It was the first time I saw him.

Sam: That was at the gallery, right?

Jason: No, no, there was a shootout on front street, remember? A homeless guy witnessed the shootout, and it turned out to be Franco.

Michael: You think he went back there?

Jason: Well, I'm not gonna find out standing around here talking about it.

Sam: Hold on! I'm coming with you.

Jason: No, Sam.

Pres: What's going on out here?

Sam: None of your business.

Michael: We're having a private conversation.

Pres: Wow. That's the stuff of nightmares. I used to be the mayor. I vividly remember Franco's reign of terror. Multiple explosions, corpses piling up. Does this mean he's back?

Michael: What do you care? You're not mayor anymore.

Pres: No, I'm a newspaperman, and this could be one hell of a story. I could still make the final edition. "Franco's back!" Says it all, doesn't it?

Jason: I wouldn't print that.

Pres: I have a duty to inform the citizens of this town when there's a serial killer on the loose.

Jason: I'm gonna take care of Franco.

Pres: Oh, gee. What a comfort, considering you've done such a bang-up job in the past.

Sam: Hey, hey, Jason! Stop it, Jason! It's not worth it! Stop it!

Pres: You don't want to do this!

Jason: You do anything to mess this up, and I'm gonna come after you!

Sonny: Want a drink?

Kate: Sure. Want to talk about it?

Sonny: Nothing to talk about. How was Bensonhurst? Did you blow through there like a shopping hurricane?

Kate: I had a very satisfying afternoon.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kate: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: Was the junk store still there?

Kate: Vintage. And, yes, finders keepers is alive and well--same location but a whole new generation to run it.

Sonny: Did you buy anything?

Kate: I found exactly what I was looking for. Can you say the same?

Diane: Okay, I am sorry to interrupt. Hi. I'm Diane, and I just have to tell you that I've been eavesdropping, and I got to tell you, I find you two ladies intriguing.

Ranelle: Really? Why is that?

Diane: You just seem fascinating to me. That's all.

Ranelle: We're strippers. Big whoop. It ain't glamorous, you know.

Diane: Yeah, but the people you must meet, the men you must meet--prominent men, fascinating men, I mean, even some men in this town that might be interested in partying.

Ranelle: Why would you ask us something like that?

Diane: Oh, I'm just--I'm just talking. I mean, even myself, in this very place, I, uh--I actually had a little party of my own and stripped down to my skivvies, so, you know...

Coleman: Yeah, she certainly did. Yeah.

Diane: So, tell me, what's a typical night like for you gals?

Johnny: Why don't you and I go somewhere where we can get further acquainted?

Off. Padilla: I'm meeting someone.

Johnny: Blow him off.

Dante: That's not gonna happen.

Johnny: Hey.

Dante: Hey. Come on, partner. Let's go talk.

Off. Padilla: Sorry. Duty calls.

Johnny: Not as sorry as I am.

Dante: What the hell was that about?

Off. Padilla: Bar conversation.

Dante: With Johnny Zacchara?

Off. Padilla: He approached me.

Dante: Yeah. Sure, he did. You--you look pretty, uh--pretty good for a woman whose husband's out of town.

Off. Padilla: You are being pretty protective for a guy who has a fiancée.

Dante: Eh, well, I, no, don't have a fiancée--not really, not--

Pres: Detective Falconeri! I'm glad you're here.

Dante: Why is that?

Pres: I was just assaulted by Jason Morgan, and I want to press charges.

Sam: Maybe we should rethink this.

Jason: Why?

Sam: Why? Because we're probably walking into another trap.

Michael: Sam's right. You probably shouldn't go after Franco alone.

Jason: This is not up for discussion. I do this alone.

Sam: Be careful. Please.

Jason: Yeah.

Dante: Jason Morgan, you're, uh, under arrest.

Mac: This is the latest forensics report on the Lisa Niles case.

Maxie: Hmm. That must be really fascinating to you.

Mac: Maxie, I need you to stop pretending to work and look at me!

Maxie: Yes, sir.

Mac: You know you can tell me anything, right?

Maxie: Yeah. That would be a huge relief if I had anything to tell you.

Mac: Why did you dump the clothes you were wearing the night Lisa was murdered?

Maxie: I told you--they got ruined. And that was my favorite dress, by the way, and I loved that bag, which also got ruined. Stupid nail polish.

Mac: The shoes--did you toss those, too?

Maxie: Why are you asking me these questions?

Mac: According to witnesses, you weren't seen until the very end, presumably after Lisa had already gone. That could work for you.

Maxie: What are you saying, Mac?

Mac: What I shouldn't be. Maxie, I shouldn't even be here right now, but I need you to know...sweetheart, if something happened on that boat...if you encountered Lisa, if you felt threatened, got angry, reacted, you need to tell me.

Maxie: Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just super-confused right now. Are you saying this as my dad or as a cop accusing me of murder?

Mac: Maxie, you had reason to want Lisa out of the picture. She shot Spinelli, one of the most important men in your life. She terrorized your cousin.

Maxie: I don't know what you want me to say.

Mac: Maxie...[Smooches] Sweetheart, I love you. I would do anything for you. You know that, right? The night on the hospital roof, when we remembered BJ, I said I would see you through anything. I meant it then, and I mean it now.

Maxie: [Sighs] I've already told you everything I know about the night Lisa was killed.

Mac: Okay. Okay. We'll leave it at that for now. You got to know something. Maxie, I'm in a position to protect you. You are not in a position to protect anyone. So, you tell Matt to get his butt back here, because if he's not back by tomorrow, I'm putting out an APB on him!

[Answering machine beeps]

Dante: Hey, baby, it's me. Uh...look, I can only speak for myself and say that I hate the way we left things. Okay, we--what we have is pretty special, and I think we'd both be idiots to let it go without a fight, so there's got to be some way we can fix this. Call me back.

[Answering machine beeps]

Jason: You can't arrest me. I got to find Franco.

Dante: Franco?

Jason: He's back.

Michael: He left his mark for Jason.

Jason: I figured out where he is, and I got to go get him.

Dante: Well, no, you're not going anywhere. This should have been a police matter from the beginning.

Jason: Dante, this is personal between me and him! You know that!

Dante: Jason, you assaulted a citizen. He's pressing charges. You have the right to remain silent.

Sam: Dante, come on!

Dante: Anything you say--

Jason: No, I can't do this!

Michael: Whoa, Dante! Are you out of your freakin' mind?! Look, you know Franco! You know what he's done!

Dante: I can't let you go. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided free of charge.

Jason: Take Sam home, Michael. Make sure she stays there.

Michael: All right, look, I'm gonna call Alexis. Maybe she can get him out right away. But right now, I'm gonna get you home, okay?

Sam: No, home is the last place I'm going.

Sonny: I definitely didn't find what I was looking for, 'cause what I was looking for was to spend time alone with you.

Kate: Nice deflection.

Sonny: No. I mean, you know, I asked you here for us 'cause that's what the trip was supposed to be about. And you're out buying old memories, and I'm wallowing in my own. It's got to stop. You know what I mean?

Kate: Yeah. Well, maybe we need to clear away the past to get to the present, assuming there's anything worthwhile for us to get to?

Sonny: Yeah, there is something...worthwhile...[Sighs] Something that we should be concentrating on. You know what I mean?

Kate: Yeah.

Sonny: Hmm?

Kate: What's that?

Sonny: I don't know.

Singer: Taken all I can and now the wind blows and freezes tears in my eyes the fire could warm these bones and dry me off as hard as I might try oh and she invites me over never to stay words racing through my mind nothing will be much to say and, oh the same old walk is lonely she sends me on my way

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