GH Transcript Monday 11/21/11

General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/21/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Maxie: [Sighs] Is this not the most magical place in the whole wide world? It's like Christmas and Easter all wrapped up into one huge Cartullo bag.

Matt: Mm-hmm.

Maxie: [Sighs] Hello?

Matt: Hmm? Uh, I heard something about Christmas. Yeah. I'm with you.

Maxie: Who was the message from?

Matt: It's Mac. He would like me to go down to the station and answer more questions about Lisa's murder.

Maxie: Okay, well, Mac can wait, 'cause right now I need to find the perfect suit for you for "The Woman Behind the Man" feature and a fabulous dress for me, too, of course.

Matt: So, isn't this like a profile piece?

Maxie: So?

Matt: So, I don't know. Shouldn't I be wearing something that's very, uh, like, doctory?

Maxie: Look, if you want to wear scrubs and a lab coat, that's kind of boring. I want people to see the better you. The best you. The--the--my words are not coming out right.

Matt: Tends to happen a lot.

Maxie: Okay.

Kate: Maxie, I've been waiting on those proofs all day. We low on caffeine this morning? Maxie? So, when I buzz you, I...don't know why I'm still paying this woman.

Sonny: Well, look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Kate: Well, hello to you, too.

Sonny: Hi.

Kate: You didn't see Maxie in the lobby, did you?

Sonny: I can't help you with that. But I can take you away from all this craziness for a few days. You won't regret it.

Kate: You--you want us to go away somewhere?

Sonny: Yeah. Why not?

Kate: Well, uh, for one thing, I'm on a deadline, so unless you know how to publish a fashion magazine--

Sonny: How about a clue?

Kate: A clue to what, Sonny?

Sonny: Kate, turn around. Open this. It's gonna tell you where you're gonna go. Just look inside.

Kate: Hmm. [Chuckles]

Shawn: I know you like those disgusting ones with the cream, but I'm partial--

Carly: Oh, stay right there.

Shawn: Why?

Carly: 'Cause I have to do something!

Shawn: Okay.

[Cell phone rings]

Carly: Check your phone.

Shawn: [Chuckles] Oh. It's an invite to Thanksgiving at your house.

Carly: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna have it catered, you know, so I don't burn the food and the whole house and everything.

Shawn: You know you could have just asked me, right?

Carly: No, I wanted to do it right.

Shawn: Mm. I accept the invitation.

Carly: You do? Just like that?

Shawn: Yeah. Just like that.

Carly: Really? You're not gonna tell me you need to be alone or something?

Shawn: A man's got to eat, right? And so do you. Here. Plus, we have to make it look good for the cops, right? Make them think we're really a couple. [Chuckles]

Jason: My voice is gonna be the last thing you hear, Franco. And my face is gonna be the last thing you see. I don't know if this number works or the other numbers I called, but if you're listening to this, you need to know that I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna kill you! You want to play games with me, you play with me, not my wife! You come after me! You better find me before I find you, because--

[Pulsating tone]

Jason: Son of a bitch. [Sighs]

Carly: So, everything you're doing--coming over here with breakfast, agreeing to spend Thanksgiving with me and my family--that's all an act for the cops?

Shawn: What do you think?

Carly: I think that I'm really glad that you opened up to me the way you did the other day. You know, shared something with me that I know you probably haven't shared with someone in a long time, and that really meant a lot to me.

Shawn: Yeah. Me too.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Oops. Hey!

Jason: Hey.

Carly: Hey. Uh...

Shawn: Hey.

Jason: Hey, Shawn.

Shawn: I think I hear Joss stirring upstairs.

Carly: Oh, I can get her.

Shawn: No, I got it. I got it.

Carly: How you doing?

Jason: I'm fine. I just came to check on you and Joss.

Carly: Okay, well, you want to stay, have breakfast, catch up? You're not here to catch up.

Jason: No.

Carly: What's going on?

Jason: Franco was in Hawaii.

Carly: What did he do?

Sam: Michael. I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in.

Michael: Um...the guard let me in. I didn't--didn't mean to freak you out. I'm sorry.

Sam: No, I was, um...I was outside thinking, and...are you okay?

Michael: Yeah. Luckily you recognized me before you threw me over the side.

Sam: [Sighs]

Michael: Better question is, are you okay?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah. O-of course. I'm fine. I'm just, um--I don't know. I'm a little jumpy, I guess.

Michael: I'm guessing your honeymoon didn't leave you feeling relaxed.

Maxie: You know that I love you in and out of scrubs. But I just want this shoot to prove that you're not just some guy who cuts people's heads open.

Matt: Well, that's what it says on my business card.

Maxie: You were published in some medical journal, right?

Matt: Yes, and for that photo shoot, I showed up in a bathing suit.

Maxie: Look, I'm serious, okay? I mean, you've worked really hard, and you deserve to be recognized.

Matt: Right. But isn't this article called "The Woman Behind the Man"? So, technically, the article's more about you than me.

Maxie: Why can't it be about both of us, hmm?

Matt: I'd like that, but it just seems any time we do something together, things just sort of gravitate to be about you.

Maxie: That is so not true, okay? I--there was this time that I--

Matt: Which--

Maxie: Oh, my gosh. That dress is so perfect.

Matt: Yes! Exactly. I don't know why I would have said something like that. I mean, it just seems completely, completely out...

Maxie: I'm sorry. Were you, um, saying something?

Matt: I, uh...don't recall.

Sonny: Any guesses on our destination?

Kate: Well, if this is the dress code, I guess we can rule out Alaska.

Sonny: How long is it gonna take you to pack?

Kate: You serious with this?

Sonny: Well, yeah…I mean, you know, it's just where we're going, all you're gonna need is a bikini, so I figured a couple of hours, and we could go--

Kate: You want to leave today?

Sonny: Well, do you need more time? I'll give you till tonight.

Kate: [Laughs] You realize I haven't said yes yet.

Sonny: Well, say yes, 'cause you know you're going to.

Kate: I can't just hop a plane and go with you to your island.

Sonny: We're not going to my island.

Kate: Well, it's someplace warm.

Sonny: Dominican Republic.

Kate: I'm sorry, you want to take me to the Dominican Republic?

Sonny: That's the plan.

Kate: Why? What is this--business or pleasure?

Sonny: Can't it be both?

Kate: Depends on the business.

Sonny: I just, you know--I got to tie some loose ends.

Kate: So this, uh--this is about divorcing Brenda. And my bikini and I are what? We're a consolation prize? Not a chance in hell.

Sonny: You got it all wrong.

Kate: So this isn't about the divorce.

Sonny: Well, you know, the business part's gonna take a few hours. Then we can spend as much time as we want--

Kate: Let me tell you something, Sonny. There is a type of girl who doesn't mind being a rebound. She's--she's nice.

Sonny: Right.

Kate: And when you bounce into her, she's soft and pliable, and she'll catch you.

Sonny: And that's not you.

Kate: No.

Sonny: No.

Kate: You rebound into me, it's like hitting a steel wall. Smash. Crack.

Sonny: That's painful.

Kate: Oh, yeah.

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Kate: So, why don't you go and get your divorce, but not with me?

Sonny: But it's no fun traveling with an empty bikini.

Kate: Fill it. I'm sure there are many girls who will apply for the job.

Sonny: Yeah, but they can't, um...they can't fill it like you can.

Kate: Nice taste.

Carly: I thought you said Franco was in Toronto.

Jason: That's what he wanted us to think.

Carly: He was in Hawaii the whole time we were there?

Jason: Yeah, probably. But he wasn't after you.

Carly: Why was he there? What did he do this time?

Jason: He did what he always does. He messes with my head, left another calling card, a dead body, and a new graffiti tag.

Carly: Okay.

Jason: I don't know who she was.

Carly: And you don't know where he is.

Jason: But he's gonna come back.

Michael: I feel bad about sneaking up on you like that. I was looking for Jason.

Sam: Don't worry about it.

Michael: You've got some serious reflexes.

Sam: Yeah, it comes with the job.

Michael: So, I think I know why your honeymoon wasn't as relaxing as it should have been.

Sam: You do?

Michael: Yeah. I heard my mom crashed it.

Sam: Yeah. She did, actually. She, um--she brought Josslyn and, um...Shawn in tow.

Michael: Well, I hope you were able to enjoy it after they left, at least.

Sam: Yeah. I mean, it was Hawaii. What's not to enjoy? Um, so, what did you need Jason for?

Michael: I need to talk to him about Abby.

Sam: Everything okay?

Michael: She still has friends that dance at Vaughn's and a couple of them got roughed up.

Sam: Someone's messing with the girls at Vaughn's?

Michael: Not when they're working. It's after hours. Some guy who gets off taking advantage of women.

Sam: Well, have you reported any of this to the police?

Michael: Dante said he'd handle it, but so far, nothing. I don't think cops really care about protecting strippers. Figured Jason could ask around--

Sam: No, no. Why don't you let me look into it first?

Michael: Are you sure? I mean, you just got back from your honeymoon. This could get pretty ugly.

Sam: No, I'm positive. I'm sitting around here, doing nothing. I want to work, and I want to stop this guy from hurting anymore women.

Maxie: This will work. Now we just need to find something equally fabulous from the Cartullo men's line for you.

Matt: One step ahead of you. Bam! What do you think of this look? Love it! Whoo!

Maxie: Dear god.

Matt: What, you don't like it? This is--this is doctory. I think I look like a doctor.

Maxie: Yeah, that is not a good look.

Matt: Oh, you're right. I'm missing a hat. I need something--it's like a jaunty, like, top hat.

Maxie: With a little feather?

Matt: Feather? I'll take it. That's fine.

Kate: Maxie, I looked--

Maxie: We were just trying on clothes for the shoot.

Matt: Hi.

Kate: Is this what my assistant does when she should be answering my phone calls?

Maxie: We just wanted to get a feel of what they were like, so...

Kate: You better take that dress off. It's on loan and worth more than you make in a year.

Maxie: Okay.

Kate: Okay. Clean this up, please. Excuse me. I'm gonna go wash my eyes out with bleach.

Matt: Keep 'em up. Keep 'em up. She totally wants me.

Maxie: Oh!

Matt: [Grunts] [Groans]

Diane: Just the crime boss I came to see.

Sonny: If you're here to collect your last paycheck, talk to Bernie.

Diane: Bernie very graciously paid me before official order of business.

Sonny: Glad to hear it.

Diane: Don't you want to know what that final official order of business was?

Sonny: No, I would appreciate it if you just pretty much left my office. That would be great. Thanks.

Diane: I see there are still hard feelings over me firing you as a client.

Sonny: No hard feelings. It's just business is done.

Diane: Actually, it's not. I was going to have Alexis handle this, but something made me what to hand these to you personally on my way...

Sonny: Hand-deliver what, Diane?

Diane: ...To the airport. Well, on your desk, you will find, um...the signed divorce papers from Brenda.

Sam: Hey, tell Abby I'm gonna be contacting the girls to get a description of the man who attacked them.

Michael: Okay. Thanks for taking this on.

Sam: Yeah. Of course. I mean, I'm sure this is bringing up really bad feelings for Abby.

Michael: Like that bastard Brandon, who cornered her in an alley and beat her and tried to rape her.

Sam: Well, you stopped him, Michael. I know she's always gonna be grateful for that.

Michael: Yeah, helping her was the first thing that really helped me.

Sam: I'm glad you got some sort of closure for that.

Michael: And you and Jason were great to me the whole time. It's not your fault that I felt like not being close to anybody again.

Sam: Even the people you love.

Michael: Especially them. After what happened in Pentonville, I just felt so...ashamed and powerless.

Sam: Must be the worst feeling in the world.

Michael: Yeah, it was...pain and anger and not knowing what to do with it. It's...

Sam: You think about it a lot?

Michael: Not as much as I used to, but, yeah, I still do.

Sam: I think it's better that you can remember.

Michael: Better than what?

Sam: Well, I-I don't know. I mean, when you're a victim of a date-rape drug, people think that you are lucky somehow. I mean, even though that you're violated, you can't remember the actual physical attack, but if you can't remember it, how can you confront it? How can you deal with it and move on?

Michael: I never thought about it that way. I don't know. From the night that carter...raped me, I, uh, tried to forget about it. But that never happened. That didn't work out too good.

Sam: Yeah. You're right, though. The best way to deal with it is to face it. It's the only way to start getting better.

Sam: You have shown a lot of courage, Michael.

Michael: I had a lot of help, from Abby mostly. Maybe that's why I'm here--not just because of what she did for me, but because of what I went through.

Sam: You can't get to the person who hurt you. You can't make them pay.

Michael: No, I can't.

Sam: So we are gonna find this person, this animal, instead.

Carly: You and Sam should have come back with us.

Jason: You're right.

Carly: Franco sent that lei as a warning, and when you and Sam didn't take it seriously, he upped his game.

Jason: I'm looking for him.

Carly: You're not gonna find him till he's ready.

Jason: I got to make sure that everything's in place.

Carly: I hope that son of a bitch comes after me.

Jason: No, you don't.

Carly: Yes, I do! He raped my son! He sent an animal after Michael in prison when he was vulnerable, and it makes me sick to my stomach how Michael was violated!

Jason: Will you just stop talking about it?!

Carly: It's not gonna stop, Jason! He's gonna keep coming! You have too many people you care about, too many--

Jason: You don't think I know he should be dead right now?! I know! Everything he's done is on me! [Sighs]

Carly: I didn't realize how badly Franco was getting to you.

Jason: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose it.

Carly: Is something else going on?

Jason: Just don't--don't take any chances, okay?

Carly: I wouldn't. Yeah, I'd love to rip his head off, but I get it. I'm a mom. I wouldn't risk it.

Jason: Okay. That's good.

Carly: I guess there's no point in asking you to be careful.

Jason: This thing's never gonna end until...I end it, you know.

Carly: I hope you didn't think I was blaming you.

Jason: You should blame me.

Carly: For what?

Jason: For not killing him when I had the chance.

Carly: God, I wish I was wrong. So wrong. Wish I were wrong about everything, you know? I wish Franco was still in Toronto, and then we had--we were safe, and that you and Sam had this great honeymoon.

Jason: I just...I just wanted to take her back to someplace she loved, you know? Give her something good after all she's given me, and I led her right into a trap.

Carly: Hey, Sam is a big girl. She loves you. She wanted to stay with you in Hawaii. It was her choice.

Jason: Where'd you get that?

Carly: I don't know. It was in Josslyn's things.

Jason: Did you bring it back from Hawaii?

Carly: That's the first time I saw it. Yeah. Why?

Jason: It's a camera.

Carly: Camera for what?

Jason: Franco must have taken the rest after...

Carly: After what?

Shawn: We okay in here?

Carly: Yeah. Where's Josslyn?

Shawn: Having breakfast with Mercedes. [Chuckles] She drew this for you.

Carly: He was there, you know. Franco was in Hawaii.

Shawn: Yeah, I know.

Carly: You knew Franco was back? Since when?

Shawn: Jason called me on his way to the airport, asked me to keep an eye on you and Joss.

Jason: Just wanted to make sure you were safe.

Carly: Okay.

Jason: I'm gonna go check on Sam. Just be safe, okay?

Carly: Mm. You too.

Shawn: Look, try not to think about Franco, okay? That's my job.

Carly: You know, um, maybe you should start punching the clock or wearing some kind of a of those orange jackets, so I know exactly when you're working.

Shawn: It's not like that.

Carly: I wouldn't know what the hell it's like. See, I can't figure out when you're working and when you're actually spending time with me.

Michael: Sam, it's not too late to back out of this case if you're not ready.

Sam: Oh, I'm ready.

Michael: Okay.

[Knock on door]

Sam: Hey.

Monica: Hi, Sam.

Michael: Hey.

Monica: Oh, hi.

Sam: Come on. Please come in.

Monica: Oh, good. You're here. Saves me a trip.

Michael: What's going on?

Monica: Well, I would like to invite you and Abby for Thanksgiving dinner.

Michael: Oh, that sounds great, but actually my mom's doing something at her place.

Monica: Oh, well, I know

Michael: Sure. Yeah. Let me talk to Abby, and I'll get back to you.

Monica: Oh, good.

Michael: Thanks for the invite.

Monica: My pleasure.

Michael: I'll call you.

Sam: Okay.

Michael: Okay.

Sam: Hey, Michael...thank you. I needed this.

Monica: And that was the reason I stopped by, is to invite you and Jason over for dinner. You're family now, so it would mean an awful lot to me.

Sam: Yeah. Um, sure. Um, I'll mention it to Jason.

Monica: Good. Good. Actually, I was sort of surprised to see him at the hospital the other night. I thought you two would still be in Hawaii on your honeymoon.

Sam: No, we had to come back. Jason hasn't actually--you know, he needed a checkup.

Monica: I know. He was supposed to. He just didn't get a chance.

Sam: Wait a minute. What do you mean he didn't get a chance?

Monica: Well, for the checkup. I think that's kind of my fault. I should have realized.

Sam: Realized what, exactly?

Monica: Oh, well, I don't know if you heard about an incident where Lisa Niles attacked Elizabeth, threw her overboard.

Sam: Yeah, um, Spinelli mentioned something to me about it, but he said that she was gonna be okay.

Monica: Well, yes, but not before there were some complications. Her fever spiked. She started hallucinating. She was, uh--she was calling for Jake. And, uh, while I was paging her brother, Jason overheard, so he went to her.

Sam: And he calmed her down?

Monica: Yeah. He was the only one who could.

Sam: Yeah, well, Jason's...good at taking care of other people.

Monica: Well, it's not his job to take care of Elizabeth. You should be his priority now.

Maxie: Why does everything have to go wrong when I'm around Kate?

Matt: I don't know what you're worried about. I was the one who took down half the winter collection.

Maxie: Help me get this dress off before another disaster happens.

Matt: Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking about, actually. It's amazing how we're on the same, uh--same wavelength.

Maxie: I'm really starting to like this look.

Matt: Yeah. I like it now. Starting to lose all control.

Maxie: Ooh.

Matt: Duh duh duh duh duh.

Maxie: Oh! Take it off.

Matt: Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh--oh!

Maxie: [Laughing] Yeah, you are right. Really staring to lose all control.

Matt: Are you just gonna sit there and laugh at me? Just wait. I can move this. I can--come here! Come here!

Maxie: [Laughs]

Man: Delivery for Kate Howard.

Kate: You can just set it over there. [Sighing] Oh, boy.

Man: Ahem.

Kate: Oh. Guess I'll sign for it 'cause my useless assistant is never here to do anything, including signing for packages.

Man: Thank you.

Diane: Well, this behavior is...surprising.

Sonny: I'm not doing anything.

Diane: Exactly. There's no breaking of barware. You're not punching any walls. You're actually fine.

Sonny: Why wouldn't I be?

Diane: Oh, I don't know. The woman you've loved half your life has just filed for divorce.

Sonny: The marriage ended when she left. These--these are just papers, right?

Diane: And you're not upset by them.

Sonny: Look, you know what? When she left me and trashed pretty much everything we had, I went a little nuts.

Diane: A little?

Sonny: She walked out on me with Jax, the man I despise. I'm just trying to move forward now, Diane.

Diane: Yes. But it's not moving forward if you revisit an old mess.

Sonny: What are you talking about?

Diane: Kate. I'm talking about Kate.

Sonny: Kate and I are fine.

Diane: Revisiting your relationship with Kate is a giant step backwards.

Sonny: I don't see it that way.

Diane: Last time, it nearly killed the both of you. And this time, it might just succeed. Sign the papers...and get them back to Alexis.

[Both chuckling]

Matt: Be honest with me. Be very honest. What turns you on more--me or this roomful of dresses?

Maxie: Hmm, that is a tough one.

Matt: Oh, great. Great. Really?

Maxie: I would have to! Don't be stupid.

Matt: [Chuckles]

Maxie: Although the dresses don't hurt.

Matt: No, they don't hurt. In fact, they were kind of nice. They're nice and cushiony and--

Maxie: Feels good on your butt.

Matt: They did. I feel like the sultan of Brunei. There is so much silk.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Matt: I miss you.

Maxie: Yeah? Well, I haven't gone anywhere.

Matt: I-I know. I know. I just--I miss this. I feel like lately you and I have

Maxie: We're busy people, you know.

Matt: Yeah, we are. It's just been like--it's like two signals crossing, you know.

Maxie: Okay, well, we're here now.

Matt: Yes, we are.

Maxie: Mm-hmm.

Matt: And I'm very glad that I agreed to do this.

Maxie: Really? 'Cause you didn't seem like you were that into it.

Matt: Well, I'm not so into the fashion part of it, but if it means--

Maxie: Oh, no!

Matt: What? What? What? What?

Maxie: The dress.

Matt: What? There's a roomful of dresses.

Maxie: No, the dress that I was wearing, the one that's worth more than my salary in an entire year.

Matt: Okay, yeah. It looked great on you.

Maxie: Yeah, okay, but now it's wrapped around a wheel, and I can't get it loose without ripping it.

Matt: It'll be fine.

Maxie: It is not okay! Kate is gonna murder me.

Maxie: What the hell was I thinking?!

Matt: I can only imagine.

Shawn: I just didn't want you to start freaking out about Franco.

Carly: Nice avoidance. It's your best skill.

Shawn: Carly. [Sighs] I enjoy your company. No question. But I also have a job to do. And it takes priority. When lines get crossed, mistakes are made, and that is unacceptable where you and Joss are concerned.

Carly: What about that story you told me about your dad and how it was for you growing up? I mean, it felt like something real was happening there.

Shawn: Everything I told you was real.

Carly: Except why you told me. You had to get close to me, right? Isn't that what Jason told you to do?

Jason: [Sighs] Hey.

Sam: Hi.

Jason: I'm...glad you're still here. I thought maybe we could, uh, I don't know, go get some lunch or something.

Sam: Lunch.

Jason: Yeah, or maybe just, you know, go for a walk, just get out of here.

Monica: Hi, Jason.

Jason: Hey.

Sam: Um, your mother actually came by to invite us to Thanksgiving dinner.

Monica: Yes, Alice always wants to know how many pizzas she has to order.

Jason: That's--thank you, but, I think, uh, Sam and I would like to spend Thanksgiving this year alone.

Sam: Actually, Jason, I was just about to tell your mom that I thought it was a great idea. I mean, I think it would be really nice to spend Thanksgiving with your family.

Sonny: Goodbye, Brenda. [Sighs]

[Telephone rings]

Sonny: [Sighs] Hello?

Kate: So, I can expect a gift every hour, on the hour, until I agree to go to the Caribbean with you?

Sonny: Who is this?

Kate: Mm. What is it this time, Sonny? A sarong? Sun block?

Sonny: Did you open my box?

Kate: No.

Sonny: Did you at least read the--

Kate: Will you just tell me what it is?

Sonny: [Chuckles] Remember [Chuckles] Remember when you asked me if we were going for business or pleasure?

Kate: Yes, you said both.

Sonny: Okay, well, the business part of it is 100% taken care of.

Kate: The divorce?

Sonny: Diane came by with the papers. Brenda filed them. I signed it. Done.

Kate: So the trip is off.

Sonny: Well, I didn't know if it was on. Kate, you there? Hello?

Kate: Yeah. You know, I, uh--I looked into my schedule, and I would have been able to get off a few days.

Sonny: Good, good. Then we'll go to a different island.

Kate: I'm not going to your island, Sonny. I won't be one of the many.

Sonny: Would you open the box at least?

Kate: Fine. Ooh. [Chuckles]

Sonny: What are you doing?

Kate: Nice bow.

Sonny: Ah. Yeah. Yeah. You like that, huh?

Kate: Oh.

Sonny: What?

Kate: Oh, a scarf. Look, I know some people call me cold, but--

Sonny: Okay, listen to me. It was very clear to me that the only obstacle that we have is the past. So, you know, what I wanted to do was go on a trip, the island where it all started for us.

Carly: I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so if I'm wrong about this or whatever I think this is, can you just tell me, please?

Shawn: This isn't my first time working as a bodyguard. It's the nature of the job to get to know the person well--sometimes too well. You overhear private conversations. You start to anticipate their actions, even moods.

Carly: You can anticipate my mood?

Shawn: Well, if I could, we'd avoid having conversations like we're having now.

Carly: Just answer the question. Do I make you feel uncomfortable?

Shawn: [Sighs] You are the most interesting person I've ever guarded. Can we just leave it at that?

Carly: No, we can't. Because every time I think something is happening between us, Shawn, I find out that you're being paid to hang around. And I care about you, and I thought you cared about me, and at the risk of embarrassing myself any further...I thought I was more than just a job to you.

Shawn: If you haven't figured it out by're a hell of a lot more to me than just a job.

Matt: Some days, I operate on patients, and some days, I operate on high-couture fashion. And today it seems the patient is going to live!

Maxie: Oh, thank you. You are a life saver.

Matt: Mm. Think I'm gonna put that on my business card, if you don't mind.

Maxie: [Chuckles] You know, I know what I'm thankful for this Thursday.

Matt: What? Let me guess. The dress.

Maxie: That and you. And that we're all safe and healthy and that that psycho bitch Lisa Niles is dead. I'm sorry they ever found her body.

Matt: Yeah, I, uh, couldn't agree with you more on that one.

Maxie: Here. Try this.

Matt: What am I trying?

Maxie: Turn around. This jacket.

Matt: What, does this match your dress or something?

Maxie: No, this is the best suit that Cartullo makes, and it's designed specifically for very important, powerful men.

Matt: And me.

Maxie: Especially you. Okay? You are who you are, and you don't apologize for it. You don't let anybody stand in your way.

Matt: [Sighs] You know, I don't know if I can, um, if I'm gonna be--

Kate: Oh, look, you're still here.

Maxie: Hey.

Kate: You neglected to return to your desk, complete any of your tasks, so you have forced me to notify you face-to-face.

Maxie: Kate, uh, please. You don't want to fire me. I mean, this photo shoot is gonna be epic, and I've already booked all your appointments--

Kate: Cancel them.

Maxie: But I've already confirmed them.

Kate: Reschedule. Use some tact, finesse. Use it as your last opportunity to prove yourself.

Maxie: That implies that I still have a job?

Kate: I should fire you, Maxie.

Maxie: No.

Kate: I should walk away while I still can.

Maxie: No, you shouldn't.

Kate: No?

Maxie: No.

Kate: Hmm. I guess I'm just crazy enough to give you another chance.

Maxie: [Gasps] Thank you! Thank you! You will not regret it!

Kate: Remains to be seen.

Maxie: Kate, um, where are you going?

Kate: Back to where it all started.

[Door opens]

Jason: I didn't--I didn't know you were here.

Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. I figured that. Something happen?

Jason: Well, I can't find Franco.

Sonny: Isn't that what he does? He gets in your head, then he disappears.

Jason: Yeah. I'll deal with it.

Sonny: Are you sure? 'Cause I was gonna go out of town. I can reschedule.

Jason: Where are you going?

Sonny: Taking Kate to the city.

Jason: That's nice.

Sonny: I haven't heard that in a long time.

Jason: Heard what?

Sonny: That word. I mean, it's--you say it when you don't know what to say or when you don't give a damn. You say, "that's nice."

Jason: Well, I didn't mean it that way. I know that Kate's, you know, helped you and you said everything's been good, and you look better and you're doing good, so, yeah, just take her.

Sonny: You see the papers on top of the desk there, the divorce papers from Brenda? I signed them. I didn't even need a drink to do it.

Jason: You okay?

Sonny: Well, I'm trying to be okay, and that's an improvement from wanting to burn down my life. But the question here is, are you okay?

Jason: I don't want to burn down my life.

Sonny: There's something going on here. Is it more than just Franco or--

Jason: That's not enough? Franco's not enough?

Sonny: Well...I forget sometimes that you were never a kid and you don't know how to experience being it messes with your head, how you turn, you know, the person who hurt you into a monster and build them up stronger than he really is. You think you can never win, that he's gonna be one step ahead of you. But...truth is...abusers, psychopath--they can die like anybody else. All you got to do is take them to an alley, put two caps in their head, and the power's gone.

Jason: Just because they're dead doesn't're free.

[Door opens, closes]

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