General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/8/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Lulu: Well, welcome home.
Dante: Nice.
Lulu: Sorry it's such a mess. Once a slob, always a slob.
Dante: No, are you kidding me? This is great. I mean, it looks lived in you, which is amazing. Okay? I don't need, like, a "welcome home" banner or anything. I just wanted to walk in the door with my fiancée--preferably after we told the whole family that we were getting married, but...
Lulu: I'm sorry.
Dante: Yeah, I know. I thought the party was a good time to do it, you know, but you stopped me.
Lulu: Well, there was a lot of stuff going on. Max and Diane were drunk, and Sonny took off, and your mom...
Dante: What? What about--what did my mom do?
Lulu: No, she didn't do--she's just, um...she wasn't feeling good, and she had a couple of weird dizzy spells. I don't know. She seemed kind of out of it all night. I think maybe you should call her.
Dante: Okay.
Kate: Come on, Sonny. Indulge me. I want to hear that song played.
Sonny: I don't want to.
Kate: Oh, let me guess. You don't remember.
Sonny: No, I just don't want to go down, you know, memory lane. I mean, we've been doing that lately,'s painful.
Kate: It's painful?
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: It's painful to remember our time together?
Sonny: I didn't say that. I loved our time together. It's just--it's the rest of my life that's a mess.
Kate: Mm. Well, the only way to get past all that mess is to confront it and face your past.
Sonny: What if I want to face the future?
Carly: Michael's already paid for Claudia's death--and then some.
Johnny: Michael isn't the one who pushed Claudia past the point of desperation and made her do all those crazy things.
Carly: Like taking me hostage and trying to steal my daughter? I hope you're not trying to say you blame me for Claudia's death.
Jason: What'd you do to her?!
[TV clicks, static]
[Ukulele strumming]
Jason: What the hell did you do to her?!
Dante: Our family obligations are done for the night. My mother is fine. Kristina's on her way to New Haven to start her new life.'re right, by the way. It's good that we didn't...announce tonight on her big night. I'm just--I'm impatient.
Lulu: I know. I know.
Dante: It's good I didn't hire that...plane with the banner, "Lulu Spencer said yes."
Lulu: [Groans]
Dante: [Groans]
Lulu: [Laughs]
Dante: Okay. But now that it is just you and me and we don't have to share the news with anybody be honest with you, I-I wouldn't mind it if you did tell me that you wanted to marry me again, because I kind of feel like maybe you don't.
Lulu: I mean, this is--this where I was gonna say yes. This is--this is where I was gonna tell you that I wanted to marry you, and it was gonna be the happiest night of my life. But...
Dante: I know. Okay, why don't--why don't you just tell me...what I missed, then?
Lulu: Um...well, I set up the table, and I decorated it, and there's,, a whole chandelier hanging from it, don't know. I tracked down all these props to make it look like the proposal scene at the opera. And I called like 10 different places to get the champagne that we loved from the limo.
Dante: Yeah, from the limo, on the way to Manhattan. The driver came back and busted us.
Lulu: Yes, because champagne makes me do crazy things.
Dante: Yeah, like say yes to my proposal.
Lulu: So, I had a few of them, and I chilled one, and...there was music playing, and I was wearing my dress.
Dante: Yeah. You in that dress. You looked so beautiful. I thought I was dreaming when I saw you in it.
Lulu: I just felt like such an idiot for not saying yes to you the first time that you asked me, so I wanted to do something that would be really special for you, and it would be like your fantasy, like my fantasy.
Dante: Sounds like you did it up pretty good. I can't tell you how sorry I am I missed it.
Lulu: It's weird. I was right here when the phone rang, when I thought it was gonna be you calling, and it was--it was Olivia...saying that you weren't gonna come home.
Kate: The future? It's kind of a vast unknown, don't you think? If we could've seen ours, we probably would have made some different choices.
Sonny: Why don't we just focus on what--who we are now? I'll do that.
Kate: You know, after all these comments you make about Kate Howard being too cold and how you look into my eyes and you see Connie...what is all that, if not looking for the past?
Sonny: I'm just remembering a beautiful girl who turned out to be a beautiful woman. It's not like I want that again, 'cause I can't have it.
Kate: Well...[Chuckles] You know, it seems like you still have some unfinished business back there.
Sonny: You keep bringing that up.
Kate: You bought the house you grew up in.
Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. Probably a mistake.
Kate: No. There was a reason you bought that house. To have that, where you and your mother suffered.
Sonny: You know how impulsive I can be.
Kate: Yeah. I know for you that ownership is power.
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: When you want something or someone, you are relentless until you get it. Then you don't know what to do with it.
Sonny: Yeah, I don't know how to keep it. No. I end up losing...whatever, whoever it is...all over again.
Johnny: I don't blame you for what happened to Claudia. I blame Sonny for pushing her over the edge. I blame my father for putting her there in the first place. And if I'm honest, I guess I blame myself for not helping her enough or trying to save her. I don't know.
Carly: Oh, Claudia was disturbed. I mean, yeah, your father and Sonny didn't help the situation, but, I mean, she was messed up from the beginning. There was nothing you could have done.
Johnny: All Claudia wanted was to be loved. Our father wouldn't even give that to her. He's using all these excuses now. He's justifying it by saying that there's some secret I don't know about her. I don't know.
Carly: Hey, look. Look. You know, we can't save someone else's soul. It's all we can do to save our own.
Johnny: Sometimes you can't help it. Sometimes when you're doomed to failure, you just--you want to see the good. Sometimes you're in too deep, and you see that things can't be fixed. You know, I used to believe that there was no such thing as a lost cause, but...I guess I stand corrected. I guess you're right. I guess the only person we can save is ourselves, right? 'Cause things happen that are beyond our control. Things...happen. You going somewhere?
Carly: [Chuckles]
Shawn: There a problem here?
Johnny: I don't have a problem here. Do you?
Shawn: Yeah, I got a problem.
Johnny: We were just having a conversation.
Carly: I think we're done.
Johnny: I think so. Be careful. You managed to get free of Sonny once. Don't go falling back in old patterns, huh? Old patterns will kill ya!
Carly: Just happened to be in the neighborhood?
Shawn: You're welcome. To answer your question, I was concerned. You know it's not a good idea to go anywhere with Johnny Zacchara, especially after you had a few drinks.
Carly: I can take care of myself, okay? I don't need your help.
Shawn: Yeah, you do. It's my job.
Carly: [Scoffs] It's your job? Thought you were off tonight.
Shawn: Yeah, well, I guess some jobs are 24/7, whether you want them to be or not.
Carly: Oh, so you left your date to come check on poor little me and protect me from big, bad Johnny Zacchara?
Shawn: No, to make sure you got home okay.
Carly: And then what, Shawn?
Shawn: Get you home, make sure you're safe, and to make damn sure you don't get behind the wheel of a car.
Carly: [Laughing] Oh, God. So now you're my designated driver? What, is that a public service or just a mission of mercy?
Shawn: What else do you want it to be?
Carly: No, the question is, what do you want it to be?
Olivia: Well, I guess now's as good a time as any. [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Olivia: Uh, who is it?!
Steve: Just another handsome stranger. You accepting visitors?
Olivia: Um, yeah! Just a second! [Sighs]
Steve: [Chuckles]
Olivia: Well, well, I think you may be, uh, the most handsome stranger that's stopped by here all night.
Steve: Yeah?
Olivia: Mm.
Steve: Mm.
Olivia: [Chuckles] I thought you were working late tonight.
Steve: Yeah, I just got done. I just wanted to come see you. How'd the party for Kristina go?
Olivia: was weird. Uh, probably the less said about that, the better. But Kristina seems happy, and Dante was there, and, uh, you know, seeing my kid walk through that door, happy, on his own two feet--I-I don't know how I'm ever gonna thank you for saving my kid's life.
Steve: Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Steve: You okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Steve: Still look a little pale.
Olivia: I do? Um, yeah, well, you know, Sonny made all that stupid cacciatore. Would have been rude not to make a pig of myself.
Steve: I'm not sure that's it. I know exactly what's going on with you.
Kate: You don't just give up when you've lost something.
Sonny: Especially when it matters to me.
Kate: What about Johnny?
Sonny: What about Johnny?
Kate: Well, he just waltzed out of here with Carly after making a very serious threat.
Sonny: Carly's free to do whatever she wants. She knows better than to push the envelope with Johnny, unlike Kristina.
Kate: Well, Kristina's on her way to Yale, secretly hoping that she got in on her own merit, that it wasn't arranged by her well-intentioned but very intimidating father.
Sonny: Can we--can we not? Can we just not talk about family tonight for once--just concentrate on you and me?
Coleman: Excuse me. Something on the jukebox.
[Coins clatter]
Sonny: Come on.
Kate: What, you want to dance with me now to some random song?
Sonny: Well, you always say to me--you know, you used to say, "live in the moment," right?
Kate: Well, yeah. But I thought we weren't reminiscing tonight.
[Smooth jazz plays]
Coleman: Sorry about that, man. I must have pushed the wrong button. Me and my silly fingers, you know.
Kate: [Laughs] You just killed the music.
Sonny: You don't hear that?
Kate: What?
Sonny: You don't hear the music? Come here. Sounds good, right? You know what that is, what song that is?
Kate: Huh?
Sonny: The first time we ever danced. Hmm?
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Nice, right? Feel it? Hmm?
Jason: Oh, come on.
[Door bangs]
Dante: Last thing I remember, I was in that warehouse. And then I wake up in the hospital. I didn't even know how close I came know. I mean, they told me all the details after the fact. I mean, in a way, I was kind of spared the worst of it all. Unlike you. I mean, you had to see and deal with...everything. I'm sorry. That must have been really scary for you.
Lulu: I was terrified. I love you so much, and the thought of losing you is...
Dante: I'm sorry, okay? I never--I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I don't want to put you in that situation ever again. Look, I'm sorry I ruined your perfect night--our perfect night. Okay? If I could go back and have a do-over, I would, believe me, but I know it wouldn't be the same. We got to try and make new memories. Right? Let's try and end this night the way that night was supposed to end. Where's that ring?
Lulu: [Sniffles]
Dante: You'd make, the happiest guy in the world...if you'd wear this ring when we're together.
Lulu: [Sniffles] Okay.
Dante: Your hand's shaking.
Lulu: Sorry. [Sighs]
Dante: Lulu Spencer...I love you. And I can't wait to make you my wife.
Steve: You are more unsettled about what happened on that boat than you realize. Lisa Niles running around, going after people...suddenly disappearing--that's enough to rattle anyone's cage.
Olivia: I think you're right. I think you're right. I think the whole thing really did just--just kind of freak me out.
Steve: Why don't we sit down and talk about it--get some closure on this, you know? I mean, there are some things we need to talk about.
Olivia: know what? I don't think anyone should ever talk on an empty stomach, and I'm betting that you didn't stop for food on the way home from the hospital.
Steve: You know me too well. I'm a little hungry.
Olivia: Luckily, I got a metric ton of leftovers from Sonny's party. Let me just make you up a plate.
Steve: A metric ton, huh? [Chuckles] [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Steve: [Groans] Hey. I was starting to get worried sick about you. Did you get my message? Well, I need to know when you're gonna get here. The hospital is expecting you. Yeah, there are still people I need to prepare for your arrival. Be ready to start as soon as you get here. [Sighs]
Shawn: I'm taking you home.
Carly: Not until you answer the question.
Shawn: We're not doing this, Carly.
Carly: Why not? What are you afraid of?
Shawn: Oh.
Carly: I don't get it. I know you like girls. Maybe it's a certain type of girl.
Shawn: Don't go there, okay? You don't know the first thing about Ranelle. Just because she works at Vaughn's doesn't mean she's not a good person.
Carly: I didn't say anything about her career choices. She's a stripper. Big deal. I'm sure I could get guys to pay me to take my clothes off. But there's something else Ranelle is that I can never be.
Shawn: What are you talking about?
Carly: That has got to be it.
Shawn: What?
Carly: You can't handle what's going on between us because I'm white.
Jason: Sam?! Sam?! Sam. Hey. Sam. Sam. [Sighs]
Sam: Hey.
Jason: Are you okay?
Sam: Yeah. I'm fine. Why?
Jason: Do you remember what happened?
Sam: What happened? Something happened?
Jason: Just tell me--tell me what you remember.
Sam: Um...I-I came in here with my surprise for you, and I saw the surprise that you got me--the Chinese food and the beer. And--and there was a note.
Jason: Go ahead.
Sam: Well, I-I figured you went get something else, so...I decided to get a shower. Wait, Jason. Why are you asking me all this? You were there. You were there when I was in the shower, so I...okay. Come on. Now you're really starting to freak me out, Jason. What's going on?
Shawn: You think I don't want to be with you because you're not black? What are you, crazy? This has nothing to do with it! Has nothing to do with color or race.
Carly: What about your friend Ranelle, the stripper?
Shawn: What about her? Ranelle is a beautiful woman that happens to also be black. That's not the reason I'm seeing her. I don't even see Ranelle's color when I look at her, to be honest, or what she does for a living. Look, Ranelle is smart, easy to talk to. She's just a good woman who's trying to do the best for her family--a lot like you, actually.
Carly: Okay, fine. But on your night off, you choose to be with her and not me.
Shawn: Your point is what?
Carly: My point is there's something going on between us, Shawn. And it's not just one-sided. It's happened here, it's happened in Hawaii, and you can't deny that it's happening.
Shawn: I didn't.
Carly: Fine! Well, you know what? I don't know what's going on inside your head. I have no idea. You're not the world's best communicator.
Shawn: Look, I'm sorry, all right?
Carly: I'm just trying to figure this out, all right? Are you a player, or are you truly the world's last gentleman?
Shawn: I like door number 2. [Chuckles]
Carly: It's not funny. And I'm not good at being vulnerable. I don't do it well. I'm just trying to decide which one is it.
Shawn: Neither, actually.
Carly: So, are you that true-blue? Follow the rules? A code you can't break, a line you can't cross?
Shawn: That's part of it.
Carly: Fine. What's the rest?
Shawn: Where do you want me to start?
Lulu: Really is a beautiful ring.
Dante: You're what's beautiful. What that ring signifies for us--that's beautiful, too.
Lulu: You're not nervous at all?
Dante: Yeah. [Chuckles] I am, but...a lot of couples don't make it--your mom and dad. But this is us. Our love has got us through everything so far. And it'll get us through anything we encounter in the future. Mm.
Lulu: Okay, wait. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop. You need to recover. You need to rest. And I'm sorry that there's nothing in the fridge. I'm going to go grocery shopping first thing in the morning.
Dante: Whoa. What are you--you're leaving on my first night back? Please. I've spent every--I mean, every night in that damn hospital bed, dreaming about getting back to you and waking up with you and holding you.
Lulu: And...
Dante: Well...
Lulu: That's exactly why I can't stay here, because it's too soon for you to do anything but sleep.
Dante: There's lots of stuff that we can do that involves minimal movement on my part.
Lulu: Really?
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Dante: Come on, I got to try. It's been a long time. If I'm going down in flames, I'm going down in flames, you know?
Lulu: Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but no one's going down anywhere tonight, thank you very much.
Dante: [Groans]
Lulu: But I do feel bad. I don't want to leave you here on your first night back.
Dante: Wait. So, you're gonna stay?
Lulu: On the couch?
Dante: What are you talking--no! Stay in the bed with me. We'll do the invisible-line thing, and I will respect the line.
Lulu: No, you won't. I know--shh. I know you. You're not gonna respect any lines. So, it's gonna be the couch, or I have to go home.
Dante: Fine. Fine. Couch it is. At least we'll be in the same room together, and you can give me a kiss good night, right?
Lulu: Yes, but just that.
[Both chuckle]
Dante: You know, you're one hell of an incentive to get better. I'll tell you that. Mm.
Kate: [Chuckles]
Sonny: Well, you know what?'s over.
Kate: Ah. Oh, yeah.
Sonny: Right?
Kate: Okay. So, um...what happens now?
Sonny: What happened then?
Olivia: Hey, the garlic bread's a little hard, but the rest of it still seems pretty good.
Steve: Smells awesome.
Olivia: Okay. Thank you. Did I hear you on the phone?
Steve: Yeah. Yeah. You know, and, uh...[Chuckles] As great as that looks and smells, I'm not gonna be able to eat it.
Olivia: OH. What? Was something going on at the hospital or something? What?
Steve: Yeah, some kind of screw-up in the ER that I have to get back and straighten out. I'm sorry.
Olivia: It's no problem. No problem. You want me to wrap it to go?
Steve: No, no. That's cool. I'm gonna get something at the hospital, probably. I have to get there. I'm sorry I made you heat it up.
Olivia: No, no, no, it's not a problem. Just go. Go. Do what you need to do. Call me later.
Steve: Yeah. Um, I'm probably gonna be really late. Tomorrow, okay?
Olivia: Okay. Whatever. Just don't work too hard, Doc.
[Door closes]
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: Hey. Why don't we--can we call it--I'm gonna call it a night, okay?
Kate: Is that an invitation to go back to your place?
Sonny: I said, "me." I'm gonna call it a night.
Kate: What? I thought we were having such a good time.
Sonny: Oh, we're having a great time. Oh, no, no, it's great. But it's just that...[Sighs] I just--we got to take this slow, you know--take it day by day. I don't want to rush anything.
Kate: Sonny, come on. How long have we known each other? I don't think at this point anything can be considered rushing.
Sonny: I understand, but you know what? Maybe it's just too good too soon. Maybe I don't feel like I deserve it, or maybe I don't want to go somewhere I don't think we should go yet.
Kate: That's a lot of "maybes." "Maybe, maybe." Maybe you should let me make my own decisions.
Sonny: I know. You're a big girl. I know that. But, you know, it's crazy tonight, you know, with Kristina leaving, and then I walk in here to Carly and Johnny, and, you know, um...I was in a mood, you know.
Kate: Yeah. You're always in a mood.
Sonny: But I tell you what, okay?
Kate: [Chuckles]
Sonny: Listen to me. If we do take this to a place further know...I don't want to do this just 'cause...because I, you know--I'm in a mood, you know? Okay?
Kate: Okay.
Sonny: Do you want me to walk you to your car?
Kate: No. No, I'm gonna...stay here and finish my drink.
Sonny: Okay. Okay. I hope I see you soon...Kate Howard.
Kate: [Sighs]
Coleman: I can't kick out paying customers, but I don't appreciate you using me to get your boy Don Corleone's attention, all right? And for the record...I'm sick and tired of being his flunky.
Kate: Well, I don't control Sonny.
Coleman: Yeah, well, there's a boatload of other bars in this town. Yeah. So I think you better take whatever's going on between the two of you and go to one of those.
Kate: I happen to like this bar, Coleman. You know, it feels like...home. So I'm very sorry if you're jealous.
Coleman: [Chuckles] Wow! You really are an ice queen, aren't you? But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The only place you were ever hot was in the sack. So, why don't you finish your drink and get out of here? [Scoffs]
Shawn: Even if watching out for you wasn't part of my job and I could cross that line, I wouldn't. You're drunk. It would be taking advantage of you.
Carly: What are you, the party police? That's like the 10th time you've mentioned how much I had to drink tonight. Yeah, I had too many drinks. Big deal!
Shawn: But even if you weren't drunk, you're also still married.
Carly: Technically!
Shawn: Legally! You're still pissed at Jax for what went down with Joss. You're still angry with Sonny for the extreme measures he took with Jax. And even if you didn't want to admit it, you're not too thrilled about Jason getting married and abandoning you.
Carly: So now you're using my other relationships as an excuse for your lack of interest?
Shawn: Look, I'm just saying what I see.
Carly: Okay. All right. But you know what? If you're not interested, then stop acting like you are. Stop showing up every time I need you. Just stop.
Shawn: You wouldn't want to get involved with me anyway. Trust me.
Carly: Yeah, is this where it's the "it's not you, Carly--it's me"? Is this where you're gonna let me down easy?
Shawn: If you would just let me explain, please.
Carly: I'm not gonna let you explain.
Shawn: Of course.
Carly: If you're not interested, then you be a man and you look me in the eye. You look me in the eye, and you tell me that there's absolutely no attraction between the two of us.
Jason: Just tell me everything that you--that you remember.
Sam: Are you kidding me? You're really not gonna tell me what's going on right now? Okay. Um...fine. I, um...I don't know, Jason. I guess I'm...I guess I must have had a little bit too much sun yesterday, because when I came in here and I had one of those beers you left me, it felt like it went straight to my head. And I...I came in here, and I took off my necklace. And I-I went to go...get a shower. And I remember I kind of--I kind of felt a little dizzy. And I felt like someone was there. I mean, you were there, Jason. You were outside of the shower. I don't know. That's kind of where everything starts to get strange. It...God, I feel like this is all happening to someone else right now. I...I don't know. The next thing I remember, you were in bed with me. Come on, Jason. You have to tell me what's going on now. Please tell me.
Jason: [Sighs] It--it wasn't me in bed with you. It feels totally different from regular toothpaste.
Olivia: Plus sign means you're pregnant, minus sign means you are...not pregnant. Here goes nothing.
[Knock on door]
Carly: You can't even look at me! What are you looking at, Shawn?
Shawn: You need to go--now.
Carly: No. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on. Shawn. What are you looking at?
Sam: I don't understand what you're talking about, Jason. It was you. You were here.
Jason: You just got to listen to me. I didn't leave that note for you. Okay? I wasn't here. It wasn't me in the bed with you.
Sam: What do you mean, it wasn't you? Then who was it?
Jason: It was Franco.
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