GH Transcript Tuesday 11/1/11

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/1/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Maxie: [Chuckles] I can't believe you did all this. I mean, you really made the place sparkle like magic. Who knew you were so romantic?

Spinelli: Well, it pales in comparison to Maximista's radiance.

Maxie: Spinelli.

Spinelli: Here to offer birthday greetings.

Maxie: Oh, yeah, I just thought...never mind. Thank you. It's definitely a surprise.

Spinelli: Because the person you hoped to see is your man friend, Dr. Hunter.

Matt: Hi.

Elizabeth: [Groans]

Matt: Do you know who I am?

Elizabeth: Matt.


Matt: Good. You're in ICU. Do you know how you got here?

Elizabeth: Yeah, Lisa.

Matt: Yeah, she chloroformed you, and she threw you off the boat. Yeah, you washed up on shore, and Spinelli found you.

Elizabeth: No. No. No, it--it--

Matt: That's okay. It's okay. Hey, hey, hey. Crazy bitch is gone. You don't have to worry about Niles ever again.

Lulu: Excuse me. Were you absent when the academy had sensitivity training?

Dante: Uh, Lulu.

Lulu: I mean, in case you hadn't noticed, because you're blinded by ambition, he is recovering from a gunshot wound that took out part of his lung.

Off. Padilla: Yeah, I'm aware of that.

Lulu: So are you gunning for rookie of the week or something? You couldn't wait to hammer him with questions while he's in a hospital bed?

Dante: She's fierce, yeah. Baby, I-I asked Padilla to come.

Sonny: You kept that?

Kate: Of course I did. I'm not sure why. Memories, I guess.

[Door closes]

Diane: I'm gonna help myself.

Sonny: Yeah, I can see that.

Diane: So, I just got off a plane...

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Diane: ...From Europe. Okay, I'm not even gonna ask about that. Just put it away...and we'll never mention it again.

Sonny: Hail to the conquering writer.

[Diane laughs]

Sonny: Fresh off her first book. How was it?

Diane: Exhausting. I was shuttled about, subjected to endless parades of sycophants and hucksters and parasites.

Sonny: Are you here to tell me that you're done with it?

Diane: Are you kidding me? I loved every second of it. No, I am here to tell you that I, um--I ran into Brenda when I was in Italy, and we had quite the little chat about you.

Sonny: Really?

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: I'm not interested.

Diane: Don't speak too soon. She asked about you. You sure you don't want to know what was said? I was speaking at a symposium on women writing in the Detective genre when, imagine my surprise, up walks Alec and Brenda. Brenda had seen an announcement about the panel, and she came to congratulate me. Naturally, my first response was one of suspicion, because Brenda never had any use for me while she was here. But it quickly became clear that she really wanted to talk about you.

Sonny: Well, it's none of her business, 'cause, you know, she made her choice.

Diane: The funny thing was is that I didn't realize it was Brenda at first.

Sonny: Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Diane: And part of that was because it was context, you know. I mean, someone is not where they are supposed to be, so you don't recognize them as being who they are. This is excellent scotch, by the way.

Sonny: Are you just gonna keep talking, or are you gonna finish it at some point?

Diane: The other part was that Brendan was dressed completely differently--colors, a nice dress with heels. She didn't look like a fugitive anymore.

Sonny: Right.

Diane: Of course, even when she was wearing those ridiculous shirts with the sleeves, you know, down to here, she managed to look spectacular, which is obscenely unfair to the rest of us. Anyone else would have been arrested for crimes against fashion. And then there was the boy. Children grow so quickly at that age.

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Diane: Alec is a real kid. He's a little person who can carry on an intelligent conversation. Of course, he's very precocious. We know where he gets that from.

Sonny: I don't care about what you're talking about, Diane, so why do you keep talking?

Diane: So, the three of us went walking into the Piazza di Pietra, and Brenda was telling me how she's really cutting back on her work and her charity events so that she can devote more time to being a mother. And I must say, it agrees with her. She positively glows with love for her son.

Sonny: What do I--what do I have to do, seriously, to stop you from rambling about something I don't want to hear about?

Diane: The real surprise about Brenda, though, is, relaxed she is.

Sonny: Yeah.

Diane: How at peace, how happy. She made the right decision, leaving you, Sonny, and I'm here to tell you with authority that Brenda's not pining away.

Sonny: That's what you've been wanting to do, right? That's the arrow you've been wanting to sling at me. You feel better? Good. Guzzle up my liquor, okay? And get the hell out of here.

Diane: Oh, Sonny. I'm just getting started.

[Anthony coughs]

Johnny: You don't look so good, Pop.

Anthony: I feel worse. This hole in my gut is causing trouble I didn't see coming. You know, like that--that bitch who inflicted the damage.

Johnny: Still trying to figure out, was it intentional or just dumb luck that the 2x4 Lisa hit you with came equipped with a rusty nail? We need to get you looked at. You could come down with lockjaw or something worse. Not that the silence wouldn't be golden.

Anthony: [Chuckles] You better be nice to me. I know things.

Johnny: So do I. I know you woke a deranged woman out of a coma. How's that working out for you, by the way, huh?

Anthony: Do you have to rub it in at a time like this? Any sight of her?

Johnny: Nothing.

Anthony: Don't expect there will be.

Johnny: Don't know.

Anthony: I could use some help. Maybe try that quack louse over at mercy.

[Johnny laughs]

Anthony: Well, he'd be better than nothing.

Johnny: No go. The malpractice suit--he killed himself, or at least that's what I'm assuming.

Anthony: We got to get somebody in-house.

Johnny: I got someone.

Anthony: You did? Who?

Johnny: Let's just say he's somebody with something very big to hide.

Matt: You're stabilized for now. So, I'm just gonna stay with you for a little bit, keep an eye on you. I'm gonna talk. Don't feel obligated to talk back. I just want you to know that you're not alone. You don't have to worry about Lisa anymore. Live by the sword, die by the sword. She got exactly what was coming to her. You know, the one person that I would have wanted to have on my arm that night and to share that entire celebration with was the one person that I told not to show up. Maxie. Infuriating, glorious Maxie.

[Spinelli sighs]

Maxie: This is really sweet, Spinelli, and I can tell that you put a lot of effort and trouble into everything. And I appreciate it. I really do, but...okay, look, I don't want to hurt you any more or lead you on, so I'm just gonna be brutally honest.

Spinelli: Well, you may speak your heart without regard to my feelings.

Maxie: No, never without regard. It's--okay. Here goes. I spent the entire day turning down dinner invitations from my friends and family because I really wanted to spend the night with Matt. I don't know why. He's been 10 different kinds of rude to me, and throwing Elizabeth into the mix, well, that's borderline unforgivable. But, um...[Chuckles] I don't know. I guess, lucky for Matt, I'm a bigger person, and, uh...which is not to say that he doesn't owe me. He does, big-time. And I intend to collect. I mean, he's definitely doing the "Woman Behind the Man" feature. The least he can do is put me back in Kate's good graces...who got me a gift, by the way.

Spinelli: Who? Kate?

Maxie: Yeah, a really awesome gift.

Spinelli: That is very nice.

Maxie: "Nice"? It's an Ares Gainsbourg.

Spinelli: Oh.

Maxie: I mean, it cost a small fortune. All I could do is look at the catalogs and try not to drool over it. But Kate--she just hands it over, which is really weird and--and unexpected because she's been really, well, exasperated with me lately. I don't know. Why would she just hand over an expensive, highly coveted bag?

Spinelli: Maybe 'cause it's your birthday?

Maxie: No, Kate doesn't do birthdays.

Spinelli: Well, perhaps it's best not to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth.

Maxie: Well, I guess whatever ulterior motive Kate had, it's lucky for me, 'cause I get to keep the bag.

Spinelli: Precisely.

Maxie: No, okay, Spinelli, the point is that I really want to spend the night with Matt.

Spinelli: Do you ever ponder fate?

Maxie: Um, I-I don't ponder much.

Spinelli: [Chuckles] Well, it just seems to me that fate's been a big part of our relationship, even as recent as party night.

Maxie: Okay, you've lost me.

Spinelli: Well, I opted to take you on a midnight picnic rather than delivering you to the boat, and that turned out to be for the best because, well, I mean, let's face it. Lisa Niles is not your biggest fan, so who knows what would've happened had you run into her and her quiver of syringes.

Steve: I have gone out on a limb to get you this position, so where the hell are you? Fair warning. Don't screw me.

Olivia: I need you to talk me out of telling the truth.

[Knock on door]

Mrs. MacInerny: [Scoffs] You're still thinking about visiting the churchyard, despite all I've told you.

Lucky: Well, you haven't told me everything, just a few vague warnings about I don't know what.

Mrs. MacInerny: Oh.

Lucky: What's so bad about a churchyard?

Mrs. MacInerny: There are things I--things I can't talk about.

Lucky: Is it because I'm an outsider?

Mrs. MacInerny: 'Cause they're not to be talked about. You speak a thing, it hears. It comes. Better to keep a closed mind.

Lucky: Like Pandora's box. Open the lid, and out come all the demons?

Mrs. MacInerny: You mock.

Lucky: That's not my intention. I'm just trying to understand. I mean, I've come all this way.

Mrs. MacInerny: We cling to the old ways for fear of what might happen if we gave them up.

Lucky: You mean the church?

Mrs. MacInerny: Older. [Chuckles] At least older than that. Was it your wife's?

Lucky: Uh, it was her great-uncle's. And, uh, this handkerchief--this belonged to her great-grandmother.

Mrs. MacInerny: Given all that, she should've known better than to send you after things.

Lucky: And there was this, too. You have one in your pocket. What's it for?

Steve: It's not like you to avoid telling the truth, even when it hurts.

Olivia: So, is, uh--is that your really nice way of telling me I got a big mouth?

Steve: You have a perfect mouth.

[Olivia laughs]

Steve: I love your mouth.

Olivia: You flatterer.

Steve: [Chuckles] What's bugging you?

Olivia: Sonny invited Dante and Lulu over to his house tonight to celebrate Kristina getting accepted at Yale.

Steve: Sounds like a worthy cause.

Olivia: I'm trying to convince Dante not to go.

Steve: How come?

Olivia: Because my son has just escaped his second brush with death. I want him to--to--to enjoy this gift that he's been given. You know, I--I want my son to have as happy and as normal a life as he possibly can under the circumstances, you know? And I think he's really got a shot to do that with Lulu. He should be spending this night with her, celebrating with the woman that he loves, not--not sitting around at Sonny's house, getting sucked back into his web.

Steve: It's one dinner.

[Olivia sighs]

Steve: I think Kristina wants Dante there.

Olivia: Okay. So, basically, what you're saying is I should shut my mouth, suck it up, stop being an overbearing Italian mother. It's okay. No. No, no, no. And--and--who knows? [Chuckles] Maybe Sonny's motives are completely pure, and maybe he's just being inclusive for Kristina's sake, right?

Steve: It's probably not a good idea to let your guard down all the way. He's a loose cannon. I mean, he's not above manipulating the people who love him. Maybe he's trying to cover his butt--the garage shooting or something he has planned that he hasn't done yet.

Olivia: Lord, you're getting as cynical as me.

Steve: Personal experience. People will go to great lengths to cover something up that they don't want the wrong people looking into.

Dante: I think it's safe to say I walked in on something I wasn't supposed to see.

Off. Padilla: It would appear that way, yeah.

Dante: Well, I think it's pretty certain.

Off. Padilla: Okay.

Dante: In your investigation, you've come up with nothing so far, right?

Off. Padilla: No, unfortunately not.

Dante: Okay, I'm just saying I was shot in the lung, and the bullet took a piece of my lung with it as a little souvenir.

Off. Padilla: Mm-hmm.

Dante: So, I think I deserve to know why I lost that vital body part.

Off. Padilla: Hey, your father's warehouse--ask him. [Scoffs]

Lulu: Now I know why you want to go to Sonny's. 'Cause you're already back at work.

Sonny: You come into my house, running off at the mouth about a topic you know I don't want you to go near at all. You're flapping your mouth about Brenda, how happy she is, who she's with, whatever. Okay? I got to ask myself why.

Diane: Well, I thought you would be interested, Brenda being the eternal love and all.

Sonny: And on top of that, you're snarky about it. That's fine, okay. Why would you risk billable hours, all your shoes...

[Diane laughs]

Sonny: ...To, you know, talk about a subject that you know is dangerous, unless you're fronting for somebody, somebody who wants to shove it in my face how happy Brenda is.

Diane: Okay, now I really have no idea what your fevered brain is cooking up.

Sonny: Somebody who worked Brenda so much against me, who'd use his own daughter to get her sympathy, who tore her down to the point that she had to get on that damn plane!

Diane: You think I'm an emissary for Jax?

Sonny: Well, you know what? Maybe Jax needs me to know that he won.

Diane: Have you gone completely insane?!

Sonny: No, I haven't.

Diane: Jax is dead. You should know better than anyone else--you killed him!

Sonny: I didn't drive that plane. That was--hey! Last thing I knew, they didn't find the body!

Diane: Bodies are never found when you kill people, Sonny! I just assumed that you have handled Jax with your usual dispatch and that he is well and truly dead, unless, of course, you are now telling me something different.

Sonny: If Jax is not dead, why are you flapping your mouth about Brenda?

Diane: Because every contact I had with anyone in Port Charles while I was in Europe has let me know that you are out of control.

Sonny: Ah, pff!

Diane: It is time to accept what happened with Brenda and let it go, Sonny. Stop using her as an excuse to just lash out at every wrong ever done to you. I warned you a million times that marrying Brenda was a mistake that could only lead to full-scale disaster. And if you would get your head out of your own scary angst for just one second, you would see that I was right. And you might find a way to be grateful that Brenda and Alec got out of your life with theirs intact, relatively undamaged. And you might also own up that you're kind of glad that the boy's gone.

Sonny: What is that supposed to mean, Diane?

Diane: It means that you distanced yourself from Alec from day one. You never wanted him around.

Sonny: That's not true.

Diane: Which is fascinating, because biology has never been a prerequisite to being taken into your brood so far.

Sonny: You done?

Kate: Oh, hi.

Sonny: Hey.

Diane: Oh.

Kate: I'm so sorry to interrupt. I just, uh--I should've called. I left my bag here earlier. Excuse me.

Diane: And I have been eyeing it, green with envy, ever since I got here. Hello.

Sonny: Diane was just leaving, actually.

Diane: How have you been?

Kate: I'm great. How are you?

Sonny: Diane was just--

Diane: I just got back from my first European international book tour.

Kate: Is that right?

Diane: [Chuckling] Yes.

Kate: When can we expect the next one?

Diane: Not for a long, long time.

Sonny: Good, you can focus on your real job--you know, the one that pays you whether you work or not?

Diane: Yes, about that. I, um--I've decided to branch out, explore new opportunities. I'm taking my writing in a different direction--journalism...of a sort.

Sonny: That's--that's unacceptable.

Diane: You don't get a vote.

Sonny: If you're a reporter, that's conflict of interest.

Diane: Actually, no, it's not--not in the way that you think, anyway. I'm starting to write a gossip column.

[Sonny laughs]

Diane: Do you find that amusing?

Sonny: It's--it's just like a gossip column--are you going through a midlife crisis?

[Diane laughs]

Sonny: 'Cause you're a great attorney. Why would you want to waste your time with, like, gossip crap?

Diane: Well, my life expectancy will be higher, for one thing. And it's cleaner. And I really think that that about says it all, when writing a gossip column is more respectable than my current day job.

Sonny: Okay. You know what? Do what you got to do. That's fine, as long as it doesn't interfere with my business.

Diane: Oh. Excuse me. No worries about that, Sonny. [Sighs] My letter of resignation. I wish I could say it had been a pleasure. Of course...the fashion perks, oh, I'll miss those. [Chuckles] And the scotch. I have found a whole new way to express myself and be happy, Sonny. And so has b--so has Brenda. When will you?

Lulu: I'm worried. I don't think that you're respecting what your body's been through. I am concerned that you're going back to work too soon.

Dante: Okay. I'm sorry. Maybe I brought Padilla in here a little early, but time is not on our side here. Every day that passes, the trail gets colder. I-I might not even be able to tie the bullet back to the shooter.

Lulu: Well, then let it go, please.

Dante: I know this is taking a toll on you.

Lulu: Well, yeah, I don't happen to like it when my boyfriend almost dies.

Dante: Actually, it's fiancé, and I'm sorry our night was ruined.

Lulu: It doesn't matter.

Dante: Yeah, it does. It matters. I'm gonna make it better. I'm gonna get down on one knee and do the whole nine yards.

Lulu: Why do I feel like I'm being diverted right now?

Dante: [Sighs] Look, it's not just my drive to solve this case. Michael might know what was going on, and if--if he's covering for Sonny, that's bad for him--I mean, Pentonville bad for him.

Lulu: So, this is about Michael, too. So, you--you have to protect Michael, you have to bust Sonny, you have to investigate what's going on in the warehouse and bring the criminals to justice, and, at the same time, recover from being shot again.

Dante: Look, I'm--I'm strong enough to work this case.

Lulu: But you act like solving the case is gonna fix everything and undo all the damage, but there is more damage than I think you realize.

Maxie: Do you think it's strange, being able to do that?

Spinelli: Well, I-I suppose it was at first. It was like watching myself from outside of myself.

Maxie: Like an out-of-body experience?

Spinelli: Yeah, exactly.

Maxie: I've had those.

Spinelli: Well, so you know how it feels. But...but then...then it passed, and it was just me spinning [Chuckles] As it were. It became much more natural. I mean, except when someone would comment or, you know, otherwise draw attention, which might cause me to fumble.

Maxie: Only you, Spinelli, you know that? I mean, you are seriously the only person in the world this would happen to. Do you have any idea why?

Spinelli: I guess sometimes it's not our place to question, but...I mean, it would seem that in losing my cyber skills, other talents that may have lain dormant for years just emerged. And now this globe of 75-centimeter circumference is as precious to me as my computer ever was. And if the, uh--[Chuckles] The psychiatrist blog is--is correct, there may be other talents just waiting to emerge.

Maxie: I guess I'm just jealous. I don't know. You used to spend all your time...thinking about me.

Spinelli: But you do not wish that to be so, right?

Maxie: Well, it's not that I don't wish it. It's just--[Sighs] I don't know. You know, a lot's changed in our relationship since our non-marriage. Take you, for example. You're on your second identity by now.

Spinelli: And you're with Dr. Hunter.

Maxie: Yes. I-I think he's a good match for me.

Spinelli: On whose criteria?

Maxie: I don't know. He just is. Spinelli, you probably shouldn't be here, you know? I'm--I'm up here waiting for my boyfriend to spend my birthday with, and it just makes you look...desperate.

Spinelli: No. Determined. After all, I'm just following your advice.

Maxie: I gave you advice?

Spinelli: Yeah, you astutely opined that if someone wants something, they should simply go after it. That's what I intend to do.

[Monitor beeping]

Matt: I don't know what I would've done these past couple months if I hadn't had you to confide in. Anyway, I think I'm gonna let you get some rest. Don't worry. I'm gonna be back to check on you regularly and often. We're gonna get you through this.

[Alarm beeping]

Matt: What the hell?! I need help in here!

Mrs. MacInerny: I've given my best advice. You get a good night's sleep. I'll make you a nice breakfast in the morning to send you on your way back home.

Lucky: Not until I've done what I came here to do.

Mrs. MacInerny: Well, then more's the pity, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Lucky: Okay, just--hold--hold on a second, okay? I-I just want you to hear something. This is the--the letter from my wife. It says, "and third, a bitty cross of rowan wood to get you under the eyes of the wee folk without waking the watchers." Now...who are the watchers?

Mrs. MacInerny: [Sighs] You're very stubborn.

Lucky: So I've been told. What are the watchers?

Mrs. MacInerny: What they sound like--guardians.

Lucky: Guardians. Of what?

Mrs. MacInerny: Secrets. Lost knowledge. You're not a believer.

Lucky: No offense. It just sounds like a bunch of superstition to me.

Mrs. MacInerny: [Scoffs] Good, then maybe they'll leave you be. Or maybe...your skepticism might provoke them to prove a point.

Lucky: Okay, well, can you tell me about St. Margaret's Well? It was a chapel, right?

Mrs. MacInerny: It still is, in spirit.

Lucky: 'Cause I--my wife, she--she told me that I should--I should dip the rosary in the well.

Mrs. MacInerny: Oh. Not a well like you're probably imagining--just a hole in a wall made by a bolt of lightning. People wrap their hopes in ribbons or tuck them into bunches of flowers and wait for a message from someone who's gone on.

Lucky: Well, the idea has its appeal, I guess.

Mrs. MacInerny: You're hoping to hear from your wife.

Lucky: I-I don't know what I'm hoping for.

Mrs. MacInerny: I'm not saying you wouldn't. I'm just saying you shouldn't. Maybe. Maybe you should stick to those near and dear in the present, not in the past.

Matt: Give me a scope and an ET tube. She's gonna need positive end-expiratory pressure. And call RT and set up a vent. [Beeping continues] Quickly, Nurse!

Olivia: Mm.

Steve: Ahh. So, did you get your sea legs back after the cruise?

Olivia: I'm a little shaken still.

Steve: I was so worried when I lost track of you.

Olivia: Well, believe me, I wasn't having a lot of fun, either. Do you think they're ever gonna find her?

Steve: I think the best thing that could happen is for that psycho freak to disappear from our minds and our lives forever.

Olivia: How about those battle scars you have?

Steve: Ah, hate it.

Olivia: Must've really banged your face on that ladder. I don't know how I missed that.

Steve: Did I say ladder?

Olivia: Yeah.

Steve: [Laughs] I meant ropes. Block and tackle--you know, boat stuff.

Olivia: "Boat stuff"? [Laughs]

Steve: Okay. All right. All right, so this is where the tender compassion disappears and you start making fun of me?

Olivia: You shouldn't make yourself such an obvious target. "Boat stuff"? Lucky for you, you got some other charms.

[Steve laughs]

Olivia: I'm talking about the skills you honed in Memphis with your guitar and the sexy voice and everything. I mean, one lyric, one chord, I know I'm a goner. [Both chuckle]

[Elevator bell dings]

Olivia: Okay. I got to get ready to go to Sonny's.

Steve: So you're not gonna try to talk Dante out of going?

Olivia: No. I'm going to keep my mouth shut.

Steve: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: And keep my eye on Sonny. And I'm gonna kick Dante under the table if he starts getting off track.

Steve: [Chuckles] Call me when you get home.

Olivia: I will.

Johnny: Oh, doctor...I got somebody who needs medical attention.

Steve: You know where admitting is.

Johnny: The situation's sensitive.

Steve: Yeah, it always is in your line of work.

Johnny: Not too dissimilar from yours. I hear people die in hospitals all the time.

Steve: That's not a threat, I hope.

Johnny: No, it doesn't have to be if you come with me.

Steve: Sorry, I don't work for the mob.

Johnny: Why don't I tell you a little story that might change your mind, huh?

Dante: Look, I know you've been through a traumatic experience, watching someone you love almost die twice now.

Lulu: In two years. It feels like it's gonna be an annual event.

Dante: That's the thing, though. It's not. I mean, this--this is out of the norm, okay? Cops hardly ever get shot. We hardly ever have to draw our weapons. I mean, your dad has been involved in more sketchy stuff his entire life.

Lulu: Yeah, and my mom did everything she could to keep a normal life, and I think that's what finally broke something inside of her.

Dante: All right, but he was running around the world with mercenaries chasing after him, trying to find diamonds. I mean, my biggest concern is gonna be Sonny.

Lulu: Well, that's not comforting, because Sonny's not going anywhere.

Dante: [Sighs] life is completely safe. Nothing is--is--is forever. Okay, I'm trying to give you perspective on my job. I mean, mostly it's--it's crime scenes and--and--and processing them and going door-to-door to witnesses and questioning them and--and paperwork and domestic disputes and petty crimes. It's--it's boring, everyday stuff. It is not life-threatening.

Lulu: And you love it.

Dante: Yeah. I do. It makes me feel good to be that person that other people call when they can't protect themselves, to be the line between, you know, order and--and chaos. The only thing that has ever made me feel better is loving you.

Lulu: I love you, too. So much.

Dante: I can't wait to marry you. And I can't wait to tell everybody tonight about our engagement.

Sonny: What are you doing?

Kate: Drinking is not gonna help it hurt any less.

Sonny: What hurt?

Kate: The hurt that someone vital just walked out of your life once again.

Sonny: She's not vital. She's an employee. She sticks her nose in my business all the time, commenting on things, criticizing me. You know what they say.

Kate: Hmm?

Sonny: Hell with her.

Kate: You say the same thing about Brenda. You know, "hell with her. Her loss. She chose it. Not my fault. I don't care." Sonny, this is--this is more. This is about more than Brenda walking out on you, all right? This is about the hurt, the other one that won't go away. About loving someone and losing them, someone that you wanted to protect and that you couldn't.

Sonny: What if I'm not that noble? What if I'm not that sensitive?

Kate: I know you, and I know where this is going. You're gonna shut everyone out and shut down. You're gonna turn to alcohol because it numbs the pain and the hurt. happens. People leave.

Sonny: Yeah. Sometimes they come back, right?

Anthony: [Groans] I hope you brought help. My gut is burning.

Johnny: There's your patient.

Steve: Wonderful.

Anthony: Oh, I hope you're not gonna throw attitude like some of the other doctors at your hospital. I'm not in the mood to be insulted. Excruciating pain dries up my patience.

Johnny: Fix him.

Lucky: I get that you're trying to warn me against something. I'm just not sure what. I-I'm not afraid of my wife's memory or spirit or whatever. If there's something she wants to tell me, I want to know what it is.

Mrs. MacInerny: Fine. But you might get more consequences than you bargained for.

Lucky: [Sighs] Maybe she's right. [Sighs]

[Animal howls]

[Lucky sighs]


Matt: I want to stay with Elizabeth until I'm sure she's okay. After that, I want her checked on every 15 minutes until she's out of the woods.

Nurse: Yes, doctor.

Maxie: I left Matt 15 messages, and he hasn't called me back, not even a text.

Spinelli: I'm sure Maximista's man friend has just been called to render his expertise--

Maxie: You really have to stop calling him that. God, it's official. I hate this birthday.

Spinelli: Well, it is...not yet over.

Maxie: You got me a present?

Spinelli: Just a small token.

Maxie: Oh, Spinelli. [Chuckles] It's beautiful.

Spinelli: And notice the celestial motif to symbolize the star that is Maximista...the light that guides me...the sparkle that touches and warms my heart.

[Maxie sighs]

Sonny: Mm. What are you doing?

Kate: Please don't be offended.

Sonny: I'm not off--it's just that it's kind of personal if you don't kiss me.

Kate: I know it is, but I just don't think it's the right time to do that. We've been talking about your ex-wife, for one thing. I don't want to be a stand-in for Brenda, Sonny.

Sonny: It's not like that, okay?

Kate: [Sighs] Maybe not, but I-I don't know yet.

Sonny: All right, you said one thing. What's the other?

Kate: The other is that I don't want this to be about gratitude for smoothing some speed bumps over with you and your kids. Or just to prove that you can.

Sonny: So, you're saying that, uh, kissing is off-limits? All right. Well, okay. That's not what I had in mind, but I'll do with that.

Kate: Yeah.

Sonny: So, am I gonna see you later or what?

Kate: Oh, never know.

Sonny: How big a deal is this stupid cocktail party anyway?

Kate: Well, if there's one person I'd duck out of it for, it'd be you.

Steve: Antibiotics--they'll help fight off the infection. Take them as instructed.

Anthony: Appreciate your trouble.

Steve: We don't talk about this ever again. Are we clear? Like you said, people die in hospitals. People die in the street, too.

Johnny: How much do I owe you, doc?

Steve: Keep your money. I wouldn't have it.

Johnny: Suit yourself.

Anthony: You gonna tell me what you said to make that squeaky-clean medic dirty his hands on the likes of me?

Johnny: [Chuckles]

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