General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/11/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Robin: I just talked to the babysitter. Emma wants to make a macaroni birthday cake for my birthday.
Patrick: She's still in her "expression through pasta" phase, is she?
Robin: Yeah, well, it's the thought that counts.
Patrick: Remember you said that when you're eating it.
Robin: You mean when we are eating it.
Patrick: Oh, really?
Robin: [Sighs] You know, it's nice.
Patrick: What's what? It's your birthday?
Robin: No, just having my life back. You know, I mean, being able to enjoy a sense of...normalcy.
Patrick: Yeah. Hopefully, it holds.
Robin: Why would you say that?
Patrick: I don't know. Forget it. Don't mind me.
Robin: I mean, everything is great. We're back on track. Stop expecting the other shoe to drop.
Patrick: Just sometimes it feels too good to be true.
Robin: Believe me--I know exactly what you mean. It took me a long time to realize that Lisa wasn't going to be jumping out from the corner and literally pouncing on me. But I have taken the plunge. The water's fine, so...join me.
Patrick: I know. I have to. And I have to make sure that this is the best birthday you've ever had.
Robin: It's going to be, and I'm gonna hold you to that.
Patrick: I hope so. Lisa?
Anthony: So, she's come back to life? The juice worked? [Chuckles] It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. But I still have to come see for myself.
Johnny: What the hell are you up to now?
Carly: Maybe you shouldn't go right away.
Shawn: Well, isn't that why you came to me? 'Cause you think Franco is in Hawaii and Jason and Sam could be in danger?
Carly: Yes, but what if Franco's just trying to get you away. What if he's here in Port Charles and he wants to come after Josslyn?
Shawn: [Sighs]
Sam: Hey.
Jason: Hey.
Sam: Well, what do you think?
Jason: Uh, nice.
Sam: [Chuckles] Nice? You don't get it, do you?
Jason: Oh, I get the way they make you smile, so that's good.
Sam: I am really happy here, Jason. I could probably stay forever.
Jason: You know, that actually might work for a little while, but then you'd probably start missing your sisters and maybe even...your mother.
Sam: Ooh, that's pushing it. Maybe. You would probably start getting antsy and worrying about Carly and Michael and the business.
Jason: Yeah, but I'm not, uh...I'm not thinking about any of that right now.
Sam: Good. Me, either. Everything that says home is, like, a million miles away. It's just you and me.
[Click, door opens]
Sonny: What the hell are you doing?
Doctor: Is there a problem?
Patrick: I'm sorry. I apologize. I thought you were somebody else.
Doctor: I'm glad I'm not.
Matt: Overreact much?
Patrick: I thought that was...
Matt: Lisa. Yeah, I know. It kinds of looks like her from behind. But you can't exactly go around accosting every blonde you see in a lab coat. Besides, if you just think this one through--what are the chances that Lisa's gonna be out and back at this hospital?
Patrick: I never said I was rational.
Matt: Look, you got your life back. Live it.
Patrick: Yeah, that's what Robin keeps saying. I just...I don't know.
Matt: Let me be the first to welcome you to paranoia place, buddy.
Patrick: When was the last time anybody looked, made sure that Lisa was still in the hospital bed?
Matt: Are you serious?!
Patrick: I'm just saying. I-I have...I don't have a good feeling about it.
Robin: It's okay. I know what you're talking about.
Anthony: Always so suspicious--not an attractive quality.
Johnny: Not an answer.
Anthony: If you must know, I was making plans to see a lady. Maybe you should do the same--work off some stress.
Johnny: Just a warning--I've got enough crap blowing up in my face right now. I don't need you adding to the pile.
Anthony: What you've got, John, are problems of your own making. Sure, it's convenient to blame the old man, but the fact is you didn't think things through. The idea to plant drugs in Sonny's warehouse was a good one, but you let yourself get tripped up on the follow-through.
Johnny: Because it was your genius idea to shoot Dante?
Anthony: Like I said, repeatedly...I shot him to save your life because you left yourself open. You didn't plan for contingencies like, "what if someone comes into the warehouse while I'm planting the product? What if that someone is a cop?" You have to think these things through entirely, John, from every angle. [Chuckling] It's all right. It's growing pains. Consider it a learning experience.
Johnny: Where are you really off to?
Anthony: Exactly where I said--to see a lady. You should meet her. Definitely your type.
Johnny: Yeah, any club that would have you for a member...
Anthony: [Chuckles] Jealousy is a terrible thing, John.
Carly: What if my first instinct was right? What if Franco's after Josslyn? He's targeted her before. That why Jason hired you in the first place.
Shawn: Help get in this guy's head.
Carly: Oh, it's a dark, scary place.
Shawn: Look, I get that Franco's got some bizarre fixation on Jason. But why zero in on a baby?
Carly: I don't know. He has this weird thing about kids, and he considers Jason a rival in the art of...
Shawn: Elimination. [Sighs] Look, if I'm in Hawaii, you and Josslyn'll be vulnerable. You'll need protection.
Carly: You mean from you?
Shawn: I mean Sonny. You have to go to him.
Sonny: I told you to stay away from here.
Michael: Dad, I--
Sonny: Didn't I tell you to stay away from here?
Michael: I was hired to be the manager. Right? And right now, there's seven bags of hydrocodone in the walls. I got to get them out of here before the cops figure it out.
Sonny: That's nothing to do with you, Michael. You understand me? Has nothing to do with you.
Michael: Dad, you can't have it both ways. Either I'm in charge or I'm not. By the way, thanks for the heads-up.
Sonny: You know why I didn't tell you about the drugs? Because I don't think you should be around here--drugs or anything anywhere near here. Do you understand me? How many times do I got to tell you this?
Michael: That's better. I get blind-sided by the cops, and they come in here and tear the place apart? If they find the drugs, I'm just as responsible as you, whether I'm in the loop or not.
Sonny: It's--it's--it's being handled. The cops are watching the warehouse. You may not see them, but they're here. You try to move this stuff around, and they're gonna be on you like white on rice.
Michael: I was gonna have the cops follow me in the warehouse van. Tail me--
Sonny: This is what--
Michael: Tail me when I make my rounds. Once they see I've got nothing to hide, they'll back off, and I can drive the drugs out.
Sonny: If you get anxious and do something you're not supposed to do, they will bust you for transporting. This is a game you don't know how to play. And you don't have to know how to play!
Michael: Okay, how long are we just gonna leave the drugs in here and go about business as usual?
Sonny: First of all, t-t-there's no "we" in this situation, okay? It's too dangerous for you. You almost made a big mistake, and it could have cost us.
Michael: I can't just walk off the job, Dad. It'll imply that I know something.
Sonny: Okay. People don't go to prison on what's implied. If you're anywhere near these drugs, they are gonna send you back to Pentonville, okay? And I'm gonna go with you. Is that what you want?
Michael: Then go.
Sonny: What part of going to you not understand?
Michael: So now we're back to wanting to get rid of me.
Sonny: No--[Sighs]
Michael: After all this talk about appreciating my support and wanting my help? I went against Mom to side with you. I hurt Abby for the same reasons.
Sonny: I do want your support, okay? As my son. Not a foot soldier.
Michael: Dad, I defend you because I love...and trust you. Too bad it doesn't go both ways.
[Footsteps approaching]
Kate: Looks like I walked in on something I wasn't supposed to see.
Jason: What's the book?
Sam: Um, I found this book on shells and what they symbolize and stuff.
Jason: What, you mean shells have meanings?
Sam: [Chuckles] Yes, they do. It's actually pretty neat. This one here is a conch, and it symbolizes the beginning of a journey.
Jason: Okay, I'll buy that one. That fits.
Sam: And, um, wait a minute. These little guys here--these guys are puka. And...when you find one, it's good luck.
Jason: What about...
Sam: That one?
Jason: ...That one right there, yeah.
Sam: I don't know. I seem to find that one a lot.
Let me see. That is...cowrie. Let me see. Yeah, and that
Carly: No way. There's no way I'm going to Sonny.
Shawn: I thought that was your default position.
Carly: Yeah, before...but not now. Sonny's out of control. I don't want to be around him. Hell, I don't want my kids around him. For God's sake. The coffee business is legit. It's supposed to be of no interest to Sonny's enemies, and look what happened there. First Michael was shot, then Dante.
Johnny: Yeah, I'm calling to get an update on a patient. Dante Falconeri. No, I'm not a relati--something you need?
Ronnie: I couldn't help but overhear you. And I'm touched by your concern for a fellow officer. You know, that's big of you. I mean, considering Dante's the son of a man that your family considers their worst enemy.
Johnny: Is this some sort of official interrogation here?
Ronnie: Nah, I'm just passing the time of day.
Johnny: Well, pass on this. Dante's the son of a woman that I happen to still care about, and if anything were to happen to him, she'd be devastated. So, yeah, I was hoping for a good prognosis.
Ronnie: Well, then perk up, little soldier, because I saw Dante. And the docs think he'll be up on his feet in no time, which isn't good news for whoever put the bullet in his back. But, you know, Dante--he's gonna be fired up to square things away...with that son of a bitch who tried to kill him.
Matt: Why is it that women always think they know everything?
Patrick: Genetics.
Robin: Because we do. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but my husband and my brother-in-law were making plans for my birthday.
Matt: Wow. She nailed it.
Patrick: Ding, ding, ding.
Matt: Right on the head. How'd she know?
Robin: Wait. Can you do me a favor?
Matt: Yeah.
Robin: Please, can you rein in Maxie? She wants to do this ginormous event, and I want a ten people. And I'm serious about that.
Matt: You seem to be under the false impression that Maxie actually listens to what I say.
Robin: Yeah, well, hopefully, she listened to me. I just don't--you know, I don't want a big deal made out of...that. [Inhales deeply] Okay, maybe a little bit of a big deal. So, why don't you get back to what you guys were talking about? I hope it's fabulous.
Matt: Okay.
Patrick: Thanks for covering.
Matt: Yeah, well...
Robin: I know she thinks that I've been, well, thinking about Lisa, but she just doesn't know to what extent.
Matt: It's no problem. Don't worry about it. That's what brothers do, right? They cover for each other, support each other.
Patrick: Which is why I paged you. I've been thinking about the Brockman case, and, uh...I think you should take it.
Matt: I'm--I'm--I'm sorry. Come again? What did you say? I didn't quite catch--
Patrick: Brockman, brain tumor in 1026--he's a perfect candidate for your trial. The case is yours.
Matt: What's bringing this on?
Patrick: Well, you want to test your trial, don't you? And he's a perfect candidate for that--not that he has a chance of surviving, but it's an opportunity.
Matt: [Breathes deeply] Oh, okay. That's it. You don't want Brockman dying because that's bad for your stats, so why not appear magnanimous and hand him over to your brother? That way, he can die on my watch, and it doesn't count against you.
Patrick: You know, it doesn't matter what I say, does it? You always think I have an ulterior motive.
Matt: Well, every time I look for it, I'm never disappointed.
Patrick: Screw you.
Robin: Hey, hey. Did we not just do this? I take it you weren't talking about my birthday.
Patrick: [Sighs] I'm out of here.
Robin: Where are you going?
Patrick: I got something to do.
Matt: Yeah.
Robin: What? [Sighs]
Sonny: I thought I told you--I thought were going to stay outside.
Kate: I'm sorry. You were gone longer than I expected. I got concerned.
Sonny: Yeah, well, you know what? You've got to go, 'cause you saw nothing here.
[Cell phone rings]
Kate: Oh. Sorry. Maxie, what?
[Sonny sighs]
Kate: Finally. Yes, okay, I'll be there. I have to go anyway. The photographer's waiting.
Sonny: All right.
Kate: Hey.
Sonny: Hmm?
Kate: Don't worry. See no evil.
Sonny: Hey, wait, you can't really believe what you see, 'cause I don't want you to think I'm a drug trafficker, you know. This is just a frame job. And that's why when Dante came in here, they shot him. Honest to God.
Kate: I believe you.
Sonny: Yeah. I'm glad you do. All right, I got to go, okay?
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Hey. Okay, now, we dodged a bullet because that was Kate walking in--not somebody else. So, now you need to help me. G-g-get up there. [Straining] Take this. Here.
Kate: There's a big problem. The police are here.
Michael: What are we gonna do?
Sonny: I'm gonna deal with the cops.
Michael: Dad, you can't. You're wearing the evidence.
Kate: Michael's right. Whatever that is, is all over your pants and your shoes. They'll throw you in the squad car and be all over this place in five seconds flat.
Michael: I'll deal with the cops.
Sonny: No, I don't want--
Michael: Dad, I can do this.
Sonny: No, listen to me! Okay? You say "yes" and you say "no." I want you to keep as quiet as you can and don't telegraph what you're gonna do.
Michael: I got it.
Kate: Will you be all right in here?
Sonny: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Listen--you just get yourself out of here, okay? Take the back exit.
Kate: All right, this is important. I want you to listen to me, don't interrupt, and do exactly as I say. This is what I want you to bring me.
Shawn: But Dante was shot because he's a cop who wandered into a crime in progress--not because he's Sonny's son.
Carly: Shawn, we don't know that. Look at all the horrible things that have happened to Sonny's kids. Michael's been shot. Kristina was almost blown up in a car bomb.
Shawn: And you were right by Sonny's side through it all.
Carly: Okay, I get that. But I am done being Sonny's biggest supporter.
Shawn: And the thing with Jax?
Carly: It's all about the thing with Jax. And you know what? Sonny didn't care. Brenda walks away, and Sonny loses control. He shot a gun off in Robin's house with her daughter standing right there on the stairs. And when everyone turned their back on Sonny, he went after Michael, trying to bring him into the business, when he swore to me he never would.
Shawn: Hey, look. I understand. I-I get it.
Carly: And there's another reason I don't want to go. [Sighs]
Shawn: Okay, I'm listening.
Carly: There's always a price to pay with Sonny, okay? You know, we've had a big blowup, and Sonny--he's not happy with me right now.
Shawn: Okay, wouldn't he want to protect the mother of his sons?
Carly: Yeah, and that comes with a price tag, like bringing Morgan home and a lot of other things. So Sonny is not an option. I am not going to Sonny.
Shawn: What's the alternative?
Carly: I'll go to Hawaii with you.
Sam: "Shell shock." Yikes. That's enough for the night.
Jason: Okay, are we supposed to ignore the fact that we just had the exact same thought?
Sam: I don't know that we did. What exactly are you talking about?
Jason: Okay, fine. I'll say it. We started a conversation a few months ago about whether we wanted to have a child or not.
Sam: Yes, and I thought we tabled that conversation until a later date.
Jason: Here we are. Later date.
Sam: I'm really surprised we're talking about this.
Jason: [Inhales deeply] Why?
Sam: Look, you were really wonderful and supportive when I decided to have the reconstructive surgery, but it was so soon after Jake, I felt like I was pushing the idea of having a child on you.
Jason: No, no...
Sam: Just hear me out, please. [Inhales deeply] I know that you were--are still grieving. I mean, you've done an excellent job at moving forward, but, Jason, I...still see the sadness in your eyes.
Jason: Well, I can tell you that it doesn't honor Jake to turn my back on life...or close myself off from you.
Sam: I know. In that time when you were grieving, I thought that you might leave me. And I promised myself that I would love you enough to let you go.
Jason: You know I could never leave you.
Sam: I-I felt like I was trying to help, you know, that I wanted to fill that void so bad, but I'm...kind of glad we didn't get pregnant, Jason. I don't think either one of us was ready for that.
Jason: Well, are you any clearer on what you want?
Sam: Well, were going into surgery, you said you wanted to live so that we could have a kid, if we were lucky enough to have one. Do you still...want a child?
[Monitor beeping, door closes]
Patrick: There you are--right where you belong.
Michael: You're not searching this warehouse without a warrant.
Ronnie: Oh, no, we can get that. I thought you might welcome the chance to cooperate with the police for a change. I mean, after all, Corinthos/Morgan coffee--that's a legitimate enterprise, right? You don't have anything to hide.
Michael: Look, for the last time, I already told you everything I know.
Ronnie: You know, we found traces of hydrocodone outside--outside the warehouse. So, would you know anything about that?
Michael: No, I don't.
Ronnie: Okay, well, that gives us probable cause to look around.
Kate: Do you have a search warrant, Officer?
Ronnie: [Chuckles] Oh, that would be "Detective," like you didn't know, Connie.
Kate: Well, that would be "Ms. Howard," Detective.
Ronnie: Hmm.
Kate: And I don't care what you call yourself. If you don't have a warrant, you don't have a right to be snooping around.
Ronnie: Since when did you become a lawyer?
Kate: Ronnie, one doesn't have to be to possess a rudimentary understanding of basic civil rights.
Ronnie: Oh, does this mean that your ex-fiancé is here someplace?
Kate: That isn't my problem now, Officer.
Ronnie: It's Detective.
Kate: Detective. Nonetheless, you still have to leave.
Ronnie: This isn't your property, Connie.
Kate: It is now, tonight, because I am renting this space for a photo shoot.
Ronnie: [Chuckles] Oh, come on. You guys slay me. Do you think that I'm actually that dumb that I could believe that one?
[Metal scrapes]
Ronnie: This way, ladies.
Kate: Far be it for me to insult your intelligence, Detective, but you still have to leave.
Shawn: No, no, Carly. You are not going to Hawaii with me.
Carly: This isn't about going to Hawaii with you. I don't mean to hurt your feelings. This is about getting to Hawaii--most important, getting to Jason.
Shawn: [Chuckles] You just can't wait to barge in on his honeymoon, can you?
Carly: This isn't about coming in between Sam and Jason.
Shawn: Oh, really? You could have fooled me.
Carly: Why did Jason hire you to begin with?
Shawn: Look, we established that, okay? To protect you and Josslyn from Franco.
Shawn: Right, why Jason? Why not Jax, my husband, the father of Josslyn? Why not Sonny, the father of my other children? How come this man--who I'm not married to, who I have no children with--why does he feel so responsible to take care of my safety?
Shawn: Because Franco came after you to get to Jason.
Carly: But why the Franco connection? I mean, if Franco wants to get to Jason, why doesn't he just kidnap Sam again or Monica or Edward or--hell, why doesn't he go after Elizabeth Webber? It's common knowledge that Jason and Elizabeth had an affair.
Shawn: Yeah, I understand you're important to Jason, okay. It's quite clear.
Carly: No, you don't understand. See, what you think is that I'm just some person who Jason tolerates. Someone that he just tolerates. And now that he's gotten married, he's dumped me on you.
Shawn: Yeah, well, maybe that's how you feel.
Carly: You know what you don't understand? When Michael was born and I couldn't touch him and I couldn't hold him, Jason taught me how to love my son. Jason's more than a friend. Jason has held my hand to hell and back, and I've done the same thing for him. You don't have to understand my bond with Jason at all, but you sure as the hell should respect it.
Shawn: Okay, well...point taken.
Carly: You know, Franco is fixated on Jason. He thinks they're just alike. And Jason can't stand Franco. And so Franco just tries to goad him, and he tries to go after Jason's weaknesses, okay? Now--now, think about that. Is there someone that you love so much that you would lay down in front of a train for them? Now, what if some psycho serial killer was going after that person...and torturing them because of you?
Shawn: Look, I'm not making light of what Jason is up against.
Carly: No, you're making light of my feelings.
Shawn: No, I'm not.
Carly: And I get it, Shawn. Okay, I get it, because it's--it's strange. But Jason is necessary to my life. And--and this is only gonna turn out two ways, all right? First of all, Franco could get to Jason and he could kill him. So I lose my best friend. I lose my foundation. I lose my everything, and I'm empty, and I'm a lot less secure. And that scares the hell out of me.
Shawn: Yeah, I--I can see that.
Carly: And the other way this goes down is that Jason loses someone he loves, okay? And whoever Franco takes with him, that's a loss that Jason will carry around forever. And it will make him care a little less every day about living, and he already cares too little as it is.
Shawn: Okay, look--I get it. All right, you want to save Jason. But there are other ways to accomplish it that don't include flying off to Hawaii.
Carly: I'm going with or without you, okay!
Shawn: Try to see it from my perspective. Okay, I'm going on reconnaissance. I'm getting in, seeing what's up, evaluate. I might not find nothing more than two happy people on their honeymoon without cause to take action.
Carly: Fine, fine. And you can do that with joss and I there.
Shawn: Now, look--this is so bad on so many levels. Look, Carly, I work alone. Okay? I don't drag women and children along to get in the way or distract me. I need to get in, assess the situation without Jason or Sam ever knowing I was there.
Carly: Yeah, but don't you get that? If you can do that, so can Franco.
Sam: I am pushing you.
Jason: No.
Sam: Yes.
Jason: You're not.
Sam: Yes. If you can't answer that question without having to search for the words, then you're probably not ready.
Jason: Well, is anyone ever really ready--I mean, to take full responsibility for creating a life, knowing that your kid's life's probably not gonna be perfect. They're gonna get hurt, they're gonna feel loss, and some of it might even be...our fault.
Sam: Ooh, ouch. You make parenthood sound like jumping off a cliff.
Jason: Mm, it is sometimes.
Sam: Not a fall you're willing to take again?
Jason: Well, when I think about having a just seems too much to ask for from God.
Sam: You know what I can tell you? The thought of having a child...with you...melts my heart. [Sighs] But I think it's okay that we just stay in the moment right now.
Jason: Sounds good.
Sam: Yeah? In the meantime...I'm not opposed to
Robin: Brockman?
Matt: Uh-huh.
Robin: Patrick gave you the case?
Matt: That's still on the table.
Robin: Well, I thought you wanted it.
Matt: That's what I'm trying to figure out. Patrick seems to think it's a lost cause.
Robin: Well, you're his doctor. It only matters what you think. Right? By the way, you ran off so quickly the other day, I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on being published.
Matt: Thank you. Thanks.
Robin: I'm very proud of you.
Matt: Sure. Yes. Now. All of a sudden, it's like a new thing around here. Really, I'm the same doctor I was before. It actually kind of sucks that it took an anonymous editor, who doesn't know me, to appreciate the work that I'm doing before the people who I thought I were closest to me did.
Patrick: [Sighs] I had to see it for myself--to know without a doubt that you're still floating in your own...personal hell. I know I should probably feel some compassion for you. But I don't. All I feel is relief that you're not a threat to my family anymore. And my wife can celebrate her birthday without having to look over her shoulder. What happened to you, Lisa? Where'd you go? That girl I knew in college. I can't believe I'm standing here looking at you like this and I don't feel anything. Not an ounce of loss or regret. Actually, I do regret one thing. I wish I never met you. [Sighs] I sure as hell regret getting involved with you again, but it's over. It's done, and karma's a bitch. I will never, ever, look at your face again.
Shawn: Okay, look, I know you're used to getting what you want, but that's not happening.
[Josslyn babbles]
Carly: Now you're just being stubborn to be stubborn. What's wrong with Josslyn and I going to Hawaii with you?
Shawn: Look, with all due respect to Jason and Sam on their honeymoon, don't we want to spare them unnecessary worry if at all possible?
Carly: I am telling you, Jason will want to know about Franco.
Shawn: And because of that bond you told me about in such detail, you want to be the one to tell him?
Carly: It isn't about me.
Shawn: I think you just told me opposite.
Carly: Where are you going with this?
Shawn: Okay, your relationship with Jason had to start from somewhere.
Carly: Yeah? So?
Shawn: So, maybe, out of "friendship," you can respect his time with his wife? Even with the best of intentions, to not barge in to mark your territory. 'Cause I've seen you, and I can tell when you've claimed ownership on a man.
Carly: What you think that I would do--nice try, the whole insulting thing. Nice diversionary tactic, but didn't fly.
Shawn: Well, it did for a minute.
Carly: It's not gonna work.
Shawn: Carly, I'm going to Hawaii. You're staying home. Now, I'll send security outside your house until I get back. End of discussion.
Carly: Okay.
Shawn: Are we clear?
Carly: Yeah, we're clear.
Shawn: Carly?
Carly: We're clear. You know, just make sure that you call me and update me. Could you at least do that? Okay?
Shawn: Yeah.
Carly: Oh. [Sighs] Oh, we're clear. [Chuckles]
Kate: What are you standing around for? People, let's go. Time is money. Stop looking at me and do something. Look, I'm under time constraints. My photographer has to be gone by midnight. A flight to Reykjavik is not cheap.
Ronnie: Reykjavik? Come on. That's a load of crap.
Kate: Ara? Now, unless you want to be part of the photo shoot, which would require taking some of your clothing off, then I think you should leave, okay? Did you prepare the dressing room in the back?
Michael: Just as you requested.
Kate: Thank you. Just make sure that the detective clears out.
Ronnie: Mm.
Kate: Monique? Start looking enthused or start looking at the unemployment line. Don't be here when I get back, or my lawyer will have you in the unemployment line, as well.
Ronnie: Okay, Connie.
Michael: You heard the lady.
Sonny: [Sighs] [Slaps legs]
Deke: So, you don't like the way I treat your mother? Well, she's my wife. She'll earn respect, like you. Out! Time to learn a little respect
[Belt buckle clinks]
Deke: You know better than to raise your hands to me, boy. Don't you ever talk to me that way again.
[Belt snaps]
Deke: You got a lesson coming, Sonny boy.
[Belt snapping]
Deke: You little bastard.
[Door clicks, slides]
[Camera shutters clicking]
Anthony: Wake up, sleepyhead. So, it's true. You're back. And looking quite lovely, I might add. Nothing like a nice, long nap to restore your luster. We've got some catching up to do. You want to go first? What's the matter? Catatonia got your tongue? [Chuckles]
Patrick: Hey.
Matt: Mm.
Patrick: Do you have a second to, uh, discuss Robin's birthday?
Matt: Not really.
Patrick: Okay.
Matt: But if I didn't know any better, I would think that you are in a better mood.
Patrick: I went and saw Lisa. She's where she should be. Listen, about Brockman's case...
Matt: I need to think about it.
Robin: I feel bad about Matt.
Patrick: Why? He's being published. What's to feel bad about?
Robin: Well, the fact that we were not paying attention. We didn't even know he was writing a paper. We're his family. That's not right.
Patrick: So, what? Do we owe him an apology?
Robin: Yeah, for starters. And we could have dinner at chez Loire, invite Maxie?
Patrick: I have an idea what to do for Matt, but first thing's first. It's my wife's birthday, who happens to be standing right in front of me, and I want to put all my energy to make sure that it's the best, most wonderful birthday she's ever had and she'll never forget.
Robin: [Laughs]
Patrick: That's most important.
Lisa: You? You did this to me?
Anthony: I most certainly did.
Lisa: And I'm supposed to thank you for it?
Anthony: It's a lot to take in all at once. I think I got a little ahead of ourselves. You're gonna need some time to get used to your new reality. We'll chat later on. But make a quick adjustment. We've got people to put in their place.
Sonny: So, what did Michael say to the cops? What the hell's going on here? Kate, what's going on?
Kate: I had to improvise.
Sonny: Oh, okay. Yeah, I get that.
Kate: Who approved those shoes? Monique, get me the Cartullos right now.
Michael: [Sighs] Man, do you owe her.
Sonny: Yeah, I do.
Sam: You said earlier you liked being married.
Jason: Uh, yeah. I do.
Sam: Oh, yeah? Well, has anything changed?
Jason: Um...sort of.
Sam: Sort of? What do you mean, sort of? We live together, spend all of our time together. When you think about it, not much has really changed.
Jason: Except is has somehow.
Sam: Permanent honeymoon. I mean, soak up every second until reality comes knocking on our door.
Jason: Nobody says we have to answer.
Carly: Heads up!
Shawn: Damn it, Carly.
Carly: Got dibs on the window seat.
[Shawn sighs]
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