General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/26/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
[Crowd cheering]
Sam: Thank you.
[Ray LaMontagne's "Hold You In My Arms" plays]
Franco: May I have this dance?
[Glass clinks]
Dante: Stop!
[Gun shot]
[Cork popping]
Steve: I am trying to do you a favor here. I know you think this is about me, but I don't have time to try to convince you otherwise. I've already cleared the transfer on your end, so you can either come up here and work for one of the three top-rated hospitals in the country or you can stay down there in your circle of expertise in Memphis. Let me know what you decide...soon.
Olivia: I'm so sorry. I didn't know anyone was behind me.
Epiphany: That is because you were busy placing some sort of contraband on a hospital cart, used by hospital staff for hospital purposes. And unless something got by me, which I highly doubt, you are not hospital personnel.
Olivia: And that is not contraband...exactly. But does it help that it does involves a member of your staff?
Epiphany: Look, rules are rules, and our acting chief lives and dies by them.
Olivia: Robin would totally support bending the rules in this case. It would boost the morale of your chief trauma surgeon, and a happy trauma surgeon is a better trauma surgeon. That's a win-win situation for the hospital, the patients, and the chief of staff. Work with me here.
Epiphany: Oh, well, you just said the magic word--work--which is something opposed to the games that you've come here to play.
Orlando: Incoming.
PA: Dr. Rodriguez, please call 3012.
Sonny: You want a soda? All right. Um, you look--you look amazing.
Kate: Mm. A word so overused these days, it's been rendered devoid of all meaning.
Sonny: All you got to say is "thank you."
Kate: Thank you.
Sonny: Didn't expect to see you. What made you come?
Kate: I didn't expect to come, but since you asked with such finesse and sensitivity...
Sonny: You know, I-I that I should have left it alone, 'cause today of all days in church of all churches. It was, what, three years ago we were supposed to...
Kate: You know, for weeks Maxie left me with no help or assistance to dedicate her life to planning Sam and Jason's wedding. Look around. This is the result? Paper lanterns? Chinese food? This is a disaster.
Sonny: Well, that depends how you look at it.
Spinelli: Excuse me. Hey. It is--it is custom for the best man to--to toast the bride and groom. In that tradition, I follow in the footsteps of many much smarter and certainly wittier than I, but none with more love than I have for both of the betrothed. Also an opportunity to thank Mr. And Mrs. Yi for the excellent food and drink and the "love wise" fortune cookies.
[Cheers and applause]
Robert: It was our pleasure.
Spinelli: News of your unorthodox wedding was initially met with some dismay, as it seemingly rendered today's proceedings a non-event. But it was that element of non-tradition that made the day all the more significant. I think we all applaud Stone Cold and Fair Samantha for having the courage to take their own unique path. When I--when I first arrived in port Charles, I knew no one. I had no one, but Stone Cold and Fair Samantha--they took me in. They offered work and friendship, a place to call home. They are my family--the people I belong to. Needless to say, I-I-I witnessed the journey that brought them here today. And it was, at times, a rocky road and fraught with real peril, but their love triumphed. And it is that love that is their reward. So to my friends, to my partners in夕clears throat]--crime, as it were...and now, finally and forever, husband and wife. May the dragon and his phoenix live long and prosper.
All: Cheers.
[Glass clinking]
Molly: He was so talking about your special non-romance.
Maxie: Spinelli and I are not together anymore.
Molly: You guys couldn't keep your hands off each other.
Maxie: Please. We were just sharing a moment of mutual satisfaction that this wedding came together. I'm in a happy, committed relationship with Matt.
Molly: What does it say?
Maxie: Uh, that my fortune is in another cookie. "Love is non-negotiable."
Matt: Hey, there. I hear there's a two-cookie minimum, actually.
Maxie: No, don't. They're fixed.
Matt: What are you--you don't seriously believe the power of a note that somebody pushes into a pastry, do you?
Abby: Oh, this is nice.
Michael: What?
Abby: Mine's blank. What's yours say?
Michael: "Love lies bleeding."
[Door opens]
[Johnny sighs]
Anthony: Sit down. Catch your breath. Then you can thank me.
Johnny: For what?
Anthony: I warned you about being jerked around by emotion. You had great instinct planting drugs in Sonny's warehouse. Perfect. He'll be screwed. But there at the end, you let emotion trip you up.
Johnny: You were at the warehouse?
Anthony: A guy yells "last chance," you got some options--you could negotiate. You could shoot to kill. Strike fear in his heart. You chose to run.
Johnny: You were there.
Anthony: Lucky for you. What if you'd gotten your foot tangled up in a cable or tripped over a coffee bag or drugs or something? You would have taken a bullet in the back. Thanks to me, you're just a little out breath instead of being out of that commodity permanently.
Johnny: Son of a bitch. That shot I heard was you? You shot somebody?
Anthony: Try to focus on the important part, John. I saved your life.
Lulu: Whoa. My God.
[Dante grunting]
[Lulu sighs]
[Telephone rings]
Ronnie: Detective Dimestico.
Lulu: Ronnie, it's Lulu.
Ronnie: Hey, Lu, what's shakin'? Everything all right?
Lulu: Uh, yeah, I think so. Um, I just have plans with Dante tonight and he's running late, and I was gonna call him, but I didn't want to bother him if he was on a stakeout or if it was some sensitive situation. I'm not asking you to divulge anything --
Ronnie: No, let me stop you right there. Dante's not working tonight.
Michael: You're not upset over that fortune, are you?
Abby: What fortune? There is no fortune. You mean, think that the universe is trying to tell me something?
Michael: You are upset.
Abby: I'm being silly.
Michael: Maybe you're just not being open to interpretation.
Abby: Like how?
Michael: Like maybe it's about us.
Abby: A blank piece of paper?
Michael: A blank slate...starting over with me.
Abby: Okay. I'll take that. But you explain yours. I mean, isn't that kind of creepy for a fortune cookie? "Love lies bleeding"?
Michael: No, that's easy. Bleeding hearts--sympathetic to the plight of others. I'm a giver.
Abby: I know what you give.
Michael: Well, not enough. That's what this job running my father's warehouse is all about. And it's the right compromise for what everybody wants and, turns out, I kind of like it.
Abby: Blank slate.
Michael: Still bothering you, isn't it?
Abby: I know. It doesn't make any sense.
Michael: Well, your reaction does when you consider the deep psychological reasons.
Abby: There's psychological ramifications to a fortune cookie?
Michael: It's complicated. Look, why don't we discuss it further in private?
Abby: Oh. Are you wanting to get "deeply psychological" with me?
Michael: Well, deeply something. Come on.
Alexis: Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Sam: Oh.
Alexis: Um, I wrote a toast.
Sam: Oh, no. You don't have to. I mean, tradition doesn't dictate that or anything.
Alexis: You're picking now to be bound by tradition?
Sam: I'm just saying --
Jason: Well, she has a point.
Sam: Yeah, no, I'm saying, like, whatever you want to say, you can just say it here, just in front of everyone --
Alexis: My eldest daughter just got married. I have something to say about everything else. You think I'm not gonna say something about this?
Sam: Be gentle.
Alexis: Oh, for God's sake.
Sam: Come on.
Alexis: All right, everyone. The mother of the bride has a toast.
Sam: I think I'm scared.
Jason: So am I.
Alexis: Never mind.
Sam: [Gasps] Wow.
Alexis: Okay.
Sam: Go, Mom.
Alexis: I never had the privilege of...knowing my beautiful eldest daughter until she was an adult. But that never stopped me from harboring hope about how the rest of her life would turn out and with whom she'd turn it out. The truth is, Jason wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
Sam: I think I will cheerfully kill her.
Alexis: I had reasons to disapprove, and I did, and I built a wall that was so tall I never thought I'd get over it, time and observing the constancy of this commitment the two of you have for each other, I realized I needed to take a deeper look at this man that my daughter thought so highly of, even though he gave her a lug nut for an engagement ring. [Crowd chuckles] Actually, it's because you gave her that lugnut for an engagement ring. It was genius, really. It was perfect. It was stable and sturdy and long-lasting. Didn't have any of that razzle and dazzle that we've all been trained to expect from the media or fashion ads. It was authentic and real. And I liked it. And as it turns out...I actually like you, Jason. I think that you are caring, and I think that you are kind, and I think that you are loyal. But most importantly, you love my daughter as if your life depended on it. And that means more to me than anything, to Sam and Jason--may your unconventional and unique love go on forever and ever.
All: Hear, hear.
Sam: Mom...that was beautiful. Thank you.
Alexis: You sound surprised.
Sam: Maybe a little.
Jason: I appreciate it.
Alexis: Well, welcome to the family. Okay. All right.
Mac: Uh, Alexis.
Alexis: Yes.
Mac: Nice toast.
Alexis: Thank you.
Mac: I particularly liked how you managed to avoid mentioning that your daughter just married the mob.
Alexis: Look, I didn't have a lot to work with. I did the best I could, okay? [Sighs] Is it hot in here?
Mac: You know what? You in that dress--that's hot.
Alexis: God.
Sonny: You should--you should open that one.
Kate: No, they taste like cardboard.
Sonny: It's not about eating the cookie. It's about the fortune that's inside. I thought you used to know that.
Kate: She's gone.
Sonny: Who's that?
Kate: Madame. Fortunato's in Bensonhurst.
Sonny: Oh, I thought you meant the girl who used to get off on fortune tellers.
Kate: She's gone, too.
Sonny: Yeah? She's gone?
Kate: Yeah.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Kate: Too much bad luck.
Sonny: Well, you--you were in my office, what, barely a week ago? And you said that we have to work on our own future. Didn't you say that, right?
Kate: Yes, but I said we have to get out of the past first.
Sonny: Okay, so this moment is the past. And we should just get on to the next moment.
Kate: What are you talking about?
Sonny: Open the cookie. Eat--eat. Come on. I'm sorry. Fate calls.
[Kate laughs]
Sonny: What?
Kate: "Love wears a familiar face."
Abby: We can't do this!
Michael: Yes, we can.
Abby: No, this is for the bride and groom.
Michael: Look, Jason and Sam will be toasting and dancing for hours.
Abby: You can't know that. What if--couples sometimes duck out early. What if we get caught?
Michael: What if we do?
Sonny: What, you think I arranged for the fortune to be in the cookie somehow?
Kate: Come on, Sonny. "Love wears a familiar face"?
Sonny: Well, don't flatter yourself.
Kate: You deny it?
Sonny: Look, we reached for the same cookie. I could have gotten the fortune, but at least I wouldn't have fought it.
Kate: Look, I don't wear the same face I did all those years ago.
Sonny: That's a shame, 'cause it was a beautiful face.
Kate: It's become less so?
Sonny: No, it's just sadder, harder to see, which is probably what you want anyway, right?
Kate: I tried very hard to become a woman who didn't leave the house with corn dogs on her breath, a woman who actually cared if her hair was brushed, her priorities in place.
Sonny: Why'd you leave the house and come here?
Kate: Well, I didn't want to see you tarred and feathered at your best friend's wedding.
Sonny: I appreciate that, Kate.
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Kate: Since you appear unscathed, I can go.
Sonny: Wait, wait, wo--why are you going? I mean, you just got here.
Kate: Well, it's late.
Sonny: Well...
Kate: Oh, there it is, right on cue.
Sonny: What?
Kate: That wounded-little-boy look.
Sonny: I don't--what are you talking about?
Kate: You pull it out and use it whenever you don't get your way. Like when we were kids and a group of us took a trip to Coney Island after a barbecue at the Cerullos.
Sonny: Yes.
Kate: You and Lois wanted to stay out all night and watch the sun rise. I said that I couldn't, and you gave me that look.
Sonny: It was your birthday.
Kate: That's right. I'd forgotten about that.
Sonny: And I kissed you. And you liked it, and then you ran. And now that's becoming the pattern, you know?
Robin: "Love never sleeps." Well, whoever wrote this definitely has a child.
Patrick: Mm. Sleeping's overrated. Remember med school?
Robin: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: Okay.
Robin: What does yours say?
Patrick: "Love never dies." Isn't that the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
Robin: Mm-hmm.
Patrick: I love you.
[Olivia laughs]
Steve: Wow.
Olivia: It's about time. I thought I was gonna have to go down there and draw you a freakin' map!
Steve: I loved the clues, especially the--the bedpan with the silver stars.
Olivia: Mmm.
Steve: Wow. This smells amazing. What have we got?
Olivia: You have got ribs. You've got potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, all from Eli's. You're gonna think you time-traveled back to Memphis.
Steve: Hmm. What inspired you to do this?
Olivia: You did. I just thought you deserved a treat.
Steve: You're too good to me.
Olivia: And also, I wanted to mark a very special occasion.
Steve: Which is?
Olivia: Well, if everything is going as planned, my son is getting engaged at this very moment.
[Dante gasping]
[Lulu sighs]
Carly: Congratulations. Job well done.
Shawn: What job is that?
Carly: Keeping everything under control. A victimless wedding in port Charles? Unheard of.
Shawn: Night's not over.
[Footsteps approach]
Kristina: Hey.
Franco: Hey.
Molly: Here. I grabbed one for you.
Kristina: Aw.
Molly: Open it.
Kristina: Hmm. "Love will stand you up."
Molly: Oh. Kristina, I'm sorry. But maybe it's for the best.
Kristina: What are you talking about?
Molly: Well, maybe Ethan is a--what do you call it? A transitional relationship. You're getting stood up now for something better down the road.
Kristina: You're looking at this the wrong way. Ethan stood me up out of the wheelchair.
Molly: Oh! I hadn't thought of that.
Kristina: Yeah. You know, the fortune is about Ethan, but, you know, it's funny how things work out. I'm so glad now that I didn't get into Yale. I'd much rather be near Ethan. Oh. Have you seen Kate Howard anywhere?
Molly: Yeah. She's around. With Uncle Sonny. Why?
Kristina: I want to talk to her about a job in fashion.
Alexis: A job in fashion? Where did that idea come from?
Kristina: What's wrong with that? You don't like the way I dress?
Alexis: I didn't say anything about the way you dress. You dress very nicely. I just didn't know you were interested in fashion. I thought you were interested in law.
Kristina: That's because you wanted me to do that. I want to make my own decisions now.
Alexis: I didn't s--never mind. Look, I don't know much about fashion, but I understand it's quite competitive and--and very cutthroat.
Kristina: Well, I'm not worried. You know, whatever happens, Ethan will be there for me.
Alexis: Ethan? Did he say that?
Kristina: Not yet, but he will.
Sam: What's it say?
Jason: It says, "love is in the eye of the child."
Sam: Okay.
Jason: How about you?
Sam: Well..."love comes in threes."
Jason: Should we just ignore the coincidence?
Sam: I think we should just...hurry up and get on our honeymoon.
Maxie: "Love is non-binding." What is this, some sort of conspiracy?
Matt: What is going--what are you doing?
Maxie: Well, I'm trying to find a fortune that actually applies to the life that I'm living right now.
Matt: Why?
Maxie: Because it seems important, like it'll bring me good luck moving forward.
Matt: Life has nothing to do with luck or--or some phrase that a guy in a noodle shop came up with and put it in his cookie. It''s about commitment. It's about hard work and--and dedication. Y-y-y-you got to put in the time. I mean, luck has nothing to do with it.
Maxie: Who yanked your chain?
Matt: It's just--I-it's ridiculous, what you're doing.
Maxie: Fine. I will go be ridiculous.
[Spinelli sighs]
Alexis: "Love is behind you." Thanks for the reminder. Oh.
Mac: You okay? You look flushed.
Alexis: Nope. I'm good. It's a coincidence. I'm not ready. Is it hot in here?
[Both laughing]
Robin: They're so cute!
Patrick: Mm-hmm.
Robin: Oh, don't "mm-hmm." They are very cute. And aren't you glad you came?
Patrick: I would be happier if we could go now. Come on. We--we--we've done our romantic duty for the day. Now, I say we get out of here and make some romance of our own.
Robin: It would be a shame not to take advantage of a babysitter and a luxurious hotel room.
Patrick: That's--that's--that's all I'm saying.
Robin: Okay. You gonna fall asleep on me again?
Patrick: That's not fair at all. I was in surgery for 18 hours, and before I fell asleep, I seem to remember giving you one hell of a time in the shower.
Robin: Hmm. I don't remember. Could you--could you show me again what happened?
Patrick: The sacrifices I make for you. Come on.
Johnny: I'm warning you. Stop interfering with my business.
Anthony: There you go again. You're getting all bent out of shape. That's why I got you the piano. It's a way to channel all that pent-up emotion. Speaking of which--a good woman would do wonders for you. It's a damn shame about Lisa Niles.
Johnny: What the hell were you thinking, shooting somebody in Sonny's warehouse?
Anthony: You know, a little gratitude wouldn't be out of place, John. The guy almost popped you.
Johnny: What if you'd been spotted?
Anthony: I wasn't. And you're not dead. So some goombah got shot. It was him or you. I'm not shedding any tears. Besides, he works for Sonny. Probably isn't the first bullet he'd have to take.
[Dante gasping]
[Lulu sighs]
[Dante gasping]
Lulu: Come on, Dante. Answer.
[Cell phone ringing]
Dante: [Gasping] Hello. Hello.
[Phone continues ringing]
Shawn: "Love could be right around the corner."
Carly: [Laughs] Sure you're right.
Shawn: [Laughs] Tell me another one.
Maxie: This should be my fortune.
Carly: You can have it.
Sonny: H-how come I'm always the last one to know? I didn't even know you could stand. There you are dancing. But I got to tell you--it made me the happiest father in the world. You can dance with whoever you want tonight. I don't care. How's that?
Kristina: Well, I am happy for small favors. Have you ever been a patient in the hospital?
Kate: Yes.
Kristina: Oh...right. Uh, of course. Your wedding. So you know that there is not much to do except think.
Kate: I remember it well.
Kristina: So I did. I thought about what comes next for me and all the opportunities that might be available. And I came across something that made me very excited.
Kate: I can see that. What is it?
Kristina: I was hoping that I could talk with you about a job in the fashion industry.
Kate: Live with it for a few days. Really think about it, and if you are still certain, then we'll talk.
Kristina: Awesome. Thank you so much.
Alexis: Awesome. Thanks.
Carly: Hey. There you are. So, um, do you think you can give me a ride to the warehouse? I know you hate me right now, okay?
Michael: I don't hate you.
Carly: I'll let you drive the Mercedes.
Michael: You want me to drive you to the place where I got shot.
Carly: Yes.
Michael: You know, I can't help but wonder if this isn't just a ploy for you to grab your chance to turn me against dad.
Carly: It's not. I just don't want to go there alone.
Abby: Come on, Michael. It's a small thing you can do for your mom. I'll go, too.
Michael: All right. Let's go.
Carly: Thanks.
Monica: "Love lives on."
[Edward laughs]
Monica: Well, I guess that's fitting. What's yours?
Edward: "Love is an 'L' word."
Monica: Oh! You think they're gonna make it?
Edward: You and Alan did. Lila and I did.
Monica: Yes, but would you wish the fighting and the heartache for them?
Edward: It goes with the territory. What I would wish for them is what lies underneath.
Jason: Everybody...if you could, we'd just, uh...we want to thank everyone here for, uh, spending this special day with us. Thank you.
Sam: Thank you. I guess, um, now we're off to the honeymoon.
Sonny: Where are you headed?
Jason: We're going to Hawaii.
Sonny: Oh!
Sam: Yeah.
Spinelli: Well, what are you waiting for, guys?
Olivia: You know, you don't talk about Memphis very much.
Steve: Mm. Don't I?
Olivia: Mm. No. I just know the very basics. You were there for a long time. You liked the city. You were into the local music scene and everything. I was just hoping that maybe some barbecue would spur some memories of the city. Yo. You in there?
Steve: Right here.
Olivia: Well, good, 'cause I'm leading to something. I know you mentioned that Beale street music festival a couple of times.
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Well, it happens to be taking place in April. Hint, hint.
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: And I was thinking that maybe you might, um, you might want to go.
Steve: You know what I like about that?
Olivia: What?
Steve: I love the fact that you are making plans for us so far in advance.
Olivia: You should probably know. I'm one of those people that plans everything way--I couldn't imagine waiting till the--till the end.
Steve: Yeah, that would be me.
Olivia: Uh-oh.
Steve: No. Hmm-mm. I see that as a good thing.
Olivia: Really?
Steve: Mm-hmm. I mean, imagine how boring we would be if we were the same, right?
[Both laugh]
Steve: You're dying to call Dante, aren't you?
Olivia: Guilty as charged. Sorry.
Steve: You worried he blew it?
Olivia: No. You know, even my occasionally inept son could not screw this one up. It's just some people--they're just meant to be together. You know, that's Dante and Lulu.
Jason: Okay, you ready?
Sam: Hey. Wait a second.
Jason: What's wrong? You okay?
Sam: I just--I can't believe that we're married. And we're going on our honeymoon.
Jason: Which is why we need to get going.
Sam: I know. I know. But you did. I know. You thought someone or something was gonna ruin this.
Jason: Uh, yeah, you know what? I'm not gonna lie. I was kind of worried about that until, uh, until Robert married us.
Sam: Robert. The phoenix and the dragon.
Jason: I love you, Mrs. Morgan.
Sam: Well, I love you more, Mr. Morgan.
[Engine turns over]
Sam: Whoo!
Franco: [Sighs] I'm a terrible guest. I didn't leave you a wedding present. But what do you give to the couple who has everything? But they don't, do they? For a minute, inspiration seemed inconceivable. But it's the thought that counts. Yes. Back to the basics. The fundamentals. The foundation of things. Keep it simple.
[Lulu sighs]
Michael: Oh, my God. Dante? Dante! Dante!
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