GH Transcript Tuesday 9/6/11

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 9/6/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Anthony: Plans have changed. I won't be joining you, so just keep circling the harbor and keep a sharp eye out until the shipment arrives. Can't be too careful in these volatile times. Me? I got important business. Something unexpected just landed at my feet.

Lucky: Hey, Dr. Hunter. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I'm here to claim Siobhan's body. I made arrangements for a--

Matt: I'm sorry, Lucky, I can't release Siobhan's body to you.

Lucky: She's my wife.

Matt: That's not the issue.

Lucky: Then what is? Is there something on the autopsy?

Matt: I wish I could say yes. There were no signs of physical violence. There were no traces of known lethal substances. It's as if Siobhan just stopped her breathing for no medical reason whatsoever. And of course, the ME determined that the cause of death was not from natural causes.

Lucky: Well, the only other option would be murder, but that doesn't make any sense. Who would want to murder Siobhan?

Elizabeth: Hey, buddy, guess what I've got for you.

Cameron: What?

Elizabeth: I thought we should celebrate your first day back at school with your favorite, which is chocolate syrup. Yay! What, no way? What's the matter?

Cameron: Jake loved it, too. I used to make it for both of us.

Elizabeth: I know. You miss your brother, don't you? You know what? I miss him a lot, too. I have an idea. Do you know what a toast is?

Cameron: The thing that we did with the brownies?

Elizabeth: Yes, exactly. But to do it with brownies is a little weird. Most of the time people one make toasts with special drinks, and what's more special than your favorite Hershey's chocolate syrup, right? Ok. Here, take your glass. We're gonna raise it up. We're gonna say the name of the person we're thinking of. Then we're gonna clink our glasses together and take a sip at the same time.

Cameron: What does that do?

Elizabeth: Well, it seals in all the love and the memories forever. You ready? Ok, say after me. To Jake.

Cameron: To Jake.

Sam: Jason. Oh, my God, you're awake. How are you feeling?

Jason: I'm not quite sure.

Sam: Do you remember anything?

Jason: It's,'s confusing.

Sam: Well, you were in a car accident. Not the one with AJ. That was many years ago. This one was with Carly. I not really sure how far to go back.

Jason: I think I remember the accident.

Sam: Which one? Do you remember me?

Jason: There's just a lot of--just a lot of people in my head. A lot of pain right now. Ohh...

Sam: A lot has been going on with Carly, Jax, and Josslyn. I'm not really sure where to start.

Jason: How did I get here?

Sam: Ok, um...Jax came and took Josslyn, and Carly came to you, of course, and you went with her, and there was a big storm, and the roads were really bad, and Elizabeth plowed into you with her car. And I know, Jason, you really need an overhaul of the women in your life.

Jason: I know I was in a car crash, but it seems...I don't know.

Sam: Jason, where in time are you?

[Door opens]

Patrick: What's up?

Sam: He just woke up.

Patrick: Sam, I'm gonna ask you to leave.

Sam: Why? I promise I won't be in the way.

Patrick: Sam, now, please.

Sam: You don't have to bite my head off. I'll be outside, ok?

Patrick: How you feeling?

Jason: Uh, I'm ok, you know.

Patrick: Any headaches?

Jason: Yeah, it hurts. It really hurts.

Patrick: Ok. That's understandable. Blurred vision? How many fingers?

Jason: Uh, three. How much did I miss?

Sam: Ok, look, I realize you're probably sick of me, and I'm probably one of your biggest pet peeves, Sam-come-lately and all. So first I want to thank you so much for answering my prayers. Thank you. Jason didn't die. He's alive. And he is, well, he's awake. But that could be the problem, might be the problem, for me and for all the people that love Jason. My Jason. The Jason that we all remember. So I'm just gonna ask you for one more favor, please. Please let him be the Jason he was before. Please.

Patrick: Sam. You can come back in.

Sam: Hey.

Jason: Hi.

Sam: look...better.

Jason: You look, um...good, too.

Sam: So, you're...Jason, right?

Jason: Jason who?

Sam: What's the last thing you remember?

Jason: You promised you'd be waiting for me.

Sam: And here I am.

Michael: What the hell did you do to my sister?

Anthony: Nothing. I did nothing. I walked in and found her just like this.

Michael: Kristina! Kristina, it's Michael!

Anthony: Oh, you can put that away. I called 911 already. Ambulance is on the way.


Anthony: See? I'm just as useful in an emergency as the next guy. Especially when it comes to the daughter of one of my associates. Not that I have any warm, fuzzy feelings for Sonny. But there's no reason for the children to be held accountable. I'm still waiting for some expression of gratitude.

Michael: Just stay away from my sister! Krissy, the ambulance is on the way. Gonna take you to the hospital and see what's wrong.

Lucky: Ok, if what you're saying is true, then Siobhan's death is no longer a medical issue. It's a police matter. So her body should be good to go, right?

Matt: That is in fact not the issue.

Lucky: Ok, you're not making sense.

Matt: Siobhan's sister showed up. Uh, Megan McKenna.

Lucky: Yeah. I know her.

Matt: So, apparently Siobhan never got around to changing her will after you two got married, so now Megan has legal responsibility for her.

Lucky: Well, I guess I should talk to her--

Matt: Conference room.

Lucky: Right. Hey. Megan. Look, I'm so sorry.

Megan: Sorry? Siobhan is dead and you're sorry? You're the one who killed her.

Elizabeth: I love you, buddy.

Cameron: I love you, too.

Elizabeth: Ok. Jump down. Run upstairs. Brush your teeth really well so they gleam. Good night.

[Child giggling]

[Knock on door]

Elizabeth: Andrea, you're just in--

Dante: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Dante: You got a minute?

Elizabeth: Well, sure, but I do have to leave for work soon. Come on in.

Dante: Yeah, I won't be long. I'm here on official capacity.

Elizabeth: You mean police business?

Dante: Right.

Elizabeth: Ok.

Dante: I need to ask you a few questions about Siobhan Spencer's death. Apparently you were the last one to see her alive.

Lucky: Ok, well, it's, uh, pretty clear how you feel about me. I'm not gonna...try to defend myself. But we need to put animosity aside and come together as Siobhan's family.

Megan: Siobhan's family is in Ireland.

Lucky: She was my wife, Megan.

Megan: And now she's dead. But that doesn't matter to you, does it? She was just a pawn to you.

Lucky: That's not true.

Megan: Don't even try to deny it. I know how things were between you. She and I were very close. That's why she was willing to risk everything to rescue from kidnappers. Siobhan confided in me.

Lucky: Look, I cared about your sister deeply, ok? I'm gonna regret--

Megan: I don't give a damn about your regrets. What happened to my sister? Why did she die?

Lucky: I don't know.

Megan: You don't know much, do you? You don't know why she died. You don't know how she felt or what she wanted. You don't seem to have given a bloody damn about Siobhan. So I have to wonder why it is you insisted on marrying her. To keep her around for your convenience? Do you even care that it cost her - her life?

Lucky: Of course I do.

Megan: Then have the spine to own what you did. It says here, "Cause of death: Unknown." But I know. I'm looking it right in the face.

Elizabeth: Are my answers really necessary? Why don't you just arrest me and get it over with?

Dante: Why would I have reason to do that?

Elizabeth: Oh, I know what everyone's thinking. I'm not oblivious, oh, well, Elizabeth finally did it. Siobhan didn't die when I switched those meds on purpose, so I just bided my time until I could finish the job.

Dante: Ok, look, it doesn't look good for you. To be honest with you, the OR incident, the fight with Siobhan where she ends up down the stairs. Then she's in a car accident with guess who--you. Then she wakes up and you're the first person she wants to talk to.

Elizabeth: The first person to see, not the last. That would be her actual killer.

Dante: Ok. Why did she want to see you?

Elizabeth: To talk about Lucky. We didn't even argue. And she was very clear that I did not push her down the stairs.

Dante: Unfortunately she's not here right now to corroborate that.

Elizabeth: This doesn't look good for me, does it?

Dante: Not unless you can add something to the record that you haven't said already. Let me know if you think of anything.

Elizabeth: Dante, wait. There is something.

Olivia: Ooh! Mmm. I can't say much for the accommodations, but I like your style.

Steve: You make me crazy.

[Olivia and Steve laugh]

Steve: Mmm...

Olivia: Am I reading you right?

Steve: I'm game if you're game.

Olivia: Oh, what if somebody comes in?

Steve: It's the middle of the shift. Besides, what's taking a little risk, huh?

Olivia: How much time do we have?

Steve: A half hour or so.

Olivia: Then why are you still talking?

Patrick: Everything's pointing to a full recovery. I'm gonna keep an eye on you for a few more days.

Jason: Uh, how many?

Patrick: It depends how quickly you bounce back.

Jason: I can't be stuck in here.

Patrick: It's not an option, Jason. You can't go out there doing whatever it is you do, getting into gunfights. No strenuous activity whatsoever until I say it's ok, or you're gonna end up in another OR or worse.

Jason: I'll heal better away from this place, trust me.

Patrick: Look, I'm gonna do whatever I can to get you out of here, 'cause nobody's happy about having your bodyguards around here or the thugs that are coming here to kill you.

Sam: Look, now is not the time to be coming down on Jason.

Patrick: I'm not coming down on him. I'm just telling him what's been happening.

Jason: Ok, go ahead. I'd like to know.

Patrick: Well, you missed a little bit of a mob party we had here. Yeah, I personally screwed up a sting operation in coordination with the hospital and the FBI in order to keep Anthony Zacchara from killing you.

Sam: For the record, your bedside manner does suck.

Patrick: Look, ordinarily I don't care what you and your business associates do on the outside, but when my family gets involved, when Sonny brings his murderous intent into my home and threatens their lives, that pisses me off.

Jason: I understand. Sonny's having a lot of trouble with--

Patrick: Enough with that crap, Jason. Sonny is ruthless, he's entitled, and he's out of control.

Sam: Don't you get what's happening here, that the more you rant about Sonny, the more Jason's gonna want to get out of this bed and go chase after him.

Patrick: Sonny is not worth Jason or anybody else--

Jason: I heard you the first time.

Patrick: Ok. Well, this is where I do care about you. I pulled off a nearly impossible surgery to keep you alive, and I don't want you ruining that, and I'm sure Sam can agree with me.

Sam: Agreed.

Patrick: So you're gonna stay here until I say it's ok to leave.

Sam: Um, he doesn't respond well to orders.

Patrick: Like I said, I'm gonna do everything in my power to get you back on your feet so you can go control that boss of yours and this hospital can get back to normal.

Sam: Whew. What the hell side of the bed did he wake up on this morning. Wait a minute! What do you think you're doing?

Jason: I'm getting out of here.bluhorsa

Olivia: If someone goes in here, we are so busted.

Steve: It's too late for that now.

Sam: No, you don't. You're not going anywhere.

Jason: Sam, I can't stay here for days.

Sam: You have to stay and rest. You heard what Patrick told you.

Jason: Yeah, I heard what Patrick said. He said all hell is breaking loose right now. I can't stay here.

Sam: Too bad. Sonny's gonna have to fight his own battles for a change.

Jason: Maybe he will, but--

Sam: And as unpleasant as Patrick, it was really pleasant to hear that somebody is actually fighting for your safety. I mean, Anthony did try and get in here and he wasn't able to.

Jason: I don't want to talk about Anthony. Ok? We're getting married. We were already under the gun.

Sam: So to speak.

Jason: And we've lost all this time. We gotta get back on track.

Sam: No, Jason, we don't.

Elizabeth: Siobhan wanted to speak with Lucky.

Dante: Well, that makes sense. He...was her husband.

Elizabeth: It was more than that. She said that she knew something about the people who--oh, God, I can't remember how she put it--the people who had done what they did to Lucky.

Dante: What, she knew something about the drug ring?

Elizabeth: Apparently, and she said it was really important.

Dante: What did she say it was?

Elizabeth: She wouldn't tell anyone but him.

Dante: Ok. Thank you. I might need to talk to you again.

Elizabeth: Yeah, well, you know where I live.

Matt: Detective Falconeri.

Dante: Mm-hmm.

Matt: Is everything ok here?

Elizabeth: Yeah. We're fine. He was just on his way out.

Dante: Thank you again. Excuse me.

[Elizabeth sighs]

Matt: What was that about?

Elizabeth: Siobhan's death has officially been ruled a homicide.

Matt: What, and that guy thinks that you're a suspect?

Elizabeth: He didn't come right out and say it, but he may as well have.

Matt: That's absurd.

Elizabeth: Maybe not.

Matt: And that's cryptic. What--what do you mean?

Elizabeth: Well, if we're being completely honest here, I really wanted Siobhan to go away.

Lucky: I swear to you, for both of our sakes, I'm gonna find out why Siobhan died, and I'm gonna get whoever did this.

Megan: You did it. I warned Siobhan about you. I told her you're nothing but trouble. And she was looking at the world through love-struck eyes, missing all the danger around her. I begged her to come to Spain with me, but no. You had to keep using her.

Lucky: Hey, I was not using her, Megan. That's not what this was about, ok? Siobhan stayed because she wanted to be with me. We knew that the door swung both ways. Neither of us wanted to say good-bye.

Megan: Save your pretty sentiments for your next victim. They don't work on me. You may not have put the gun to Siobhan's face or choked her with your bare hands, but whatever force of evil did, you let it in. You might as well have murdered Siobhan yourself.

Lucky: Hey.

Dante: Hey. You ok?

Lucky: Yeah. Uh, there's not gonna be a funeral service for Siobhan. Not here, anyway. Her sister's taking her body back to Ireland.

Dante: You're, uh, good with that?

Lucky: Not really. Don't have a choice, I guess. Is there anything new going on with the case?

Dante: Uh, I just talked to Elizabeth.

Lucky: Why?

Dante: I wanted to see what she remembered about her last conversation with Siobhan.

Lucky: And?

Dante: She said Siobhan had important information for you about the drug ring.

Lucky: What, Siobhan did?

Dante: Yeah. According to Elizabeth.

Lucky: What would she have known?

Dante: Apparently that was information she was only going to share with you.

Lucky: You know what this means? Maybe if Siobhan stumbled upon incriminating evidence, these guys, they would have wanted to make sure that she stayed quiet. Son of a bitch.

Dante: What? What?

Lucky: Siobhan was murdered because of me.

Elizabeth: Everybody knows I didn't like Siobhan, that I didn't think she was good for Lucky.

Matt: Look, ok, wanting somebody out of the picture and wanting them dead are two completely different things.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I know. I know that. But what if--what if it was subconscious? What if deep down in my heart I knew that I was switching the meds?

Matt: This is ridiculous.

Elizabeth: I never screwed up like that before, ever, and now I've done it to Lucky's wife, a woman I don't approve of?

Matt: Really? Ok, all right, fine. Why don't we just run with this for a second. So the night at the warehouse, did you deliberately push Siobhan down those steps?

Elizabeth: No!

Matt: Ok. And did you intentionally crash your car into Jason's in an attempt to kill Siobhan?

Elizabeth: Of course not.

Matt: Ok. And so did you try and murder her in her hospital bed?

Elizabeth: No!

Matt: Ok, then stop acting like you did! Ok, now, just...promise me that you are not gonna tell anyone what you just told me, unless you have a persecution complex, because talking like that, you're just gonna end up in jail.

Jason: Did something change while I was out? Did you change your mind about getting married?

Sam: Really? Absolutely not.

Jason: Ok.

Sam: Almost losing you made me realize more than ever how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I am gonna need you around for that. So, I think we're gonna have to concentrate on your recovery. And I don't think we have to stick to some arbitrary timetable.

Jason: It's not arbitrary. We picked September 23, and I'm gonna make that happen.

Sam: I know. Look, I want to, too, Jason. I just think that we could scale it down a little bit. It doesn't have to be this big ginormous event.

Jason: But I thought you wanted a proper wedding, with friends and family, a dress, and your sisters as bridesmaids.

Sam: I do.

Jason: Then stop trying to talk yourself out of it. We are only gonna do this one time, so you better make it a wedding that you really want.

Sam: Are you sure?

Jason: Absolutely. And all those details, let Maxie and Kristina handle all that, will you?

Sam: Ooh, you think?

Jason: I think they would love it.

Sam: Ok. All right, well, I'm gonna have to keep my hand in it a little bit so it doesn't get too out of control.

Jason: Just let them handle the details, and then September 23 rolls around, all we have to do is show up.

Sam: You are so brilliant.

Jason: Mm-hmm. You are biased.

Sam: Damn straight I am.

Jason: Ah, this is perfect.

Patrick: Kristina? Hey, it's Dr. Drake. I want you to open your eyes, all right? Come on. Open your eyes. That's it. Good.

Alexis: Hey, baby, how you doing?

Kristina: Ok, I guess.

Michael: You scared us.

Patrick: Do you remember what happened?

Kristina: I--I don't know. Can I have a clue?

Alexis: What were you doing in the warehouse with Anthony Zacchara?

Kristina: I wasn't. Ok, ok. Now I remember. I was there, but I was alone.

Michael: Why were you in a warehouse by yourself in the middle of the night?

Kristina: I needed to think.

Alexis: Honey, you can't walk on the waterfront at night by yourself.

Kristina: It was the closest place to where I was coming from. What's going on?

Patrick: Ok, well, you collapsed and we need to determine what happened to you.

[Cell phone ringing]

Alexis: It's Molly. She wants to know how you're doing.

Michael: I'll call her. You stay here.

Alexis: Oh, thank you.

Patrick: Do you remember anything about what happened? What's the last thing you remember?

Kristina: I was walking to the warehouse and...that's it. I’m drawing a blank.

Patrick: That's it? Ok. Have you collapsed before?

Kristina: Not exactly.

Alexis: What do you mean, not exactly?

Michael: Kristina is awake and responding. So you can stop worrying. Sure thing, Molly. I'll talk to you later, ok?

Anthony: I couldn't help but overhear. I'm glad to know your sister's ok. Be sure to tell your dad that I was the one that got Kristina help. Make sure Sonny knows that he owes me one. A big one. And I always collect.

Matt: I carry my own guilt when it comes to Siobhan, honestly.

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

Matt: Well, she was my patient. So I racked my brain trying to figure out if there was something that I missed that was obvious. Or not so obvious, or something that my brother would have seen.

Elizabeth: You're way too hard on yourself. You need to work on that.

Matt: Hey, I didn't mean to talk about my stuff right now. The point of this entire conversation is I just--I don't want you going around town talking like you are, making people think that you're guilty of murdering Siobhan. Ok?

Elizabeth: You know, it's funny. I spent so much time wishing her away, trying to come up with ideas for her to pack up and move back to Ireland. And in the end, she was gonna leave Lucky anyway.

Dante: I gotta tell you, I don't like seeing you like this.

Lucky: Like what?

Dante: It's pretty dark, like you're on the edge.

Lucky: You know, one of the hardest things about being a recovering addict is what it does to your relationships. How everybody is constantly doubting you. It's not like they don't have the right to, but you can't help but resent it all the same.

Dante: Look, why don't you just resign and quit the case?

Lucky: That's as good as me admitting to Mac and IA that I'm using. And I'm not.

Dante: Your wife just died. Take a leave.

Lucky: What are you talking about? I just found out somebody involved in the case might have killed Siobhan. I can't back out now. There's no way.

Dante: It's a hell of a risk to take, Lucky. I don't think you want to go back down the road of addiction, do you? You worked your butt off to get sober. Now you're gonna start back at square one possibly? I just hope you got the strength in you not to fall.

Patrick: Can you explain to me what you're going through right now?

Kristina: Head rushes, like when you get up too fast.

Patrick: Ok. How often?

Kristina: Not too. Just now and then. Well, one time Ethan caught me right as I was about to fall. But I don't think it's a problem. I probably just haven't been eating enough.

Patrick: Now, you let me do the diagnosis, all right? Any problems with your coordination? Have you been off-balance or anything?

Kristina: I hadn't thought of it like that, but I have been kind of clumsy lately. I bump into something, or I reach for something and I miss it.

Michael: Could she be having these symptoms because of the drugs that Lisa gave her?

Alexis: What drugs? What drugs?

Michael: It's important enough to explain. Lisa Niles gave Kristina what she said were herbal supplements. It turned out to be hydrocodone.

Patrick: I don't think there's any correlation between the two. She didn't take enough to have an issue.

Alexis: How do I not know about--why am I the la--why didn't you tell me?

Patrick: Because I wasn't obligated to tell you. Kristina is an adult.

Kristina: Finally! Someone who acknowledges. Anyway, I'm fine. Can I go home now?

Patrick: No, you can't go home. You're gonna wait here until I run some tests, all right, so try and relax. I'll be back.

Kristina: Ok, before you go ballistic, I didn't tell you because it never got to be an issue, and I didn't want you hyperventilating all over the place and for no reason.

Alexis: Ok. All right. We'll just sit here quietly and calmly and wait for Dr. Drake to arrange the tests. And we'll talk about this when we get home. That it's inappropriate to keep secrets from your mother. No matter how old you are.

Patrick: Kristina cleared you. You can leave my hospital now.

Anthony: Your hospital, your patients, your wife. You doctors are awful proprietary, doc.

Patrick: If you're still here when I come back, you'll be removed, even if I have to do it myself.

Anthony: You people just need to learn basic respect, and the price of the lack thereof. Hello. It's Anthony Zacchara. I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor.

Steve: You know what?

Olivia: What?

Steve: I want more quality time together. Not just an hour here and there or a stolen moment.

Olivia: I'm so with you.

Steve: What would you say about going away for a weekend, just you and me?

Olivia: Really?

Steve: Yeah.

Olivia: You know, we could go to Memphis. You could show me around. I've always wanted to see Graceland. Elvis was very big in my household, believe it or not.

Steve: You know what? I'm not feeling it.

Olivia: Hmm.

Steve: I think that we should go somewhere brand-new.

Olivia: Yeah?

Steve: Yeah, for our first time away together.

Olivia: How about this? I'll make a list.

[Olivia chuckles]

Steve: Mmm…you just lit up my night.

Olivia: Hmm.

[Blues guitar playing]

Kristina: So what's up with everybody asking about Anthony Zacchara?

Michael: He happened to be the one who found you.

Kristina: That's creepy. He didn't do anything to me, did he?

Michael: No, no. No, he didn't. I got there right after he did. He already called 911. Why didn't you tell anybody you were having these episodes?

Kristina: I didn't think they were a problem. I still don't. Oh, and thanks so much for telling Mom about Lisa giving me hydrocodone. You just bought me a week's worth of lectures.

Michael: I'm sorry.

Kristina: I forgive you. Because I'm generous like that.

Michael: So's your mom. I'm impressed she was able to stay so calm.

Alexis: Patrick, I need you to tell me what's going on with my daughter, because she's, what, getting dizzy and passing out after being fed hydrocodone by some lunatic? I don't care how old she is. I'm her mother and I want you to tell me if she's gonna be all right.

Patrick: We have to wait and see.

Alexis: Wait and see?

Patrick: It's all I have right now, all right?

Alexis: Well, that's not very comforting, you know.

PA: Dr. Conor O'Leary, call...

Jason: It's strange to think that a piece of dashboard was--what was that word?

Sam: Mm...migrating.

Jason: Migrating up into my head all these years.

Sam: We were so scared, Jason. Me, Monica, Edward. Everybody, actually. We just didn't know if you would recover, and if you did, who you would be when you woke up.

Jason: Because of the first time?

Sam: Yeah. I mean, if you had opened your eyes and it wasn't you looking back at me, it wasn't the Jason who knew what we shared, it just...

Jason: The worst part is when they put me under. I have this impulse to fight, and it's really hard to control, so...I lay there, I'd think about you.

Sam: Hmm. What do you mean, like in general, or like something in particular or anything?

Jason: Well...and Hawaii.

Sam: Really?

Jason: Yeah.

Sam: Huh. Well, funny you should mention it. Heh. Honeymoon spots. I think you ought to start looking and pick a spot.

Orlando: Detective Spencer?

Lucky: Yeah.

Orlando: I wanted to make sure you got this. The last of your wife's personal effects.

Lucky: Thanks.

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