General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 8/24/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Maxie: My heart? How do you know about my heart?
Spinelli: Well, I know it's not what it used to be. In fact, it's not yours at all.
Maxie: And? What
Spinelli: can't be getting ten kinds of emotional, you know? Your ticker's not the model you drove off the lot with. You got to stay cool and protect the new merchandise.
Maxie: You remember that.
Spinelli: Like you said, the important stuff's all in there.
Maxie: About me.
Spinelli: About everybody.
Maxie: Oh, you're right there, Spinelli. I know it's just right there, flying around inside you. You just need to grab ahold of it and don't let go. Um, tell me--tell me what other important things you remember.
Skye: Well, well, look who's working so hard.
Tracy: Sorry, the office is closed.
Skye: Which would be why you're here doing what by yourself, exactly? Oh, let me take a wild guess. You're trying to cover your tracks. What a shame you're too late.
Dante: What do you mean, you're quitting?
Officer: We'll pick up the search in the morning.
Dante: No, no, no, you got night divers. Bring 'em in. I don't care how long it takes, how many pieces of the plane there are. We need evidence.
Olivia: To prove Jax is alive... or that Sonny's guilty?
Abby: Do you know how you can prove that you really love Michael? Let him go. Don't drag him down with you. Don't suck him in any deeper.
Sonny: My son makes his own decisions.
Abby: You said that you didn't want him involved in your life.
Sonny: Ok, in my life I do want him involved, but not in my business.
Abby: You'll confuse him. The choices that he'll make will be wrong. They'll be about wanting your respect.
Sonny: I respect my son. I love him. He knows that.
Abby: Then prove it. Let him go.
Sonny: It sounds--you know, it sounds to me like you don't think he's man enough to make his own choices. Is that true? Is that true?
Michael: That's a good question.
Maxie: Ok, you remember my heart transplant. That's a good start. What else do you remember?
Spinelli: Ease up on the third degree, sugar pants. It's getting hot under the bare bulb.
Maxie: I'm just trying to help.
Spinelli: Well, you're helping yourself, not me.
Maxie: That's not true. Well, I mean, usually it is, but it's not right now.
Spinelli: Ok, fine, the docs sliced you up. They gave you a new lease on life, and that's a big deal, and I remember big deals, but I didn't get it tattooed on my arm or anything. Look, doll, you're reaching for something that you can't have, and if that hurts, I'm sorry.
Maxie: Why would that hurt?
Spinelli: Look, you want me to place you as something that--that's more than just a colorful distraction, but...that's all you are. And all the sewers and cemeteries in the world can't change that, know, desperation doesn't go with your eyes.
Maxie: I am not some desperate dame trying to get you to feel sorry for me, and I will not be treated like a loser.
Spinelli: You're not a loser. You're just a dame with a broken second-hand heart. It happens. To all of us.
Maxie: Even you?
Spinelli: Huh? I think it's time for us to roll. These ghosts are starting to cry.
Maxie: What ghosts?
Spinelli: All of them.
Maxie: Maybe just one. Maybe it's Georgie's. You said you remember important stuff. What important things do you remember about her?
Spinelli: I remember that I failed her.
Tracy: Why are you still here? Isn't it time you crawled back under your rock?
Skye: You remember Jason, don't you? The one Grandfather loved so much. The one who was in a near-fatal car accident, had emergency surgery. I'm just here to make sure Grandfather's all right.
Tracy: Don't call him that. You're not family.
Skye: Grandfather would disagree.
Tracy: That's because you shamelessly suck up to him. But I see who you are.
Skye: A woman who wishes she had everything you take for granted. At least you had a family--have a family--yet all you do is bitch and moan. Any family I ever had was ripped away by my mother's lies.
Tracy: Waah, waah, waah. Go back to the Chandlers. Bleed that family dry.
Skye: Shipped me off to boarding school just as soon as they could. But you, Tracy, you had it all, didn't you? Everything I ever wanted. Yes, it's true the Quartermaines turned bickering into a family sport, but there was always love underneath. And you squandered it. Alienated your sons, drove them away. Maybe that's why you always see me as a threat.
Tracy: Ha! Threatened by a woman who's experienced a lifetime of rejection?
Skye: I see family for the gift that it is. Even after I admitted I wasn't a Quartermaine by blood, it didn't matter to Alan or Edward. I was more of a family to them than you ever were.
Tracy: Don't compare us. We're worlds apart.
Johnny: Hello, Pop.
Anthony: Hello, Johnny. Age must be catching up to me. I should have spotted you tailing me three blocks back.
Johnny: Who says I'm tailing you?
Anthony: A man in your position should have better things to do than follow his own father, I mean, with you being in charge and all. Sonny is getting more unpopular by the minute. You should be making preparations to take advantage.
Johnny: Like you are.
Olivia: So I see they got you on your father again, huh?
Dante: They got me on a case.
Olivia: Which involves you going after Sonny.
Dante: It involves me searching for a body, the body of someone you used to work for, someone you liked and respected.
Olivia: Wait a minute. Don't be so quick to kill Jax off like that, or to use him as a tool to use him as a tool to get to Sonny. I got every reason to believe that Jax is still alive.
Dante: Or not. And if Sonny's guilty of this part, Ma, he's going to pay this time. Do you have a problem with that?
Olivia: Both Jax and your father are very complicated men--
Dante: Stop calling him that. He was never a part of my life.
Olivia: And that's my fault, because I never told him about you. If he had known, he would have been there for you.
Dante: You didn't tell him because whatever deadbeat I thought was my father was better than the real thing. His other kids deserve better, too.
Olivia: That's completely different, Dante. Those kids grew up with Sonny. They know him. They adore him.
Dante: Yeah, I bought into that whole thing, too. Sonny the great loving father, puts everyone and everything before his kids.
Olivia: Which happens to be true.
Dante: No, no, no. If Sonny loved his kids, he wouldn't have been a part of their lives either. He would have left the business. But, look, Sonny doesn't think that way because Sonny is too damn selfish.
Olivia: Ok, honey, you may be right about that.
Dante: You know, I turned myself inside and out to keep Sonny out of prison because his kids needed him. Ok? But he's gonna keep on hurting those kids and plenty of other people if I keep letting him off the hook.
Michael: Answer my father, Abby. You don't think I'm capable of making my own decisions?
Abby: When we were at the island, you said that you wouldn't just blindly follow in his footsteps.
Sonny: My people told me you went to the island looking for me. Did they treat you all right?
Michael: Yeah, they treated us good.
Abby: Yeah, like their lives depended on it. Michael got a taste of what it was like to be you.
Michael: Why are you taking this to my dad?
Abby: He's encouraging you, Michael, making you sympathetic to his twisted version of the facts.
Michael: No, my dad tells me the truth.
Abby: How do you know? You're not even questioning it.
Michael: Abby, this isn't any of your business at all, anyway. If you want to talk to me, that's fine, but don't go to my father behind my back.
Abby: I have a right to be worried about you.
Michael: Yeah, you told me on the island and I listened.
Abby: You said that you would keep your options open, that you'd explore all the possibilities before just jumping into something. Then we come back, you find out that a plane has crashed into the harbor with your stepfather on board, after it's been tampered with. Now all I'm hearing is just blind loyalty. You're practically condoning--
Sonny: Condoning what? Going after what you want? Protecting the people you love?
Abby: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm doing right now. You always say that you don't want Michael to be a part of the mob. So why are you suddenly acting like you do?
Michael: Now you're chewing out my father?
Abby: I'm just calling him on his double standard.
Michael: Ok, look, Abby, you don't even understand--
Sonny: No, no, no. Let her say her piece.
Abby: Michael just graduated from high school. He has his whole future ahead of him.
Sonny: Of course he does. I'm proud of my son. You should be proud of him, too.
Abby: I am proud of him.
Sonny: Then you should trust that he can think for himself.
Michael: My dad's right.
Abby: How can you not see this? He's alienated everyone else. He's counting on you to side with him. I mean, he's practically daring you to go against him to defend me.
Sonny: If my son wants to stand by me, that's his choice. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks.
Abby: Jump in anytime, Michael. Fine. You two stand here side by side. I am not going to stand around and watch it.
Sonny: You can go. You can go after her if you want.
Michael: No. Nothing I say is going to change her mind.
Sonny: I'm sorry that she doesn't get it, but when push comes to shove, we got to know who we can count on.
Tracy: Spare me the little orphan routine.
Skye: You remember Jason, Tracy, don't you? Your nephew who's about to undergo yet another surgery. Have you even called to check and see how he's doing?
Tracy: Jason hasn't been my nephew since AJ took him for a drunken joyride, and they plowed into a tree.
Skye: How can you be so callous?
Tracy: How can you think that I care about your opinion? You're nothing but a parasite latching on to survive.
Skye: Well, you'd certainly know all about that, wouldn't you, the way you latched onto Gino Soleito after Grandfather kicked you out. Is that what you were doing, looking him up, or what you did to him?
Tracy: You're not trying to compare our history with men, are you?
Skye: At least I'm woman enough to sleep with the men I screw over.
Tracy: I guess so. And then, they just leave you, right?
Skye: When's the last time you heard from Luke?
Tracy: That's it. You're done. Get out. Find another victim.
Skye: Oh, this one suits me quite nicely.
Asher: Problem?
Skye: It's practically solved.
Tracy: I want you to find something, and then, I want you to make it disappear.
Asher: Don't we have someone for that?
Tracy: Actually, I want you to handle it personally.
Asher: No problem. What am I looking for?
Tracy: There's a time to be cocky. This isn't it.
Asher: How can I help?
Maxie: Why would you say you failed her?
Spinelli: I should have been quicker, smarter. There were signs ten feet tall and flashing like sin city neon, but I missed them. Put it together too late, and he got to her and killed her. Killed your sister.
Maxie: The police had a whole task force to try to find the Text Message Killer, and even they couldn't do anything.
Spinelli: Yeah, but they're flatfoots. I'm us, Jackal, PI. I should have known better. I-- I should have tracked down the clues. I should have read between the lines of those whatchamacallits.
Maxie: Texts?
Spinelli: Messages. Gizmo messages. Yeah. the ones Georgie used to write to me.
Maxie: Emails. Beautiful ones about how she felt about you. Only you didn't discover them until after she was gone.
Spinelli: She was really gone for me.
Maxie: Really gone.
Spinelli: I should have known. I let her down.
Maxie: You don't let anyone down.
Spinelli: Yeah? Well, I'm not seeing it--not with her, anyway. It was that stupid thing that--God, that box that she put her feelings in.
Maxie: What box?
Spinelli: I don't know. The gizmo.
Maxie: Computer. That's something that you and Georgie shared in common. She admired your cyber skills. She thought what you could do on a laptop was amazing.
Spinelli: Amazing for what? I was just huddled in front of a plastic box.
Maxie: You made magic, Spinelli.
Spinelli: I had this cockamamie notion that all the answers in life were in that thing. But I was just a sap sitting alone in a room, jamming my head with worthless junk.
Maxie: It wasn't worthless. I mean, you opened my eyes to a world of wonder.
Spinelli: You--don't you see, doll? You were the real world.
Maxie: You were brilliant, Spinelli, about everything--literature, art, science--and you showed it all to me. I mean, you would even show me stuff online. It was beyond cool. And it all started with that computer your granny gave you when you were little. Do you remember?
Spinelli: Granny said it was a toy.
Maxie: Well, the best toy that you ever got, 'cause you told me working with a computer helped you feel in control.
Spinelli: That wasn't the truth. It was just a bad alibi. Those things, they don't--they don't open up the world. They keep you from living in it. They suck you in, and the next thing you know, you can't talk for yourself, think, or feel. You just push a button. Say it, and save it. You keep it locked in, keep it locked up. And that's why your sister never told me those things to my face. Now, she's dead. Where's the magic in that?
Maxie: You couldn't save her, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Yeah, but I'm--but I'm Jackal, PI.
Maxie: No. You're Damien Spinelli, and you might not have been able to save Georgie, but I think you saved me. Lisa Niles had that gun pointed right at me, and then, you dove right in front.
Spinelli: It's part of the job.
Maxie: No. That's part of being you, part of being Spinelli. You acted without thinking.
Spinelli: Occupational reflex.
Maxie: Heart reflex. That's what triggered all this--you didn't want to lose someone who cared about you like before.
Spinelli: You keep trying to jam things in my head that ain't there.
Maxie: It is there. That's one of the things that I love most about you. You would let me babble on and on about Georgie, and you understood, because you knew that I needed her in my life.
Spinelli: You had a right to mourn for your sister, doll.
Maxie: You were kicking yourself because you couldn't stop what happened to her. But in that one instant, Spinelli, you put your life on the line for me. You, Spinelli, not Jackal, PI.
Spinelli: That geek has nothing on me.
Maxie: You're right. Spinelli has a heart and a soul. And you only exist because he got shot.
Spinelli: Don't get all existential on me, sugar pants.
Maxie: You don't get it. You don't get how special you are. Even Jason has a soft spot for you. I think that's why Georgie loved you so much, why I loved you so much in that special, non-spouse way only we could. It's why I miss you, and I want you back.
Johnny: Quite the sweet tooth you've developed there, eh?
Anthony: The pastry chef is a master. We can't let these people toil in obscurity. We got to celebrate their achievements, support the arts. Like you with your piano. Why aren't you home playing it?
Johnny: I felt like a stroll.
Anthony: Bull dinky. You felt like checking me out. Knock yourself out. Sit here and pour through some cupcakes like a village idiot and see what you find. I tell you what you're going to find--nothing.
Johnny: Yeah. It's always something with you.
Anthony: [High voice] Stop following him, John. [Deep voice] Yeah, it makes him nervous. [High voice] Bad things happen when he gets nervous.
Johnny: Yeah. I want you to tail my father tonight. I want to know exactly where he is. He's up to something. Oh, my--
Abby: Well--
Johnny: I am so sorry. Hey. How's that new life treating you?
Michael: Look, Dad, don't be mad at Abby. Stuff happened on the island.
Sonny: Stuff, I know. Someone thought that she was a hooker I hired for you.
Michael: Shouldn't surprise me that you know.
Sonny: Well, you know what? My people tell me everything, and you handled it well. You went to them, let them know you were upset, right?
Michael: I was pretty ticked off when Abby told me what happened.
Sonny: You don't want your girl disrespected.
Michael: Abby said people were talking because she's older, and that she obviously wasn't somebody I met in school.
Sonny: Any girl that you're with has to be treated right. And I'm sure Abby told you to let it go.
Michael: She said no harm was done.
Sonny: Ok. Listen to me. I'm glad you went to the staff, and you said what you said, because, you know, in this business, weakness, you know--can't afford that.
Michael: Just--Abby doesn't understand that.
Sonny: Well, Abby--I mean, she doesn't understand a lot of things.
Dante: Oh, if I could go back in time and give up Sonny for shooting me, believe me, I would. But I covered for him. I will never, ever make that mistake again, even if you want me to.
Olivia: You act like I want you to compromise what you believe in. I don't. I really don't.
Dante: Well, then stop trying to convince me that he's big enough to pay for his crimes.
Olivia: You are bigger than your badge. You get that? Deep down, I think that you understand Sonny better than you'd like to, and I think you hate that.
Dante: Of course I understand Sonny. That's what the problem is, Ma.
Olivia: Think back. When you first came to town, you were still undercover, before you ever knew that he was your father, you said that you liked him in spite of yourself. Now, I'm not saying that makes him Mother Teresa. I'm just saying you said that you felt something in common.
Dante: Yeah. I was a useful employee.
Olivia: Don't go rewriting history. It was more than that, and you know it. How about when you and Sonny went down to Texas to help find Brenda's kid?
Dante: I was useful to him again.
Olivia: Ok. But it reminded you of how much you liked him, you know, and that you felt a connection, right?
Dante: So what, Ma? I'm not supposed to bust the guy? I'm not supposed to hold him accountable for everything he does, all the crimes he commits?
Olivia: I am not saying that you turn a blind eye because of Sonny's terrible childhood. I'm saying stop beating yourself up for having good instincts, for trying to see the best in someone, for hoping that they might rise above the crappy situation that they came out of.
Dante: You always do this.
Olivia: I know. I'm a pain in the ass. What?
Dante: You see the best in everyone, including me.
Olivia: That's because you're perfect. And I also see the not-so-best in people. Like the disgusting bag of laundry that I found in the back of your car. My God. I'm sorry. I took the liberty.
Dante: That was unnecessary.
Olivia: Honey, sometimes, we do things 'cause we want to, not because we have to.
Officer: Detective? We found something.
Spinelli: It's been a good ride, but this is where I get off.
Maxie: You can't just get off your own life.
Spinelli: This is my life, doll face.
Maxie: I am trying to be helpful. And like I told you before, that doesn't happen very often, so don't take it lightly.
Spinelli: So what? You want me to be some Einstein who puts himself out for everyone else, but ends up alone? Where is the upside, doll face? Tell me.
Maxie: I want you to look at these, Spinelli. They're photos from our non-wedding. Look at the smile on your face. Look how happy you are.
Spinelli: What happened next? Did we stay non-married?
Maxie: We have a bond that will last forever.
Spinelli: You know, I see how this is good for you. I see the angle. Yeah, I'll be home by the phone if there's ever a jam, but you'll be off with Patch.
Maxie: It's not like that.
Spinelli: I had a thing for Moonlight, but she didn't get me. Your sister had a thing for me, but I was too thick to see it. And you, you got tired of living with a geek, and you gave me the ax. So tell me, why--why would I want to be that sap?
Maxie: Because what we had was real, and Jackal, PI isn't.
Spinelli: You could have fooled me.
Maxie: You were the first person besides Georgie who believed in me. I told you my dreams, and you didn't--you didn't laugh. You took me seriously and told me that I could do anything I set my mind to. Do you have any idea how huge that was for me?
Spinelli: Anyone can flatter a dame.
Maxie: Please, stop talking like a tough guy, like you don't care. You changed my life.
Spinelli: What did it get me? You? You're telling me that if I go back to being that geek, you're going to fall in my arms, and we're going to be written in the stars? Right. In my line of work, you can't get too attached.
Maxie: Everybody has feelings, Spinelli.
Spinelli: It doesn't pay to care too much. You lose people. You can't get them back. You miss them, and they're gone. I can't let that happen again. I can't lose again. I can't lose anyone else. So that means--that means I need you to stay the hell away from me.
Asher: Tracy's got me digging around in files looking for anything pertaining to a big stock spike around a decade ago.
Anthony: Predictable as a hungry rat.
Asher: What the hell's going on? Why wasn't I informed?
Anthony: This is need-to-know information, so don't ask.
Asher: It's my ass on the line here, and I don't like surprises.
Anthony: Do what I say, and I won't have to come up with any for you. Capisce?
Abby: Sorry. I wasn't even watching where I was going.
Johnny: No, it's ok. Something happen at ELQ? Trouble with Michael? What?
Abby: Thanks for asking, but I'm--
Johnny: Come on. I got my listening ears on today. Besides, I got this box of sweet baked persuasion. I don't want it to go to waste.
Abby: Tempting, but I'm ok.
Johnny: If I let you go, you're just going to bump into some other unsuspecting pedestrian. It is my civic duty to convince you to sit down and give in to temptation, huh? Are you a chocolate or vanilla person?
Abby: Vanilla, I guess.
Johnny: Vanilla it is. There you go.
Abby: Thank you.
Johnny: A little messy, so.
Abby: I'll take it easy.
[Johnny laughs]
Abby: Really? Oh, my God.
Johnny: I know, right? And you should have the sugar high kicking in any moment now. Just wait for it.
Abby: Mmm. That isn't fair, making me feel like a kid again.
Johnny: You feel better, huh? Even though you didn't want to?
Abby: Wow. Cupcakes. Still a comfort food, huh?
Johnny: Somebody needs comforting.
Abby: That obvious?
Johnny: Yeah, well, there's only one other time I've seen you this wound up--it's when you first auditioned for the club. You left in tears. It was pretty obvious that dancing wasn't your first career choice.
Abby: If you thought that, why'd you give me a second chance?
Johnny: 'Cause I knew you were saving up to go back to school, and I liked what I saw.
Abby: And it was another chance to get me out of my clothes.
Johnny: No, a chance to see you dance--nothing more, nothing less. And as uncomfortable you were with the whole stripping aspect of the job, I could tell you were passionate about the dance.
Abby: I've been dancing my whole life. Heh. Mmm. It's sort of a secret passion of mine. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, though.
Johnny: But I do, more than you know.
Michael: Dad, she just wants what's best for me.
Sonny: Sometimes, she talks like you're a kid.
Michael: She's important to me, Dad.
Sonny: I know. I know she is. But there's an age difference, a difference in, you know, the kind of experience. I'm not knocking--I'm not knocking her.
Michael: She does have pretty strong opinions--
Sonny: Well, opinions are one thing, but disrespecting family is another.
Michael: She just worries about me.
Sonny: She doesn't have to worry about how much I love you or committed I am to you, or that I have your best interests at heart.
Michael: She's not completely wrong, Dad. You were against me joining the business.
Sonny: Have I ever asked you to join the business and follow in my footsteps?
Michael: No, but--
Sonny: That's what I'm talking about. Abby has a knee-jerk reaction.
Michael: The thing that Abby doesn't get is that things change. Jason's not going to be available for who knows how long, and when your family needs you, you step up.
Sonny: Exactly. I appreciate that. But there is a limit to what I'm going to let you do.
Michael: Ok, Dad. I just want to help, ok? Just tell me what you want me to do.
Sonny: First, what you can do for me, just go to Jason, 'cause I want to see how he is and--
Michael: Hey, Mom. What are you doing here?
Carly: I'm getting a prescription for Josslyn. She has a cold.
Sonny: She sick? Maybe it has something to do with Jax, you know, taking her, running around in the rain at night.
Maxie: You want me to stay away.
Spinelli: That's what I said. I don't need some ditzy dish holding my hand.
Maxie: Please, don't call me that. Spinelli would never say that to me, and I was just trying to help.
Spinelli: I don't want what you want.
Maxie: Fine. I'll stop pushing. Be Jackal, PI or whoever you want. We can talk about this another time.
Spinelli: No, you don't get it. I'm tired of standing around and yammering. I'm a man of action.
Maxie: Yeah, you are. And Georgie would be proud. But I won't bring her up again, if you don't want me to.
Spinelli: Well, I've paid my respects. It's time to get back to business.
Maxie: No, Spinelli, wait. Um, if you're going to go stake out the bakery again, will you promise me you'll just lay low and hang out in the alleyway?
Spinelli: I'll do what I got to do, love.
Maxie: Spinelli, please promise me.
Spinelli: You know, go find Patch. Go feel this love thing that's got you all hot and bothered. I'll be fine. Just fine.
[Door shuts]
Tracy: So, what have you found?
Asher: Nothing, so far. I might have better luck if I was looking for something more specific than potentially damning financials when a company jumped into the big leagues.
Tracy: That information is all you need to go on.
Asher: I'm not doing these favors out of the goodness of my heart.
Tracy: I don't do anything out of the goodness of my heart. What's your point?
Asher: I assume there's a payoff, something in the nature of, say, a bonus attached to this week's paycheck.
Tracy: You're on my team because you're smart, creative, and motivated. Those are qualities that helped to build ELQ. If you stick with me, there's going to be a much bigger payoff than a bonus to your weekly check.
Anthony: Good. You've got it on.
Skye: Diamonds aren't every girl's best friend.
Anthony: The green of the stones off the glint in your eyes, like the jewels of a Celtic crown.
Skye: Mmm. Who knew you were such a poet?
Anthony: Who knew you had such a grudge against Tracy?
Skye: Did you deposit the money?
Anthony: All in your offshore account. You have the flash drive, I assume?
Skye: Hmm. This little storage bin holds all the damning evidence connecting the dots, proving that Tracy plowed all of Gino Soleito's mob money straight into ELQ. All of her grand and glorious efforts were funded by dirty money.
Anthony: Aww. I almost feel sorry for Tracy. Her days as a duchess looking down her nose on us peasants are coming to a close.
Skye: And the kingdom lived happily ever after.
Anthony: The end.
Skye: Uhh. Remember what I said--whatever game you're playing with Tracy, you leave Edward out of it. He's not to be touched in any way. His assets and his life remain intact.
Anthony: You have my word. Cross my heart.
Skye: And hope to die?
Carly: How dare you mention Jax to me.
Michael: Mom--
Carly: No. Your father's trying to bait me. You're just trying to bait me. After what you did to Jax, how can you even mention his name? I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry you had to hear that.
Michael: Mom, Dad's right.
Carly: The man who raised you could be dead because of your father, and you're going to take his side?
Sonny: Hey, don't get into it.
Michael: No, it's not fair of Mom to blame you.
Carly: Did you put him up to this?
Sonny: No.
Michael: Mom, stuff happens. I'm not going to turn against Dad just because everybody else--
Carly: Stuff happens? Michael, your father messed with Jax's plane, and he's gone.
Michael: He's gone, not dead. They haven't even found a body yet. No one knows where the body is.
Carly: Is that ok with you?
Sonny: Michael has a right to his opinion, Carly--
Carly: Oh, I'm sure you think so, because he's defending you. You must be loving this. Everyone is shocked and stunned by what you did, but lo and behold, you found an ally--your own son here.
Michael: Mom, when you thought Claudia was going to try and take Josslyn, I killed her, and you were ok with it.
Carly: I wasn't ok with it, Michael. You were defending us.
Michael: Just like Dad was trying to do. He wanted you to keep Josslyn just like I did.
Carly: It's not the same. We were in physical danger.
Sonny: He was trying to keep you and Josslyn safe.
Carly: Stop.
Sonny: What's wrong with that?
Carly: You stop. Don't you dare compare what Michael did to what you did. They're two totally different things. Michael will be nothing like you. He will never walk in your shoes, as long as I have a say in it.
Michael: You don't, Mom. And I am not going to stand here and listen to you accuse Dad of something that we don't even know what happened.
Carly: Oh, yeah. You know what? You just don't want them to find a body, so then they won't prosecute your father.
Michael: How about I want both--I don't want Dad to be prosecuted, and I want Jax to be alive.
Carly: Ok. Well, what if he's not? No, let's play that card for one minute, Michael. Think about it. What if, God forbid, Jax is dead? What if he didn't survive that plane crash?
Michael: He had it coming. Dad was going to protect you. Jax had to know that.
Carly: You want to run that by me again?
Michael: Jax was a threat, and Dad took care of him, like he always does.
Dante: Well, that sounded like a confession to me. What about you guys? What do you think? Search and rescue's been working all night.
Carly: What have they found?
Dante: No body, just pieces of the plane.
Carly: Well, if Jax went down with the plane, wouldn't they have found him by now?
Dante: No, not necessarily. The current is strong, visibility's limited. Night. We got to keep looking.
Carly: So, was there, um--any evidence that someone tampered with the plane?
Dante: One of the pieces we found was the cockpit with the instrument panel attached. The FAA's taking a look at it, but our guy says that it was the equivalent of the aviation way of hotwiring the plane so it would fly.
Michael: Ok. So that's why the plane crashed. Jax tampered with the instruments.
Sonny: Case dismissed.
Skye: If you think you can make all the right noises and promise me that Edward won't get hurt, and you turn around and do it anyway, you really don't know who you're dealing with.
Anthony: Again, I could say the same. You're going to give me what I paid for.
Skye: With a minor caveat.
Anthony: Sounds like a good wine.
Skye: I got you the goods on Tracy, and you can use that to get whatever it is you want to get over on her. But you leave Edward alone.
Anthony: Is there an "or" coming?
Skye: Let's just say that while I was coming up with that damning evidence on Tracy, I managed to come up with something even worse about you.
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