General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 8/3/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Tracy: What are you doing in here?
Edward: Tracy, my darling daughter. It's a lovely morning, isn't it?
Tracy: No, it's not. It's humid and disgusting.
Edward: All about perspective, dear.
Tracy: Why so cheerful? The chosen one is playing hooky.
Edward: I thought that would please you.
Tracy: It's proof that he is not taking ELQ seriously.
Edward: Time away from the office can only improve his job performance.
Tracy: How many more employees do you want to pay to not come into work? We need bodies in the building, Daddy, to run a business.
Skye: Maybe I could fill in.
Tracy: You're kidding.
Skye: Hello, Tracy. Miss me?
Carly: [Gasps] Oh, my God!
Shawn: Easy, easy, it's just me.
Carly: What are you doing?!
Shawn: The door was standing open and I was concerned.
Carly: Do you just casually walk into people's houses to scare the hell out of them?!
Shawn: Do you always shower with the door standing wide open?
Carly: No, I went outside to get the paper, my phone rang, I came--why am I explaining this to you? What are you doing here?
Shawn: [Chuckles] Just give me a second.
[Carly sighs]
Shawn: These were by a way of an apology for scaring you outside of Kelly's last night.
Carly: You mean by following me?
Shawn: I have no idea how I'll make up for that.
Carly: How about an explanation? An explanation. What are you doing? And why do you look like hell?
Shawn: No, I don't.
Carly: Yes, you do. You're usually perfectly pressed. It must be the military thing in you.
Shawn: Ok, ok, I've looked better.
Carly: What's going on? Is someone after you?
Shawn: Not at the moment. I'm not sure you can say the same.
Carly: Ok, I know you're worried about the whole Jax thing, but Jax is not going to do anything.
Shawn: And so far he hasn't. I spent the night in my car across the street, just in case.
Carly: Ok. That's really nice of you. Your muffins are really nice. Giving a damn is really nice. But this has to stop.
[Birds chirping]
[Knock knock]
Sonny: Max! I told you not to come in here--
Jason: I've got an update.
Sonny: If it's about business, I'll listen. If it's about that bitch Brenda, I don't want to hear about it.
Tracy: Whatever you're here for, the answer is no. Daddy, kick her out.
Edward: Oh, nonsense. Skye knows she's always welcome. I was so pleased when you called and asked to stop by.
Tracy: Has she hit you up for money yet?
Skye: I happen to be in town for the Skipper School fundraiser Jax has organized.
Tracy: Of course you are. 'Cause you're so good at being three sheets to the wind.
Skye: I don't plan on going out on the water, but there's the reception back at the hotel later. And I thought that was the perfect opportunity for me to visit and catch up with everyone in Port Charles.
Tracy: [Laughs] That's optimistic. You're assuming that there's anybody in Port Charles who wants to see you besides this old fool.
Skye: I did stop by the house first. Alice answered the door. She was very welcoming.
Edward: Oh, I hope you'll stay with us.
Skye: Oh, I couldn't possibly.
Edward: We have plenty of room.
Skye: Oh, yes, I did notice the house felt empty. You must be proud of yourself, Tracy. You've managed to scare everyone away, haven't you?
Tracy: And that must be why you came back. You thought there was a vacancy.
Skye: Did I hear you mention Michael?
Edward: Well, yes. This is his office.
Tracy: Mm-hmm. He's a summer intern!
Edward: And he is already showing his Quartermaine genes. The kid has a real knack for business.
Skye: Well, I think it's wonderful you're going to try to use Michael to bring the whole family back together again. I think that's exactly what Alan would have wanted.
Edward: Right.
Tracy: Don't you dare mention my brother. You convinced him that you were his daughter, and you were nothing but a grifter after our money.
Skye: Relax, Tracy. I'm not here for money. I have all the money I need. There are more important things in life besides money. Like family. Maybe if you paid attention to yours, your husband wouldn't have run off.
Tracy: I have a meeting. Sign off on this or we'll lose the deal.
Skye: I'm sorry, Edward. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
Edward: No, no, don't bother to apologize. It's a real pleasure to see you stand up to Tracy.
Skye: Oh, you've always been so kind to me.
Edward: So tell me, my dear. What are you really up to?
Abby: This looks wonderful.
Michael: Well, it's not like I did anything but pick up the phone and tell them what I wanted. Is mango ok?
Abby: I love fresh mango. Is there any yogurt?
Michael: Uh, well, they'll have to bring up some.
Abby: No, don't go to any trouble.
Michael: It's a phone call. That's the way it works down here. I tell 'em what I want, they make it happen.
Abby: I just don't want some poor waiter to have to bring up a bowl of yogurt from the kitchen.
Michael: Abby, my dad owns the island. Food service is one of the perks.
Abby: I can make do with this cottage cheese. I'm flexible that way. Sit.
Michael: You sure?
Abby: Yes, I'm positive.
Michael: All right. Ahh. What?
Abby: I'm not used to seeing you like this. So relaxed. Maybe even more confident.
Michael: Well, like I said, I spent a lot of time here growing up. It was one of the best times, the whole family had some of the best times I ever had here.
Abby: Yeah?
Michael: And mom and dad both love the beach. My mom, she grew up in Florida and she said coming to the ocean is the best place to lose all your problems.
Abby: Well, it seems like it's working for you.
Michael: I always loved when my dad brought me fishing. But the best time is when he brought me out on a speed boat. I was young and everything, but he'd open up the engine all the way and he'd let me drive. And it was a rush how the boat would just skip over all the waves. Every single time the boat hit the water, it'd make this booming sound. You could literally feel the speed.
Abby: We should do that some time. We could rent a speed boat. Take it out on the lake back home.
Michael: Or we could do it this afternoon right here.
Abby: I thought we were flying back to Port Charles.
Michael: What, and miss out on a day like this?
Abby: Well, what about work?
Michael: Abby, it's already taken care of.
Carly: Josslyn and I are fine.
Shawn: I happen to think the situation with Jax is more serious than you realize.
Carly: Ok, even if you're right, you haven't been paid for this.
Shawn: It's not about the money.
Carly: Of course it is. You have to make a living. I mean, what happened with your job interview?
Shawn: I went to DC. Look, I--
Carly: And?
Shawn: I did the interview.
Carly: I'm asking if you got the job.
Shawn: This is not about me. You have to be more careful. You can't leave doors standing open.
Carly: Ok, if I promise to keep my door shut from now on, are you going to tell me if you got the job?
Shawn: It's a large house. It's easy for intruders to hide.
Carly: You're not going to tell me, really? I mean, getting any kind of personal information from you is like pulling teeth.
Shawn: I'm not somebody who's going to open a vein every time I'm in the room.
Carly: Ahh, I've never known that about you.
Shawn: Look, I have to stay focused on the task at hand. That's keeping you and Josslyn safe.
Carly: Come on, Shawn, you haven't been paid for that in month--
[Josslyn crying]
Carly: Great, she's awake.
Shawn: Where's Mercedes?
Carly: She has the morning off. I was supposed to stay home with her. And I forgot about this huge thing going on at the hotel. I've barely had time to take a shower.
Shawn: You go get dressed and I'll take care of Josslyn.
Carly: You will?
[Josslyn crying]
Sonny: You said you had an update.
Jason: We still can't locate the 20 million. Bernie's trying to trace it on our end, but Spinelli did a really good job of hiding it.
Sonny: Is he any closer to being sane?
Jason: No. I'm just kinda letting him work through it.
Sonny: Why do you even bother taking care of him? Why do you even bother taking care of me? How many times have we been down this road? I trash the place. You clean it up. You're not tired of doing that?
Jason: The agreement with the Trujillos is holding.
Sonny: How do we know that he's not waiting to double cross us with Anthony?
Jason: Old man Trujillo just wants to be left alone--
Sonny: No, what he wants is for me and Anthony to go at it, and he's just going to pick up the pieces.
Jason: Anthony has been quiet.
Sonny: No, no. He's quiet because he's planning something.
Jason: 'Cause he knows that Brenda's gone.
Sonny: Why do we bring up her name?! I don't want you to bring it up again. I told you that.
[Kicks object on floor]
Jason: Ok, hey, hey, hey. You made her too big a part of you not to. Look, you're right. Anthony is getting ready to make a move. And if we're going to win; if we're going to beat him, you need to get your head clear. That means talking about what happened. With Brenda. And then burying it.
Robin: Epiphany, did the post-op inventories come back yet?
Epiphany: Uh-huh. It's right there, next to that box of color-coded scrubs I will not be wearing. The badge is more than enough.
Robin: I know that it's an adjustment, but the color-coded scrubs are really working in the OR and I am confident that it will help cut down on the confusion.
Epiphany: Look, I float from floor to floor. There is no way I'm changing my clothes every time I step off an elevator.
Robin: Epiphany. I might be acting Chief of Staff, but everyone around here knows that you run this hospital. Unless you help me and get behind these adjustments, none of the staff will follow them.
Epiphany: Robin, I do believe that your heart is in the right place, but if I can be a little honest here, I think that you're getting a little crazy with the whole thing.
Robin: I'm just trying to make the hospital a better place.
Epiphany: Then I suggest focusing on patient care and motivating the staff. And not telling people what color their clothes should be.
[Elevator dings]
Maxie: Hey, Robin, have you talked to Matt?
Robin: Maxie, I'm kinda busy right now, ok?
Maxie: I just meant, is he on duty?
Robin: Yes, he should be on the schedule.
Maxie: I wonder why he hasn't called me.
Robin: I don't know, Maxie. I have not seen Matt this morning.
Maxie: Well, maybe he's avoiding you because he's mad at me.
Robin: I don't have time for this.
Maxie: Or maybe you're being a little bossy.
Robin: [Sighs] Elizabeth called in sick and now I have to find someone to cover for her.
Maxie: Isn't that human resources' problem?
Robin: I just don't know how I'm supposed to put together a schedule if I do not have a staff.
Maxie: Get a facial.
Robin: Excuse me?
Maxie: I'm serious. You need some down time. And it'll help you center and free. It'll be freeing.
Robin: Did Patrick put you up to this?
Maxie: No. But if he's suggesting the same thing, it's because he cares about you.
Robin: No, he is trying to deter me every single chance that he gets. I mean, he's either making jokes about my new policies or trying to distract me with...I just don't understand what he's so afraid of.
Maxie: Sure you do.
Matt: Psst. Hey. How is the Chief of Staff today? What's on the agenda? Are we color-coding rectal thermometers?
Patrick: I have no idea. She got home at 2:00 A.M., Left at 6:00 A.M. Anything that happened in between, I was sleeping.
Matt: Yeah, ok, so I know that her being the Chief of Staff is just killing you, but if she keeps working at that pace, the job is going to kill her.
Patrick: Yeah, well, I don't want Robin to step down. I want her to succeed.
Matt: Ok, well, just so you know, the rest of the staff would disagree.
Patrick: Robin and I just got back together. I don't want her running the other direction.
Michael: There's a great beach on the other side of the island. We could take a speed boat down there.
Abby: Wait, first just tell me a little bit more how you got us out of work.
Michael: I called them up and told them we're not going to be in.
Abby: That's completely irresponsible.
Michael: Edward won't care.
Abby: Well, Tracy and Asher will. They're counting on us being there.
Michael: Tracy doesn't want me anywhere near ELQ. She's going to be absolutely thrilled I'm taking a few days off.
Abby: A few days?
Michael: Abby, aren't you having a good time? What?
Abby: Well, that's not the point, Michael. I just got this job. I haven't banked any sick days yet. I mean, I don't get paid unless I work.
Michael: I already called payroll. You're going to get a regular paycheck.
Abby: I don't want people thinking that I'm unreliable. I want to keep this job.
Michael: Abby, the job is yours as long as I'm there.
Abby: How about when you're not? How long until you decide that you've had enough of wearing a tie and playing this Quartermaine heir?
Michael: Ok, yeah, I don't really care about ELQ one way or the other, but I like working with you.
Abby: Michael, it's a game to you. And that's only fair. I mean, you are still so young and you're just trying to find yourself. But I have already made bad choices. I can't afford to make any more. I have to keep this job, even if I lose you.
Michael: Ab...
Shawn: So you like that? Yeah? Yeah, blueberries are popular, but I'm partial to coffee muffin cakes myself. [Chuckles] What? Should we save some for Rufus? Yeah, he looks pretty hungry, doesn't he? Well, Rufus doesn't deserve it.
Carly: Josslyn and I have been taking swimming lessons. She keeps wanting to bring Rufus into the pool with us, don't you?
Shawn: Yeah, I don't think Rufus is a water dog. He's much happier here at the house. He's more like a baby crib house type dog. [Chuckles] Isn't that right?
Josslyn: Mommy!
Carly: Yeah, hi. You're really good with her.
Shawn: Well, she is my favorite client, bar none. And don't you sound so surprised by it.
Carly: Sorry.
Shawn: It'll cost you a coffee cake.
Carly: Well, you're not being paid to guard us or baby-sit her. I can't keep letting you do this.
Shawn: Yeah? And what if I'm more like you and don't take no for an answer?
Carly: Is that some kind of throw down?
Shawn: Ha ha. What do you think? You don't want me to go, do you?
[Carly laughs]
Matt: Hey. Maxie's back.
Patrick: I didn't know she was gone.
Matt: Neither did I. But according to this text here, she says "I am back and I'm on my way to see you."
Patrick: That's nice, that's nice.
Matt: Yeah.
Patrick: I wish I could inspire that much attention from my wife. The thing is, now that we're back on track, I feel like she doesn't have to pay attention to me anymore. I know that's selfish, I get it.
Matt: You've got to do something to get her attention. What is it that she was attracted to when you two fell in love? Not that I was around then, but my guess is that you weren't afraid to piss her off. I think you need to revisit that approach, right? She needs balance, give her the balance.
Patrick: Like, force her into it, like caveman-style?
Matt: Yeah. Ok, go crazy. Go nuts. Just be the arrogant jerk that she fell in love with, buddy.
Patrick: Oh, well, something's gotta change, because if this is the beginning, I do not want to see the end.
Epiphany: You wanted to discuss tomorrow's surgical rotation?
Robin: Epiphany, since the beginning of time, the Chief of Staff has reviewed the surgical rotation. Why are you acting like it's such a big deal?
Epiphany: Because our best surgeon is on the bench. Again.
Robin: Oh, you're mad because I didn't give Patrick a surgery.
Epiphany: Drake Jr. is arrogant and entitled and he has absolutely no bedside manner. But he is also the best surgeon that I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot.
Robin: [Sighs] Fine, this is true. But the assignments stay as they are.
Epiphany: Yes, Dr. Scorpio-Drake.
Robin: I can't believe Epiphany's on Patrick's side.
Maxie: Maybe it's her honest opinion.
Robin: Well, Patrick is just trying to get me to give in. He wants me to pronounce him god among the surgeons and let him cherry pick the surgeries that he wants. And I'm just not going to do that.
Maxie: Well, you want all the patients to have the best surgeons, right?
Robin: Of course I do.
Maxie: Except not all doctors really are that great. I mean, I guess it would be like matching a hack photographer with an amazing model. You would get something average instead of something brilliant. When it comes to literal brain surgery, I would imagine you only want something brilliant.
Robin: Any patient that needs Patrick will get Patrick.
Maxie: Ok. Now that we have that figured out...maybe you should go spend some time with your husband.
Robin: I'll see my husband when I'm home.
Maxie: I don't want to be an alarmist, just got your marriage back. You don't want to risk losing it over this job, right?
Robin: Why is everyone telling me that I have to choose? I mean, first Patrick and then Sonny and now you?
Maxie: Wait, wait. You discuss your relationships with Sonny?
Robin: I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. Why can't I be really good at my job and really good at my marriage?
Maxie: Everyone wants to believe that that's possible, but if you had to pick, which one would you choose?
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: Oh, hold that thought. Matt just texted me. You'll have to figure out the answer to that question on your own.
Edward: You know, your visit here couldn't have come at a better time. Do you remember the deal that you put together for Curtis Crandall?
Skye: Of course. That was quite a coup at the time.
Edward: Well, it seems that they want to revisit the original agreement, saying they want to recapitalize. But I think they're trying to cut us out.
Skye: Well, I'd be happy to review the original deal and make some recommendations.
Edward: That would be most helpful.
Skye: Although I'm not too sure Tracy's going to be happy about that.
Edward: All the more incentive for you, my dear. But Tracy was right about one thing. You didn't come back here for a charity benefit.
Skye: [Scoffs] I'm sure it was just a courtesy invitation from Jax. He couldn't imagine that I'd fly all the way from London to attend. But I happened to be in New York and I was hoping--
Edward: Oh-ho-ho, oh, always the mistress of deflection.
Skye: Oh, Edward, really, I promise you, I'm not going to do anything to upset you--
Edward: Don't bother to tell me why you're here. It'll be more fun for me to find out for myself. [Chuckles] So welcome back, my dear. Mmm. You have been sorely missed. [Laughs]
Sonny: It's from Brenda. She gave it to Robin to give to me. Go ahead, open it.
Jason: It's addressed to you.
Sonny: Go ahead, read it, 'cause I just want the condensed version.
Jason: It's really not my--
Sonny: It doesn't matter anyway 'cause I know what it says. My life was too dangerous, it was too much for a little boy. Like she didn't know what she was getting into? She did not marry an accountant. The truth is, she had a better offer. And that better offer was Jax.
Jason: I don't know.
Sonny: Yeah, you know, 'cause I helped Carly. You know, I just forgot how insecure she could be. How she had to have everything her way. How Jax can easily manipulate her. He lost his child, so he blames me. And how does he pay me back? By taking my wife!
Jason: Do you think...this all would be happening if Brenda--
Sonny: I don't know, Jason. I don't know. 'Cause maybe my life is just meaningless without her. Every time she leaves me, maybe I just--I don't deserve anything good.
Jason: Your kids do.
Sonny: Now you sound like me preaching to Luke. Now I can see from it his point of view. It's my life. Why can't I burn it down?
Jason: You'll be letting Jax win.
Patrick: Hey, do you have a second?
Robin: Sorry, not really. I can't believe one surgeon didn't fill out their post-op checklist correctly. I mean, how can a person get all the way through medical school and not know how to fill out paperwork?
Patrick: Shouldn't the desk nurse be doing that?
Robin: I wanted to do it myself the first couple of days and make sure it's working.
Patrick: Well, that sounds like a waste of time.
Robin: Excuse me?
Patrick: You're a doctor, Robin. There's better things to do than double-checking paperwork. Why don't you focus on the big picture and make the changes that you want to make?
Robin: Nice try, but you haven't approved of one single change that I have made so far.
Patrick: When have we ever agreed with each other about anything medical? You always want to wait, I always want to cut. You want to hand-hold and cuddle the patient, I want to get the job done.
Robin: It's called caring. And don't pretend that you haven't managed to care on occasion.
Patrick: Rare occasions when you twisted my arm.
Robin: Yeah, right, nice try. You're one of the most compassionate, intuitive surgeons that I know.
Patrick: Just because I'm being nice doesn't mean I like the new system.
Robin: Well, doesn't mean I'm going to change it.
Patrick: Ok, what can I do? You want me to double check these? I can do that, I got some time.
Robin: Well, I like that much better. Much better than you luring me into an already rigged bet.
Patrick: Which you haven't collected on, and there is an expiration date, I might add.
Robin: Oh, I intend to collect. We did not discuss an expiration date.
Carly: Ok, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't appreciate your help. It's just, you can't give up your life indefinitely.
Shawn: You made it real clear that you're not asking me for anything. That doesn't mean I can't look out for you on my own time.
Carly: Did you get the job or not?
Shawn: I got an offer.
Carly: Ohh!
Shawn: But I'm not going to take it.
Carly: Why? I mean, it's Washington, D.C. I'm sure they're going to pay you tons of money to do private security for some political type. How fun!
Shawn: It's not that kind of job.
Carly: Oh! Well, what is it? What are you guarding?
Shawn: [Chuckles] I got offered a position teaching science at a D.C.-Area middle school, ok?
Carly: Teaching?
Shawn: Yeah. I did other things before I picked up a gun.
Carly: Wow! I was great in science. Until I dropped out of nursing school. But that wasn't because I was a bad student. I was very smart. I just had a train wreck of a life. I had great grades and everything. You must have had great grades.
Shawn: I enjoyed science, and school.
Carly: You must have gone to college.
Shawn: I must have.
Carly: Wow, you're not going to tell me anything. I bet there are so many things about your past that would surprise me.
Shawn: And since I know how much you hate surprises... [Chuckles]
Jason: Before, when you can feel this coming, the breakdown, you didn't know if there was a way to stop it. Now you do.
Sonny: Maybe I don't want to stop it. Maybe I just want to feel what I feel. My wife left me. She betrayed me with the man that I hated for years. Maybe I just want to trash my life!
Jason: No.
Sonny: What do you mean no, Jason?
Jason: I mean no.
Sonny: What?
Jason: It's one thing being helpless from an illness you don't understand, but you know what's going on right now. You're bi-polar, there's medicine right over there that--
Sonny: Would you do it? Let's say something can fix your brain but you gotta take a pill for the rest of your life. Something that would control who you are. You were dependent on it. Would you take it?
Jason: There is no pill.
Sonny: Right now I don't want to take my medication.
Jason: Right now you're giving Anthony an opening!
Sonny: Kill him! Like you're supposed to do.
Jason: We can try to kill him, and if we fail, we look weak. We gotta get one step ahead of this guy. We have to force Anthony to make the mistake.
Sonny: Then do it!
Jason: I'm not going to do it like this, Sonny. I can't do it with you like this. Anthony's going to figure out what's going on if he hasn't already. And he's going to do something to piss you off so you go over there in person. And then he's going to try to kill you.
Sonny: Maybe I'll kill him.
Jason: [Stammering] Please.
Sonny: What?
Jason: You're risking your life for nothing right now.
Sonny: You don't understand the pain that I'm feeling right now. Because you've never loved anyone like this.
Jason: You may not like this. But Brenda didn't leave with Jax. She just left.
Tracy: Ughhh. Are you still here? Where's my father?
Skye: Edward didn't say, but if I had to guess, I'd say he's probably having lunch at his club, as usual.
Tracy: Give me that file.
Skye: Hey! I'm still a shareholder.
Tracy: Save the song and dance for my father. You don't get a say in ELQ.
Skye: Wow, I see control is still an issue for you.
Tracy: And I see you're still a conniving bitch, latching on to any wealthy family you can. The chandlers, us, even the late, unlamented Lorenzo alcazar.
Skye: Really, Tracy, I think you should take some time off. Travel, see the world.
Tracy: You'd like that, wouldn't you? If I took my eyes off the purse strings.
Skye: Must be so exhausting looking for ulterior motives around every corner, under every pillow. No wonder you look so ragged and worn out.
Tracy: I've shut you down before, I'll do it again.
Skye: Maybe you suffer from a guilty conscience. They say that people who are the most suspicious usually have the most to hide.
Michael: The boat's getting prepped. We can leave any time you want, and I told the kitchen to pack us a picnic lunch.
Abby: I haven't even agreed to stay, Michael. Not that you asked. You just assumed that I would.
Michael: Well, I wanted to surprise you and do something nice. I didn't realize it was going to be such a problem.
Abby: Just try to see it from my perspective. This is my chance to get into the ELQ legal department.
Michael: You still can. Abby, don't say you have to do it without me, because you won't. Look, I love you, and sooner or later you're going to have to realize I am not going anywhere.
Abby: I'm sorry if I overreacted.
Michael: Well, maybe just a little.
Abby: ELQ is my best, my only, shot at a real job. And even if I got in there because you got my butt through the door, I have to keep it on my own merits.
Michael: Hmm. You really want to leave? I'll tell them to get the plane ready.
Abby: By the time we get back to Port Charles, at this point the office is going to be closing.
Michael: That's true.
Abby: And it is a really gorgeous day. So we might as well take advantage of it.
Michael: Ok! You're absolutely going to love it here, Abby.
Abby: What exactly will we be doing on our brief visit?
Michael: Oh, don't you worry about that. I got it all taken care of.
Carly: How did you go from being a science teacher to being a marine?
Shawn: Have you heard from Jax?
Carly: No, he'll call when he's ready.
Shawn: That doesn't seem strange to you, he hasn't made more of an effort to stay in contact with his only daughter?
Carly: You'd be a really good teacher. I mean, especially for boys. Boys need role models. Michael certainly did.
Shawn: I didn't take the job--
Carly: You know, Michael got into PCU. He doesn't want to go. He just wants to follow in Sonny's footsteps.
Shawn: That's pretty normal for a boy to want to take after his father. Especially when that father is a powerful man.
Carly: It would have been great for Michael to have a mentor like you. It really would have. You had a whole life before you joined the military. You were a science teacher. You were able to impact children's lives before they decided to go down the wrong path.
Shawn: Yeah. I would love to save every kid. But it's not possible. I have to stay focused on the child I can protect.
Carly: Like Josslyn, huh?
Shawn: You know, call it instincts, call it whatever you want. But Jax isn't letting this go.
Carly: You know, Jax knows if he stuck around and wanted to fight, then it would only hurt Josslyn. He's not going to do anything to upset his daughter.
Shawn: You're putting a lot of confidence into a man who feels he has every reason to hate you.
Carly: You know what you can do for me?
Shawn: You're not going to ask me to stand guard, are you?
Carly: You can take the job in D.C.
Shawn: Really?
Carly: That would make you happy. And that would make me happy.
Shawn: Hmm.
Sonny: Go ahead, say it. I could have avoided this by letting you take Brenda back to Rome. She was fine in Rome. She was happy. She had a good life. But I forced her to come out here, to get married, because I wanted to truly believe that she loved me.
Jason: Well, maybe she did you a favor.
Sonny: I don't get that. What do you mean?
Jason: Well, when you left Brenda at the altar, it destroyed you. Part of that was because you lost her and the other part was the guilt of being the one who broke her heart. This time it was Brenda's decision.
Sonny: Well, I guess I'll never know if it would have worked out, because it was cut short by that son of a bitch Jax.
Jason: It's over. It's over. You've just got to try to focus on other things.
Sonny: Yeah, I've got to focus. All right, listen. You make sure that, uh, Anthony's not working with old man Trujillo, ok? And you stop any shipments that are landing in our way.
Jason: You don't want to use the warehouse?
Sonny: I don't want to use the warehouse because I want to use some place we haven't used so that way Anthony can't sabotage us.
Jason: I'll handle it.
[Sonny exhales]
Epiphany: Here. And don't expect me to take a delivery for you again.
Patrick: You are a goddess, Epiphany.
Epiphany: No, what I am is overworked and out of patience. Where's your brother?
Patrick: No idea.
Epiphany: He's supposed to be completing his paperwork.
Patrick: Well, maybe he had an emergency.
Epiphany: Yeah, an emergency with blond hair and overpriced wardrobe.
Patrick: You know, I admire Matt. I'm a better surgeon than he is, but he's got his priorities straight. Nice picture. Hi. Coming with me.
Robin: But wait, wait, wait! Wait, I'm drafting a memo to the ward about the--
Epiphany: Doctors, there's a whole stack of paperwork--
Patrick: We're just taking a break, Epiphany.
Epiphany: Your wife is the one that dreamt this whole system up in the first place.
Robin: Patrick, I can't go anywhere.
Patrick: I am kidnapping you. Don't even try to resist.
[Robin chuckles]
Skye: Wow. You certainly have moved on. Somebody has extravagant tastes in this--
Tracy: Would you give me those?
Skye: And look!
Tracy: Oh!
Skye: There's a card.
Tracy: It's addressed to me!
Skye: "Tracy, I said you should wear orchids, I hope you start with mine--Anthony." What have you been up to while your husband's out of town?
Tracy: None of your business.
Skye: Anthony. The only Anthony I know is Anthony Zacchara. But he's in prison. Isn't he?
[Sonny exhales]
Carly: You say thank you to Shawn for bringing us muffins and taking such good care of us?
Shawn: You're welcome. And I'm counting on Rufus to protect you both. You know that, right?
Carly: He will, don't you worry.
Shawn: If you need anything...
Carly: We'll be fine. Right, Josslyn? We'll be fine. Go. Go live your life.
Shawn: Well, I guess I don't have a choice, do I? You take care.
Carly: You, too. Hey, thank you. I mean, really, thank you for everything.
Shawn: No problem. Take care.
[Jax sighs]
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