GH Transcript Thursday 7/28/11

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/28/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca


Man: Mr. Corinthos, we've taken care of that mechanical problem. The jet is fueled and ready to go.


Michael: Where the hell are you, Dad?

Abby: Don't you look right at home.

Jason: You're hot.

Sam: You're looking pretty good yourself.

Jason: Do you want me to turn the air up?

Sam: No, it's ok. I know you don't like the air conditioning.

Jason: You shouldn't be uncomfortable.

Sam: I know, I know. But it's one of those adjustments we're gonna have to make after we get married and we're living together. Kind of like sleeping in the same bed every night.

Jason: Well, I'm giving Maxie--

Sam: Ooh.

Jason: One more day.

Spinelli: So what's the deal? You lost the ring. Morgan's loaded, he can afford to buy another bauble.

Maxie: It is not a bauble. It is a shocking and unexpected display of Jason's good taste. Not to mention it's a symbol of how much he loves Sam. A symbol that Jason picked out on his own after he worked up the nerve to pop the question. So we're gonna find it.

Nikolas: Sort of feels like returning to the scene of the crime. Blood's been wiped clean, but you can still hear the screams inside these walls.

Lulu: Mom didn't let what happened to her define her. You shouldn't either.

Nikolas: You act as if I have a choice. I'm a Cassadine. Molded in the images of those before me--my father and my grandfather, even my uncle. All monsters in their own right.

Lulu: Helena wants you to doubt yourself, to think that you're no better than she is. Don't let her inside your head.

Nikolas: Oh, it's not what's inside my head that concerns me, Lulu. It's what's in my heart.

Lulu: You have a good heart, Nikolas. There isn't anything you wouldn't do for the people you love.

Nikolas: I'm not as selfless as you may think, Lulu.

Lulu: You donated your bone marrow when I was a baby and saved my life. You gave me a second chance. That's exactly what you're doing with Lucky by letting him be a father to Aiden.

Nikolas: Lucky was hanging on by a string when Jake died. He needs to believe that Aiden is his son whether he is or he isn't.

Lulu: That's the definition of selfless to me.

Nikolas: Yeah. Well, it's more like a force of habit if you ask me. When I first moved to Port Charles, everyone was so concerned about how Lucky would feel knowing that his mother had another son. Never mind how I would feel needing the woman who left me behind. You understand? I was the inconvenience, the big dark secret that came to town to haunt the perfect Spencer family. That's how I experienced it.

Lulu: But mom loves you and you know that.

Nikolas: It's always about Lucky, isn't it? It's always about Lucky. What does he need? How does he feel? Is he happy? Well, what about my happiness? For years I begged and I begged and I begged for acceptance, trying to prove that I was worthy to be a part of your family. And with Aiden, I finally had a family of my own. I was happy. He would grow up with his brother Spencer, loving him the way it should be. And now I'm expected to give that up so Lucky can be happy.

Lulu: But you chose to walk away.

Nikolas: You know, I often wonder if it were the other way around would people rush to make sure that Aiden ended up with me? I think not.

Lulu: I...I thought that you wanted Lucky to heal and you wanted to move on.

Nikolas: Yes, that is exactly what I want, to move on. No Spencers, no Cassadines.

Lulu: So is this a new Nikolas? To hell with everyone else?

Nikolas: Lulu, there's nothing new about a Cassadine living in darkness. That's what we do.

Lulu: It's amazing what happens to people inside this place. I mean, look what's already happening to you.

Nikolas: Ok. I do not care what people think of me or my motives anymore. Ok? The only one looking for approval right now is you.

Lulu: What? Do you know where my dad is? Has Helena done something to him? You know something?

Nikolas: Uh, do I know something? Yes, I know something. And that is you should leave here and never come back.

Spinelli: You know, I never figured Morgan for grade-a domestication.

Maxie: People get married for all kinds of reasons.

Spinelli: It all boils down to one thing--dame heats a guy up and he goes wall-eyed.

Maxie: The physical aspect is only part of it. Sometimes two people who don't even find each other attractive, who actually think each other are annoying, get to know each other and find what the person is underneath all those annoying qualities, and they become a different person, a better person, a person you didn't even really know that you were. And then you develop this special connection, you know, like two unique soul shapes fitting together.

Spinelli: Sounds like 10 pounds of hooey in a 5-pound bag.

Maxie: And then that friendship turns into something more. Something wonderful and unexpected.

Spinelli: Don't tell me you fell for it.

Maxie: He was an amazing man with an amazing mind. And he was kind and funny and smart. And braver than he ever knew.

Spinelli: Well, get over it, sugar lips, 'cause he sure has.

Maxie: Don't say that.

Spinelli: Naked ring digit on your left flipper says it all. The guy just wasn't that into you.

Maxie: Yes, you were. You loved me.

Abby: What are you doing?

Michael: Looking for something that might tell me where my dad's gone.

Abby: Why?

Michael: Why? His wife walked out on him. The one he's loved his whole life. Brenda got on a plane with Jax and took off, and now my dad disappeared and didn't tell anybody where he was going.

Abby: Well, maybe he just needs some time, you know, to sort things through.

Michael: No, you don't know my dad. You don't know what his life's like, what he carries every single day. He'll run the business, protecting us, everything he did for Brenda and her kid and now he's gone. Who the hell knows where he is or what he'll do.

Abby: He's gonna be back, when he's ready. You don't need to do anything.

Michael: Like?

Abby: Like anything. I mean, that's what Jason's for.

Michael: You're wondering if I'm gonna help out?

Abby: I'm already a little nervous that your mind went right to the idea of it.

Michael: So that's what you meant when you came in about me being right at home. You're wondering if I'm gonna backslide and want to get back into my father's business, aren't you?

Abby: You say it so casually, like it's a management firm.

Michael: Well, it's the mob, organized crime. You're nervous that I might want to get back in.

Abby: No, not nervous. Scared as hell.

Tracy: [Sighs] I'll have a Manhattan with a twist.

Coleman: Well, hello there, foxy. Your driver get lost on his way to the country club?

Tracy: No. Actually, I just want to have a drink in peace, away from the prying eyes of hypocrites who have been wagering behind my back the length of my marriage to Luke while they happily dance on the grave of my reputation.

Coleman: Ah, I know something about being on the arm of a powerful woman. I've been in Luke's shoes. It's no wonder the guy ran, honey.

Tracy: Is that your best barside manner?

Coleman: Hey. They may be staring at you now, but they were staring at him before. Not in a good way. All right? I know.

Tracy: Do you?

Coleman: You know, Kate Howard and I are taking a break, too.

Tracy: And you're telling me why?

Coleman: My arm's got a vacancy.

Anthony: You're wasting your time. The lady's tastes run in a very different direction.

Michael: You hate the idea of me going into my father's business. I get that.

Abby: I hate the idea of you being hurt. But it's your life. It's your choice.

Michael: Abby, are you really happy working at ELQ? I mean, are you living your dream right now?

Abby: Babe, I used to be a pole dancer. Now I'm the secretary at a multinational corporation where I get the chance to use the degree that I earned. It's a step in the right direction.

Michael: You think it could be for me, too. That if I buckle down and apply myself, I can grow up to be just like Tracy's little suck up Asher, right?

Abby: I think that you can do anything that you put your mind to.

Michael: But you don't like me over there. And you don't like me here. Abby, what do you want me to do?

Abby: Have fun. Tell me about a time that you had fun.

Michael: Well, being in a coma was a blast

Abby: Ok, Michael, come on. I'm being serious.

Michael: Fun. Ok. After I woke up from my coma, after losing a year of my life, I ran off to Mexico with Kristina. I got a job on the beach renting stuff to sunburned loudmouth tourists. And then afterwards, the rest of the day we just rode jet skis and swam and hung out. Laughed. I

Abby: Listen, you don't have to go anywhere to feel free.

[Knock on door]

Alexis: Hi! I'm here to visit the newly engaged couple. I'm just so happy for you.

Sam: Yeah.

Alexis: You know, Kristina and Molly have been planning the whole thing already, so it's all taken care of. And, uh, since I'm gonna be your mother-in-law, we should...probably hug.

Jason: Really?

Alexis: So...

Jason: Yeah.

Alexis: That's nice. Good.

Sam: You all right?

Alexis: Oh, yes. I'm just so happy. And my throat is itching.

Jason: Do you need something for that? A drink of water or something?

Sam: A horse tranquilizer?

Alexis: I want to hear about everything. I want to hear about the proposal.

Sam: Of course you do. was beautiful. Dinner. Champagne?

Alexis: Did he get down on one knee?

Sam: Mom...

Alexis: Well, Molly's gonna want to know. And the ring--no ring.

Sam: Oh. That is a long story, actually.

Jason: Yeah, Sam actually, uh...decided to wear it around her neck, right there.

Alexis: Oh! Oh. Ohh. Hmm. That's unconventional. No surprise.

Jason: Yeah, I saw it as a symbol of, you know, who we are.

Sam: Yeah. Our love, it's simple, honest, clean. You know.

Alexis: I get it. Very funny.

Sam: No, really, this is the ring he proposed to me with.

Jason: Yeah, I didn't really have much time.

Alexis: So you just picked up the first thing you saw? You don't mind wearing something that looks like it should be around Frankenstein's neck?

Sam: No, I don't.

Alexis: All right.

Sam: Oh, come on, we're just kidding with you. Of course he picked out a beautiful ring. Maxie lost it. It's a long story, you know.

Alexis: Oh, fine. Go ahead, make fun of your poor mother.

Sam: I am sorry. But, really, he did have a whole wonderful evening planned, and he didn't want to postpone it. And it was romantic and beautiful and perfect.

Alexis: Ohh, I'm so happy for you, honey.

Sam: Thank you.

Alexis: Could I have a word with your fiancé just for a second?

Sam: Uh, I'll go get some more iced tea.

Alexis: Ok. I really don't think this is a good idea anymore.

Lulu: Why are you doing this?

Nikolas: I fancy a drink. [Gasps] Eureka. This is Nikolas Cassadine meeting his needs. That's an unfamiliar concept, I realize. It is to me, too.

Lulu: You've done all right for yourself.

Nikolas: Nope, I've done all right for everyone else.

Lulu: Oh. Everyone including me.

Nikolas: You said it for me.

Lulu: So you regret the bone marrow transplant now?

Nikolas: No. No, I do not. I regret not having a choice about anything.

Lulu: If Mom hadn't claimed you as her son, you would have grown up here and turned into an awful person like Helena, whose only goal in life to make everyone as miserable as she is. Is that what you really want?

Nikolas: I don't know what I really want. But I can tell you I'll figure it out.

Lulu: Well, figure it out away from here, away from Helena. You're not gonna stand a chance.

Nikolas: Nice. That's the point. I never did stand a chance. Huh. Sounds like a celebration is in order to me. Ta-ta-ta-ta. Care to join me in a toast? To eternal damnation.

Lulu: That's what my dad drinks.

Helena: Did you bring them? [Gasps] Oh, they are--they're spectacular. Oh, I wish I could see the look on Javier's face when he realizes that you--heh heh--double crossed him. Oh, Luke. Luke, see what we can accomplish when we work together? Look at all the fun you've missed. Oh, you naughty, naughty boy. I'm tempted not to tell you the news. You have a very interesting visitor.

Spinelli: Don't take it personal, doll. Jackal P.I.'s had a lot of dames.

Maxie: That's not true. I was the first, the only. As far as I know. Just because we didn't get married doesn't mean we didn't love each other. I mean, you thought I was only going through with the wedding because it meant so much to you.

Spinelli: Wise up. That's just a guy scared of commitment.

Maxie: We were just as much in love when we were non-spouses.

Spinelli: If we were so much in love, how'd you end up with patch over at GH?

Maxie: We were on a stakeout. It was your first. And, um, a cop car pulled up. You have to remember this. It was the first time we kissed. I kissed you to avoid having to answer questions about what we were doing there.

Spinelli: Yeah. Sure you did, doll.

Maxie: And you got mad at me. Not because I invaded your personal bubble like you said, not because I was worried that you didn't really learn anything on your online pi courses and its 46 rules.

Spinelli: 49. 49 rules. It's common knowledge.

Maxie: And somehow, even though you had chloroformed yourself and were completely out of it, you swooped in and saved me from the killer.

Spinelli: All in a day's work. And on to the next case. See, a mug like me can't afford to be tied down.

Maxie: But you did get tied down. It wasn't love at first sight. I mean, there weren't thunderbolts. I wanted a career, but I didn't like school. You decided to teach me about all the beautiful things you knew about in the world. And then we became one of those beautiful things. And one night on a rooftop in the moonlight, you quoted a poem. "She walks in beauty like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies."

Spinelli: Limericks are more my speed. There once was a girl from Kentucky--

Maxie: Stop it. That was the most romantic thing a man had ever done for me the night you asked me to marry you.

Spinelli: Sorry, sugarpants.

Maxie: Stop calling me that. I'm Maximista. Maximista. Spinelli? Spinelli, is that you? Just say something.

Spinelli: Is that icing?

Maxie: Ew.

Spinelli: Coconut delight. I think it's icing.

Maxie: You think it's icing?

Spinelli: Evidence. These tunnels connect all the points in the city. I'll bet my last gumball that these are the channels the dopers are moving the goods through.

Maxie: Because of something you tasted off the wall?

Spinelli: The same icing that was on the cupcakes I confiscated. [Clicks tongue] I think. Here, try.

Maxie: No, that's ok..

Spinelli: You watching your figure?

Maxie: No, I'm not watching my figure. I have a personal trainer. I do Pilates 6 times a week.

Spinelli: Got to keep in good form to catch a guy.

Maxie: What? No.

Spinelli: You're blonde, blue eyed. A dime a dozen. Ooh, speaking of a dozen, how much dope you think goes into a cupcake?

Maxie: You don't think I'm toned?

Spinelli: I think when a guy wants something, he goes after it.

Maxie: You better not try to kiss me again.

Spinelli: You want to know how to tell if a guy's really into you? He kisses like he means it. Not like he wants it or he needs it, but like he means it.

Maxie: You really don't think I look toned?

Jason: Well, I thought that you made peace with me and Sam getting married, that you gave your blessing, you were on board with every--did you change your mind because of a ring?

Alexis: Oh, no. No, I think the ring is funny. I think the hardware is inspired. Truly, it suits you.

Jason: Then what?

Alexis: Then what?

Jason: Yeah, then what? What's the--what?

Alexis: Exactly. I think that, you know, the reality is settling in now. I'm sure it is for you. And I think we need to ask ourselves, what does this really mean and why did you propose now?

Jason: So if I told you that I love her, that just wouldn't be enough?

Alexis: It is. That's my point. It is enough. I mean, you've got a great relationship. Everything's working really well. Why wreck it and get married? I mean, I know that people tell you that should be the next step, but--

Jason: Yeah, but we're not doing this for anybody else.

Alexis: Sure you are. Because, you know, why else would you? I mean, it's a conventional thing to do and you're both very unconventional people. It's not you. I mean, right now you're Jason and she's Sam. And before you know it, she'll be referring to you as the old ball and chain and you'll be calling her a nag.

Jason: It won't change who we are.

Alexis: Sure it will. It always does. I know, I've been there. You know, right now you have your own space. And if you want some time, Sam can just go to her own apartment. Or if she feels like dressing up like a hooker and going out on a stakeout, she doesn't have to worry about how you feel about it. I mean, you can just be yourselves and be relaxed instead of, you know, being in this very compromised situation. I think I just swallowed my own spit.

Jason: What's the--are you ok?

Alexis: No, just, it's hot in here.

Jason: Let me--do you need--what do you need? Do you need something?

Sam: I knew this was coming the second you walked in the door. Here.

Alexis: Thank you.

Sam: Can I have a moment with my mother, please? We're getting married.

[Soft rock music playing]

Abby: See, I haven't even left this room and I'm feeling free. Come on.

Michael: Ahh, I can't dance. You know that.

Abby: We danced at your father's wedding.

Michael: That wasn't dancing, not like this. You're on a whole other level, Abby.

Abby: Just feel the music.

Michael: I don't want to cramp your style.

Abby: Oh, come on.

Michael: I said no!

Tracy: You call that a Manhattan?

Coleman: I work with what I've got.

Anthony: Allow me.

Coleman: Can't come back here.

Anthony: Heh. You know what word comes to mind when I look at this place? Flammable. The old paneling, saw dust, the unreliable furnace. Yep. Flammable. You understand?

Coleman: Yeah. Knock yourself out.

Tracy: What is it with men and burning things down?

Anthony: We like to have things in our life that raise our temperature.

Tracy: You are not in my life. You will never be in my life. We will never do business together, or anything else for that matter.

Anthony: Taste that.

Coleman: Humor the man. It's on the house. The flammable house.

Anthony: Just the way you like it.

Tracy: Passable.

Anthony: See, you made an assumption and it was wrong. You have these misperceptions of me that keep getting in the way of what could be a very fruitful and enjoyable relationship.

Nikolas: You know how many people drink this brand? Careful, you're showing your desperation.

Lulu: He's in on some kind of diamond heist with Helena. Is it true?

Nikolas: I don't know, I just got here. Don't know how long I'll be here. I assume that, uh, that you didn't come alone.

Lulu: Dante's here.

Nikolas: Hmm. Yes, I know. He followed you halfway around the world just so you could have a chance to tell your father how much you love him.

Lulu: Well, everyone else has given up on him and walked away.

Nikolas: But you haven't. And you're dragging your boyfriend over the wicked walls of hell just to join in on the insanity. And this is a man who has shown you every day how much he loves you. And what does he get in return? You drop him in the middle of a lion's den with my grandmother and risk his life.

Lulu: I warned Dante.

Nikolas: What if my grandmother would have killed him? What then? What would you have done then? Put blood-colored roses upon his chest and continued to look for Luke? Because clearly the only thing that you care about is being a hero. Just like our mother.

Tracy: What does a woman have to do to have a drink in peace?

Anthony: It's very interesting. You're drowning your sorrows in drink, and that's the very thing that ruined your husband. An intervention didn't go very well, did it?

Tracy: What do you know?

Anthony: Well, I make it my business to know about the people I'm gonna do business with.

Tracy: Do you think that just because you make a passable Manhattan, I'm gonna turn my company into a money laundering operation?

Anthony: Do you have any idea what it's like in prison?

Tracy: Yeah, I've seen movies.

Anthony: I couldn't stand to go back there. I'm a lover of nature, beautiful things. Your mother kept roses, didn't she?

Tracy: How do you know that?

Anthony: If I do invest in your company, it's gonna invite a lot of scrutiny by the sec. If they caught me in the even the smallest violation, I'd be sent back to prison. And I'd be robbed of conversation with a beautiful, intelligent woman with whom I have so much in common.

Tracy: You don't know me.

Anthony: What I don't know I intend to find out. Hi, it's Anthony. I need to discuss the delivery of that information we talked about.

Dante: Hello.

Lulu: I just found out that he was visiting.

Dante: It's a nice place you got here. You keep the bats caged up, or you let them roam free?

Nikolas: [Chuckles] I'll leave you two to talk. About leaving.

Lulu: Where you gonna go?

Nikolas: Here you go again, Lulu, worrying about what everyone else is gonna do.

Dante: Hmm. Why was he really here?

Lulu: I don't know. We'll talk on the way home. I'm ready to go.

Dante: What about your father?

Lulu: I've seen where he grew up, I've seen where Nikolas has grown up and the things that made them who they are. I don't want to do this anymore. I need to grow up. Let's pack up and leave.

Sam: I know you're trying to give us the benefit of your own experience, but it's not necessary.

Alexis: I just don't want you to make the same mistakes that I made.

Sam: Oh, come on. I have my own bad relationship history to draw from. I'm trying to put that behind me and you should probably do the same thing, too.

Alexis: Is this about me and Mac and all the possibilities for happiness that you're gonna show me?

Sam: No, it's about knowing your own happiness. But if seeing it in me helps and it gives you the chance to do it yourself.

Alexis: I've had plenty of chances, I've just made really bad choices.

Sam: Ok. All right. That's ok. It's just time to start making good ones. And I don't know if it's necessarily with Mac or not, and neither do you. You just put yourself in this whole bunker mentality. You assume that nothing's ever gonna work out and that every relationship is doomed. And trust me, I'm no one to speak. I come from a lousy track record. But if it can happen to me, it can happen to you.

Alexis: I'm the one who's supposed to be giving you advice.

Sam: I know. I'm just saying, please just give yourself a chance. Open yourself up to the possibility.

Alexis: How did you get to be so smart?

Sam: From my mother. Are you ok? Are you feeling better?

Alexis: I'm feeling much better. I'm still a little worried about you and Jason, though.

Sam: Yeah. Welcome to having a mother-in-law.

Spinelli: The bakery's that way. Means the harbor and the warehouses are that way.

Maxie: Department of water. Yes.

Spinelli: My gut's twitching, telling me if I follow this tunnel, I'll come up in a warehouse full of powder. This is where we part ways.

Maxie: No, no, no. You can't just walk away and leave me here. You wouldn't have even come down here if it wasn't for me. And you caught a huge break in your case.

Spinelli: Ok, fine. I owe you one, sugar lips.

Maxie: Yeah, so you can leave after you help me find what I'm looking for.

Spinelli: Come on, you're looking for baubles.

Maxie: And you're looking for cupcakes. Hey, do you hear that? Is that—


Lulu: I want to say good-bye to Nikolas.

Dante: Are you sure you don't just want an excuse to hang around here a little longer to see if your dad's gonna show up?

Lulu: No. No, no, no, no. I'm done. I've dragged you around from pillar to post trying to keep my family together and you didn't complain.

Dante: Well, actually, I did. I complained quite a bit.

Lulu: Well, you still did it even though I turned into an obsessive nut and put your life in danger, because you love me.

Dante: You had to figure this out for yourself, right?

Lulu: It's been in front of me all along. I can't save anybody. Not Nikolas or Lucky. I'm not my mom. And she's living her life and my dad is somewhere finding or ending his.

Dante: Hey, you love your family.

Lulu: You're my family now. And if my dad has something he wants to say to me, he'll find a way to say it.

Dante: Ok.

Helena: Well, look at you. The image of your father.

Nikolas: That was the goal all along, wasn't it? To groom and program a suitable replacement.

Helena: All that rage. All that potential wasted on that simpering baby dispenser Elizabeth. Oh, Nikolas. Nikolas, will you stay?

Nikolas: I'm not the image of my father. Or anyone else in this family. And no one, including you, should bet on what I'm gonna do next.

Helena: It appears you and I are going to be alone in this. The good news? The Spencers have never been more vulnerable.

Spinelli: What I tell you? This place is crawling with cupcake carriers.

Maxie: Or maintenance men. Or sewer people. There really are sewer people, you know.

Spinelli: All right, so I'll go find out.

Maxie: No, you're not going chasing after whoever that was. You already got shot by crazy Lisa by trying to pull a stunt like that.

Spinelli: You could play nurse again.

Maxie: Just stop it.

Spinelli: A man's got to do what a man's got to do. Rule 38.

[Alarm sounding]

Maxie: Oh, Spinelli. Yes!

Spinelli: That noise better mean you know how to get us out of here, sugarpants.

Sam: Ooh. Hi.

Jason: Hey.

Sam: I was thinking my mom will come around. She's gonna have to.

Jason: Mm-hmm.

Sam: I can't believe we let her think this was my engagement ring.

Jason: I just told the truth.

Sam: No, we tortured her. Served her right, though, huh?

Jason: You think it's true? You think things are gonna change?

Sam: Well, I think that people change.

Jason: Yeah.

Sam: Life happens. And yes, things will change. As far as being unconventional, well, I don't think we have anything to worry about there.

Michael: Abby, I am so sorry. I overreacted to the way you grabbed me. You think you're over stuff.

Abby: You said you didn't want to dance. I didn't listen.

Michael: No. Look, Abby, I love watching you, though. How graceful you are, how easy it is for you to be free. You can tell it's something you always wanted to do.

Abby: Anyone can dance.

Michael: Not like you. Look, it's your thing, not mine. It's's not who I am.

Abby: It could be.

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