General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 7/5/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Maxie: I suggest maybe a Maha Chang dress shirt. Their collars lay beautifully.
Sonny: Enough. Enough with--
Maxie: Did you pay to have this tailored? It's horrible.
Spinelli: Hey, Sonster! Get your mitts off my dame.
Dante: I realize you're a waitress, but I was hoping you could make an exception. Like I said, I'm willing to pay double.
Javier: We have many blondes available. This one doesn't sleep with customers.
Dante: You can't blame a guy for trying, right? Let's take a look at those other blondes.
Abby: You might want to take a look at this orientation manual. Edward runs a tight ship, but the benefits package is excellent.
Edward: Thank you, my dear. You know, it's really cost-efficient in the long run, Michael, if you treat your employees well, assuming that they perform up to your expectations.
Michael: Ok.
Edward: So, how was your first day of work? You know, I'm pleased, because you're both diligent, and you're focused, and you're eager to learn.
Abby: Thank you.
Michael: Abby was great. I just sat here.
Edward: Michael, you're just getting acclimated. You're going to be fine.
Carly: Edward. I'm glad I caught you. We have business to discuss.
Michael: And you just happened to come to my office to do it.
Anthony: Wow. If it isn't Kristina Corinthos wandering around alone. I'm shocked your father allows it. Gives a man ideas.
Kristina: I was on my way to the library.
Anthony: You're a lying little piece of jailbait. You ran Claudia off the road before you were even old enough to drive. You damn near got my son killed when your father put a bomb under his car. And your brother killed Claudia after your father drove her mad. You and your family have cost me a great deal, Kristina. What do you think we should do about that?
Dante: See, I like pretty, petite, and sweet, but not too sweet. I do appreciate a little fire.
Lupe: What about your girlfriend? The girl in the Yankees jersey?
Dante: Yeah. I've been thinking. I figured what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
Javier: Call Danielle when she's finished with a customer. She'll be worth the wait.
Lulu: I'll do it.
Javier: Your job's serving drinks.
Lulu: For the kind of money he's throwing around, I'll make an exception.
Javier: Danielle is exactly what this man's looking for.
Lulu: I need the money. Let's go.
Carly: I'm glad I ran into you, too, Michael. This is about your ELQ stock.
Abby: I just need to straighten up my desk. Nice to see you, Carly.
Edward: No, no, no. You stay, dear, because some of this may pass across your desk. Carly, Michael needs to have control of those shares immediately. I'm going to have Asher transfer the account directly into your name and give you a crash course in portfolio management--
Carly: Technically, Michael cannot have those shares till he's 30 years old.
Michael: You're a little early, aren't you, Mom? It's pretty obvious you're checking up on me.
Carly: Fine. I'll consider myself caught. This job is a huge step, and I want to make sure it's in the right direction.
Edward: Michael and Abby are both showing real promise. You tell Carly about your day, Abby.
Abby: I figured out the phone system. So far, so good.
Michael: I counted two hawks and ten seagulls. That's all I got.
Carly: This clearly is not the job for you.
Sonny: I don't want to see you in my house or anyplace else until you find my money. You understand me?
Max: He's going to find your money, I promise.
Spinelli: You lost your cabbage, it's not my problem. You squeeze my tomato? Mucho problemo.
Sonny: What'd he say?
Maxie: I'm sorry. And Spinelli's sorry, too. Or he will be when he's back to his normal self. Come here. Let's go.
Spinelli: I don't take orders from you, doll. I don't take orders from you, either, especially when you're getting too familiar with my dame.
Maxie: I'm not your dame, and I was fixing his collar.
Spinelli: It's the oldest excuse in the book, doll. Jackal, P.I.'s not buying it. Not tonight, not ever.
Sonny: Get him out of here.
Spinelli: We need to come to an understanding, the three of us. Uno, dos, tres. Now, look, doll face. Dames like you make guys go stupid, even guys dragging a ball and chain. I don't blame you. You can't help yourself.
Maxie: I'm in a committed relationship with Matt Hunter. Very committed. Extremely committed.
Spinelli: Your sugar lips told me otherwise on more than one occasion, and it's got nothing to do with talking.
Maxie: You caught me off guard.
Sonny: Get him out of my living room now.
Spinelli: Playing footsie with that croaker's one thing, but now, making time with this low-life?
Sonny: Hey. You call me a low-life?
Kristina: If you touch me again, I'll scream my head off.
Anthony: No one's going to grab you off the pier in front of witnesses. At least, no one from my organization. We work with finess-sss. Style. I don't go around screaming, shooting people, blowing things up. No. [Chuckles] One day, you'll be headed to class at PCU, or you'll be in a hurry to get to the gym before it closes. Or maybe, you'll actually be on your way to the library. And you'll disappear. Vanish. Poof. Your mommy won't be able to save you. Your daddy will lose what's left of his mind.
Ethan: Leave her alone.
Anthony: Or what? You. You're just a wannabe who can barely manage the dirty work my son gives you.
Ethan: Oh, I can still manage to knock you on your ass, old man.
Anthony: Really? Go on. Empty threats. What else can you expect from a drunk, just like your father? How's he doing, by the way? Oh, that's right. Luke killed a four-year-old and then left town. No wonder you admire him so much.
Kristina: Shut up.
Anthony: Excuse me?
Kristina: My mom can get you sent back to prison. She has all kinds of connections in the D.A.'s office.
Anthony: Ooh. The little kitten has claws. Has your father even noticed?
Ethan: If you approach Kristina again, you won't have to worry about Sonny. I will kill you myself.
Olivia: I don't like to think of myself as being high maintenance.
Steve: Uh, you're not.
Olivia: Ok. And you know that I love going out with you, staying in with you. I love doing nothing at all with you. What I don't want to be with you is an obligation.
Steve: You are the only positive in what's become a truly terrible day.
Olivia: Ok, just let--let me finish. All right? If this is a bad night for you, you can just tell me, ok? It's all right. It's not going to hurt my feelings.
Steve: I don't want you to go home. But in the interest of full disclosure, I am going to be lousy company tonight.
Olivia: How about this? How about you just tell me what's actually going on for you.
Steve: I made a crucial mistake, one that could cost my sister her career.
Olivia: Ok. How is that going to work? I know you'd never let Elizabeth take the blame for something that you did wrong.
Steve: My mistake led to her mistake.
Olivia: Ok.
Steve: Lucky's new wife, Siobhan, came in with a head trauma the night the hospital had the lockdown.
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Steve: Elizabeth was on the O.R. Team. It was the first surgery since Jake's death. She injected Siobhan with the wrong meds, and she almost died.
Olivia: Wow. And now, you're blaming yourself for letting Elizabeth back in the O.R.?
Steve: I'm the one who sent her in there into surgery, and I didn't even bother checking the patient's name.
Olivia: Ok. Wait a minute. Elizabeth is a grown woman, and she's a professional. If she thought she was going to be compromised in any way, she needed to talk to the surgeon and get herself a sub, right?
Steve: There was no way she could be objective about her performance. I knew it. I told her to come back to work too soon, and it nearly cost a patient her life. This wasn't Elizabeth's failure. It's mine.
Maxie: Spinelli did not mean that.
Spinelli: Jackal, P.I. meant every word.
Maxie: You would never call Sonny a low-life. He's Mr. Sir.
Spinelli: Mr. Sap, if you ask me. And pawing my doll doesn't happen again.
Sonny: Ok. I'm calling Max and Milo.
Maxie: No, please don't do that.
Spinelli: The no-neck squad? Bring it on.
Maxie: Spinelli thinks he's Jackal, P.I. it's a temporary condition. You don't care. He saved my life. That should mean something.
Sonny: Find my money.
Spinelli: Find it yourself, pal.
Sonny: Ok. Get him out. I can't take it.
Spinelli: You got a problem with me, you deal with me.
[Sonny laughs]
Brenda: Whoa. Whoa. Hey, guys. Could you just keep your voices down? Alec is asleep, so.
Spinelli: Wait a second. He's got a dish like this at home, and the palooka still wants to dine out?
Sonny: Really, palooka?
Spinelli: Better keep your mutt on a leash. I just caught him with his paws all over my dame.
Maxie: I am not your dame, and I was just fixing Sonny's collar.
Spinelli: I saw what happened. I'm a trained professional. Cheaters, liars, cons--they don't get past me, and neither does Mr. Sap.
Sonny: Both of you, out, now.
Spinelli: Tell him to button his lip, will you?
Brenda: What's wrong with you?
Maxie: Spinelli saved my life. He was shot. He should be in a hospital.
Brenda: What's wrong with him?
Maxie: Could you summon a little compassion, please? I mean, Spinelli took great care of you when you were mooching off him and Jason. He practically shut down the state of New York so he could find you organic vegetables, bring you tea every morning so you could do your stupid yoga, and you clearly don't care that something is very wrong with him.
Spinelli: Mmm. I love it when you get all hepped up.
Sonny: Ok. Enough with the love fest. You, leave, now.
Maxie: We're going to--
Sonny: Now. Now!
Maxie: Spinelli, let's go.
Brenda: What money are they talking about?
Sonny: Are you a little jealous that I had my mitts all over his dame?
Brenda: Oh, yeah. I'm extremely jealous. You wouldn't put your mitts on any other dame. You know better than that.
Sonny: You sure about that?
Brenda: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Mm. I don't know. I don't know.
Anthony: You're obviously accustomed to Sonny, who's all talk and no follow-through. I don't operate that way. I'll remember what happened. I don't appreciate being threatened by John's lackey. The situation will be addressed.
Ethan: Are you all right?
Kristina: You saved me.
Ethan: Ok. Look. Anthony Zacchara is a seriously dangerous man. You need to stay away from him.
Kristina: It's so weird. I just texted you and you must have sensed that something is wrong. I still can't believe that we really do have this special connection.
Ethan: No, I was just walking by, actually.
Kristina: You put your life on the line for me.
Ethan: Kristina, you are reading this all wrong.
Kristina: Well, I'm just being honest. I mean, we're more than just friends. I know you feel the same way. And at some point, you'll feel safe enough to be honest about it.
Ethan: I am being honest, Kristina. You're an amazing person, ok? But you are way too young for me. I'm just a phase you're going through, like defying your parents by wandering around the dark streets alone when you should be grounded.
Kristina: You remembered.
Ethan: [Chuckles] Look. You'll be over me by the end of summer, ok? Probably very soon.
Kristina: I know you think I'm too young, but I'm going to prove you wrong.
[Ethan whistles]
Ethan: Ok. You see that cab over there? I want you to get in that cab and take it straight home.
Kristina: If you insist. But it won't matter. I'll be on your mind for the rest of the night.
Edward: Michael is showing the kind of reserve and good judgment that I expect from an executive. He's willing to sit back, take his time, and get the lay of the land instead of just crashing in without thinking things through.
Carly: Ok. You know, if you're not comfortable here, you need to trust your gut. You don't have to stay here and waste your time. There's plenty of jobs out there.
Edward: You won't find many jobs with this opportunity, Michael. And not just for yourself, either.
Carly: Package deals aren't all that uncommon. I'm sure we can work something out.
Edward: Abby, I'm so glad that we have you here with us. You see, no one who does not see the whole picture would advise you to leave without giving ELQ a chance. And believe me, I would hate to send you and Michael out in this job market. Phew.
Michael: You know, Edward's right. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, and I know Abby is, too. She was amazing today, and I could have done better. I'll do my best not to disappoint you.
Edward: That's all I'll ever ask, son.
Michael: Let's get some dinner and go over this orientation package.
Abby: Sure. Let me just clean up my cubicle. See you tomorrow, Mr. Quartermaine.
Edward: Bright and early.
Carly: Don't look so pleased with yourself.
Edward: You know, Carly-- [Laughs] I admire your subtlety. Very impressive performance, trying to talk Michael into quitting. And you had the guts to do it right in front of me.
Carly: Michael knows you're using Abby to manipulate him. He's not going to put up with it for very long.
Edward: I hired Abby when no one else in this town would even consider it. And I'm giving Michael a safe, dependable job till the end of the summer. And then, he will probably stay on at ELQ because he is a Quartermaine.
Carly: I fought the Quartermaines, every single one of you, tooth and nail for Michael when he was a baby. And I am fully prepared to do it again.
Edward: Michael's old enough to make his own choices.
Carly: I don't care how old Michael is. I'm not going to let you take my son.
Edward: [Chuckles] What makes you think you even have a choice?
Lulu: First, you show up at my hotel, and then, you follow me here and force me to take you upstairs? Now Javier thinks I'm going to sleep with people. What happens when the next guy comes in and offers me double?
Dante: There won't be a next time, Lulu. There shouldn't have even been a this time. This is a freakin' whorehouse.
Lulu: I know that.
Dante: You don't belong anywhere near a place like this.
Lulu: I can't leave until I find my dad.
Dante: That could be months, or weeks, or never. Ok? And this Javier is already looking at you way too much for my liking.
Lulu: Javier has a deal with my dad.
Dante: Of course he's going to tell you that, Lulu. He wants you to stick around. He'll say anything to make you stick around. So we're going to cut short this little encounter. We're going to get the hell out of here.
Lulu: No. I am not leaving until I have a lead on my dad.
Dante: Even if Luke does come back and--which he might not--you can't drag him to home with you, ok? Look at Lucky. He's worse off now than he was before. I don't want to see that happen to you.
Lulu: It won't.
Dante: Your dad doesn't want to come here and see you working here. He's going to blame himself and probably end up drinking more.
Lulu: Not necessarily.
Dante: Lulu, your father does not want to see you dressed like that working for people like that.
Lulu: My dad is people like this. I finally get that.
Dante: Don't put yourself through this.
Lulu: I can handle this.
Dante: I hate this. Oh, I hate this. I hate this so much. This is going to end badly. I know it is. But I'm going to protect you. I don't care how mad you get at me.
Lulu: I would be grateful if I didn't want to kill you right now.
Dante: Well, what can I say? That's the effect I have on women.
Lulu: Look, I get it. I get it. This place is awful. I didn't see that until I was here. I don't know how my dad grew up like this. What if Lucky was hustling the customers until I took one upstairs and had sex with him, knowing that he was going to get a cut? I don't know how my dad and Aunt Bobbie survived a childhood like this.
Dante: I don't know. I don't know, either. It couldn't have been easy. But it's for that reason that I don't think it's going to help Luke to find you here.
Lulu: Yeah, but seeing this, even living it for a little while, I feel like I understand what he's carrying around. I actually appreciate the fact that he was able to start a family and try and have a relatively normal life. I have a lot of respect for him now. He's come so far from this. I can't leave until I talk to him.
Steve: You know, Elizabeth is in bad shape, emotionally. I mean, you saw her the day she walked in when we were packing up Jake's things and the way she reacted to us.
Olivia: But that was a grieving woman in the privacy of her own home going off on her big brother. That could happen to any one of us. We unload on the people that we feel safest with.
Steve: She's been having trouble since she's been back at work. I'd walk in, and she'd be staring off into space or tearing up at nothing.
Olivia: It's not nothing, Steve. She's a grieving mother.
Steve: But it's interfering with her performance at work. I should have called her out on it. I should have sent her home.
Olivia: Ok. You were trying to help your sister.
Steve: Ok. Well, then, I should have taken a leave of absence and made her go to a grief counselor, or sent her off on a jet to see Sarah, or shoved her in a room and locked the door with a paintbrush. The last thing I should have done was tell her to come back to work where lives depended on her.
Olivia: I think you're being very hard on yourself.
Steve: Elizabeth... is in unspeakable pain, and I have managed to make it worse. She's grieving the loss of a child, and now, she could lose her job.
Olivia: How is Lucky's wife doing?
Steve: Well, thanks to Matt Hunter, she's pulled through. She's got a strong prognosis.
Olivia: That should work in Elizabeth's favor, right?
Steve: I don't know. I don't know what the board's going to do. I mean, I think it's kind of irresponsible to just give her a slap on the wrist just because nobody died.
Edward: You know, when you married AJ and moved into the house, I had great hopes for you. You were fearless, and you were creative, and you didn't mind fighting for what you wanted. I even envisioned you as someday being an executive with ELQ. You had far more talent than AJ.
Carly: I always liked you, too.
Edward: And I really like the work that you have done at the Metro Court. I'll admit that I was a little concerned when you got involved, but you have turned Jasper Jacks' folly into a real showplace.
Carly: Could you stop with the compliments? The more you butter me up, the worse the bottom line's going to be.
Edward: The years have not been kind to my family. The Quartermaines are decimated. I had to bring Michael back.
Carly: Why does it have to be Michael? You have a lot of heirs. You have Dillon, Ned, the Wards, that Jimmy Ray Holt guy. I'm sure he has kids.
Edward: Jimmy Lee Holt. None that I know of. But you see, Michael is unique. He's strong, he's intelligent. And he has undergone experiences that would have broken a lesser man. You mark my words. He is going to turn out to be the finest of all of us Quartermaines.
Carly: Corinthos, Edward. His name is Michael Corinthos.
Edward: [Chuckles] You know, Carly, I play golf with several family court judges, and I have no problem in calling in a favor, if I have to. Not that I want to. But you and Sonny took Michael away from me when he was the same age as Josslyn. So I know how it hurts. And I wouldn't want to put any of us through that.
Carly: Are you threatening me?
Edward: You've already lost Michael. If you aren't careful, you'll lose Josslyn, too.
Michael: Bringing work home on your first day.
Abby: Well, H.R. told us to both look this one over, and I need to memorize all the names and telephone extensions of everyone in our department.
Michael: You're loving this, aren't you?
Abby: It's a respectable job, Michael. That means a lot to both of us.
Michael: Well, you won't be answering phones for long, once Edward sees how great you are.
Abby: I just want to prove that I deserve the job, you know. Even if Edward only hired me to get to you.
Michael: You know, that makes no sense to me. You're hardworking, dedicated, and ambitious. I get the junior executive office just because I'm a Quartermaine. Not that I'm complaining. I'd gladly sit around all summer if it helps you.
Abby: I appreciate that. But you know, you might as well try and learn something, as long as you're there helping me out. Could come in handy sometime, you know. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life counting seagulls.
Michael: Uh-huh.
Ethan: Michael. Michael. You got to help me, man. I'm desperate. I am so sorry to interrupt.
Abby: It's ok. I need to review this stuff, so go ahead.
Ethan: Great. Thank you. So, Michael, Kristina has got it into her head that we're more than friends. She's determined to believe that we're embarking on some sort of romance, and she won't take no for an answer.
Michael: Can you blame her? You didn't send her home when she showed up on your flight to DR. You went to her graduation party. And you showed up at her house last night. Kristina pretty much texts me everything.
Ethan: Last night, I was just supposed to help her plan her trip abroad.
Michael: Which is, like, three years from now. Look, if you tell her no more often, maybe she'll get the message.
Ethan: That's the point. I'm handling this like an idiot. I just caught Anthony Zacchara hassling Kristina on Baker Street--
Michael: Anthony was hassling Kristina?
Ethan: Yeah. So I grabbed him, spun him around, and threatened to kill him.
Abby: I don't think Kristina's going to hear that as a no.
Michael: What did Anthony say to Kristina?
Ethan: I don't know. I didn't hear all of it. But Kristina can't assume that I'm always going to be there to rescue her. You know? I mean--ugh. I want to help her any way I can, ok, but she's way too young for me, and we're from completely different worlds.
Michael: I agree.
Ethan: You got to convince her, mate. I mean, she respects you. She listens to you.
Michael: I never had much luck talking Kristina out of something she wants to do.
Abby: Maybe I can help.
Olivia: Not that you asked, but this is what I think. I think you screwed up, all right? You were thinking more like a big brother than like a chief of staff. I think you should absolutely say that to the board, and you should just accept whatever sanctions they throw down.
Steve: I already thought about that.
Olivia: What you should not do is submarine your whole career or, God forbid, do something stupid like offer to resign.
Steve: Of course I'm going to offer to resign.
Olivia: Steve. You're not just an administrator for that hospital. You're a very gifted surgeon. And I happen to know it, because you saved my life.
Steve: Ha. I did some basic first aid on you.
Olivia: You know what? You know what? Modesty is a very beautiful thing. I like it very much. What I don't like so much is stupidity. And that's what this it, which is--it's just stupid, the idea of you trashing your whole career over this. You made a mistake, ok? You make a mistake, you accept it, you learn from it, and you move on.
Steve: You sound pretty sure of yourself.
Olivia: Yeah. You're damn right I'm sure. I'm great at giving other people advice about their lives. All the Falconeris are. It's in our DNA.
Steve: You ever take your own advice?
Olivia: Sometimes. And even once or twice, I've managed to learn from my own mistakes.
Steve: Ahh. Ok. Ok. I guess I'll try to learn from mine.
Olivia: Now, can I interest you in some homemade chicken piccata and a beautiful of sauvignon blanc?
Steve: You know, you don't have to cook.
Olivia: Yes, actually, I do have to cook. I do have to cook. Cooking is what I do. And while I'm cooking, you can peruse my record collection and find something that speaks to you.
Sonny: I want you to resign as--
Alexis: No.
Sonny: Yeah. As Jax's attorney in the custody hearing against Carly.
Alexis: You know I can't do that. He's my best friend. Also, if I resign as his attorney, he'll find another one, and then, it will be worse for everybody.
Sonny: What kind of a father wants to keep his daughter away from her mother, ok? What if I had done that with Kristina?
Alexis: It wasn't bad enough what we went through?
Sonny: Well, you know the hell that Carly has been through. She's trying to be reasonable with Jax. He doesn't want to compromise. He wants to hurt Carly because she's divorcing him, and he wants to hurt me because Brenda married me. He's a vindictive ass. I'm sorry.
Alexis: You are in no position to throw stones about entitled, vindictive asses. Now, look. I am trying to get him to see the middle ground here.
Sonny: Ok. So you let him call Brenda as a witness? What middle ground is that?
Alexis: I tried to talk him out of it--
Sonny: But he didn't listen, which tells me that he doesn't respect you as a lawyer enough. Now, he's determined--I don't know if you know this--to use his baby daughter to mess with my marriage with Brenda.
Alexis: Technically, she'll only have to address the issue of safety.
Sonny: Oh, really? So I'm so dangerous to be around--so why is Brenda's little boy sleeping upstairs? Carly and I brought him back safe and sound. How are you going to spin that into a danger--
Alexis: I am trying to make this so it doesn't go to court. My intention is to get this to settle.
Sonny: Ok. And what are you going to say to Kristina? Because you're basically saying that I'm dangerous and terrible, and Carly, who I haven't even been married to in years, is going to lose custody of her child because of all of this.
Alexis: I'm hoping that it doesn't get that far.
Sonny: But you know it will because that's the way Jax is. He doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything else but what he wants. So I'm telling you--for my sake, for your sake, for our daughter's case--don't let Jax do this. Drop the case.
Abby: Well, why don't you get involved with somebody closer to your own age? That way, Kristina will understand that there's no reason to keep hitting on you.
Ethan: That is a great idea. That's a great idea. Unfortunately, I'm freshly divorced. I haven't even thought about dating. And even I wouldn't feel right using some poor, unsuspecting woman to push Kristina away. I'm starting to develop sort of a conscience, and it's really annoying right now.
Michael: I don't like the idea of manipulating my sister, but she does need to get the message.
Ethan: It would have to be a set-up from start to finish. The woman would have to be in on it.
Michael: Ok. So find somebody.
Ethan: I would love to. I would love to. But I've been out of circulation for way too long, mate. I was faithful to Maya. I was, fool that I am. I mean, faithful. I don't even know who I could ask to pretend to be involved with me.
Abby: I could do it.
Maxie: This reckless behavior has got to stop. Threatening Sonny, sneaking around his house--you're going to get shot again.
Spinelli: A little lead, a little love. It all balances out.
Maxie: All right. Well, I'm taking you back to the hospital. First, to the E.R. because you shouldn't be walking around, and then, the psych ward.
Spinelli: No can do, sugar lips.
Maxie: Please stop calling me that. My name's Maxie, all right? And you are a computer genius, so you really need to help Sonny find that $20 million you helped him hide, or--what are you doing?
Spinelli: Fix my collar, sweetheart.
Maxie: No. No. I am with Matt and only Matt.
Spinelli: Well, your lips don't lie--at least, not when they're kissing me.
Maxie: Ok, look. The only reason I promised to help you is because you've lost your mind. And you need to find that money that Sonny lost, or else you'll never be seen again. How dare you keep kissing me.
Spinelli: You almost locked lips with the Sonster, which told me that you're not that tight with sawbones, which reminds me, you've strayed before. So don't you see, doll? Every man for himself.
Lulu: I never understood why it was so hard for my dad to live in a house filled with people that love him, why he could be such a wonderful father at times, and then, completely unavailable at other times. But now, I feel like I understand a little bit of what was going on inside.
Dante: I guess I understand it, too, in a way. I was talking to Sonny, and I guess when you're from the gutter, part of you always feels like that's where you deserve to be, like you belong there.
Lulu: Yeah. Why should he trust anyone? He's constantly waiting for someone to sell him out.
Dante: You can't fix this, though.
Lulu: I want him to know how much I love him.
Dante: He already knows that. You can't change your dad. He is who he is. And this place is only going to hurt you.
Lulu: I could leave at any time.
Dante: I feel like you're doing this to punish yourself because you weren't able to save your father, and you have to know that that wasn't your job.
Lulu: I know that it's not my job. I'm here because I need him.
Dante: Ok. But even if your dad comes back, ok, that could be months. Hell, that could even be years. And you're prepared to stay here for that length of time? You're going to destroy your life to prove how much you love your father. He would not want that for you. Please. Please, let's go. Leave with me tonight. We can be home by the morning, ok? Come on.
Lulu: I feel like something's going to break.
Dante: Fine. But you promise me that if at the end of your shift, you haven't heard from Luke, if nothing has changed, you come back with me tonight.
Lulu: Ugh. I feel like I need to give this, like, a couple of days.
Dante: Lulu, I have to get back to work, and I can't leave you here. So you promise me that if at the end of your shift, you haven't heard anything, you come back to Port Charles with me tonight, ok? Promise me.
Lulu: I promise. I'm sorry.
Javier: What were you and Dante talking about last night?
Lupe: Nothing much.
Javier: Why is he so interested in Lulu?
Lupe: He likes blondes. He told you that.
[Cell phone rings]
Javier: Yeah? Luke. Where are you? When? Yeah. Let me know when everything's ready. That's right, Luke. You went over your time. That will cost extra.
[Dante scoffs]
Dante: Sure thing.
Javier: If you come back again, and I tell you a girl's off-limits, leave her alone. Don't offer double after I've already told her no.
Dante: Yeah, but she was really well worth it.
Javier: Show him out.
Maxie: At least let me take you to the hospital so Matt can see if you've pulled any stitches.
Spinelli: Why don't we go to my place? You can see for yourself.
Maxie: Spinelli. Ok. I really am in a committed relationship with Matt, and I'm trying very hard to be faithful to him because I don't want to hurt anyone like I hurt you.
Spinelli: I understand, doll. You can't help yourself.
Maxie: But you don't exist. You are a figment of Spinelli's imagination.
Spinelli: No. I came to your rescue, doll. And I'm not leaving you on these mean streets alone.
Maxie: Ok. I don't need to be rescued. You are not a man of danger. You don't belong on any mean streets. You are a sensitive, sweet computer genius. And--we need to get out of here right now.
Spinelli: I knew you couldn't hold out much longer--
Maxie: Be quiet, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Jackal, P.I. hides from no one.
Maxie: No. Wait.
Spinelli: Anthony Z. You and myself, we need to settle a few things mano a mano.
Michael: You know, let me--yeah. Let me just talk to Kristina again. Maybe she'll listen this time.
Abby: Kristina is very determined. Ethan's the perfect guy to crush on. He drives both parents crazy.
Ethan: Yeah. If Kristina pushes Sonny any further, things will get ugly for me.
Michael: Yeah. My dad blew up Johnny Zacchara when he thought that Kristina was sleeping with him. He might not do that again, but who knows.
Ethan: You think car bombs hurt much?
Michael: Look. It's completely ridiculous for you to risk your life just because Kristina won't give up on you.
Abby: If anything happens to you, Kristina will blame herself.
Ethan: All right. The simplest solution is just to leave town. But for once in my life, I kind of want to stay put.
Michael: If we decide to do this, how will it work?
Abby: I pretend to cheat on you with Ethan, let Kristina catch us.
[Brenda laughs]
Sonny: Wow.
[Door shuts]
Carly: Sonny.
Brenda: Really?
Carly: Sonny?
Brenda: I mean, really, honey?
Carly: I have to talk to you. It's important.
Brenda: This is my home, and I would like you to leave.
Abby: Kristina already thinks the worst of me. I doubt she'll have a problem believing that I'm cheating on you.
Michael: I hate being lied to and manipulated. I'd hate to do the same thing to Kristina. I'd feel like a hypocrite.
Abby: You know what? We'll think of something else.
Ethan: Oh, yeah. Totally. It's your call.
Michael: Look, I know my sister. She's not going to give up on this. And there's no way my dad will ever accept you and Kristina as a couple.
Ethan: Well, of course not. It's ridiculous. She's way too young for me, and I've lived way too rough. She deserves better than me. I just don't want to see Kristina get hurt.
Michael: The sooner we get this over with, the better.
Abby: Ethan, do we have a plan? It's your call.
Michael: Ixnay on the ristinakay.
Kristina: Hey. I can't believe you're here. I just came by to grab some dinner. Mom's working late again, and Molly's at theater camp.
Ethan: No, I should actually be long gone by now. I just never get to see Abby. See, I don't know if she told you, but I used to be one of her best customers at Vaughn's. She gives the best private dances.
Spinelli: Look, I got no times to bump gums with a lunatic, but I hear you're out of the big house looking to reclaim your turf. Now, that's up to you. But stay out of the way of Jackal, P.I.
Maxie: He's not himself. He's had an accident.
Spinelli: I took a slug in the name of love.
Anthony: You're Jason and Sonny's computer nerd.
Spinelli: Overheated typewriters, if you ask me.
Maxie: He has no idea what he's saying.
Anthony: Look at this. You're crazier than I ever was. You know where that leaves Sonny and Jason?
Spinelli: On their own, like every man? You got a beef with them? Settle it, or don't. Jackal, P.I. doesn't take sides. But if I did, it wouldn't be with you. So stay out of my way, or--
Anthony: [Grunts] I'll snap your neck right here, Pentonville-style.
Maxie: Ok. I'm calling 911 right now.
Anthony: Come and get me anytime. I can't wait to kill you in self-defense. [Anthony grunts]
Maxie: This has to stop right now.
Spinelli: Take it easy, doll. It comes with the turf. Besides, now Jackal, P.I. has a score to settle.
Carly: It's about Michael and Morgan.
Brenda: Of course it is.
Sonny: Is he all right?
Carly: Physically, they're fine.
Brenda: Ok, good. So then it's not an emergency. You could maybe text Sonny about this later--
Carly: Jax is calling Michael and Morgan as witnesses in the custody suit.
Sonny: What? You know about this?
Brenda: Are you seriously asking me?
Sonny: Did Jax tell me he was calling my boys to testify?
Brenda: Of course not.
Sonny: How's Morgan?
Carly: I haven't told him yet, but you know he's going to be devastated after what happened during Michael's trial.
Sonny: He doesn't give up, does he?
Carly: He's going to make our boys relieve every horrible thing that's happened to them.
Sonny: He's not going to get away with it.
Brenda: What does that mean?
Sonny: What it means is that your good buddy's a lousy son of a bitch.
Javier: You need to pick up the pace.
Lulu: My shift's over. I'm leaving.
Javier: Hey, you were late. You're not leaving till I say you're finished.
Lulu: No. I mean I'm leaving.
Javier: Be here when I get back.
Lupe: Are you all right? The first time can be difficult.
Lulu: Can you distract Javier while I sneak out?
Lupe: You may still get what you came for. Luke just called.
Lulu: Are you sure?
Lupe: I couldn't hear much of what Javier was saying, but the deal is still on.
Lulu: Which means he might be back soon.
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