General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/7/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Sam: Sorry I'm late.
Jason: We were supposed to go to dinner.
Sam: Yes.
Jason: I'm so sorry, Sam.
Sam: That's ok. All right. Change in plans. What's going on?
Jason: I thought I made peace with this business years ago. All of a sudden, I'm starting to think maybe I should quit.
Lucky: I had a feeling Dad wouldn't stand rehab, but so what? I mean, who put me in charge of my father's sobriety, anyway?
Siobhan: Well, pretty much the entire rest of your family. They were lining up to beg you to do something about Luke.
Lucky: No, they wanted me to help, not drive him away.
Siobhan: What exactly are you condemning yourself for?
Lucky: I--I chased him off. That's on me. So now it's on me to go find him and to fix it. Listen, Siobhan. I need to do this alone.
Ethan: Well, uh, my timing could have been a bit better, I think.
Maya: I'm so sorry.
Aaron: You've been looking for a way to tell him about us for quite a while. Now he knows.
Jason: Dante wants me to reach out to Lucky and basically say that I don't blame Luke for what happened to Jake.
Sam: Now, that's not fair of Dante to ask you for that.
Jason: I understand why he's doing it. He's worried about Lulu.
Sam: Yeah, and Lulu is worried about Lucky and Luke. What, it's supposed to make everything ok if you say that you don't blame Luke? Is that what Dante expects?
Jason: I turned him down. I mean, he wasn't surprised. He knew it was a long shot. But when he was leaving, he said that Luke's arrogance with drinking and driving isn't all that different from me living like I do, breaking laws, taking risks, pretending it doesn't affect the people that I love.
Sam: I'm not really sure I buy that comparison.
Jason: When I first went to work for Sonny, I didn't care that I was hurting the Quartermaines. I didn't care about right or wrong. I wanted to live my life. I wanted to prove to everybody that I wasn't weak and that I didn't need to be protected from myself.
Sam: Do you know who you sound like right now?
Jason: Michael.
Sam: Yeah.
Jason: Yeah. And that's why it's so hard for me to argue with him. I sound like a hypocrite. If this business is so wrong, why am I still in it?
Siobhan: So you're going alone, are you? Out there, where anything can happen? When most people would need someone to watch their back?
Lucky: We've already been through this. I work faster alone.
Siobhan: I understand. You don't need an ally. You don't know where your father is, but you can go figure it out and go after him with no help from anyone.
Lucky: Siobhan, I've been doing this stuff since I was a kid. Why would you want to risk it anyway, huh?
Siobhan: You're my husband, Lucky, even if it is only about a green card.
Lucky: It's not only about a green card, and you know that.
Siobhan: You know that I want to help you no matter what. So let's just save ourselves the time and save me the indignity of following you. We make a good team. Let's go out there and find your dad.
Ethan: Surprises often play better in one's mind, don't they?
Maya: This is all my fault.
Aaron: Are you sure you want me to leave?
Maya: Yes.
Aaron: Would you consider having this conversation a little later, when you both have had a chance to calm down?
Ethan: I'm perfectly calm, I assure you.
Maya: We'll be fine.
Aaron: I can only imagine what you must be going through. But please, don't take it out on Maya.
Maya: He would never do that.
Ethan: That's true.
Aaron: Maya's been tearing herself up about this for quite some time. But you didn't just walk in on a casual encounter. And as difficult as this must be, we're all better off now that you know the truth. Call me.
Ethan: You know, for a con who prides himself on reading people, I've been a bit obtuse, haven't I?
Maya: Don't you dare even blame yourself for this.
Ethan: When a man's wife takes off to a different city for a family emergency that never quite ends, that should have been a pretty clear signal, I think.
Maya: I was lying to you, Ethan. I called and texted you at least once a day since I've left.
Ethan: But you were always vague. [Laughs] That should have tipped me off.
Maya: I should have told you, and I meant to. But the moment I heard your voice, I just-- I couldn't do it.
Ethan: I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't--I didn't mean to put you on the spot like this.
Maya: I'm the one who did this. I'm entirely at fault because I'm a coward. Looking good! You lost some weight.
Maya: I met Aaron when my aunt was in the hospital. He--he was a Cardiologist. He started bringing me coffee, and then lunch, and then, one thing led to another--
Ethan: No, I got that part.
Maya: I've made my decision, Ethan. I'm not going to come back to Port Charles.
Ethan: Things happen, love. I understand.
Maya: God, would you just stop being so nice? Lord knows, I wouldn't be if the tables were turned. I treated our marriage like it was nothing.
Ethan: Our marriage, such as it was, would have been annulled a long time ago if not for Edward.
Maya: The truth is I loved being married to you. I loved the nights we spent together and our lost week in Vegas. I loved the walks on the dock as we'd watch the ships go by. I loved even looking for an apartment that we could never agree on. You just made everything so fun.
Ethan: Well, you still take my breath away.
Maya: You were the best time I've ever had, Ethan. And that's what I mean about being a coward, because being with you, knowing that I could fall so completely in love with you, it scared me to death.
Dante: Oh. Well, uh, that was, uh, like, transcendent.
Lulu: It was.
Dante: Oh. I don't know if I, like, lost myself there for a minute or what.
Lulu: Mmm. Me, too.
Dante: Good thing no one walked in on us.
Lulu: We should have locked the doors.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: But technically, I own the place--or at least, I will-- so no one would walk in.
Dante: Yeah. I was hoping that I could make you forget about all that stuff.
Lulu: You did. You completely did. That's the first time that I've let go since Jake. I mean, it was amazing to just not worry or hurt or second-guess everyone and everything, and just be with you. You're amazing.
Dante: I am pretty amazing, aren't I?
Lulu: You give me a new perspective on everything.
Dante: Well, anytime, anytime, that you want my help ever again, you just say the word. Like now, or--
Lulu: Well, I realize that I've been kind of all over the place lately, and I've been trying to control my dad, and trying to control Lucky and everyone else, and pushed you away, and you've been trying to help me. I'm sorry.
Dante: Mm. Well, if you apologize like that to me every time you do something wrong, I'll have no trouble forgiving you whatsoever.
Lucky: I'm not getting any leads on Dad.
Siobhan: Well, is there any chance that he could still be here in Port Charles?
Lucky: No. The only thing that made this place bearable for him was family. And now that he's left us, I think he'd want to stay as far away as possible.
Siobhan: Well, maybe you should respect that for a while, let Luke do what he's going to do.
Lucky: If I was sick and needed help, dad would come after me, and he wouldn't wait. So that's the least I could do for him. I just--I have no idea where to start.
Siobhan: Well, Luke didn't leave for the usual reasons, which rules out a lot of destinations, correct?
Lucky: Mm-hmm. Yeah. No Amsterdam or London or Hong Kong, probably.
Siobhan: And he's not trying to prove a point to Tracy.
Lucky: He's lost Tracy. He's lost pretty much everyone.
Siobhan: So where do you go when you're lost?
Lucky: Home?
Siobhan: Where is home for Luke? Does he have any other family?
Lucky: Well, he wouldn't bring Mom into this, that's for sure.
Siobhan: Well, is there--is there anyone else? Is there any place else? What is the last stop in this world for your father, assuming that he's been reduced to instinct and driven by pain? Where would Luke go?
Lucky: You know what? I think I might know.
Sam: Are you tired of the business? I mean, is there something else you want to do?
Jason: It might help Carly if I quit, you know, take the argument away from Jax that I'm a danger to Josslyn.
Sam: No. I don't think it's going to help Carly and Jax's custody fight if you are not doing what you do for a living.
Jason: Michael--he might choose a better life, then.
Sam: Or not, because Michael's going to make his own decisions.
Jason: At least I'd be setting a good example.
Sam: Michael is not going to take your lead and follow you blindly. He's got to figure out what he wants to do on his own, Jason. And I don't know. I think a lot of people would probably argue that Michael would be safer if you stayed in the business.
Jason: I don't understand. I thought you'd want me to quit.
Sam: Why? Because if we had a baby, you think it would be safer?
Maxie: Spinelli? I didn't know you were going to be here! Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were on the phone.
Spinelli: No, it's ok. Um... have you been in contact with the Original Blond One? She's left me numerous missives imploring me to track down her wayward patriarch, but then, followed it up with a series of puzzling communiqués indicating that that search would be pointless, and that she's taken over the Haunted Star to prepare for her father's triumphant return.
Maxie: Well, Luke bailed on rehab, and nobody really knows where he is. Lulu has this crazy idea that if she fixes up the Haunted Star, it's going to give Luke a place to come back to. I mean, after he went missing, I really thought that Lulu would regain her sanity and beg for her job at "Crimson" back, but instead, now she's borrowing money from Nikolas so she can buy the Haunted Star.
Spinelli: Ooh. That is most disconcerting.
Maxie: Tell me about it. I'm really worried about her.
Spinelli: Do you think I should initiate my search for her father, as per her original request?
Maxie: Honestly, I don't think Luke's coming back.
Spinelli: Then how can I provide assistance?
Maxie: I don't think there's very much you can do. Lulu's got to get through this on her own. She's not making a lot of progress.
Spinelli: If only problems in real life were as easily solved as those in works of fiction.
Maxie: Like your book, where every case turns out ok in the end.
Spinelli: I hope my stories did not read as hackneyed or clichéd, despite their--
Maxie: No, no. It was a really fun read. I mean, that detective is kind of like one of those old school black-and-white movie detectives who gets to solve really fun cases. And I can tell you did most of the work, despite everything Diane says.
Spinelli: I'm flattered by your words of encouragement and praise, Maximista. I shall be inspired in the future--
Maxie: Maximista. Wow. You haven't called me that in so long. I almost thought you never would again.
Spinelli: Well, I--well--
Matt: Still mad about that?
Maxie: Hey!
Robin: Hi. Hey, Spinelli. What are you doing here?
Spinelli: Oh. I had an interview with the bartender and decided to stay for a refreshing beverage.
Robin: Hey, did Uncle Mac call you?
Maxie: About Lisa? Yes. She probably fled to Canada by now. Good riddance.
Robin: That's what I say. But Uncle Mac, you know, he decided he needed to stay with Emma tonight, just to keep her safe.
Maxie: Typical Mac. Very sweet, but overprotective. Is that why you guys are late?
Patrick: That, and our surgery was a little more complicated than we thought.
Robin: Yes. I think you should buy the first round in honor of your brother's surgical brilliance.
Patrick: Yeah. It was ok.
Matt: Ok? Really? That's the best we can do, ok? I think he's a little threatened, don't you?
Robin: Definitely.
Matt: You a little nervous, buddy, not top gun anymore?
Maxie: All right. I need some details.
Robin: Ok. Your man saved a teenager in the O.R. tonight.
Patrick: He assisted me.
Matt: The assistant found the bleeder and saved the patient, did he not?
Maxie: Aww. You're my hero.
[Matt chuckles]
Jason: If we did have a child, don't you think he or she would be safer if I did something else?
Sam: Let's be realistic here. You can't run away from your past. Everybody knows who you are. The cops would be able to find you. Your enemies would be able to find you. So that's definitely not going to make you safer. So why would you want to do something else? I mean, you can't deny who you are, Jason. You like to take chances. You like to risk your life.
Jason: That's pretty selfish, when you think about it, to keep risking myself when other people need me.
Sam: I don't know. Maybe I'm the one who's being selfish, then, because I love you just the way you are, and I don't want you to change.
Ethan: I guess being afraid of falling too deeply in love isn't the worst reason for ending a marriage, is it? Beats the hell out of irreconcilable differences or mental cruelty, that sort of thing.
Maya: You could never be cruel to me, or anyone else. But I just--I should have never agreed to stay married to you.
Ethan: Why don't we agree that we shared a very enjoyable learning experience? I mean, we got married by accident, after all, so it stands to reason that we would break up by accident as well. You know, there's a--has a symmetry to it.
Maya: You're being incredibly nice about all of this.
Ethan: Can we use a different word other than nice? Maybe kind, or polite. Nice just-- nice just sounds so tepid.
Maya: It would have been so easy to love you, enjoy every day. You take--you just take every moment to the max, and take everything in stride, even now.
Ethan: Unfortunately, I've got a bit of husband-walking-in karma coming my way.
Maya: I imagine you do. And it's a perfect example of how different we are. I am not wired for adventure. I get plenty of that life-or-death experiences in the hospital. I can't walk a tightrope in my personal life. I need the earth under my feet.
Ethan: I know. I know, and I understand.
Maya: I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just--I couldn't let you go.
Ethan: Well, I will take that as a compliment.
Maya: I haven't--I haven't even asked how things are going with you.
Ethan: Oh, I'm good. I just got back from Atlantic City, where I won big and had a great time.
Maya: Why did you go to Atlantic City? Aren't you and your father still running the Haunted Star?
Ethan: Um, Luke's on hiatus, and I needed a break, so, you know, we closed down the Star for a little while.
Maya: Are you sure everything's ok?
Ethan: Better than ever. Um, yeah. I'm great. You know, I'm just finally starting to learn what it means to be part of the family.
Maya: Speaking of family, I still have to find a way to break this to Edward. I feel so horrible about the money. You're not going to get your half a million because we didn't stay married for a year.
Ethan: I don't care about the money. I was only holding out for it because I thought you needed it. I'm sure Edward would have found a way to cheat us out of it, anyway.
Maya: Ethan, would you just yell at me and tell me that I'm a liar and a manipulator?
Ethan: No. No, because you're none of those things, all right? We had a great time. But every party has to end.
Maya: It's just not fair.
Ethan: You know, years from now, when you're accepting the Nobel Prize for Medicine, no one will be cheering louder than me.
Maya: I'll be sure not to let you down.
Ethan: You could never do that. And for the record, you were the most fun I ever had, too. And that's saying something.
Lucky: I can't believe this place is still around after all these years.
Siobhan: I can't believe we found it.
Lucky: Well, I wouldn't have, if you hadn't helped.
Siobhan: Want me to put on a show of false modesty?
Lucky: Go ahead. You can say "I told you so." I can take it.
Siobhan: I'll just simply say that everyone needs some help sometimes, even you.
Lucky: Did you get the tickets?
Siobhan: Yeah. We better get going.
Lucky: Ok.
[Knock on door]
Lulu: Can I come in?
Lucky: Yeah. Yeah. Of course.
Lulu: Hey.
Siobhan: Hey.
Lulu: Um, I'm really sorry for blaming you for Dad leaving. And it was low of me to drink in front of you, and I know that you love Dad as much as I do, so I have no right to judge you.
Lucky: I appreciate that. But everything you said was true. I drove Dad away, so now, I'm going to go find him, and I'm going to make it right.
Lulu: You're going to find Dad?
Lucky: Yeah. We're actually kind of cutting it close.
Lulu: Do you guys know where he is?
Lucky: I think I have a good idea.
Lulu: I mean, I'm so happy that you guys are going to do this, but I don't want you doing it because I guilted you into it.
Lucky: No, it's not that. Look, Lulu, most of what you said was absolutely true and spot-on. But one of the things that you said wasn't. When you said that Dad loves me more than he loves you, that is not true, ok? And I don't ever, ever want you to think like that. You're his little girl. And you're my sister. I love you more than my narcissistic need to be right. It's not about being right. It's about doing the right thing. And for me, that means putting your heart and your pain ahead of mine. So that's what I'm going to do. Dad's not going to come back on his own, so I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to find him.
Lulu: Just be careful.
Lucky: I will. I'm not going to put any ultimatums on the table. Dad has to come to terms with his drinking his own way, if he ever does. And I get it, you know? It's not right to shut him out because he won't stop drinking.
Lulu: I'm so happy that you understand.
Lucky: But listen. This doesn't guarantee anything. I mean, I'm going to tell him how we feel, that we love him, that we want him to come home, but I don't know how he's going to react, ok? I don't know what he's going to do.
Lulu: I know you're going to say exactly what he needs to hear, and you're going to bring him home. [Cries]
Sam: Why did you give Jake up?
Jason: You know why.
Sam: Maybe you need to remind us both.
Jason: Because I wanted to protect him.
Sam: What happened?
Jason: He died anyway.
Sam: Not because of anything you did.
Jason: Yeah, but I wasn't with him.
Sam: Ok. So maybe you feel like if you chose giving up the mob, you would have been able to keep him safe.
Jason: I did make the wrong choice.
Sam: Jason, that's just the guilt talking. You're trying to make a reason for it being your fault. But I was there. I know you did everything you could to keep that boy safe.
Jason: Obviously not, Sam.
Sam: Giving up the business isn't going to bring your son back, and it's not going to guarantee that if you and I were to have a child, our child would have a perfect life.
Jason: I know.
Sam: Do you? I'm not telling you what to do, Jason, any more than you would ever tell me what to do. I'm just asking you to be sure of what you're choosing and why.
Patrick: Why does every procedure have to turn into a competition? Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm the best, and you're good?
Robin: Are you really going to let him get away with that?
Patrick: I would have seen the bleeder.
Matt: Eventually, and hopefully, the patient would have still been alive. I'm just saying, when I found it, your face-- filled with awe.
Patrick: That wasn't awe. I was surprised you knew what you were doing.
Matt: No, it was awe.
Maxie: Wait. Why can't you guys both be smart?
Matt: Because that's not fun.
[Patrick laughs]
Robin: Spinelli, hey. Will you come over and share these fries with us?
Spinelli: Oh. Um, gracious thanks.
Robin: I have not read your book yet, but I've heard that it's great.
Maxie: It's amazing. It made three of the best summer reads lists.
Robin: Wow. I've always wanted to write a book and have it published. Why don't you sit down and tell us what it's like to be a real writer?
Maxie: I should have invited you to join us, but for some reason, I thought you were working. And I assume the two of you have not read "the Secret Life of Damien Spinelli," but you should, because it's excellent.
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: Oh. It's Kate. I'll be right back.
Patrick: You know what? Congratulations. We need another round. I've never sat and had a beer with a real author.
Spinelli: It was a collaborative effort.
Matt: What are you drinking?
Spinelli: Orange soda.
Patrick: Orange soda it is.
Robin: That's it? Dig in.
Maxie: You know, I really wish Kate would admit the second assistant she hired is completely useless. Not only is she not doing anything, but I have to do her job, too. And she made me miss my lunch break. So I'm just going to have to figure out how to get rid of her.
[Maxie and Spinelli laugh]
[Maxie coughing and choking]
Spinelli: Maximista, are you ok? Take a deep breath. Just try to relax!
[Maxie grunts]
Matt: You ok? You all right?
[Maxie coughing]
Matt: Ok. Ok. Sit down.
[Maxie coughing]
Robin: Maxie, are you ok?
Spinelli: Most sincere and humble apologies. I failed to grasp the import of the given set of circumstances--
Robin: Spinelli, it's ok. Maxie's ok. That's all that matters.
Maxie: You really are my hero.
Kristina: What happened? If it's ok for me to ask.
Ethan: I'm not sure, to be honest. But I'm reasonably certain that I just got my heart broken, or came as close as I ever want to - to that particular experience.
Kristina: Did you and Maya fight?
Ethan: It was all very civilized. Maya has found someone new, a doctor--or, pardon me, a cardiologist. He seems nice.
Kristina: You met him?
Ethan: Briefly, yes, one could say.
Kristina: Did I just miss something?
Ethan: You know, in all fairness, he's much more appropriate for Maya than I ever was or ever will be. She's not coming back to Port Charles. That's definitely over.
Kristina: And she couldn't be bothered to tell you that before you went to see her?
Ethan: She was a little slow on the details, I'll admit.
Kristina: How could Maya do that to you, especially after what's going on with Luke?
Ethan: I couldn't tell her. No. I know. She felt terrible about how things had ended up, and you know, I didn't want to leave her feeling guilty.
Kristina: Too generous.
Ethan: No. Maya and I, we never made a serious commitment. I never--I never earned the right to pour my heart out to her.
Kristina: Must be hard.
Ethan: I've got no one to blame but myself. You know, I never told her that I was starting to fall for her, you know. I never told her that I was actually envisioning a future with us. I just--I didn't--I couldn't risk it. You know? I never put myself out on the line like that.
Kristina: I'm sorry things ended this way.
Ethan: Well, consider me a cautionary tale. You know, if you ever find real love, don't wait too long to play your cards, because God knows, once it passes you by, it's not going to come back.
Lulu: I mean, can you believe how things just worked out, just like that? I have been trying for so long to get Lucky and my dad together, and then, when I give up, and I let it go, and I accept it's not going to happen, it happens.
Dante: You know, it's going to take Lucky a while to find Luke. Maybe--I don't know. Why don't we get some dinner, or some sleep, or not sleep and do things that make us apologize--
Lulu: Absolutely. Absolutely. I just need to take care of, like, two things here first.
Dante: Look, not to be the doom and gloom guy, but finding Luke and bringing him back, they're two different things.
Lulu: Well, yeah. But when Lucky gives up on the whole alcoholism thing, and my dad realizes we accept him and love him, he's going to come back. We're going to start to heal. We'll finally be a family again.
Siobhan: You were really good with Lulu back there. You took a big burden off her shoulders.
Lucky: Yeah. I love her. I just wish she wasn't so much of a codependent. She's so enmeshed with my dad emotionally and psychologically. It's like she's going to self-destruct right along with him.
Siobhan: I hope that isn't the case.
Lucky: Yeah. So do I.
Siobhan: You've got a really big challenge with your father ahead of you, don't you?
Lucky: There's still time to bail, if you want.
Siobhan: Not a chance.
Lucky: It's not going to be easy.
Siobhan: Well, easy is boring. Easy is getting up and going to work every day and paying your bills on time. Easy is feeling stifled and trapped and way too domesticated, knowing that the highlight of your day will be going to the supermarket. It will be good to stretch my feet for a bit.
Lucky: Well, regardless of what I said before, I'm really glad that you're coming along with me.
Jason: If it were up to you, what would you want?
Sam: Well, I don't see you being very happy doing anything ordinary.
Jason: Yeah. You're probably right about that.
Sam: I could see you traveling the world.
Jason: You like to travel.
Sam: I do. And if you're offering for me to sail away with you, I just might be tempted. Then, I start thinking, Jason, you know, about my family, my sisters and my mom. And it's just not really realistic, because what would Spinelli do without a P.I. partner? What would Carly do without her Jason? She would wind up in jail and probably go crazy. And who would Michael turn to? Just--
Jason: So you'd want to stay.
Sam: I just want you to be true to yourself, no matter what happens.
[Cell phone rings]
Jason: That's Bernie. I'm sorry. Bernie. How much did we lose? This thing is really starting to escalate. I got to shut it down.
Sam: Then you better get going. There's a lot of people counting on you.
Jason: Thank you for listening to me, 'cause I'm not sure about a lot right now, but I'm sure about this.
Ethan: You know, I hate messy, emotional scenes where people are yelling and saying things they'll soon regret. I've had way too much of that with my own family, as of late. I don't need to go seeking it out.
Kristina: Did you and Maya argue?
Ethan: Let's just say I didn't want to come off like a jealous idiot.
Kristina: Maya's the idiot. How could she choose some boring doctor over you?
Ethan: You know, it's all for the best in the end. Really, truly. Maya and I, we're too different. It never would have lasted, you know. Our lives are going in opposite directions, and just better to get out now before there's too much damage done.
Kristina: Maya really hurt you, Ethan. You can't hide that from me.
Ethan: You know who's going to be really hurt? [Laughs] Edward. Oh! Poor old man. He thought he'd bought his way into Maya's life. He thought he'd found the bright young hope for the Quartermaines. Which is actually terrifying, if you really think about it. But you know, whatever. It's over. It's over. The only thing left to do is now sweep the ashes under the rug and move on.
Kristina: How are you going to do that?
Ethan: Fly to the Dominican Republic and get a divorce.
Dante: Wasn't the plan to go back to my place, and you start apologizing to me and that long list in that very stimulating--
Lulu: I will. I will.
Dante: 'Cause there's a lot of things, terrible things, that I've done, and I probably have to apologize to you for, too.
Lulu: Good.
Dante: I should get going on that, at least.
Lulu: Good. I want that. I just need to go over these liquor orders really quickly.
Dante: You're ordering liquor?
Lulu: Yeah. Well, for here. My dad could be home in less than a week.
Dante: Lulu, that's a pretty optimistic timeframe.
Lulu: I'm so happy I can look on the bright side, and I want this place open as soon as possible. My dad's going to be so happy that I saved it for him.
Lucky: Have you really been feeling stifled and domesticated?
Siobhan: I didn't use those exact words.
Lucky: Yeah, you did, I think. It's ok. I mean, my dad found Port Charles to be incredibly stifling.
Siobhan: But he stayed because of his family.
Lucky: Right. His freedom ended as soon as we moved into that house that my mom loved so much.
Siobhan: You still own it, don't you?
Lucky: Mm-hmm. I don't blame my dad. He tried. He just couldn't handle the routine and the responsibilities. Just wasn't him.
Siobhan: How did such a free spirit raise such a grounded son?
Lucky: Well, I don't know how grounded I am.
Siobhan: Everything's going to work out, Lucky. We're going to find your dad, and we're going to bring him home.
Lucky: My father is the most determined person I've ever known. If he wants to destroy himself, he's going to succeed.
Siobhan: Promise me one thing-- no matter what happens to Luke, don't let your father destroy you, too.
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