GH Transcript Friday 6/3/11

General Hospital Transcript Friday 6/3/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca

Tracy: I realize it's hard to lose this place, but it does come with a gaming license, the only one for counties, and that'll make it more valuable when I put it on the market.

Lulu: No, you wouldn't do it because you know what it means to him.

Tracy: I know that I'm not going to put any more money into a venture that your father will not turn into a viable business.

Lulu: If you sell the Star, he has no incentive to come back.

Tracy: You'd think that his family would be incentive enough.

Lulu: Really? 'Cause all we did was judge him and made him feel worse about what happened to Jake. Can you blame him for taking off?

Tracy: I know that I enabled him and that I turned a blind eye to his disease and that I funded his sickness for far too long.

Lulu: Ok, I just think that there are better ways to help him other than shutting him out and selling off things that matter to him. We tried tough love, it didn't work.

Tracy: This is not about punishing Luke. I'm selling the Haunted Star for your sake and for my sake.

Carly: Yes, I will. Thank you.

Jax: Hey.

Carly: Hey.

Jax: Is Shawn here?

Carly: That's why you weren't on the conference call?

Jax: The file I showed you on him was just the tip of the iceberg.

Carly: Jax, I don't want to hear it, ok? I have complete faith in Shawn.

Jax: Well, you don't really know the man. This was classified information. It took some work to get it.

Carly: Ok, fine. If you have something to use against me, take it to your lawyer.

Jax: Well, I intend to. Just thought I should--

Carly: Of course you do.

Jax: You'd want to see it first.

Carly: You want me to see it so bad, tell me about it. What's in it?

Jax: That he's not a war hero. He killed one of his own men. You know, you're really quick to jump to Shawn's defense. You don't really know much about the man. I can understand why he left out the details of what's in here.

Carly: You've never been to war. You don't know what Shawn went through or why he did what he did.

Jax: Shawn killed one of his own men. And the fact that you're still willing to defend him proves that you can't put Josslyn's welfare first.

Sonny: Ok, I know it was upsetting to walk into my office and see, you know, a woman in a chair and the whole thing. And I'm doing everything I can to shield Alec from that side of my life. I got extra security, I got patrols all over the house.

Brenda: Extra security? So now my son is really gonna feel like a prisoner.

Sonny: Ok, the thing is this. You knew what you got into. I mean, you knew that my business was dangerous. So what do you want me to do about it?

Brenda: I'm sorry, what do you mean I knew what I was getting myself into? I was pretty sure that I could probably count on the fact that it's ok for me to walk into husband's office with our child and not find a dead woman sitting behind the desk.

Sonny: I already told you it was horrible, and it was. He saw what he saw. It's done. What do you expect me to do about it now?

Dante: Oh, hey. We're all done here. You can open up the restaurant again.

Jason: That's why you called me down here?

Dante: Well, it technically is your place of business. I mean, I know it's just a front, which is a good thing because no one's gonna be clamoring to eat here--

Jason: You know, you could save me some time and yourself some time if you would just call Diane.

Dante: Well, I can't tell Diane not to retaliate against Anthony Zacchara, but I can tell you to do that. I'm asking you not to, Jason. If you do, it will only escalate the situation and you'll be playing right into Anthony's hands.

Dante: It's pretty clear that Anthony hired this woman to make it look like Abby killed Brandon. Then he killed her so she wouldn't name names, left the body here to make Sonny break the truce.

Jason: Interesting theory.

Dante: Well, connecting the dots isn't the tough part, proving that he's behind these 2 killings is. And I'm gonna need your help.

Jason: I don't think Mac would appreciate my input.

Dante: Well, I'm not asking for us to team up. I just need information. I know you had a conversation with Anthony down at the station. Would you mind telling me what that was about?

Jason: Anthony said the Trujillos hired the woman that killed Brandon to cause tension between our families.

Dante: Anthony, in my opinion, has done enough damage all by himself. I mean, he's got Michael indebted to the Zaccharas, which pisses you and Sonny off. It's obvious that you'd want to take out Anthony and Johnny.

Jason: Obvious to who?

Dante: Look, I know how you guys think. But killing the Zaccharas isn't gonna save Michael from the business. In fact, the war could end up killing Michael. I'm asking you, please, let the police handle Anthony.

Tracy: Do you know why I kept the Haunted Star in my name? Because I wanted an insurance policy. I wanted a reason for your father to be present occasionally in our marriage. And now I'm watching you fall into the same co-dependant behavior.

Lulu: No, no, no. Don't use me as an excuse to sell the Star. I want to turn it into a business, something we can be proud of. Something that we could run as a family.

Tracy: And what if your father doesn't come back?

Lulu: He will.

Tracy: Lulu, he's not coming back. He said good-bye.

Lulu: He didn't say good-bye. He said he was gonna try rehab and he couldn't do it because he's never been hurt like this before.

Tracy: And that's my point. He wants to put as much distance between himself and the pain he's caused that he can.

Lulu: I guarantee you when he sees how successful this place is, he's gonna be thrilled and he's not gonna want to stay away. And I've been working on a pr campaign to get people here. It's gonna be a younger crowd. It's gonna be like going to Vegas but without the travel.

Tracy: Ooh, you are much too young to throw your own dreams away to manage your father's passing fancy.

Lulu: Keeping track of Kate's schedule was never my dream.

Tracy: And running the Haunted Star was? You have never showed the slightest interest in the Haunted Star, and now you want to run it.

Lulu: I have interest in supporting my dad. So maybe you should try that instead of doing all you can do push him away.

Brenda: My boy was taken from the only family he has ever known and brought here to live with us. We're strangers to him. I'm being such a bad mom.

Sonny: But why?

Brenda: Because he's gonna have nightmares. He's gonna see dead bodies in his dreams now. And that's my fault.

Sonny: He's a little boy. He didn't know what he saw.

Brenda: What if we would have walked in on them killing her?

Sonny: That didn't happen.

Brenda: Yeah, but what if it would have happened?

Sonny: It didn't happen. What happened was unacceptable, I've said it already how many times? There's no point in arguing anymore. This shouldn't have happened, and it's not gonna happen again.

Brenda: I just want my boy to have...a good life, you know. I just want him to be safe.

Sonny: That's what I want, too, for you, 'cause you deserve--you deserve it.

Brenda: I'm only happy when I'm with you.

Sonny: I promise you we're gonna get through this.

Carly: You know what, I think it's really sad that you would use something like serving our country and turn it into something bad just to get custody of Josslyn.

Jax: I'm not trying to turn this into something bad, Carly. A man is dead. Ok? It's very sad. It was a man on Shawn's unit. Somebody he trained with, somebody he was probably friends with. And he didn't even hesitate when he pulled the trigger.

Carly: You don't know that.

Jax: Yes, I do, because I saw the video footage. There was a news crew who shot the entire thing. And it leaked online. Ok? The military calls it friendly fire, but you can see it for yourself. And I'm sure that a judge will agree that Shawn has no business being around an innocent child.

Carly: Ok. Well, you made your point.

Jax: Yeah, but you still don't seem to get it.

Carly: No, I get it. Shawn goes or you take Josslyn.

Jax: Right. But that still doesn't solve our biggest problem--your blind spot for Sonny and Jason.

Carly: And we're right back there again, huh?

Jax: Well, it's the truth. I mean, they're a threat to Josslyn's safety.

Carly: Jason has gone above and beyond to protect Josslyn. He would do anything to keep her safe and you know that, Jax. What the hell are you doing?

Jax: Either Jason didn't do a proper background check on Shawn, or he knew his history exactly and thought it was a bonus that Shawn was able to shoot one of his own men. You know, he'll shoot anyone Jason tells him to.

Carly: I want you to leave.

Jax: Look, regardless of whether Shawn is guarding Josslyn, I'm going to use this in court and anything else I can find to prove that you continuously use bad judgment when it comes to Josslyn.

Carly: I asked you to leave.

Jax: You know, deep down you should just admit that Josslyn is better off with me because your own kids have already suffered enough.

Carly: Get the hell out now.

Jax: You should--you should read this.

Carly: Mercedes, there's been a change of plans. I'd like for you and Shawn to bring Josslyn home as soon as possible.

Michael: Krissy.

Kristina: Hey. What took you so long?

Michael: You going on a date or something?

Kristina: No. Why?

Michael: You look different.

Kristina: In a good way?

Michael: I saw you, hardly recognized you when I walked up.

Kristina: I will take that as a compliment.

Michael: Look, I'm kind of busy. What do you need?

Kristina: I wanted to apologize for every bad thing that I ever said about Abby. I was jealous that you had someone and I didn't. And that's my own fault. I wasted my entire senior year studying.

Michael: But you want to go to a good school.

Kristina: I'd settle for a decent social life. That's where you come in. I need you to explain to Dad that I'm not that much younger than you and if he's ok with you dating someone who's more experienced, then he shouldn't freak out if I want to.

Michael: Oh. I should have known this was about Ethan the second I saw the clothes.

Kristina: Do you think he'll like my new look?

Michael: Isn't he still married?

Kristina: In name only. Maya's been MIA.

Michael: So what, you and Ethan are dating now?

Kristina: Not exactly. But if he does ask me out, I don't want Dad completely losing his mind over it. Will you help me?

Brenda: I married you. I knew what I was getting myself into. I accepted every part of your life. I knew it would affect everything. It was worth it to me because I just want to be with you. And now, I just want something different. It's just not...I'm a mom. I have to think about Alec.

Sonny: You know, I would never ask you to stay if I didn't believe I could give you and your son a good life.

Brenda: What about a safe life, Sonny?

Sonny: There are no absolutes. I could...I could, you know, take every precaution in the world.

Brenda: I, uh, I want to ask you something. If you could do everything over again...if you had to raise your kids all over again, would you change anything about the way you've done it?

Sonny: There's a lot of things I would have done different, no question. I mean...I learned a lot of painful lessons, especially with Michael. Um, but, you know, I believe that I could...I could maybe give Alec a better life.

Lulu: You know, I understand why Lucky was so desperate to get my dad in rehab because it's the only way to make sense of his grief, but you did not have to jump on the AA bandwagon.

Tracy: Lulu, your father's an alcoholic. Just because he refuses to admit it doesn't make it any less true. Jake's accident was horrifying. It was a tragedy. His response was to dive straight into the bottle. His disease has taken over his life.

Lulu: That's enough with the 12-step crap. I understand that it worked for Lucky, but all it's done is pushed my father away. I'm sorry I want the people in my life close to me, no Matter how dysfunctional they are. I don't want to see my family fall apart.

Tracy: You're reacting out of fear, Lulu. This is classic co-dependant behavior.

Lulu: Stop with the slogans. You can call it love, but I sure as hell don't have to listen to it.

Carly: Josslyn was so tired I think she fell asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Shawn: Well, I'm not surprised. The way she was running all around the playground, oh, man, I was getting tired just watching her. You would never know that beautiful bundle of energy was sick a few months ago.

Carly: It's amazing.

Shawn: The transplant saved her life, but your love and support got her through the recovery. It took a lot of patience and imagination to entertain a 2-year-old in a hospital bed for weeks on end.

Carly: Well, having you there made it easier. Thank you very much.

Shawn: I'm just doing my job.

Carly: I'm pretty sure it wasn't in your job description to play dolls with my daughter.

Shawn: Yeah, I'd appreciate if you keep that between us.

Carly: Sure.

Shawn: It was hard to refuse that little girl anything, especially when she's batting those big blue eyes.

Carly: And she knows it.

Shawn: You're gonna have your hands full in a few years.

Carly: Not if Jax has anything to say about it.

Shawn: You're a good mother, Carly. Jax knows it.

Carly: Jax is still trying to get sole custody. And he's gonna do whatever he can to prove that Josslyn is safer with him than she is with me. So as much as I've appreciated everything you've done--

Shawn: But I'm a liability you can't afford.

Dante: I thought I misheard the message. You don't seem like the Kelly's type.

Tracy: Yes, well, there are those that find maple syrup stuck to the table amusing. I, on the other hand, do not.

Dante: Well, then what are we doing here?

Tracy: I'm concerned about Lulu, and you say you love her, so I'm gonna give you a chance to prove it.

Dante: By breaking things off. No, thank you.

Tracy: No, no, no. Not so fast. I want you to help me find a way to get Lulu to accept the fact that her father's gone.

Nikolas: Hey.

Lulu: Hey.

Nikolas: I got here as fast as I could. What's going on? What happened?

Lulu: Can you just promise not to say I told you so?

Nikolas: Ok, I'll do my best.

Lulu: So my dad left rehab the night that he checked in. He went into a cabin and no one knows where he is.

Nikolas: Of course. Well, him disappearing to parts unknown is pretty standard practice these days.

Lulu: Right, but this situation is different, so I would love your help in changing his mind.

Nikolas: Well, that would be difficult given that he probably doesn't want to be found.

Lulu: Well, I know him and I know that he keeps tabs on what's going on here, so we need to get the Haunted Star up and running and turn it into a successful business so he'll want to be a part of it. There's only one problem.

Nikolas: Only one?

Lulu: Tracy is gonna put it on the market to try and get back at him for leaving.

Nikolas: Well, she technically is the owner here, so if she wants to sell, she has the right to do that. There's not really anything I can do to stop her.

Lulu: You could lend me the money and I could buy the Haunted Star to prevent her from ever using it against my dad again.

Shawn: I know you heard me having words with Dr. Drake about the shrapnel in my back. It's understandable you'd be concerned, but I assure you it has no affect on my ability to keep your daughter safe.

Carly: I know that. I believe that you can protect Josslyn from Franco.

Shawn: But you're worried your ex may try and spin this, make his security team appear more capable.

Carly: With Jax it's all about appearances. He's gonna play up the fact that Sonny and Jason are dangerous. And since I refuse to cut them out of my life, he's gonna say that I can't keep Josslyn safe and I don't care that she's in danger.

Shawn: What does your lawyer say?

Carly: That I have to convince the judge that my main concern is to keep a safe environment and a healthy, stable environment for all my children, so co-parenting is important to me, and that's why I keep Sonny in my life.

Shawn: It seems like a valid argument.

Carly: Yeah, until Jax brings up all the ways my kids have been hurt by Sonny and Jason's business. And now Josslyn is the focus of a psychopath. And even though I've taken precautions to keep her safe, Jax is gonna spin that around, too. And I just got--I got a lot of fight on my hands right now.

Shawn: So you're firing me?

Carly: If you're not guarding Josslyn, then Jax can't put you on the stand during the custody hearing and you won't have to worry about parts of your past being picked apart or certain things coming out.

Shawn: Little Josslyn belongs with you. I would never want to do anything to jeopardize that.

Carly: Thank you.

Shawn: Before I go, promise me something. No Matter what Jax tries to pull, never stop fighting for your daughter.

Jason: We're closed.

Jax: It's ok, I'm not here for lunch. I think I have what I need to get primary custody of Josslyn.

Jason: That's not gonna happen.

Jax: Well, that's the beauty of the legal system--you don't get a say, it's up to the judge.

Jason: Josslyn needs both of her parents. You can't cut Carly out.

Jax: Carly can see her whenever she wants, I've made that clear, but Josslyn will be living with me.

Jason: There's no point in talking about this, Jax. You're not taking Carly's daughter.

Jax: You're gonna stop me?

Jason: I'll do whatever it takes and whatever Carly asks.

Jax: Always the good soldier. You know, it's too bad the same thing can't be said about Shawn. Did you not know or simply didn't care that he killed one of his men in Afghanistan?

Jason: You know, Shawn was hired to protect Josslyn and Carly, and that's exactly what he did.

Jax: I'll take that as a no. I know that you've had a lot on your mind lately, but it would not have required a lot of effort to have Spinelli do a proper background check on Shawn. And the fact that you didn't bother to do that, the fact that you allowed Shawn near my daughter proves once again that Josslyn's not safe with you.

Sonny: I don't expect a repeat of what happened this morning. I talked to my people and gave them hell. But look, just to be absolutely sure, it would be best if you and Alec don't come around my office or the warehouse or anywhere I do business for your own--

Brenda: We could do that for now, but what about when he gets older and he starts asking questions about what you do for a living?

Sonny: Tell him the truth. I'm a coffee importer.

Brenda: So you want to lie to him? What are you gonna do when he starts seeing your picture on the news and he starts asking why he can't leave the house without guards?

Michael: Hey, if this is a bad time, we can come back.

Sonny: Never a bad time to see my kids.

Kristina: Really? 'Cause you didn't seem happy the last time you saw me.

Sonny: I'm very sorry that things got tense. Uh, you know.

Kristina: Maybe if you stopped treating me like a little kid and let me make my own decisions on what I wear and who I date.

Sonny: Kristina, can we not do this right now?

Kristina: We're gonna have to discuss it at some point.

Michael: Maybe we should go. You two were obviously in the middle of something. Kristina.

Brenda: No. Actually, I was thinking maybe you guys could stay, we could have a family meeting. Sonny and I are having to make some difficult choices about Alec. And I just thought it might be helpful, you know, to hear how your father's business has affected your lives.

Tracy: Lulu thinks that new paint and new customers at the Haunted Star will be enough to bring her father home.

Dante: Well, I don't know, I think all we can do is love her and support her. I don't think there's anything we can do to make it easier for her.

Tracy: What about counseling?

Dante: I tried that. I suggested she go to a meeting for family members of alcoholics. She can listen to stories and struggles, that way she doesn't feel like she's carrying it all on her own, but she didn't want to go.

Tracy: Did she say why?

Dante: While Lulu will admit that her dad drinks a lot, she's never been completely convinced that he's an alcoholic. And she regretted the whole decision to do the intervention.

Tracy: I know Lulu thinks I should have been more supportive, but what kind of wife would I have been to keep enabling him. I know what addiction does to a family. I went through it with my brother and my nephew, and it was devastating to go through it with Luke. And it's especially hard to see what it's doing to Lulu.

Dante: I know what you're trying to do, but you can't convince her to give up on her father. I mean, it's her dad. She loves him.

Tracy: So do I.

Lulu: So the backroom that my dad uses for high stakes games is huge. I'm thinking we could turn it into a club with music and dancing. We could charge a cover and recoup the cost of construction in no time.

Nikolas: Wow. You have put some thought into this, haven't you?

Lulu: I've read all the books. And honestly, when the Star was open regularly, he made quite a bit of money on the tables and the bar. I haven't run all the numbers yet, but I'm positive if we do the right amount of publicity and we fix it up a little bit, you will make a huge return on your investment.

Nikolas: Well, before we start talking about returns and things like that, we need to consider how Luke fits into all of this.

Lulu: When he comes back, he's gonna run it with me.

Nikolas: Lulu, I mean, he has done very little to make this place a success. And you don't have any experience running a business.

Lulu: I worked for Kate for 3 years while she turned Crimson magazine into the most successful magazine in the country. You're not giving me credit.

Nikolas: I understand that, but the gaming industry has its own set of rules and regulations.

Lulu: That's where Ethan comes in. He grew up in a casino.

Nikolas: Counting cards and running scams is not really inspiring confidence in me to do this.

Lulu: So you're turning me down?

Nikolas: No. No, I'm not. I'm saying that if I'm going to make an investment, I'd rather make it in you than in Luke.

Jason: Hey, Spinelli, it's me. I need you to find out everything you can about Shawn's service in Afghanistan and see if there was some kind of friendly fire incident. Just call me as soon as you have anything at all.

Carly: Jax is pulling out all the stops for custody. He showed up at my house with a file on Shawn and it wasn't good.

Jason: I know, he was just here.

Carly: Is it true? Did Shawn kill another Marine?

Jason: I don't know. Spinelli's looking into it right now.

Carly: Well, apparently there's footage and Jax plans on using that to prove that I surround Josslyn with dangerous people.

Jason: Have you talked to Shawn?

Carly: I didn't ask for details. I told him I couldn't give Jax anymore ammunition, he said he would keep his distance. Look, it's a bummer because Shawn's so great with Josslyn.

Jason: I know Shawn would do anything to protect Josslyn.

Carly: Jason, under any other circumstances I would fight, but right now, my main focus has to be holding onto Josslyn at all costs.

Tracy: Luke was not someone I ever imagined falling in love with, but he definitely kept my life interesting. I think that's probably why I ignored the drinking for so long. But it's time for a change. I'm putting the Haunted Star up for sale.

Dante: What? Wow. Does Lulu know this?

Tracy: She does. And to say that she did not react well would be an understatement.

Dante: Well, yeah, I bet. She quit her job. She wants to manage the casino. She's fixing it up, like you said, for when Luke comes back.

Tracy: Luke left because he was in so much pain he didn't think he could feel in front of lucky. That's not gonna change.

Dante: I wish I knew Luke well enough to offer an opinion.

Tracy: I do. He's not coming back. And a clean break is best for everyone. I hope that Lulu comes to understand that some day and that she forgives me because I really do love her.

Lulu: If you're gonna lecture me on co-dependency or enabling, please don't. I've already heard it from Tracy. I'm really not in the mood to hear it again.

Nikolas: I have no intention of lecturing you.

Lulu: But you think I'm making a mistake.

Nikolas: I know how badly all of this stuff that's gone on is hurting you. So if you doing this to help your father helps you, who am I to judge?

Lulu: I mean, this is about him, but this is more than him, this is about me. I want to feel like I can do more than answer Kate Howard's phone calls. And I am sure that I can turn this place into a successful business. I know I can. I just--I need capital.

Nikolas: You can have the money. As long as you understand--

Lulu: That it's a loan and I will pay you back with interest once it profits, I know.

Nikolas: It's not a loan. Ok? And I hope the Haunted Star ends up being a huge success for you. But the cliché is, in business and in life there are no guarantees. This is all I'm gonna say. If you expect this venture to bring back your father or bring your family back together, you may end up very disappointed.

Brenda: Michael and I, actually talked about this some, but I want to hear what Kristina's childhood was like or what you remember of it.

Kristina: Um, I didn't really spend that much time with Dad growing up. My mom kept me pretty sheltered.

Sonny: Yeah, because I saw her mainly on the, what, sometimes on the weekends. 'Cause her mother wanted her to be normal.

Brenda: Right, right. But I'm just saying, there had to be that moment, right, where you realized, you know, that your father isn't a normal businessman.

Kristina: I guess I always knew.

Brenda: So your mother was just upfront with you about it?

Kristina: She didn't really have to. We'd hear things at school.

Michael: Yeah. Everyone pretty much knew our father was Sonny Corinthos. They were--the kids were either told to stay clear or tried too hard to be friends with us to get invited to our house and see how we actually lived.

Brenda: Did that bother you? Not knowing whether or not kids liked you for you or for who your father was?

Michael: No, no. We learned to deal with it, just like everything else. Just we had to live by certain rules that other kids didn't have to live by.

Brenda: Like guards?

Michael: Yeah, but there's privileges. You know, I don't know many other kids whose father owns a private island, so.

Kristina: Of course, my mother would never let me go. Michael would come back with this amazing tan, telling all these stories about snorkeling and water skiing, and there'd be 5 inches of snow on the ground here. But more than anything, I wished that I could spend more time with Dad like Michael did.

Michael: Yeah, I was lucky. I really couldn't ask for a better father.

Kristina: Neither could I. And that's not a bribe to get you to lighten up.

Sonny: No.

Kristina: I really mean it.

Sonny: Yeah. Well, you know what.

Kristina: Well, I know that we don't agree on everything, but I do know that you love me.

Sonny: I love you very much. That's not gonna change. Even if you wear that.

Kristina: I thought you didn't want to talk about it.

Sonny: Could you take your sister home?

Michael: Yeah, not a problem.

Kristina: We'll talk about this later.

Sonny: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Kristina: Ok.

Brenda: Bye, sweetie. Thank you. Thanks, you guys.

Kristina: Of course.

Michael: See you.

Sonny: See you. Did you get your question answered?

Brenda: Your kids really love you. Alec's gonna love you, too. I just hope that love's enough.

Jason: I should have had Spinelli look deeper in Shawn's past, did a full background check before I hired him to protect you and Josslyn. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

Carly: You'd just lost your son.

Jason: Franco is fixated on Josslyn because of me. It's my responsibility to protect her.

Carly: You have, Jason.

Jason: I should have been more careful with this.

Carly: You were careful. You put Shawn in place. And thank God he was there every night. I felt safe at the hospital.

Jason: There's just things we don't know about Shawn.

Carly: I know. I know. I hate that this came up. I hate this is happening. Everything was working out so well.

Jason: You did the right thing. Josslyn has to come first.

[No audio]

Shawn: You and I need to get a few things settled.

Jax: No, actually, we really don't have to.

Shawn: Look, I no longer work for Carly, which means you can't hold her responsible for anything I say or do, especially in regards to you.

Jax: Like I said, we don't have anything to say to each other.

Shawn: Look, you went digging around in my past, violated my privacy, and called in favors to open up sealed military records. I have a hell of a lot to say about that.

Jax: I have every right to know who's spending time with my daughter.

Shawn: Carly should be spending all of her time with Josslyn, but you--you try to use me as an excuse to limit that. Punish your ex for moving on with her life, well, I'm not having it. Now, you may think money is an excuse to act like a self-righteous ass, but I promise you, come at me again, you better be prepared, 'cause I'll push back.

Dante: Hey.

Lulu: I have the best news.

Dante: What's that? What, do you think your life won't be complete unless you jump into the Grand Canyon head first with nothing wrapped around your beautiful ankles but a rope?

Lulu: Oh, not quite. Um, something that looked like a setback turned out to be the greatest thing that could have ever happened.

Dante: Are you talking about Tracy selling the casino? 'Cause she was worried you wouldn't forgive her, but it looks like you have forgiven her.

Lulu: Absolutely. I mean, 'cause when my dad comes back, he's not gonna have to answer to her ever again.

Dante: You think the new owner's gonna have a job for your dad?

Lulu: I'm the new owner. Nikolas gave me the money so I could buy the place. Ok, I guess a little excitement is too much to ask for.

Dante: Baby, you know I love you and I will support you--

Lulu: But you obviously think that this is a bad idea.

Jason: Hey. Office is open. We're gonna have to make statements and answer some questions, but Diane doesn't think any charges are gonna be filed, so that's good.

Sonny: Too late. Too late. Damage done. Brenda brought Alec to my office and he saw the woman in the chair.

Jason: Is he ok?

Sonny: Well, he's young, so, you know, he doesn't really understand what's going on, but she's got a big problem with this. She's questioning whether I can keep Alec safe, which is understandable. But she went to Kristina and to Michael and asked their opinion.

Jason: Just so you know, I have guards all over that office. I have someone in the parking lot 24/7. It's not gonna happen again.

Sonny: I wish this was just Anthony being Anthony, but you know he's got something--

Brenda: Hey.

Sonny: To prove.

Brenda: Hello.

Jason: Hi.

Brenda: I saw you pull up. I have the most incredible idea.

Sonny: Can it wait?

Brenda: Well, it has to do with Jason, so, you know. Babe, you have Jason.

Jason: For what?

Brenda: You have Jason. You know how the business has always affected your children, you know, in such a negative way. And it doesn't have to be that way for Alec because you could retire. Jason could take over.

Jax: You know, I used to think that it took a certain type of person to serve their country, someone who believes in the greater good, someone with integrity and a conscience. Clearly that doesn't apply to you because you sell out your services to the highest bidder by playing up your combat experience while leaving out the fact that you left the military under questionable circumstances.

Shawn: What happened has no bearing on what I did for Josslyn.

Jax: Children learn by example. That's why I don't want my daughter anywhere near Sonny and Jason and guys like you. I mean, what kind of soldier kills--

Shawn: Marine.

Jax: What?

Shawn: I was a Marine, not a soldier. The fact you don't know the difference means you shouldn't be running your damn mouth.

Jax: I do know that you've been trading on your time in Afghanistan to make yourself out to be some kind of hero when what you really are is an embarrassment to anyone who's ever worn a uniform. Aah!

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