General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/13/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Shawn: You hired me to do security, not report on Carly's personal life.
Jason: Yeah, but part of keeping Carly safe is protecting her from herself.
Shawn: Well, it wasn't Carly's idea to take off. Sonny showed up, asked for her help.
Jason: But you think leaving was a mistake.
Shawn: Whatever Carly does is her business, ok? I'm not here to pass judgment.
Jason: But you were concerned. You called me.
Shawn: Look, Carly asked me to look out for Josslyn while she was gone. Now, I can keep people out of the room, but I can't keep Josslyn's father from checking her out of the hospital.
Jax: Instead of waiting for our daughter to be released, Carly took off with Sonny. It doesn't matter where they went, Alexis. The point is, she chose Sonny over our daughter, and I want to use this opportunity to bring her home with me. Thank you. Any luck?
Brenda: Everything ok there?
Jax: Yeah.
Brenda: Sonny's phone is going straight to voicemail. I cannot believe that he has a lead on my son, my child, and he is choosing to take Carly instead of me. Ok, listen. This is what we need to do. I need your help on this. I need you to find out where the plane is headed.
Jax: No. I'm sorry.
Brenda: Yes. You absolutely can.
Jax: I can't.
Brenda: Call everybody, all your high-powered friends, and call the airport--
Jax: Listen to me--
Brenda: And tell them, "Hi, I'm Jasper Jacks. I need to know where the plane was headed."
Jax: Will you listen to me? We can't do that, ok? If Sonny has a lead, that's great. But if we alert Suzanne that Sonny's on his way, she could disappear, and you may never see your son again.
Suzanne: We're going to have so much fun in Switzerland, Alec. They've got mountains and snow, and there's a lake. I found a little house in this tiny little town with no noisy neighbors. And I'll teach you how to swim. And we can drink hot chocolate. And we're just going to have a wonderful life together. And nobody bad is going to find us.
Sonny: We have to be careful how we approach Suzanne. I don't want anything to happen to this little boy.
Dante: You honestly think she's going to hurt her own grandkid.
Sonny: She spent years, you know, manipulating this kid to keep him. So I wouldn't put anything past her.
Carly: I will do whatever I can to help.
Sonny: I appreciate that. But it was my responsibility to keep this boy safe, just like it was my responsibility to keep all my kids safe. We know how that works--
Carly: Stop. Stop. Brenda's about to find out just how great of a father you really are.
Brenda: The whole reason why we went public was so that Suzanne would have no place else left to hide. So are you telling me now that you think it's a mistake?
Jax: No, no. Going to the media and offering a reward was the best thing to do at the time because we didn't have any leads, right?
Brenda: Do you know that Sonny knows exactly where Suzanne is right now because Spinelli found out for him, and I don't get to know?
Jax: There's a very good chance that Sonny did not notify local law enforcement of Suzanne's whereabouts, ok? So he has the element of surprise.
Brenda: Oh, my God.
Jax: Sit down.
Brenda: Ok.
Jax: Listen to me. We can't go asking questions where Sonny and Carly are right now, ok, because it could alert Suzanne, and she could slip away with Lucian.
Brenda: Yeah, but me being there isn't going to do anything to hurt my son. That's impossible.
Jax: I know that, but we just can't go asking questions where Sonny and Carly are right now. Listen to me. Your son has been kidnapped, ok? You've been running on adrenaline.
Brenda: Yes.
Jax: Add in the animosity you feel toward Carly, and I know exactly how you feel.
Brenda: It doesn't matter. I should be there. I know Suzanne better than anyone. And by the way, Sonny's the one that she can't stand. She thinks he's no better than Theo. I mean, I could be there, I could pretend to reason with her, I could talk to her as a mother, and you know, Sonny's just going to run in there and try to grab my son from her, and Suzanne is completely going to shut down.
Jax: I think you're giving Suzanne far too much credit. She already had the chance to bring your son back and walk away, and she didn't do that, ok? I don't think it's going to be different this time.
Brenda: Carly? Carly? I mean, what is my husband thinking? He knows that I don't want that woman anywhere near my child.
Jax: Yeah. Well, believe me, I know what you mean. I put my head in the sand for years, thinking that I had a stronger bond with Carly than the bond she had with Sonny. But it turns out I was kidding myself. Doesn't seem to matter who Carly and Sonny are married to. They always turn to each other.
Sonny: When I think about what Michael's been through, all the suffering, I just--it doesn't make me feel very good.
Carly: Michael could have avoided a lot of pain and suffering if Dante hadn't put his badge in front of protecting his brother.
Dante: Really, Carly? We're going there again? I was trying to help Michael, trying to save him from the agony of a cover-up.
Carly: But you didn't have a problem covering for Brenda or lying to Sonny's face about knowing her. But damn, you wanted Michael to be honest. And you know what else? Maybe if you would have taken your own advice, Brenda's son wouldn't be missing right now.
Sonny: Can we not do this right now?
Dante: It's ok, Sonny. It's ok. She's right. I shouldn't have pushed Michael to come forward, and I'll regret that for the rest of my life.
Sonny: But you did everything you could to make up for it. You got Michael released from Pentonville--
Carly: That doesn't erase all the scars that Michael is going to carry around for the rest of his life.
Dante: All righty. I'm going to go up here for a little while.
Carly: Oh, ok.
Sonny: Ok. If you're mad at me, don't take it out on--
Carly: I'm not mad at you, ok? I'm not mad at you at all. I know you did everything you could to protect Michael and to keep him out of prison.
Sonny: I'm not talking about the trial. I'm talking about us, how toxic we've been to each other, and I always kept coming back for more. How many times did we fight? I knew the marriage wasn't going to work, but because I was so hung up on wanting a family and being a father, look what happened to Michael and Morgan. Why'd they have to pay the price?
Carly: Why do you want to talk about this right now? You weren't the only one holding on. I was there. I fought just as hard as you. I knew we were unhealthy. I could have jumped off the roller coaster at any time, but I didn't.
Sonny: Yeah. But you know what? If you had been with somebody else, you'd have had a much better life, you know what I mean?
Carly: How can you say that?
Sonny: How many times have you and the kids been a target? It was luck that Michael got to that cabin in time to stop Claudia from taking Josslyn and leaving you for dead. But my son was only doing what I--what I taught him to do, was protect his family. You going to tell me you don't have any regrets?
Carly: I got plenty of regrets, but not one about making you Michael's father or having Morgan. Those boys have grown up knowing they were loved and that they mattered. And that's what's important, Sonny. And that's exactly what you're going to give Brenda's son.
Suzanne: It's hard to figure out which toys to take with us, isn't it? But you know what? When we get to Switzerland, I'm going to buy you a whole bunch more. Did I tell you there's a farm nearby?
Alec: No.
Suzanne: Well, there is, with real horses. Maybe you can learn how to ride. Would you like that?
Alec: Yes.
Suzanne: All right. Oh, you're going to learn so many things. You're going to learn how to speak French and German, and...pretty soon, you're not even going to remember what it was like before we moved to Switzerland, which is fine by me. There's a lot here I don't want to remember, either.
Shawn: Look, I'll do whatever it takes to protect Josslyn, but her father isn't going to like it. You know, Jax has had a problem with me being here since day one.
Jason: Yeah, that's because I hired you.
Shawn: Well, that, and my connection to Theo. It didn't sit well with Jax that I took money to kidnap Brenda and nearly got her killed in the process.
Jason: You didn't know what Theo was planning, right?
Shawn: I knew what Theo was capable of. Went to work for him anyway. Mercenary for hire. Well, that's what Jax can't get past. It didn't help matters that he came home and found Carly patching me up after I'd been shot. Not a ringing endorsement for protecting his family from danger.
Jason: That's what Jax is trying to make this about, that Carly's a danger to Josslyn?
Shawn: Well, Jax has come down on Carly a couple of different times for putting their daughter at risk, said the only reason Franco has targeted Josslyn was because Carly refused to cut you and Sonny out of her life. Now, Jax is insisting Josslyn come live with him at the hotel. And Carly, of course, is welcome to visit.
Jason: Yeah. Well, she's never going to agree to that.
Shawn: Now there's talk of going to court, making it a tougher fight. Now, Jax is trying to bluff Carly into backing down, threatening to paint her as an unfit mother.
Jason: I didn't realize it got this far.
Shawn: As far as Carly's concerned, you've got your own stuff to deal with, and probably didn't want to pile anything on.
Jason: But Jax isn't going to wait. He's going to take advantage of the fact that Carly's out of town.
Shawn: Ok. So what do you want me to do?
Jason: Why don't you just take a break, and I'm going to sit with Josslyn for a little while.
Shawn: You call me if you need anything.
Jason: Don't worry. Nobody is ever going to keep you from your mother.
Carly: I think my biggest regret with Michael is putting him in the middle of our fights, you know? Making him feel like he has to fix us. Remember that time he locked us in the basement?
Sonny: Yeah, because we told him we were getting divorced again, and he kept us down there till we figured things out.
Carly: In Michael's defense, he did provide food.
Sonny: Junk food.
Carly: [Laughs] And wine. Wine 'cause he wanted to make us both happy.
Sonny: You can't get mad at the kid 'cause, you know, he was just trying to protect his family--things that he learned from us, right?
Carly: That's right.
Dante: He learned a lot of things from you, many of which can jeopardize his future as a law-abiding citizen.
Carly: None of us want Michael to be a part of the business. I think we've made that pretty clear.
Dante: Yeah, but he doesn't care what we say. Michael's going to do what he wants. He doesn't want people telling him how to live his life. He doesn't care what it costs him. He's hanging out with Abby despite the fact she's got a murder charge hanging over her head. He's going to risk his parole for that.
Sonny: People do crazy things for love.
Carly: [Chuckles] I know I have. I'd give anything to stop Michael from making the same mistakes.
Sonny: Look, Michael is an adult. He knows the consequences of his actions. But we've got to think about this little boy, who doesn't--he doesn't know what's going on. He's bouncing around from one house to another. He doesn't know who his parents are. It's got to be scary as hell.
Dante: Hopefully, it will be over soon. He'll be back with his mother.
Sonny: Let's hope so. They've both been through a lot.
Jax: You know, there's nothing wrong with wanting to believe the best in people, but you can't go through life with blinders on, either. And maybe it's better you see Sonny for who he really is now. You can get on with what's really important, you know--being a mother to Lucian.
Brenda: Yeah, if I get the chance.
Jax: You know I don't think too much of Sonny, and I know how determined Carly can be once she sets her mind to something.
Brenda: I don't even know--I actually believe that this woman might go on this trip and try to mess things up on purpose. Do you know what she said to me when she found out I was going to be a mother? She said that she thought I would be an awful mother, and that my son would be better off without me. I mean, I just don't get it. You know, why does he trust this girl more than he trusts his own wife?
Jax: Oh. You know, if Sonny stays true to form, then you might have much bigger issues to deal with than him taking off to look for your son without you.
Brenda: What is that supposed to mean?
Jax: Well, every time Sonny and Carly turn to each other in a crisis situation, they--you know, it's more than just a shoulder to lean on. Put it that way.
Brenda: Um, Sonny actually can't stand Carly. He just--he tolerates her because of the kids.
Jax: Is that what he told you?
Brenda: No, it's what I see with my own eyes.
Jax: Right. Well, then you're seeing what you want to see, 'cause personally, I wouldn't be surprised if they sleep together on this little trip. Yeah. Sorry. I'm talking from experience. I don't want to see you blindsided, so. It's not that much fun.
[Cell phone rings]
Jax: Sorry. I got to go. Josslyn's ready to be released from the hospital, and this might be my only chance--
Brenda: Yeah, of course, please. No, go be with your daughter. Hope everything's ok. Will you let me know how she's doing?
Jax: Yeah.
Brenda: Ok.
Jax: Ok. Me, too, ok?
Brenda: Of course.
Jax: Call me if you hear anything, ok?
Brenda: Ok. Thank you.
Jax: Sorry to drop this on you.
Brenda: It's ok.
Jax: I have to run.
Spinelli: Stone Cold, Mr. Sir asked me to keep you apprised of a most delicate--oh.
Sam: Hey.
Spinelli: Um, Fair Samantha--
Sam: Jason's not here.
Spinelli: Had I known you were here convalescing alone, I would have done my cybersleuthing here to do something in support of your post-operative process.
Sam: Oh, I'm fine, really. I'm ok.
Spinelli: It's nice of you to not point out the Jackal's obvious failings as a faithful friend. I can't imagine that Kelly lee, obstetrician extraordinaire, would be as forgiving knowing that you were here left alone to fend for yourself.
Sam: I don't need you to take care of me, Spinelli, any more than I need Jason to. He would actually be here right now taking care of me, and doing a very good job, but I practically pushed him out the door because Jason needs something to focus on, and I just don't want it to be me.
Spinelli: You know, I must say that I salute you for taking such positive and hopeful action during such a time of sadness and loss.
Sam: No one can ever replace Jake. I know that. I just think that Jason having a child would give him purpose, a reason not to shut down and close off. He would be an amazing father, and I just wanted to give him that chance. I think I'm pushing.
Spinelli: Was the procedure less than successful?
Sam: I don't know. It's too soon to know.
Spinelli: I mean, I, for one, am overjoyed at the prospect of a progeny. Why do you seem less than enthused?
Sam: You know what they say--be careful for what you wish for, you might just get it.
Jason: So this is called "puppy's new purse." You know what? You don't need to read this book. Why don't I tell you about real animals, like lions and giraffes, and you know, when I used to read to your brother when he was little, he used to love all the animals in Africa. But none of them wore clothes like this.
Elizabeth: Hey.
[Josslyn babbles]
Jason: Hey.
Elizabeth: How's she doing?
Jason: She's ready to go home. We're just waiting for Carly.
Elizabeth: It's amazing.
Jason: Josslyn, can you say hi?
Josslyn: Yeah.
Jason: Can you say hi to Elizabeth?
Josslyn: Hi.
Jason: Aww.
Elizabeth: Hi, cutie.
Jason: She's the one who helped you when you were sick.
Elizabeth: Josslyn, I'm so glad you're doing better. You know, lots of people are saying prayers for you, and it looks like it worked, 'cause you are a beautiful, healthy little girl. And are you going to grow up to be big and strong and live a long, long life? It makes me really happy.
Spinelli: The Jackal respects Fair Samantha's desire to be self-sufficient, even during her convalescence. However, one cannot deny the healing powers of an herbal remedy. So here--for mental clarity and acumen. Helpful in making decisions.
Sam: That's very sweet of you, Spinelli, but having a baby is not just my decision.
Spinelli: Perhaps the Jackal misunderstood, but didn't Stone Cold give you that decision as to whether or not the path to parenthood should proceed?
Sam: Well, yeah. I mean, I made the choice to have the procedure, but it doesn't mean that I'm actually going to have the baby, or that I should have a baby. I mean, a lot of things would have to change.
Spinelli: Certainly, but I would be happy to oversee the operations at our joint business venture, so that would give you more time to parent.
Sam: No, uh-uh. This isn't just about work. I mean, what if I'm not a good mother? It's not like I had the best of examples growing up. I mean, I practically raised myself.
Spinelli: And you took care of your brother in the process. I mean, that in itself shows an innate instinct to nurture.
Sam: When I got pregnant with Sonny's baby, I--yeah. I definitely wasn't sure I wanted kids. It definitely was not planned. And then, all of a sudden, I found myself getting really excited and making plans, getting attached. And then, my world came crashing down. And I just know that losing my kid was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. And Jason's going through that nightmare now. How can I ask him to open himself up to that heartache again when I'm not even sure that's something that I want to do?
Spinelli: Stone Cold took every precaution to protect his child, and even so, nothing could prevent Jake's tragic and untimely death. And now, he's grieving for a child that he barely even knew. No doubt, deep regret.
Sam: Yeah, no doubt. And I know that if Jason could do it over again, he would do it differently, and he'd be an amazing father.
Spinelli: I think a great deal of Stone Cold's pain stems from the fact that he missed out on being a part of Jake's life. So why not give him a second chance? I know that Jake can't be brought back and can't be replaced, but I know for certain that Stone Cold would embrace any child that would be put in his charge. And I don't know. I don't think you should let your fear stand in the way of having a family either because those fears are unfounded. You would make a great mom.
Jason: Hey, you ok?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah. I'm ok. I hope I didn't scare her.
Jason: No, no. She's fine. She insists on reading a book where the animals--where they--I mean, whatever she wants.
Elizabeth: Before you know it, it's going to be makeup and boys.
Jason: I don't want to think about that yet.
Elizabeth: I'm just glad she gets the chance to experience all that. I'm still so angry. I just--I don't understand why God decided to take Jake. I feel like I'm forever going to have this gaping hole in my heart, and I think about you all the time and how hard this has been on you. I got to hear more "I love yous" than I can count, and I just--I really wish you could have had the same.
Jason: So do I.
Elizabeth: You know, people keep telling me that at some point, I will actually feel good about donating Jake's organs. But it wasn't until right now, seeing Josslyn so happy and healthy, that it really registered. Jake was such an amazingly energetic and fearless little boy who just loved to run and play, and now, other kids like Josslyn are going to get to run and play, too.
Sonny: Ok. We'll be landing in San Antonio soon.
Carly: Do we have any idea what we're walking into?
Dante: Well, Spinelli tracked Suzanne's car to a residential neighborhood near the airport.
Sonny: She's laying low, ready to make a quick getaway, right?
Dante: Any chance that we can at least entertain the thought of local authorities coming in here? They can set up roadblocks, ground flights, at least until we have Suzanne in custody.
Sonny: No, we don't have time for red tape. As soon as Brenda went public, Suzanne probably feels she has no option, so she's going to leave the country on the run.
Carly: Well, that's scary, because with all the contacts Suzanne has made through ASEC, she's going to have plenty of places to hide.
Sonny: This may be the last chance we got to stop her.
Suzanne: We are landing in Lucerne tomorrow morning at 9:30. Can you have someone there to meet us? Thank you. Ok, sweetie. Let's go. Oh! Wait. Don't forget pony. You wouldn't want him to miss our big adventure. Oh, thank you, sweetie.
Elizabeth: You know, people continue to offer their support and their condolences. And I really appreciate it, and I know they mean well, but the truth is, words just don't ease the pain or the guilt I feel. But seeing Josslyn, knowing that she's going to have a full life ahead of her, it's actually the first thing that has helped.
Jason: Well, Josslyn wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You saved her life.
Elizabeth: That's not entirely true. You know I said a bunch of mean and hurtful things--
Jason: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that she's here, and she's healthy.
Elizabeth: Because of Lucky. He's the one that could see the good that might come out of all of this.
Jason: Either way, I'll always be grateful. Thank you.
Elizabeth: I guess the three of us will forever be bonded by the good that came out of Jake.
Dante: This place is empty.
Sonny: Any sign of Suzanne?
Dante: No, but there's a kid's room up there with toys in it, and this was on the nightstand.
Sonny: All right. Still cold. So they probably just--call Spinelli.
Dante: Yeah. Hey. Hey, Spinelli. It's Dante. We're at the house. Suzanne is gone. Can you track her car?
Spinelli: The Jackal is, as always, one step ahead. The bald one's black widow is currently engaging the Divine One's progeny in a sing-along.
Dante: Hold on. Hold on. I'm going to put you on speakerphone, ok? Ok. Go ahead.
Spinelli: The Jackal's hacked into the car's internal computer, and I was able to make a few minor adjustments and turn the radio into a monitoring device of sorts. So now, I can hear everything Suzanne is saying.
Sonny: Is she headed to the airport?
Spinelli: No. Away from it.
Carly: Ok. Well, maybe she's going to the park or a grocery store.
Dante: I just checked the fridge. It's stocked.
Sonny: Ok. Suzanne's covering all her bases. She's going to another airport 'cause she knows she's being followed.
Dante: Ok. If she wants to make an international flight, she's got to go out of Houston.
Sonny: Ok. Spinelli, you have control of the car's computer, right? Can you make it stop?
Spinelli: With a few keystrokes, the engine could Theoretically be disabled.
Dante: Ok. Do it, and text me the address of where her car is at.
Spinelli: The black widow's means of escape has been disabled.
Carly: Are you guys sure we have the right house?
Spinelli: The Valkyrie doubts the Jackal's cyber skills?
Sonny: It all fits. What do you mean?
Carly: No, not really. That's not Lucian.
Suzanne: Well, at least if grandma's car had to break down, it was right near a playground. We can have some fun before we get on the plane, yeah? And if the taxi doesn't get here soon, we'll just take a later flight. We're going to get to Switzerland, sweetheart. Nothing's going to stop us. Want to go higher?
Carly: You think it's a decoy set up for us? I mean, Suzanne had to know that you were coming after her.
Sonny: I think Lucian is more the decoy.
Carly: What are you talking about?
Sonny: Suzanne shows up at our doorstep out of the blue with a little boy named Lucian. It never rang true to me. I asked Brenda to get a DNA test. She didn't want to do it, right? But then, she ends up agreeing. Right after that, little boy disappears.
Dante: Suzanne probably saw the writing on the wall. She knew she was going to be found out, so she takes the kid and disappears with her real grandson.
Carly: Well, so where is he?
Sonny: I don't know. Maybe back with his parents, foster parents.
Dante: It's a pretty good plan, when you think about it. Brenda spends the next however many years looking for Lucian while Suzanne's got her real grandson all to herself.
[Knock on door]
[Door knob rattles]
Spinelli: Shh.
Brenda: Where is he?
Spinelli: Um, Stone Cold is not in residence at the moment. I'll be happy to tell him that you're looking for him. But Fair Samantha's upstairs convalescing--
Brenda: No, no. No. Listen to me. Listen to me right now. You know I'm Lucian's mother, right? You know that? So I have a right to know where Suzanne has taken him.
Spinelli: It pains to see the Jackal to see the Divine One so distraught. Perhaps a customary blend of herbal tea?
Brenda: Are you serious? Herbal tea? I don't want herbal tea. I want you to tell me where my son is.
Spinelli: Mr. Sir is doing everything in his power to bring your son home.
Brenda: I'm pretty sure that Mr. Sir is with Dante and Carly. Is that correct? It is, isn't it? They are there, and it should be me because this is my son. They're going to go into the room, and they're going to have guns, and they're going to scare him, and I should be there to make sure that he's ok.
Spinelli: Mr. Sir would never put a child's well-being in harm's way.
Brenda: Please, please, if you and I have ever truly been friends, just please, tell me where Suzanne has taken my child.
Suzanne: Ok. One last time. Let's go see if our cab is here. Oh. Wait a minute, sweetie. Come here. Let grandma tie your shoe.
Dante: Hello, Suzanne. It's over.
Suzanne: Well. I guess I can thank Mr. Spinelli for my car trouble?
Sonny: How you doing, buddy? You pulled off quite the switch. Made Brenda believe that Lucian was her long-lost child, got her to love him, be invested in being a mother. That way, Brenda would never suspect that you were hiding her real son. Is his name Lucian?
Suzanne: This is my grandson Alec.
Dante: Who you obviously love very much. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone to all this trouble.
Suzanne: There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect him.
Carly: Well, I'm sure that you don't want Alec to witness some things that might upset him.
Suzanne: Like my demise?
Sonny: Hey, Suzanne, listen to me. It doesn't have to get to that, ok? Carly's going to take the little boy to the car, where he can be safe.
Suzanne: He's safe with me.
Dante: Don't make this harder on him than it has to be. He's just a kid.
Suzanne: Who hasn't seen any of your violent world--an innocent kid. And I intend to keep him that way.
Jax: Jason, she's my kid. You don't have any rights to her whatsoever.
Jason: Yeah. Well, Carly does.
Jax: Well, Carly's not here, and the hospital has released her, so I'm going to take her home. If Carly has a problem with that, she can come and talk to me about it.
Jason: But Carly's going to be back soon. Why don't you and Josslyn just wait for her?
Jax: Obviously, Carly couldn't make the time to be here.
Jason: You can stay with Josslyn as long as you want. But she's going to be going home with her mother.
Jax: I'm not going to have her live in a house where criminals come and go as they please. She's already been targeted by a psychopath because of you. I think it's time I started protecting my daughter.
Jason: But you've seen what the fighting and ugly divorces have done to Michael and Morgan. You want to drag Josslyn through that?
Jax: Well, Carly doesn't have to fight me. It's ultimately her choice. Excuse me.
Jason: You're not going to do anything with Josslyn until Carly gets back.
Elizabeth: Steven.
Steve: Hey.
Elizabeth: I wanted to thank you.
Steve: Just generally, or did I do something helpful and not know it?
Elizabeth: I was visiting Josslyn. She's such a beautiful little girl. She's so alert and curious. I think Carly and Jax are really going to have their hands full in a couple of years.
Steve: It sounds like it was a good visit.
Elizabeth: It's funny, 'cause she's so blonde, and she has those blue, blue eyes. She looks so much like Jake.
Steve: Jake saved her life, and you made that possible.
Elizabeth: Well, Lucky made that possible. That decision was harder than I ever imagined. And I know how important organ donation is, but I just--I couldn't feel good about it at the time. But now, seeing that little girl so happy and healthy, and knowing she has a full life ahead of her because of Jake, it's given me a little bit of solace.
Steve: I've wanted that for you.
Elizabeth: I know that asking for organ donation is the hardest part of your job, and it usually falls on your shoulders. So I wanted to say, on behalf of all those parents who look up at you in shock and ask you how you can be so cruel, thank you, 'cause you really are doing the right thing.
Steve: Well, that's very, very generous but extremely unnecessary. I'm the one who's grateful, especially to you. You have been so brave, and I'm really proud of you.
Elizabeth: Thanks.
Steve: Come here.
Dante: We all want what's best for Alec. Right now, I think that's letting Carly take Alec to the car.
Suzanne: Alec, this is my friend Carly. She's a really nice lady. Could you go with her for a minute while I talk to these gentlemen?
Carly: Hey. Is this your horse? I think he looks thirsty. Why don't we go to the car, and I'll get him and you a drink? Ok?
Suzanne: It's ok, sweetie. Grandma will be right here.
Dante: Ok. Suzanne, why don't we make this easy, and let me just take you into custody, ok?
Suzanne: Why don't you arrest your father? He's the one who's a danger around here. Have you seen the damage he did to your brother?
Sonny: Suzanne, don't make this about me. You took Brenda's son long before, you know, I got back together with her.
Suzanne: I did what was necessary to protect my grandson.
Dante: There is no justification for letting a mother think that her child is dead.
Suzanne: Oh, that's easy for you to say. You didn't grow up in Sonny's world. You don't know what the violence in his world does to a child. I should have done more to protect Aleksander. I should have kept Theo from filling his head with rage and violence. He was my baby. He was my baby boy. And I couldn't save him.
Sonny: Suzanne, we're done, ok? Dante, can you--
[Metal clicks]
Sonny: Ok. Hey--
Suzanne: I can save my grandson from you.
Jax: Jason, you can't stop me from taking Josslyn from this hospital. You have no legal claim.
Jason: No. But Jake saved your daughter's life.
Jax: Right, which should make Josslyn's life all the more precious to you.
Jason: It definitely is.
Jax: Then admit that it's wrong to be raised around guns and violence. Come on. Michael and Morgan have already witnessed firsthand the ugliness of your business.
Jason: Taking Josslyn away from her mother is not the solution.
Jax: You gave up your son. You let Lucky raise him because you wanted him to be outside the circle of violence, right? That's what I'm trying to do for Josslyn here. I'm trying to make her life safer.
Jason: If you make a mistake with your kid, you carry it for the rest of your life. I did so many things that I would take back, thinking Jake would be better off, and he wasn't. Josslyn won't be, either. Don't cut Carly out of her life.
Spinelli: The Jackal wishes that he could be of assistance and aid in the Divine One's plight, but regrettably, I was not privy to the details of Mr. Sir's plan to rescue your son.
Brenda: Spinelli, I know that you're a very good person and that you would never lie to me about something that has to do with my own son.
Spinelli: I am confident that Mr. Sir will return posthaste with your toddler in tow. He and the Valkyrie--
Brenda: No. Don't say that word to me. Don't say Valkyrie, ok? Because I am Sonny's wife, not Carly. When your marriage is supposed to be a team--this is my husband, and I guess he couldn't be bothered to tell me the truth about the fact that he has a lead on my son. It's my son.
Spinelli: I'm sure that he was just maybe trying to spare your feelings, not get your hopes up, in case the lead on Suzanne didn't pan out.
Brenda: Ok. Listen, Spinelli. I know you're very good at what you do, so I have no doubt in my mind that whatever information you came up with would lead him directly back to my son. And all I'm asking you is for me to please be able to be there when they find him.
Dante: You let him go.
Suzanne: I can't do that.
Sonny: Put the knife down, Suzanne.
Suzanne: Shut up.
Dante: That wasn't a request.
Suzanne: I spent my life facing down worse threats from a man who wouldn't hesitate to follow through. I don't think you have it in you, Detective, to shoot a woman who's just trying to protect her grandson.
Dante: Look, this is all going to end one way or another.
Suzanne: I will not let you take Alec back to Brenda so she can raise him in the mob.
Sonny: Hey, Dante, you shoot, I'm just as good as dead.
Dante: Well, in case you haven't missed this, Sonny, she's got a knife to your throat. She's going to cut you, I shoot her.
Sonny: It's an impossible shot. You can't possibly take her down without hitting me.
Dante: Really? Would you be saying that to Jason if he was standing here holding the gun?
Sonny: Jason's not here.
Dante: I can make the shot if Jason makes the shot.
Sonny: The hell you can.
Dante: Trust me, ok?
Suzanne: Do it. Put the gun down. Do it, or you're going to watch your father die.
Carly: I have a daughter. Her name's Josslyn. She's two, so she's a little young to ride horses. But both my sons took lessons for years. And they each had a horse. One was white with black spots, so we named him domino. Does your horse have a name?
Alec: Thunder.
Carly: Thunder?
[Carly gasps]
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