GH Transcript Thursday 5/12/11

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/12/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca

Sam: It feels really good to be out of the hospital. I mean, I know I was only there for like a hot second, but there is no place like home.

Jason: Dr. Lee says you need to rest.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Jason: So would you like to do that upstairs or would you like to stay down here?

Sam: Oh, down here.

Jason: Here.

Sam: Here. This way, you can take care of me.

Jason: You got it.

Sam: Good.

Jason: Ok.

Sam: Ahhh.

Jason: You ok?

Sam: Ooh. Yeah. [Exhales] This pain reminds me of when I lost my baby.

Carly: God, it's a miracle. You just can't imagine that she had a kidney transplant. She's happy, she's healthy, she's growing. She looks so good.

Jax: Guess we got lucky, huh?

Carly: Yeah. I mean, you think about the fact that she could have had chemo or radiation, the thought of that just kills me.

Jax: Yeah, me, too. Look where we are now. Release papers are signed. She's ready to come home.

Carly: Yeah. The day we've been praying for.

Jax: Yep.

Carly: Or dreading.

Jax: Heh.

Carly: I don't want to fight with you.

Jax: We don't have to fight. As long as you agree that she comes home with me.

Betty: I'm so glad to see you. I was starting to worry.

Suzanne: Afraid I'd been apprehended and charged with kidnapping my own grandson?

Betty: The thought crossed my mind. It would be a shame if after all this time and everything we'd been through, something went horribly wrong.

Suzanne: No, no. We're home free, Betty. My grandson and I are safe.

Spinelli: As requested, the Jackal's been combing cyberspace for any leads on Suzanne and where she's absconded with the young Lucian. I think I may have found something.

Sonny: Can you get to the point in a way that we can understand?

Brenda: Hey, hey. So I hope that the three of you together means that you found out something about where Suzanne has taken my son. Have you?

Jason: How are you feeling?

Sam: Mild discomfort. Not that I'm complaining because it's for a good cause. If, of course, we decide to go that way. I mean, not that I'm pushing. Gosh, I don't know, maybe I should be running. It's not like I came from a good home life or anything. Who am I to think that I could be some poor kid's mother? I don't even have pets. Oh, God, there I go again. Jason, you can just take one of those pillows and stuff it in my mouth. Maybe then it'll stop me from babbling on about a baby that doesn't exist.

Jason: It's ok.

Sam: It's not. It's pressure. It's unfair. [Jason exhales]

Sam: Especially now, it's just too soon after Jake, I know that.

Jason: That's why I don't like to go to sleep. Because as soon as I wake up...I realize all over again that Jake is gone. And I have to just take that in and just try to get through the rest of the day the best I can. So, um, you had the procedure.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Jason: And I know it's going to be on your mind and you're going to want to talk about it. I'm just saying that it's ok.

Betty: You got a lot to fill me in on.

Suzanne: Well, I'm sorry I've been out of touch for a while, but maybe I was being overly cautious. I just didn't want to take a chance that anyone would trace me back to you. I had planned on going back to Port Charles to play the stricken grandmother, just tie things up.

Betty: Remove any lingering suspicion?

Suzanne: You catch on fast.

Betty: I'm learning from the master.

Suzanne: Well, I would have walked into a trap. Somehow, Sonny figured the whole thing out.

Betty: How?

Suzanne: I don't know.

Betty: You were so careful.

Suzanne: I don't know. He never liked me and he never trusted me. But fortunately, Brenda went public. She offered $5 million for information leading to my arrest and Lucian's return.

Betty: I'm surprised Sonny didn't stop her.

Suzanne: It's a good thing he didn't. Thanks to Brenda and her big mouth, Suzanne Stanwick is off the radar. Lucian is safe somewhere where Brenda will never find him. And I can live my life with my grandson. Just plain old sherry Scott in San Antonio. [Sighs] It's been a long, strange journey, hasn't it, my friend?

Betty: Oh, most certainly.

Suzanne: Mm, well, it's time we're going to have to part. I'm going to miss you. You've been more than a friend. You've been like family.

Betty: It's been my joy to take care of your grandson and to know you. I love you both dearly.

Suzanne: The feeling's mutual. Here's to a job well done.

Brenda: So I see the looks on your faces. So obviously you guys know something. So just tell me, please.

Spinelli: The Jackal may have uncovered--

Sonny: The Jackal's looking for something right now. As soon as he gets it, we're going to let you know.

Brenda: I don't understand what that means. I mean, you're not holding out on me, right? None of you guys would hold out on me. 'Cause you realize, this is my son. This is my blood.

Sonny: Right, right. I understand.

Brenda: Uh-huh, so I can just do something to help, or will you guys tell me what's going on?

Spinelli: No offence, but the Jackal toils in solitude.

Sonny: Ok, we got everything under control. Completely.

Brenda: Oh, I see what's happening. Everybody's mad at me, right? You guys are all mad at me because Sonny told you that I went public, and so now I screwed everything up because I thought I was doing the right thing?

Sonny: You did the best thing that you thought you should do.

Brenda: I know, but I had to lie to you in the process and I'm sorry for that, honey.

Dante: Look, Sonny might be upset with you because the news conference that you held had repercussions, ok? Now Lucian is known to be with his grandmother, and he's not as high a priority anymore.

Brenda: Wait a minute, what are you talking about, he's not a high priority?! What's that supposed to mean?! What do you mean, my son's not a high priority anymore?

Dante: That's not what I mean. I just mean he's still considered missing, but the police now know that he's with his grandmother. It's not as urgent anymore.

Brenda: Oh, my God.

Sonny: Let me talk, let me talk. You gotta let us do the legwork. I don't want you to get your hopes up and then get disappointed.

Brenda: Ok, well, you know what, I understand what you're really saying underneath that whole thing you just did. And what you're really saying is that you are shutting me out, and it's not ok with me. So you guys go ahead and do whatever it is that you want to do, and I'll go do what I want to do.

Sonny: Which is what, go to Jax--

Brenda: Yeah, go to Jax, because Jax is very helpful--

Sonny: He got you in trouble in the first place calling the press conference and tipping off Suzanne, honey.

Brenda: Jax didn't get me into trouble. What Jax does is he tries to help. So I don't understand what it is that you're trying to do right now, but if you're trying to say that it's suddenly my fault that my son is missing, if you think it's my fault, it's not! And it's not Jax's fault either, ok?

Sonny: Ok, the way to help your son is not by doing whatever you think is best, 'cause that's not the way to help him. You gotta let us do what we gotta do--

Brenda: Right, I need to let the big boys handle it? Why don't you say what you really mean? Ok, listen to me. If I in fact do realize that that bitch has my son, then I am telling you, this is the last time that woman is ever going to betray me, because I am going to go there and I am going to get him back. Period.

Sonny: Ok, you let her manipulate you in the first place. She played you like a piano. You almost lost your life. I don't want that to happen again.

Brenda: I don't think you understand something. I'm so over everything. I'm so over it. I don't care what you want, I don't care what you want. I don't care what you want anymore. I want my son. Don't you people understand that? And if you don't like what I need to do to go about doing that, Sonny, I really don't care.

Spinelli: She's quite the capacity for fury.

Sonny: Ok, now you guys know why we can't have her on the search. She's emotional. It's her son. You can understand how she can be, right?

Dante: Yeah.

Sonny: Ok, I don't want to fight. I don't want to go against my wife. But this is the only shot we have right now of finding her son, right?

Dante: Yep. I mean, look--

Sonny: We gotta be able to manage her. So sit down real quick. Get to work on that thing, ok? We all know now that we gotta do this quickly. So you better have something on that that is useful. Because I am not going to lose my wife.

Carly: You know I'm right. Josslyn should come home with me. She should be in her own home, her own bed with her mother.

Jax: No, you're absolutely right. If our circumstances were different, that would be great. But you choose to surround yourself with gangsters and criminals who put our daughter's life at risk.

Carly: Shawn is here to protect Josslyn from Franco.

Jax: You know that doesn't make me feel any better.

Carly: Of course not. [Scoffs]

Jax: None of your kids are safe from the violence in Sonny and Jason's life, ok? Josslyn doesn't even have to be the intended target. I mean, Michael wasn't, either. I don't want my daughter to be a casualty.

Carly: You must really be angry to try and hurt me like this, you know?

Jax: I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just--you can see her whenever you want. I already told you that. Actually, you know what, you can move into the hotel if you'd like.

Carly: You know what, you're making a lot of assumptions. That you're going to win in court. That you're going to be able to take my daughter from me. You're wrong. Because I will fight you with everything I got.

Jason: Ok, so...

Sam: Thank you.

Jason: You get to say whatever's on your mind.

Sam: Why? I mean, really, why should I be able to ramble on about every one-track thought that goes through my head? I say it stops now, for the sake of my own sanity, and your sanity, of course. It's just that maybe every time I obsess over baby, I should just shut the thought down. I just had the procedure and we have miles to go before we make any sort of decision.

Jason: But between now and then, it's a mental process. You gotta talk about it, we gotta talk about it. It's part of what ultimately becomes the decision.

Sam: I got so lucky the day you fell in love with me.

Jason: Mm-mmm. It was me.

Lulu: Yeah, well, I'm running late. Oh, ok, I'll try and have the lattes hot. Maxie, I know that this is not you. I know it's Kate.

[Knock on door]

Lulu: I have to go. Ok. Hi.

Tracy: Hi. I'm sorry to come by unannounced. I wanted to know if you heard anything about this ridiculous lawsuit your father wants to file.

Lulu: Oh, Alexis came by the Haunted Star when Ethan and I were there and she wanted to know if it had merit or something.

Tracy: And did you tell her it didn't?

Lulu: I told her that Dad is using it as a distraction from his drinking.

Tracy: That's just about what I said.

Lulu: But I don't think Ethan agrees.

Tracy: He's supporting the lawsuit?

Lulu: No, he's not supporting the lawsuit, he's supporting Dad's drinking. When I went back there again, they were sitting at the bar and they both had a drink in their hands.

Tracy: Oh, that's disappointing.

Lulu: Well, I don't know, I mean, I'm not surprised about Ethan because I didn't even think he was going to go along with the intervention because he's so much like Dad, he doesn't want to believe that he has an alcohol problem.

Tracy: Well, you didn't, either. Are you changing your mind?

Lulu: No, I know that Dad has a drinking problem. I know. The way that he's been since Jake died, he's not himself and he's trying to wreck himself. And unfortunately, the intervention didn't work.

Tracy: Well, it still might. If we stick to our guns about the consequences of his drinking.

Lulu: I'm sorry, I can't deal with this right now. I have so much that I have to do. I'm running late. I have to get lattes.

Tracy: And it's too painful to talk about.

Spinelli: Once Theo's identity as the Balkan was discovered, I was able to make considerable progress procuring an electronic footprint, as it were.

Dante: Records, financial, medical, that kind of--

Spinelli: Yes. And once it became apparent that Suzanne took Lucian to Phoenix, I was able to hone in on a specific area. I discovered that one of Theo's bank accounts was used to procure an automobile.

Dante: Well, that's a car.

Sonny: You think I don't know that?

Spinelli: And thanks to technological advancements in automobiles, I was able to hack into said car's electronic systems and track it to a residential area in San Antonio, Texas.

Sonny: Ok. So once Brenda went public, Suzanne, it was out of the question for her to fly, so she hit the road.

Dante: San Antonio's pretty close to the Mexican border.

Sonny: We can't let her get that far.

Dante: Well, I'm ready to go if you are.

Sonny: You know how to contact my pilot, right?

Spinelli: I do, sir, yeah.

Sonny: All right, tell him to have the jet fueled and ready 10 minutes ago.

Spinelli: Right. Should I inform the Divine One?

Sonny: Did you see what transpired here? Did you not hear anything I said?

Spinelli: You were reluctant to bring Brenda into the loop. But that was before you knew my information. Now that you know that it might lead to the actual location of her son, don't you think that she might want to come along?

Sonny: Ok, listen to me, ok, can you just listen to me again? I'm going to say it to you because I know you have a problem communicating or something. Are you listening? If you say one word to Brenda about San Antonio, I will break your leg.

Spinelli: That seems fair.

Sonny: Ok, good. You ready? Who you calling?

Dante: Retired social worker. I know if this were an official rescue, we'd call one in to handle the kid in case he was traumatized or something.

Sonny: Good idea. But no social worker. I think I got somebody else I can bring.

Shawn: Is there a problem here, Mrs. Jacks? Can I call someone for you? Your lawyer, maybe?

Jax: Come on, man, how many times do I gotta tell you to stay out of this? Your sole purpose is to guard Josslyn. Stay out of what doesn't concern you and just do your job. Over there.

Carly: I'm fine. Thank you very much for your support, but I'm ok.

Shawn: If you need anything, you holler.

Carly: You think you're going to win in court? It may not be the slam dunk you're banking on. Not everyone thinks it's a great idea to take a child away from their mother.

Jax: See, there you go exaggerating again. Because I'm not doing that. I'm actually giving you full access to your daughter.

Carly: That's not good enough. Josslyn should be with me half the time.

Jax: Not until you do some housekeeping on the company you keep, ok?

Carly: Ok, so you're saying that I provide a dangerous environment for children.

Jax: Yes. That's what I've been saying.

Carly: Ok, that's going to ring really hollow coming from you because you married me knowing that Sonny was the father of my boys. Pretty much making him a constant presence. What about when Josslyn was conceived? Michael was shot and still in a coma. You obviously didn't think I was a threat to children then. No, that happened, Jax, after I left you. So how's that going to play to a judge? The rich, powerful guy wants to punish his ex-wife for leaving him by taking her child?

Jax: Well, I would certainly never use Josslyn in that way.

Carly: That's not the point. I'll make it look like you did. You want to play dirty? I'll get in the mud with you. And we both know, I'm a way better liar.

[Cell phone rings]

Jax: Yeah, we both know that, don't we?

Carly: Yep.


Jax: Brenda, any news on Lucian?

Brenda: I'm at your office right now.

Jax: I'll be right there. Don't take Josslyn out of this hospital until we sort this out.

Carly: Yeah, you think she's supposed to linger in the hospital all day long while you go play with your girlfriend?

Jax: Why don't you just put yourself in Brenda's shoes for just one second? How would you feel if someone stole Josslyn?

Dante: Mmm.

Lulu: Hey.

Dante: Hey yourself. Thanks for meeting me here, of all places.

Lulu: What do you mean? I like Kelly's.

Dante: Yeah, I know, but your father's staying upstairs and I've been encouraging you to stay away from him, so.

Lulu: Well, he's not here-here. So. I mean, if he was, I wouldn't leave. I'm not seeking him out but I'm not going to hide from him, either.

Dante: That's very evolved.

Lulu: I'm trying.

Dante: Look, I know it's tough, your situation with your father, and I want to be here to support you.

Lulu: I'm sensing a but is coming. Are you going somewhere?

Dante: Well, Spinelli tracked down Suzanne. She's in San Antonio. So Sonny and I are going to fly down to San Antonio and hopefully bring back Lucian.

Lulu: Wow. I'm surprised. I thought that you were off the case.

Dante: I am, officially.

Lulu: Unofficially...

Dante: Unofficially, I don't think this is a police matter. I just want to help my family.

Jason: I think it's good that we have time to talk about this and think about it.

Sam: Absolutely, I agree. I mean, it's a lot more than just adding a cute, cuddly little person in the mix. We've gotta make the right choices and put them first.

Jason: Choices. Yeah, you have no idea whether you're making the right choice or you're not. And then one day you come face to face with everything that you did absolutely wrong.

Sam: Yes, and it hits out of nowhere. That, I remember. It's going to be like that for a while. I'm here for you, whatever you need. I just want you to know that I am here to help you.

Jason: You do. You're helping me. I'm glad you're here.

Jax: Hey.

Brenda: Oh, my God, ok, I'm glad you're here. Listen, I'm so mad that I could scream. I mean, I just feel like I'm so worried about my son, and I think he must just be sitting there and he's probably wondering where I am.

Jax: Ok, it might not seem like it this minute, but we are going to find him.

Brenda: We are?

Jax: Yeah. And you know that Suzanne would never hurt him, right?

Brenda: I do?

Jax: Yeah. Lucian's her grandson. Whatever way that woman loves, she loves him. Here.

Brenda: Thanks.

Jax: You got any more news at all?

Brenda: No. I'm not allowed to know anything.

Jax: What, is Sonny keeping information about your son's whereabouts from you?

Brenda: No, Sonny apparently is telling me that there are no real leads. But the real reason is, he's furious at me for going public so he's completely shutting me out. I have to tell you, if you weren't here, I feel like I could lose my mind.

Carly: I'm so tempted to grab her and take her home. I mean, possession is 9/10ths of the law, right? Jax and I aren't divorced. We have no custody agreement in place. And I have just as much right to walk out of here with her as he does. Shawn: Well, if that's what you want, we'll make it happen. Just say the word.

Carly: I'm tempted. But I should call my lawyer. Because you know Jax, he's going to show up, he's going to twist everything around and say that I'm a bad mother.

Sonny: Carly, can I talk to you for a second? It's important.

Carly: Yeah, sure. Did you guys find Lucian?

Sonny: Dante and I, we got a lead that's going to take us to San Antonio. And I think that's where we'll be able to find Lucian and Suzanne. I can't take Brenda 'cause she's volatile right now, and Suzanne's dangerous. So I need a little help, a woman to help me take--

Carly: This is a bad time, Sonny. Really.

Sonny: Yeah, I know, but the thing is, I'm sorry. I can't ask Robin because I don't want her getting in the middle. No, listen, Suzanne is not going to go down without a fight. So I need someone that I trust to be able to take care of the kid. Will you help me? 

Jason: You know, I just can't--I can't stop my brain from just remembering every moment. Every moment I spent with Jake. I mean, I wonder where, what moment I could have done something to change what happened. And I know it doesn't work like that. And I've...I'm trying to accept that the randomness of death comes down on people that you love and there's nothing you can do about it. But it's just as far as I can get in my head.

Sam: That's ok, you're making your way through a process.

Jason: I know, but I don't want to hold you back.

Sam: How?

Jason: Well, I mean, if you're ready to get pregnant and I'm not quite ready, I just--

Sam: No, no, no, no, don't do that. Stop right there. Jason, if we decide to get pregnant, it's going to be a decision and a time that works for both of us. And now clearly isn't it. So you know what we're going to do? We are just going to take it one day at a time, one task at a time. Will you do me a big favor?

Jason: Yeah, anything.

Sam: Get out of here. Go. Go somewhere. Go on your bike and just ride and clear your head.

Jason: I'm not going to leave you alone.

Sam: Really? Because I'm exhausted. And I could really use a nap.

Jason: Are you sure?

Sam: Mm-hmm. I'm positive. Go.

Dante: Look, it's not like the irony is lost on me in the situation, ok? I mean, Brenda's son is missing and her best friend, who she thought was her best friend, took him. And she's angry and scared and she's taking it out on Sonny, who's trying desperately to fix things. And Sonny and I are...

Lulu: What?

Dante: It's like when I was undercover and I find myself thinking that he's a good guy.

Lulu: Well, he's charming.

Dante: It's not that. It's like he trusted me, so he let down his guard. And then I got to see who he was and how he got to where he is. He's smart. He's got a sense of humor. All that went out the window when he shot me and I found out he was my father, and whatever. Anyway, here we are, working together again for a common purpose, for an honorable purpose. I don't have to stand in judgment. I don't have to look for incriminating evidence. We're joining forces, and I get along with him. It's nice, I guess.

Lulu: Well, I mean, you know how I feel about Sonny so I'm surprised I'm going to say this, but I am happy for you.

Dante: You are?

Lulu: Yeah. I know how important it is for you to get to know your father. So I think you should savor it, because you never know when you're going to have the chance to do that again.

Jax: You know, it doesn't matter what Sonny does right now. The authorities are looking for Suzanne and Lucian and it's only a matter of time before they're found.

Brenda: Ok, but guess what, Dante told me that because of what we did, that Lucian is no longer a priority.

Jax: Why not?

Brenda: What do you mean, why? He said that because we went public about the fact that Suzanne Stanwick is Lucian's grandmother, that they don't think that Lucian is in danger anymore.

Jax: No, I don't believe that for a second. And you know what, it doesn't matter anyway. Because I made some calls and I got some friends in high places. I called in some favors. Not that I really needed to. Because everyone is more than happy to help a mother find her kidnapped son. So don't worry. We're going to find him, ok?

Brenda: Wow. I almost believe you.

Jax: I'm not going to let you down.

Sonny: I don't know what Suzanne, what her resources are. But since she was married to Theo for all those years, I'm sure she has a lot. Now we gotta remove this little boy from possible danger. Because he needs to be comforted, taken care of. I know you can do that.

Carly: Sonny...

Sonny: All you gotta do is, when we grab the kid, just bring him to Port Charles.

Carly: I would love to help you, you know I would, but Josslyn's being released today. Jax and I are fighting over custody. I'm going to be the one to take her home.

Sonny: I wouldn't be asking you this if I didn't know your little girl was a hundred percent healthy. I know you want to take her home, but we may never see this little boy again.

Carly: I can't risk it. You have to find someone else.

Lulu: I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not encouraging you to permanently join up with Sonny forever and ever.

Dante: I know that. I know. And I'm not going to throw away my badge and join the family business. I just appreciate this, to work towards the same goal with him, and then I get to see the good in him.

Lulu: It's not too much to ask for.

Dante: I feel for the guy. I mean, Brenda is losing it right now and she's taking it out on him. He's an easy target for her. And all he's doing is trying to find her son.

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: Sorry.

Lulu: That's ok.

Dante: Yeah, what do you got?

Spinelli: A location on Suzanne's car. It's parked in the driveway of a house bought by a woman named sherry Scott three years ago. I have not yet been able to tie it to Theo.

Dante: Well, yeah, that's because she wouldn't want him to know about it. Send me everything you know on sherry Scott. I gotta meet Sonny at the air strip.

Spinelli: Will do.

Dante: Looks like it's on.

Lulu: Ok.

Dante: Love you.

Lulu: I love you.

Sonny: Of course you're going to think of Josslyn first. But she's doing great. And now Jax can never say you're a bad mother. So I don't know what you're talking about.

Carly: You tried once.

Sonny: But look where it got me. I hope for your sake and Josslyn's sake you don't have to go through a court battle. Because I don't wish that on anybody. I mean, Jax, I would pay Diane to make him squirm a little bit. But you know what, I can imagine you on the stand, courage, motherly love, it would be amazing.

Carly: Stop. You're flattering me to get me to do what you want.

Sonny: Maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, ok? Let's get to the point. We're talking about a little boy. Ok? He's in an impossible, dangerous situation. He's scared, he's confused, and he needs somebody to take care of him. And I know that you're resourceful. You can do that. I'll tell you what, if you do this for me, I will do anything you want as far as Josslyn. Will you help me?

Carly: No. But I will help Lucian. That poor kid.

Sonny: Thank you.

Carly: But we have to be fast! I have to get back here.

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, that's what I want.

[Line ringing]

Spinelli: Jackal here.

Sonny: Hey, listen, Carly agreed to go to San Antonio. So tell Dante we'll meet him at the strip.

Spinelli: Dante's already on his way.

Sonny: Ok. You keep the fort down, ok?

Spinelli: You can count on me.

[Dial tone]

Carly: Ok.

Sonny: Let's bring Brenda's kid home.

Carly: Fast.

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Suzanne: I missed you so much, sweetheart. And you know what? Hmm. I have good news. All my business trips, they're all over. And from now on, we get to stay together all the time. There were a couple of days when I wasn't sure I could pull it off. But then I just thought about you and I knew that I had to. You're so much like your daddy, Alec. That was his name too, you know. I couldn't protect him, but I'm going to make sure you have the life that your daddy couldn't have. And so much more. We're going to have a really good time together.

Brenda: Oh. Hey. Uh, I'm actually glad I caught you. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to get so upset. And I'm not mad at you.

Spinelli: No. No apology is expected or needed.

Brenda: Truth is, I'm not really mad at Sonny, either.

Spinelli: It's the situation, you're frustrated and scared.

Brenda: Well, thanks for understanding. Will you, um, will you tell me what's going on? Please?

Spinelli: I've been sworn to secrecy, but I can say this much. You may soon have cause to rejoice.

Brenda: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? They may have found my son?

Spinelli: Um, all efforts are being made. Mr. Sir is determined to bring young Lucian home and Dante is providing able assistance. And now that the Valkyrie is joining them, she's a veritable warrior--

Brenda: Wait, the Valkyrie, that's Carly. What are you talking about, why are you talking about Carly? What does Carly have to do with anything? Listen to me. Please listen to me. If you have ever, ever really been my friend, you will tell me right now. Please. What is happening with my son?

Spinelli: It's true, Carly is going with them to search for your son. That is--that is all. Ok. Bye.

Dante: When you said you were getting someone to help with Lucian, I didn't know you meant Carly.

Carly: You're not my favorite person, either.

Dante: You know, Carly, I actually really do admire you, you know, as a mother. You really fight for your kids. I just think Brenda's going to be pretty pissed off when she finds out you took her.

Sonny: You know the reasons we can't have Brenda here. She'll lose it completely. And Carly knows what to do. Most important thing right now is to bring Brenda's son home safely.

Dante: I agree. I'm surprised you two are working together, because you were cordial at his birthday party. But aren't you two in a fight right now still?

Carly: I have no reason to fight with Sonny.

Sonny: No, I think he's referring to what you pulled at the wedding.

Carly: I didn't pull anything. I was just telling the truth.

Sonny: Oh, Carly, little miss honesty.

Carly: I would really watch it. I'm doing you a favor right now.

Sonny: Yeah, you're right, you're right. Listen, one thing you gotta know about me and my ex-wife, no matter how many times we fight, we always have each other's backs.

Jason: What's going on with Carly?

Shawn: Well, Jax was here earlier fighting with Carly over Josslyn. She's being released today and Jax won't let Carly take her home. Well, before things got too heated, Jax got a call and took off. Then Sonny showed up. He spoke to Carly privately. It looked like he was talking her into something. And Carly told me to stay with Josslyn and that she had to help Sonny with something important and hoped they'd be back soon.

Jason: Did either of them say where they were going?

Shawn: No, not to me. I'm not exactly in Sonny's loop.

Jason: Sonny wouldn't ask Carly to leave if it wasn't an emergency. And if Josslyn is being released today, it's just not a good time for Carly to go.

Shawn: Yeah, I hear you. I've seen enough to know the fight for that little girl is going to be fierce.

Jax: What's going on?

Brenda: What's going on is that Sonny is not answering my phone calls, and I just found out that his jet just took off from the private airport. So I don't know what this is about, but I know it has something to do with Lucian.

Jax: Well, that's great.

Brenda: No, it's not great, this is my point. My point is that he just went to go find my son, I believe. And he didn't take me, he took Carly.

Jax: No, that can't be true. Carly wouldn't leave, not today.

Brenda: No, Spinelli has no reason to lie.

Suzanne: Grandma bought a new car and we're going to go for a ride in it and we're gonna go on an airplane. And I'm sorry it's taken this long for us to be together.

Dante: I got a good feeling about San Antonio. I think we're going to find him.

Sonny: We're going to have to improvise depending on what Spinelli turns up. But what we have in our favor is the element of surprise. Suzanne doesn't know she's going to be found.

Dante: And Suzanne doesn't want this kid traumatized any more than we do.

Carly: Let's hope.

Suzanne: From the moment I found out about you, everything I did--dealing with Brenda, placating your grandpa--everything I did was to make sure you'd grow up safe. Away from the bad guys.

Sonny: As soon as we get Lucian, I want you to grab him, reassure him, and just get him out of any kind of danger.

Carly: Ok. I know what to do.

Suzanne: And that little smile? That's what keeps me going. You're going to have the best life ever, and I'm going to make sure of it.

Alec: I love you, Grandma.

Suzanne: I love you, too, sweetie.

Dante: Let's just hope Suzanne doesn't put up a fight, that she goes quietly.

Sonny: Well, let's just say this. She's worked long and hard to pull off this scam. We need to be prepared for a fight.

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