GH Transcript Friday 4/8/11

General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/8/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Carly: You know, if you think that playing house with Sonny has prepared you for motherhood, you're sorely mistaken.

Brenda: Really?

Carly: Yeah. I'm guessing you don't know the first thing about children.

Brenda: I did go and work with children for 4 years in Africa.

Carly: Being a mother requires more than just smiling for a photo. It means putting your kids first. I'm guessing you're gonna have a real tough one with that one.

Brenda: See, I kind of feel like you're the worst person to lecture me, you know, on motherhood. Because you're a horrible mother.

Sam: It was wrong of Sonny to show up here and ask you to do security for Brenda's son after everything you've just been through. I mean, isn't there any way that Max or Milo--

Jason: The kid just appeared out of nowhere. And it really threw Sonny. And he just wanted someone to tell him how to deal with it.

Sam: Ok. So what did you say?

Jason: I don't have the answer, Sam. I was wrong about Jake.

Lucky: I know my dad is drowning in guilt over killing Jake, but I can't be the one to pull him out.

Sonny: You talk to Tracy?

Lucky: Yeah. She's tried. So has Lulu. They can't get through to him.

Sonny: What makes you think I'm gonna be able to?

Lucky: I don't know. I mean, you're more objective. Besides, you guys have known each other for years, and he respects you.

Sonny: I've extended the same courtesy, because I don't tell your dad how to live his life.

Lucky: That's not what I'm asking, Sonny. All I'm asking is that you show up for my dad so he doesn't have to keep burying his feelings at the bottom of a bottle.

Sonny: Luke doesn't need a friend. He needs his son.

[Bottles shatter]

Nikolas: Feel better? Didn't think so.

Lucky: I know my dad didn't mean to hit Jake, but he definitely meant to take those drinks. And who knows how many he had before he got behind the wheel.

Sonny: You know what, look, I was on Lexington that night. I drove past Elizabeth's house before the accident. Ok? Now, no street lights, dark. All I'm saying is it would have been hard for me to see Jake, and I wasn't drinking.

Lucky: If you would have hit Jake, then it would have been an accident, a random, terrible tragedy. But my dad made a choice to drive drunk. And my son paid the price.

Sonny: He wasn't given a breathalyzer. He was fine to drive.

Lucky: Sonny, come on, man. I mean, you know all it takes is a couple of drinks to slow down your reaction time. And in this case, a few seconds could have made all the difference. Look, until he admits that drinking played a part in Jake's death, I can't help him.

Sonny: You know your dad, ok. He has his own way of living. Sometimes that doesn't sit well with people, but what I do know is that he has done well for you and Lulu. So I'm just saying he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Luke: Leave it.

Nikolas: You want Tracy to see this mess?

Luke: Tracy would find this an appropriate new decor. Given the fact that I've made such a massive mess of my family. Not that I ever had any business having a family.

Nikolas: It's a little late to take that back, isn't it?

Luke: Heh. About 30 years too late. You know, let that be a lesson to you, young Nik. Always trust your gut. As soon as Laura suggested that we put down roots, I felt the air get sucked right out of the room. I'm not the white picket fence kind of guy. I never was. As my children will be happy to tell you.

Nikolas: Well, I can tell you that your children love you in spite of any shortcomings you may have as a parent, Luke.

Luke: And I can tell you I can't count how many times I've felt that those loving children were nothing but an anchor around my neck, weighting me down. And I thought when they got to be adults, the burden would be lifted.

Nikolas: Jake's death may complicate your relationship with your children, especially Lucky, but he needs you now more than ever. You need to find a way to forgive yourself.

Jason: Really, who am I to tell Sonny how to keep Brenda's son safe? I just keep thinking about Michael. He was about this kid's age when Sonny and Carly got together. And, you know, if Carly had known what was gonna happen, how Michael would be hurt like--

Sam: No, no, no, no. No one can know the future. At the time, Carly did what she thought was best for Michael, just like you did what you thought was best for Jake.

Jason: The business hasn't changed, Sam. This boy's not gonna be any safer than Michael was.

Sam: That's just part of it, Jason. Sonny and Brenda just got married. They're just trying to figure out how to spend their lives together. Add a 3-year-old kid to the equation, and that can cause a lot of tension for anyone. I mean, no kid wants to see their parents unhappy.

Brenda: I feel like Sonny and Jason have to tell themselves that you're a good mother because, you know, they want to be able to see their children. Didn't you give up Michael right after he was born? Why did you do that?

Carly: Because I had post-partum depression.

Brenda: Oh.

Carly: So maybe in your world giving a child up is selfish, but in my world it's selfish to keep a child that you're in no position to care for. But thanks for bringing that up.

Brenda: No, no, that's actually a good point. My apologies. I just, I feel like you may use your children to manipulate the men in your life. No?

Carly: 24 hours of being a mother, and you're full of judgment.

Brenda: Um, look, the proof is kind of right there, isn't it? You did it with Sonny. You did it with Jason. And then you moved on and did it with Jax, too, right? Didn't you use Josslyn to manipulate Jax?

Carly: No, not at all. But so much for the truce.

Brenda: Ha ha! You weren't that interested in the truce.

Carly: At all.

Brenda: The other day at the hospital. Should I have my bodyguards escort you out?

Carly: Oh, honey, I'd love to see you try. Go ahead, call the guards. Tell them to make me leave. I can't wait to see if that will happen or not.

Brenda: You are a very sad and hateful person.

Carly: I am, huh?

Brenda: Yeah.

Carly: I'm a person who's in Sonny's life in a way you never will be. We have kids. We have a history. Everyone knows it. The guards know it. When are you gonna get it?

Brenda: I am Mrs. Corinthos. I'm the last Mrs. Corinthos. Trust me on that. So I just, you's the thing. Every single time that Sonny has married you has been out of guilt because of your kids.

Carly: Hmm. I know Sonny a hell of a lot better than you do. And Sonny can't stand to admit that he's wrong. So he married you because it would have been too embarrassing not to. And now he's stuck with you.

Brenda: I'm the only woman that Sonny's ever really loved.

Carly: Really?

Brenda: Ever. Well, yeah. The whole world knows that.

Carly: Ok.

Brenda: And the truth is, if you weren't so threatened by me, then you wouldn't waste your time hating me all the time and thinking about me and coming to talk to me. You would just feel bad for me and move on. You know, every single time that you guys have been married, you've been miserable, right? You break up. I mean, don't you think that the kids pick up on that?

Carly: Sonny and I love our kids. Our kids know that we love them. And that's part of being parents. Just like sacrifice and compromise. And those are two things you're gonna have a really hard time with.

Brenda: I'm gonna go check on Lucian. All right, I'll see you later.

Carly: He's a cute little boy. I feel sorry for him. He deserves a hell of a lot better than you.

Jason: Sonny wasn't looking to have another kid, but I know he's gonna step up.

Sam: Yes, I'm sure he will. I know Sonny's done his best to be a good father to his own kids. I also know that Kristina felt like she didn't matter in the beginning as much as Michael and Morgan. But to Sonny's credit, he has tried to make up for it.

Jason: Yeah, there's nothing he wouldn't do for his kids.

Sam: You're right. Even put up with Carly's craziness.

Jason: Yeah. Yeah, but Carly's, you know, she's been a good mother. Her kids know that they can count on her to be there for whatever they need. I should have been able to do that for Jake.

Sonny: Jake was a little boy who had his whole life ahead of him. And it doesn't seem fair that he's not gonna get a chance to live it. You want to blame somebody. What parent wouldn't? It's a lot easier to fight than it is to deal with the pain. But I'm telling you, Luke is not the enemy here.

Lucky: I love my dad. And he knows that. But I'm done. Ok? I'm done enabling him. He needs to take responsibility.

Sonny: Think about this. He didn't disappear. He didn't take his vacation. I told him to go, because I thought that you and Jason needed time to figure it out. But he decided to stay, and I think I know why. Because he wanted you to be able to put your anger somewhere.

Lucky: I'm not gonna be the excuse my dad uses to dive deeper into the bottle.

Sonny: Lucky, he doesn't need you hating him. He's doing that himself. He's going over what happened in his head every minute. What he could have done differently. You're doing the same thing, right?

Lucky: What, you think I blame myself for what happened to Jake?

Sonny: No. But I think part of you feels guilty, because Jason gave up Jake to keep him safe. You raised him. But I'm telling you, what happened was out of your control. And now you're punishing yourself just like your dad's doing. And you don't want to help him, because you really don't want to know what's gonna happen when you forgive him.

Lucky: I want to be able to do that, man. I do. But right now I can't get that image out of my head of my father throwing back a couple of shots before he got in his car and killed my son.

Luke: Well, if you're here to drown your sorrows, feel free to lap up any pools of liquor you see around. I'm about to open a bottle of personal reserve.

Nikolas: I'm here because of Lucky. I think the two of you can help each other if you would just stop wallowing for a minute and listen to me.

Luke: I'm not interested.

Nikolas: That's probably a good thing, as I care far less about how you fare in all this compared to my brother.

Luke: Your lack of concern for me is appreciated. And I'm sincere about that. I'm so sick of hovering and empathy.

Nikolas: Just do something, anything to prove that you're the man that your kids think you are.

Luke: Nikolas, leopards don't change their spots. I'm sorry to disappoint you, this is who I've always been.

Nikolas: Oh, come on. That's such nonsense. See, I've been watching you over the years. There's no way that you're gonna fail Lucky right now.

Luke: I already did.

Nikolas: I failed him in the worst way, by sleeping with Elizabeth. And I did that deliberately. I was convinced there was no way we'd ever get past that, but we managed to.

Luke: You took his fiancé to bed, man. I plowed down his 4-year-old son.

Nikolas: Which was an accident. And the sooner you can accept that, the sooner you can take the steps to helping Lucky.

Carly: Hi. Josslyn's sleeping, huh?

Shawn: Yeah. The visit with her dad really wore her out. You just missed him.

Carly: Oh. I wanted to ask Jax about Josslyn's condition. I'll talk to the doctor. I guess it's best. Don't want to be accused of neglecting my daughter.

Shawn: You've been here every night sleeping in a chair next to Josslyn. When you do leave, it's never for more than a few hours. I don't think anyone would classify that as neglect.

Carly: Brenda would. She's been a mother of all 5 minutes, and she thinks I'm a terrible mother. So.

Shawn: That woman really gets under your skin, huh?

Carly: More than anyone ever. If you tell anyone that, I will be so mad at you.

Shawn: Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Carly: Thank you.

Shawn: If Brenda makes you this crazy, maybe you should consider keeping your distance. And I'll make sure she does the same.

Carly: I would love to, but she's married to Sonny for the foreseeable future, so I have no choice but to deal with her.

Shawn: Not right now you don't. Go in, sit with Josslyn. One look at that sweet face, and I guarantee you'll forget all about what's bothering you. She has that effect on people.

Carly: She won you over, huh?

Shawn: With that smile? Are you kidding me? I never stood a chance.

Carly: I'm so grateful to have her. When I think about what could have happened. What Jason's going through.

Brenda: Hey.

Jason: Hey.

Brenda: You ok? I guess Sonny told you about Lucian.

Jason: Yeah, that's why I'm here.

Brenda: He's taking a nap, I guess. Are you supposed to see him?

Jason: No, no. I don't want to wake him up.

Brenda: All right. I can't believe he's here. The last thing I expected was to see Suzanne standing at my door holding him. So.

Jason: Yeah. Sonny just asked me to come by and make sure everything was in place, all the security. It can get a little tricky protecting a child.

Brenda: I'm so sorry.

Jason: It's ok.

Brenda: I can't imagine how hard it is to have to discuss any child right now when you just lost yours.

Luke: I redecorated. Comments?

Sonny: No. Looks good.

Luke: Comments are welcome. Suggestions for clean up, not so much.

Sonny: I used to hate it when I would wreck a room and some well-meaning person would come by and say stupid things trying to make it right.

Luke: Well, I've had a steady stream of that.

Sonny: It's your place, you get to wreck it if you want, buddy.

Luke: I'm pouring this private reserve. You want to join me?

Sonny: No, no, no. I'm here for Lucky.

Luke: Yeah?

Sonny: He wanted me to come by, see if I could help you get through your guilt.

Luke: Sorry you wasted a trip.

Sonny: Yeah. I mean, that's what I told him, that there's not much I can do, that you and Lucky need to work this out together.

Luke: Yep.

Lucky: Yeah, email me a copy of the Forensics report on the Brandon Lowell case along with a list of all the people who were working at Vaughn's the night of the shooting. Thanks. No, no, I'll take the statements myself. Bye. Hey.

Siobhan: Hey. I didn't mean to barge in on you like that, I just wanted to come by and drop off some things.

Lucky: You don't have to do that.

Siobhan: Have you opened your fridge lately? You're down to a box of baking soda and week-old Chinese.

Lucky: I meant apologize. I wouldn't have given you a key if I didn't want you here.

Siobhan: But you shouldn't have to trip over me, either. I'll just put this stuff away, and I'll be on my way.

Lucky: Here, I'll take it. It's fine. Stay.

Siobhan: I don't want to make things harder on you.

Lucky: You know, I happen to like having you around, Siobhan, which is a good thing since we're supposed to be getting married.

Siobhan: I should put the milk away before it spoils.

Lucky: You know what, let's do it. Let's get married today.

Siobhan: We don't need to talk about this now.

Lucky: Well, we can't keep putting it off. Your visa's about to expire.

Siobhan: But getting married, it isn't the answer.

Lucky: If we don't, you'll be deported.

Siobhan: Halfway through the wedding, you got word about Jake. I think...I think the reason that you're pushing for us to get married is to bring some order to all this chaos, and it doesn't work like that. You have to give yourself some time to grieve.

Lucky: Time is a luxury we don't have, Siobhan.

Siobhan: Well, the deadline's not up today. Which means we don't have to spend the afternoon waiting on the justice of the peace. We should go out and do something. Maybe we should go for a hike. I think the fresh air would do us both some good.

Lucky: Ok, look, if we're not gonna get married, I have a lot of work to do. I have a stack of cases pending. So I got to go to work.

Siobhan: You're not gonna stand still long enough to feel this, are you?

Lucky: I feel it all the time.

Luke: You were doing real good there for a while not offering suggestions about something that can't be fixed, but now you're getting dangerously close to joining the chorus of "Kumbaya."

Sonny: I believe you and Lucky can fix this. You know, work through the grief.

Luke: Let me ask you something, Son. If Mike had mowed down one of your kids with his car, would you want him helping you with your grief? No. Hell no. You wouldn't want him in your face. I respect my son enough to keep my distance.

Sonny: You said you were fine to drive, right?

Luke: I was. Of course, I was. But that doesn't change the fact that I drove the car that killed the kid. And Lucky's got a right to blame me, booze, phases of the moon or any other damn thing that gets him through this.

Sonny: Lucky doesn't want the guilt to swallow you whole. He just wanted me to come by and see if there was anything I could do.

Luke: I sure as hell am not gonna cry on my son's shoulder after I'm the one that ended the life of his 4-year-old.

Sonny: Hey, buddy. I know you don't think you deserve forgiveness, but it's gonna come anyway.

Carly: Jason's my best friend. And he always has been. Which is kind of funny when you think about how we met. You know, playing pool, one night stand at Jake's. Since when does that ever work out? And it didn't. And that's because of his girlfriend at the time. You think Brenda gets under my skin. Robin, man, she gives meaning to the word manipulative. But that's a conversation for another time.

Shawn: Well, good. We just got you calm. Wouldn't want to get you all riled up again.

Carly: The point is, Jason has always been the one person I can count on. And I've always wanted to be that for him, but he just doesn't like to talk about his feelings.

Shawn: He doesn't strike me as a guy who talks much period.

Carly: He doesn't want to burden anybody else. He just stuffs his feelings down. And he wants what's best for everybody else. He doesn't even think about himself. I mean, Jake is a perfect example. And I will not say a bad word about Elizabeth, because I will always be grateful to her for donating Jake's kidney, but before the accident she was not my favorite person. And that is because she pressured Jason into giving up Jake. She told Jason that his life was too dangerous for Jake. And so Jason stepped aside and let Lucky raise Jake. And not that Jake had a bad life, he had a great life, but Jason wasn't a part of it.

Shawn: That's a hard thing to have to deal with.

Carly: He's not dealing with it. That's the problem. He's stuffing all of his feelings down and they're gonna eat him alive. And I know Jason. He's gonna take off, he's gonna disappear because he doesn't want us to see him spiraling out of control. And I can't let that happen.

Shawn: Ok, a bit of advice. Don't help.

Brenda: I don't even...I don't even know what to say. I can't even imagine how hard it must have been for you all those years, just seeing Jake running around and not being able to talk to him.

Jason: Yeah, it was tough.

Brenda: Yeah. You know, Lucian's parents--his adoptive parents--I guess must have done a pretty good job 'cause he seems like he's ok. Look, I'm sorry. It just--I guess what I really need you to know is I know there has to be guards here, but I just don't want Lucian to feel like, you know, he's a prisoner in his own home.

Jason: I'll make sure the guards keep their distance, but having them around is not negotiable.

Brenda: I know, I know. I'm not gonna argue with you about that. Sonny told me it was necessary.

Jason: Ok.

Brenda: You're amazing. I can't believe that you donated Jake's kidney.

Jason: That was Lucky and Elizabeth, not me. You know what, I gotta talk to the guards about everything.

Brenda: Ok. Thank you for everything.

Sonny: Hey.

Brenda: Hey.

Sonny: What's this?

Brenda: I didn't hear you come in. It's Lucian's. He's taking a nap.

Sonny: Where's the little boy?

Brenda: He's asleep.

Sonny: Yeah?

Brenda: Yeah. Just thought, you know--well, I don't know. I was thinking that maybe when he wakes up, you want to take him down by the water and show him our boat?

Sonny: Yeah. I could take him out. Maybe, you know, teach him how to steer.

Brenda: Aw, honey. I think he'd love that.

Sonny: Yeah.

Brenda: Is it windy outside right now? Because, I don't know, do you think maybe it's not a good idea because if it's windy, then the rocking? He might not like the rocking.

Sonny: Well, it's the only way that Morgan would fall asleep, because the boat has a calming effect. And Michael--we did the same with Michael, too.

Brenda: I love seeing you like this.

Sonny: Like what?

Brenda: Like a dad.

Sonny: Like a dad?

Brenda: Mm-hmm. Like a daddy. Before he wakes up, I want to talk to you about something.

Sonny: Ok, if this is about the guards--

Brenda: It's not about the guards, it's about Carly.

Sonny: What did she do now?

Brenda: She walked in here-- and I mean, she just walked in, so I guess your ex-wife has a key to our house and can walk in whenever she wants--and forced Lucian to, you know, say hello to her. And then she went on to tell me that I'm too selfish to be a mother and that Lucian deserves better than me. Are you gonna have a big reaction, like get upset? Did you hear what I just said to you? That woman is not allowed to just walk into our home whenever she feels like it.

Carly: Jason would do anything to help me. I'm just trying to return the favor.

Shawn: I understand. I still don't think it's a good idea.

Carly: I wasn't asking your permission.

Shawn: You know, Jason warned me about the crazy plans you come up with and the trouble that always seems to follow. He made it clear if I heard any talk, no matter how well meaning, I was to shut you down.

Carly: I don't care if Jason warned you. He's my best friend, and he's going through hell right now, and I have to help him.

Shawn: I've had some experience in losing people to random, terrible death. Enough to know that you can't help Jason. No one can. What he really needs is time to work through the grief on his own. That may sound like a canned answer, but it's the truth. There is no quick fix, Carly.

Carly: Jason's different. Time's only gonna make it worse. He won't work through this on his own. He needs my help.

Luke: We're closed. We're remodeling.

Siobhan: I see. I love what you've done with the place.

Luke: Yeah. It has a certain atmosphere.

Siobhan: What might that be? Why just lose your shirt when you can leave behind a pint of blood as well?

Luke: Heh heh heh. That's catchy. I'm gonna put that on a T-shirt. I like where your head's at.

Siobhan: Can't say the same. You need to put down the glass and go talk to your son.

Luke: I've always had a weakness for redheads. But right now I'm not in the mood for advice.

Siobhan: You're gonna have to do much better than that if you want to send me screaming for the hills. I've had more experience than I care to with drunken men who are looking to drown their regrets.

Luke: Look, I told you we're closed. You need to go find another bartender to bend his ear, not mine, because I don't want to hear it.

Siobhan: That's too damn bad. Lucky is in agony. Heart ripped right from his chest. He's been running himself ragged, working till he drops. Anything to bury the memory of the beautiful boy he lost.

Luke: Yeah, well, he has a right to handle his grief any way he can.

Siobhan: Lucky isn't thinking clearly. And I'm worried that he'll get reckless, and he'll start taking crazy chances.

Luke: That could happen, you know.

Siobhan: We're talking about your son here. You have to do something to help him.

Luke: No, I don't.

Siobhan: Well, what if Lucky walks in front of a bullet? You prepared to live with that? 'Cause I'm sure as hell not.

[Knock on door]

Lucky: Hey. Got a minute?

Jason: I'm sorry for not coming to the memorial service. It just didn't feel right.

Lucky: Well, there's nothing right about burying a child. Listen, Jason, I can't tell you how sorry I am. My dad had no--

Jason: You're not responsible for what Luke did, Lucky.

Lucky: I know, but my father's been walking a fine line for years, and I knew where it could lead. I just figured it was his life, you know. As long as no one was getting hurt, it wasn't my business to get involved. And now, Jake's gone.

Jason: You were a good father to him. You gave him what I couldn't, and I'll always be grateful to you for that.

Lucky: Thank you. Look, there's no easy way to do this, but I didn't come here to talk about Jake. Abby's ex-boyfriend Brandon Lowell was found in the parking lot of Vaughn's, and I need to ask you some questions about his murder.

Sonny: I will talk to Carly and make sure she treats you with the respect you deserve in our house.

Brenda: What do you mean, in our house?

Sonny: What do you mean?

Brenda: Did you hear what I just said?

Sonny: Yes, I did.

Brenda: I don't want--ok. Just think about this for a second. Ok, why do you think this woman is always picking fights with me? This woman craves your attention 24/7. And I would like to know why.

Sonny: Carly--

Brenda: No, no, you can't answer me. So she's banned from our house.

Sonny: No, she's not banned from--

Brenda: Yes, she is.

Sonny: She oversteps all the time.

Brenda: She doesn't overstep, sweetheart. It's a little more than overstep. Ok, she tried to ruin our wedding. She's trying to ruin our marriage. And all I'm saying to you is that girl is not allowed to walk into our house whenever she feels like it.

Sonny: Ok, you don't like Carly, but she is Michael and Morgan's mother.

Brenda: Yes.

Sonny: Which means I have to deal with her, right. And the way I'd like to do that is as civil as possible. So if I ban Carly from this house, the kids are gonna feel like they can't come over here.

Brenda: That's not true. The kids know I love them. They know they're welcome here anytime they want.

Sonny: But if Carly is banned from this house, she's not gonna be welcome, they're gonna be right in the middle. I'm just trying to keep the peace. I don't want to argue with you.

Brenda: Wow. I think you're right about this. You're a really good dad. You're putting your kids first. You're right. You have more experience with this than I do. I mean, this is exactly what I want for Lucian, you know. I want him to feel like he's the most important person in our world.

Sonny: Listen to me. All I'm trying to say is there's a lot we don't know about this little boy. Considering all the lies that Suzanne has told us, I think it's best that you get a DNA test just to make sure he's your son, so you don't get too attached.

Carly: Thank you for meeting me here.

Sam: Yeah, of course. You said it was important. What's going on?

Carly: I just want to talk to you about Jason. I'm worried about how he's dealing with Jake's death, or how he's not dealing with Jake's death.

Sam: Well, Jason just lost a child. That's not something you ever get over.

Carly: No. No, you don't. But there may be a way to help him get past it. I mean, no one could ever replace Jake, but with that being said, I know firsthand how a child can give your life focus and meaning. I mean, that's what Michael did for me and Jason. He opened his heart to Michael and gave him the best of himself. Michael gave Jason a purpose. I think you and Jason should have a baby.

Lucky: Ok. So Brandon Lowell tried to rape Abby and ended up in the hospital courtesy of Michael. Less than a day after making bail, the guy turns up dead with two bullets in his head. Now, the DA doesn't seem to think that's a coincidence, so where you the night of April 4?

Jason: You don't need to do this. Dante already questioned me.

Lucky: Well, I'm assisting the case, so where were you?

Jason: You have a huge conflict of interest because of Jake.

Lucky: I've never let the fact that you were Jake's father interfere with my job.

Jason: But you shouldn't be doing this, Lucky.

Lucky: It's a preliminary interview, Jason. I mean, come on. If you need to call your lawyer so it's more comfortable for you, fine. Where did you first meet Brandon Lowell?

Jason: I'm not doing this.

Lucky: I can question you here or down at the station.

Jason: It just doesn't seem right after everything that's happened.

Lucky: Don't make this Jake.

Jason: You might be able to do this, but I can't right now.

Lucky: Someone else will be by to question you.

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