General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/1/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy
Maxie: Summer line in Rio is a stroke of brilliance. Kate is gonna love the idea. I'll have her call you back. Okay. Lucky, hey. Um, how was the memorial? I'm sorry, that was really tactless. I'm sure it was difficult for you. We're all really sorry for your loss.
Lucky: It’'s okay, Maxie, no one knows the right things to say, including me. Listen, uh, did Lulu come back? She left the service early, pretty upset.
Maxie: Yeah, she was here, but I haven't seen her. She's having a really tough time.
Lucky: Yeah, right. Well, I'll find her.
Maxie: Lucky, um, I know this is probably not the right time to tell you, but I wanted to say thank you.
Lucky: For what?
Maxie: Well, when I was younger, I had a heart transplant that saved my life, so, on behalf of all the transplant recipients out there, thank you for the gift of life you gave from Jake.
Jason: Look right there. That's a giraffe. See how long his neck is? So he can eat the top of the trees. Where do you want to go now? You know, they eat up to 65 pounds of twigs and leaves a day. Don't you think that's a lot? Don't you think they get thirsty? They gotta bend that long neck down in the lake and drink some water.
Luke: Is asking about alcohol standard procedure, or did my son request it?
Dante: Well, it's actually standard. It's for my report.
Luke: I was not impaired. I was in complete control of my faculties and the car. If a cop had pulled me over, I would have walked a straight line, hopped on one foot, rubbed my head and belly with complete and perfect coordination.
Dante: Exactly how much did you have to drink, Luke, the night you hit Jake?
Abby: Michael, you're on parole. You can't have a gun.
Michael: Look, Brandon is dangerous and he's out of police custody.
Abby: I don't care! You can't take chances! I dropped those charges because I don't want you to go back to prison. If you get caught with a weapon, that is exactly what's gonna happen.
Michael: Don't fight me on this, Abby. I'm not gonna leave you unprotected.
Brenda: Oh, babe, it's a-- honey, I love it.
Sonny: That's why I love giving you presents, because you're like a little girl opening it up, you get all excited. That makes me want to give you more presents, so keep it up.
Brenda: I really love it. God, you have good taste.
Sonny: You want me to put it on for you?
Brenda: Really? Are you sure? You're not so good at that stuff.
Sonny: Oh, please, I'm the best.
Brenda: Oh, babe, it is so beautiful. It's rose gold. That's my favorite.
Sonny: You know what? I don't want to break it. You put it on.
Brenda: No, you do it.
Sonny: Okay.
Brenda: It'll be romantic.
Sonny: Okay. Uh, is this supposed to be magnetic or...
Brenda: You just go like this.
Sonny: There.
Brenda: Ha ha! It's so easy.
Sonny: That's great. There you go.
Brenda: Oh, I love it.
Sonny: I am glad I make you happy.
Brenda: Yeah, well, that would be an understatement. It's so sweet you're doing this whole birthday celebration with everything that's going on with Jason, you know, and it's just so nice that you, remembered.
Sonny: Well, I told you that every birthday, I thought about you. So, um...hey, so, uh, the only thing that kind of makes me feel sad is that I can't give you your birthday wish.
Brenda: Oh. is true that, uh, the day that I lost my son, every year when that day comes, I just think about him all day.
Sonny: Okay, if you have a shred of doubt, I will call an investigator and we'll check this out.
Brenda: No, no, no. I resent the fact that anybody even put that ridiculous notion into my head. So I had a miscarriage, period.
Sonny: I just don't want this hanging over you, that's all.
Luke: What difference does it make? You can't prove I was drunk, I can't prove I wasn’t.
Dante: I'm trying to figure out how something like this happens.
Luke: Anyone driving on Lexington that night could have hit the kid. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's not an excuse, it's a fact.
Dante: Maybe, but maybe we can find a way to make sure this doesn't happen to another child.
Luke: Relax, Officer, I'm not driving anywhere today.
Lulu: He would never drive drunk.
Luke: That's not the point, Lulu. The law has its standards, supposedly applied equally to one and all, right or wrong.
Lulu: Yeah, exactly, but you weren't drunk. You have to drink a lot before it takes effect. I've almost never even seen you drunk.
Dante: Oh, uh...thank you for your cooperation.
Luke: I have nothing to hide.
Dante: Just so you know, Jake’s death is being ruled as an accident.
Luke: I'm sure that'll be a tremendous consolation to his family.
Lulu: Dad...please.
Carly: Hold that for me. Can you watch her?
[Josslyn coughs]
Carly: She's pretty special, huh? Beautiful. Happy.
Jason: You know, it really helps me to know that's she's gonna live.
Carly: It was like déja vu watching you with her. Reading to her. That's the book you used to read to Michael when he was a baby.
Jason: Yes, one of them. I kept them.
Carly: She was mesmerized.
Jason: Um, I guess you missed the part where she tried to rip the book out of my hands.
Carly: You were talking to her about giraffes. She loves giraffes. She sleeps with one every night. I should bring her stuffed animal here. Do me a favor. Don't stop reading to her. I want you to be as close to Josslyn as you are with Michael.
Jason: I wonder what she's gonna be like when she's Michael’s age.
Carly: She's gonna be perfect, just like Michael.
Jason: You just have so many hopes and dreams when... when a child is born.
Abby: Brandon has to be grateful that I dropped the charges.
Michael: He got away with assault and attempted rape.
Abby: And he could be in prison.
Michael: He should be, but he's not. One threat to take us to court and he's free? That's too easy. He wouldn't think twice about doing it again.
Abby: Brandon is a coward at heart, and thanks to you, now he knows that I'm being protected by the cops and the mob. We just have to put Brandon out of our lives.
Michael: He is obsessed. He wants you back.
Abby: You're just making assumptions.
Michael: No, I'm calling the guy for what he is.
Abby: Michael, you can't get caught carrying a gun. You can't risk violating your parole. I have been nothing but a problem for Brandon. He would be crazy to come after me again.
Michael: And he is crazy! He's an animal!
Abby: Look... I understand why this is so intense for you. Brandon is not the guy who raped you. You have to stop seeing Carter everywhere you look.
Brenda: Um, you know, I had a miscarriage and that's it.
Sonny: You were sick, delirious. I'm just saying, why not make sure you know the truth about what happened?
Brenda: I do wonder what he would have looked like.
Sonny: Don't go there. Why do you always do that? You always--
Brenda: I can't help it, babe. This is how I am. I mean, I'm, you know, emotional, and I start obsessing over things, and I just can't stop wondering, you know, would his hair have looked like mine, or, you know, would his eyes be brown, or--you know, he'd be 3 years old right now. He'd be running around getting ready for preschool. I just feel like--
Sonny: The last thing I want to do is cause you pain. It's the last thing I want to do. But I'm just, you know...[Sighs] I just think it's a good idea to find out, that's all.
Brenda: You're right.
Sonny: Right?
Brenda: Right. Because now that they've put this idea into my head, the truth is that I can't stop thinking about it. So, I don't know, maybe we should just hire investigators and see--
Sonny: I'm gonna call them and--
Brenda: What do we have to lose, right? You can call people...
Sonny: We'll get the answer as soon as possible. Okay?
Brenda: Okay.
Robin: Hi.
Sonny: Oh...
Brenda: Hey!
Robin: Happy birthday.
Sonny: Hey.
Brenda: Hey, are you okay?
Robin: Yeah. Hi.
Brenda: Hi.
Robin: Aha. Uh-huh? You did so good.
Sonny: Well, why wouldn't I? You know, I'm good at that.
Robin: Yeah, I thought that, you know, with everything going on, I'd have to be dropping not-so-subtle hints to you.
Brenda: Guess what. He's a good husband. Who knew?
Sonny: Yeah, who...[Laughs] Well, uh, you know what? I'm-- you know, if--I think I gotta be somewhere. Um, I got some things I gotta do, so you guys do your little girl talk and everything. And if you want, you can open up wedding presents, 'cause I'm--
Brenda: That's not funny. That's not even funny.
Sonny: What are you talking--
Brenda: That's not a funny joke. We're opening up the presents together and we're writing the thank-you cards together. So don't try to be funny.
Sonny: I'm busy. I gotta go do something.
Brenda: Listen, sweetheart, we will wait all the way until Christmas and send out late thank-you cards if we have to, but you and I are doing this together, period.
Sonny: she's gonna-- what? She's ordering me around like a puppy dog.
Brenda: Yes, that's correct.
Robin: But you love it.
Sonny: Yeah, I do. Okay. I'll see you later.
Brenda: Bye, sweetheart.
Sonny: Bye.
Robin: Bye. [Laughs] You have the sappiest look on your face.
Brenda: I know, because he's so perfect, I want to die... over him.
[Robin laughs]
Abby: I have no illusions about Brandon. He tore me down, and I thought so little of myself that I put up with it. But I woke up one day and I realized I had to get away from him and just rebuild my life.
Michael: You told Brandon no over and over again and he never listened. He kept coming after you. It has nothing to do with you. You didn't to anything wrong. It's all on him.
Abby: I get that. I just don't want you to overreact.
Michael: This guy is not gonna stop on his own. And giving in like this is not--
Abby: You're talking about Carter. I mean, so much of your stuff is tied into this, Michael. I mean, you were attacked in prison and you're still just coming to terms with it, wanting to fight the guy who did this to you. But he's dead. Brandon is not the one who did this.
Michael: You have no idea what's going on inside Brandon’s head. And if there's even a chance he could attack you again, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I let that happen.
Abby: Look, I appreciate you trying to protect me.
Michael: Then let me.
Abby: Michael, you know how to fight if you need to. You don't need to carry a gun. Especially when I truly believe that Brandon won't come around again.
Michael: Look, you always see the best in people. You give them the benefit of the doubt even if they don't deserve it. Which is pretty amazing, considering all you've been through.
Abby: Can we just do this my way, please? No gun.
Michael: Look, I'm not gonna start waving it around, but I'm keeping the gun, because if Brandon comes back again and he tries to hurt you, I'll stop him.
Jason: How's Shawn working out?
Carly: Good. He's great with Josslyn. Jax freaked out, but I'll have to try and figure that one.
Jason: Yeah, it's only temporary. I'm gonna start looking for Franco.
Carly: We talked about this. You're not in any shape to go after Franco.
Jason: Yeah, Franco's not going away, Carly.
Carly: Okay, fine, he's not going away. So you have time. You have to grieve, Jason, or you're never gonna get past this. Take the time you need.
Maxie: Lukewarm latte. I got it this morning for Kate.
Lucky: Thanks. She's not coming in, huh?
Maxie: She had an appointment. Honestly, I think she's avoiding Lulu. Kate's not exactly the nurturing type. She doesn't really know what to say.
Lucky: Yeah, well, no one does.
Maxie: They all feel really bad, Lucky. It's just hard to put into words.
Lucky: Yeah, you know, I've been trying to figure out how to comfort Elizabeth, but she's drowning in guilt right now, and I'm the one who left her on overload. Jake and Cam were supposed to be with me that night. Instead, I was off... being married on a whim.
Maxie: You thought Jake was with his mother. There's no way you could have known.
Lucky: You know, I keep playing that night over in my head. It's like an endless loop that won't stop. You know, Siobhan and I before the justice of the peace, my dad standing up as our witness, having no idea that he just came from hitting Jake. And then my cell phone rings and it's Elizabeth, and, you know, I'm completely irritated. I think that she's calling for some petty thing about the boys as an excuse to interrupt the wedding. But when I pick up... Elizabeth’s crying. I'm telling you, Maxie, you never want to hear that kind of fear in a mother's voice. And then she says the words... "Jake was hit by a car."
Luke: Are you sure you want to have this conversation in front of your boyfriend?
Lulu: Well, you said we have nothing to hide.
Dante: Look, I got what I need, so I can just go and--
Lulu: No, it's no secret. Stay.
Luke: What isn't a secret, my drinking or your sudden concern?
Lulu: Dad, I know that you would never drive drunk. It was an accident. But Lucky's not there yet, and he's very sensitive about addiction issues, and it's very easy to blame your drinking.
Luke: Whatever Lucky needs right now to get through this is okay by me.
Lulu: He's looking for someone or something to blame. It should not be you.
Luke: But I am responsible. I'm the one who hit his kid.
Lulu: Yeah, okay, you--it was an accident, Dad, and Lucky is gonna realize that, but he's not there yet, so I'm just asking you not to drink while Lucky's grieving. It's gonna cause more problems.
Luke: I won't be something I'm not.
Lulu: You can be sensitive to Lucky right now.
Luke: Now, or later, I'm still the guy who killed his child.
Lulu: Lucky's gonna come to some kind of peace with it. But don't give him the chance to blame your drinking. Give him room to realize that he can't blame you.
Luke: That's what I'm telling you, Lulu. I am to blame.
Brenda: I can't believe that Jason lost a son I didn't even know he had. And now we find out that Luke’s the driver. It's horrible. I feel like a jerk opening up presents, and I'm so in love I can't even see straight.
Robin: What do you mean?
Brenda: And there's all these horrible things going on.
Robin: No, you're not a jerk. You've wanted to be with Sonny for a long time. You guys finally are. You deserve to be happy.
Brenda: Yeah, well, it doesn't really have anything to do with what we deserve or don't deserve, right? I mean, Elizabeth doesn't deserve this. Lucky doesn't deserve this. Luke doesn't deserve this.
Robin: But your happiness doesn't come at their expense, you know, so just be happy and grateful for the good things. That's all we can do. Now you and Sonny are back together, and, um, um, Patrick and I are back together.
Brenda: Does--
[Robin laughs]
Brenda: What? Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me about this?
Robin: I'm telling you right now.
Brenda: Don't be--don't be-- don't be a smart-aleck right now. I mean, I'm serious. Last time we spoke, you said that you couldn't trust him, and for a very good reason, by the way.
Robin: I don't know, I think when we lost Jake, I...I didn't want to let the past get in the way of our future anymore.
Brenda: Well, that makes sense. You must really love him.
Robin: I do really love him. And I love our family, and... I've just really grateful that we have a second chance.
Brenda: So you're happy?
Robin: I am. You know, it feels like the right thing to do. Obviously, we have a lot of work to do, but we decided to go to marriage counseling.
Brenda: Well, that's good. That's great. So, if you guys didn't have Emma, do you think that you would still be getting back together?
Robin: [Clears throat] Well, that's a good question. I don't know. When she was born, it was like she--she completed our family, you know? So I don't know. It's hard to describe.
Brenda: I get it.
Robin: I love being a mom.
Brenda: It must be so great to be a mom.
[Door closes]
Carly: She's sleeping.
Sonny: All right. I, uh, walked by your bodyguard. I'm surprised Jason hired a stranger to protect you.
Carly: Okay, Brenda was complaining. He just took her to the car like I asked him to.
Sonny: Brenda was just here to make peace with you.
Carly: If this is where you come to me and you tell me that you guys are married and we have to be all warm and fuzzy, you know I can't handle that.
Sonny: Not at all. I'm not here to fight with you. I just came to check on Josslyn.
Carly: She's good.
Sonny: Yeah?
Carly: Yeah. I didn't see you at the memorial.
Sonny: [Sighs] I couldn't-- I couldn't do it, you know? I mean, we stayed home.
Carly: Jason wasn't there.
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: Have you seen him?
Sonny: Well, as soon as I came back from Italy, I went to see him, and, uh...
Carly: He's not good?
Sonny: No, not good.
Carly: Yeah, it's awful. He's gonna have such a hard time with this because he just--he can't express himself. He can't talk about how he's feeling. We're gonna have to stand by him the way he's always stood by us.
Sonny: He told me that it was Luke who hit Jake.
Carly: An awful, terrible accident. Oh, my God.
Sonny: You know what? I know you're strong, but you're dealing with a lot right now as far as the, you know, you're worried about Jason and--if you need anything, if you want, you know...I'm here to help you.
Carly: Thank you. I'm just trying to take it day by day and...wrap my head around how little Jake had to die so Josslyn could live.
Sonny: Sometimes, you know, we just--we just gotta be grateful.
Carly: I am.
[Knock on door, door opens]
Sam: Michael, hi.
Michael: Hey, Sam. Um, is Jason around?
Sam: No, he wasn't here when I got back from the memorial. Come on in, though. Yeah, he's been spending a lot of time alone lately. He was gonna go to the memorial. He was dressed, he was ready to go, but he just, he couldn't go through with it.
Michael: Yeah, I don't blame him.
Sam: I saw you there with your family.
Michael: Yeah, yeah, my mom wanted to pay her respects.
Sam: Of course.
Michael: Um, do you know when Jason's gonna be back, by any chance?
Sam: I don't, no. But, please, feel free to stay here and wait. I actually have to run to the office, so it'll be really good for you to be here when he gets home, so he's not alone. Just make yourself at home, okay?
Michael: Thank you.
Sam: You're welcome.
[Door opens]
Michael: Hey.
Jason: What's going on? You all right?
Michael: Yeah. I just wanted to stop by, see if you need anything.
[Knock on door]
Abby: We gotta get you a key. [Chuckles]
Brandon: I'll take you up on that.
Abby: You shouldn't be here.
Brandon: You know what? You dropped the charges, so it seemed kind of rude to call on the phone, so I thought I'd come here and thank you in person.
Abby: You're welcome.
Brandon: Oh, whoa. We're having a conversation here.
Abby: Brandon, I don't want to do this.
Brandon: You get that I was just upset the other night, right? It's just make me so mad sometimes, Abby. But we're cool now, right?
Abby: Yeah, I--I wish you well. I hope you make the most of your freedom. Please don't contact me again.
Brandon: Hey. You forgave me, Abby. Now, I am willing to forgive you. I know you want me back.
Abby: I'll never be back with you!
Brandon: Don't pull that crap on me! You will always be mine.
Abby: Uhh!
Brandon: Ohh!
Abby: No! No! No!
Brandon: Don't you talk back to me, bitch!
Abby: Stop it!
Lucky: You know, during the memorial I found myself thinking about that movie that comes on every Christmas, about the guy who finds out what it would be like if he'd never been born.
Maxie: I love that movie.
Lucky: Yeah, me, too. I was just, uh...I mean, I couldn't help but wonder what Jake would have grown up to be if he'd lived. You know? How many lives he would have touched, what his kids would have been like. You know, he loved airplanes. He loved flying. Maybe he would have been a pilot or an astronaut or something. I had this fantasy of him being the captain of a space shuttle. You know, orbiting the earth and looking down from the heavens and all that.
Maxie: You were proud of him.
Lucky: Yeah, it was easy. He was such an amazing kid.
Maxie: Such a cutie. I played with Jake and Cam at Emma’s birthday party. They were happy and laughing, and he was playing with every toy he could get his hands on.
Lucky: Every time Jake would see me, he'd run up, give me a hug, almost knock the breath out of me.
Maxie: His life was too short, but he was happy and secure because of what a wonderful dad you were.
[Elevator doors open]
Spinelli: Maximista, I'm-- oh. Lucky, uh... I gather your son's memorial was today. My most heartfelt condolences on your loss.
Lucky: I appreciate that, Spinelli. Thank you. And thanks for the latte and for listening.
Maxie: You don't have to go.
Lucky: Uh, thanks, but I'm-- there's something I have to face up to.
Lulu: I'm so frustrated about my dad. Hitting Jake was an accident, but he still blames himself, and I think that he's drinking because he wants Lucky to be mad at him, because he wants to be punished.
Dante: If I were Lucky and I saw my father throwing down the whiskey like he is, and given the circumstances, I would have taken the glass out of his hands and knocked him on his ass.
Lulu: I know, I know. That's why I have to explain this to Lucky.
Dante: I don't know that you do.
Lulu: This is my family. They've been through so much, and they finally get back together because they love each other so much, and now they're facing a tragedy that's so horrible that they can't feel that love.
Dante: Can I make an observation here?
Lulu: Sure.
Dante: I think you're on overdrive. You're trying to take care of everybody--Lucky, Luke, Elizabeth.
Lulu: Well, I have to do something.
Dante: Yeah, you gotta grieve. You lost your nephew.
Lulu: Yeah, but my family is way worse off than me.
Dante: Maybe, but you can't fix it, Lulu. You can't lessen their loss. You gotta look after yourself. And whatever happens, I'm here to help you.
Lulu: Thank you.
Carly: When the doctor told me that Josslyn had cancer... I've never been so scared in my life. Cancer. She's not even 2 years old. And then he says we have to start chemotherapy immediately because organ donors for children are just so rare. And that's when...everything happened with Jake. [Sighs] And I had to go to Jason and ask him... he convinced Lucky and Elizabeth.
Sonny: I cannot imagine how hard it was going to Jason the night his...his kid died. But you did the right thing. I mean, look. Look at Josslyn. Living proof, right?
Carly: The doctors say she's making an amazing recovery. I'm afraid to trust it.
Sonny: She's strong and resilient like her mother.
Carly: She is. Oh, Sonny, when something like this happens, you just realize how fragile life is. You know no matter how hard you matter what you do, you could lose the battle. Lucky and Jason couldn't do anything to save Jake. It was totally out of their control.
Sonny: One thing that you have to understand--we are very thankful that our kids are alive.
Carly: That's amazing to me, with all the hell Michael’s been through.
Sonny: But you never gave up on Michael or Josslyn. I know that if you didn't find a donor, you would have done everything you could to get her through this.
Carly: You have more faith than I have in myself, you know that?
Sonny: No, I'm just proud of you. And I'm, you know, very happy that your daughter's gonna be okay.
Carly: Thank you for being here. It means a lot.
Michael: You've always looked out for me, and now you're hurting. Look, Jason, if there's anything that you need at all...
Jason: Yeah, there is. There is one thing.
Michael: Name it.
Jason: I just want you to live your life the best way you can.
Michael: I am trying.
Jason: I was, um... I was at the hospital reading a book on Africa to Josslyn. And I was remembering how I read it to you, you know, how smart you were and how--how curious about everything you were, and sometimes I just worry that all the...all the bad things that you've lived through have narrowed your focus.
Michael: I'm not like other kids my age.
Jason: I know you're not. I'm just saying that you have to find your own way. You gotta find a way to let go of the past and start working toward a future.
Michael: What if I don't know what that is?
Jason: Then you got years to figure it out. But your life is a gift. Please make the most of it.
Spinelli: I--I apologize for interrupting your tête-à-tête with Lucky.
Maxie: That's okay. He needed to leave anyway.
Spinelli: But I'm sure he appreciated your words of condolence. The Jackal knows well that Maximista's sympathy and wise counsel are soothing to the troubled soul.
Maxie: I'm not half as kind as you are, Spinelli, but thank you. Is that your book?
Spinelli: Yes, um, newly published and yours. Although given Lucky's tragedy, it seems frivolous in the extreme.
Maxie: No, Spinelli, this book is a great accomplishment. You should be so proud.
Spinelli: I'm grateful for your words of encouragement and your offer to do a write-up of "The Secret Life of Damien Spinelli" in "Crimson," but you don't need to feel obligated in any way.
Maxie: I would be more than happy to. You are the most brilliant person that I know. I mean, first with the video games and now the book. You are so creative, Spinelli. I'm really impressed.
Spinelli: I'm humbled by your praise.
Maxie: You know, even though we didn't work out as a couple, I'm really happy for the time we spent together. You made me a better person, Spinelli. I'm always gonna love you.
Spinelli: You know, I have to confess, you are the inspiration for the book. You'll always be an inspiration to me.
Sam: Hi. Did you speak to Michael?
Jason: Yeah. He asked what he could do for me.
Sam: Well, that was really thoughtful. Not that I'm surprised. So what did you tell him? If it's private, I don't have to know.
Jason: I, uh, I told him that being alive is a gift. You know, I was trying to make him see that he had so many choices, so many opportunities, but the whole time I was wondering... was I even right to give up Jake? I mean, could I have done any better for him than I've done for Michael?
Sam: You did what you thought was best at the time.
Jason: [Sighs] Sonny said you don’ don't save a child by giving him up. I'm thinking he was right.
[Door opens]
Abby: [Sniffles] How was Jason?
Michael: know, he said stuff that really made me think. You know, like I need to make the most of my life and... figure out what I really want. I don't know, maybe I've just been looking in the most obvious direction. Brandon?
Abby: He didn't rape me, Michael, he just--no, Michael, you can't do anything. Promise me! It's not worth it! Michael! Please!
Lucky: Hey, Dad.
Luke: Hi. Dante was here earlier. He took my statement.
Lucky: He cleared you. There's no way to prove you were intoxicated, so no charges will be filed.
Luke: Huh. Case closed.
Lucky: Drinking vodka now? I guess scotch doesn't taste so good anymore, since that's what you were drinking the night Jake died?
Jason: I always told myself that Jake was better off, that missing him was the price I had to pay for knowing that he was safe. But now we know. Kids get Josslyn. And kids can... die. All I did was miss out on the chance of knowing my son.
Sam: All we can do... is love while we have the chance.
Michael: Hey! Why would you come back to the place where you almost raped Abby? What, do you get some sick thrill thinking about what you almost did to her?
Brandon: I figured you might be here, all pissed 'cause I had to smack Abby into line.
Michael: You're sick.
Brandon: Yeah, well, Abby doesn't think so. She knows things just got out of hand the last time we were here. Happens to every couple now and then.
Michael: Stay the hell away from Abby.
Brandon: [Chuckles] You are long over due for a payback, buddy. And when you crawl out of this alley, you're gonna leave my property alone.
Michael: You're never gonna touch Abby again.
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