GH Transcript Monday 3/21/11

General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/21/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy

Carly: Ohh, it's okay, baby, I'm here. I'm here, and your big brother's here, and your daddy's here. And you're gonna be fine. It's okay.

Terrell: Hey. How's she doing?

Carly: The nurse said her temperature's down.

Terrell: That's good. I've got the latest test results. We need to discuss this.

Michael: You guys go ahead. I'll watch Josslyn.

Carly: Okay.

Terrell: Now, I know after the first set of scans we talked about possible scenarios.

Jax: We don't need to be managed, Dr. Jackson. We just need to know the facts.

Terrell: Josslyn has cancer.

Tracy: [Sighs] Come on, Luke, it's gonna be all right.

Luke: You don't know that, Spanky.

Tracy: Why don't you focus on what you know instead of what you fear?

Luke: What do I know? I know that nothing compares to the night when they came and told me that Lucky was dead. Killed in a fire. Nothing but charred bones left.

Tracy: And guess what--it turned out not to be true.

Luke: There's nothing in the world that compares with losing a child.

Lucky: It's okay. It's okay. Okay. We're not gonna give in to fear. We're not gonna give in to fear.

Elizabeth: It's all my fault.

Lucky: No, don't say that. Don't say that. It was my night to watch the boys, you know.

Elizabeth: I didn't even hear him. Why didn't I hear him?

Lucky: Hey. Listen. Hey. We have to believe that our son is gonna be okay. We have to believe that. Look, God is with him in that room right now. He's gonna make it.

Patrick: Retraction. Irrigation. Adson.

[Monitor beeping]

Robin: I.C.P. is 22 and still rising. We're not relieving the pressure fast enough.

Nurse: Pulse is tachycardic. BP 82 over 41.

Patrick: I want the mannitol drip wide open.

Robin: I.C.P. is still spiking. Do you think he'll be stable enough?

Patrick: He's gonna have to be.

Michael: Josslyn's asleep.

Terrell: The tests confirm my initial diagnosis. Josslyn has Wilms tumors on both her kidneys.

Michael: Wait, wait. She's just a baby.

Terrell: Wilms usually occurs in young children. We believe that the tumors start to grow as the fetus develops in the womb. Some cells just malfunction. It's very rare, and it's not hereditary. I don't want you thinking you passed this on to her somehow.

Carly: How do we fix her? How do we--how do we make her better?

Terrell: With both kidneys affected, we're gonna need to-- to reduce the size of the tumors, and that's gonna require some form of chemotherapy.

Jax: Wait, you're talking about pumping toxic chemicals into our baby girl at this early stage of her development. There must be side effects.

Terrell: There can be long-term effects, yes, but I believe that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Jax: Since when? 'Cause you said a while ago that you didn't want to try chemo on a child this young.

Terrell: That was before I knew that the kidneys were both compromised.

Jax: Dr. Jackson, I don't have to have a medical degree to know that this is a lousy option. Okay? This should be our very last option.

Carly: Jax--

Jax: No, this should be our last option.

Terrell: It's okay. I know that you need time to process the diagnosis.

Jax: No, no, no. I need alternatives to poisoning our daughter.

Terrell: Josslyn can live without one kidney. She can't live without both.

Jax: Okay, so we get her a new kidney. Can you do that?

Luke: The bottom dropped out of my life...the night they told me Lucky was dead. Laura and I were already...strained. Her wanting to put down roots, me fighting against it. But when they told us our son was gone, something broke. That was the beginning of the end.

Tracy: So what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?

Luke: I'm a hard, bitter man, Tracy, and I didn't used to be. Lucky will never get over this.

Tracy: There's going to be plenty of time for grief if the worst happens. Right now, we have hope that Jake's going to pull through.

Lucky: This is Jake we're talking about here. I mean, remember the carnival, when we rushed him to the hospital and how scared we were? What was the first thing he said to us when he woke up?

Elizabeth: Teddy.

Lucky: Yeah. Yeah. He wanted to know if I wanted the stuffed animal. He's a fighter, Elizabeth. That little boy is a fighter. And you remember the time we found Jake teaching himself how to swim?

Elizabeth: Yes.

Lucky: Or when he was watching motocross on TV and then decided to take his trike right off the back porch, and he toppled over the handlebars head-first, and we were so panicked seeing him lying there. And then he looked up at us.

Elizabeth: He--he said, "That was so cool, Mom."

Lucky: And he wore that--that scrape on his knuckle like a badge of honor

Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, he's a fighter. He's a fighter.

Lucky: You are such a good mother to him, Elizabeth. Listen to me. He's gonna come through this.

Elizabeth: Okay.

Lucky: He's gonna come through this.

Elizabeth: Okay.

Lucky: Hey, Steve. Any word?

Steve: Uh...given Jake's injuries, I expect it will be a while.

Lucky: Uh, I'll be right outside.

Lucky: My son, uh, my son's fighting for his life right now. I don't know what I'm gonna do if he doesn't make it.

Siobhan: Just don't lose hope.

Robin: We've got a problem here. He's still hemorrhaging. We need to find the source.

Patrick: I think it's coming from the middle communicating artery. There's bone fragments everywhere. Clamp. Adson. Okay, there it is. Foley.

[Monitor beeping]

Nurse: His BP's dropping. His I.C.P's going up again.

Patrick: I need to remove the thrombus from the right ventricle. Woodson. Let's get some suction and irrigation.

Robin: He has an intraventricular hemorrhage.

Patrick: Clamp.

Elizabeth: I don't even know the extent of Jake's injuries. Patrick didn't go into specifics.

Steve: There was no time. And the details--

Elizabeth: Will you please just go find out what's going on and see if there's any progress being made?

Steve: Of course. See if you can get an update on my nephew. Don't interrupt the surgery.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Steve: Don't tell me you're leaving again.

Lisa: No, I'm not.

Steve: I won't put up with this, wondering if one of my surgeons can break away from her personal drama long enough to practice medicine.

Lisa: Okay, my status at the hospital can wait. The only thing that you should be focused on right now is your nephew. God's not used to hearing from me, but I am praying that Patrick and Robin pull him through.

Nikolas: Lulu called and told me what happened? How's Jake?

Siobhan: He's still in surgery.

Nikolas: Okay, listen, if you need anything, even if you don't want me here...

Lucky: No, no, of course, of course, you're welcome here, man. Now this has happened, I've been doing everything I can trying to convince Elizabeth that Jake's gonna be okay, but the truth is, none of us know.

Patrick: The thrombus is acting like a tamponade. As soon as I removed it, it started to bleed again.

Robin: It's spilling into the CSF.

Patrick: I've gotta try and constrict the artery, redirect the blood flow. Come on, Jake, hold on, buddy. Come on. Adson. I need to create a collateral circulation.

[Monitor beeping]

Jason, silently: Please, Jake. Jake, please.

Terrell: A transplant would be an ideal solution, though there are inherent risks, the greatest being that Josslyn's body could reject the new kidney.

Jax: I'm just asking you for our daughter's best options.

Terrell: Organs for children Josslyn's age are extremely rare. There's a long waiting list. It would be unrealistic to wait and plan for a kidney to become available.

Jax: Okay. You're telling us our daughter's best options, and then you're saying those options are unavailable. I don't understand.

Terrell: You asked for a simple, clear explanation of the facts. Now, given the reality that Josslyn has tumors on both her kidneys, my efforts would be best spent determining the safest and most effective drug protocol for Josslyn. The sooner she starts treatment, the better off her chances.

P.A.: Code blue, ICU 4. Code blue, ICU 4.

Terrell: You two need to get together on this.

Jax: I--I gotta go. I gotta call an expert and get another opinion. Hey, if Josslyn needs a kidney transplant, I will do whatever I can. I'll do whatever I can. I promise you.

Carly: I know. [Sighs]

Michael: Mom, I'm so sorry.

Carly: I can't believe she has cancer and she has to have chemo. We're not gonna lose her. We're not gonna lose her.

Steve: Patrick is focusing on the head trauma before he deals with Jake's other injuries. At this point, no news is good news.

Elizabeth: He should be home. He should be asleep in his own bed. Why didn't I hear the door open?

Lucky: Hey.

Lulu: Hey. So what's going on?

Lucky: Patrick and Robin are still operating.

Lulu: How bad?

Lucky: We don't know. We don't know. No one's been able to tell us anything yet.

Dante: I drove out to the accident site. There's no tire marks, no sign of someone swerving or slamming on the brakes.

Nikolas: My God, what kind of a person hits a little kid and keeps on going?

Dante: I don't know, but that stretch of the road isn't lit very well, so maybe the driver didn't realize what happened. Okay, there's a traffic camera. I'm going to look at the footage. I just need to get a time frame from Elizabeth.

Lucky: Wait, wait, wait, Dante. No, I can't let you question Elizabeth. Not now, man. She's going through hell.

Steve: Well, we are doing everything we can, using every available resource. Every available resource. How many times have I said those words? Never heard 'em until now. It's my own nephew in there in the O.R. and I'm the one doing the waiting. But you know what, something good is going to come out of this. I'm going to listen better. I'm going to be more aware. And I'm going to be genuinely empathetic toward people in this situation.

Elizabeth: Thank you. Thank you for bargaining with God.

Sam: Hey. So Jason's watching the surgery through the observation window. I tried to stay there for a little bit, but the only way I can help is to help find out who did this.

Dante: Look, Lucky, I know you're concerned about Elizabeth, but you know as well as I do, the longer we wait to move on this, the more chance this driver has to ditch the car, come up with a story about what happened.

Lucky: I know. Okay. Let me talk to her, okay? I'll question her about what happened and I'll get you what you need. Hey. Listen, Elizabeth... I need to ask you just a few quick questions about what happened, okay?

[Carly sighs]

Michael: Who are you calling?

Carly: Jason. I just want him here with me.

Michael: This is kind of between you and Jax.

Carly: I know. He's...I just need him, you know? He gives me strength. He helped me through everything with you when you were in your coma, and I just really want him here.

Michael: Jason can't come.

Carly: This is hell of a lot more important than Theo Hoffman.

Michael: He's--Jason's here, Mom, he's at the hospital. You already had enough to deal with Josslyn, I didn't want to add this, too.

Carly: What's going on?

Michael: Jake Webber's been badly, badly hurt.

Patrick: Damn it, third ventricle's completely gone. Suction and irrigation.

Robin: The I.C.P. is extremely high.

Patrick: Clamp. Bovie. Come on, Jake. Short Metz.

Robin: Patrick.

Patrick: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Robin: Patrick, Patrick.

Patrick: He has an uncal herniation in the brain stem.

Robin: There's no brain function.

Patrick: Nurse. I'll close him up. I'll tell the parents. Nurse.

[Monitor beeping]

Lucky: Okay, so, um... Jake was hit between 8:00 and 8:05 tonight.

Dante: Elizabeth is positive about that?

Lucky: Yeah, yeah, she made the call to 9-1-1 on her cell at 8:06. She never saw the car. She found Jake lying by her front yard, which means the driver was heading south on Lexington.

Dante: Okay, so there aren't any streets in between Lexington and Gable, so that means unless a neighbor hit Jake, someone drove through that intersection between 8:00 and 8:05, and that's gotta be on that traffic camera.

Jason: [Exhales] He's gone.

Elizabeth: What? What?

Carly: If she wakes up, I want you to pick her up and I want you to hold her and I want you to make her feel better, okay?

Michael: Okay, but, Mom, Jason may seem okay on the outside like he always does, but this is different.

Carly: I'm not going to Jason so he can make me feel better. I want to go be with Jason so I can help him.

Michael: Okay, but Jake is pretty badly hurt.

Carly: I know how Jason feels. He loves that little boy like I love you, Morgan and Josslyn. Now that little boy's hurt and everyone's making decisions for him while Jason's being forced to sit on the sidelines.

Michael: Yeah, and he's Jake's father.

Carly: Yeah. So I want to go be with him right now the way he's always there for me. And if anything happens with her, if she wakes up, if the doctor comes in, you call me immediately.

Michael: Yes, Mom, just don't worry. I'll take care of it, okay?

Carly: Thank you. Oh, God. Thank you for being a good big brother.

Michael: I love you.

Carly: I love you, too.

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: Oh. Hey, Abby, I'm so sorry I blew off dinner. I completely forgot.

Abby: No, forget dinner. I'm just glad you're okay.

Michael: Yeah, actually, I'm not okay.

Abby: Were you trying to help out Jason again?

Michael: No, no, it's not that. It's my little sister Josslyn. She's...she's really sick.

Luke: Elizabeth ran into Lucky's arms. She just kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Tracy: 500.

Luke: He's going to try to be strong for her.

Tracy: Dollars.

Luke: Doctors everywhere and none of them saying anything. But from the looks on their faces, the odds of that kid pulling through are not good.

Tracy: They're like pulling an inside straight. That was a miracle. I'm just saying, if you're looking for signs...

Luke: I had to get out of there. There was nothing I could do.

Tracy: You mean, you couldn't muster the usual platitudes, which would sound like crap coming out of your mouth, anyway.

Luke: I'm no good at wringing my hands and pacing back and forth. I would just be in the way. Ohh. [Sighs]

Lulu: He's on life support, but it's not Jake.

Nikolas: Hey, do you know if Cam and Aiden are in daycare?

Steve: Yeah, Elizabeth asked a neighbor to watch the boys before she left in the ambulance with Jake.

Nikolas: Okay, well, Elizabeth and Lucky have had enough to handle for one night. Obviously I'll go get my son. But Cam, he can stay with me, too.

Steve: Yeah, two boys would be way too much for Gram to handle right now.

Nikolas: Yeah, you're right. Well, Cameron can obviously stay with me as long as they need, so.

Steve: Thanks.

Nikolas: Okay.

Robin: Jason... Jason, I'm so sorry. We did everything we could, I promise.

Jason: I know. Oh, thank you. I know how hard you and Patrick fought. But what happens now?

Robin: Um, Jake is still on life support. It's up to the parents when to turn the machines off.

Dante: Well, a little kid is dead, so this just became your top priority. Okay, I need a list of names, anyone who was pulled over for speeding or drunk driving in the last 3 hours. Particularly the intersection of Lexington and Gable, okay? Thanks, I'll be here.

Sam: Hey, hi. I need a favor. You've gotta let me help. I'll do anything. I'll make phone calls, I'll knock on doors, I'll take measurements down at the scene. Anything.

Dante: Jason just lost his son. Shouldn't you be with him?

Sam: Well, Jake has sort of been a loaded subject for Jason and I. I made a horrible mistake years ago, one that I will regret for the rest of my life.

Dante: Okay. Jason obviously got over that.

Sam: Yeah, obviously. But tonight, I mean, Elizabeth, I just, I can't. I have to stay away from the hospital. I want to be there for Jason but I can't. So I need to feel like I'm helping in some way. Please.

Dante: Okay. I'm about to pull up the traffic footage from the camera at the intersection of Lexington and Gable. So a lot of cars could go through that intersection in five minutes. I could use another set of eyes.

Sam: Great.

Abby: Hey.

Michael: Hey.

Abby: I thought you could use some company.

Michael: Oh, thank you. It has been an awful night.

Abby: Yeah, well, that's why I'm here, okay?

Michael: Josslyn has a rare form of cancer.

Abby: Oh, my gosh.

Michael: Yeah. She has tumors on both her kidneys. She may have to do chemo if we don't get a donor for a transplant, which is going to be a long shot. I look at my sister facing life and death and I realize for the first time what my parents and Jason are talking about.

Abby: Yeah?

Michael: There is nothing worse than fearing for the child that you love.

Patrick: Jake suffered a catastrophic head injury. I want you to know that we did everything we possibly could. I performed a bifrontal depressive craniotomy and we discovered that there was a...

Robin: There was just too much damage.

Patrick: I'm so sorry.

Lucky: I want to see my son. I want to see him. I want to see him before they take his body. I need to see him.

Robin: Jake is still on life support.

Lucky: What?!

Patrick: There's no brain activity. All the things that made Jake Jake are gone. The machine is keeping him alive. It's up to you. It's up to you to decide when to turn them off. I realize this is a very difficult situation, but I'd like to ask both of you if you would consider organ donation.

Elizabeth: What?!

Patrick: I know how hard this is, but the time is now. Jake could save the lives of many children.

Lulu: I know Lucky was trying to be strong when Jason told him. I don't know, I can't stop thinking about Jake. I just, I can't believe this.

Tracy: I need you both to do me a favor. I don't want you to tell Daddy that Jake was Jason's biological son.

Lulu: That's not for us to tell.

Luke: It would kill the old man. Well, Lucky will survive this. He will. I don't know how, but he will.

Lucky: Hey, Steve. Would you be able to stay with Elizabeth for a while? I need to, um...they're talking organ donation.

Steve: I'm sorry.

Lucky: I need to see Jake before I sign any papers.

Steve: They moved him to room 1050.

Lucky: Okay.

Jason: Hey.

Michael: She's beautiful, isn't she?

Abby: Yeah, she is.

Dante: Yeah, I got two more, but this last one's giving me trouble.

Sam: Well, just enhance the image.

Dante: Thanks. I'm trying to, but it's kind of grainy.

Sam: Wait, wait, hold on. Right there.

Dante: Yeah, yeah. Okay, got it. Eg1xkb. All right, that's the last car to go through the intersection between 8:00 and 8:05.

Sam: Okay, well, if we can eliminate the neighbors, the odds are whoever hit Jake are one of those seven vehicles.

Dante: Right. So we need to figure out who the drivers are and which one did it.

Robin: This wasn't your fault.

Patrick: They were counting on me. Elizabeth is a friend. And I wasn't good enough.

Robin: Jake was already too far gone.

Patrick: I dedicated myself to medicine. I went to all the best schools. I sacrificed to be the best. And I wasn't good enough.

Elizabeth: Ohhh. I remember the first time I held Jake. He was so beautiful. And he looked up at me and I felt so blessed to be his mom. I should--I should have-- it should have never happened. It should have never happened. [Crying]

Siobhan: You need to do this on your own.

Lucky: I can't. I can't see my son like this. I can't. [Crying]

Jason: You know about Jake.

Carly: I'm so sorry. I heard about the accident, and I was coming to wait with you, and when I got there... I couldn't believe it. I can't believe it. I would give anything to bring Jake back.

Jason: You know, I can count the times I ever held him. It was eight.

Carly: I know how much you love your son.

Jason: Ohh.

Carly: That you would do anything for him. I just wish there were more time.

Jason: Time? Time for what?

Carly: Um... Josslyn's sick. She's here, too, and she's really sick, and we didn't know it. She has cancer. And she needs a kidney transplant. Your son can save my daughter.

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