General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 3/16/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Elizabeth: Uh-huh. Oh, I understand lab procedure. I happen to be a nurse. I was just really hoping you'd give me the test results on the phone. Ok, I will look for the envelope in the mail on Thursday. Thank you.
Lucky: Hi. What's going on? Who, uh, who got tested?
Alexis: What are you two up to?
Luke: Me?
Ethan: Him?
Alexis: You.
Luke: Him?
Ethan: Who?
Alexis: Him.
Luke: You? Us.
Alexis: Stop it!
Ethan: It's hard not to bond, you know? Father-son. All the time we missed.
Alexis: How is it that we find ourselves on the eighth floor of the Metro Court?
Luke: Well, I find myself here because I have a room here, which I'm sure you know Tracy wants me to stay in.
Ethan: It's very, very sad.
Luke: I'm overcome. [Sniffles]
Jax: Wow, this is definitely not mine. You're actually trying to frame me for international jewel theft. That's, uh, that's really--that's really something.
Carly: Can we just go back to our original custody agreement? When Agent Bates gets here, I'll tell him it was one big misunderstanding.
Jax: No, no, no. You're misunderstood, ok? You don't blackmail me. Nobody blackmails me. You know, the only thing that you've done is made me more determined to get full custody of our kids.
Brenda: I don't want this thing on me. I feel like I'm ready to leave.
Sonny: Yeah?
Brenda: I actually feel kind of good.
Sonny: The doctor wants you here, right, and you're here.
Brenda: Do you want to get in and lay in the bed with me for a couple minutes?
Sonny: Ok, you see that body you're tempting me with? It just went through a major trauma, so you're gonna have to take it very slow.
Brenda: Yeah, but--are you gonna baby me? I don't want to be babied. I actually feel fine.
Sonny: I am going to spoil you rotten and make up for the time that was stolen from us.
Brenda: What does that really mean? Are you planning to take revenge on Theo?
Jason: See, not shooting me when you had no reason to doesn't change the fact that you were working with Theo Hoffman.
Johnny: I had no idea what he was planning. I had no way of knowing that. All right, look, I may be able to recall my interaction with Theo a little better if I wasn't staring down the business end of a gun.
Jason: You better tell me what you know, Johnny, while I'm still willing to listen.
Johnny: It may not mean anything.
Jason: I'll decide that!
Johnny: Theo mentioned Paris once.
Michael: Look, I'm really sorry I can't hang out tonight.
Abby: No, I understand. Look, when duty calls, you have to answer. I just, uh, you know, I thought your father and Jason didn't want you working with them.
Michael: Yeah, this whole Theo Hoffman thing has demanded a lot of Jason's attention and my dad's, and they haven't been able to focus on everyday aspects of the business. So I'm just gonna pick up the slack.
Abby: And Sonny and Jason are ok with that?
Michael: It's not like I'm gonna go shoot somebody or anything. I'm just gonna supervise a shipment.
Abby: Ok. Well, if everybody's good, then who am I to object? We'll just move dinner to tomorrow.
Michael: There's a chance I could be done early, though.
Abby: You think?
Michael: Yeah, if everything goes smoothly I can be done in a couple hours. Is 9:00 too late?
Abby: For a night owl like me it's perfect.
Michael: Yeah? All right. I'll call you at 8:30 either way.
Abby: Great.
Michael: Ok.
Abby: Fingers crossed.
Michael: I'll see you.
Carly: I thought, you know, we could reach some kind of an understanding since Josslyn's not feeling well and she's sick and all.
Jax: Don't use my daughter to manipulate me.
Carly: Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to hurt me?
Jax: Are you kidding me? I'm trying to keep our daughter safe. You know, the fact that you can't see that validates what I'm doing is right. You trying to frame me for international jewel theft, do you think that's a good example to set for the kids?
Carly: Oh, whatever. You weren't gonna be arrested. You were never supposed to be arrested.
Jax: Oh, and that's supposed to make me feel better?
Carly: I needed to get your attention.
Jax: Well, you got my attention. Now what?
Alexis: You two should really take this on the road. Sheboygan. They'll love you there.
Ethan: Oh, Sheboygan.
Luke: Is that near Schenectady?
Alexis: I know what you're doing. You're trying to hatch a plan so that Jax will buy into Carly's custody battle plan.
Ethan: Sounds paranoid.
Luke: She's a Cassadine. More to be pitied than scorned. We'd love to stay and chat, but we have got to open the Star. So excuse us, would you, please?
Bates: Well, well. Mr. Luke Spencer. And your presence here explains so much, because I'm here following a lead on stolen jewels.
Elizabeth: It was just lab work for a critical patient. I was trying to put a rush on things.
Lucky: No, it's fine. You don't have to tell me. It's none of my business. I don't know why I asked.
Elizabeth: Excuse me.
Lucky: Yeah. Look, Elizabeth, the last time we spoke, it felt like I was kind of dropping a bomb with the whole green card marriage thing, and you have every right to be concerned about how my marriage to Siobhan might affect our kids.
Elizabeth: Lucky, I understand that you would never purposely do anything to hurt Cameron or Jake.
Lucky: That's the truth.
Elizabeth: So, um, other than picking up the kids for daddy's night, is there something else you want to talk about?
Lucky: Actually, yeah, I can't. Something's come up. I--
Elizabeth: Why? They were really looking forward to it.
Lucky: I know. I know. I was, too, but like I said, something's come up and it's unexpected, and--not completely unexpected. I mean, we knew it could happen but we just weren't specifically planning on tonight.
Elizabeth: Ok, Lucky, you're scaring me. What's going on?
Lucky: No, no, it's nothing awful, nothing like, you know, life-threatening or anything. It's just, um, uh, Siobhan and I, we, uh, made the appointment to get married.
[Elevator bell dings]
Dante: Hey.
Lulu: What are you doing here?
Dante: Uh, police business. But I'm glad I ran into you.
Lulu: What's going on?
Dante: Well, um, I hope it will become obvious that after everything we've been through, I'm trying to make some changes for the better and trying to make up for the mistakes that I made.
Lulu: Right. Very commendable.
Dante: Thank you. First and foremost, it means I gotta be honest with you, so I want to tell you that I'm gonna do something that you might not like.
Brenda: Here we go again, right? Now we're gonna revert back to you not talking to me about your plans for revenge.
Sonny: We're gonna talk about anything you want to talk about.
Brenda: Oh, really? Anything I want to talk about? This is my fault. Suzanne is my fault. Fault. I'm the one who let that woman close to me even though I had a total disconnect with her. I'm such an idiot, I didn't realize who she really is.
Sonny: Well, you couldn't have, because she put on such a great cover. We didn't see it.
Brenda: Yeah...
Sonny: So listen. Do you want to deal with it? Do you want to talk about that? Do you really want to talk about what happened when Theo grabbed you?
Brenda: Yeah. I'll talk about whatever we need to talk about. I want to talk about everything with each other. I mean, I don't, you know, really remember that much. I remember waving to everybody, and then you put me in the car... and then you walked away and... I don't remember anything after that. Next...Theo said that, uh, he made you believe that I died the same way that Lily had.
Sonny: Well, you know what? Theo did his homework, ok? And then I thought that, uh... I thought it was you in that car and it wasn't and he substituted Sam. And then he grabbed you, and I was furious because I didn't know where he had you, and I couldn't get to you. But I was grateful because I knew you were alive and I was gonna get you, 'cause I always do.
Brenda: I know.
Sonny: I'm sorry that you had to go through this.
Brenda: No, what are you talking about? I'm telling you, this is my fault. This whole thing is my fault. And I knew you were gonna find me, too. I was fine. Because you always find me.
Sonny: When I saw you in that room, I gotta tell you, I was... I've never been more terrified in my life.
Brenda: I know. It was really hard for me to see you that afraid. And I saw everything and you and heard everything that you said to me. And, I wanted so much, you know, to just be able to say, "I love you, too." I just couldn't.
Johnny: Theo and I never crossed paths. He'd call on occasion. And one time I heard him talking to somebody in the room, and I thought he said, "By then it'll be Paris." Something like that.
Jason: Was it something like that or was it that?
Johnny: Those were pretty much the exact words.
Jason: Did you handle Theo's transportation needs?
Johnny: No. I provided muscle every once in a while. That was the extent of my involvement.
Jason: You made a big mistake, Johnny.
Lucky: Well, sir, I have no idea what you're talking about. Associating me with international jewel theft is a complete mystery, but I am flattered.
Bates: And you look very familiar. Oh, wait, it's coming back to me. The, uh, mishap at the French embassy, wasn't it?
Luke: Mishap?
Alexis: French embassy?
Ethan: I didn't know she was an ambassador. She never said. Never mentioned the weak heart.
Luke: Weak heart? Don't say any more. Uh, this is Alexis Davis, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Bates: Agent Derek Bates, Interpol.
Alexis: How do you do?
Luke: Spencer family attorney.
Alexis: Huh? Oh. Right. If you have an issue with one or both of my clients, you'll have to address them with me.
Bates: I see. Well, for the moment, would you ask your clients to remain here until I say otherwise.
[Knock on door]
Bates: Agent Bates, Interpol.
Jax: Jasper jacks. Come on in.
Bates: Mr. Jacks, my office received a tip saying that stolen gems were being stored in this hotel room.
Carly: Uh, I made that call, uh, but something must have been lost in translation, because Theo Hoffman, yeah, who you know as the Balkan, well, he had rented a room here for quite a few months, and when his identity was revealed, well, we were shocked, of course. We were so very shocked, so then I searched his room and I found clues that, um, hinted that he had stolen some diamonds, but I guess I was wrong.
Bates: I see. If you don't mind, I think I'll trust my own eyes. And right now, I see Mr. Luke Spencer, international jewel thief, who just happened to be in London during a recent heist and Mr. Jasper Jacks, corporate raider with iffy business ethics, whose brother may be one of the most dangerous criminals in the world. Turns out Mr. Jacks was in London during the heist as well. And now I see a partially opened safe.
Carly: I--uh, Jax is my husband, and I was putting something in--
Bates: Yes, well, I'm going to have to confiscate the contents of this safe and place Mr. Jacks and Mr. Spencer under arrest.
Alexis: Uh, excuse me. I'm also representing Mr. Jacks.
Bates: Oh, really? Are you the only lawyer in all of Port Charles?
Alexis: Pretty much.
Luke: She is.
Alexis: Yeah. I think I have a solution to this little misunderstanding.
Bates: Well, this should be interesting. Please.
Alexis: I have no idea what's in that safe. I don't want to know what's in that safe. So I'm going to speak in hypotheticals. Let's just say that the jewels exist, and let's just say that the jewels find themselves in an envelope with your name on it at the front desk. Let's just say you take the win and you forget that you ever saw my clients.
[Knock on door]
Robin: Johnny? Johnny, it's Robin. I'm here.
Lisa: Breaking and entering's starting to become a habit for you, isn't it? Let me guess. Patrick's upstairs rummaging through the medicine cabinet?
Robin: I'm here because Johnny invited me.
Lisa: Why would he do that?
Robin: That's what I'm here to find out.
Lisa: Is that a note?
Robin: Yep.
Lisa: From Johnny?
Robin: Yes.
Lisa: "My penthouse, 5:00"?
Robin: How'd you know that?
Lisa: 'Cause I got one, too.
Robin: You know what this means, don't you?
Lisa: No.
Robin: Johnny's gonna turn you in. [Laughs] Hallelujah. You are finally going down.
Elizabeth: Sorry about that.
Lucky: No, no, it's fine. You're at work. I don't mind waiting. But listen, we need to figure out who's gonna watch the kids tonight because Siobhan's on her way to pick me up.
Elizabeth: I don't know what to tell you, Lucky. You should have run this by me first. I don't have anyone else to watch the kids.
Lucky: I know, it's last-minute. Maybe Audrey is available.
Elizabeth: She's already at her book club tonight.
Lucky: What am I supposed to do, I mean, take them with me?
Elizabeth: Oh, I don't think so.
[Footsteps approaching]
Lucky: Hey.
Siobhan: Hello, Elizabeth. You ready to do this?
Lucky: Uh, yeah. There's some logistical difficulties.
Elizabeth: He means his sons. Lucky, those boys have experienced enough upheaval in their lives. Please, don't subject them to a sham of a marriage between a stranger and their father.
Lulu: Ok, what is this horrible thing that I need to brace myself for?
Dante: It's not horrible. I just wanted to go into Brenda's room and say I was glad she was feeling better and wish her well.
Lulu: [Laughs] You need me for this?
Dante: Don't I?
Lulu: Why?
Dante: So you know I got nothing to hide. I bring you into a situation that normally I would have left you out of.
Lulu: Oh, my God. I'm very touched, but wishing Brenda well in the hospital is not devious. Look, it's ok. I forgave you. It's done. And I don't need full disclosure every time you talk to a woman, even if it is Brenda.
Brenda: I'll admit to you that Theo was as close to pure evil as anyone I've ever seen. And you know I've seen a lot.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Brenda: But...I was more worried about you. You know? And I don't...I just feel like he's stolen enough from us.
Sonny: You just want me to let the bastard slide?
Brenda: I don't know. Maybe. I just don't want to have to worry about him anymore. I just want to focus on us.
Sonny: Well, you don't have to worry about Theo. That's my job.
Brenda: Yeah?
Ethan: Well, Mrs. Davis has handed you a year-end bonus. You go to the front desk and like magic you've reclaimed stolen jewels.
Luke: Or she could make your life a living hell by dragging all of her clients into court with you.
Carly: I can't speak for the others, but I'm sue happy and I have the money to back it up.
Jax: And I certainly didn't steal anything, so if you try to arrest me, I most certainly guarantee they'll have your badge on my desk as a paperweight within the hour.
Bates: Mr. Jacks, I don't take kindly to threats. I'm afraid I can't accept your deal. To me, bringing in Mr. Jacks or Mr. Spencer would be a much more significant get for Interpol than recovering a few stolen jewels that can't be connected to anyone.
Carly: Well, how about this? I can alibi Jax. I can. I was with him in London, so I will swear on a stack of bibles that he didn't steal any jewels.
Bates: I see. And can you alibi Mr. Spencer as well?
Carly: Sure.
Luke: Yes, she can. Thank you, niece.
Alexis: Are you getting the lay of the land? My clients are wack jobs. Do you really want to parade these clowns in front of a cranky judge who will not be amused by their antics, when you could just right the wrong and reclaim the merchandise?
Bates: All right, I'll, uh, I'll go back down to the lobby and I'll call my superiors. Then I'll walk to the front desk. And there had damned well better be an envelope there. If not, I will return and arrest the lot of you. And then we'll all have to let the cranky judge sort it out.
Luke: Let's get out of here.
Alexis: Don't even think about it.
Siobhan: Well, it's neither my desire nor intention to cause harm to your kids.
Lucky: I think we're all in agreement about that.
Elizabeth: Cameron and Jake are at impressionable ages. I have tried really hard to keep their world secure and stable. They don't need a stepmother just popping up out of nowhere, especially one who's using their father to subvert immigration laws.
Siobhan: Well, the boys, they have no idea about my immigration status, it that's really what you're objecting to.
Lucky: Look, Cam and Jake are resilient kids, you know. They've never had a stable family from the beginning. Besides, they like Siobhan.
Elizabeth: You are so caught up in all of this, you can't even see that you're drop-kicking your family.
Lulu: Oh, my God. I'm sorry. Who are you to accuse Lucky of anything? Were you thinking of Cam and Jake when you were screwing his brother every chance you had?
Sam: So everything's normal? I don't have to worry about my head exploding or anything?
Patrick: Your head's not gonna explode.
Sam: Good.
Patrick: No permanent damage whatsoever and the headaches are normal for a concussion.
Sam: When will they go away?
Patrick: Um, well, they will go away once your inner ears start to stabilize. I'm gonna write you a prescription for pain medication. Take as needed, and, uh, most importantly; don't rush your recovery, all right?
Sam: Yes, sir.
Patrick: Let me know if there are any other side effects that occur.
Sam: Will do.
Patrick: All right.
Sam: Thank you.
Patrick: Take care.
Steve: Hey.
Patrick: Hey.
Steve: What's the status of the trauma patient you and Lisa worked on together?
Patrick: Good question. I have no idea. Lisa took off.
Steve: What do you mean, she took off?
Patrick: I mean she got a text message and she took off like a pack of wild wolves were chasing her.
Steve: Where the hell did she go?
Robin: The only reason Johnny would have us come here at the same time would be the syringe. God, I'm so sorry, Lisa. Actually, I'm not. The thought of Johnny turning on you is just--it just makes me smile.
Lisa: That's not what's happening, 'cause Johnny wouldn't do that.
Robin: Maybe he would. Maybe he finally realized what a psychopath you are and you'll finally be exposed for the conniving train wreck that you really are.
Lisa: God, you are so tedious. So when are you gonna give this victim thing a rest? Your husband cheated on you. It happens all the time. You need to grow up, get over it, and stop blaming me for your inability to keep his interest.
Robin: This is good. Just enjoy the denial while you can, because once I have that syringe this whole thing will be over. It probably won't put you in jail like you belong, but it sure as hell will get you fired.
[Knock on door]
Johnny: Sorry I'm late. You ladies get a chance to bond?
Lisa: What the hell is going on?
Robin: I'm guessing you've seen the light. You finally realized how crazy your new girlfriend is and you want to hand over the syringe, right?
Lisa: And I know you're not going to.
Johnny: Do either of you realize how sick I am of both of you and your antics? How done I am with playing "who's the wack job, anyway"? I've had enough. It ends tonight. And both of you are gonna get a shot at the brass ring.
Dante: How is she doing?
Sonny: She's making a full recovery.
Dante: That's good. I'm happy for both of you.
Sonny: Yeah.
Dante: Look, while I'm here, I'll also give you some notice that, uh, I won't be looking the other way while you go about your business, and I won't be working with you anymore.
Sonny: Ok.
Dante: As far as Theo Hoffman goes, law enforcement's looking for him, but I know you're going to be doing your own manhunt. I wanted to let you know that if, uh, if I catch you doing anything illegal, I gotta take you in.
Sonny: You should go see Brenda, 'cause, uh, she'd be happy to see you.
P.A.: Dr. Patrick drake, call 2506.
[Dante sighs]
Brenda: Hey.
Dante: Hey.
Brenda: Sonny was just gonna call you.
Dante: Well, he doesn't have to now.
Brenda: Oh, good.
Dante: How are you feeling?
Brenda: I'm good. Are you ok?
Dante: Yeah. Yeah. It's a... strange trip, huh?
Brenda: Yeah. I'll say.
Dante: Who'd have thought 4 years ago you'd be married to my father?
Brenda: Yeah. Does that make me your stepmom?
Dante: Hmm. Yep. I just wanted you to know that, uh, I wish you both nothing but the best.
Brenda: Thanks.
Steve: This is totally unacceptable.
Patrick: Why are you on my ass? I'm here. Lisa's the one--
Steve: Lisa and Robin had yet another run-in. You accused Lisa of being a lunatic obsessed with destroying your wife's life-- again. Lisa gets her feelings hurt or her pride or whatever drives her, and she bolts again. I'm trying to run a hospital here, Patrick, not a schoolyard.
Patrick: All of that is true, chief, which is why I tell you your anger is misguided.
Steve: You're all complicit. And I'm telling you, the rampant hostility stops now.
Patrick: All right, how would you like me to react when a woman kidnaps my daughter and tries to kill my wife? Twice, I might add.
Steve: You're not getting this. I changed the game. My doctors are going to start acting like doctors. They're gonna leave their personal crap out of my hospital or heads are gonna roll. If you want your wife to keep her job, then I suggest you dust off your refereeing skills and make sure while under this roof, the nonsense stops.
[Door closes]
Johnny: You ladies are going on a treasure hunt.
Robin: Seriously? You're turning this into a game?
Johnny: You don't have to play if you don't want to.
Robin: And why do I think this will be slanted in Lisa's favor?
Johnny: Because that wouldn't make it any fun, nor would it make it fair. Now, you both know how treasure hunts work, right? You follow a series of clues which ultimately will lead you to the prize. I will tell you that it's hiding in plain sight.
Lisa: So it's in this room.
Johnny: It's in public.
Robin: What part of certifiable don't you understand? If you turn Lisa loose into the world, she will find the syringe and throw me under a literal bus.
Johnny: Yeah, I thought of that. So, I've put each of you on different paths which will lead to different clues. You will not see each other unless it's in passing or unless you both simultaneously reach the finish line. Here you go. Harder than you thought, right?
Siobhan: You don't--you don't have to keep apologizing.
Lucky: I just--I feel like I set you up or something. I knew Elizabeth would be opposed to us getting married and--oh, it was just a stupid move for me to ask you to pick me up at the hospital.
Siobhan: I survived the encounter with minimal damage. Though your ex is no shrinking violet. She calls them just as she sees them.
Lucky: Yeah. Believe me, I, uh, wanted to stop it before it went too far.
Siobhan: Well, I appreciate the tendency to rescue, but I can hold my own against a woman scorned.
Lucky: Yeah.
Siobhan: Elizabeth hit the bull's-eye, though, bringing your kids into it.
Lucky: Yeah, well, you know, Elizabeth is right to be concerned about how our marriage might affect Cam and Jake. And they've been through a lot already.
Siobhan: You know, we don't-- we don't have to go through with this.
Lucky: Uh, yeah, yeah, we do. Unless we're ok with you being deported.
Siobhan: Well...maybe my immigration situation shouldn't be the priority.
Lucky: Look, Cam and Jake like you, Siobhan. It's not gonna be the end of the world having you as a stepmother.
Siobhan: Well, their mother doesn't think so.
Lucky: You just have to understand where Elizabeth is coming from. I mean, she's alone for the first time in her life. And that's a scary place to be, so I'm gonna cut her some slack.
Siobhan: Might it go a bit deeper than that?
Lucky: Well, what do you mean?
Siobhan: I--I'm thinking that you still might have feelings for Elizabeth.
Sam: Oh, hey.
Spinelli: Gracious greetings. Um, how was the checkup?
Sam: Passed with flying colors.
Spinelli: Ok. And the headaches?
Sam: The headaches. Well, gee, they're par for the course. They're gonna go away and the doctor says I'm gonna be fine.
Spinelli: Ok. Well, with all due respect to the good doctor, I disagree. I have spent hours doing some online research and I have discovered a plethora of herbal and holistic ingredients that can ease the pain of recurring migraines. I have procured some of them and blended them into a delicious smoothie that is chilling in the fridge as we speak.
Sam: Mmm. Sounds delicious. Um, but sorry, you didn't have to go through all that trouble.
Spinelli: It's ok. Should I go get it?
Sam: No, no. I'm gonna drink that later.
Spinelli: Where are you going? You should be resting.
Sam: Resting is boring. I don't need to rest. I've got tons of things to do. Don't worry, I'm not going to go jumping off any buildings or anything.
Spinelli: Could I ask what you will be doing?
Sam: Yeah, um, ok, so, Theo has to have someone looking after Brenda. I'm gonna go check with my sources. Don't worry, I am going to be fine. Later.
Patrick: Your latest test results came back clean. Your vitals are normal. Toxin is out of your system. You can go home.
Sonny: That's great news.
Brenda: Wow! That's amazing. Um, well, uh, thank you. Um, I mean, thank you for saving my life.
Patrick: You're welcome.
Sonny: Hey. Thanks.
Patrick: I wish you both the best.
Brenda: I told you I was going home. Did I tell you? I told you.
Sonny: You did. I'm gonna help you pack, though.
Brenda: [Laughs] That's a funny joke. Since when are you gonna help me pack?
Sonny: The sooner you get out of here, the sooner you can really pack.
Brenda: No, no, no. Where are we going that I need to pack?
Sonny: We are going on our honeymoon.
Brenda: Sweetheart, I don't need to go on a honeymoon. I just-- honey, I just almost died in this bed. So do you really think we should be jumping on an airplane?
Sonny: Listen to what I'm gonna say. Shh. Listen. I'm gonna take you away from this place, right? As far away as we can go. Just the two of us, married, alone, no business, no danger, no well-meaning friends. That is what you need to get better. Just being with me. You know what I mean?
Brenda: Take your shirt off.
Ronnie: What's the status on Theo Hoffman? His henchman give us anything we can use?
Dante: The guy's still unconscious. They don't even know if he's gonna make it. But I'm guessing that's not why you tracked me down.
Ronnie: No, no. You'll be interested to know, I got a tip from an informant--Sonny's landing a shipment tonight. Yeah, I guess all that sitting vigil crap over Brenda was a smokescreen. Looks like your dad's doing business as usual.
Patrick: Hey, did you get my message? Robin. What are you looking for?
Robin: Well, Johnny planted the syringe somewhere, and he's left us clues on where to find it.
Patrick: Wait a minute. What are you talking about?
Robin: Ohm. I have no time to talk about it. I have to find the syringe before Lisa does.
Patrick: Robin, are you saying that Johnny's got you on some wild goose chase right now?
Robin: Yes. Both of us, actually.
Patrick: Ok, stop. Robin, stop for a second. You know this is a little bit dangerous. You know what you're dealing with Lisa.
Robin: Yeah, I know. But it's also the only chance to get her out of our lives forever. My clue is "Josie Alvarez," so I'm looking for her file. One of my patients--there it is. Ha. Great.
Patrick: What?
Robin: Johnny left the next clue in the one place I do not want to go.
Lucky: Elizabeth and I, I mean, we've been through so much together. But we could never figure out how to grow without growing apart. I mean, we both helped each other through some really difficult times in our lives. And I'll always have a place for her in my heart. She'll always be the mother of my sons. But living in the past, that's the surest way to waste your life.
Siobhan: That's almost convincing.
Lucky: I don't have any hesitancy about marrying you, so if you do, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Siobhan: I'm good.
Lucky: You're good? Like I said, if we were in a perfect world, you know, we'd go about this another way, take time to figure out what we mean to each other.
Siobhan: Well, perfection is an illusion. So we'll work with what we've got.
Lucky: Dad.
Luke: Hi.
Lucky: Hello
Siobhan: Hello.
Luke: Hello.
Lucky: Is something wrong?
Luke: Women are ruining my life.
Lucky: Trouble with Tracy?
Luke: Tracy's a picnic compared to tonight. This headache is courtesy of your adorable cousin Caroline and the spineless Natasha.
Lucky: That's Carly and Alexis. Oh, hey, Dad, I have a way for you to refocus your energies.
Spinelli: Ah, thank goodness you're home.
Jason: What's wrong?
Spinelli: Fair Samantha's returned to work. She's tracking leads on the Bloviating Balkan.
Jason: Did she say anything about her check-up?
Spinelli: Dr. Drake said the headaches were a side effect of the concussion and shall recede in time.
Jason: So if she has a clean bill of health, I can't really keep her locked up and the more eyes we have on Theo the better off we're gonna be anyway.
Spinelli: To that end, did your visit with the Trujillos yield any leads?
Jason: He sent me to Johnny. He heard Theo mention Paris. So see if you can find anything. Not just France, but any city named Paris.
[Knock on door]
Jason: Abby. Is Michael ok?
Abby: I hope so.
Jason: Come in. Come in.
Abby: I shouldn't even be here probably. I hate going behind Michael's back.
Jason: If something's going on, you need to tell me.
Abby: Michael told me that he's covering for you tonight. He said that you and Sonny are distracted by the Theo Hoffman thing--
Spinelli: Perhaps I can enlighten. Michael overheard my conversation with the Bernificent One. He knows tonight's shipment is coming in on Pier 52.
Luke: I suppose it's too much to hope that you're running a scam.
Siobhan: Well, there's certainly an element of that at work.
Luke: Oh. Well, then you came to the right place. Tell me more.
Lucky: Siobhan and I have an appointment tonight with a justice of the peace. We need a witness. So since I had the honor of standing up for you at your wedding, I was hoping that you would return the favor.
[Knock on door]
Patrick: Where's the syringe, Johnny?
Johnny: I'm not telling you. Robin and Lisa have all the information they need.
Patrick: You have no idea what Lisa's capable of when she's forced to protect herself. Tell me where the syringe is, I'll take it to Steve, he'll fire Lisa, she'll go away, and everybody can get their lives back.
Johnny: See, that may work for you, but it doesn't work for me. I happen to like Lisa. I don't want to see her go away. And who knows, maybe if she wins this competition, it'll be symbolic. She'll be able to put down her obsession with you and move on. Of course, then maybe not. Who knows? But one thing I do know is it's out of our hands.
Steve: You have got to be kidding me.
Lisa: Ok, I can only imagine what this looks like.
Steve: I don't want to hear it. You're fired.
Carly: What the hell are you doing here?
Robin: Carly, I'm really sorry. I know this a huge violation of privacy. But this is a life and death situation. I believe that Johnny Zacchara has a clue left for me in your house somewhere, and I need to find it.
Carly: You need to get out of here.
Robin: Do you think I would be here if I didn't have to be?
Carly: I don't give a damn. Get out, Robin, or I'll throw you out.
Michael: Hey, it's Michael. Leave a message after the beep.
Michael: Shoot! Hey, hey, hey. The cops are here. You gotta get out of here right now. Go. Go!
Ronnie: Police, freeze!
Dante: I got it. You get them. Stop! Stop! Or I'll shoot you right now. Put your hands up where I can see them. Turn around nice and slow. Michael?
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