General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 2/1/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy
Lucky: Your sister?
Siobhan: Megan. In case you missed it, her hands and feet are tied. She's a hostage. Which is why I do whatever the Balkan tells me.
Lucky: When--when did this happen?
Siobhan: Uh, they told me about Megan back when they took me to trade for Brenda.
Lucky: I'm so sorry.
Siobhan: I'm so sorry!
Lucky: No, no, no, hey, hey, hey.
Siobhan: I wanted to tell you!
Lucky: It's not your fault, Siobhan.
Siobhan: I'm so sorry!
Lucky: Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay.
[Siobhan crying]
Dante: Uh, you know what, sorry. I'm all over the place tonight. There's obviously, you have a reason why you haven't told me what happened to the baby.
Brenda: No, it's okay. I haven't been fair, and I should have told you.
Carly: I told you that I hate your infatuation with Brenda. I told you that our marriage was at stake. And you didn't care. You just lied and left.
Jax: I haven't done anything to jeopardize our marriage, okay. I went to London to help a friend.
Carly: We don't have a marriage.
Jax: What are you talking about? [Scoffs] Let me get this straight--I'm expected to forgive you every time you feel like sleeping with Sonny, but I lie about helping a friend and that's a deal breaker?
Carly: You didn't forgive me. You throw it up in my face every single time we get in a fight. I sleep with Sonny and that entitles you to lie about anything any time you feel like it?
Jax: Maybe I'm entitled to just a little bit, because I didn't actually sleep with Brenda. I went to London to help Interpol.
Carly: I don't want to stand here in our living room and fight about who hurt who more, okay? Let's just let it go.
Jax: No.
Michael: You knew, didn't you? When you saw me in my cell, you knew that I was raped.
Jason: I couldn't be sure until you told me. Michael, it took a lot of courage to say it.
Michael: What, that I'm a helpless little--
Jason: Come on, listen to me. If you ever believe me, you need to believe me now that it wasn't your fault.
Michael: I know that.
Jason: It wasn't your fault--
Michael: I should have stopped him! I tried and I tried to stop him. I couldn't...
Jason: It's okay, Michael.
[Michael sobbing]
Siobhan: Megan is my baby sister. She's smart. She got herself into university. Now her life's at stake.
Lucky: I just wish you would have told me.
Siobhan: And guarantee her death? It's been impossible. This deal with the devil to keep my sister alive. Giving the Balkan what he wants and keeping you alive in the process.
Lucky: What are you talking about?
Siobhan: Your only use, and I'm quoting the Balkan now, is as a source of information. I've run myself ragged trying to convince him that you're worth keeping alive.
Lucky: You're saying you've been protecting me?
Siobhan: All the good it's doing my baby sister. She's the one who's tied to a chair with her life on the line. And I just signed her death warrant by telling you the truth.
Lucky: Hey. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve any of this, Siobhan. I won't let them kill your sister. Do you hear me?
Siobhan: How the hell are you going to stop them?
Lucky: I don't know. But I will.
[Siobhan crying]
Brenda: You know, after I left you in New York and I went to Rome... I really just thought everything was perfect, you know. You'd signed the papers and given me full custody. I had my work. And I thought that I had everything I needed to give my child a good life.
Dante: I don't want to pressure you...
Brenda: No, you're not. You're not. I want to tell you. When I went back to Rome, that's when I met Suzanne. And she was working for ASEC. And I wanted to work for them, too. I did tell Suzanne, but she was the only person I told. And then the relief trip came and I was kind of excited about it. But I went to the doctor-- I went to the doctor because I wanted to make sure that it was safe for me to travel. And she said that it was fine and that I was way past the danger zone. So I thought that I was safe. But I wasn't. And neither was my baby.
Jax: You know, Diane probably has a drawer full of divorce papers that we've never signed. So, please, let's not put the kids, or let's not put ourselves through this again.
Carly: I can't be married to you. And if you were honest with yourself, you'd admit that you don't want to be married to me, either.
Jax: Don't tell me what I want.
Carly: You want Brenda.
Jax: I don't want--
Carly: Not the real woman. The selfish, delusional little twit. No. You want this princess. This vulnerable little princess that only you can save.
Jax: Don't patronize me. Okay? I see Brenda with all her flaws. This was never about choosing her over you.
Carly: That's exactly what you did. Right before you went to London. I came to you, Jax. I came to your office and I wanted to talk to you about Michael. I needed my husband's support. But you were sitting there with Alexis and you guys were talking about Brenda. And then after that, you left to go help Brenda with her problems in London. And you left me here alone with mine.
Jax: I would never have left if Michael was in real trouble.
Carly: How do you know if he was in real trouble? You never asked. No. You said you were going to London on business, which was a lie. And that's a clear indication of where your priorities are.
Jax: Maybe I just got sick of waiting for you to turn to me. Maybe I was just sick and tired of being distant third behind Sonny and Jason.
Carly: Here we go.
Jax: Oh? I mean, why is it that you get to love two other men and turn to them whenever you want, and I can't be friends with Brenda?
Carly: I never lied to you about Sonny and Jason's place in my life. And you told me that you accepted it, but clearly you can't. Another reason we should be over.
Jax: What about the kids? Huh? I mean, ending this marriage means ending their family. Is that what you really want?
Michael: And now I'm crying about it. I'm pathetic.
Jason: No, you're a survivor.
Michael: Only because you showed up. If you didn't, Carter would have done it again. Any time you want it, that's what he said.
Jason: Carter's dead.
Michael: Yeah, because killed him. You stopped him, Jason.
Jason: Michael, don't let him do this to you! You did nothing wrong.
Michael: You wouldn't let Carter rape you.
Jason: When I was your age, I couldn't have stopped him, either. And you know what, honestly, I don't even know how you've handled this like this; the way you got your life back together. Because if it were me, I would have taken off because that's what I used to do.
Michael: I'd give anything to do that.
Jason: But you already lived through the worst. Carter is an animal. And he's dead, rotting in the ground, and you're free to live your life.
Michael: It didn't feel that way tonight. When I showed up at the alley, the freak had Abby pinned down and she was fighting back as hard as she could. But...he was too strong. And I knew he was going to rape her, but I just stood there. It was like I was back in my cell, watching it happen to me.
Jason: It's okay that you froze. But you did something about it, Michael.
Michael: Yeah, but if I went after him sooner, she wouldn't have got hurt so bad.
Jason: You can't second guess yourself. Abby needed you tonight and you saved her.
Lucky: We're going to change the rules of the game. You know, as long as the Balkan doesn't know--
Siobhan: This isn't a bloody game. This is my sister's life.
Lucky: We have the advantage. The Balkan doesn't know that you told me. We have the advantage. We can stall him while we find your sister.
Siobhan: Well, I don't even know where the Balkan's holding her. Megan could be anywhere. And if I don't follow his orders, he'll kill her. If he finds out that I double crossed him, he'll kill her.
Lucky: Okay, then you have to do everything he asks of you--
Siobhan: I have been! I've been doing everything!
Lucky: I know, I know, I know, Siobhan, listen, listen. I can't do anything until you tell me everything you know. What's the Balkan planning?
Siobhan: You guessed it yourself. He's going to kidnap Brenda on her wedding day.
Brenda: One day I had a fever and I didn't think it was a big deal.
Dante: What happened?
Brenda: My fever got worse. And I just, I guess I fainted. Or I think I passed out. And when I woke up, Suzanne was with me. She was taking care of me. And I just knew. She didn't have to say anything. I just knew that my baby was gone.
Dante: I'm sorry.
Brenda: I just haven't really felt like-- I haven't been able to talk about it until now.
Carly: I don't want to stay together for the sake of the kids.
Jax: I thought it was all about the kids. I thought we agreed to put their needs first.
Carly: How is it good for Josslyn and Morgan to have two parents who resent each other?
Jax: You resent me now?
Carly: This isn't working. I mean, you can blame it on me if you want, okay, fine, I don't care. But what I'm not going to do is sit around and wait for you to put me first, because that's not going to happen. Maybe it's because of Sonny and Jason. Maybe you feel like you couldn't have fully invested, because I never did. I don't know.
Jax: Heh. Well, I--I can't force you to stay if you don't want to. But just know you're leaving this marriage, not me.
Carly: Wow. You... you outplayed me, that's for sure.
Jax: This is not a game, Carly, okay? This is about our lives.
Carly: Oh, whatever.
Jax: This is about our kids' lives.
Carly: From the minute Brenda came to town, you have been maneuvering to make me the one who would end this.
Jax: Oh.
Carly: Yes, so you could go to her and feel blameless. Maybe she'll choose you. Maybe not. I don't know. At this point, I don't care.
Jax: No, I am not going to be with Brenda.
Carly: Then you'll be alone.
Jax: It's that easy for you, is it?
Carly: You think this is easy for me? Do you remember when you asked me to marry you? And I said that even if it didn't work out, that I would always carry you in my heart? Do you remember that?
[Door closes]
Jason: I owe you an apology.
Michael: For what?
Jason: Franco sent Carter after you to get to me.
Michael: I know, he told me. But you know how Pentonville works. If it wasn't Carter, it would have been somebody else.
Jason: You shouldn't have been in there in the first place. I've just made so many bad choices for you, Michael.
Michael: Hey, don't blame yourself for my life, okay? And don't blame yourself because I got raped. It's like you said, Carter was an animal. He was a sick freak, and it's his fault, not yours, not mine. I didn't ask to get raped. I didn't deserve it. Carter--Carter forced me, and he died for it. I just wish that I was the one to kill him.
Jason: You're not a killer.
Michael: What about Claudia?
Jason: You reacted to a situation. I know you're going to have to carry that for the rest of your life, but you don't have to fight.
Michael: I still feel like I have to fight. I feel like I have to prove myself to someone. To myself. That I'm not a victim.
Jason: You know, when you were a baby... I just thought about everything I wanted to give you. Life, you were safe. And loved.
Michael: No one gets a perfect life.
Jason: That's pretty hard for me to accept. I never wanted you to hurt. Never wanted you to be afraid or angry. You know, if I could take away everything that happened to you and have it happen to me, I would do it in a second.
Michael: Hey. No matter how much you love me, you can't live my life for me. And look, I have to figure out things for myself. Like if something terrible happens, if I screw up or get hurt, Jason...I'll find a way to survive.
Jason: You're doing that right now.
Lucky: How does the Balkan contact you?
Siobhan: Cell phone at first. Or I'd be summoned to meet with some thug in an alleyway.
Lucky: Which would intimidate you into cooperating with them.
Siobhan: More recently, he's started to ask to meet me in person.
Lucky: Here? In Port Charles?
Siobhan: He doesn't show his face. We meet in this church. In a confessional.
Lucky: And you're certain it's him?
Siobhan: Oh, it's sure by the way he talks about his son. You can hear the emotion in his voice. He's big on the revenge.
Lucky: Siobhan, this is perfect. This is perfect. We can save your sister. We can find out the Balkan's real identity and end this.
[Knock on door]
Siobhan: Ah, it's open. Mr. Hoffman.
Theo: I know it's late, but I understand you're in trouble.
Dante: Sorry I wasn't there to help you in any way.
Brenda: It's okay. I actually thought that I had kind of gotten past all of this. And then... I don't know, sometimes it just blindsides me, like today.
Dante: Why, what happened today?
Brenda: I don't know if you know or not that Sam had a baby. It was stillborn. It was a little girl. She was just telling me how she woke up in the hospital, and that...suddenly her baby was gone.
Dante: You could relate.
Brenda: Yeah. It was just...she just started talking about it, about her baby, and... and all these feelings just started rushing back to me, you know? I just... I never--I didn't get to hold him. He was a boy. [Crying] Sorry, I don't...
Dante: No, no, it's...
[Brenda sighs]
Lulu: Just don't follow me.
[Dante sighs]
Brenda: No, go. Go, go, go. It's okay. Go.
[Door closes]
Michael: Do you think Abby was raped?
Jason: She said she wasn't.
Michael: I don't know. She's probably not thinking too clearly right now. I know I wasn't. I don't even remember you coming into my cell. I was just sitting there trying so hard not to feel anything. And then you were talking about the island, and I--I was too afraid to look at you. 'Cause I thought I had gone crazy and you weren't really there. Or if you were, you'd see me and you'd see... what happened. You did see. That's why you sent me to the infirmary and got me that medicine to protect me from HIV.
Jason: Yeah, as a precaution.
Michael: Yeah. Maybe I should get that for Abby. Get her to take the medicine, just in case.
Jason: That's got to be her call.
Michael: I know. I just don't want her to feel like she has to go through whatever happened to her alone.
[Knock on door]
Carly: Jason! Jason, are you in there? You're not answering your cell.
Michael: You can't tell her anything, okay? You can't tell her anything.
Jason: Something must have happened.
Michael: Just don't tell her I'm here, okay?
Carly: Jason, please, can you hear me? Open the door, please. Oh, thank God you're home, because I had nowhere else to go.
Jason: Are you okay? Somebody threaten you?
Carly: No. No one's threatening me.
Jason: Okay, you have to leave, Carly.
Carly: I need to talk to you!
Jason: No, I'm sorry, Carly. I'm dealing with something right now. I cannot take care of you tonight.
Carly: I have nowhere else to go! I need to talk to you!
Jason: Okay, promise, first thing tomorrow, we'll settle this. We'll figure it out, okay? I just--I can't take care of you tonight. You gotta leave.
Carly: I can't believe you're asking me to leave.
Michael: Mom, he did it for me. I told him not to tell you I was here.
Theo: After Detective Spencer left my office this evening, I reviewed your paperwork regarding your immigration status. There is a different strategy we can take with the DHS.
Siobhan: You met with my lawyer tonight?
Lucky: I thought that maybe what was going on with you was due in part to your immigration problems. But now that we've talked through it, I realize I was wrong.
Siobhan: Uh, it's sweet of you to try to help. I know I've been a royal pain lately. And I tend to deal with my troubles on my own. Always have.
Theo: Miss McKenna, you know you can come to me with any legal questions you may have. Difficulties with employers or anything like that.
Siobhan: Oh, it's nothing like that. I'm just afraid that you got tangled in the cross wires. It's just a shame that you had to come all the way over at such a late hour.
Lucky: It's my fault. I'm sorry for setting off the alarms. But Siobhan and I have agreed to work through our problems. And once that's done, she'll be able to focus more clearly on her obligations.
Lulu: I'm an idiot.
Maxie: Well, that's good, because it's usually me.
Lulu: I went all the way over to Dante's place and guess who got there first? Brenda.
Maxie: I was going to guess that.
Lulu: Guess what they were doing? Holding each other.
Maxie: I wasn't going to guess that.
Lulu: She was, like, in his arms and in his neck.
Maxie: Were they naked? Was there foreplay, like you should knock first?
Lulu: No, no, they were clothed, but so what?
Maxie: Were they horizontal?
Lulu: No!
Maxie: Were they groping each other? Was there anything inappropriate?
Lulu: It was a very meaningful and important embrace.
Maxie: Did they look like they were having fun?
Lulu: No. It looked miserable.
Maxie: Okay, Lulu, hear me out. I'm your friend so I am on your side. And, yes, I think Dante's being a million different kinds of macho stupid. I think he has this rescue complex where he always needs to save someone from something, and he should really see a therapist about that. Sure, Dante probably cares for Brenda. He might even be crushing on her a little bit. But I don't think he's in love with her. I would swear in a court of law that Dante is in love with you. And I wouldn't even have to perjure myself.
Jax: It took Josslyn a little longer to get to sleep. Sorry about me and your mom.
Morgan: Josslyn's Lucky. She doesn't have a clue what's going on.
Jax: Yeah, I'm not sure I do, either.
Morgan: Did Mom cheat on you?
Jax: No.
Morgan: Did you cheat on her? Because you know how jealous she gets.
Jax: I didn't cheat on your mother. I love her as much as ever.
Morgan: Then why are you leaving?
Jax: I don't know. Your mom and I just don't see eye to eye, I guess.
Morgan: There has to be something else. You haven't even been around long enough to have a disagreement. You were in London.
Jax: Well, yeah, that was part of the problem. I went to London to talk to Interpol, and we were trying to find out who was threatening Brenda Barrett. And I didn't tell your mom about it.
Morgan: And she found out anyway.
Jax: Yeah. She didn't take it too well. Which is bad for all of us, especially you and Josslyn.
Morgan: So now what happens? Will you move back into the hotel? Or are you going to go back to Australia this time?
Jax: Hey. You're not going to get rid of me that easily. Come on, buddy, you and Josslyn are the most important people in my life. I'm not leaving either of you. Hey, this summer, you know what, we're going to take out "The Silent Lady" and we're going to teach Josslyn how to sail, okay? Come on, buddy. We're family, okay? We're family and we always will be. Come here. It's going to be okay.
Carly: Why don't you want me to know you're with Jason?
Jason: Abby was attacked tonight and Michael stopped the guy. Abby's in the hospital. Michael's been really worried about her.
Carly: Oh, my--is she okay? How badly was she hurt?
Michael: She's pretty beat up.
Carly: Oh, Michael.
Michael: She says she wasn't raped, but...she might be covering, you know. Trying to...pretend it didn't happen. Not tell anybody. Hoping it would just go away. That's... that's what I did. Mom, I didn't--I didn't want anybody to know this... but when I was in prison... I was raped.
Carly: It's okay. You're going to be okay.
[Knock on door]
Dante: Lulu, it's me. You there?
Maxie: I didn't even have to text him!
Lulu: No, Maxie.
Maxie: Oh, no, no, no. You guys need to talk, and I really want to go see Matt. Move!
Dante: Brenda was upset. I was comforting her. That's it. That's all. She's marrying my father. Look, more to the point, I don't love Brenda. I love you.
[Knock on door]
Brenda: Hey. I'm so sorry. I didn't get your message until I was halfway home.
Jax: [Sighs] Why did you tell Carly I went to London on your behalf?
Brenda: Well, because you did. I'm sorry. I'm not having a great day.
Jax: Well, I bet my day's worse. Why'd you tell her?
Brenda: Well, it just kind of started out with me telling her how, you know, how generous it was of you--
Jax: Come on, Brenda, you know how she feels about me helping you. You must have known how she was going to react, right?
Brenda: Right, sorry. Look...I realize that this woman's your wife, you know, but she's also crazy and selfish. I mean, it's not like I needed help changing a tire. There's actually a real threat to my life and you could do something to help. And by the way, I didn't know I was supposed to hide it.
Jax: [Sighs] Carly kicked me out. She says our marriage is over, so I'm living back in the hotel.
Brenda: What? Why, because of this?
Jax: Yeah, because of this.
Brenda: Oh, Jax, I'm so sorry. I just lied. I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry that you're free of that woman. I'm sorry, it's just my honest opinion.
Jax: Your honest opinion?
Brenda: Yes.
Jax: You have the nerve to stand there, about to marry Sonny, and tell me that you're happy I'm free of Carly?
Carly: So did, um... did you tell Jason when this happened?
Michael: No, I couldn't-- I couldn't say anything until tonight. Just seeing that guy go after Abby set something off inside me. Mom, I almost killed him. I would have if Jason hadn't pulled me off.
Jason: Michael is not in any trouble. The guy's in custody and Abby gave a statement.
Carly: Okay, all right. You're going to be okay. You are, you know, we are. We're going to get you help. We're going to get you the help you need.
Michael: No, no, Mom, I don't need help. I don't need help.
Carly: Michael... you should really work through what happened to you. You need to talk to someone, a professional. Someone that can take care of--
Michael: No, I don't want to work through anything, okay? I talked about it, Carter's dead, I don't want to think about it anymore, all right? Let's just... [Sighs]
Carly: So you're just going to carry this inside? And you're going to just keep hurting, is that what you want?
Michael: I'm not going to counseling. That's it.
Carly: Because you're scared. I'm scared. But, Michael, you can handle this. It's just like what I told you when you went to prison. You are strong enough to handle anything. Even this.
Shawn: Maybe he's turned her.
[Cell phone rings]
Theo: It's her. Miss McKenna. Are you alone?
Siobhan: Yes. I got what you asked. I got the pictures of the bridal room at St. Timothy's. I can bring them to you.
Theo: Send them to my phone.
Siobhan: I got the floor plan of the church, as well. I can't send them electronically. Unless you don't care to have it.
Theo: Bring it to our usual meeting place. Tomorrow. At 3:00 pm.
Siobhan: It's done. Tomorrow at 3:00.
Lucky: I'll be right there with you.
Theo: Tomorrow at 3:00 pm you're going to be there. Just in case Miss McKenna attempts a double cross.
Dante: I want you to know what you walked in on.
Lulu: No, it was pretty self-explanatory.
Dante: No. It wasn't. It was a pretty rough night.
Lulu: Well, I had a pretty rough night, too.
Dante: Michael's girlfriend was almost raped.
Lulu: What?
Dante: Yeah, her ex-boyfriend jumped her in an alleyway and Michael heard them and he stepped in, beat the crap out of this guy, almost killed him. Jason called me to do damage control. And I had to call it in, of course, 'cause I had to make it official. So I gotta make sure these charges stick against this guy.
Lulu: I didn't realize that Brenda was comforting you.
Dante: What, are you kidding me? I was at the hospital taking Abby's statement. I came back and Brenda was on my couch. She was upset. I said something, made it worse. I mean, what was I going to do, throw her out?
Lulu: No, of course not.
Dante: I hurt you again and I'm sorry.
Lulu: [Sighs] You get a free pass tonight.
Dante: That's not why I came here.
Lulu: Don't misunderstand, we're...we're still broken up. But you're upset about Michael and I'm not going to make things worse.
Dante: Thanks for understanding.
Lulu: It's a lot easier to do when you're forthcoming.
Dante: Well, I guess I should go.
Lulu: Yeah, I guess that's-- that's best.
Dante: You know what I wanted more than anything else today was just to talk to you. So...thanks for hearing me.
Lulu: Bye.
Jax: Why are you marrying him? You know he's only going to bring you misery. You know that, right?
Brenda: Yeah, right. And you made me so happy in the end. Look, just because your marriage is over, don't be vindictive towards me.
Jax: I'm sorry. I don't blame you for me and Carly being over. We were having problems before you came to Port Charles. We were trying to figure them out, but I guess sometimes things aren't meant to be. You know, sometimes love just isn't enough.
Brenda: But Sonny and I aren't you and Carly.
Jax: It's not just the pain that you and Sonny caused each other, you know. It's the pain that you've caused others. It's lily lying in St. Andrews cemetery. It's your nervous breakdown. It's all the people that have made sacrifices to help you, Brenda. And all the women who risk their lives and their sanity to try to help Sonny, and now you're running back into each other's arms. And you're ignoring all that. I'm just afraid that it's all going to catch up with you in the end.
Michael: Will you tell her I don't need counseling?
Jason: Well, maybe you should let a doctor help you. You don't want to carry this around forever.
Michael: Did you ever go to counseling?
Jason: Yeah. I had to let someone help me even though it scared me worse than anything.
Carly: Michael. Sit down. Sit down. You're scared. You're scared. But baby, you're not going to be alone. We will be with you every step of the way.
Michael: I hate this so much.
Carly: I know. So do I. Please, baby...
Michael: Mom, look, I'm not a baby.
Carly: No, you're the strongest person I've ever know. I want you to do this, Michael. I want you to do this for me. I want you to do it for Jason and everyone who loves you. But most importantly, I want you to do this for yourself. Please.
Michael: Okay. Okay, I'll do it.
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