General Hospital Transcript Monday 1/24/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy
Carly: You psychic? X-ray vision? That's the only way you could possibly know what's in my hand.
Dante: Well, no. I just take two and two, and usually, it makes four.
Carly: In that case, you should know you're in no position to make demands.
Dante: Look, Carly. I know it kills you that Judge Carroll released Michael into my care, but he did, and it's working. So why don't you not rock the boat by petitioning for change?
[Door opens]
Michael: Probably starting to regret a standing open invite. I stop by a lot.
Jason: No. It's not a problem. I want you to come to me. Just like the other night--you were going to say something about what happened in Pentonville. I mean, do you want to talk about it?
Man: Your hands are shaking. Here. Hold onto this tight, okay? Hold tight. Now, settle in a minute. Okay? Just hold tight to it.
Molly: Thank you. I don't know your name.
Shawn: Shawn.
Molly: Shawn. I'm Molly.
Shawn: Pleased to meet you, Molly. I wish it were under happier circumstances.
Lucky: What the hell was that, huh? I find you fighting off some thug in an alley, and crazy me, I assume you need help, when instead, you come at me, let the bad guy get away.
Siobhan: I was trying to save your damn fool life. I watched my last man die. I don't care to repeat the experience.
Lucky: You can cut the bull, Siobhan. What's really going on?
Terrell: So, you liked living in Paris?
Robin: Oh, I loved it.
Terrell: The city of lights.
Robin: And love, but it wasn't really like that for me. I lived a very ordinary, solitary existence.
Terrell: Really? You didn't get lonely?
Robin: I missed some people, but it was good. You know, that time in my life, I needed to be alone. I took vacations by myself all the time. This one time, I took a walking tour in the UK.
Terrell: Get out of here.
Robin: What?
Terrell: I did the same thing.
Robin: You did? Where'd you go?
Terrell: Cotswold's, Pennine Way.
Robin: North or south?
Terrell: South. You?
Robin: Exmoor. The—
Terrell and Robin: National Park.
Patrick: Can you believe this guy, hitting on Robin like she's not even married? She's cheesing it up, just trying to get back at me for Lisa.
Matt: I seriously doubt that Robin is trying to make you jealous right now. In fact, I will bet you my paycheck that she doesn't even know we're here.
[Terrell laughs]
[Robin laughs]
Lucky: I'm a cop, okay? My gun works just fine, and I know how to use it. Some thug in an alley terrorizing a woman isn't much of a threat, unless there's more going on than you're saying.
Siobhan: Your ego knows no bounds. Just because you've been dodging bombs and bullets of late, and despite your moniker, no luck lasts forever.
Lucky: You know, that sounds suspiciously like real concern. But that's just odd. It just doesn't track, because you broke up with me. Remember?
Siobhan: It doesn't mean I want to witness you beaten to death in an alley.
Lucky: So what, you ended it because I'm a cop, 'cause you can't handle the danger of my job?
Siobhan: You're wrong on so many different levels, I don't know where to start.
Lucky: Really?
Siobhan: Don't stand there smirking, thinking you know my mind and my heart.
Lucky: I'm serious, Siobhan. Is there some threat or danger that you haven't told me about?
Shawn: Hot chocolate's a casualty. But you've got a phone. Would you like me to call someone, or--your mom, maybe?
Molly: No, please, don't. I don't want her knowing anything is wrong.
Shawn: Mind if I ask why not?
Molly: Well, she freaks out easily, and a lot's gone on lately.
Shawn: So what happened? Did someone try to hurt you?
Molly: I'm broken inside.
Shawn: Why would you say something like that?
Molly: I'm bipolar.
Shawn: Sorry. Are you on meds?
Molly: Oh, I haven't been to a doctor. I diagnosed myself.
Shawn: Oh. Pretty heavy diagnosis for such a little lady.
Molly: Well, it's hereditary. I probably got it from my dad's side of the family, unless there's something on my mom's side that we don't know about, which is entirely possible. The Cassadines are notoriously dark. So is my Uncle Sonny on my father's side. He's very bipolar. He's on meds now, so.
Shawn: Well, as a rule, it's best to get a conclusion like that from a medical professional. But let's run with it. What are your symptoms?
Molly: Well, I have trouble focusing. I mean, one day, I couldn't even conjugate the French verbs that I knew the night before. Another time, I got so mad at my sister that I threw my mom's vase on the floor, which is so not me. I burst into tears for no apparent reason. I don't want to get out of bed or go to school. I even missed a day when I was supposed to get an award for heroism, which is kind of a joke.
Shawn: So, what set you off before I walked up?
Molly: The car accident.
Shawn: Yeah. I saw that when I was walking over.
Molly: I heard the brakes screech, and then, the crash, and I just lost it completely. If I'm this bad now, I'll probably have to be committed into an asylum like Lucy Graham in "Lady Audrey's secret." Who knows? I might even die abroad.
Michael: When something terrible happens, like the stuff of nightmares... how long does that take to get over?
Jason: You know, usually, bad stuff happens fast, and you kind of live through it slow. The thing itself could happen like that, in a second. But working your way through it, finding a way to live with it without letting it kill you, that's what takes time.
Michael: And I read something once, and I think I get what it means now. "The soul isn't as resilient as the body."
Jason: Makes sense.
Michael: Yeah.
Jason: Just remember that every day, you're a step closer to healing and further away from what happened.
Michael: Yeah. The only two people who really understand me, actually can help me out, are you and Abby.
Carly: Let me clear something up, Dante. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do with my kid.
Dante: All right. Michael's doing pretty good.
Carly: Really?
Dante: Yeah.
Carly: [Chuckles] Okay. So, on your watch, Michael got involved with a hooker who is years older than him. Where the hell were you when that lovely relationship started? Oh, I know. You were helping Brenda cover up a murder.
Dante: Wow. So you know, too.
Carly: Yeah, I know. I know that Brenda killed Aleksander, and you dumped the body, because God forbid precious little Brenda should have to face the consequences of her actions. That makes you the worst kind of hypocrite, and no one who should be in charge of my impressionable boy.
Dante: Yeah. You know what? I've heard it all before--from Lulu, when she broke up with me.
Carly: Lulu dumped you? There's a surprise. I thought she'd be blinded by your charm, never see you for the hypocrite you are.
Dante: Who the hell are you to be so judgmental? Like you've never done anything questionable to protect someone you care about. What I did for Brenda was done out of compassion.
Carly: Where the hell was your compassion for Michael?
Dante: When I turned Michael in, it was partly because I didn't want to have him to go through what I'm going through right now, the guilty secret that comes back to tear apart everything you've managed to build.
Carly: You deserve everything that's happened to you and whatever hell you've got coming, and I can't wait to watch.
Michael: I talked to Mom about Abby. Made her promise to back off. You think she will?
Jason: Did Carly actually promise?
Michael: Yeah.
Jason: Okay. Well, I think she will. You know your mom's only trying to help you, right?
Michael: Yeah, I know. I know. It's not possible. My mom is the last person I can explain what happened in Pentonville to. For a minute, I thought it would be Kristina because of what she went through with Kiefer. Knowing firsthand what it's like, knowing no matter how hard you fight back, you can't win, 'cause the other person is bigger and stronger and relentless. I realize the difference was prison. Kristina could have gotten out of her situation anytime she wanted to. She could have gone to the cops or Dad. She wasn't locked in a hellhole with somebody meaning to do her harm. She couldn't possibly comprehend that.
Jason: But Abby did.
Michael: Yeah, she did. Kristina doesn't really realize anything's wrong--at least, nothing that her hooking me up with her friends can't fix.
Jason: Did you tell Kristina you're not interested?
Michael: Yeah, are you kidding me? Till I was blue in the face. Kristina doesn't listen. She just plows ahead like she knows best. Reminds me of Mom.
Jason: You're going to learn with Kristina what I had to learn with your mom--you have to set those boundaries. As frustrating as it's going to get, you got to remember that they're both doing it out of love.
Michael: Yeah, I get that. I do. It's just... [Sighs] I mean, it was different with Abby. She didn't push or demand. She just listened to me. She didn't try to convince me that I was feeling something else. She... she accepted me, the bad parts as well as the good. At least, what she thought was good. What the hell's the point of even talking about this? I'm never going to see Abby again.
[Door opens and shuts]
Sam: Hey.
Kelly: Hi.
Sam: I got your message.
Kelly: You didn't have to come all the way over here.
Sam: Oh, that's okay. I was in the neighborhood. So, is this about what we discussed?
Kelly: I did further research on fertility reconstruction. It's not as encouraging as I first thought.
Sam: Okay. Tell me.
Kelly: You could have the procedure and get pregnant and only have a 50% chance of carrying to term.
Lucky: Just admit it. You don't want to break up any more than I do.
Siobhan: Don't tell me what I want.
Lucky: You know, you wear your independence like a badge of honor. And all of a sudden, when you least expected it, you met me.
Siobhan: Egotistical sod.
Lucky: Then you started to fall.
Siobhan: You're insufferable.
Lucky: Makes perfect sense, Siobhan, why you push me away.
Siobhan: Why don't I give you a swift kick in the clackers? Bring you back down to earth.
Lucky: You're mad because I see right through you.
Siobhan: You're seeing what you want to see.
Lucky: Yeah, and you're afraid. Just can't figure out why.
Siobhan: Don't strain yourself.
Lucky: Tell me I'm wrong.
Siobhan: I'm going to let you continue this conversation by yourself... since you have no intention of listening to me.
Molly: You probably think I'm being melodramatic.
Shawn: Well, you feel how you feel. Maybe a little misguided about why. I know a little bit about this topic.
Molly: Really?
Shawn: I have mood swings. One day, I'm bawling like a baby. The next, I'm in a rage so bad, I can literally tear a room apart. I even heard this car backfire, and I threw myself to the ground, dodging bullets that weren't flying.
Molly: You're bipolar, too?
Shawn: Post traumatic stress disorder. Ex-marine.
Molly: I've read about that. A lot of soldiers are coming home with it.
Shawn: To tell you the truth, it's devastating. It messes with all your notions about who you are. I mean, you go through life thinking you're a strong person, but this thing sneaks up on you, knocks you flat.
Molly: Like a little bit at a time, you think you're all right, but then, you get blindsided by an emotion that doesn't even fit the situation?
Shawn: Or it does, but yeah. You got it.
Robin: Come on.
Matt: Well, look who's here.
Terrell: You did not just make me do that.
Matt: Oh, I'm sorry. [Laughs]
Robin: I didn't see you come in.
Matt: Yeah, didn't think so. Actually, I'm a party of two tonight. Bro. Come on over. Actually, you know, can I steal you away for a sec? There's something I got to talk to you about. It's personal.
Terrell: No problem.
Robin: Sure.
Terrell: I'll hold the game for you.
Robin: Thank you.
Patrick: You know what? I'll fill in.
Robin: Is everything all right?
Matt: Yeah. Um, yes. Why--I just--I need a woman's advice.
Robin: Okay. Sure.
Matt: I need to take Maxie somewhere, and--somewhere special, and I just--I don't have a clue. Suggestions. Do you have suggestions?
Robin: Well, the funny thing is, you know, Maxie is very vocal about whatever she likes and what she doesn't like. So if you don't know, then maybe you should listen a little bit better. Unless, of course-- [Gasps] Oh, my gosh. This is actually not the reason we're having this conversation.
Patrick: Here's the number one thing. Robin's a married woman. We might be on a break right now, but she's still very much my wife, just so you know.
Terrell: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Patrick: That's funny to you?
Terrell: Dudes marking their territory is funny to me. But you got no cause for concern. Robin and I are just friends. At this point.
Patrick: What is that supposed to mean?
Terrell: "At this point" means I'm new in town, and Robin's the first friend I've made. I like her, enjoy her company. She seems to enjoy mine. "At this point" means none of us any good at predicting the future. We all know anything can happen at any time to change the moment we're in. I'd be open to that. And you said it yourself--you and Robin are separated. So, at this point, I don't see why you have any say in the matter.
Robin: So, what is that, male bonding over sharp instruments?
Matt: Mmm. I just wanted my brother to get a closer look at the competition.
Robin: Meaning?
Matt: Meaning if you were trying to make him jealous, then checkmate.
Robin: Jealous? Don't be ridiculous. I mean, Terrell and I are colleagues. We're starting to be friends, nothing more.
Matt: Okay. Glad to hear it. Does Terrell know that?
Lulu: Hey. Glad you were able to meet me.
Lucky: Yeah. Well, I jump at any chance to spend time with my little sister, especially if she's hurting. So, I know that you and Dante broke up. Seems to be a lot of that going around. Are you mad at me?
Lulu: Yeah, I'm mad at you. You knew that Dante and Brenda were keeping a secret about the past that they shared together. Why wouldn't you tell me?
Shawn: You keep up with what's going on in the world?
Molly: Pretty much.
Shawn: My company was between Kabul and Kandahar. Everything normal--well, as normal as it gets over there. Suddenly, everything was noise, chaos. Men down. It took an instant. You don't have the luxury of letting yourself think, much less feel. You have to get your men out, save as many as you can, carry on with the mission.
Molly: That must have been really hard.
Shawn: It was. I just didn't know it at the time. I thought I was handling it. Well, I finished my tour, came home, started to unravel.
Molly: How?
Shawn: I couldn't concentrate. I'd forget things. Loud noises would send me jumping out of my skin. Couldn't control my emotions. Didn't know who I would be when I woke up in the morning. I finally realized I needed some help, so I got some. What about you?
Molly: Bus accident, on the way to a ski weekend. It was like you said. Everything was normal. Out of nowhere, we were flying. The bus hit a patch of ice and ran off the road. I can still hear the sound it made when it hit the ground, still feel being weightless traveling through the air.
Shawn: Were you hurt?
Molly: That's the thing. Two people died, but I was fine. I shouldn't be so flipped out.
Shawn: You experienced a trauma. It's okay to flip out. You can even stop fighting those tears. Let them out. You'll feel better.
Carly: Molly? Are you okay?
Molly: No. But getting better, thanks to my new friend Shawn.
Michael: I'm in the middle of--
Kristina: Get dressed. We're going ice skating.
Michael: If you would listen to me speak, you would hear me say I'm in the middle of working out right now, so no.
Kristina: But you can do that anytime.
Michael: I want to do it now.
Kristina: That's a nice attitude.
Michael: What can I say?
Kristina: It's about Ali's death, isn't it?
Michael: I'm fine.
Kristina: Prove it. Get dressed and come ice skating with us.
Michael: Us?
Kristina: It will be fun. Chelsea's really nice.
Michael: Kristina, I'm sure she is, but it's not fair to Chelsea or me for you to insist on throwing us together when I've told you over and over again, I'm not interested.
Kristina: You haven't even spent enough time with Chelsea to know if you're interested or not.
Michael: Yeah. I don't intend to, either--not today, not tomorrow, not next week, not ever. Can we just stop talking about this? 'Cause I'm really getting tired of it.
Kristina: Honestly, Michael, when are you going to get over that hooker?
Jason: Ohh. Hey.
Sam: Hey. Hi. I was wondering where you were.
Jason: Mmm. Just had to see Bernie.
Sam: Uh-oh. Nothing bad's going down, huh?
Jason: No, not with business, just Michael.
Sam: Abby.
Jason: I'm worried about him. Yeah, she's a big part of it.
Sam: I figured.
Jason: He misses her a lot.
Sam: Well, it makes a lot of sense. They did have a connection.
Jason: I know. But Michael's nowhere close to even getting over what happened to him in Pentonville. He's so angry. Doesn't get along with anybody, you know, especially girls his own age. Then he meets Abby, and things got a little better. He eased up a little. And now, he's back to wanting to shut down because he feels betrayed.
Sam: Okay. Well, what are you going to do?
Jason: Well, I want to tell Michael that Abby lied to the cops to protect him. But is that the right thing to do, or do I just leave it for Abby and Michael to figure out?
Michael: I'm not in the mood to hear you tear Abby down, so you either change the subject or leave the way you came.
Kristina: You're never in the mood. But somebody has to stop tiptoeing around and be honest with you. And I don't mind if that's me.
Michael: Fair warning, Kristina. Thank you.
Kristina: Your girlfriend Abby takes her clothes off for money. That's just wrong.
Michael: Yeah. Aren't you so lucky to be in the position of being so judgmental, a girl who's never ever wanted for anything in her life?
Kristina: Yes, I've led a privileged life, but Abby could get a job anywhere. She could be a waitress at Kelly's. She could bartend at the Metro Court. And I bet they make great tips there. She doesn't have to swing around a pole and let creeps throw dollar bills at her. Abby chose her life. She's not even close to being good enough for you.
Michael: That's not your call, Kristina.
Kristina: Just being around her is dangerous for you. Where's your common sense? Don't you care if you go back to prison?
Michael: Don't ever imply that I want to go back to that hellhole.
Kristina: You never left, 'cause you've been keeping everything locked up inside you. Abby's just another way to avoid facing the pain and moving on. I understand, Michael. Bad things happened to me, too.
Michael: You have no idea what I deal with.
Kristina: Then tell me.
Michael: Just get the hell out.
Kristina: Michael!
Michael: I said leave me alone!
Kristina: You're just like Dad. When you can't deal with something, yell. You want me gone? Fine. I'll be having fun with my friends while you're punching the hell out of a stupid bag sulking over a stripper.
Shawn: Hi. I'm Shawn Butler.
Carly: Carly Jacks. Molly's aunt, sort of. Are you from around here?
Shawn: Ex-military, working in private security. I've got an interview with a local law firm. I was passing by. I saw Molly here trying to crawl up the woodwork. I stopped to see if I could help.
Molly: And he did.
Carly: What got you so freaked out?
Molly: There was a car accident. Shawn thinks I have post traumatic stress disorder.
Carly: From the bus crash.
Shawn: She has all the indicators. Not that I'm qualified to diagnose in a medical sense, but I've been there. I recognize the signs.
Carly: It was a rough night, huh? It's probably going to take a while to get over it.
Shawn: True. But I've got a feeling you're going to be just fine.
Molly: Thanks, Shawn.
Shawn: It was a pleasure to meet you both.
Carly: Same here. Thank you for stopping by.
Shawn: Oh, glad I could help. You take care, now.
Molly: I will.
Lucky: Okay, look. It's true. I've known for a few months that Brenda killed the Balkan's son in 2007, and Dante covered it up.
Lulu: Do you realize what a big secret that is?
Lucky: Yes, I do. But it's not mine to tell.
Lulu: Are you kidding me? I'm your sister. What happened to Spencer loyalty? What if Siobhan was keeping something from you, and I found out, and I decided not to tell you?
Lucky: You can't make that comparison.
Lulu: Why?
Lucky: Because. Look, this is a gray area for me, okay? You know, the line between my professional life and my personal life, and it's not always easy to find the balance. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry if you got caught up in the confusion.
Lulu: Lucky, I was dumb, because I believed that I knew everything about the man that I loved, and then, another bomb dropped. How am I supposed to ever trust him again?
Lucky: I understand that. Believe me, I understand that. But keeping a secret doesn't always equate to not loving you. It depends on what the secret is. It depends on the motive. Keep in mind, in this particular case, this had to do with Dante keeping you safe.
Lulu: Love means trust. It means being honest with each other about the things that matter. Dante's lied to me about Brenda since day one.
Matt: Patrick knows that he really screwed up, but you kind of got to give him credit. I mean, he has been trying like hell to put things back together the way they were.
Robin: I know. But if we have any chance at all, okay, we can't go back, because the foundation that we had was broken. So we have to build a new one. And I have a little girl to think about. I have to be sure.
Matt: Yeah. I get it. But the holidays were good, right? I mean, you, Patrick, and Emma together, Christmas tree. I mean, things were good, right? So focus on that. Right? Maybe smile every once in a while.
[Robin and Matt laugh]
Matt: It would go a long way. All right? I'm out here.
Robin: Thanks.
Matt: Take care of yourself.
Terrell: And the win would go to me.
Patrick: It's a GH tradition. Make the new guy feel like he fits in.
Terrell: Even if you don't think he does. That's awful big of you, Doc. Well, I'm going to call it a night. This was fun. We should do it again.
Robin: Definitely. I would love to beat you at a game of darts any day.
Terrell: Oho! Pride goeth before a mighty fall. Thanks for the game.
Robin: Bye.
Terrell: Bye.
Patrick: Pride goeth before a mighty fall, that's interesting.
Robin: Hmm. Sounds like Matt was right.
Patrick: Heh. That doesn't happen very often. What would Matt be right about?
Robin: That you're jealous of Terrell.
Patrick: Wow. It didn't happen again.
[Robin laughs]
Patrick: I'm glad you've got a new friend. I like him.
Robin: Yeah. Me, too. I like him, too. I think we'll be spending some time together.
Alexis: Okay. So this Siobhan person doesn't want me to handle the immigration case. She wants you to handle it--only you. So maybe there's something you're not telling me? If there is, I think you should probably--
Carly: Knock knock.
Alexis: Hi. Okay. All right? Talk to you later. What's going on?
Molly: Well, I was on my way to the library, and there was a car accident.
Alexis: Are you okay?
Molly: I wasn't in it. I was way up on the sidewalk. But when I heard the brakes screeching, and then, the cars hit--
Carly: Apparently, it reminded her of the bus crash, and she was shaky.
Alexis: All right, honey. Aww. I'm sorry, sweetheart. You're okay. It's a good thing you were there.
Carly: You know, I showed up at the end, but this guy was there, and he helped.
Alexis: Let's see.
Molly: His name is Shawn. He's an ex-marine.
Carly: Apparently, he helped her through a panic attack. I have to run, so...
Alexis: Well, thank you for bringing her home.
Carly: No problem. You feel better, okay?
Alexis: Molly. Uh... are you really fine?
Molly: Actually, I'm better than I thought. Post traumatic stress disorder seems a lot better than being bipolar.
Alexis: What--what are you--why are you mentioning being bipolar?
Molly: Because it runs in families, so I went to go see Uncle Sonny.
Alexis: You told me you were going over there to do some sort of report. And then, you said you were going to the library. Did you go to the library?
Molly: Well, I was on my way so I could do research into bipolar disorder. Uncle Sonny tried to reassure me, but I was--
Alexis: [Stammers] Stop. Take a breath. Start from the top. And be prepared to tell me why I'm just now hearing about this.
Lucky: I think that living with Dad and me has sort of made you a little defensive.
Lulu: How's that?
Lucky: You've had a front row seat to our relational war zones. You know? I mean, you witnessed firsthand the destruction, so your instinct is to run. It's to get out before you get hurt. And that's what you're doing with Dante.
Lulu: There is no love without trust. Dante ruined that. We're over. There's nothing left. We're done. Moving on.
Dante: Yo, hey. Oh!
Abby: Not you again. I said I'm not interested.
Brandon: Oh, come on. You're just mad at me. Come on. Get over it.
Abby: You sicced the cops on me, Brandon!
Brandon: [Scoffs] Never did that. But I won't say I'm sorry somebody dropped a dime on Vaughn's. You don't belong there, Abby, taking your clothes off for losers. You belong with me.
Abby: We're over with. You need to deal with it.
Brandon: We'll never be over, Abby. I love you. You can't seriously expect me to give you up without a fight.
Abby: That's your problem, Brandon. It always has to be a fight. Well, I'm not going to be your punching bag anymore.
Brandon: You're not walking me off, Abby.
Jason: Hey, come on, man. Let it go. Leave while you still can.
Brandon: Who the hell are you?
Jason: Somebody who's going to give you a chance to walk away.
Brandon: We'll finish this.
[Abby exhales]
Jason: Who was that?
Abby: That's my ex-boyfriend. Thank you for the save. Brandon has a hard time with the word "no." How's Michael?
Jason: He's not so good. He really misses you.
Molly: After I broke the vase, I really started to worry. That was me, by the way, not Kristina. She covered for me.
Alexis: Did you tell your sister that you thought you were bipolar?
Molly: No. I didn't want to worry anyone. Instead, I went online and researched my symptoms. Then, when it led to bipolar disorder, I stopped there because of Uncle Sonny. But what Shawn said makes more sense.
Alexis: Okay. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to make an appointment with an actual therapist, and we're going to see how a professional weighs in on this, okay? And we're going to just take this one step at a time and do everything that we can so that you feel better, as a family. Is that a plan?
Molly: A good one.
Alexis: Mmm. [Exhales]
Carly: Small world.
Shawn: I'll say. I'm staying here. What's your excuse?
Carly: My husband and I own the hotel.
Shawn: Nice. How's Molly?
Carly: She's good. I took her home. She's with her mom, who's very grateful. I gave her your card, so she'll probably be calling you to say thank you.
Shawn: Oh, no thanks necessary. It was a right place, right time kind of thing. It made me feel good to make a little bit of a difference. Going by what you said before, it sounds like you experienced your own trauma over that crash.
Carly: My sons were on the bus.
Shawn: You may be more equipped to deal with the aftermath than Molly, being the adult and all, but it might take time for you to get past the trauma of that night, too.
Carly: I'll keep that in mind. You know, you've been great, and I'd like to express my gratitude, and not just for being so kind to Molly, but for your service. So consider your room and anything else on the Metro Court.
Shawn: That's an awfully generous thing to do for someone you know absolutely nothing about.
Lucky: I think that you and Dante have something great, and it's a shame just throwing it away.
Lulu: I'm not throwing anything away. I am the injured party here. Dante has lied to me from being a mobster to hiding his past with Brenda. For all I know, he's sleeping with her.
Lucky: Look, this stuff, it never makes any sense at first, but if you could just take a step back--
Lulu: Do you know what I need right now? I need my brother to support my decision and stop defending my lying ex-boyfriend. That's what he is. He's my ex. Nothing you can say is going to change that. So just stop. Be on my side.
Lucky: I am on your side, Lulu. I am. Look, I'm just talking, okay? And if that's not working for you, then this is me, okay? I will always have your back, period.
Lulu: Thank you.
Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's me. It's me, okay?
Michael: Sorry. I didn't hear you come in.
Dante: That's a pretty intense workout you got going on.
Michael: It's a workout. Don't psychoanalyze it. The last time I checked, you're not my shrink.
Dante: No, I'm your brother, so it's even better. You can talk to me for free.
Michael: I am so sick of people thinking that I need to talk. I have nothing to say about anything, including, and especially, prison.
Abby: Michael is better off believing I'm a hooker.
Jason: I saw him today. Trust me, he's not better off. He's shut down. He's angry. And it's all over a lie. Michael counts on you. You help him. That's all that matters right now.
Abby: What do you want me to do?
Jason: I just want you to tell him the truth, that you lied to protect him. Just be--
Abby: Oh, no. No.
Brandon: That's my lady, so you're the one who's leaving, or I'm going to blow your freakin' head off.
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