General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/20/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy
Sonny: Brenda Veronica... I will love you, honor you, cherish you, and keep you, forsaking all others, for richer, for poorer, for better or for worse, for as long as we both shall live.
Brenda: Sonny!
Brenda: Hey—
Lulu: Maxie, where is the accessories spread?
Maxie: Kate's office.
Lulu: Perfect. Now I'm just gonna call the photographers and the models and set up the evening gown shoot.
Maxie: That's not due until tomorrow.
Lulu: Yeah, but in Kate's world, tomorrow is today.
Maxie: Okay, time-out. When are you gonna stop pretending that you did not run out on Dante last night?
Michael: Hey.
Dante: Hey.
Michael: Something happen?
Dante: Uh...don't worry about it. You're gonna be late for school, man.
Michael: No, no, I got first period free. What's up?
Dante: Lulu found out about my past with Brenda.
P.A.: Dr. Ralston to Oncology...
Terrell: Be my guest.
Epiphany: And what is this?
Terrell: That is a banana latte. I heard a little rumor that you love those.
Epiphany: Are you trying to buy your way into my good graces, Doctor?
Terrell: Maybe. How am I doing so far?
[Epiphany chuckles]
Robin: The budget office already cut funding for the Stone Cates wing once. It is unacceptable to do it again. We can't afford to lose another doctor on staff. Sorry doesn't cut it! I don't get it. I mean, how can they justify more cutbacks?
Patrick: I'm sure it was a difficult decision.
Robin: AIDS is an ongoing epidemic. 56,000 more people will contract the virus this year, and most of them won't even know it.
Patrick: I know the statistics. I'm sure the board does, too.
Robin: Obviously no one cares, so what am I supposed to do, just sit by and not get involved?
Patrick: Okay, I'm just trying to help, Robin.
Lisa: Ohh. Robin and all of her self-righteous moral superiority.
Terrell: She's HIV-positive. That kind of makes it personal.
Lisa: Okay, look, you don't need to defend her to me. Just...
Terrell: I'm just saying, you know, you gotta admire a girl who steps up for what she believes in.
Carol: I'm here to see Dr. Robin Scorpio.
Epiphany: Well, she is right--
Robin: I'm Dr. Scorpio.
Carol: Oh, dear. Yeah, this is never gonna work.
[Footsteps approaching]
[Door opens]
Sam: Hey.
Molly: Hi, Sam.
Sam: Why am I not surprised you're doing homework while you're sick?
Molly: I don't want to fall behind.
Sam: Where's Viola?
Molly: Oh, she went to the store.
Sam: Ooh. Store. How are you feeling? Any better?
Molly: A little.
Sam: A little? What do you-- what do you got there? Bipolar disorder?
Molly: Um, yeah, it's a report for health and science. I chose this topic because Uncle Sonny's bipolar. It's really interesting. I'm learning a lot.
Sam: Yeah, it's a pretty serious illness, but lucky for your uncle, there are ways for it to be treated.
Molly: Sam, can I ask you a personal question?
Sam: Yeah.
Molly: When you were pregnant with Uncle Sonny's baby, were you worried that your baby would be bipolar, too?
Sonny: Sorry for pulling the gun.
Brenda: That's okay. It was just a reflex. You all right?
Sonny: Give me that?
Sam: This is very sweet. It's black.
Sonny: Thanks. Yeah, yeah.
Brenda: Careful.
Sonny: There are dangers, you know, there's still danger in-- when the body they found in the harbor wasn't Jerry, my mind starts going on a whole...
Brenda: I don't want you to worry about anything, 'cause Jason doesn't think that Jerry's Balkan, so...
Sonny: Whoever he is, I just-- and I know you don't want to hear this, but I can't stop thinking that the wedding is a target.
Brenda: No, no, no, we're not postponing the wedding. We already agreed on that.
Sonny: You know there's nothing I want more than to put that third ring on your finger. I've loved you since the day I saw you. And nothing can, you know--that I want more than to make you my wife.
Brenda: Then we have to have a meeting with Carol Cheng. Ha ha!
Sonny: The wedding planner?
Brenda: Yes, I know, she--trust me, I'm not happy about it, but she does have good ideas and--
Sonny: Yeah, I know, like putting Murphy Sinclair in my place.
Brenda: You know what she told me? She said that you have a-- a dark...[Laughing] sexy aura. So apparently now she's decided, just like every other woman who spends 5 minutes with you, that she's completely into you.
Sonny: Well, that's what scares me.
Brenda: Yeah, me, too. I told her to take it easy. Guess what.
Sonny: Huh?
Brenda: I found my dress.
Sonny: What?
Brenda: I hope you're gonna like it.
Sonny: What does it look like?
Brenda: I can't tell you. It's bad luck. But you should see my veil. I'm gonna wear a traditional veil, you know, and I think it's really beautiful. Oh, and we had to pick out the food, so we had to sit there with this guy and try all these different kinds of food. And I just kept thinking, you know, what would you want to eat and what do you like to eat? And so we picked something...what? Why are you looking at me like that?
Sonny: I just like to see you happy.
Brenda: Oh. Well, I'm definitely happy, because of you.
Lulu: I broke up with Dante.
Maxie: Just like that? One day you're in love, next day nothing.
Lulu: Yeah, well, he, um, has been keeping this secret with Brenda for a long time, and it's a very long story, but, uh, he's been keeping it from me for months.
Maxie: At least he finally told you?
Lulu: No. No, he didn't, and he never would have if I hadn't found out on my own.
Maxie: That's not good. It's also not the end of the world.
Lulu: Really? Because, um, our entire relationship we were talking about how important it is to have trust and honesty, and the whole time he was lying through his teeth.
Maxie: People screw up all the time. I messed up with Spinelli so many times, and we always managed to work things out.
Lulu: You and Spinelli are broken up.
Maxie: Well, that is a horrible example. Okay, but I know for a fact that you have never loved anyone more than you love Dante, and as your friend, I feel obligated to tell you you're acting in the heat of the moment. When this is all said and done, you're going to miss him.
Lulu: Maxie, he's gotten too comfortable lying to me from the beginning when he was an undercover cop.
Maxie: He was doing his job.
Lulu: He also said that he would never lie to me about anything else, and now look.
Maxie: Maybe you should talk to him about this.
Lulu: I have talked to him about it and he's apologized and he says that he loves me and...
Maxie: You think he's lying about loving you. Lulu, people can love with their whole hearts and still manage to screw up big time.
Lulu: You know what? If I stay with Dante, I'm setting myself up for hurt. So, that's it. I'm done. And this is me moving on.
Dante: Lulu found out about a secret from my past with Brenda, and now she doesn't trust me. And when you don't have trust, you don't have a future together.
Michael: How about I make you some breakfast? Hmm?
Dante: Don't do that. Thank you, I just don't--I don't think that's gonna help.
Michael: Lulu--maybe when Lulu has some time to think, she'll realize she made a mistake.
Dante: You know what? I told her I never lied to her about my love for her and commitment to her, but she didn't--she didn't want to hear any of it because my actions say otherwise.
Michael: What is--what is Lulu more upset about, the fact that you lied or that the lie was about Brenda?
Dante: Both. She thinks I still have feelings for Brenda.
Michael: Well, you do.
Dante: No, not the way I have feelings for Lulu. Brenda is like three-quarters fantasy. She's something that could have happened or might have been. Lulu is the real thing. I love her, and that's never gonna change.
Brook Lynn: So there's this bakery in Bensonhurst, right? I mean, pastries to die for. Insane. There's a line at 6 a.m. that's like all around the corner. I'm going to tell you, these are better.
Nikolas: Really? Well, I'm glad you like them. I can have Alfred bring some more in if you like.
Brook Lynn: Oh, God, no. No, no, please, no, because I would eat like 20 if they were in front of me. [Laughs] What?
Nikolas: Oh, no, nothing. It's just--it's refreshing to be with a woman who enjoys her food as much as you.
Brook Lynn: Oh, I know, very ladylike, huh?
Nikolas: You tone it down at dinner parties. Speaking of dinner... uh, if you don't have any plans this afternoon, I'd like to fly into Manhattan if we could.
Brook Lynn: Oh, a last-minute invitation?
Nikolas: Not work this time. I'm asking you out.
Brook Lynn: You are? Oh, so is this like a pity date for last night?
Nikolas: No. No, no, not at all. I was flattered by that.
Brook Lynn: You were? 'Cause I was gonna tell you I was thinking about maybe saying yes.
Nikolas: You willing to take that risk?
Brook Lynn: Yeah. I mean, I think you have potential. You just need help bringing it out a bit.
Nikolas: Okay. We will consider this date, uh, an experiment. If nothing disastrous happens, I don't throw a fit, wallow in my misery, or talk to dead people all night, we'll see what happens next.
Brook Lynn: Okay. Works for me. You aren't going to jump back?
Nikolas: Not yet, anyway.
Sam: Well, when I was pregnant with Sonny's child, he hadn't yet been diagnosed.
Molly: Right. Well, what if you had known he had bipolar disorder? According to my research, it's hereditary. How would you have felt?
Sam: Well, I don't know. It hasn't really crossed my mind, but I guess I would have been really worried. But it doesn't matter, because I would have loved my daughter no matter what.
Molly: You would have been a wonderful mother, Sam.
Sam: Well, thank you, Molly. That means a lot coming from you.
Molly: If your daughter had been born and she was bipolar, it would have been hard on both of you, don't you think?
Sam: Yeah, I think. But like I said, there are lots of ways for it to be treated and kept under control.
Molly: Uncle Sonny would have felt awful, too.
Sam: Yeah. I mean, it's hard for any parent to watch their child suffer, especially when the parent knows that they're the one that caused it.
Molly: Is that why you and Jason don't get married and have kids?
Sam: Yes, it is.
[Sonny sighs]
Claire: Rolling in a little late this morning?
Sonny: I got held up. There was a--I don't know, something on the road.
Claire: Well, never mind. I have a terrible habit of asking questions I don't want the answer to. The contracts for the distillery purchase require your signature.
Sonny: Yeah, right. Um... uh...where is it that you need me to...
Claire: Here.
Sonny: Yeah.
Claire: And here.
Sonny: Okay. So, uh, permit violations for my coffee delivery trucks, I mean, it seems a little...
Claire: Yeah, it's not, uh, exactly earth-shattering, I know, but it's the extent of your business Diane has entrusted me with for now.
Sonny: I like your--I like your shirt. Uh, so, um, you're--okay.
Claire: Yes?
Sonny: You know, yesterday I told you about the, you know, setting a date for the wedding, right? And then you--you come here today. You didn't send a messenger. Not--I mean, it's fine.
Claire: Well, maybe I'm trying to prove I can handle it.
Sonny: You don't have to prove anything.
Claire: I accepted a job in the law firm that represents you. You are by far their biggest client, and I've never been one to avoid what's staring me in the face, ergo, my personal visit.
Sonny: That cut and dried?
Claire: You're getting married. Not much gray area there.
Sonny: Yes. But what I'm saying is don't have to go the extra mile for me, because I feel bad that I can't give you anything in return.
Maxie: So, did Dante cheat on you? Because if he had an affair with Brenda like 3 years ago, technically that's not cheating. That's before you guys met. Unless, you know, they slept together recently.
Lulu: No, Maxie, I don't know. He's obviously still hung up on her.
Maxie: Brenda's engaged to Sonny. So it's not like she's really a threat.
Lulu: Yeah, but Dante made a huge sacrifice for her, and it could have cost him his job. But he cared so much about Brenda, he still did it anyway.
Maxie: Yuck.
Lulu: Yeah, and he obviously still cares about her.
Maxie: Look, maybe he didn't tell you because he didn't want to hurt you. Let's face it, when it comes to relationships, men are total cowards, and the longer he waited, the harder it was to tell you.
Lulu: Whose side are you on?
Maxie: Yours. But I'm just saying, if you guys are really over, you're gonna be miserable.
Lulu: I did not fall in love with this Dante. The Dante that I fell in love with was the Dante that I wanted him to be.
Maxie: I disagree with you. I think Dante's one of those people who generally tries to do the right thing. Even if he doesn't always succeed. And I'm not trying to downplay whatever it is that he did to hurt your feelings, I'm just--I'm saying I've had a lot of experience when it comes to creeps and users, and I don't think he's one of them.
Lulu: Maxie, none of this matters if you don't have trust. It doesn't matter.
Maxie: You could try forgiveness.
Lulu: I--it's too late.
Maxie: Is it? Or have you reverted back to some stupid idea that all Spencers are doomed when it comes to love?
Dante: You know, I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell Lulu about me and Brenda, but I figured what good would that do? And then what do I do next? I tell you. I have no problem telling my brother, confiding in him that I got feelings for Brenda, but the woman I'm trying to build a healthy relationship with, no way.
Michael: Dante, all that stuff, it's easier to see in hindsight.
Dante: You know what the worst part is? I made her think--I messed with her head. I made her think she can't even trust her own instincts. That's one of the qualities I've loved most about her is her perceptiveness.
Michael: Do you mind if I ask how she found out?
Dante: She found out from someone else. Now she thinks I'm hiding who knows what.
Michael: I can't say I blame her.
Dante: I know it was wrong to keep secrets. This wasn't about her. These were promises I made to Brenda. I love Lulu. I love her more than I ever have. Nothing's ever changed.
Michael: For you, but for Lulu--
Dante: No, I have to fix this. I gotta find a way to turn it around and get her back.
Theo: The goal, of course, is to get a postponement on the wrongful death suit against Brenda Barrett and Dante Falconeri. But I am far from optimistic.
Diane: Tch. Huh. You know, Theo, sometimes I just hate being right.
Theo: I take it there has been some unfortunate development?
Diane: One of our associates, Claire Walsh, just dropped off some material to Sonny Corinthos, in person. She didn't use a messenger.
Theo: I fail to see the cause for concern.
Diane: Yes, well. Ahem. Since you're going to be working out of this office for a while, you should know that Sonny and Claire had a relationship. More to the point, Claire put her career at the justice department on the line to have a disastrous affair with Sonny. Which is why she is now working back in the private sector. Claire has a brilliant legal mind, she's tenacious as a pit bull, but it all goes out the window when it comes to Sonny Corinthos.
Theo: Isn't it all a bit irrelevant now that Sonny is engaged to Brenda Barrett?
Diane: Yeah, you'd think so. Except Claire is inventing excuses to be around him. She's behaving like a lovesick schoolgirl. And that is very bad for business.
Sonny: Sorry about yesterday, Jason and Brenda walking in...
Claire: Brenda's your fiancée. I'm sure I'll be seeing her often.
Sonny: Yeah, I just don't want to, you know, put you in that position.
Claire: Well, they were obviously here for some urgent reason.
Sonny: Brenda's still a target, and things get tense.
Claire: Well, if you need my help, let me know.
Sonny: I don't want you getting involved.
Claire: Sonny, my days as a federal prosecutor are over, so there's no conflict of interest here, either professional or personal. I'm on your side.
Sonny: Thanks. Jason wants to postpone the wedding. Brenda wants to go ahead. So do I.
Claire: Well, you're not concerned that Brenda could be vulnerable at the wedding?
Sonny: We have tight security all over. Whatever it takes, you know. We've waited too long.
[Door opens]
Brenda: Hello! I'm so glad you're here. I have a million things to tell you.
Robin: Well--you look good. It must be happiness.
Brenda: It's because Sonny's perfect.
Robin: Yes, I heard. I heard somebody's getting married February 18th.
Brenda: How did you know that? I wanted to tell you.
Robin: Your wedding planner.
Brenda: What?
Robin: Yeah. She came to the hospital and she informed me that I'm your matron of honor and that my skin coloring is all wrong, and that if I didn't agree to a makeover, I was getting axed from the wedding.
Brenda: That wedding planner is the rudest woman on the planet. But she's got amazing taste. Oh, my gosh, you should have seen--she was so rude to Sonny.
Robin: Really?
Brenda: Oh! I'm gonna fire her.
Robin: You should. Where did you find her, anyway?
Brenda: Oh, she was a gift from Spinelli. Anyway, she's got great ideas on the wedding.
Robin: Hmm. Well, I mean, if she can pull off a great wedding in one month flat, maybe she's worth it.
Brenda: It doesn't really matter, because I'm marrying the man of my dreams. So...aah. My wedding's gonna be perfect no matter what. It's gonna be perfect because you're gonna be my matron of honor.
Robin: Yeah, she can't scare me away. Can we just drop the matron part? Please?
Brenda: Yes. Sorry. You're gonna be--you're hotter now than you were the first day we met.
Robin: God, I wish Stone could be here. He would be so happy seeing you and Sonny finally get married.
Brenda: I know.
[Robin sighs]
Brenda: Well, he's smiling down on us.
Robin: Yeah. You know, he's finally getting his way after all this time. But you have to promise me something.
Brenda: Yeah, of course. What?
Robin: That you will be honest with Sonny. And that you guys will trust each other. And if at any time you feel angry or shut out or whatever it is you're feeling, you have to tell him. Okay? I mean, if Patrick and I had communicated better, I don't think the bitch from hell would have been able to work her way between us.
Brenda: From what you said, things are getting a little better between you guys after Christmas, right?
Robin: Yeah, but there's a lot of things to be worked out. A lot of issues to be resolved. I mean, just this morning I snapped at him because there were some budget cuts for the Stone Cates wing, and Patrick-- he didn't really say anything out of line, but I still snapped at him anyway. You know, it's just like anything that has to do with Stone, because it was such a...great part of my life and--but bad--I don't know, how do you really explain that to anyone, you know, including Patrick?
Brenda: Of course.
Robin: But, on the bright side, um, there is a cute new doctor at work. Terrell Jackson. He's really cute and smart and funny and easy to talk to.
Brenda: And a doctor.
Robin: Mm-hmm.
Brenda: What? So should Patrick be worried?
Robin: No, it's not like that. It's just, Terrell, he had a friend who died from complications of AIDS, and, you know, he gets it.
Brenda: Yeah. What?
Carol: We need to get a few things straight.
Brenda: Yeah. We do, actually. Please close the door when you come into my apartment. This is my wedding, and I'm the boss.
Michael: If it's any consolation, Abby's not seeing me anymore.
Dante: Why not?
Michael: She said seeing her could screw up my parole and mess up my life. I told her not to give up on our friendship, but she said it's for the best.
Dante: I'm sorry, Michael. I know how much you cared about her.
Michael: The point is, is when somebody says they don't want to see you, it's probably best to take them at their word.
Dante: No, it's a different situation with me and Lulu. I'll never give up on her.
Lulu: Hey.
Dante: Hey. You, uh...I'm glad you came back.
Lulu: I'm just here to get my stuff.
Michael: I'm gonna take off. I'm gonna be late for school.
Lulu: So, the woman that you'll never give up on, would that be me or Brenda?
Brook Lynn: Now, I know, it's a hot club, but you're the bouncer. You can do this. Yeah, I know you can. I believe in you. Okay. He's a big tipper, so-- all right, see you tonight. Okay, bye.
Elizabeth: Nice outfit.
Brook Lynn: Oh.
Elizabeth: Hello.
Brook Lynn: Um, yeah, well, Nikolas likes it, too. He picked it out. But, um, if you're looking for him, he's out riding right now.
Elizabeth: That's okay. I'll wait.
Brook Lynn: Okay, well, why don't we just get this over with and you can tell me what your lame excuse is for being here and... you gonna use your son again?
Elizabeth: You're quick.
Brook Lynn: Yeah. Look, Liz, I think this is really disgusting already, and Lucky didn't fall for it, Nikolas isn't going to either. He's actually busy tonight. He has plans. So...
Elizabeth: Plans change.
Lisa: [Clears throat] How are you doing with Robin?
Terrell: Not bad. She begged me to have sex with her, but I told her not without a steak dinner and a movie. A good movie.
Lisa: I have an idea. How about if you answer the question? Are you making progress?
Terrell: Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not the kiss and tell type.
Lisa: Okay, we had a deal.
Terrell: I know. Trust me, I haven't taken my eye off of that prize.
Lisa: Okay, well, it's not gonna be as easy as you think, 'cause Robin is a sexually repressed holier than thou skank.
Terrell: You hate her. I get it. Enough already.
Lisa: You know, that's the third or fourth time you've jumped to that little twit's defense.
Terrell: I'm gonna do this my way, darlin'. You can accept that or you can find somebody else.
Carol: If you expect me to create the magic of a Carol Cheng wedding in such an impossibly short time, hard choices must be made.
Brenda: I'm sorry, did you go to the hospital and insult my best friend?
Carol: I merely pointed out that your friend's coloring was less than ideal.
Brenda: No, no, no, no. My friend's coloring is beautiful. My friend's skin is perfect. My friend is perfect. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Robin: I don't care what she thinks.
Brenda: Well, I care. Look, I don't need my wedding to be perfect. I want my wedding to be fun.
Carol: Your wedding will be spectacular. Breathtaking. A ceremony so sublime that you and your friends and family will remember it with awe and delight for the rest of your lives.
Robin: It will be exactly that.
Carol: So, is there possibly another friend you can ask to be matron of honor, someone who would look better in the colors we discussed?
Brenda: You're fired.
Carol: Okay. Every wedding has its challenges. See you tonight.
[Robin laughs]
Sonny: Mr. Hoffman.
Theo: Theo.
Sonny: Call me Sonny. Can I get you something to drink?
Theo: Uh, no, thank you.
Sonny: Come on in. What brings you here?
Theo: Well, I am giving serious consideration to, uh, taking on a co-counsel in defense of your son and Brenda.
Sonny: Well, it has to be Diane, 'cause, uh, I don't want anybody knowing that Brenda killed Aleksander.
Theo: I'm actually thinking of another associate in the office. Claire Walsh.
Sonny: Why Claire?
Theo: Well, she has a keen legal mind, and, um, experience in similar cases.
Sonny: So has Diane.
Theo: Well, Claire is less... abrasive than Diane. The jury will be more receptive to her. And that's very important. We want to build sympathy for your son and Brenda.
Sonny: And Brenda's innocent. Like I said before, she acted in self-defense.
Theo: Well, that is for a jury to decide. This is a, uh, a matter of perception. I realize the situation is a bit complicated because you have a personal relationship with Claire, so if there is any problem, then, uh...
Sonny: You know what? If you think--you know, look, Claire's a If you think she's the best for co-counsel, then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask her and let her make the decision.
Dante: The woman I'll never give up on is you. I love you. I know you have every right to be angry--
Lulu: I'm not angry. I'm just done.
Dante: I wanted--I wanted to tell you about Brenda every day that has passed since I saw her first in Sonny's living room.
Lulu: You decided against it.
Dante: Because I gave her my word before you and I ever met.
Lulu: If you really, truly trusted me, you would have known you could have sworn me to secrecy and I would have honored it.
Dante: Look, I--I was--I didn't want you to look at me and see that I was a hypocrite. It's okay for me to turn Michael in, but I want you to support me through all of this? Anyway, there wasn't a day that didn't go by that it didn't eat away at me that I was keeping a secret from you.
Lulu: It's a little late to develop a conscience.
Dante: No, just stop and let me prove to you that I am a trustworthy person.
Lulu: Till the next revelation proves that you're not?
Dante: There isn't one, okay?
Lulu: I don't believe you.
Brenda: Hey, were you assaulted by my wedding planner?
Dante: No. No. It's, uh, Lulu. Our defense lawyer Theo Hoffman told her that you killed Aleksander.
Brenda: What? He can't do that.
Dante: He showed up at my apartment looking for me. He got to talking to her and assumed that she knew. I don't know. I guess that's reasonable seeing as we...uh, were together.
Brenda: Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
Dante: Why are you sorry? It's not your fault, it's my fault. I'm the one that lied to my girlfriend.
Brenda: You were just trying to protect me and...
Dante: Well, she doesn't see it that way. She sees it as one lie too many and now she doesn't trust me.
Sonny: Yeah, my father, he's just been in and out of 12-step programs. All my life. I don't even remember when I was a kid a time when he didn't bet on pretty much everything. Yeah, this time I--he--we made a deal that he was gonna get help, so... I'll be driving him. Yeah. I can't wait to meet you. Okay. Bye.
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Come in.
Molly: Hi, Uncle Sonny.
Sonny: Hey, Molly. I gotta ask, does your mom know you're here?
Molly: Well, I was actually at home with Viola. I told her I had to do research for a report, but I didn't say I was coming to see you. I realize you're busy.
Sonny: Yeah, I kind of am. Can we do it another time?
Molly: Sure.
Sonny: Okay, I'm gonna have somebody drive you home, okay? So what's the report?
Molly: It's for bipolar disorder.
Sonny: Bipolar? Pretty serious.
Molly: Well, it's for science. We're supposed to study mood disorder. I thought it would be helpful to interview someone who's actually been diagnosed bipolar.
Elizabeth: You know, there's a name for women like you who get paid for their services.
Brook Lynn: What is that, an employee? You're just upset because Nikolas is actually taking me to dinner and doing things with me, which is something that--
Elizabeth: Nikolas is lonely. You're taking advantage of him.
Brook Lynn: I'm taking advantage of him? You're looking for a man to save you.
Elizabeth: Wait, which one of us is the paid escort?
Brook Lynn: Okay. Look, I'm just gonna give you a little bit of advice here. Men don't like clingy women, which is why lucky chose Siobhan and Nikolas isn't interested, so you can stop showing up her with your--
Elizabeth: I'm the mother of Nikolas' child. You're a glorified hooker.
Brook Lynn: I'm a--what are you talking about? I've never even slept with Nikolas.
Elizabeth: Really? Well, that's just one more thing Nikolas and I share that you don't.
Brook Lynn: Shared. Shared. Past tense. He's no longer interested.
Elizabeth: And you think he's interested in you? Honey, the only reason why he hired you is because he knew he wouldn't be emotionally invested.
Brook Lynn: Okay. You know what? You can stop this game, because it's never going to happen.
Nikolas: Elizabeth. What brings you by?
Brook Lynn: I was just telling Elizabeth that we're going to Manhattan.
Elizabeth: Oh. Well, I had no idea. I'm sorry to intrude.
Nikolas: No, no, no, no. What--why did you come by?
Elizabeth: It's nothing. I will call you later, okay?
Nikolas: You came by for some reason. Is Aiden all right?
Elizabeth: Yeah. I'm sure he will be. I made a doctor's appointment for him, which I'll tell you about when I call you--
Nikolas: Why are you taking him to the doctor?
Elizabeth: He's running a little fever and pulling at his ear. I'm sure it's just an ear infection.
Nikolas: Okay. Well, uh, let's go. I'll come with you.
Elizabeth: Really, it's not necessary.
Nikolas: Liz, I want to be there for the exam, make sure he's all right.
Robin: Epiphany, has the director of the AIDS wing gotten back to me yet?
Epiphany: No calls, but someone from his office dropped this off for you.
Robin: Oh, thank you. Hey, excuse me. Can we discuss this?
Patrick: Hey. What's that all about?
Epiphany: Something about the Stone Cates wing.
Lisa: Well, when Robin and Terrell first met, he mentioned he was into HIV-AIDS awareness, and we were all here when she got the phone call about the budget cuts. So I'm sure he's sympathetic to the cause.
Robin: You'll be volunteering in the AIDS wing to help fill the vacated position?
Terrell: I mean, I'm new in town. It beats going home and channel surfing, right?
Robin: Sure. But I mean, out of all the doctors in this hospital, you are the only one that stepped up to the plate. You're doing a really good thing. I can't thank you enough.
Terrell: Ricky was a good friend of mine. It's my way of paying back.
Robin: Yeah. That's how I feel. Any help I can give to patients with HIV and AIDS, it's a way to honor Stone.
Sonny: What is it that you want to know about bipolar disorder?
Molly: Well, I know the basic facts. What I'm missing is what it's like for a person to actually have it. What happens to them. How they feel. That sort of thing. I was hoping you could give me a first-hand account.
Sonny: Well, it's not the easiest thing to talk about, 'cause I--I didn't just hurt myself, I hurt a lot of people who love me--friends, family, and things like that, you know? And it got pretty bad... before I got help.
Molly: Well, so how did you know something was wrong?
Sonny: You get mood swings. Right? Highs, lows. You're happy one second, then somebody says something to you, then you go off the handle, you get angry, and then you get depressed really bad. I had a lot of feelings inside, you know, and I couldn't... couldn't let them out. And, you know, I couldn't--they were controlling me, in a way.
Molly: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Get it?
Molly: Yeah.
Sonny: A little bit?
Molly: Did you ever yell at people?
Sonny: Uh, yeah. Yeah. I yelled at people. I would break things. And then I'd feel... horrible for, you know, what I'd done.
Molly: Well, lots of people lose their temper and even break things. How did you know the difference between normal and bipolar?
Sonny: Well, let me just say this, you know--in my heart... I knew something was really wrong.
Theo: Let me ask you a question. A hypothetical. Would you be squeamish about abducting a bride on her wedding day?
Dante: Lulu's angry with me. She's not gonna sell you out as Aleksander's killer.
Brenda: I feel terrible about this.
Dante: Why? I brought this on myself.
Brenda: All you've done is make sacrifices for me.
Dante: Look, I don't regret anything we did with Aleksander. The only thing I regret is the fact from that point on, I've made terrible decisions. And that's me, not you.
Brenda: I've been nothing but trouble for you and... look, I, uh... I'll do anything to fix this with Lulu for you.
Dante: Postpone your wedding.
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