GH Transcript Friday 1/14/11

General Hospital Transcript Friday 1/14/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca

Brenda: Did I interrupt something?

Dante: No, no, I'm just-- I was about to go.

Sonny: No, you're not. I want her to wait, 'cause it's her wedding, too.

Brenda: What?

Sonny: Well, you have your attendants, you know, Kristina, Molly, and Robin. I'm trying to get my things going, so I--I asked Dante to be my best man. And then you walked in. He said--he turned me down, I think he was gonna tell me why.

Jason: Ok, you need to tell me what you know, Spinelli.

Spinelli: No, it's a stronger word than I would have used. It's more of a feeling based--

Jason: How is Carly planning to stop Sonny and Brenda's wedding?

Carly: Did you not hear what I just said? I told you that Brenda gave birth to Sonny's grandchild and you didn't even blink.

Diane: This is one of your crazy schemes that Jason keeps warning me about. You don't want Sonny to marry Brenda, so you have concocted this outlandish story, that Brenda had a child with Sonny's son. Well, that's just twisted, but its genius. Top marks.

Carly: It's true. Dante took his body-guarding duties seriously. He had an affair with Brenda, they had a child, and Dante relinquished all parental rights. I have proof. I need to make it official. That's why I came to see you. And just so you know, whether you help me or not, Sonny's wedding to Brenda is not gonna happen. 

Jason: Ok. See, I can see your brain working right now, so you need to tell me how--how is Carly planning to stop Sonny from marrying Brenda?

Spinelli: Stone Cold, if you were genuinely surprised about this, then you are uncharacteristically in a bizarre state of denial, because, I mean, you should know better than anyone, Carly will do anything to stop the wedding. She's a warrior. It's her nature.

Jason: No, no, you gave me the impression that you were worried about something more specific.

Spinelli: Well, I have been conducting psychological studies 'cause, you know, I wish my--my characters would crackle with humanity so that they can leap off the page.

Jason: Your--what are you talking about, characters crackling?

Spinelli: It's true, I--I'm writing a novel. There, I said it.

Jason: You--you're writing a book? About what, exactly?

Spinelli: The adventures and exploits of an intrepid private investigator with a proclivity for attracting danger and intrigue, namely me.

Jason: Ok, this book, is this something for you or are you going to actually publish it, put it on the internet, and do all that crazy stuff you do?

Spinelli: Well, I guess digital downloads are a distinct possibility, as well as the--

Jason: Nobody reads that book before me. You understand?

Spinelli: Are you suggesting that you wish to vet my life--

Jason: No, I'm not suggesting. I'm gonna read every single page. I've got enough trouble.

Diane: All right, sit. Tell me everything.

Carly: Ok. Well, first, I started to suspect there was more going on between Brenda and Dante than they wanted anyone to know. Of course I was accused of going over the top with this because I can't stand Brenda, so I put Spinelli on the case to help me out.

Diane: The resourceful Mr. Grasshopper.

Carly: He's a hacking God. First he found out that Dante guarded Brenda in 2007 in New York, when they pretended not to know each other at all. Then he came up with a list of other guards who also worked with--

[Diane laughing]

Carly: What's so funny?

Diane: It's just the thought that for the last several months, you and Spinelli have been conducting this clandestine investigation into this other case. I mean, it could make for incredible material.

Carly: What kind of material?

Diane: Uh...nothing. Never mind. Um, so, yes, go on. Yes, I'm on the edge of my seat.

Carly: You're enjoying this is a really bizarre way.

Diane: Do you want me to help you or not?

Carly: I tracked down one of the other guards, this guy named Brad Norman, and he said that a few days into the detail, Dante was spending more time in the room with Brenda than outside in the hallway where he was supposed to be.

Diane: That proves nothing.

Carly: Well, there's more. I asked this Norman guy if Dante and Brenda slept together, and he said he straight-up asked Dante and Dante didn't deny it.

Diane: And that's significant how?

Carly: Saint Dante? He would never outright lie, so he just said nothing. He didn't respond.

Diane: Carly, this is all speculation. Give me something I can sink my teeth into.

Carly: I'm getting to it. You're the one that told me to sit down and tell you everything. I told Spinelli to dig deeper. He hit pay dirt. Not long after Dante's guard detail ended, he made a large payment to a law firm in New York City. Garibaldi & Sloan.

Diane: They're family law.

Carly: Yeah. And Dante needed their services.

Diane: Well, I'll be damned. Dante has signed away all legal rights to Brenda's child. Where's the baby?

Carly: That's for Brenda to tell Sonny when he asks. I didn't obtain this information through legal channels, ok? Sonny's gonna say that I manufactured it, so I need you to get your hands on the legitimate copy. It needs to be notarized, certified, whatever.

Diane: So you want me to get legitimate evidence that is going to devastate my most lucrative client. If he finds out that I've helped you drop a bomb on his life, he's gonna fire me. You tell me, what is it that makes helping you worth that loss?

Dante: Look, let's not get into a debate about whether I should or shouldn't be your best man. I'm coming to the wedding. Let's let that be enough.

Sonny: Well, I'll take it, if I have to, but it's just like-- it's Michael's idea, and I want to do it for him.

Dante: Ok, I'll explain it to Michael.

Sonny: Well, explain it--can you just explain it to me? You are my son, and, you know, want you there on the happiest day of my life. I know there's been bad blood between us, and, you know, I've hurt you in a way that a father shouldn't hurt a son, but we do have common ground here. Michael, Morgan, and Kristina are your siblings, right? We're family. So that--Brenda just completes the circle. Just for one-- you know, it's like, the way things are all the time, just for one day, if we could just be together, you know, on a positive side.

Dante: I get it. Please, stop.

Sonny: Look, I'm not--I'm not here to get you upset. And I'm not saying that you need to tell me now, because you don't. Just take your time and tell me.

Dante: I'm not gonna change my mind.

Brenda: I know why Dante doesn't want to be in the wedding.

[Knock on door]

Lucky: Brook Lynn.

Brook Lynn: Hi.

Lucky: Hey.

Brook Lynn: Uh, look, I realize you're probably surprised to see me, but, uh...

Lucky: Yeah, you could say that. Come on in.

Brook Lynn: Thank you.

Lucky: What, uh, can I do for you?

Brook Lynn: So I get that coming over here might be the worst decision in the world, but I also feel like I have to be honest with you about something that I see happening.

Lucky: Ok.

Brook Lynn: Ok, so, it concerns Elizabeth. And, look, I saw how hurt Nikolas was when she continuously rejected him, and she wasn't even nice about it, right? She was dismissive and demeaning and withholding, even though they just had this new baby. So here's the part that doesn't make sense to me. So after all of that, she starts showing up all the time, wanting to be with him, and it's like she's using this baby as a sacrificial offering.

Lucky: Well, that's good, right? I mean, if Elizabeth is, uh, opening up to letting Nikolas spend more time with Aiden--

Brook Lynn: Right, well, if that were the case, then everything would be fabulous. But it's not, because she's just trying to manipulate Nikolas. I don't know why, to be honest. I have no idea. I don't know, maybe she's lonely, maybe she needs money, I don't know. But she has made it very clear that she will be sticking around and she's gonna do everything she can to make sure that I don't.

[Knock on door]

Lucky: Excuse me.

Nikolas: Hey, sorry to drop-- hey, what, uh, what are you doing here?

Patrick: I realize we live in two different worlds. Your enemies are eradicated on a daily basis, so Lisa dosing my wife with a needle full of God knows what probably doesn't merit a mention. But my family is my world. And Lisa's been trying to destroy it for some time now. So if you helped her getting that needle out of the hospital, Johnny.

Johnny: Look, doc, obviously you've got a pretty hairy situation on your hands, but it's got nothing to do with me.

Patrick: So are you denying you were at the hospital the night Lisa tried to drug my wife?

Johnny: I was at the hospital that night. I had just gotten there when all the crazy allegations started to fly. But I didn't see anything, nor did I ever take possession of this alleged dangerous syringe.

Patrick: Well, maybe it's more about something you have on Lisa. I can't help but notice that shortly thereafter you and Lisa started this little thing you have.

Johnny: That's one of the beautiful things about life, huh? You never see the surprises coming.

Patrick: Well, it sounds like blackmail to me. I mean, you keep Lisa's dirty little secret and she gives you something in return.

Johnny: That something would have to be pretty hefty, huh? There's not much that Lisa can give me that I can't get on my own.

Patrick: Top-rate surgeon at your beck and call.

Johnny: Either your imagination is starting to work in overdrive, or a warning is in order. You're starting to sound a lot like a man who's trying to blame somebody else for his own screw-ups.

Terrell: I had a buddy growing up, Ricky. We met when we were kids. I was the newbie on the block. Ricky tried to bully me. We ended up beating the crap out of each other. It bonded us for life.

Robin: Guys are weird.

Terrell: Yeah, well, Ricky had it going on, though. Tall, handsome, a little rough around the edges. Just enough that the ladies would want to save him, you know what I mean.

Robin: Mm-hmm.

Terrell: I used to joke around and tell him that women would be his downfall. I didn't realize I'd be predicting his future. Ricky thought the rules didn't apply to him, thought he was invincible. Wasn't exactly consistent about using protection.

Robin: He got the virus?

Terrell: When I went off to medical school, we lost touch and he kind of drifted job to job, town to town, denying his HIV status. Ricky was probably diagnosed around the same time you were. You know, but he didn't take care of his business. If he was more like you, he'd still be here. Anyway, you can fill in the rest. HIV develops into full-blown aids. I saw him just before he died. Shell of what he used to be. He was 28 years old.

Robin: It's a shame when someone has to die so young. Stone, he was only 19 years old.

Terrell: You must have really loved him.

Robin: I did. With all my heart. I still miss him.

Terrell: I hear that.

Nikolas: No need to search for an answer, I think I know exactly why you're here.

Brook Lynn: You do?

Nikolas: Pushing for brotherly reconciliation, maybe?

Brook Lynn: Well, that's a great excuse, and I'm sure that Lucky is too much of a gentleman to sell me out, but no. I respect you too much to lie to your face, and that is not why I'm here.

Nikolas: Ok. Should I be afraid to ask?

Brook Lynn: Look, I think it's very important that somebody know that Elizabeth is manipulating you.

Nikolas: You honestly thought that was a good idea?

Brook Lynn: Well, someone has to open up your eyes. Look, I didn't think it should be me, but since that's how it's turning out to be, yes, I do. She's using you. And I don't know why, I really don't. Maybe she's lonely. She has 3 boys, maybe she needs money, support. Maybe she finally realized that letting you go was a terrible idea.

Nikolas: You think she might be after my money?

Brook Lynn: Yeah, I do. I really do. And you know what, it makes me sick to my stomach, and I hope it makes you sick to your stomach, too. And, Lucky, thank you so much for listening. Good luck with that, ok?

Nikolas: Wow.

Dante: I seriously doubt you know my reasons for not wanting to be Sonny's best man. They're many and varied.

Brenda: Of course they are. I know you two have a difficult relationship. You're on one side of the law, he's on the other side of the law. He shot you.

Dante: That's not why I'm turning him down.

Brenda: Then why are you?

Dante: I don't want to get emotionally involved. And then the next thing you know, like, we're heading down a path, or Sonny thinks we're going down a path that we're not gonna get to.

Brenda: You're talking about you don't want to get emotionally involved, this man is your father. He's gonna want to be emotionally involved with you whether or not you're his best man. I mean, this is our day, our one day. We want it to be about love. We want it to be about family. We want it to stay simple. All of Sonny's kids are gonna be in the ceremony.

Dante: That's great. Yeah, I said I was gonna be there.

Brenda: It's not the same.

Dante: Well, it'll have to do. It'll have to do.

Brenda: No, it doesn't have to do. Babe, wasn't it Michael's idea, right, for you to be Sonny's man to begin with? So, you know, look, I understand you don't have a perfect relationship with your father. I'm really sorry about that. But you don't realize how lucky you are. I have zero connection with my father. And all of these little kids, your younger siblings, are going to be in this ceremony.

Dante: Yeah, that's another reason why I'd be a hypocrite.

Sonny: It's a wedding. If you can put aside how you feel for me for one day, it would be--I don't know.

Brenda: Maybe if you can't do it for your own father, maybe you could do it for your younger brothers and sister. Maybe you could do it as a favor to me. Please.

Dante: That's not fair.

Brenda: You know I fight dirty.

Dante: All right, looks like you got a best man.

Carly: Look at the bigger picture. Wrap your mind around what will happen if the truth comes out after Sonny and Brenda are married. Sonny marries the love his life and finds out there was an affair and a secret child with his son. Or Brenda, what if she reverts back to true form? She's a black hole for attention. There's never enough. And what if she realizes after being married to Sonny, it's not the love fest she thought it was going to be, so she starts looking around for something that's going to make her days interesting? Who do you think she's gonna turn to?

Diane: Dante.

Carly: Yeah.

Diane: Like a laser. And if Sonny finds out--

Carly: It's the ultimate betrayal. Sonny's wife and son.

Diane: Well, what the hell is Brenda thinking anyway, marrying the grandfather of her child? Words fail.

Carly: Well, they don't fail me. Self-centered, spoiled, they all come to mind. Not to mention, disturbed.

Diane: You paint a horrifying picture. Sonny wallowing in his own personal hell, dragging us all down with him into the flames.

Carly: Ok, you know Sonny. Am I exaggerating?

Diane: All right, I will help you get a legitimate copy of the parental agreement between Brenda and Dante.

Carly: Thank you.

Diane: But I have got to warn you, my ass is gonna be covered. Ass covered every step of the way.

Carly: I will never say a word.

Diane: You better not say a word. But you better tell Sonny sooner rather than later about Brenda and Dante because no one wants to be around if he has to suffer public humiliation with everything else on his plate.

Jason: Ok, where is it?

Carly: How did you know?

Jason: Spinelli told me. If there's a copy in this office, I want to see it right now.

Siobhan: Can't you just let this vendetta against Brenda go?

Theo: Let it go?

Siobhan: Don't you see? It's spiraling out of control. Innocent people are getting swept up in a thing they have nothing to do with. Haven't you tormented Brenda enough?

Theo: Brenda was with my son in his final days. She may well know who killed him. Your pleas for Brenda fall on deaf ears.

Siobhan: Then let me plead for me and mine. I've served my purpose. There's no reason for you to punish my sister.

Theo: I decide when you're of no use to me, not you.

Siobhan: Please, let me out of this devil's bargain. Release my sister and we'll both disappear.

Theo: But that would put a crimp in your romantic aspirations for Lucky Spencer. Do you deny you have those feelings?

Siobhan: Why does it matter?

Theo: It doesn't. That's the point. Your feelings are immaterial to me. I'm neither moved nor interested. I do not release you from your obligation to me. You are to stay in Lucky Spencer's bed and report every move he makes on Brenda's behalf or to get information about the Balkan. And once you've attended Brenda's ill-fated wedding, you may be called upon to lure Lucky to his death if I so decide.

Lucky: You should have gone after Brook Lynn, man.

Nikolas: Yeah. I'll see her later. Besides, I need to figure out what I'm gonna say to her first.

Lucky: Seriously? It's that difficult? You just go up to her and say, you know, thanks for caring enough to have my back, and then you kiss her or something. Or not. Whatever.

Nikolas: I've thought about it. I just...

Lucky: Well, what's stopping you?

Nikolas: I don't know. Reluctance to ruin yet another good thing, I guess.

Lucky: Was Brook Lynn right about Elizabeth?

Nikolas: Lucky, I don't--she could be, I guess. I mean, she has been coming around a lot more lately.

Lucky: How do you feel about that?

Nikolas: Well, honestly, I'm trying not to read too much into it right now. But I'd be foolish not to realize that I probably do look a lot better to Elizabeth now that you're with Siobhan. And who wants to be the rebound guy, you know? But on the other hand, there's Aiden and him being able to grow up with the benefit of having both parents. So let's just say, if I were to consider starting things up with Elizabeth again, would that bother you?

Terrell: Doctor, you and I need to have a chat.

Lisa: Ooh. Well, no progress report necessary because I saw everything with my own eyes. You two are hitting it off magnificently. You haven't lost your touch.

Terrell: Tell me something, Lisa. Did it ever occur to you to tell me about the fact that Robin is HIV positive when you started talking to me about sleeping with her?

Lisa: Well, I thought it would just come about in the natural course of things, which is what happened, right?

Terrell: I would rather have heard it from you.

Lisa: But it's not my story to tell.

Terrell: When has that ever mattered?

Lisa: When it helps further the bond between you two, which it did. And you handled it perfectly. That story that you made up about your friend with the HIV--

Terrell: That was not a lie.

Lisa: Well, ok. Well, that's even better. You and Robin, you are responsible adults. You are enlightened medical professionals, you know how to take precautions. You know with the viral she's on, your chances of getting infected are next to none. Ok, listen to me. If it makes you squeamish, you don't need to sleep with her. Just get her good and infatuated. That'll do the trick.

Terrell: You know what makes me squeamish, Lisa?

Lisa: What?

Terrell: If you didn't bother to tell me about Robin's HIV status, what else are you keeping from me?

Patrick: It's a little late for me to be ducking the blame for screwing up. This whole city knows that I cheated on Robin with Lisa. But it's bigger than that. I want to make sure my wife is safe.

Johnny: Hmm. You know what I think? I think you're so mad and guilty over jeopardizing your marriage that you're looking for that one magic bullet to make it all go away. But I don't have your syringe.

Patrick: Yeah, and I don't think I believe you.

Johnny: It's up to you. There is a potential upside, though. Maybe Lisa turning to me means that she's moving on from you. If Robin's no longer a threat to her, you can move on with your life.

Patrick: Well, I won't be letting my guard down anytime soon, and you shouldn't either. Trust me, Johnny, Lisa's smart. She's conniving, she's fearless, and she doesn't have a conscience. She will turn on you the second you least expect it.

Johnny: I'm not worried.

Patrick: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Carly: I can't believe Spinelli told you. I should have known he couldn't keep anything from the master.

Jason: Yeah, well, Spinelli's proud. He probably thinks it's gonna be a best seller.

Carly: What do you mean a best seller?

Jason: What it's gonna be is a pain in my ass. The video game he did, "The Secret Life of Damien Spinelli," how dumb is that?

Diane: I beg your pardon. This book is not going to be dumb. We have been working very hard--

Jason: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. What do you mean "we"?

Diane: Spinelli asked me to co-author because he values my input.

Jason: Ok, well, here's mine. If that book gets published and I'm in it, you're gonna be suing yourself on my behalf.

Diane: Ha ha ha. Maybe you should actually read it before you pass judgment. Pardon me. If you are indeed mentioned in the book, you might actually enjoy the whimsical and slightly more sophisticated way in which you are portrayed.

Jason: Tell me you're not involved in this.

Carly: That was the first I heard.

Jason: What are you doing here, then?

Lucky: Whatever you do or don't do with Elizabeth, I don't want to be involved or consulted about it.

Nikolas: All right. We're talking about it. That's progress, I guess.

Lucky: Sorry, that came out a little more hostile than I intended. Look, what do you want? Do you want my seal of approval for you and Elizabeth?

Nikolas: Not approval or acceptance or anything like that. But understanding, maybe. I know that's easier said than done with all the damage I've done.

Lucky: I'm getting past it, you know.

Nikolas: Are you?

Lucky: I can't advise you about getting back together with Elizabeth, man. That's between you and her, and you gotta just follow your heart or whatever. If you do decide to move forward, you gotta do it for the right reasons. You know what I'm saying? You have to do it because you love her, not out of guilt, because you think you owe her, or out of obligation to Aiden. 'Cause it'll never work that way.

Diane: Theo, would you mind terribly taking a look--

Theo: Don't you people believe in knocking?

Diane: I'm so sorry. Here, let me get this for you.

Carly: I know you think I'm here to have Spinelli dig up dirt on Abby so I can blackmail her into leaving town.

Jason: Did you?

Carly: I wouldn't put it past me.

Jason: I don't. But I know when you willingly give up your agenda, it's a diversion.

Carly: You know, I'm not all devious all the time.

Jason: Ok. So leave Sonny and Brenda alone.

Carly: I didn't even mention Sonny and Brenda.

Jason: See, that's how I know you're here working against them. You are determined to wreck their wedding. If Sonny and Brenda want to implode, just let them do it in their own time.

Carly: You don't care that Dante and Brenda are lying to everyone about their relationship?

Jason: I don't need you causing me more trouble right now.

Carly: Stop doing that. Stop acting like, you know, this is all my fault. Brenda and Dante made their beds.

Jason: That's fine. Don't make yourself the enemy. If Brenda and Dante are hiding something, Sonny is gonna figure it out.

Carly: Ok.

Terrell: Hey, Robin. Are you the doctor who ordered the blood work on the little girl in the ER this morning?

Robin: Couldn't read my scrawl? Yeah, I was there when the mother brought her in.

Terrell: Constant vomiting, huh?

Robin: Yeah. For several days. The poor baby was dehydrated, so I put her on an IV and ordered a complete work-up.

Terrell: Well, thanks to your efficiency, I caught it just in time.

Robin: So, what was it? Some type of poisoning?

Terrell: Pyloric stenosis. You know, thanks to your test results, it prompted me to check for alkalosis.

Robin: Oh. Well, you're good. That wouldn't be everyone's first choice.

Terrell: It was a team effort, Dr. Scorpio.

Robin: The first of many, I hope.

Patrick: Hey.

Robin: Hey. You disappeared before. Everything ok?

Patrick: Yeah. Can I talk to you for a second?

Robin: Sure.

Johnny: How's my beautiful lady?

Terrell: Tell me something, sunshine. I'm still trying to figure out the people around here. This is Dr. Niles, right?

Epiphany: Yep.

Terrell: And the guy who's with her? Ex-patient? Board member?

Epiphany: Hardly. That's John Zacchara. Organized crime. Port Charles is a mecca for mobsters. Better get used to it.

Lisa: Get your hands off of me.

Johnny: Is that any way to act? Be nice to me or I won't give you your present.

Lisa: Ok, this is my work. I do not have time to play games with you.

Johnny: You'll wish you had. It's a really nice gift. But I can keep it. Your call.

Sonny: I'm glad you came by. Have a seat. Want something to drink? 'Cause we've got some Jamaican roast that'll make you feel like you died and went to heaven.

Carly: Ok.

Sonny: Good. If you're hungry, I could have the chef make you some pizza.

Carly: Why are you being so nice to me? What do you want?

Sonny: No particular reason. I just--here you go. Just enjoying your company.

Carly: Ha ha ha! Yeah, ok.

Sonny: Well, it's just nice that, you know, we can be this way instead of always, you know, pushing each other's buttons, at each other's throat. How's Morgan?

Carly: Recovering nicely. I guess we just got to the point, huh?

Sonny: Yeah. That's the point. It's about the wedding. Dante has decided to be my best man.

Carly: You're kidding?

Sonny: No. Michael suggested it. Brenda persuaded him.

Carly: That's rich.

Sonny: Yeah. And Robin's gonna be the matron of honor. Kristina and Molly are gonna be in the wedding. It's just gonna be a nice family thing, you know. You know where this is going.

Carly: Yeah. You want our son to be in your wedding to Brenda.

Sonny: Yeah. Because Morgan's the only one that needs permission. So I'm asking you, pretty please, will you give it to him?

Brenda: Hello.

Diane: Oh. Well, there. You see, I'm not the only one who doesn't knock.

Brenda: Oh, sorry. I just thought you were expecting me. I could come back.

Theo: Please have a seat, Mrs. Barrett.

Diane: Oh. Oh, all right. Well, then I shall leave you in Theo Hoffman's capable hands. I can assure you - you may trust him implicitly.

Brenda: Bye. Hello. So. I'm sorry. Sorry. I know this is just business as usual for you, but I just find this whole process massively uncomfortable.

Theo: Well, that's as it should be. Murder should never be comfortable.

Brenda: Right. Self-defense. Just maybe as my lawyer, you could call it self-defense instead of murder.

Theo: From the top, with clarity, could you tell me everything you remember from that night Mr. Banovic died?

Brenda: I'm not sure where you want me to start up again.

Theo: Did you believe at the time that Mr. Banovic was part of a larger plot against you?

Brenda: Well, I was aware of the fact that the Balkan had been after me for months. And Jason and Lucky, they came up with a plan to turn me over, basically. It wasn't really me, it was Sam McCall was going to go in my place.

Theo: Hmm. I doubt that ruse would have worked for very long.

Brenda: They were going to, you know, try to ambush Banovic because they thought that he was the key to finding out Balkan's identity.

Lucky: Oh, good, you're here. We have just enough time to make it.

Siobhan: What?

Lucky: Foxwood Lodge, romantic sunset dinner, bottle of wine, thou.

Siobhan: Feeling a bit of the poet tonight, are you?

Lucky: Well, I'm inspired. What can I say? You know, Nikolas came by earlier. And he was all tied up in knots. And I don't know, I just realized that I'm not anymore. That's not me. You know, I was stuck in place, trapped in old patterns. Anyway, I just feel like celebrating. But we have to hit the road.

Siobhan: You have to stop it. You have to stop this right now.

Lucky: Did I say something wrong?

Siobhan: Nothing. Everything. This has been the most fun that I've had in a long time. But you're going in a direction I never wanted.

Lucky: Taking you out to dinner?

Siobhan: We're not in the same place. Romantically speaking.

Lucky: Would you rather have gone bowling or something?

Siobhan: I think that you're a wonderful guy. And if I was another kind of woman, I'd be all over you.

Lucky: And what kind of woman is that?

Siobhan: The kind that wants to settle down. One who doesn't hold her freedom fiercely. One who doesn't mind being trapped.

Lucky: Trapped? What are you talking about, Siobhan? When have I ever made you feel trapped?

Siobhan: You've gotten too attached. I'm not a good bet for forever. I don't want the kids and the house and all those things that tie you down. I'm ending this. Effective now.

[Knock on door]

Dante: Hey. Where's Brenda?

Jason: With Theo Hoffman.

Dante: She got a lot of guards on her?

Jason: The usual. Why?

Dante: DNA comparison results between Jerry and Aleksander. There's no match. They are not related.

Jason: Jerry is not the Balkan.

Dante: Which means he's still out there and we have no clue who he is.

Theo: So, you and Dante were alone in the hotel.

Brenda: Yes. No, I'm sorry. Did you say the hotel? We weren't at a hotel, we were at Jason's penthouse.

Theo: Of course. Sorry. Forgive me. What happened?

Brenda: Well, Dante was supposed to guard me or watch me while the others went after Banovic. And Dante was just supposed to make sure that I didn't follow them.

Theo: Hmm. It seems Dante was not very effective.

Brenda: No, it's not Dante's fault. I knocked him out.

Theo: And went to the warehouse?

Brenda: Yes.

Theo: Were you grabbed in the alley?

Brenda: It wasn't an alley. It was just the space next to the building.

Theo: And what happened next?

Brenda: Well, I started to run, and Banovic grabbed me. And he threw me down. I hit my face and hurt myself pretty badly. And then Dante was there. He came and grabbed Banovic off of me, and they started to fight.

Theo: And what did you do?

Brenda: There was a gun on the floor. I picked it up. And they were fighting. And it took me a while to aim because obviously I didn't want to shoot Dante. But he grabbed Dante and he threw him against the gate. And I thought he was gonna kill him, so I took the gun and I aimed and I shot him.

Theo: Are you all right?

Brenda: Yep.

Theo: Able to continue?

Brenda: Yes.

Theo: Good. There was something in your narrative that confused me.

Brenda: What?

Theo: Who is Aleksander?

Sonny: I understand that you don't approve of me marrying Brenda. I'm not asking you to. But Morgan's brothers, sister, you know, the cousins are gonna be at the wedding, part of the wedding, and it wouldn't be fair to exclude him.

Carly: What's not fair, Sonny, is you asking the kids to buy into this fantasy that you're creating with Brenda. You know, you're not the only one that's gonna have to deal with the fallout. Michael, Morgan, Kristina, even Molly is gonna be invested. You need to take a step back and reconsider.

Sonny: Ok, look.

Carly: Really.

Sonny: I know you think you have something that's gonna blow this thing with me and Brenda wide open, so go ahead, just tell me. Say it. Hit me with your best shot.

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