GH Transcript Tuesday 1/4/11

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 1/4/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Kathy

Patrick: I've got extra gurneys, blood warmers. IV and bandages are standing by.

Robin: Okay, and the on-call O.R. crew has been notified to come in.

Patrick: The radiology techs?

Robin: Already handled.

Patrick: Did pediatrics send the extra EKG and defibrillators down to the E.R.?

Lisa: Yeah. We've already got them. The E.R.'s all prepped.

Patrick: Tell the lab to expect a rush. Anything elective and nonemergency has to wait.

Alexis: I'm terrible at waiting.

Sonny: I noticed.

Alexis: Particularly when it comes to our children and I don't know if they're okay or where they are.

Sonny: Who can blame you?

Alexis: I mean, I can be patient, but, again, not when it comes to the kids. I have a vivid imagination, because there's so many different ways they could be hurt.

Sonny: Is it gonna help Kristina for you to have a panic attack?

Alexis: I'm not panicking. I am very quietly, very circumspectly losing my mind.

Sam: Hey, is Epiphany around?

Lisa: E.R. She's manning the front desk.

Sam: Oh. Okay. I was just-- thank you. Hey, what are you doin' here?

Alexis: There was a bus crash. The kids were in the bus.

Sam: Are Kristina and Molly okay?

Alexis: Nobody knows.

Molly: The truck went past, huh?

Taylor: Maybe not.

Molly: Yeah, we all heard it go off into the distance.

Taylor: The sound travels weird out here. You don't—

Ali: The cold, it affects sound waves or something.

Kristina: If Michael flagged down the truck, we'd have heard the brakes, and the driver would have honked.

Molly: Shouldn't the helicopters be here by now? Why isn't anyone looking for us?

Carly: We've been on Route 10 since we left Port Charles, and we haven't seen anything. We passed 5 helicopters. Why haven't they found something?

Jason: Well, you're right. We're too close to the resort not to have seen anything. We're on the wrong side of the mountain.

[Tires skid]

Maxie: Stranded in the snow with a broken arm after your bus skid off the road with no help in sight, getting colder by the second. You know, I am not a whiskey person. I'm more of, like, a champagne, lemon drops kind of girl, but I would love a shot of whiskey right now.

Matt: You're not supposed to drink when it's this cold. Yeah, is a buzz kill. I know.

Maxie: Okay, we're supposed to be cuddled up in front of a fire at a ski lodge right now. We really should have one of those flasks that Luke's always carrying around. You know, then your arm wouldn't hurt, and I could probably stop talking.

Matt: Heh. That's all right. Someone's gonna find us... next spring when the snow melts.

Maxie: Hey, I tried to warn you at Christmas that dating me could get you killed.

[Both laugh]

Steve: Hey. Hey, I need you to stay awake. Listen to me.

Olivia: Promise me. Will you promise me you'll tell Dante?

Steve: I won't pass along any dying words, because you're not dying. You can't. It would make me look bad.

Brenda: Whoa. Can you slow down?

Dante: Look, that bus was at least an hour outside of town. We got a lot of ground to cover.

Brenda: It's not gonna help your mother if we skid off the road.

Dante: Well, it's not just my mother. My brothers and sister are on that bus, too.

Michael: Morgan! Morgan!

Morgan: Over here!

Michael: Morgan. Hey.

Morgan: Thought no one was gonna find me.

Michael: What are you talkin' about? Think I'd ever stop looking for you? All right.

Morgan: Aah! Aah. Ahh.

Michael: Where are you hurt?

Morgan: My leg. My leg.

Michael: You're freezing. There you go.

Morgan: Aah! Ahh. What's wrong?

Michael: I think you broke your leg.

Morgan: Are bones sticking out?

Michael: No, no. Hey, of course not. Can you stand up?

Morgan: I think so.

Michael: Okay. All right, get ready.

Morgan: Aah. [Moaning]

Michael: It's okay. I'm here now, all right? Now let's go. I got you.

[Morgan wincing]

Patrick: Let's just hope that it's a flat tire and that they're out of cell phone range.

Robin: Or Carly overreacted. Wouldn't be the first time. You know, I really loved spending Christmas with you and our daughter. It was perfect.

Patrick: Where did that come from?

Robin: Maxie's always telling me that I'm a fool for pushing you away, so this is me admitting I really need you to help me through this. I mean, obviously I care about everyone on that bus, but selfishly I care most about Maxie. And I've lost a lot this year, the house that I grew up in and possibly my marriage.

Patrick: Well, not if I have any say in the matter.

Robin: Not if Maxie does either. She's always telling me to be honest with you, so honestly I am glad that you are here with me tonight.

Patrick: So am I.

Sam: Molly told me about this trip when we were decorating the tree. I just thought about going with them. I kind of wish I had. I could be taking care of them right now.

Nikolas: We have to believe they can take care of themselves.

Alexis: You know, a bus is a big, sturdy vehicle, so even if there was some sort of collision--

Elizabeth: I just wanna know my boy is safe.

Alexis: They're fine. They're fine. I'm gonna go with that, okay?

Kristina: I'm going after Michael!

Molly: Kristina, we can't split up. Someone could get lost and fall down the ravine.

Kristina: Who made you wilderness monitor? My brothers are out there, and I'm going to find them. Are you coming with me or not?

Molly: My God. Morgan. Are you okay?

Michael: Hey, hold on.

Molly: Where was he?

[Morgan screaming]

Molly: Morgan.

Michael: Under some brush. I think he broke his leg.

Molly: Morgan, you're safe now.

[Morgan winces]

Michael: Okay, I'm gonna get Steve Webber. I'll be right back.

Taylor: Should we build up the fire?

Ali: Yeah. Look around for pine cones or rotting logs, anything that will burn.

Kristina: Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay.

Elizabeth: You haven't gotten any accident reports at all?

Lucky: Just a couple of fender benders, but nothing on Route 10 or anywhere in that area.

Elizabeth: It was a bus full of kids. It can't just disappear.

Lucky: Well, we've alerted the county sheriff's department and state patrol. We've got a couple of choppers working, so, you know, that's good.

Elizabeth: God, I can't believe I just let him go.

Lucky: No. Don't do that, okay? Don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault. I mean, I want Cameron to learn how to ski and go on field trips and stuff, and there's a good chance that he's fine.

Elizabeth: I know, but this whole thing, it happened so fast. It came up quickly, and I'm sorry. I'm just really sorry.

Lucky: Elizabeth, it's not your fault, okay? All right, listen. I'll call you as soon as I hear anything.

Elizabeth: Okay. I'll do the same.

Lucky: Okay.

Matt: Well, this ought to teach me to try to impress you on the slopes.

Maxie: You've permanently impressed me, and technically we're on a slope, so it's not a total loss.

Matt: Heh heh heh. You're amazing.

Maxie: No, that would be you. You've been so good to me. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure that out.

Michael: I found Morgan. He hurt his leg pretty bad.

Steve: Can't you bring Morgan here?

Olivia: No. No, no, no, no. Doc, the kid's leg is hurt. You go. Go. I'll be fine.

Steve: You sure you're gonna be okay?

Olivia: I'm gonna be okay. I'm not goin' anywhere.

Steve: I'll be right back.

Olivia: Okay. [Coughs]

Brenda: All right, thanks, Lucky. Nobody's found anything on Route 10. Whoa. What are you doing?

Dante: We're on the wrong road. We have to be. Somebody would have seen something.

Brenda: Well, how many other choices do we have?

Dante: 55, or 19. Pick a number.

Brenda: Well, which one is the most direct route to the lodge?

Dante: The 10 is, but 55 is the best in bad weather, and I'm assuming that's what the driver did.

Carly: Are you sure about this?

Jason: Sandy's diner is on Route 55.

Carly: How do you know?

Jason: Because I used to run stuff into Canada for Sonny, and I stopped there a few times. But do me a favor. Can you call Spinelli and just make sure they didn't change location? Because right now it's the best lead we've got.

[Morgan wincing]

Steve: Take it easy, Morgan. Take it easy. Give me a scarf or a shirt or something. He's got a broken tibia, broken leg.

Morgan: Am I still gonna be able to play baseball?

Steve: Well, I think you'll be down for a couple months, but you could probably make it to the prom. So who's your favorite baseball player?

Morgan: Derek Jeter. Aah!

Molly: Morgan, you're okay. You're okay.

Steve: Sorry about that, bud.

Molly: Is it a compound fracture?

Kristina: Molly, now is not the time to impress us all with your potentially gross and painful injuries.

Molly: Why are you being so mean to me?

Kristina: Because you're not helping.

Michael: All right, look, guys. I'm gonna head up to the road, see if cars are gonna come by.

Molly: Should I go with you? I can send an SOS with a flashlight.

Kristina: Is that okay, Michael?

Molly: I can keep up. Don't worry.

Taylor: I'll go.

Michael: No, no. You stay with Morgan and the girls. Molly and I'll be fine.

Steve: Sounds like you have a plan. I need to get back to Olivia.

Michael: How is she doin'?

Steve: Those rescue teams need to get here soon.

Michael: Hey, hey, try to stay warm. All right? I'm gonna come back with some help. Okay.

Morgan: I'm sorry.

Michael: Sorry for what?

Morgan: For breaking my leg, I guess. Nobody else did.

Molly: Morgan, you're fighting debilitating pain. That makes you a hero.

Morgan: Okay. I'm good with that.

Michael: All right, let's go.

Molly: Okay. You okay? There you go. Universal distress code is di-di-di da-da-da di-di-di, which is actually Morse code for s-o-S.

Carly: The boys are gonna be fine. Wherever they are, whatever they're going through, they're gonna be okay.

Jason: That's right, because you made up your mind on how that's gonna be.

Carly: And Michael does the same thing. I mean, look at everything he's survived.

Jason: The kid is resilient. When things go bad, Michael always steps up. That's when he's most like you.

Molly: So watch out for ice.

Michael: Hey, Molly, flash your flashlight right here.

Molly: Does this one work? Is it on?

Michael: Please, please, please.

Molly: Call 911.

Michael: Nothin'. Look, maybe when we get to the road, we'll get a signal. Let's keep goin'.

Molly: Okay. You know, if you were a vampire like in my book, the cold wouldn't bother you. Of course you'd also be tremendously strong so you can carry us all up the road.

Michael: I'm sorry to disappoint.

Molly: Oh, no. I didn't mean anything by it. I'm glad you're not a vampire, Michael. You have to die first, like the bus driver. Do you think he was scared?

Michael: Hey, he had no idea what was goin' on. Come on. Why don't you tell me about that book? The vampire thinks he's gonna wreck that girl's life, why doesn't he just leave her alone?

Molly: Because they're bound together by a love that transcends time.

Lucky: We're expanding the search to cover Routes 4, 19, and 55, okay? We have 2 civilian cars in the search now. One's heading south from Cedar Mountain. The other one's heading north from Port Charles. Right. No, both vehicles are on Route 55. Okay. All right. Oh, look, Siobhan, it's gettin' late. You know, if you don't wanna stick around, that's completely fine.

Siobhan: If I'm making it more difficult, I'll be on my way.

Lucky: No, it's not that. I mean, I just don't want you to feel obligated. I love having you here. I just wish there was more I could do.

Mac: Lucky, I just heard about the crash. Give me an update. Maxie was on that bus.

Matt: How's Morgan?

Steve: He's got a broken leg, but he's okay. How you doing?

Olivia: About the same. What? Don't look so serious, Doc. The pain's goin' away. I think I'm gettin' better.

Steve: Hey. Hey. Hey, I need you to stay awake for me.

Olivia: I think it's gettin' warmer here. Don't you think so?

Steve: Tell me about your son.

Olivia: Heh. Don't ever ask an Italian mother to talk to you about their only boy child. My Dante's absolutely perfect in every way.

Brenda: Can't believe I'm gonna marry Sonny, and I don't even know any of his kids, except for you, of course.

Dante: I don't count, least not as one of--

Brenda: Oh, shut up. Sonny loves you.

Dante: Good for Sonny, then.

Brenda: Just stop. Sonny would have loved knowing he had a kid. He loved Stone. He was really good for Jason after his accident. I mean, Jason needed a lot. He was like a little kid.

Dante: Yeah, and then he turned Jason into his enforcer for his organization. Great.

Brenda: It wasn't like that.

Dante: Why do you always insist on thinking the best about Sonny?

Brenda: Why do you always insist on thinking the worst of Sonny?

Dante: When I found out that he was my father, I was pissed at my mother for a long time. I treated her like crap. And now I realize what it would have been like growin' up as Sonny's kid, and I realize how good I had it. I grew up with a family around me with a lot of love, and my biggest concern was worrying about whether the Yankees would make the playoffs or not. I was a kid. I got a lot to be grateful for, and that's all because of my mother.

Michael: Here. Hold this for a second. I got a signal.

Molly: Call 911.

Michael: Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.

[Line rings]

Operator: What is your emergency?

Michael: There was a bus crash. There are serious injuries. We're on Route--we're on Route 55 somewhere between Port Charles and Cedar Lodge.

Operator: We're tracking your location from your cell signal. I'll connect you with the PCPD. Stay on the line.

Michael: Okay. What are you doing?

Molly: In case you lose your signal.

Lucky: Spencer.

Michael: It's Michael.

Lucky: Michael, are you okay?

Michael: I'm fine. I'm fine. There's 3 serious injuries, though. Morgan broke his leg. Matt Hunter, he hurt his arm, and Steve Webber says Olivia has internal bleeding.

Lucky: What about Cam?

Michael: Yeah, Cam is fine. He's fine. He has kids lookin' after him right now.

Lucky: And Maxie?

Michael: Yeah, Maxie's fine.

Lucky: Maxie's okay.

Mac: Thank God.

Lucky: Okay, listen, Michael.

Michael: Lucky?

Lucky: Michael, can you hear me? Michael! Just lost him.

Michael: Damn it. I lost the signal.

Maxie: You know, I still don't understand why you do so much for me.

Matt: Think we already had this conversation.

Maxie: Okay, well, clearly it didn't sink in, because I've been trying to explain to you that I'm bad luck when it comes to relationships.

Matt: Okay. Well, maybe you don't understand me. I always assume success, never failure.

Steve: So tell me about this so-called perfect son of yours.

Olivia: You're just trying to get my mind off the situation, Doc, aren't you?

Steve: True. True, but I'm also genuinely curious.

Olivia: I raised my baby. I didn't just dump him off with my parents and go out partying.

Steve: Yeah? So what'd you do instead? Tell me one thing.

Olivia: A sofa. Heh. There was this sofa, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. It was this furniture store, you know, in the old neighborhood. I bet that place isn't even there anymore.

Steve: And? Tell me about the sofa.

Olivia: The sofa, it was an off-white color. It was eggshell, they call--it was brocade, you know. It was like old-fashioned Italian style. I scrimped, and I saved for a year. No ordering out. No goin' to the city. And I got that sofa. Heh. It was perfect. And I had it for one whole perfect day.

Steve: Yeah? What else?

Olivia: Then Dante came home-- [Laughs] coated with blood.

Steve: Oh.

Olivia: Some kid dared him to ride his bike down Third Street without using the brakes. Can you believe he was just skinned? You know, from his neck all the way down to his ankles, clothes were ripped, just covered in blood, and I didn't even think. You know, I didn't even think. I just laid him down on that sofa, and I screamed at him. I screamed at him for takin' the stupid dare, and then I saw he was bleedin' all over my white couch, and I started screamin' at him for bleedin' on the couch. Poor kid. [Laughs] And then that night, I had him all tucked in his bed, you know, all bandaged up and safe like a little mummy. And I'm tryin' to scrub the blood out of my sofa. I just burst into tears, you know.

Steve: Because he bled on the sofa?

Olivia: Because my baby was safe. He was safe, and he could have been hurt so bad. My baby's an adrenaline junkie, doc. Any situation, he'll just take it head-on, you know. Oh, God. I gotta stop talkin', okay? You must think I'm a crazy person.

Steve: Actually, I think you are pretty amazing. Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah?

Brenda: Okay, can I ask you a question? Can you please slow down? Look, I know you're worried about your mother, but I mean--

Dante: I'm not worried about my mother. She's strong, and she's smart. She's funny. She's really strict. If I got in trouble at school, I'd get in twice as much trouble when I got home. She'd spoil me.

Brenda: She'd buy you whatever you wanted?

Dante: No. She couldn't afford to buy me anything. She just-- it was all love. I was the reason she was put on this earth. At least, that's what I told myself growin' up. I mean, whatever I wanted, she tried to give it to me. I mean, food, she'd make me whatever I wanted, and I was pretty picky. Take me to Yankees games. My uncles couldn't take me 'cause of work. Playoff games, she got me everything I wanted when I was there. It cost her a fortune. I don't know how she paid for it. I was the center of my mother's universe, in case you didn't know.

Brenda: You're a good man. From the second I met you, I knew somebody raised you right.

Jason: I'm glad Lucky called. We're not far from the site.

Carly: I can't stand the thought of Morgan being out there in the cold with a broken leg. And, Olivia, she's only on that bus because of me. God, I hope she's gonna be okay. Please, be okay.

Jason: The boys are gonna be okay, Carly. It's gonna be okay.

Epiphany: I don't wanna hear any excuses. Bring those supplies to the E.R. room now. You understand me?

Abby: Excuse me. Hi. Excuse me. Have the people from the bus crash arrived yet?

Epiphany: The rescue teams have made contact, but no one's arrived yet.

Abby: Okay. I had a friend on the bus. Will they bring the passengers here?

Epiphany: We're all set up for triage, so if your friend is hurt, they'll be coming here.

Abby: Okay.

[Car approaches]

Michael: It's Dante.

Dante: Hey. You guys okay? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. All right. What happened?

Michael: We're fine, and nothin' too serious, but--

Dante: How 'bout you?

Molly: I'm fine. Michael got me out of the bus when it flipped. I wasn't hurt at all.

Dante: And what about my mother?

Michael: Your mom? Let me take you down to her. Molly, stay up here, and she'll show the rescuers the way down, okay?

Brenda: Yeah, we're okay. Hi.

Molly: You're Brenda Barrett?

Brenda: Yes, I am.

Molly: I'm Molly Lansing-Davis, Sonny's niece.

Brenda: Oh, I know.

Molly: It's so good to meet you.

Brenda: Nice to meet you, too. Are you sure you're okay?

Molly: Yeah. I'm fine.

Brenda: Okay. Good.

Brenda: Lucky, hey. No, no, no. I'm here. I'm looking at the crash site right now. I actually can't see anything. We would have passed it if Molly and Michael hadn't have flagged us down. Yeah, I think they're okay. You're okay, right, sweetheart?

Molly: Mm-hmm.

Brenda: Okay, yeah. No, Michael and Dante went down to check on Olivia. Okay. Okay, great. Okay, bye. All right, so the rescue team is on its way.

Molly: The crash happened really fast.

Brenda: I bet.

Molly: I mean, I guess that would be kind of obvious. If there was such a thing as a slow crash, you'd be able to avoid it.

Brenda: I know exactly what you mean. It kind of just came out of nowhere, right?

Molly: Yeah. I was sitting next to Michael, telling him about the books I'm reading, which I'm actually rereading for the third time. Now I wish I'd been reading my first-aid manual from junior lifeguard so I would have known how to help the people who were hurt.

Brenda: Oh, sweetie, you did perfect. You're perfect.

[Car approaches]

Jason: All right, careful.

Carly: Okay. Molly. Molly, are you okay?

Molly: Yeah, I'm fine, but Morgan's got a broken leg.

Carly: Where is he?

Brenda: Dante and Michael just went down there.

Jason: Can you get her in the car and get her warm?

Brenda: Yeah.

Jason: Okay, Carly, be careful.

Mac: Check the coordinates again. Yeah, look, we have one serious injury and some broken bones.

Lucky: Both civilian cars are on site. What's the eta with the ambulances? Okay. All right, we'll check back soon. All right, well, looks like we sort of have a handle on the situation, so if you're tired and you wanna go home and get some rest, you know, it's fine.

Siobhan: Are you gonna be okay?

Lucky: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I kept telling myself that Cameron would be okay, but just the possibility of him being hurt in some way, you know, and it's your own kid. There's nothin' worse.

Kristina: Are you okay?

Ali: Yeah. Just a bump. No big deal. How's your leg?

Morgan: It still hurts, but at least I'm warmer.

Carly: Morgan!

Morgan: That's my mom.

Taylor: Here!

Carly: Morgan!

Taylor: We're over here!

Carly: Oh, God.

Morgan: Mom.

Carly: Oh, baby. Are you okay?

Morgan: Yeah. Dr. Webber thinks my leg is broken.

Carly: Yeah, okay. We're gonna get it checked out when we get to the hospital. What about the rest of you guys? Okay?

Taylor: Yeah. We're fine.

Carly: Kristina? Are you okay?

Kristina: I'm just a little cold.

Jason: Okay, we're gonna have to get her up to the road. Can you guys help her?

Ali: Yeah, sure. No problem.

Jason: Come on. Ali: Okay.

Jason: There's two cars up there. Just get her in front of the heater as soon as you can.

Taylor: Sounds good.

Carly: Do you know that you saved everybody? If you hadn't called me, I would have never known the bus crashed, and they couldn't have started the search for hours.

Morgan: I knew you'd find me.

Carly: I'll always find you, baby. I'll always find you. Jason, do you think we can carry him up to the road?

Jason: I think it's too steep. We should wait for the rescue teams.

Carly: Can you hang on a little longer?

Morgan: Yeah. I'm okay, Mom. I'm glad you're here.

Maxie: Oh, my God. Michael, you brought help. You're amazing.

Michael: Can you make it up?

Matt: Yeah. I'm fine.

Dante: Since when do you ski, Ma?

Olivia: Carly made me an offer I couldn't refuse.

Steve: She's been telling me lots of stories about you.

Dante: Really? Like what? What were you sayin'?

Olivia: Nothing that wasn't true, baby.

Dante: You're gonna be okay, all right?

Olivia: Yeah. I'm gonna be fine, honey. Nothing a few stitches won't fix.

Sam: Okay. I'm sure Jason is with the kids right now, and you have to remember he's really, really good in a crisis. He's gonna take really good care of them.

Alexis: I wish you were there with 'em.

Sam: Yeah, I know. Me, too.

Alexis: If you were there. I wouldn't worry. You would have taken care of 'em. You probably would have built a fire by now.

Sam: Hey, just don't. Thank you. You know, I wish you were there with them, too. You're their mother. That's what they need right now.

Alexis: I have really amazing children, all three of you.

Robin: Thank you. Sonny.

Sonny: What have we got?

Robin: Except for Morgan's broken leg, your kids are okay.

Sonny: I gotta tell you it was a fluke that Michael was even on the trip, 'cause he got on the bus on the last minute. And I gotta tell you if he didn't have that cell phone and call for help, they'd still be searching.

Robin: Well, call it a fluke or fate or luck, sometimes the exact right thing happens at the exact right time.

[Cell phone ringing]

Sonny: Hold on. I'm sorry. Hello.

Brenda: Hey. Hi. We're at the road right above the crash site.

Sonny: It's Brenda. She's at the crash site. How are my kids?

Brenda: Molly's good, and I saw Michael. He's okay. He went down to help Dante with Olivia. And then Jason and Carly got here, and they're going down to take care of Morgan and Kristina, who are still down there. Did you hear about Morgan's leg?

Sonny: Yeah, they think it's broken.

Brenda: Yeah, but it doesn't sound serious. And then Molly says that Kristina is okay. Right?

Robin: Ask Brenda if Maxie's okay.

Sonny: Robin's here. She wants to know if Maxie's okay.

Brenda: Is Maxie okay? She says yes, thumbs up.

Sonny: Okay, thanks for the update. It helps to know what's goin' on.

Brenda: Of course. Is there anything else you want me to do?

Sonny: You're with my kids. That means a lot.

Elizabeth: Thank you so much. Bye. Thank you so much for stickin' around and helpin' me through this, and I really appreciate you staying, too.

Brook Lynn: Yeah, of course. I'm really glad that Cameron's okay.

Robin: Hey. It's crazy how lucky we are, right? Maxie is okay, and Matt's injuries seem minimal.

Patrick: A broken arm for Matt could be tragic for him, though.

Robin: At least he has his big brother to fill in for him.

Patrick: Heh. Well, it looks like I'm gonna be busy doing everything that I have to do and then filling in for Matt and of course moving heaven and earth to make it up to you.

Robin: Sounds like a plan.

Alexis: Okay, I want you to tell me the truth. Do you think I'm being unreasonable if I tell the girls they can never leave the house again?

Sam: Well, I don't know. They went on a chaperoned ski trip with your permission. I guess they have to deal with the consequences.

Alexis: All right, well, how 'bout if I just never let them out of my sight and I follow them everywhere?

Sam: Oh, I'm glad they have to deal with you and not me.

Alexis: Yeah.

Mac: Get as many ambulances as you can in there, all right? We aren't sure how many people are hurt. And bring everyone to General Hospital.

Siobhan: Is there a problem with the evacuation?

Lucky: Well, the terrain's rough, the wind's picking up, and at least two people are gonna have to be carried out.

Epiphany: If it's not life-threatening, reroute it to Mercy.

Abby: Guess it's gonna be a long night, huh?

Sonny: You here to see a doctor?

Abby: I'm waiting for word on a friend who has been in an accident.

Sonny: One of my kids got hurt. I'm just waitin' to hear how bad.

Carly: The rescue team's gonna be here any minute, okay?

Jason: You're doin' real good, Morgan.

Morgan: I was scared before you got here. I was kind of a baby.

[Sirens approaching]

Carly: No. It was scary, okay? Why don't you tell me what happened.

Morgan: I was talking to you on the phone, and I heard this big screech, and everything started bouncing around. Then we went sideways, and then I heard this really loud crash. I woke up outside, and my leg hurt really bad. I kept yelling. No one could hear me. I guess I fell asleep. And then I heard Michael yelling, and I thought it was a dream, but it was real. He found me, and he carried me back here and put me by the fire.

Jason: Michael would do anything for you.

Morgan: But if my leg's really broken, I can't ski all winter. I can't snowboard. And it's gonna mess up karate for months.

Carly: God, Morgan, when your leg gets better next summer, Jax will take you skiing in Australia.

Morgan: You don't have to promise stuff like that, Mom. I'm not dying.

Carly: I'm so sorry I wasn't on that bus. I should have been with you.

Morgan: I don't think you could have stopped the crash just by being on the bus, Mom.

[Horns honking]

Maxie: Okay, Cam's new friends are all getting ready to hike up the hill, but Cameron said he wanted to go with us.

Matt: Oh, okay. Well, that sounds good, bud. I appreciate it. I messed up my arm. I could use all the help I can get.

Maxie: Wait. No. Maybe you should stay here, just in case you fall and break your fingers.

Matt: The rescuers have enough to worry about. They don't need to be concerned with me. Besides, if we're climbing up with him, we can keep him between us, and we will keep him from falling. Right, buddy?

Maxie: Come on, bud.

Matt: Let's go. We'll be fine. We'll be fine.

Dante: The rescue team'll be here any second, okay, Ma?

Olivia: Don't be scared, baby.

Dante: I'm not scared of anything. What are you talking about? You just gotta promise me that you're gonna be okay, because no Falconeri mother would ever break a promise to her son, right?

Man: Hello! Fire and rescue!

Michael: Over here!

Steve: We need a stretcher over here!

Dante: They're here, okay, Ma? You're gonna get out of here. All right? You're gonna be fine.

Olivia: Yeah. Don't be scared, baby, okay?

Alexis: Okay, so the rescue people are at the site. How much longer do you think it'll be before they get here?

Sam: I don't know.

Alexis: Well, I'm very relieved and grateful, but I'm gonna feel much, much better when I get them here, they're in my sight, and I've got my arms around 'em.

Kristina: I'm cold. Aren't you freezing?

Molly: Actually, I think that's a good sign.

Brenda: Yeah. We're gonna be at the hospital soon. It's gonna be really warm there.

Molly: May I ask you something?

Brenda: Yes.

Molly: Michael says you're gonna marry Uncle Sonny.

Brenda: Yes.

Molly: And he also says that all the kids are invited to the wedding.

Brenda: Yes, of course. Of course.

Kristina: That's so cool. Brenda Barrett will by my stepmother.

Molly: And you'll be my Aunt Brenda.

Brenda: Yes, that is correct. In fact, I would be really excited if you guys would consider being in the wedding.

Molly: Are you serious?

Brenda: Yeah.

Molly: I live for weddings.

Brenda: You do?

Molly: Uh-huh.

Brenda: Ha ha. Wow. I would also be really happy if you guys might want to become friends until I have earned the right to possibly be considered a member of your family.

Abby: Hey, is there any word on the bus crash?

Epiphany: Nothing yet.

Sonny: Your friend was on the bus?

Abby: Yeah. I feel terrible. The only reason why he went is because I talked him into it.

Sonny: What's his name?

Abby: Michael Corinthos.

Olivia: I love you, baby.

Dante: I love you, too, Ma. You're gonna be okay, all right? That's what you always tell me, and it's always true.

Paramedic: She's all set. 1, 2...

Dante: I'll see you at the hospital, okay? Thanks for lookin' after her.

Steve: Yeah. She hung on for one reason; you.

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