By Suzanne >> Previously on
"General Hospital" -- Edward: Why did you really come
back? Skye: Careful, Grandfather. Carly: I'm fighting for my family -- for you,
for me, and Michael. Lucky: You're not going to get
anything out of me ever again. Bobbie: I need to find the lab.
We all do. Elizabeth: It worked. TODAY: Carly: Thanks for coming over so fast. Hey,
Michael, you see? Uncle Sonny is right here. Sonny: Hey, buddy. Mama said you
had a bad dream? Carly: Yep. We've been waiting -- Sonny: All right. Carly: Because we knew that Uncle Sonny would
be coming right over. Right, Michael? Sonny: Yeah? Do you remember what
the dream was about? Michael: You left. Sonny: Oh, well, you know, now I
know why you woke up. Nobody likes to be left. But it's just a dream, okay? And
I'm here. I'll always be with you. Michael: You said you were never
coming back. Carly: Oh, Michael, honey, it wasn't real.
Uncle Sonny would never leave you. Neither would I. We love you, honey. Sonny: This is a bad dream, okay?
And they -- they never come true. They're just about things that you're afraid
could happen. I know that you're scared that I'm not living with you and your Mother.
But we're family, right? Michael: I love you, Uncle Sonny.
Carly: Yeah. Sonny: I love you, too, kid. We
both do. Carly: That's right. We both do. A.J.: "I hereby relinquish
all rights --" Like hell. Thank God it's you. Come on, you got to get me
out of here, man. Gia: Elizabeth, you're alive? Nikolas: Thank God you're all right. Gia: Get away from her. Just get your hands
off of her. Nikolas: Gia, you don't
understand. Gia: He poisoned you. Go to the hospital. Get
your stomach -- Nikolas: I was not trying to kill Elizabeth. It was a setup. Gia: Will you stop lying? Elizabeth: Gia, I took
the drug on purpose to make me look dead. Nikolas and
I planned the whole thing, and you are messing it up. He was trying to save my
life, just like he's been trying to save Lucky. Lucky: Where's your power now, Helena? Whatever evil spell you put on Nikolas isn't going to work on me. In fact, without your
little Ice Princess, you're just a frail, helpless woman with no defense that I
can see. Helena: Stay back. Do we understand each other,
Lucky? That's better. Now, drop your hand to your side and tell me who's in
power here. Lucky: You are. Not for long! Just kidding. You're really no match for me, you know that, Helena? Now, you're going to give me the cure to
my father. Helena: If you insist. Lucky: Oh, I do. That's
definitely more like it. Luke: Hey, back off, back off.
Barbara, we don't need help from strangers. Bobbie: Okay. It's all right. Try
to relax. Tony: All done, actually. Luke: Good. You get out of here.
I need rest and relaxation. Tony: His pressure's
dangerously low, the fever's rising, and his muscle control is progressively
weakening. Bobbie: Give him the antidote. Tony: It's not the cure, though.
It's just my best guess. I have no way of knowing that it's not going to make
him worse. Bobbie: Tony, he's getting sicker
by the minute. The antidote is all we've got. Tony: It's your call. Luke: Hey, no, no. No, no more
needles. Tony, I ain't taking any more shots, you got
that? Barbara, it's a bad trip. Don't take it. Bobbie: Luke, that's good. That's
really good. Luke: What? Bobbie: Because you are in the
present. Tony: Luke, Helena -- Bobbie: Will you tell me what
happened to you? Tony: Helena gave you something that made you sick.
This is going to make you better. Luke: No, no. I'm not taking it!
No way! Bobbie: Hey. Hey, look at me.
It's me. It's me. It's Barbara Jean. You know I'd never do anything to hurt
you, don't you? Luke: Hey. Hey, baby sister.
Where's Mom? Is she feeling any better? Who's this? Bobbie: Luke, you're -- you're
thinking about when we were kids, but we're not -- we're not children anymore. Luke: He's got a needle, Barbara.
Don't let him stick you. Who is this guy, anyway? Huh? Who is he? Bobbie: He's a doctor. Luke: A doctor? Bobbie: He's a doctor, and he's
going to help us. Luke: No. Bobbie: Hey, remember when we
were kids and I had to take my polio vaccine and I was really scared and I
didn't want to take it, and you bribed me to stand strong and take it? Do you
remember what you bribed me with? Luke: Yeah. Bobbie: Yeah? Luke: White go-go boots. Bobbie: That's right. I was just
a little kid, and I wanted to look so grown-up. And that's what I really
wanted. So tell me something -- what do you really want? What can I bribe you
with so that you'll take your shot? Luke: I want that necklace that
Mom always stops and looks at in the window of the jewelry store. Bobbie: I know the one. The gold one. It's got flowers all around it. Luke: Yeah. She -- she loves it.
She never gets anything nice. I got to find a way to get it for her. Bobbie: Well, you know what?
We'll go and we'll get it for her as soon as you take your shot. Luke: No, I don't -- no, no, not
from him. No way. Bobbie: Hey, hey, you know what?
I'm a nurse now. Luke: Huh? Bobbie: I could give you the
shot. Luke: Okay. Bobbie: Okay. Luke: If that's the only way. Bobbie: Yeah. I'll give you the
shot. Oh, please, God. Please let this make my brother well. Skye: Now that you've written
A.J. off, tell me, Grandfather, how's it going to feel when the family treats
you exactly the same way? Edward: That's impossible. Skye: Not when I tell them about
your whereabouts the night of Sorel's murder. Edward: Go ahead. By all means,
spin some transparent piece of fiction that has no resemblance to the truth. Skye: Oh, Grandfather. I don't
need to create anything. The facts themselves are enough to arouse suspicion.
You know, I especially loved that spiffy blue convertible you were driving that
night. Edward: I have no idea what
you're referring to. Skye: Oh, you looked so dapper
that night. That blue matched your eyes exactly. Tell me -- was that car weekend
rental, or was it your latest acquisition, hmm? Edward: You're bluffing, young
lady. Alan: Bluffing about what? Tony: You know,
his pulse is stronger. Bobbie: Well, is it possible for
the antidote to work that fast? Tony: I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Luke: Mama? Mama? Bobbie: Hey, hey. Luke, how do
you feel? Luke: Barbara, run across the
hall to the Hopkins'. Tell them Mama's sick. Ask if you can
use the phone. Call a doctor. Bobbie: No, you know what? Luke: Go! Bobbie: Mama's not here. Mama's
not here. Mama's been gone a long time. Luke, you're the one who's sick. Do you
remember anything? Do you remember -- do you remember something about a
laboratory where somebody gave you something? Luke: Somebody named Lucky. Gia: You never intended for Elizabeth to die? Nikolas: No, I only made it look that way to prove
myself to Helena. Gia: So I went crazy, I turned myself inside
out to try to stop what I thought was a murder? I even went to Lucky and -- Elizabeth: That's why he showed up here. Have you
seen him? Is he okay? Nikolas: Elizabeth, Elizabeth, relax, okay? Lucky was here a while ago.
He's fine. All right? All we need to do is get you
some water and try and wash that drug out of your system. Okay? Elizabeth: Okay. Nikolas: Here. Gia: I did everything I could to try to stop
you, and it wasn't real? I even offered myself to you, and you turned me down. Nikolas: I lied so you could be safe. And I hated
it, Gia. All I wanted to do was take you in my arms
and tell you I was still the person you love. But I couldn't put you in that
kind of danger, and I can't stop until Lucky is safe, so the only thing I could
have done was to keep you out of it. Gia: Then it was all fake,
from the moment you kicked Elizabeth and Lucky out of the cottage. Nikolas: That's right. It was all fake. Skye: Oh, I've just blown
Grandfather's cover, and he knows it. I must say, I am a little disappointed,
though. You're not nearly as smooth as I thought. Alan: Come on, Skye, get to the
point. Edward: There is no point. Skye: Oh, but there is.
Grandfather's always pontificating about the good of the family. But, you see,
the secret is that some family members are more precious than others. A.J. only
counts when he does want you want him to do, and, well, I have no value because
I'm human enough to make mistakes. But haven't you made mistakes, Grandfather,
and recently? Maybe you'd better sleep on that. Edward: Perhaps I will. Anything to get away from you. Good night. Alan: You managed to turn Father
around in less than an hour. I am very impressed. Skye: Call it shameless
manipulation. You're not going to yell at me for that, are you? Alan: No, I'm going to let this
one slide. Skye: Well, good. I'm glad. Because I don't want to fight with you tonight. I want you
to help me get A.J. back. Alan: You love your brother,
don't you? Skye: A.J. is a stinker, a liar,
and a manipulator, but, yeah, I love him. Carly: Ooh, okay. Are you all full? Sonny: I bet you can go to sleep now
with no dreams at all. Leticia: Is Michael ready for
bed? Carly: Yeah. Sonny: Yeah, Mike, are you ready
to go? You want Leticia to take you up, or do you want me to carry you? Michael: No, I'm not a baby. Carly: Oh. Sonny: Oh! Carly: Okay. Well, give me a hug. Sonny: Excuse me. Carly: Oh, I love you. All right, Mr. Man, go
on up there. Sonny: See you, buddy. Carly: Oh, thank you. Oh, someone is feeling
better, yes. Leticia: Come on, you. Good
night. Sonny and Carly:
Good night. Sonny: Good night, buddy. Michael: Good night. Carly: Good night. Sonny: Thanks for calling. Carly: Yeah, I tried to handle it myself, but
he was just so upset that I -- Sonny: No, no, you know, you did
the right thing. Michael needs to know that I'll be here, you know, if --
whenever you -- whenever he needs me. Carly: He loves you, you know. Sonny: Yeah. Carly: As much as any little boy ever loved his
father. That's what you are to him, no matter what he calls you. Sonny: What you did -- what you
did this afternoon wasn't cool. I mean, you did everything to make me mad, and
I was, and that made it really hard to come over here. But I was thinking that,
you know, I don't want Michael to have to suffer because of what's going on
between us. And he -- he needs to know I would never abandon him. Your father
is supposed to love you not because you're the best. He's supposed to love you
because you're you. And that's what I want with Michael. He's got to know that
he doesn't have to earn my love, you know, because it already belongs to him. I
want him to be able to trust that completely. Do you know what I mean? Carly: He does. Look, he knows it. You've
proved it to him again, just tonight. Sonny, even though you're filing for
divorce, our love -- it keeps pulling us all back together. Sonny: No matter what happens,
Michael -- he needs to know we love him. Carly: Yeah. But it's more than that. I love
you, Sonny, with all of my heart. And no matter what you say, you love me. A.J.: Come on; let's get out of
here before Donny's goons get back. Zander: Guards are outside, man. The only way
you're leaving is if you sign this thing. A.J.: Are you in on this? Zander: No. I lied to get in. I thought I could
help. A.J.: You can. Soon as you get
out of here, you call the cops and get a hold of my family. Zander: I won't turn against Sonny. A.J.: Man, if you don't help me,
you're just as guilty as Sonny! Zander: Hey, listen, Sonny's already covered his
tracks, okay? The Quartermaines already got a visit
from a concerned bartender saying that you went on a drinking binge and gave
them back your keys. It's all set up for you to have a drunk
driving accident. A.J.: Listen, he won't kill me.
No way. Zander: He doesn't want to. Okay? That's why
he's trying to do this. Sonny knows that someday that Michael's going to ask
about you. Okay? He wants to be able to tell the kid that his biological father
gave him up because he would be happier with his mother. A.J.: Oh, come on! You're not
buying this man of honor crap! Zander: All I know is that Sonny keeps his word,
and he promised Carly that you would never get
Michael. Okay, I'm not even supposed to know this, okay? I just happened to
overhear a conversation. Now, the only way that you're going to leave is if you
sign. Nikolas: It tore me up to hurt you, Gia, but it was the only way that I could win Helena's trust and to stop whatever she was
doing to Lucky and everyone else. Gia: So moving on this yacht? Nikolas: It was part of the plan. Gia: Turning on Laura? Nikolas: An act. My Mother knows everything. Gia: Well, Lucky doesn't. Elizabeth: He thinks it's all real. We couldn't
risk telling him because we didn't want Helena to find out the truth. Gia: What about the time when Luke punched
you at The Grill? Nikolas: It was a setup. Gia: And what about your instant love affair
with Elizabeth? Nikolas: Part of the act. Gia: Breaking up with me? Nikolas: I had to, Gia.
Helena demanded that I give you up. Gia: And falling out of love with me? Nikolas: That never happened. I have never
stopped loving you, and I never will. And I've been living for the day that I
could tell you the truth and make you understand. I love you, Gia. Tell me you still love me. Nikolas: I love you, Gia.
Please believe that. Gia: Don't touch me. You ripped my heart out.
Elizabeth: He did it for Lucky. What part of that
don't you understand? Gia: Oh, easy for you to say. You're not the
one Nikolas lied to. You're not the one he hurt,
deliberately, over and over. The day you dumped me, the night you declared your
-- your love for Elizabeth, the day you almost kissed me at the
auction, and the day you did kiss me on the docks after Chloe died, I saw the
pain in your eyes, so I reached out to you. And how did you respond? You
treated me like a piece of meat. Nikolas: And I hated all of it. Okay? But I did
what I had to do to stop Helena and for my brother. Gia: How many times did you look into my eyes
and see that I was dying inside? Huh? How many times did you decide that my
pain didn't matter? Nikolas: I was hurting, too. And it killed me to
keep you at a distance. But I made myself -- and I almost caved so many times, Gia, but I made myself stick to the plan. Gia: Oh, the plan that you shared with
Elizabeth and your mother and Luke, of all people. Who else knows about this? The maitre d' at the Port Charles Grill? The
guy at the newsstand over on Church Street? Elton, maybe?
How about Stefan? Is that -- Nikolas: Stefan doesn't know anything, okay? Gia: You know, I feel -- I feel so much
better. You know, on a scale of people who matter, I rank with the uncle who
pretended to be dead. Elizabeth: Do you think any of this was easy for Nikolas? He's been breaking his own heart to try to save
his brother. Gia: And you helped him do it. You must have
loved your little conspiracy, you and Nikolas against
the world. Who cares about the clueless girlfriend? Just let her lose her mind.
Elizabeth: Are you going to listen to -- Nikolas: You have every right to be angry! Okay?
But do you think that we lied to you for fun? Gia: You didn't lie, period. You were telling
the truth when you said that you don't love me. You have no clue what love is.
Otherwise, you would have trusted me! Elizabeth: Can we deal with this later, after we've
located the boat Sonny sent, please? Gia: Excuse me? The local gangster is in on
this, and you didn't tell me? Nikolas: Yes, he is. We needed Sonny's help to
get Elizabeth away. All right?
We're meeting one of Sonny's boats so that we can smuggle her out of the
country. Gia: Well, enjoy your cruise. Nikolas: My God, this is important, Gia. Elizabeth's life is on the line here! If anyone
finds out that she did not die tonight -- Gia: Yet another reason that you should have
told me what the hell was going on. I wouldn't have been running all around
town. Mac: We got a call about a crime
in progress. Officer: From a Ms. Gia Campbell. Mac: What's this about a murder? Lucky: You know, if I drop this
vial, you're going to need the antidote just as much as my father does. So I
suggest you hand it over right now. My arm is getting awfully tired. Helena: Patience, Lucky. Now, I -- I have it right
here. Remember this? Luke: Will -- will you come and
see my mom? She's real sick and -- and she was saying that her side hurt, and
then -- and then she just -- she passed out. I can't wake her up. Doctor, can
you come and see her, please, Sir? Please? Please? Bobbie: His pressure's dropping. Tony: It means the antidote
stopped working. Bobbie: Give him another shot. Luke: No, I don't need a shot. I
don't need anything. It's Mom -- you have to go see Mom. Go and see Mom. Tony: Even if I had the right
formula, it's too soon. It's too risky to give him a shot again right now. I'm
going to have to go back to the hospital. I want you to stay here, all right?
Take care of him and -- Bobbie: Okay. Okay. Hurry. Hurry. Tony: All right. Luke: Hey, no! Where are you
going? Hey! Where's he going? Why won't he help us? Bobbie: You know what? He's
trying. He's trying. Luke: No, no. Tell him -- tell
him I'll give him anything he wants, any kind of money. I'll get it. I'll get
whatever -- Bobbie: Luke, listen to me.
Listen to me, okay? Now, you have to stay here with me. Luke: Barbara, please. Try to
understand -- this is bad. If Mom doesn't see a doctor, she's going to die. Bobbie: Luke, wait! Luke: For what? The old man? He doesn't care! We have to save her, Barbara!
You and me -- we have to do it! See if you can wake her up. Just call to her.
Tell her you need her. Tell her not to leave us. She'll listen to you, Barbara.
You're her baby. She'll listen to you. Bobbie: Luke, listen to me. Mom
wants us to be together. Do you remember that? That's why we had to leave Port
Charles -- so the child welfare people wouldn't split us up. Luke: They're not going to split
us up. I won't let them. I swear to you they won't split us up. Bobbie: Okay, I know. I know
that. Luke: We'll go to Aunt Ruby. Bobbie: Hey, you know what? We
made it as far as the boardwalk. And pretty soon, we are going to be with Aunt
Ruby in Jacksonville. Luke: We just need some -- some
money for bus fare. Bobbie: Okay. All
right. But you know what? I am so tired. I am really tired, and I need
to rest. So will you stay with me? Luke: No, no -- Bobbie: Stay with me -- Luke: Barbara, we can't rest now!
We have to -- we have to get some money and get on a -- get on a bus. Do you
think you can sing for the suckers? You know, like you did in Atlantic City that time? You can do it, just sing a
little song. Come on, Barbara. They'll think you're so cute. They won't even
notice me lifting their wallets. Bobbie: You know what, Luke? I --
I will in a little while. Luke: No, no, no -- now! Now,
now! You have to do it now. Please. Now, sing. Sing a song. You can do it, come
on. Sing a little song. Go ahead. Bobbie: Baa, baa black sheep have
you any wool? Luke: Yeah, that's it. Bobbie: Yes, sir yes, sir three
bags full Luke: That's good. Bobbie: One for my master Luke: It's
working, Barbara. I got five bucks. Bobbie: One for my dame one for
the little boy who cries in the lane Luke: Hey, I just palmed a 20. Bobbie: Baa, baa black sheep have
you any wool? Luke: We're really good at this,
little sister. We're really good. Bobbie: Yes, sir yes, sir three
bags full Luke: Florida, here we come. Bobbie: Baa, baa black sheep have
you any wool? Luke: Here we come, Florida. Skye: A.J. was determined to get
his son back. All he could talk about was getting him home and taking him to
school, teaching him to read, teaching him how to ride a bike. Alan: How old were you when you learned
to read? Skye: Excuse me? Alan: It just struck me that I
don't know. I don't know how old you were when you learned to walk or if you
liked the first day of school. You see, that's why I sympathize so much with
A.J. -- because I missed so much of your life. Skye: Since you're interested, I
-- I learned to read when I was 5. I had a nanny who taught me.
Alan: I wish I had taught you. Skye: Me, too. You're probably
right. A.J. probably is off on a bender. I guess I don't want to believe it
because I know that Sonny and Carly will use his
relapse against him to keep Michael away from him. But most of all, I hate the
thought of A.J. out there, alone and desperate, thinking that we don't care. Carly: You never said you didn't love me -- not
when you threw me out or brought over the divorce papers. You can't even say it
now. Sonny: Even if I did say it, you
wouldn't listen. Carly: No, you wouldn't mean it. Sonny: Well, I say things, you
know, that I do mean, and you still don't listen sometimes. You like to fight
me, Carly, and, you know, I -- I like it, too, when
it's fun, when it's, you know, about what color to upholster the couch. But I
don't -- I don't like hurting you. I don't like using the things you hate about
yourself to make you hate me. Carly: Then don't. Sonny: Okay. Carly: Okay? Because it
doesn't work anyway. I am never going to hate you, Sonny. And even if I
want to or feel like I do, don't you know I'm always going to love you even
more? Sonny: Love is not enough. You
want it to be. You think it's going to change everything, but it can't make up
for the things that are missing. Do you know sometimes I am screaming at you?
Your eyes are full of tears, and I'm, like, outside myself going, "don't
say it, don't do it, don't -- don't hurt her again. Don't say the words that
you know are going to wreck her." So I pull back, right? Carly: Mm-hmm. Sonny: But then, you know, you're
in my face, you know, and you want to fight, so I fight, too, but not for fun
-- for maximum damage, to get you to go away. And then when you do, when
door closes behind you, I pray that you don't come back because I never want to
do that to you again. Carly: Don't you know that every time I walk
out that door, I feel you right behind me and I want to say I'm sorry? And you
know what? It's not -- it's not for what we were fighting about. I'm sorry for
the way that we treat each other. Sonny: Well, that's why we got to
stop this. We got to end this. We got to let it be over. Carly: No. Sonny: Why? Carly: It's not over. It's not over. I can see
it in your eyes. Look, you don't want to divorce me. You don't. You don't want
to even go tonight. Do you? Hmm? You want to take me
to bed. That's where we ended all our fights. You remember? That's where all
the anger just -- just slipped away. Sonny: Uh-uh. No, no, no, no, no,
no, no. We cannot -- Okay. Tell Michael I'll come back in the morning. Carly: You don't want to go. A.J.: I don't give a damn about
Sonny. He's not Michael's father, I am. Zander: A.J., you already lost the kid. Okay?
Sign the papers and at least you can save your own life. Okay? But you better
-- Johnny: Mr. Corinthos
just called. He was disappointed to learn you were here against his
instructions. Man: He said to tell you he
expected better. Zander: Look, I can explain. Johnny: Then you'd better get
going. Zander: Sign the papers, A.J. ,okay?
It's going to be better for everybody. Johnny: Mr. Corinthos
asked me to convey his respects. He understands now there's nothing he can do
to persuade you to sign the papers. A.J.: So now what? Hmm? Does he let me go? Man: You must be hungry. Can we
get you anything -- A.J.: I don't want any food! I
want out. Johnny: Don't worry. It'll be
over soon. A.J.: What's that supposed to
mean? Johnny: Must get boring in here. Man: Yeah. Johnny: We brought you something
to read. A.J.: All right, he's just trying
to scare you. It's a bluff. Huh? What's next, a fake obituary? Johnny: Compliments of Mr. Corinthos. He says to drink to your health. Sonny: Thanks, Johnny. Johnny: No problem. Sonny: How did it go? Zander: I think it worked. I think he believed
me. I don't know if he's going to sign the papers, though. The guy really hates
you. Sonny: Do you blame him? Zander: Do I think you're wrong? I don't know. I
guess it doesn't matter, though. I trust you. And you asked me to do this, so I
did. Sonny: You think this was a test
of loyalty? Zander: Wasn't it? Sonny: I wanted you to see how I
operate. I needed you to understand what it means to work for me. Not that this
is routine, because mostly what I do involves transportation and currency
exchange. Very little -- very little violence. It's
sloppy, and it creates more problems than it solves. But in this situation, I
had no choice because A.J. threatened Carly and when
she's scared, there's no telling what she'll do -- usually something crazy,
hard to clean up. Zander: So this is for Carly?
Sonny: And for Michael. When A.J.
drinks, he hurts people. He took Michael's little brother, and I can't risk
that happening again. Besides, kids look for themselves in their fathers. They
try to be like them and try to please them. And when their father doesn't honor
that, when he's mean, vindictive and deliberately tries to hurt the mother, the
kid takes it upon himself. Zander: I know how that works. Sonny: Yeah? Zander: That's why I left home. But you're wrong
about one thing, Sonny -- that nothing can fix it.
Because Emily did for me and obviously somebody did for you or you wouldn't be
doing this for Michael. Sonny: I'm doing it because I
don't want Michael to ever end up like either one of us. He needs -- I don't
want him to understand what was just said. Now, there could be a fallout to this. I'm willing to take the risk. A.J. just
saw you. There could be consequences. Zander: I'll handle them. I'm with you. Sonny: Good. Luke: How long before we get to Jacksonville, little sister? Bobbie: We'll be there soon. Be
there soon. Helena: Did you miss your old friend? She's
beautiful, isn't she? Even after a few nights underwater. Lucky: No. No, I got rid of that.
Helena: You threw her in the lake, Lucky, and
then you foolishly bragged about what you had done. Sometimes it's hard to
believe you are your father's son. Lucky: You hurt Elizabeth. Helena: Power has its price, Lucky. It's the way
of the world. Lucky: No, it's not! People love
each other! They care about each other! All you do is hurt and hate! And you
need to be stopped. Helena: By you? I think not. Lucky,
listen to me. Put that vial down carefully where you got it. Lucky: Forget it. You're not
going to hurt anybody else in my family. You're not going to hurt my father, my
mother, anybody. Helena: Put it down slowly, Lucky. Do we
understand each other? Do we understand each other? Lucky: Yes. Yeah, we do. And you
know what? I am my father's son! Gia: I made up this stupid story to pay Nikolas back for choosing Elizabeth over me. I -- I thought my brother would
go along with it, come here, and break up their romantic evening, but I never
thought the police commissioner would show up. I -- Mac: In the future, don't call
the cops to solve your romantic difficulties. Let's go. Gia: You see how that works? You tell me the
truth, and I cover for you. It could have been that way all along if you'd
trusted me. Nikolas: Gia, I have to
get Elizabeth to the rendezvous, but I will not let you
leave here until you understand. Gia: What, that you're a liar who doesn't
trust me? I got that part, Nikolas, loud and clear. Elizabeth: Okay, okay, okay. We get that your
feelings are hurt. All right? And Nikolas
and I, we -- we're cruel and we're wrong and we're just awful, awful people.
Now, can we get going, please? Nikolas: Gia, I have
always intended on coming back to you and explaining everything. Okay? I have
spent every day planning on how we can make up for the time that we've lost. Gia: Well, guess what -- you can't. Nikolas: Look, I know this is not going to be
easy. But nothing worth having ever is. Gia: I am not a thing. I'm a person, which
you would have known if you'd ever -- Nikolas: I still love you, Gia!
Never mind the fact that when I met you, you were a blackmailer, hostile, and
-- God, you know what? -- A dozen other things that I could name. Look
at me.
But the fact of the matter is you are the best thing that has ever happened to
me. And I will not lose you without a fight. If I have to tie you up to one of
those chairs to make you understand, you are not leaving until we work this
out. |