General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/27/00
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Oh, thank you, dear. Look what I brought you. Why are you so cheerful? Well, why shouldn't I be? You're never in a good mood on thanksgiving. Yes, but this year's going to be very different because, uh, there won't be any mishaps. Everything is going to go like clockwork. Grandmother, can I go have dinner with nikolas at the cottage? No, no, no. Absolutely not. But, grandfather -- no buts about it, young lady. You are a member of this family, and you are going to be a part of the family celebration, whether you like it or not. Ah, let the mayhem begin. Oh, but that's my surprise. There won't be any mayhem.[ Scoffs ]Your surprise? Uh-huh. I've come up with a foolproof plan. I'm afraid to ask. Oh, alan. Don't be so jaded. We're going to have the first traditional turkey-and-trimmings thanksgiving that we've had in years. Cheers.
[ Chuckles ] Okay. Um. Oh, thank you. Uh, well, the large bowl for the stuffing's gonna go over here. -Okay. -Put the smaller one there. I need -- I need -- I need -- I need help with the smaller one. I'm gonna lose this one. Okay, honey.
[ Laughing ] Here you go. Oh. [ Laughs ] How do you stay so calm? Well, I've had years of experience. And I really enjoy the holidays, especially thanksgiving. Just the thought of seeing this table overflowing with family and friends -- there's really nothing that I enjoy more. Well, maybe there's a few things. Mm. It's been way too long since we spent a holiday together. Happy thanksgiving. -Ooh, happy thanksgiving. -Hey, hey! Happy thanksgiving. How are you, sweetie? Hmm. Hi. Hi. Happy thanksgiving. My spice bread. Ooh. It's a secret recipe, but if you like it, I'll tell all.
[ Laughs ] Smells wonderful. You came early enough, we can probably catch the end of the game if, uh -- if you want to. That'd be okay, right? Um, dad, uh, I don't think I should stay for dinner.
[ Groans ]
[ Groans ] Ooh, boy. Sonny? What are you doing? Getting up. No, no. You're staying put. No, I'm not. I'm just sore, that's all. It's no big deal. Look, carly, you didn't just trip on a curb. A couple of thugs roughed you up. What are you doing? What am I supposed to be doing? You want me to lay here and stare at the ceiling while you're downstairs cooking and you ignore me. You like sleeping in.
[ Chuckles ] Not today. Oh, man! Will you stop moving around?
[ Laughs ] I'll just...shuffle along like an inch per minute. No, no. You're gonna stay right there, and you're gonna let me take care of you. I have a little problem with that.
Thanksgiving dinner happened. You know, they ought to make turkey lifting an olympic event. Well, I offered to help.
[ Sighs ] Alan, it's all done. Turkey's in the oven along with the candied yams and the macaroni and cheese. Macaroni and cheese on thanksgiving? It's tradition in my family. Do you have a problem with that? Absolutely not. I am all for tradition. Well, good.
[ Sighs ] You know, look, you've been trying so hard to make everything perfect, it's okay if it's not. Just remember those words when you taste the stuffing. And if this is a cover for you missing your family -- where did you come up with that one? Just a hunch. They're at the brownstone, and I'm sure they're doing just fine. I'm just saying, if you'd like to cut out of here earlier -- look, thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks. Not for me listening to my mother tell me what she would be thankful for if I did everything her way. Okay. I guess I'm just feeling guilty for letting you do all the work. What, do you think you're off the hook? I plan to watch while you set the table, clear the dishes, wash them, and take out the garbage. Well, forget setting the table because it's actually not gonna be big enough for all of us, so... all of us? Well, yeah. I invited lucky, elizabeth, and emily and juan. Did it ever occur to you to run that by me first? Look, this is our first thanksgiving as a family, and I don't want to spend it in bed. It's two hours till we eat. Humor me, and take it easy. I want a hot shower. I just... uh, I just need to stretch a little bit. Now will you listen to me, or are you gonna just keep...ouch?
[ Laughs ] I have to move around! Sonny, we're supposed to be at bobbie's, like, now. I thought we weren't going. She pushed me, you know. I pushed her back. Oh [Sighs] You thought that if you said you weren't going, she would uninvite a few guests. Something like that, yes. But it didn't work, and thanksgiving is thanksgiving is thanksgiving, so I think we should go. You're sore. Bobbie's gonna notice. I'll tell her I tripped over one of michael's toys.
[ Scoffs ] What about when she hugs you and you cringe? I don't know! Ow. [ Laughs ] What do you think we should do? It's up to you. What do you want to do? Uh, I want to sit across the table and -- and be thankful for my beautiful wife. A table for two or a table for 20? Doesn't matter, as long as you're with me. You could have ended up in a hospital last night. I don't -- I don't want that to happen, you know, ever.
[ Quietly ] I think I'll be safe at bobbie'S. I'm serious. I need you. Then we're even. Hmm, hmm, hmm. I won't touch ya.
[ Laughs ] Better not. Ow. My lips hurt. What do you want? You want to go to bobbie's or you want to stay here? Sweetheart, you have to stay for dinner. Dad, I think it's best if I don'T. This is bobbie's big day. The last thing I want to do is spoil it. Bobbie: How could you do that? Well, I'm not exactly your daughter's best friend, and we're bound to cross each other at some point, and, you know, I just -- well, actually, it's not a problem because carly's not coming. Oh? Was it because I was invited?
[ Telephone rings ] Oh. Excuse me. Um... hello? Hey, mom? Carly. Happy thanksgiving. Thanks. Um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not gonna be able to make it. Oh. [ Laughs ] Well, honey, you already told me that under no uncertain terms. I know, but that was yesterday, and, um, I changed my mind. Oh? Well, then, please come because we -- we got a lot of food. We got plenty of food for all of you. Yeah, I was gonna come, actually, but, uh, I woke up this morning, and I just didn't feel good, you know? I felt all achy all over my body, and I thought I just better stay put. Oh. Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. I think that, uh -- I just really don't feel up to it, and sonny's gone into his pampering mode, so I definitely will have plenty of food.
[ Chuckles ] Well, knowing sonny, I'm not worried. But I'll miss you. I love you, mama. I love you, too, honey. Take care. Well, carly has the flu, so she and sonny are definitely not coming, so will you please reconsider? Oh, yeah. I mean, we already set a place for you. Hm. Alright. One condition, though. Any-- anything you need. Okay. Remember that turkey that I made in school where you trace the fingers and the thumb becomes the head and the fingers are the feathers? Remember that? That -- that -- that turkey we put in a, uh -- the popsicle-stick frame and put on the table area? -That's right. -Yeah. I'll come if you make me one this year. I don't think so, but I -- but I have -- I have a football jersey. Next -- one of those cougar... hmm, I don't know, dad. ...I got it from the -- from the store. No, no. Don't be ganging up on me. I'm not gonna stand for that. No. Look, dad. Of course I'll be here, okay? I'll be here, and there's nothing that pleases me more than to spend thanksgiving with my father. Okay, sweetie. That -- that would make me happy. I'll see you guys later. See you later. You are a lucky man, roy dilucca. Tell me about it. Hmm. I wish our daughters got along better. Well, hannah seems willing to bend. Think there's hope for carly? Maybe someday. In the meantime -- yeah, we'll just find a way to keep the peace. No, actually, I was about to go get lucas' crayons and his paper, so you can get started on that turkey!
[ Laughs ] No, no, no. She was kiddin'. She -- bobbie, she was kiddin'. Why is everybody coming here? Well, first of all, lucky and I are family. Okay. That accounts for one. And elizabeth is a part of his life, and having emily here with juan will distract her from zander. Besides, what's wrong with thanksgiving with friends? Your friends. Right, so I'm the only one who's your friend now. Well, you live here. I'm stuck with you. You went through all this trouble for dinner with me? I don't like surprises. That's all. And I wasn't planning on a group critique of my cooking. Well, you could still have dinner with your family over at bobbie-- no way! After all the work I did on dinner, I'm gonna eat it.
[ Groans ] We all know that every year, at this time, something happens in the kitchen that sabotages our dinner. Not just in the kitchen. Yeah, remember the time that the dog ate the turkey. Yeah, how about the robbers disguised as pizza-delivery men? Hmm, yes. Say no more! All those disasters are in the past because I have taken steps to change everything. How? To begin with, I've persuaded cook to take the day off. You what?!
[ Laughs ] You know, grandfather, I'd love to sit and talk about this, but, um, nikolas is kind of expecting me. But nikolas isn't family. Grandfather, this is a dinner for friends. Elizabeth and lucky and juan are gonna be there. Emily, dear. Why don't you spend some time with your friends and try to make it back in time to have dinner with the -- with the family? That sounds reasonable. Okay. Thanks. Oh, and whoever's ordering the pizza, can you make sure that, uh, my pepperonis look like little turkeys?
[ Laughs ] No one is going to be eating pizza. We're having turkey with all the trimmings. Hm. You don't have to hurry back. Thank you. See ya. Well, now, that you have given cook the day off, what do you, uh, expect us to eat, if not pizza? Oh, ye of little faith. I promised you a traditional thanksgiving feast in our own home, and that's exactly what we're going to have. Alright, let's cut the suspense. What is this brilliant plan of yours? Well, dinner today is being prepared by the chef from the port charles grill. I borrowed him for the day.
[ Laughs ] You didn'T.How could you be so reckless? You went behind cook's back and put somebody else in her kitchen?!
[ Laughing ] No, cook won't know a thing about it. She won't be home until 11:00 tonight, long after dinner is over, so I hope everyone is very hungry. Hi.
Happy thanksgiving. -What's up, bro? -How are you doing? Hey, is gia in the kitchen? Yeah. Well, no, she's upstairs getting changed. Okay, well, I'm just gonna drop this off. Then. Alright. So, mom called from north carolina. Yeah, she, uh -- she called in -- she called here, too. She sounded good. Yeah, well, you know mom. Great survivor.
[ Glass clattering ] Uh, gia? You okay? Gia: [ Distant ] I'm fine, considering I had 10 minutes to throw myself together before company arrived!
[ Chuckles ] Alright, well, uh, take your time. A little hard to do when someone used up all the hot water. So things are working out, huh? Gia can be a major pain, but she is never dull. That's for sure. So you like her? Come on. She's trying to deal with family pressure, and that's something I can relate to. You know that. That, and she's nice to look at. Alright, maybe I'd be mildly attracted to her if she did not throw non-stop attitude, okay?
[ Chuckles ] Oh, come on. You never thought about it? The two of you living under the same roof?
[ Clears throat ] Temptation right there in front of you, day after day. So what's it like living next door to elizabeth? -Oh, hi. -Hi, how are you doing? Happy thanksgiving. Hi, mom. Hi, roy. Hi, honey. Hi, tony. Want another soccer lesson? Yeah, five minutes. I've been practicing that crossover thing you showed me. Okay. Do you need any help with anything? Well, yes. If you don't mind, would you put out the napkins? Yeah, sure. Come on, georgie.
[ Chuckles ] Hi. Hello. Give me five. Yeah. Still concerned about bobbie and roy? Hmm. Well, you know, she doesn't have the most stellar reputation with her choices in men, present company included here, you know. Yeah. I know. It's not easy, is it? Nope. So you and mac? You okay? Oh, we manage, as long as we make the children the priority. It's rough, though. Yeah.
[ Chuckles ] So, if you -- if you or mac were headed for some kind of painful situation, you would listen if the other one warned you, wouldn't you? Yeah, I guess so. But everybody does what they have to do, anyway. I'm certainly no exception, you know. Hello? Happy thanksgiving. Hey. -Hi. -Hi. Happy thanksgiving. Thank you. You, too. Hi, girls. -Mac! -Happy thanksgiving. What, are you cooking in the kitchen, huh? Thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving.
[ Chuckles ] Everything I try to plan around this place... problems in the kitchen? Yes, I just caught lila on the phone trying to order pizza. -[ Laughs ] -Good idea! Yeah. Why wait till the last minute? I refuse to live my life in fear of a servant! Now, we are having turkey, and that's all there is to it. Fine, just don't come to me for rescue when cook finds out. Happy thanksgiving, all! -Hi, happy thanksgiving. -Oh, happy thanksgiving. -Alexis. -Thank you, ned. So will, um, someone please go check on lila for me? Is she alright? Yes, I just don't want her sneaking around, trying to call for help. I may be sorry I asked, but why would she be calling for help? She's calling for pizza. The turkey's ruined already?! Worse. Edward lied to cook. I didn't lie! I simply omitted a few details. Tell that to cook when she turns in her resignation. Or puts arsenic in your orange juice. You know, considering how long you two have been together, I should think that you would know how to manage a household. It takes a firm hand! Don't you agree, ned? Father gave cook the day off and then brought in the chef from the port charles grill without telling her. Are you insane?! Oh, god. I give up. This house is full of ingrates! Excuse me. I have to go find mother. You're not leaving me alone with him. Ooh, ho, ho, ho. Have you, um -- have you two looked at, uh, today's paper? There's a big article right here in the social section all about alexis and her disastrous bridal shower. And, once again, the family name is being dragged through the mud. Oh, ned. When are you going to drop this tawdry scandal? We are going ahead as planned. We're going to allow controlled media access right up until the throwing of the rice. And after that, this whole fiasco will fade into oblivion. You know something, you two? You are both living in a fool's paradise! You're the fool if you think you're going to be eating turkey tonight! Remind me again why we're here?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Here you go. That's not a snack. Dinner's in the oven. But I'm hungry. I just need a little something to tide me over, like a doughnut or something. Patience, my dear. In less than an hour, we are having turkey dinner with pine-nut stuffing, spinach souffle... mmm. ...Creamed carrots, uh, pumpkin pie, and italian sorbets.
[ Laughing ] Wow. God, all of that for three adults and one kid. Two. I, uh -- I gave leticia the night off. Well, we won't ever eat all that. And if it makes you feel any better, I sent johnny to the sixth street mission with seven cooked turkeys and all the trimmings. So it's just us, then. Just the way I like it. It's what I'm thankful for -- you, me, and michael, together. How many times have we done this? Ah, more times than I can count. We have some good memories, don't we? Yeah. Any personal favorites? Oh, sure. Uh, well, it will be like when you served roast duck, and lucy got all freaked out because she thought you were serving her duck, sigmund.
[ Laughs ] Oh, lucy. Or my other favorite -- I guess the real favorite would be the way you welcome people with such good will. You know, you're the only person that I -- that I've ever known that could put mortal enemies on opposite sides of the table from each other, and you just expect them to work it out.
[ Laughs ] Well, if they're in my house, they know they'd better behave. You have faith in people. Sometimes that scares the heck out of me. And other times? Well, since it's probably the reason you let lucas back in my life, I'd say that's a good philosophy. Thank you, tony. -Hi. -Hello. -How are you? -Happy thanksgiving. -Hey. -Happy thanksgiving. Bobbie: Same to you. -Uh -- -hello again. I'm gonna go get the chairs, okay? I'll be -- excuse me, everyone. Hey. Happy thanksgiving. I want to thank you for inviting me and my son, and this is for you. Oh, thank you. Well, I'm so glad you could come. Now, what about your daughter? Is she coming too? Well, she's chosen to have dinner with her new friends rather than her family. -The truth? -Yeah. Living next door to elizabeth... is driving me crazy.
[ Laughs ] She feels the same way. Well, so what's stopping you? And don't say the programming because you would never hurt elizabeth again. You know, it's awfully funny that you mention that because she says the same thing. Lucky, happy thanksgiving. Hey, happy thanksgiving. I'm so glad you and elizabeth could join us. Lucky: Well, it's our pleasure. Me, too. -[ Chuckles ] -That pecan pie looks amazing. Thanks, it's my mother's recipe. Ah. Emily is gonna love it, and as soon as she gets here, it will be just like old times. Well, no, no, except for your brownies. Well, funny you mention that because I just happen to have made a batch.
[ Laughs ] Why do I feel like you guys are speaking in codes? No, no. We're not. It's just a dinner party the four of us had -- lucky, emily, and elizabeth and me. It was kind of a celebration of our friendship, and then, uh, lucky was gone a while, but we never thought we'd be together again. But then he came back. Yeah, and we are now older and wiser and, uh... we are?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Laughs ] Alright, look. We're older. Wait. And, you know... we don't have a clue. So, as I was saying, we learned how precious friendship is, and the one thing I am planning on for the years to come is more great dinners with you guys. And that is definitely something to be thankful for. That's right. Everything that I'm th
Me. I -- I -- I think we have a lot more than either of us expected, or probably deserve, but, um, I'm not letting go. Me neither. I got to go downstairs. Hey, listen, next time you come up, would you bring me, uh, little snack? Maybe some potato chips or something? A snack? Yeah, yeah. Oh, honey, you can't starve your wife on thanksgiving. It's not fair.
[ Chuckling ] I'm sorry for all this. Honey, I'm very well-aware of the fact that your family's a little unhinged. They're unhinged on a good day. On thanksgiving? They're certifiable. I don't care if they howl at the moon. I'm not marrying them. I'm marrying you. Well, I'm not exactly a beacon of sanity.
[ Laughing ] No? Neither am I. But the way that you are with your family is one of the reasons that I love you. 'Cause you care about them, you're loyal to them. No matter what kind of chaos erupts around you, you just hang right in there. For all the good it does me. They appreciate you some days. Some days, they don't appreciate you, but you give it your best effort, and I find that very encouraging. For you? I'm going to cross the finish line till death do us part. Okay, that's a little morbid, but it's very sweet.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] Would you two mind prying loose from each other? Ugh. Well, I -- I'm not allowed to kiss my fiancée? Ned, you were groping. There's nothing wrong with a little affection. Oh, so what has your affection for your children gotten you this holiday season, huh? Emily is with her hoodlum friends, and, uh, jason is on another continent probably, and A.J. Is, uh, lying drunk somewhere. Hmm. Are you blaming me and monica for that? Edward: I most certainly am. Let's not make this a day of recriminations. Oh, he can't help it, ned! It's a knee-jerk reaction. Oh, that's right. You go ahead, you blame me. Ooh, the paragon of fatherhood. You know -- you know, this family's favorite sport seems to be playing hot potato with responsibility. Do you even know where your daughter is right now? As far away from you as possible! Ned: Can we all remember just how grateful we are to have emily home, whether she's here for dinner or not? Thank you, ned.
[ Whistles loudly ] Reginald: Yeah, hey. Um, little problem, okay? See, uh, cook seems to have come home early, found the chef in her kitchen. Smoke should clear in, I don't know, maybe a few minutes.
Hey, mr. Man. Hwah! You hungry? Yeah. Michael kind of helped me out in the kitchen, you know what I mean? Oh, good. So why don't I go and set the table? Oh, no, no. You're not moving. I feel better. I do, really. No, no, 'cause we're gonna have dinner right here, 'cause we got it all planned out. Right, michael? Thank you. It's our pleasure. Did your teacher read you a book yesterday? Yeah? Uh-huh. Did you see a picture book about thanksgiving, picture book about the pilgrims and the indians and the -- they gave thanks for their blessings by having a feast. Not as big a feast as uncle sonny's, but it'S...
[ Laughs ] They had turkey, and they had yams and corn and stuffing and all the good stuff. And so, every year, we still say thank you. We still celebrate, and we give thanks. And that's a really good thing, you know, because we have a lot to be thankful for. Top of my list is that the three of us became a family. Bobbie: So, dinner's ready, everybody.
[ Excited talking ] As I look around this thanksgiving table, I see that everyone here is sitting with family and friends. I think we're all very lucky people. So while roy and I are bringing in the turkey, why don'T...each of you tell someone you love what you're thankful for this year? I'll start.
[ Laughs ] I'm grateful for my laughing son.
[ Laughter ] I'm looking at it. Me, too. I'm thankful that you're our dad. I will always be that, maxie. What are you thankful for? I'm thankful you're going to eat our pie. Ooh, I can't wait for that.
[ Giggles ] I'm grateful that our family can be together, and I hope that we always will be.
[ Chuckles ] I am grateful to have thanksgiving with my son after all these years. Amen to that. I only wish gia could be here. Next year, mom. As long as you take care of yourself. I don't want another health scare in the next two decades. Well, you can count on it. You're not getting rid of me that easy. And as for you... it won't be any easier to get rid of me. Happy thanksgiving. Mac: Uh-oh, hey. Heads up, everyone. Heads up.
[ Indistinct speaking ] Tell 'em it was nothing.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheering ] Dad, um... I just want to say that, um... I'm so thankful for so many things. Mainly, that you're back in my life, and you're the most loving, kindest father anyone can hope for. I love you, baby. I love you, too. Happy thanksgiving.
[ Gasps ] Ooh.
[ Laughs ] Thanks, dad. It's very artistic. Yeah, my buddy lucas here helped me pick out the crayons. Aww. And thank you for your help, lucas. Good job. -Hey. Come on in. -Hey. Happy thanksgiving. Yeah. To you, too. This is a loaf of hannah's spice bread. Ooh, great. Thank you. Yeah. Is emily here yet? Uh, I thought she was coming with you. No, I offered to pick her up, but she said she'd come on her own as soon as she could get away. Oh, maybe her family's just giving her a hard time. Yeah, or maybe she stopped by to see zander. Well, I suppose she could have stopped by to cheer him up, considering it is thanksgiving. You know that's not the only reason. Yeah, don't bring this up when emily gets here. It only pushes her closer to zander. Well, turkey's ready. We should go get it. Yeah, good I-- good idea. Thank you. Lucky: Mmm. This looks good. Do you, uh, think you can handle this without me? Not a problem.
[ Chuckles ] Alright. Hey. Where did gia go? I have a pretty good idea. Hey. Hey. I didn't expect to see you. Yeah, well...
[ Clears throat ] I figured you'd, uh, want someone besides the guards to say happy thanksgiving to you. I thought you were mad at me. No, I'm not mad. You just, um -- just need to back off a little bit. I'm not trying to pressure you, emily. Us kissing and you saying that you care is -- I do care. We can only be friends, zander. That's -- that's why I'm here, to help you out. It can't -- it can't go any further than that, okay? If that's how you want it.
[ Clears throat ] So...I tried to bring you some thanksgiving dinner, but the guard wouldn't let me. I think they have something against edible food. It's alright.
[ Chuckles ] You brought yourself. That's even better. Yeah, well, I'd rather be in a maximum-security prison right now than at home. I thought your family was close. They're not into the holidays or what? No, it's the exact opposite. They're obsessed with the holidays. They're rabid about it. Even the traditions -- it doesn't matter if it's a disaster or what. Tell me what a, uh, quartermaine thanksgiving tradition is like. Oh, no, no, no. You don't want to know, trust me. Come on. Yeah, I do. Okay.
[ Clears throat ] Well, we never have thanksgiving turkey. We always have pizza. And not because we don't want to, but it just kind of happens that way. There's always a disaster. I mean, one year my dog ate the turkey. Oh, god. And then there were robbers at the house, and then there was this one time that we had duck instead of turkey, but everyone felt way too guilty, and they wouldn't eat it. It was really horrible.
[ Laughs ] Well, this is what you get for your devious plotting. Whatever made you think this scheme would work? How was I supposed to know that the woman would come home early?! Why isn't cook glad that she doesn't have to make a whole thanksgiving dinner? You know, I -- I always said that alexis would bring some sanity into this family, and she's right. Cook should be glad. So, uh, reginald, you, um -- you go in and tell cook exactly that. What, are you crazy? You coward. You do it. F-fine. I will.
[ Glass breaking ]
[ Pans clattering ] What is happening?!
[ Glass breaking ] I think that was the turkey going out the window. I'll go, uh, see if I can find a glass-repair shop. I hope you're satisfied, edward. Well, uh...
[ Banging at door ] Oh. -Hey. -[ Gasps ] Anybody hungry? I am so thrilled to see you. I second that. This is perfect timing, son. How did you know? Well, I, uh -- I called grandmother to wish her a happy thanksgiving, and she told me about your, uh -- your plans, grandfather, about a new, improved thanksgiving.
[ Laughs ] So who wants, uh, sausage and cheese? -Here, let me help. -Here, I'll clear this. -Okay, okay. -Put it down, son. Pizza-delivery boy. You know, junior, I think you finally found your calling. Hey, don't start in on it. This is thanksgiving. We're grateful that he's here.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Let us all take a moment to open up our hearts and remember the meaning of this lovely holiday. All: We gather together to ask the lord's blessing
he chastens and hastens
his will to make known
the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing
sing praises to his name
he forgets not his own
[ Laughs ]
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing
sing praises to his name
he forgets not his own bravo. -Yay. -Very good. Alright.
[ Cheering ] Hey, hey. Dig in.
[ Indistinct conversation ] Who got anchovies? That's disgusting. Will anyone eat those things? I know. You always take the biggest piece. I'm saving it for you. Hey, nice save. Yeah. Hey. Slice for you, grandfather? No, no, no. Not that pepperoni. It gives me too much indigestion. Everything gives you indigestion. Yeah. It's your excuse for complaining. I think I'm going for the double cheese. Look at her. Look at her. She eats like a horse, and she's skinny as a rail. Yeah, well, I'm allowed to.
[ Chuckles ] Oh, that's good! Alan: So, uh, tell me, what is in that one over there? Well, I -- you know, I think it's a black bean-salsa thing. "A black bean-salsa thing"? Yeah. Whoever heard of black bean and salsa on thanksgiving? Monica: Whoever heard of pizza on thanksgiving?
[ Laughter ] The quartermaines have always heard of pizza on thanksgiving. -Yeah, that's true. -We are the experts.
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