Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/8/21
Episode #14039 ~ Paulina struggles to hide her ulterior motives from Abe. Chanel and Eli have another awkward encounter. Tripp tips off Kayla about Dr. Snyder and Gwen. Allie seeks counseling from Marlena.
Provided By Suzanne
Paulina: Home sweet home.
[Sighing] No lanai. No beach view. No palm trees. But it'll do. It'll have to do for now.
Lani: Seems like aunt paulina's plans for the square are coming together. I mean, pretty soon we'll have this amazing indoor marketplace and a lot more diversity.
Abe: Yeah. You know, paulina's commitment on this front has just been remarkable. And the city--the city has gone all out to attract a whole diverse group of small business owners.
Lani: Tax breaks, free rent for the first year.
Abe: Mm.
Lani: Smart thinking, mr. Mayor.
Abe: [Laughs] You know, I just received an application from your cousin. And wasn't she supposed to join us for breakfast?
Lani: Yeah, she was. I tried to wake her up before I left, but that didn't go over well. She was just waving her arms around, moaning, "no, no, no, I'm too tired."
Abe: So I'm sensing some tension?
Lani: I just really hope that her bakery gets approval, she'll get her life on track, and she will get her own place.
Abe: Oh, so she has overstayed her welcome.
Lani: [Laughs] Eli and I were happy to have chanel for a couple of nights. But two babies, three adults... it is hard to find a moment of peace.
Eli: Chico, listen to that quiet. Shoot!
[Sighs] Where's that dish towel?
Chanel: Mm, look who's up early.
Eli: [Sighs]
[Dramatic music]
Xander: Just where do you think you're going?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Where are you sneaking off to, gwen?
Gwen: I wasn't sneaking off, xander. I was being nice, trying not to wake you.
Xander: Well, seeing as now I'm up, how about we finish our conversation from last night? You told me someone was blackmailing you. Forcing you to deliver envelopes stuffed with obscenely large quantities of painkillers. I'd love to hear the details.
Gwen: Mm, yeah. I've got a better idea. How about you just go back to sleep and mind your own bloody business, yeah?
Xander: Yeah.
Gwen: You give me that! Give it back to me!
Xander: Fine. Here, here, here's your bag. I'm gonna hold on to these, yeah?
Gwen: [Sighs]
Eli: Damn, chanel!
Chanel: Why do you keep walking around naked?
Eli: I thought I was alone. Lani told me that you were going to breakfast with abe.
Chanel: Guess I overslept.
Eli: You overslep-- you need to find a job and a new place to live. How you gonna do that if you sleeping in all day?
Chanel: Chill out. The reason why I slept in late is because I was up all night working on this.
Paulina: You agree the town suffers overwhelmingly from a lack of diversity, don't you?
Abe: You know, I would-- I certainly would like to see more black-owned business.
Paulina: Well, not just black-owned--I'm talking about an influx of women-owned, lgbtq-owned, bipoc-owned establishments.
Abe: So... where do I fit in?
Paulina: Well, it turns out that salem's zoning laws are a bit of an impediment.
Abe: How so?
Paulina: Well, the square is an historic site, and so is not zoned for this type of building. And in order for me to realize my vision, I have to get a sign-off from the mayor. And that would be you, abraham. Oh, abe. I'm sorry for lying to you about my intentions. But it's not personal. It's just business. As a repairman, I hear a lot of folks say
Tripp: Allie.
Allie: Tripp, hi.
Tripp: Hey, were you gonna take off without saying hi to your favorite med student?
Allie: No, I was just...
Tripp: No, I'm totally kidding. Did you see your grandma kate?
Allie: Yeah, I did. She's in pretty good spirits, considering everything that happened to her, so...
Tripp: I'll check on her in a bit. Right now I have to get back to work, but maybe there's a chance that we can grab dinner later?
Allie: Uh, maybe, yeah. Text me.
Tripp: Yeah.
Allie: Hi.
Kayla: How are things going with allie?
Tripp: I thought they were going really well, but I'm getting the feeling she's interested in someone else.
Chanel: So?
Eli: Lani told me that you were starting a bakery. But, hey, I'm impressed.
Chanel: Oh, this isn't the business plan. It's more of a collection of ideas. Everything from recipes to how I envision the space.
Eli: Sweet bits?
Chanel: Oh, that's the name.
Eli: Hey, if you like it, I love it. And you can definitely bake.
Chanel: But there's no way gold-digging, freeloading chanel can do this.
Eli: Oh, it sounds like you're excited about it.
Chanel: Which is a good thing, right?
Eli: Yes, it is, but a lot of small businesses fail their first year. And you're gonna need more than just enthusiasm, you need capital. I take it your mom's helping you out with that?
Chanel: Oh, I honestly have no idea.
Paulina: Oh!
[Laughs] Oh, well, aren't you the most scrumptious little darlings, oh! Thank you for bringing 'em over, abe. I couldn't have asked for a better surprise.
Abe: Oh, well, we wanted to welcome you to your new home, and it is lovely.
Paulina: [Chuckles] I must say that I like the place a lot. And I'm quite fond of this town and the distinguished gentleman who runs it.
Abe: Oh, well, thank you. You know, if my new spokesperson were here, he would say that each and every citizen in salem owes a debt of gratitude to all you do.
[Both chuckle]
Paulina: And what would you say?
Abe: I would say that I'm very glad you're here. Um, I've got some good news.
Paulina: Always up for some good news. Lay it on me.
Abe: I just reviewed chanel's application.
Paulina: [Laughs] She tanked, right? Typos, misspellings. Big ol' rush job?
Abe: No, no, no, no, not at all. It's the best that I've seen. I'm going to present it to the city council for final approval.
Paulina: Oh, abe. I don't think that's such a good idea. Serena: It's my 3:10
Marlena: Oh, belle, that's wonderful. Mm-hmm. And claire too? She's okay?
[Sighs] What a relief. Tell her that I can see her anytime if she feels the need, okay? And same thing goes for you.
[Laughs] I know, I love you too. Thanks, honey. Bye-bye.
[Knocking on door] Come in.
Allie: Hi, grandma. Is this a bad time?
Marlena: No, no, no. Not at all. Come on in.
Allie: Hi, grandma.
Marlena: Mm. Have a seat.
Allie: I was just visiting grandma kate, so I thought I'd stop by.
Marlena: I'm so glad you did. Now, I should tell you that I've spoken to belle, and she's been released.
Allie: Thank god. And claire called me last night, let me know that she's safe.
Marlena: Good. And I guess you know that jan spears was the one that killed charlie.
Allie: Yeah, I heard. Now that we know the truth is out, maybe we can all finally put this situation behind us.
Marlena: Yes.
Allie: But what if I can't? And I know we've talked about this before in our therapy sessions, but I just thought that by now I would've moved on more than I have. But those memories, they're right there. And they just show up sometimes out of nowhere.
Marlena: Have they shown up recently?
Allie: Just once, but it was so scary. And grandma, please just tell me how to make that stop.
Tripp: So last night we were at allie's place, having a nice time. Things got a little romantic, and suddenly she pulled back.
Kayla: Did you know why?
Tripp: She had a memory of what happened with charlie.
Kayla: Oh.
Tripp: Kayla, I know that you went through the same thing that allie did. I really wanna respect your privacy, so please tell me if I shouldn't even be asking you this, but I just--
Kayla: You want some advice of how to be with allie.
Tripp: Please.
Paulina: [Sighs]
Abe: You know, I don't understand why you didn't say anything when chanel turned in her application.
Paulina: I didn't wanna burst her bubble. I figured she'd get turned down by the city, and that would be that.
Abe: Well, why do you think she can't do this?
Paulina: Not can't, won'T. Chanel has never committed to anything. When she was little, she was crazy about ballet. For about five minutes. Then it was soccer, and then horses. And she went to two different prep schools, three different colleges. I don't think she's ever even lived in one place for more than six months.
Abe: Yeah, well, that's what young people often do. They experiment. They try on different things.
Paulina: Yeah, but with chanel, nothing ever fits. It's like a dressing room filled with 1,000 discarded gowns. Very expensive gowns.
Abe: Well, she did say that she has been baking since she was little.
Paulina: [Scoffs] Her bake sale? Where she'd destroy my kitchen and leave the mess for the housekeeper to clean up? Please. This isn't child's play. This is real. And as excited as chanel may seem, once the initial buzz wears off and she actually has to roll up her sleeves and work, she'll quit, just like always.
Abe: You know, she didn't quit on her application. It was thoughtful and thorough.
Paulina: Well, we'll see how thoughtful and thorough she is when she has to work 100-hour weeks.
Abe: You know, you've been after her to stand on her own two feet. So, now, isn't it possible that she's finally going to do it?
Paulina: Abe, if only that were true. I mean, you do recall her recent attempt to make your son her sugar daddy. And when that didn't work, she tried to extort millions from me with that lowlife loser she married.
Gwen: Give me that, you stupid ape! I don't have time for bloody games.
Xander: As I said, if you don't want me telling daddy what you've been up to, then you will explain exactly how this little operation of yours works.
Gwen: I'm not going to explain a bloody damn thing.
Xander: And I'm not gonna let my best mate get jammed up in your drug muling operation.
Gwen: Oh, my god, you're not listening. Do you not listen? I'm going to tell you this again. If you care about jack, you will drop this. Because he is the one who is going to suffer the most if he finds out about what I'm doing.
Xander: Since when do you give a damn about jack's suffering? He suffered plenty when you spilled the dirty little secrets about abigail's marriage to the intruder.
Gwen: As I said, xander, that was before I had all the facts.
Xander: Well, now I need the facts, gwen. So it's time for you to spill of your own. What can I du with less asthma?
Gwen: You might want to think twice about threatening me, darling.
Xander: Why, what are you gonna do? Crack my skull?
Gwen: [Sighs] No, there's no need for violence, is there? You know why? I have information, very juicy information, on you.
Xander: Like what?
Gwen: Julie knitted this, didn't she? Do you know, she went ballistic when I laid just one finger on it. What do you think she's gonna say when I tell her that you were rolling around in this all night, half-naked?
Xander: Yeah, putting aside your fantasies about my body for just a moment, julie's already seen me wrapped in that throw. Nothing underneath but my underwear.
Gwen: Yeah, I'm sure she was thrilled.
Xander: Actually, I did catch her sneaking a peek.
Gwen: [Scoffs] Yeah, okay. Seeing as you are so proud of yourself of putting your, shall we say, bits and pieces out there on display, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I have something else revolting to tell her, and then guess what? She's gonna come at you full force.
Xander: I'll risk it to protect jack.
Gwen: Move.
Xander: Not until I know who you're working for and what they have on you.
Kayla: Do you remember a couple years ago when I helped you make dinner for ciara?
Tripp: At the loft?
Kayla: Right. And at the risk of embarrassing you, I told you that I thought that you were hoping for a little romance, and I also told you to be careful with her.
Tripp: Now I know why.
Kayla: Well, it was not my place to tell you that she had been raped. But I just wanted to make sure that you didn't pressure her. And when I was dancing around, trying to think of just the right words to say it, you jumped in with exactly the right thing. You said that you would never push ciara to do something that she didn't want to.
Tripp: I would never push allie, either.
Kayla: I know, I know that. My point is that you have been with a survivor before. And like allie, ciara pushed away from you too, remember?
Tripp: Yeah, she broke the whole thing off. Said we didn't want the same things. And I didn't know what the real reason was until later.
Kayla: Well, what happened between her and chase... you know, I encouraged her to tell you the truth, to be open and honest. But she was afraid that you would see her differently.
Tripp: Yeah, but that can't be the same thing with allie. I mean, I already know everything. And I think she's amazing.
Kayla: And that's wonderful. But she still may need more time before she feels comfortable to be intimate.
Tripp: All I want is for allie to feel safe with me. I don't know what to do.
Kayla: You said that you thought maybe she was interested in somebody else?
Tripp: Yeah, I don't know why I said that. I don't think that's what this is about.
Kayla: Well, how did you react when she pulled away?
Tripp: I asked if I'd done something wrong. She said no. She said she just had this weird flash, and I knew right away she was talking about charlie.
Kayla: Yeah. How did that make you feel?
Tripp: Angry. I hate so much what he did to her, and that she'll probably never get over it.
Kayla: That's natural to feel protective of the people you care about. I think that you just have to make sure that allie has the space to have her own feelings.
Tripp: I think I did. I mean, I even offered to leave. She didn't want me to. She just asked if we could hang out. And I was totally fine with that. I mean, allie, you know, takes the lead, period. End of story.
Kayla: This is just like the conversation that we had about ciara, isn't it?
Tripp: Yeah, yeah. And I feel the same way now about allie. I'll always feel that way about any woman, you know? Whatever she's comfortable with, I support her 100%.
Kayla: You asked me what you should do. It's clear to me that you already know what to do.
Allie: I'm sorry to be dumping all of this on you.
Marlena: You are not dumping anything on me. Hey. You're my granddaughter. I adore you. I'd like to help you any way that I can. Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Allie: Tripp and I have been getting a lot closer recently, which is kind of amazing, considering everything that happened between us. Anyways, last night, things started getting romantic, and we kissed, and I just--I couldn't do it. I pulled away.
Marlena: Hmm. Were you having thoughts about what happened with charlie?
Allie: Yeah. And, you know, tripp did nothing wrong. I felt very comfortable and safe. And yet, still the memory came to me, and it was so vivid and upsetting.
Marlena: Of course it was upsetting. Honey, before I can help you, I gotta ask you something. Is this the first time since london that you've tried to have something physical with another person?
Allie: No.
Chanel: I don't want my bakery to be about me proving myself to my mom. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm grateful. I know I wouldn't have this opportunity if it weren't for her.
Eli: But you don't want her involved?
Chanel: I just think it's better that way. I mean, not that she wouldn't be supportive.
Eli: Okay, you just don't want her to be disappointed.
Chanel: Again. And there you go again making me admit how I really feel. You must be excellent at getting people to confess.
Eli: Oh, I wasn't always. I had a mentor who spent a lot of time teaching me. And us detectives don't work alone. We need partners.
Chanel: Well, I'm not doing the bakery alone. My bff from london is doing it with me.
Eli: The girl you kissed?
Chanel: What does that have to do with anything?
Eli: Look, take it from someone who has experience in this. Working with someone you're romantically involved with could be great, and not so great.
Chanel: Eli, it was just one kiss. Now it's all about cupcakes, cookies, and our latest addition, donuts.
Eli: Ooh. Now you talking a cop's language.
Chanel: Mm-hmm. That's what we're thinking for the fonts.
Eli: Oh, okay. Yeah, that font is dope.
Chanel: I know, right?
Eli: Hey, baby--wait, baby, come here, come here. You gotta check this out. It's chanel's new logo.
Lani: I'd love to see it. But I can't see it if you don't make space.
[Dramatic music]
Paulina: If chanel is willing to fleece her own mama, what's to stop her from doing the same to your city?
Abe: Well, the law, for starters.
Paulina: No, trust me on this, abe. At best, it's a whim. At worst, it's a con. Either way, allowing my daughter to be a part of this project, well, it's too big a risk.
Abe: Tell me. Tell the me the real reason you want me to turn her down. My plaque psoriasis...
Paulina: [Sighs] You got me. I don't think chanel is a big risk.
Abe: Then why deny her this opportunity?
Paulina: I don't wanna see her get hurt. The odds of starting a successful business, especially in this economy, are slim. I'd hate to see her fail.
Abe: It's how our kids learn, right? We have to let them fall down, as hard as it is, and then get up smarter, more determined, better prepared for the next time.
Paulina: Chanel has no experience whatsoever.
Abe: Well, at one point, neither did you.
[Laughs] But look at you now. You are a superstar.
[Chuckles] Hey, I understand your instinct to wanna protect your only child. But you have to set aside your fears. And don't prejudge chanel. You know, I have a feeling that she may really surprise you. And that's the whole point of this project, right? Eliminating prejudice, embracing inclusion, believing in people who might otherwise be ignored or overlooked. We can help them shine. Believe in your daughter, paulina. She can shine.
Paulina: [Sighs] You're right. Chanel is a grown woman, and if this is something she wants to do, then I gotta let her try, come what may.
[Both laugh] Thank you for helping me to see that.
Carver: [Crying]
Abe: I think that carver needs to have a diaper change.
[Laughs] All right. Up we go.
Paulina: [Chuckles]
Abe: Yes, yes, yes. Oh, there you go, yes.
Paulina: Here you go.
Abe: Oh, thank you very much.
Paulina: Mm-hmm, over there.
Abe: Right there, okay.
Paulina: [Chuckles] Oh, jules.
[Sighs] My little girl sure has picked a fine time to try to get her act together. Guess we'll just have to find a way to make it up to her.
Allie: So about a month ago, I ran into an old friend from london. And we went and got drinks, and we were just laughing and reminiscing about how much fun we had together. And being with her was just so comfortable and easy. And she just leaned in and kissed me, and I just...
Marlena: You just? Honey, why did you stop? I mean, do you think that I would have an issue with you kissing a woman?
Allie: Do you?
Marlena: No, not at all. But we're not talking about me. Do you have some feeling about you kissing a woman?
Allie: No, I feel fine with it. But, I mean, she's just a friend. That's all we are, friends.
Marlena: And you both feel that way about it?
Allie: Totally. And actually, we might be working together because she's opening a business, and wants me to help her with it.
Marlena: Hmm. Do you think you'd like to do that?
Allie: Definitely. I mean, I need a job. And I'd also just love to help her in any way that I can.
Marlena: I'd like to help you. Let's go back to our conversation earlier. We were talking about you and tripp.
Allie: Yeah.
Tripp: Thank you for listening, kayla. I really appreciate your advice.
Kayla: Of course--anytime. I mean that.
Snyder: What's going on here? Need I remind you that as your supervisor, your advancement at this hospital is at my sole discretion? With all due respect to dr. Johnson, being the stepson of the chief of staff does not afford you special privileges. Including extended coffee breaks.
Tripp: I'm not scheduled to follow dr. Jimenez on rounds for another 30 minutes.
Snyder: Well, make sure you don't keep her waiting.
Tripp: Dr. Snyder, ladies and gentlemen.
Kayla: I know you didn't want me to say anything before about that whole intubation incident. But I think I have to now. He has no right to talk to you like that.
Tripp: No, I don't mind him talking to me that way, but talking to patients that way, that's crossing a line.
Kayla: What are you talking about?
Tripp: I saw him get very heated with the person he was supposed to be caring for.
Kayla: Who?
Trip: My cousin gwen.
Xander: You're not going anywhere until I'm sure jack won't end up as collateral damage.
Gwen: You don't need to worry.
Xander: I'm sorry, but given all the pain you've already caused him, I'm not just going to take your word for that.
Gwen: Can't you understand that I've done something that I truly regret? Every time I think about what I did, I'm deeply ashamed. I feel sick about it. Can you not understand that? And I'm just trying to move past it now.
Xander: You have no idea how many stupid choices I wish I could go back and undo.
Gwen: Yeah, but we can't, can we? It's impossible.
Xander: Maybe. But I don't just have to sit back and watch somebody blackmail you. You said you were desperate to get out of this mess. Let me help you.
Gwen: Oh, no, no, no, no.
Xander: Hey, you're jack's flesh and blood. If you get hurt, so does he.
Gwen: Look, I don't want jack hurt any more than you do, believe me. But if you get involved, then this is gonna make everything so much worse.
[Sighs] I can handle this by myself.
Xander: Suit yourself. But I think you're making a mistake.
Gwen: So you're not gonna tell jack, then?
Xander: If you won't tattle to julie about me.
Gwen: Done.
[Cell phone rings] Hello?
Snyder: Hello, ms. Rizczech.
Gwen: I'm on it, okay?
Snyder: Yeah, I don't think you are. Yeah, I don't think this arrangement is gonna work, which means I'm gonna have a nice long talk with your father. To be a thriver
Abe: Okay. So, would you care to join us for a walk?
Paulina: And spend more time with these perfect little angels? You don't have to ask me twice.
[Both laugh]
Abe: All right, come on.
Paulina: Oh, let me just set this fancy alarm system if I could figure it out. Okay. Yeah, that ought to do it. Oh.
Gwen: [Sighs] My father cannot know what I've done.
Snyder: Yeah, well, I only agreed to keep your secret if you did what I asked.
[Sighs] I just got a call. Apparently, your delivery was overdue. Guess I'm gonna have to make another house call and pick up that envelope.
Gwen: No, no. Dr. Snyder, please. Just stay at the hospital and tend to your patients. I will get this done. You mark my words.
Snyder: Last chance. Or I have a talk with daddy.
Gwen: Yes. Rest assured I will deliver your pills right now.
[Tense music]
Kayla: You mean gwen, jack's daughter?
Tripp: Yeah, I saw dr. Snyder having a follow-up consult with her, and she seemed upset. And I asked if she was okay, and snyder jumped in and answered for her.
Kayla: Did it seem like he was being inappropriate?
Tripp: Not that I saw. But I definitely got a weird vibe, like he was threatening her.
Kayla: Hmm. Well, you better go. You don't wanna be late on your round.
Tripp: I'll see you later. Thank you again for the advice.
Allie: I'm definitely attracted to tripp. I mean, he's a really good guy, and he's great with henry.
Marlena: But?
Allie: I don't see how we're supposed to ever move forward if every time I'm with him I have to worry about having those flashbacks with me and charlie.
Marlena: Honey, I can't tell you how long it's going to be until you stop having those flashbacks. I can tell you that I'm very pleased that you're able to be so open about all of it. And as far as tripp is concerned, just take it as slowly as you need to. Tell him how you feel. Do you trust him enough to do that? Okay, well, you know, you've told me how much you and tripp have shared. And you've now found a comfortable place to be together. So, I mean, if you're comfortable with it, go ahead and tell him how you feel about him. And I'll be right here.
Allie: I love you, grandma.
Marlena: Sweetheart.
Allie: I love you so, so much.
Marlena: [Sighs] I love you too. (Vo) do you push through migraine?
Abe: Yeah. The twins' great-great-great grandparents would be very proud about what you're doing with the square. And I am too.
Paulina: Oh, none of it would be possible without your help and support.
Abe: We make a pretty good team.
Chanel: Nice. Mom? Are you here? I wanna show you something. Guess not.
[Dramatic music]
Tripp: Hey, you're still here?
Allie: Yeah, I went to go see my grandma marlena.
Tripp: Oh, I'm actually on my way to meet a doctor for rounds.
Allie: Okay, well, I won't keep you, but I do wanna apologize for the way that I acted earlier--
Tripp: No, no, no, no. There's nothing to apologize for, okay? I know you're dealing with a lot, and I just wanna give you as much space as you need.
Allie: Well, what if I don't want space? At least not tonight. So what if I say yes to your dinner invitation?
Tripp: Then it's a date?
Kayla: I hope this isn't a bad time.
Gwen: For me? I assumed that you were here for jack.
Kayla: No. I came to talk to you.
Gwen: About what?
Kayla: Dr. Clay snyder.
Snyder: Hello. I am dr. Snyder. And you are...
Xander: Cook. Xander cook.
Snyder: Well, what seems to be the problem, mr. Cook?
Xander: I am so very glad you asked.
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