Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/13/21
Episode #14022 ~ Lucas becomes Kristen's next victim. Sami finds herself trapped in a bad situation. Nicole realizes she's made a huge mistake. Gabi and Jake admit their love for one another.
Provided By Suzanne
[Suspenseful music]Gabi: [Grunts]
Gabi: Where the hell do you think you're going?
Nicole: No. Ugh. Oh, please, god, no. No, no, no.
Xander: No what?
Nicole: This is a dream. Oh, god, no. This is a nightmare. I didn't do it, I didn't do it. I didn't do it, I didn't-- oh, god, I did.
Xander: Actually, we did it.
Nicole: [Groans] No, no.
Xander: [Laughs] Not the usual effect I have on women.
John: This is taking so long.
Marlena: I know, I know. But it's a delicate surgery. They just can't rush anything.
Chloe: Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can call for you?
Kristen as susan: Oh, hey! What's going on? How's brady?
Chloe: We're still waiting.
Kristen as susan: Damn it, chloe, I am not talking to you.
[Tense music]
Sami: Aah! Oh, son of a bitch.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Xander: Feeling better?
Nicole: I don't think I could possibly feel any worse than i feel right in this moment.
Xander: Hangover? Hair of the dog? I make a killer bloody mary.
Nicole: No, no, I don't want a bloody mary. I just wanna go back in time and make whatever happened last night not have happened.
Xander: It's not a big deal. One thing led to another. Had a few drinks.
Nicole: Okay, you need to stop talking because it is a big deal. I cheated on my husband with the most disgusting man in the world.
Xander: Tell me how you really feel.
Lucas: Oh, hey. Listen, I need to report a missing person. Ah!
I will make this right.
[Muttering indistinctly]
Sami: Ow! What--[Gasps] What are you doing?!
Kristen: Nothing.
Sami: Ow. Oh, you bitch. You're not gonna-- my god, how long have i been here? And what is kristen up to now?
Marlena: Susan, you can't talk to chloe that way. She's been wonderful.
Kristen as susan: [Sighs] I'm sorry, chloe. I'm just so upset. You know what? I had this--just this terrible, terrible premonition that something was wrong with brady, and then I came here, and you were all waiting around. He is here, isn't he?
John: He was in a car accident last night.
Chloe: Yeah, some maniac drove him off the road.
[Both arguing]
Kristen: No, stop it! Let go of me.
Kristen as susan: Do they know who the other driver was?
Chloe: Why don't you tell us?
Feel the clarity
of non-drowsy
Gabi: Okay, so you got what you wanted and now you're sneaking out?
Jake: Good morning.
Gabi: Where were you gonna go? I mean, I know where you live. Down the hall.
Jake: I wasn't--whoa. I wasn't sneaking out. I was trying not to wake you.
Gabi: You were sneaking out before I woke up.
Jake: I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.
Gabi: Like hell you were. You just wanted to act like this didn't happen. Just a one night stand, no strings attached. Is that what it is?
Jake: You think after everything we said to each other last night, that I would just walk out of here like nothing happened? Like it was some big game, and what, I won?
Gabi: I don't know, maybe.
Jake: You know what? I don't blame you.
Sami: [Grunting] Damn it, kristen! Kristen, let me out of here!
Rafe: Who's missing?
Lucas: My mother is missing. All right, listen, my brother told me that your sister told him that she broke up with jake, and she was so upset about it, she just packed up and left town.
Rafe: Lucas, a person not being in salem doesn't mean that they're missing. Could be that that person simply came to their senses.
Lucas: That's funny. That's really funny. But listen, she didn't say goodbye to anybody, not even me.
Rafe: Okay, well, I understand that that is upsetting, but the law says as a grown adult that you are free to make your own decisions.
Lucas: All right, look, there's more.
Rafe: Okay.
Nicole: Where the hell is my other shoe?
Xander: I'm not sure. We did undress last night with a certain amount of abandon.
Nicole: [Groans] Don't you dare--don't you dare make last night out to be just, like, one of those things, okay? Because I cheated on my husband, who is the best person in the world by the way. I cheated on him with the worst person in the world.
Xander: That's a bit harsh.
Nicole: No, it's accurate, because you're a terrorist. And a blackmailer, and a serial abuser of women.
Xander: Hey, wait a minute. I know you're upset, and I know you feel really bad about what happened last night, but I didn't make you drink like you drank, and I didn't make you do anything you didn't wanna do.
Nicole: Oh. I know. That's what makes this so horrible.
Xander: Come on, nicole. I know you feel bad, but you shouldn't be beating yourself up about this.
Nicole: Yeah, of course, you say that because you have no sense of right and wrong.
Xander: No, I don't think you did anything wrong. But even if you did, it wasn't your fault.
Nicole: Yes, it was. Just like you pointed out, no one made me do it. Oh, god.
Xander: Didn't I?
Nicole: You did, it's just--
Xander: Think about it. How long has the best man in the world been gone?
Nicole: What?
Xander: How long have you been raising your little girl all alone? How long have you been looking after his niece and her baby alone? And you didn't have to go all the way to africa to find people to help. And you didn't make a big deal about all the good that you do, which is a lot.
Nicole: Don't try to be nice. You can't pull it off.
Xander: I'm not trying to be nice. I'm trying to say that sometimes, human beings drink too much, and they have sex. And it's not because they're bad. It's because they're human and under pressure. I don't understand why you're sticking up for your husband when he's been such a first class jerk.
Nicole: Oh, don't you dare.
Xander: And deep down, you know it. I mean, if eric wanted to be a saint more than he wanted to be your husband, then he shouldn't have married you. But he did marry you, with all that faithful until death us do part crap. And then what did he do? He left his beautiful, passionate wife right after he tied her up in all his stupid morality. So no, I don't blame her if, for one night she wants to feel a man's arms around her, and the fact that you're beating yourself up right now makes me wanna knock his block off. Stick that halo of his where the sun don't shine. Advil dual action fights pain 2 ways.
Kristen as susan: How could i possibly know who the other driver was?
Chloe: Well, how'd you know he was here? You're a psychic, right? Why don't you go into one of your trances and tell us who did this to brady?
Kristen as susan: Oh, my god. My trances are out of my control.
Chloe: Well, what was your premonition then? What did you see?
Kristen as susan: I saw that brady was hurting some way, and I didn't even have a sense about the other driver.
John: Well, I got the sense that he's gonna burn in hell for what he did.
Chloe: He or she.
Kristen as susan: You know what, let's just stop talking about the other driver, and let's focus our attention on brady. How is he doing?
Marlena: Oh, yeah. He's still in surgery.
Kristen as susan: Still? Still, okay. Well, you know, I just don't understand. I mean, maybe is he going to be all right?
Chloe: Okay, I don't think that this is helping.
Kristen as susan: Okay, you know what? Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?
Marlena: Susan.
Kristen as susan: What?
Marlena: We don't need this right now.
Chloe: It's okay. I get we're all on edge here.
Marlena: So we all need to stay calm and be gentle with each other, right?
Kristen as susan: Right. I'm just going to go find out what's taking so long.
John: No, susan, you're not.
Rafe: Lucas, if you don't tell me, I can't help you.
Lucas: Listen, I can't break the confidence, all right? The repercussions would affect way too many people now. So can't you just start looking for her for me without knowing why? I mean, listen, I have a very good reason to know that she didn't leave town. Something is really wrong.
Rafe: But you won't tell me what the reason is?
Lucas: That's just it, I can't tell you the reason.
Rafe: Then I can't help you.
Lucas: I knew it, man. I knew you were gonna say that.
Rafe: Oh, come on.
Lucas: Thanks for nothing. I'll find her myself.
[Tense music]
Sami: Someone has got to realize that I am missing, right? My mom. I told mom and john about brady being in the hospital. They must be expecting me to meet them there.
Nicole: [Laughing]
Sami: What the hell was that? And I got distracted by my tramp sister-in-law.
Nicole: You know, you're incredible. Eric has devoted his whole life to helping other people.
Xander: Yeah, and making very sure everyone knows about it.
Nicole: Your opinion means nothing to me. You are bottom of the barrel. The worst.
Xander: Oh, and eric is the best. Eric's just so good, isn't he? Just like sarah. You and I fell hard for that, didn't we? And look at what they did. The good people. Played us like a pair of suckers.
Nicole: No.
Xander: Yes. Think of all the time and energy we devoted to deserving the good people. Atoning for being so bad. At least sarah had the decency to end it. Eric's still stringing you along.
Nicole: That is not true.
Xander: Come on, nicole. He bailed on you last night. Eric basically told you that you're not as important to him as his good works.
Nicole: You only see it that way because you're you.
Xander: Exactly. Why have a drink with someone like me out of everybody in the world? And then two, and then two more. You wanted to be with me.
Nicole: No.
Xander: Like I wanted to be with you. You wanted to be with a shallow, bad person who thinks you're a knock-out. Someone who didn't want to improve you, who just wanted to sleep with you. You knew exactly who I was, and that's just what you were looking for. You wanted me just as much as I wanted you.
Jake: See that's the thing. With all the games that we've played with each other, you can never trust when the other person's telling the truth.
Gabi: I trusted you last night.
Jake: Right, but not this morning, cold light of day and all that. Here's the truth. I went to bed without eating last night, and I woke up starving, and I thought maybe you'd be hungry, too, so I thought breakfast in bed would be...
Gabi: Be what?
Jake: Friendly.
Gabi: Friendly? You wanted it to be friendly?
Jake: Okay, gabi, we went from pretty intense conversation last night to pretty intense sex, so yeah, I thought somewhere in the middle would be nice.
Gabi: Actually, that does sound nice, and i totally blew it.
>>Jake: No, no, no, no. Like I said, I totally understand why you would have thought that I was sneaking out. I mean, I gave you every reason to believe that I was just saying those things to you last night to get you into bed.
Gabi: I played games too.
Jake: And you were a very formidable opponent.
Gabi: Oh, we're well matched.
Jake: Yeah. But I wasn't playing last night when I said that I was afraid to tell you the truth and to tell kate, and--
[Sighs] When I told you that you are the one that I want, I meant it, and that's not gonna change.
Gabi: How can you be so sure of that?
Jake: Well, I can be sure because, uh--
Gabi: Because?
Jake: Oh, god. Why is this--
Gabi: [Laughs]
Jake: Why is this so hard? Okay. I guess because I'm afraid I might scare you, you know, one of those "too much, too soon" kinda things, especially after--
Gabi: Jake?
Jake: All we've been through--what?
Gabi: You don't know me by now, I don't scare easily.
Jake: Okay, I--I do. You're right, I do know you. You're right.
Gabi: So whatever it is, just say it.
Jake: Okay. Maybe before I say it, I should do this, right?
Gabi: Okay. Whatever--whatever works for you.
Jake: And there it is. There's that smile. Every time--every time you smile at me, it's like my heart, it-- it starts beating faster. And every time you touch me, every time I touch you... it's unlike anything I've ever felt before in my life with anybody. And I know it probably sounds corny, but when I'm with you like this, everything makes sense. Life makes sense. You know what I'm saying?
Gabi: Yeah. Yes, I do.
Jake: And I--you know, I really do envy songwriters because, I mean, how nice would it be if I had a guitar, and I could just take it out and bust into song and tell you how I'm feeling? It would be so much more romantic than just saying the words.
Gabi: Which words?
Jake: I love you, gabi.
Gabi: Actually, I, uh, I don't think anything could have been more romantic than the way you said those exact words just now. Could you say them again for me, please?
Jake: I love you.
[Soft romantic music]
My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Gabi: It's my turn to say something.
Jake: Okay.
Gabi: You know, when we were talking earlier before we came back here, I was telling you about how we grow up believing in fairy tales where we get this one true love. And for me, that was stefan. You know, he was the love of my life. I believed that I--that that would never change. And now--
Jake: And now?
Gabi: Well, you've made me believe in love again. And if we're really opening up about this. Remember that time we made love before I left to mexico? There wasn't a minute that I didn't miss you terribly. Worry that I'd lose you. I dreamed about you all the time. Some were sad dreams where I would come back here and you wouldn't remember me. But some were the kinda dreams that you don't wanna wake up from. Kinda like what you were saying before you were telling me how you felt about me in your jake, like, awkward, sweet way. And now--
Jake: Now what?
Gabi: I guess it's hard for me to say because with stefan, I just thought that I wasn't gonna be able to fall in love again, and I guess I feel guilty.
Jake: Why guilty?
Gabi: You know, I kept grieving stefan, longing for him, hoping that--that was just my way of keeping him alive in my heart, you know.
Jake: Yeah, I understand.
Gabi: But you're here. You're here, and I can touch you and hold you, and--and you're not just in my thoughts and my dreams. Jake.
Jake: Take your time. It's okay.
Gabi: I love you too. I love you so much.
[Soft romantic music]
You know, it took me till last night to be honest with myself about how I really felt about you. I didn't wanna feel vulnerable because that's not how you win, and I'm always out to win. And after what you said, you turned away and walked away. And I just--I didn't know. I just had to stop you.
Jake: Yeah, I gotta admit, that surprised the hell out of me.
Gabi: That makes two of us. I was trying to not only fool you, but I was trying to fool myself. I threw myself into work, distracting myself from you, treating you like nothing but competition. I tried to move on with philip to try to make you jealous. But when you said what you said, I--I just had to act.
Jake: Yeah. I vaguely remember.
Gabi: I guess I felt I didn't have the courage to tell you how I really felt. But after I heard what you had told me, it just happened.
Jake: I'm so glad it did.
John: You really need to calm down. You're not gonna talk to the doctor; I am. And if you wanna help, go to the chapel and pray. For a really long time.
Kristen as susan: I--I didn't mean to make things worse.
Marlena: I think--I think john just wants immediate family here.
Kristen as susan: Yeah, well, she's not family.
Marlena: Hey. Don't do that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I know you're worried about brady. You know, why don't you-- why don't you go to the chapel? And if there's any change at all, if there's any news, I will find you there. Please. I don't want you here when john comes back.
Kristen as susan: Okay. All right, I'm--I'm sorry. Sorry.
Chloe: I don't understand her. I mean, she's always weird, but she seems really obsessed with brady. Marlena, are you okay?
Marlena: Oh. Yeah, I--I thought sami would be here by now. I mean, she said she was coming over. I've been calling and texting her, but I can't seem to reach her.
Chloe: Uh, have you tried lucas?
Marlena: Lucas?
Chloe: Just a suggestion.
Marlena: No. That was more than a suggestion. You know, you mentioned sami and lucas yesterday. Last night, in fact. You seemed kind of annoyed. Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Sami: Wait till I tell eric what his tramp wife has been up to.
Nicole: [Scoffs] Wanted you? I wanted you to stay away from me, okay? You are the last thing that I want.
Xander: Didn't seem that way last night.
Nicole: Because I was wasted. Okay? Wasted. And I was desperately missing my husband, who is the only person that I want, so get that through your thick skull. Why? Why are you smiling?
Xander: Oh, I'm--I just can't help thinking about this incredible woman that i made love to just a few short hours ago. So passionate, lustful.
Nicole: Okay, okay. First of all, last night, there was no lovemaking. It was just a horrible mistake on my part. And whatever you perceived as passion and lust, that was just desperate longing for my husband, okay? Oh, and you know what? I thought about eric the whole time.
Xander: The whole time?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Xander: At no point did your mind drift to rafe hernandez?
Nicole: That's a rotten thing to say.
Xander: Come on. It's hardly a sin to be disloyal in our fantasies, right?
Nicole: You know what? Not only is eric my husband, but he is the love of my life. He is the only one I love and will ever love.
Xander: Don't give me that crap, nicole. Don't you remember before we got, uh, horizontal last night, you confided in me that you do have feelings for rafe, and you're jealous of ava vitali.
Nicole: Oh, my god. Just shut the hell up.
Xander: My takeaway from our night of passion--or desperate loneliness, in your case. Yeah, you were impressed with my prowess between the sheets. But it was rafe you really wanted. Nailed it, didn't I? It's my 5:52 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine.
Nicole: Nailed it? You didn't nail anything, damn it, you're totally wrong, totally off base, as usual.
Xander: You're sure about that?
Nicole: Can't you just stop talking? Just stop talking. Where is my phone?
Xander: Think it's some--
Nicole: Hey.
Xander: Oh. Would you look at that? Voicemail. From him?
Nicole: Eric?
Xander: Nah, the other one.
Rafe: Oh, hey, nicole. It's rafe. Uh, nothing important. I saw you called earlier, and i just, um--yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. So, uh, all right. Uh, good night.
Xander: Aw. That's so thoughtful. You know what? I think your feelings might be reciprocated.
Nicole: God, I hate you.
[Suspenseful music]
Lucas: Jake? Jake, are you here? I need to talk to you.
Marlena: Chloe, if you know something about sami, please tell me.
Chloe: It's just that it's, um, it's--
Marlena: I know my daughter. Okay, I know what she's capable of doing. Look, you don't have to worry about hurting my feelings.
Chloe: Well, um, sami and lucas tried to trick me into thinking that lucas was dying.
Marlena: Oh. Wow. And I thought I'd heard everything.
Chloe: Yeah, they told me that he had an inoperable brain tumor.
Marlena: Why? Why would they do that?
Chloe: I don't know. It doesn't make any sense, but they seemed really desperate. Sami even disguised herself as stan and told me that she-- "he" was a doctor.
Marlena: Oh. That scares me. I'm sorry. I don't doubt that you're telling me the truth.
Lucas: Sami, where are you? I can't find my mother anywhere. And I think you were right. That wasn't her at the hospital, it was kristen. Now, I went to rafe, and I ended up not telling him about kristen, but just call me. 'Cause if I don't hear from you soon, I'm telling him the whole story.
Kristen as susan: [Sighs] No, you're not. Oh, god. Right now, I need you to take care of brady. I have to take care of lucas.
Chloe: Lucas asked me to go to antarctica with him. They are clearly really desperate to get me out of town.
Marlena: Antarctica is a little more than out of town.
Chloe: Yeah, and the entire time, I could tell that lucas seemed really uncomfortable, like he had to lie, but he didn't want to.
Marlena: Yeah, sami's always had a way of persuading lucas to do things that might even be against his better judgement. Are--are you sure that lucas isn't sick?
Chloe: I mean, no, not 100%, but I just assume that they were lying about all of it. My goodness, I don't know. If he's sick, I guess I should go see him. But I don't know what's going on with brady yet.
Marlena: Why don't you go see lucas? If there's any change here, I will let you know.
Chloe: Okay, thank you. And maybe I can get lucas to tell me what's really going on.
Marlena: I'm not sure I wanna hear of it.
Sami: [Grunting] Damn it. I should have known better than to turn my back on kristen. That was it.
[Line trilling]
Lucas: Come on, mom. Pick up, come on. I know--I know kristen did something to you, I just know it. Well, I guess I have no choice now. I gotta tell rafe everything.
[Intense music]
John: He's out of surgery. He's gonna be just fine.
Marlena: Oh, thank god.
John: Yeah. And right now, they're just letting him have one visitor at a time.
Marlena: You go. Give him my love.
John: I couldn't have gotten through this without you. Thank you.
Marlena: I wouldn't be anywhere else.
John: [Laughs]
Marlena: Oh, honey. Go.
[Monitor beeping]
John: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hold on, I got that.
Brady: I gotta tell you something.
John: Well, it can wait. It can wait till later. Right now, you just gotta rest. Looks like you're gonna be all right, but you were in a very serious accident, kid.
[Car horn honks]
Brady: [Stammers] You gotta help me here. It's about kristen.
Frank is a fan of fast.
He's a fast talker.
Xander: Well, sarah, if you're wondering how I handled losing you, I'm doing fine. I've just made one great decision after another. After a few cocktails, I married a sweet young girl who was actually just trying to rob me. And then after a few cocktails last night, I hooked up with my ex-wife, who now hates me even more than she did when I locked her up in a cage. So yeah, I feel like I'm really getting it together. Yes, indeedy. Definitely better off without you.
[Sentimental music]
Rafe: Nicole?
Sami: Okay. Okay, just think, sami. There's got to be another way out of here. Kristen? Kristen--oh, my god. Lucas. Lucas. Lucas.
John: You need to calm down. Hey, you need to rest. You can't go worrying about kristen. We're gonna call the prison, and we'll let her know what happened here.
Brady: Listen, listen. She's not in prison. She got out.
Chloe: Lucas? What the hell?
[Tense music]
[Both laugh]
[Tense music]
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