Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 1/26/21
Episode #13945 ~ Brady's life hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, a desperate Kristen takes Tony hostage, Kate questions Jake about his feelings for Gabi, and Nicole insists on taking Rafe out for his birthday.
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Proofread By Niki
Rafe: What is all this?
Gabi: Feliz cumpleaņos, Hermano.
Rafe: [Stammers] You did not need to go to all this trouble.
Gabi: What trouble? You know I take birthdays very seriously, especially yours. Now make a wish.
Rafe: Well, but my wish already came true 'cause my sister's here, surprising me. You made me my favorite cupcakes the one that Mami used to make.
Gabi: Okay, you cannot do that; you're not gonna waste a birthday candle wish on me. Come on. Make another one. Do it. Okay, what'd you wish for?
Rafe: Eh, that's not how it works.
Gabi: It is when you wanna take a bite of this delicious baby right here.
Rafe: Well, I... okay. I wish that my baby sister would finally find happiness.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Kate: You broke up with Gwen because of me.
Jake: Yeah. I did break up with Gwen because of you. Then you left.
Gabi: I know I left. I didn't have a choice. I... I explained that to you, and I thought you understood. You know, leaving... really, really hurt me. And I know that it hurt you too, even if you don't wanna admit it. Kate was a consolation prize. See, I know that I'm the one you really want. Jake, I can see it in your eyes.
[Intense musical sting]
Kate: Bad dream?
[Sharp music]
Sarah: Oh, the one that gave you permission to see her medical info. I did.
Nicole: Great. So, how is she?
Sarah: Um, well, the brain scan shows that the drug she was given is working its way out of her system.
Nicole: So, she's gonna recover.
Sarah: Well, it's gonna take some time for the drug to be completely gone, but I do think she's gonna be fine.
Nicole: Well, can I see her?
Sarah: Uh, um, before you do, could I have a word?
Nicole: Sure. What is it?
Sarah: Well... I wasn't gonna say anything. Honestly, I probably shouldn't, but... there's something that you should know about your friend.
Kristen: Brady, I miss you both so much. You know, just seeing Lani, how scared she was, that she may never-- [Loud band over phone] Brady, was that a gunshot? Brady? Brady?
Chloe: Brady! Oh, my God.
Philip: Brady!
Brady: [Gasping]
Chloe: Brady. Brady.
Jake: Nah. It was nothing. I'm surprised you're awake after all that tossing and turning you did last night.
Kate: Actually, I don't think I slept at all last night.
Jake: AH. Too much champagne.
Kate: Too much Gabi, I think.
Jake: What? After the smackdown you gave her? Don't tell me she got into your head.
Kate: I think if she got into anyone's head that it was probably yours.
Rafe: I am happy. At least I will be when you give me my cupcake.
Gabi: [Chuckles]
Rafe: Now I'm happy. So happy. Mmm. Definitely happy. Mmm.
Gabi: Rafael, I'm not joking.
Rafe: Neither am I. Listen, I love my family, my job. I have terrific friends. My life is great, and I have a sister who remembers my birthday.
Gabi: Yes, but you don't have somebody special in your life, and since Hope left, I...
Rafe: Gabi?
Gabi: What? I know that you were hoping for a reconciliation, and that... is never gonna happen, is it? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know how much you loved Hope, and I know you think you're never gonna find somebody like that--
Rafe: We really don't need to talk about this right now.
Gabi: Yes, we do need to talk about it because you're an amazing man, okay? And I don't want you to turn out to be some old, weird bachelor who's eating out of cans standing up and has hair growing out of his ears.
Rafe: Well, what's wrong with hairy ears and eating out of cans?
Gabi: Nothing. I'm just saying maybe it's time to put yourself out there, you know? Maybe think of a possibility of another Ms. Right?
Rafe: Mm. So, I don't understand how this got turned around on me when I was the one wishing for your happiness.
Gabi: You don't have to worry about my happiness because I make my own happiness.
Rafe: Oh, that's right, and you take no prisoners.
Gabi: You got that right.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Gabi: Why are you laughing? What's funny?
Rafe: No, no, it's... you know what? I'm just happy that my badass sister is back in town. Thank you. Thank you for coming.
Gabi: Like I would've missed your birthday. Are you kidding me?
Rafe: How long you staying?
Gabi: Uh, that depends.
Rafe: On what? [Gasps] Or shall I say, "on whom?"
Sarah: I know she is.
Nicole: How is that even possible? For the last few years, she was locked up in a warehouse in Nashville thanks to Kristen... and Xander.
Sarah: Maybe so, but... she escaped the warehouse explosion and then she went back to Philadelphia and took over for her cousin Angelo.
Nicole: How would you even know that?
Sarah: [Sighs] Ava is forcing someone I know to launder money for her to pay off a gambling debt.
Nicole: And Ava's doing all of that from her hospital bed?
Sarah: Well, no. Obviously she isn't running things at the moment. Nicole, the situation has escalated, and if something isn't done, then people will get hurt.
Nicole: What people?
Philip: I'll see if I can find the shooter.
Chloe: Okay. Come on, Brady. Come on. You have to be okay. Do you hear me? Come on. Wake up.
Kristen: Brady? Brady, are you there?
Chloe: Ah, come on, Brady. Come on.
Kristen: Brady, please! What is happening? Brady, please, just talk to me. Come on, you're scaring me. Please, Brady, what is going on?
Chloe: Kristen?
Kristen: Chloe? Brady's with you? What is going on?
Chloe: Brady's been shot.
Kristen: Shot? Shot? What do you mean he's been shot? What is happening? What is going on? Right now, please, tell me.
Chloe: I think I have to go. I have to call an ambulance.
Kristen: Don't you dare hang up on me. [Dial tone] [Huffs] Damn you, Chloe.
Rafe: Hmm. Huh, 'cause I saw that Chad stepped down at DiMera and, uh, Jake was the new CEO.
Gabi: Uh-huh. Point?
Rafe: Well, the guy that you hated is out and the guy you were involved with is in.
Gabi: So?
Rafe: So maybe if you want to make your own happiness, now is the right time.
Gabi: You know what, Rafe? Maybe you're right.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Gabi: Maybe you're right. But there is a giant obstacle in the way of all of that happiness.
Rafe: Yeah? What's that?
Gabi: It's more like a who.
Kate: I know that. I believe you.
Jake: Okay. So, what's the problem? Huh?
[Stirring music]
Kate: I actually keep thinking about what she said-- that she believes I stole you from her.
Jake: Okay, well, you didn't steal me. You know that. I'm not anybody's property. I pursued you after she dumped me and left town.
Kate: You remember she came back to Salem and she caught us in bed together?
Jake: Ah.
Kate: She was crushed. I mean, I think she had really big plans for the two of you together.
Jake: Uh-huh, riding off into the Arizona sunset.
Kate: Look, she said that she dumped you because she was trying to protect you. She lied to keep you safe. That's what she said.
Jake: Ah.
Kate: Jake, I mean, obviously, she still has feelings for you.
Jake: Okay, but I do not have feelings for her.
Kate: Are you sure?
Jake: What's that supposed to mean?
Kate: Last night, she said that what you had was real, that there was unfinished business between the two of you, and that you know that.
Jake: All right, that's just Gabi being dramatic. It's what she does.
Kate: Yeah?
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: [Sighs] I think-- I think maybe she's right.
Jake: That was nothing but a performance designed to get under your skin, and, obviously, it worked, but, hey, forget about it. Forget about Gabi because the only person I have real feelings for is right here next to me.
Kate: Jake, still, I--
Jake: What? Hey. If you don't believe me, I could show you, huh?
Kate: [Laughs] [Sighs]
Jake: All right, looks like I gotta convince you the old-fashioned way.
Kate: What? [Laughs]
Jake: Get over here.
Kate: [Laughing]
Gabi: [Sighs]
Jake: Didn't seem like her type. I mean, especially not the May-to-December part of it.
Gabi: Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. Obviously, Jake was on the rebound after I left, and Kate, well, she just yanked him onto her bed. But that's okay because I'm back, and Jake doesn't have to settle.
Rafe: Maybe he's happy.
Gabi: What? No, I am better for him than that dinosaur is. He just has to realize it.
Rafe: Uh-huh.
Gabi: Yes.
Rafe: And what if he doesn't?
Gabi: I know Jake. I know what we had. So, you know, I'm pretty sure your birthday wish for my happiness is gonna happen sooner or later. And I like sooner better than later. So, I'm gonna head out. I love you; Happy Birthday. [Smooches] Listen, don't eat all the cupcakes.
Rafe: What... bye.
Philip: How is he?
Chloe: He's alive. The ambulance is on its way. Did you have any luck?
Philip: The shooter got away.
Chloe: You didn't see anything?
Philip: I ran down the stairwell and I heard the emergency door exit shut, but when I got there, no sign of anyone. You have to hold on, buddy!
Chloe: Come on, Brady.
Philip: Hold on.
Chloe: Brady, you can't die on me, okay? You gotta hang in there. Come on. Wake up, please. [Sniffles] [Cell phone buzzing] Brady, come on. You can't die on us. [Cell phone buzzing]
[Tense music]
Brady: This is Brady.
[Voice mail beeps]
Kristen: Damn it. What happened? What is going on?
Guard: You have a visitor, DiMera.
Kristen: Thank God. Tony. I'm so glad you're here.
Tony: You've heard the news that.... Chad has resigned from CEO of DiMera, and.... [Sighs] Shin has put Jake in his place.
Kristen: I don't give a damn about DiMera right now! Brady's just been shot.
Tony: Shot?
Kristen: Yeah.
Tony: Oh, my God.
Kristen: Yeah. I just-- I was on the phone with him just now, and I heard a loud bang.
Tony: But that could be a backfire; it could be anything.
Kristen: No, it was a gunshot. Chloe was there, and she confirmed it.
Tony: What did she tell you?
Kristen: I don't know. She hung up on me. I just--I need to know that he's all right.
Tony: Okay--
Kristen: I need to know!
Tony: Just calm yourself.
Kristen: He could be-- he could be hurt; he could be worse. I don't know.
Tony: Kristen. Just look at me. This kind of behavior is not gonna help. You gotta control yourself. I'll make inquires. As soon as I find out anything, I will let you know.
Kristen: Tony, wait.
Tony: What?
Kristen: I'm going with you.
[Dramatic music]
Sarah: Uh, I'm sorry, I-- I've probably already said too much.
Nicole: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're gonna put all that out there and then just walk away?
Sarah: [Sighs] I'm sorry. It's just, I... I know that you're good friends with Ava, so... maybe she'll listen to you.
Nicole: [Scoffs lightly] I don't know about that.
Sarah: But still, maybe-- maybe somehow you can talk to her and make her see that it's time to take a step back and that there's no need for anyone to get hurt or make a situation worse. Something like that? Oh, come on. Obviously, this is totally up to you, and I understand if you don't want to get involved.
[Dramatic music]
Ava: Hey.
Nicole: How you doing?
Ava: Better.
Kristen: Uh, little present.
Ava: Oh. [Both chuckle] Probably kill it. I kill everything.
Nicole: [Scoffs] Well, I mean, maybe you could think of it as a new leaf.
Ava: Did you really just say that?
Nicole: Yeah.
Ava: Yeah. Nicole.
Nicole: Listen, um, I spoke to Sarah about your condition, and she said you're improving.
Ava: Well, good. I'm glad it's finally official. Because I cannot wait to get out of here.
Nicole: She also said something else about you.
Sarah: What do we got?
Nurse: GSW; no exit wound. Unresponsive.
Sarah: Okay, take him up to trauma room two, stat. What happened?
Philip: He was shot at point-blank range.
Chloe: There was so much blood; I tried to stop it, but I couldn't do anything.
Sarah: Okay, was he ever conscious?
Chloe: I don't think so, no. Please let us know how he's doing.
Sarah: I will.
Kristen: I have to see him. He needs me, and I need to see for myself that he's all right--
Tony: I told you, I'll find out.
Kristen: Yeah, but he was on his way to see Rachel. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What if my daughter is in danger? I don't know who shot him; I don't know anything. He said that Rachel was down the hall with a sitter, but what if there was no sitter? What if he left her alone?
Tony: Brady would never do that.
Kristen: Yeah, but he said he wasn't with Chloe, and he was--
Tony: Kristen, you're not making any sense. Listen. I don't know what's going on with Brady, but this I do know. You just can't walk out of prison!
Kristen: I have to see him, Tony.
Guard: Is there a problem here?
Kate: Oh. Oh, I think it has potential if you cut the costs, you improve the margins and the cash flow, take steps to accelerate the revenue, growth. It's a winner. What? [Chuckles]
Jake: Beauty and brains. How'd I get so lucky? Hmm?
Kate: What? [Laughs] Okay, you have to stop.
Jake: Oh, come on.
Kate: You need to stop it, or you'll never get anything done.
Gabi: Well, for once, I agree with Kate.
[Tense music]
Gabi: Well, you wanted to see the Gabi Chic proposal. Here it is. See, thinking about acquiring any other companies-- see, they cannot offer you what Gabi Chic can. So, if you and Ms. Thing here could get your hands off each other for one second, you could take a look. I guarantee, once you see my business model and my branding genius, you're definitely gonna want to be in bed with me-- uh, business-wise, of course.
Kate: Gabi, he's not interested. So, you can take your proposal and--
Gabi: And shove it? Is that what you were gonna say?
Kate: No, I was gonna say, "and go home."
Gabi: Oh. Thing is, Jake is the CEO, not you. So, I'm not gonna go home or anywhere else unless Jake tells me.
Jake: Actually, I, uh, do wanna take a look at your proposal.
Nicole: Yup.
Ava: Interesting.
Nicole: Look, Ava, I'm not gonna ask you if it's true. But if it is, you could be jeopardizing your freedom, your future, and how about Tripp? I know how much he means to you and you want a relationship with him, and that's pretty hard to do when you're in prison. And it's also hard to clear his name, and I know that's what you want.
Ava: Well, I have to. It's my fault that he's in this mess.
Nicole: How is it your fault?
Ava: I was so desperate to know about him that I had Charlie follow him. Just to... you know, see what he liked, where he hung out. So, when Tripp went to London, I sent Charlie to London too.
Nicole: Which places Charlie in London when Allie was attacked.
Ava: [Softly] Yup.
Nicole: Ava, this is huge. Have you told the police that?
Ava: I told Patch. He was gonna tell Rafe, and he swore to me that he would get back to me as soon as he knew. I haven't heard anything yet.
Nicole: This could change everything.
Ava: Yeah. God, I wish to God it was enough to clear his name, though. Nicole, will you... will you do a favor for me? Will you go down to the station and find out what you can? I mean, if... if we're still friends, that is.
Nicole: [Sighs softly] Of course we're still friends. And of course, I will see what I can find out. But please, could you just do me a favor? Will you think about what I said?
Ava: Yeah.
Nicole: [Chuckles]
Ava: I will.
Nicole: Thank you.
Philip: I know. Damn it.
Chloe: Well, how'd they find you? How'd know that you were in my room? I thought you said that you were careful.
Philip: I was.
Chloe: Then how do you explain this?
Philip: I can't. Angelo must have had one of his men staked out at my dad's house. They followed me back, and I somehow missed them.
Chloe: Yeah, and now Brady could die.
Philip: He's not gonna die, Chloe; he's not gonna die.
Chloe: You can't make that promise, Philip.
Philip: [Exhales shakily] I'm so sorry.
Chloe: All Brady wanted to do is protect me and make sure that I wasn't hurt, and then all I did was yell at him that I was capable of handling this. And now he's fighting for his life.
Guard: Try to keep it down.
Tony: Yes.
Kristen: Get out of my way! Get out of my way, or I swear to God, I'll shoot.
Kristen: I mean it. Don't you dare reach for that radio, and don't alert anyone, or I swear to God, I will shoot him.
Guard: You won't shoot your own brother.
Kristen: You don't know our family. Tony knows I'm capable. Don't you?
Tony: She--she'll do it.
Kristen: See? Now move aside.
Tony: Kristen... don't do this. You have a child to think of. Your future. This can only add years to your sentence.
Kristen: I'm sorry, Tony, but I need a hostage and a driver. And that's you.
Philip: Chloe, don't.
Chloe: I don't know how I could've done this to him.
Philip: This isn't on you, Chloe; it's on me. Brady warned me that I'd be putting you in danger. I didn't listen to him. I did what I wanted. Hell, you're probably still in danger being anywhere near me.
Chloe: I don't really give a damn about that right now. I just care about Brady. He has to be okay. That's all I know. He has to be okay. Hey. How is he?
Rafe: It's no bother. It's always great to see you.
Nicole: Thanks.
Rafe: Yeah, uh, what's up?
Nicole: Well, Ava told me that she sent Charlie to London the same time that Allie was attacked, and Steve was gonna let you know.
Rafe: Yes, I spoke to Steve about that yesterday, and I'm just waiting to verify that information right now.
Nicole: Oh, thank God. Gets us one step closer to nailing that little jerk.
Rafe: Yeah, it does, -p by placing him in the same city. You know, and even getting a DNA test that matches him to Henry, that doesn't necessarily prove that he is guilty of the assault.
Nicole: Guess we need Allie to testify.
Rafe: Yeah.
Nicole: Which is another reason why I came over. She's agreed to hypnosis.
Rafe: Oh, wow.
Nicole: Yeah.
Rafe: That's great. That's great. That... couldn't have been an easy decision for her to make, to have to face that trauma. But... well, that's great, because if she can remember what happened that night...
Nicole: Then we can bury that monster Charlie Dale behind bars, where he belongs.
Rafe: That is the plan, yes.
Nicole: Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much for this, Rafe. And I'll--I'll just-- I'll let you get back to... oh. It's your birthday.
Rafe: Uh, yes.
Nicole: Oh! How did I not remember? I-- you know, Happy Birthday!
[Both laugh]
Rafe: Thanks.
Gabi: How insecure are you?
Jake: Actually, I did tell her I'd take a look at it.
Kate: Mm. Well, I'm guessing acquisition of this sort is probably more trouble than it's worth.
Gabi: Mm. And what would happen if I took my company somewhere else and it just was wildly successful? What are you gonna tell Shin, Jake? 'Cause at the end of the day, who do you answer to? See, I'd make the smart choice, the right decision. Me.
Jake: Not you, Gabi. Your company. And the numbers have to be right.
Gabi: Well, the numbers are exactly right. I would love to show you just how right they are. Maybe you could leave so we could discuss this alone.
Jake: No, that's not necessary.
Kate: [Chuckles] No, no. That's okay. Actually, I have an appointment with Abe. I'll let Jake throw you out.
Gabi: That was quite the show. But so not necessary.
Jake: What are you talking about?
Gabi: The kiss or whatever it was with Kate, like you were trying to prove something.
Jake: "Prove"? What? I'm not trying to prove anything to you; I was kissing my girlfriend goodbye like I always do.
Gabi: Mm, with absolutely no care for my feelings at all.
Jake: What? You want me to protect your feelings by not kissing my girlfriend in front of you?
Gabi: Yeah, exactly. See, that hurts my feelings and why wouldn't it? Would you like to see me kissing another man?
Jake: I don't care!
Gabi: Really?
Jake: Yeah.
Gabi: Okay, well, then, picture it.
Jake: No. Not gonna do it.
Gabi: Oh, no, because that's gonna make you jealous and uncomfortable, right?
Jake: No, because I'm not willing to play this game with you, Gabi.
Gabi: Mm. What about that kiss I gave you, hmm?
Jake: Can we get down to business please?
Gabi: You liked it, didn't you? I know you did.
Jake: I don't have all day.
Gabi: You know what I think?
Jake: No, I don't, and I don't care.
Gabi: I think that you're pretending to feel something for Kate that you don't.
Jake: That's enough.
Gabi: I think you've talked yourself into thinking she's fun and sexy, in spite of the age gap between the two of you, which, right now, may be fine, but wait until she's old and decrepit and hunched over and you're still a young, fertile man.
Jake: Okay. That's it. I'm not gonna do this with you.
Gabi: No?
Jake: Gabi, no. No. I'm not. I'm not gonna sit here and talk about Kate or my feelings or anything about my personal life. You are here so I can look at your business proposal, which I can do on my own. So, if you don't mind, give me that and you can show yourself out.
Gabi: [Sighs] I'm not going anywhere.
Rafe: Um, probably just hang out with Gabi.
Nicole: Gabi's back?
Rafe: Yes, she is. She came back to surprise me. She already left, so, uh, I don't know. I guess I'll just watch a game or binge a show.
Nicole: Yeah, that so not gonna happen. Come on. You have to celebrate. It's your birthday.
Rafe: I already did. I did. She made me my favorite cupcakes and she put a candle in it and then I made a wish and I blew it out. Done.
Nicole: Oh. One single cupcake for breakfast? That's it? Oh, I think we can do a little bit better than that.
Rafe: I think I'm good. I mean, I appreciate it, but I'm not really into the whole birthday thing.
Nicole: Oh. Lucky for you, I am!
Rafe: Oh, no.
Nicole: Yes. In fact, I am way into it. So... come on, birthday boy. Let's go. Come on.
Rafe: Where are we going?
Chloe: Oh, my God. Thank you so much.
Philip: So, he's gonna be okay?
Sarah: Well, I have to consult with a specialist to see if he needs any surgery. But Brady is healthy and he's strong, which is working in his favor.
Chloe: Great. Can I see him?
Sarah: Yes, as long as you just keep it short. Ah. One at a time.
[Tense music]
Philip: It never should've happened.
Sarah: [Whispering] Yeah, but it did because of you!
Philip: I was handling the situation until Xander stuck his nose into it.
Sarah: [Scoffs] You were handling it? You're unbelievable.
Philip: I would've taken care of it, but, oh, no, that idiot boyfriend of yours had to mess around with something that he doesn't know anything about. If this is anyone's fault, it's Xander's.
Sarah: Don't you dare lay this on Xander. You are the one that was laundering money for Ava Vitali. You were the one trying to screw over your father's company. The only thing that Xander did was try to undo the damage that you have done.
Philip: Why do you see Xander like some kind of savior? He only started digging because his ego couldn't take the competition.
Sarah: Oh, my God. This is on you, Philip. You brought the mob to Brady's doorstep. And you may be Victor's son, and he may forgive you for a lot of things, but if you are responsible for his grandson's death, he will never forgive you. You better pray that Brady makes it.
Kristen: Okay, just shut up, Tony.
Tony: Don't you understand? You're in shock. You're upset. But this is not the way to do it. So, I'll check up on Brady. I'll ask anna to pick up your daughter, take her to the mansion, and keep her out of the news.
Kristen: Oh, my God. Brady could be dying. And I need to be by his side. Rachel needs her mother. So, I am getting out of here now! Just don't be stupid! I will shoot both of you if you even breathe before my brother and I are gone.
Gabi: Well, you're gonna look it over now; I'll wait.
Jake: I gotta go to the office.
Gabi: Okay.
Jake: You're not leaving.
Gabi: Neither are you.
Jake: Yes, I am. But I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself.
Gabi: Fine. I'm gonna go, but I'm gonna tell you one last thing. See, you keep saying there's just business between us over and over and over. So, my question is, are you trying to convince me or Kate or yourself that it's just business between us?
Jake: Go.
Gabi: Jake, I am in your head, aren't I? Even when you don't want me to be.
Jake: Last time.
Gabi: I'm going. [Scoffs] Ah. [Smooches]
Jake: [Sighs]
Rafe: Where exactly do we have to be?
Nicole: Well, now, it wouldn't be a birthday surprise if I told you, now, would it? Or, unless you just wanna stay home, you know, and catch a game or binge watch something; whatever.
Rafe: Let the adventures begin, I say.
Both: Yes!
Nicole: That is what I'm talking about.
Rafe: That's what I'm talking about too; it's my birthday. You know that, right?
Nicole: Let's go. Yes, I know it's your birthday.
Rafe: Yes, it is!
Nicole: Let's do it.
Rafe: Okay!
Philip: Call off your dogs, Ava.
Ava: Oh, I would watch my tone if I were you.
Philip: Really? Tone? That's what you're worried about?
Ava: What the hell is going on?
Philip: As if you didn't know.
Ava: Well, if you hadn't noticed, I've been a bit laid up here.
Philip: While you were laid up, your cousin Angelo put a hit out on me.
Ava: He what?
Philip: Brady got shot instead.
Ava: Brady? Wha-- is he okay? Is he alive?
Philip: He was just brought in, but whoever did this is still out there.
Ava: Philip, I promise you, I had nothing to do with this. And I sure as hell didn't know about it. So why the hell would Angelo do such a thing?
Philip: You're the boss. Why don't you just tell your cousin to back off of me?
Ava: Philip. Philip! Wait!
Chloe: Oh, Brady. I'm so sorry. [Sobs] I never should've asked you to help me. And when you did, I should've listened to you. You were just trying to protect me because that's the kind of man that you are. You've always been kind and wonderful to me. Oh, God, please. Please, Brady. You're gonna be okay. You have to be, all right? Do you hear me? You have to be okay. Because if something happens to you, I will never forgive myself because this is all my fault.
Kristen: Oh, really?
Kristen: What did you do to him?
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