Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 12/31/20
Episode #13928 ~ Anna and Abigail find incriminating evidence in Gwen's bedroom; Gwen lures Chad into a trap; Jake and Kate have a falling out; Chloe finds out about Philip's secret; Jack and Jennifer reconcile.
Provided By Suzanne
Tony: Happy new year, my darling.Anna: Happy new year, my love.
[Both chuckle] Oh.
[Cheering on tv] Oh, tony, you know... even when I thought I lost you, I always raised a glass to your urn on new year's eve.
Tony: Reay? We're so blessed to have each other.
Anna: Mm.
Tony: And even though I can't predict what this year will bring, what I do know is, I shall want for nothing, because I'm going to be sharing all of my days with guess who.
[Both laugh]
Anna: Better be me.
Tony: Oh, abigail, happy new year, love.
Anna: Oh, abigail. Grab your hubby, and we'll make a toast.
Abigail: Oh, well, chad is not here.
Tony: Where is he?
Abigail: I have no idea. And apparently, he's convinced that I'm having an affair with his brother.
Tony: Oh, no, no, not me, darling.
Abigail: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, chad thinks that I'm sleeping with jake, which I told him is absolutely ridiculous and untrue.
Tony: Well, that is ridiculous. You're so...
[Sighs] You're so dedicated to chad and to your family. Why would chad even think that?
Abigail: Chad thinks that because he knows that jake is sleeping with somebody in the house, and for whatever reason, he came to the conclusion that that someone is me. But actually, it's kate.
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: Whoa, whoa. You've had a lot to drink, chad.
Chad: I'm fine.
Gwen: No, that kiss-- you didn't mean to do that.
Chad: What if I did?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Fireworks popping]
Kate: Well, that was wonderful.
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: I was beginning to think I was going to need to give philip a motherly peck at the stroke of midnight.
[Both laugh]
Jake: Well, that kiss is not the only reason I wanted you out here, alone.
Kate: Is there something wrong?
Jake: I got bad news.
Brady: Mm. Well, you know what? It's been--it's been fun. But I think I'm going to head home.
Chloe: Not back to the office, I hope.
Brady: No, I'm tired. I'm going to go to sleep. Do you want me to walk you back to the inn?
Chloe: Um, you know, I think I'm gonna stay here and finish this delicious cider.
Brady: [Chuckles] It is good.
Chloe: And I'll just get back on my own.
Brady: Okay. I'm sure philip wouldn't mind escorting you back. I don't think he's too happy that we're here together, you know?
Chloe: Ah, he'll get over it. Anyway, thank you so much for bringing me here. It was really fun... even though I know you would've rather rung in the new year with kristen.
Brady: [Sighs] I was grateful that I got to ring it in with my friend.
Chloe: Me too.
Brady: Good night.
Chloe: Good night.
Philip: Ava, hey. I was wondering why you haven't returned any of my calls. Any chance you decided to let me off the hook? 'Cause this laundering money through titan is getting trickier all the time, as you can imagine. Anyway, call me, okay? And happy new year.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Kate: Bad news, huh? Well, whatever the bad news is, we need to continue this conversation privately before someone figures out that we're together.
Jake: Somebody already has.
Kate: Okay. If you mean gwen, I know she's been lording it over us, but if she hasn't told anyone yet, I don't think she's going to tell.
Jake: I'm not talking about gwen. I mean abigail. She knows about us.
Abigail: It's a long story, but bottom line, I confronted jake, and he admitted to the fact that he was sleeping with kate.
Anna: But I don't get it. Neither one of them are married. So why all the secrecy?
Abigail: Apparently it was kate's idea to want to keep everything quiet. I think because she knows that chad can't stand jake, she was worried that if he found out she was involved with him that he'd be betrayed.
Tony: I suppose that makes sense. But what doesn't is why chad would think you're having an affair with jake.
Abigail: I... I don't get it either. I'm just-- I mean, after everything that we've been through, for him to think that I would be that reckless or that disloyal? It just-- like, the idea that I would jeopardize our family like that is...
Tony: You know... I've never known chad to be this insecure.
Abigail: And ever since I got back from florida, he's been jealous, he's been suspicious, he's been borderline paranoid. I know I was sick for a while. I know that was really stressful. But I just--I don't understand how things got so bad between us so fast, you know? I just feel like I'm missing something, and I can't figure out what it is.
Anna: Maybe it's gwen.
Gwen: Stop. You're not thinking clearly because of all the champagne that you've had.
Chad: No, no, no, I'm fine.
Gwen: All right, stop, chad. Chad...
Chad: I'm fine.
Gwen: No, you're not. Listen to me. Listen to me. We are going to pretend that this never happened. We're not going to tell anyone. We're not to talk about it, and... your wife doesn't need--
Chad: My wife? My wife, who is sleeping with my brother? My wife, who booked this room so she can be with him?
Gwen: Who knows? Maybe they scrapped the plans, 'cause they're not even here.
Chad: Well, because we got here first!
Gwen: Chad, take it easy.
Chad: Abby is probably already coming up with a story why she can't be with me tonight. So she can be with him. She can-- but I'm gonna bust her, okay? And then she'll probably blame the fact that she's got multiple personality disorder. That's what she did when she killed andre... and when she-- when she... slept with stefan, too. So she's gonna bash one brother's brains in, and then she's going to sleep... with another. My wife...
[Sighs] She's mentally ill. So that means that she can do anything that she wants, and she can get away with it because she's sick.
[Sobs] But what if it's all a fake?
Gwen: What do you mean?
Chad: What I mean-- what I mean is, what if my sweet... and innocent and beautiful wife... is really just a two-faced liar who, um... some serial cheating on me? And she's tricking everybody, you know? Especially me.
Gwen: That would be awful.
Chad: Yes, it would awful.
[Dramatic music]
So, if my wife... if my wife... can repeatedly and-- and brazenly... with absolutely no remorse, cheat on me... then why should I worry about cheating on her with you?
Philip: Chloe. Happy new year.
Chloe: Happy new year to you, philip.
Philip: Where is your date?
Chloe: I told you, brady and I came here as friends. And he decided to call it a night.
Philip: I was thinking about doing the same thing.
Chloe: Okay, but before you do, quick question-- who are you laundering money for?
Kate: Abigail knows about us?
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: What if she tells chad? Why did you tell her?
Jake: I didn'T. She figured it out herself.
Kate: [Sighs] Jake... how would that even be possible?
Jake: Because of you.
Abigail: You think gwen is involved with this? I mean, that doesn't make any sense.
Anna: Well, please... the nanny is always trouble. "The hand that rocks the cradle." Hello?
Tony: Oh, it's a movie. It's not worth recalling at this moment.
Anna: Yes, it is. Because it shows how a woman who seems incredibly helpful might not want to help you at all. She might want to seduce your husband and steal your life because she's a stone-cold predator.
Abigail: Yeah, I'm sorry. I just don't think that gwen is trying to steal my husband. It's absurd. I mean, she's been nothing but sweet to me since the first time I--
Tony: [Stammers] What, what's wrong?
Abigail: The first time I ever laid eyes on gwen she was in chad's arms.
Anna: I rest my case. Hmm.
Gwen: Chad, listen to me. I know--I know how much pain you're in, I do. Cheating with me is not--is not going to make things better.
Chad: Why not? Why not? She's been tricking you the whole time. She's been using you the whole time.
Gwen: That's not true.
Chad: What do you mean? Yes, it is. I mean, think-- when... when she came back from florida, all of a sudden, she wants to go back to work.
Gwen: So what's wrong with that?
Chad: Well, so--I don't-- oh, I don't know. Maybe after--after... after six months in a clinic, you would think that you would want to come home and spent some time with your family. Yeah? [Chuckles] You'd want to spend some time with your kids. But, no, she goes on, and she gives us whole speech about how--how she wants to find purpose and that she wants to find some control in her own life. Right? But all she wants to do is to be with him.
Gwen: Are you saying that the only reason she hired me is to carry on this affair?
Chad: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. Okay, but see, listen-- hey, listen, 'cause while you are watching our children, okay, she is doing god knows what with him. Okay? This has been going on for months. It's been going on for months. But you and me, we're too trusting. So, we didn't even see it.
Gwen: I-I just don't -- I don't believe that abigail would deceive you like that, chad. She always says how very much she loves you.
Chad: Oh, yeah, well, talk-- talk, that's cheap. And, well... the--the cheating-- I'm gonna sit. The... cheating is hurtful enough. But then she-- after what happened with stefan right, for then her to get involved with jake... that... that--that was what kills me.
Gwen: I really-- I really do wish there was something I could do to make this hurt less for you.
Chad: There is. There is, gwen. There is, okay? There is. Make me forget. Make me forget. Okay? Make me forget. Please, make me forget. Tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
Philip: Laundered money? I don't know what you're talking about.
Chloe: Don't lie to me, philip. I just heard you on the phone.
Philip: You obviously misunderstood.
Chloe: No, I didn't misunderstand. You already told me that you're in debt from gambling, and I asked if that's why you took the job at titan, because you needed money. But you said that there's more to it than that. Is this what you meant?
Kate: I have been adamant from the very beginning of this relationship that it had to remain secret. How could I possibly be the reason that abigail knows?
Jake: Because you told me the other day, jennifer overheard you on the phone making plans for a romantic getaway at the salem inn, right? You remember that?
Kate: Yes, yes, she thought I was meeting up with jack.
Jake: Right, and didn't you tell her you weren't?
Kate: Yes, I did. I did tell her that. But I couldn't tell her about you and me, so how could she possibly know?
Jake: Because I guess she wasn't satisfied with the answers you gave her. So she showed jack's picture to the front-desk clerk at the salem inn to see if that's the guy you were with.
Kate: Oh, my god.
Jake: I guess the clerk denied it that it was jack but said the guy's name started with a J. Abigail, I guess, put two and two together, figured out that it was me.
Kate: Oh, dear-- why didn't you deny that?
Jake: I tried. But abigail was all over me like a bum on a hoagie.
Kate: Agh! Great. The good daughter fighting her mother's battles.
Jake: Oh, abigail has her own reasons to pursue this that go beyond trying to save her parents' marriage.
Kate: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Julie told me that time would heal us. And she was right.
[Both sigh] She is going to be so thrilled that we made up.
Jack: Oh, not as thrilled as I am. I was praying that somehow, someway, someday that you would forgive me.
Jennifer: Well, I might have done it sooner, but... something gwen said gave me pause.
Jack: [Chuckles] Gwen? Gwen, the nanny gwen?
Jennifer: Yes. I ran into her in the park before christmas. And we had an interesting conversation. She confided in me about her breakup with jake and said that our relationship had stirred feelings in her. And she wanted to know if I was going to take you back.
Jack: And what did you tell her?
Jennifer: The truth, at the time, which was... I didn't know.
Jack: Mm.
Jennifer: And she all but told me not to do it. She said that once a person cheats, it's impossible to trust them again.
Jack: Well, that is odd, because I--actually, I talked to gwen as well about our situation. And she told me the exact opposite. She told me she encouraged you to forgive me.
Jennifer: Oh.
Anna: I was right. While you were in florida, gwen was already moving in on your husband.
Tony: Anna, please. I'm sure there is a possible logical explanation for their embrace.
Abigail: Well, gwen claimed that chad was just comforting her because she had just broken up with jake.
Tony: Well, that sounds innocent enough to me.
Abigail: Except it wasn't just a hug. Chad later admitted that they kissed. Hang on. Chad told me that gwen kissed him because she was trying to make jake jealous.
Anna: Yeah, right.
Tony: Anna, please.
Anna: No. Look, I'm sorry, abigail, if this makes you uncomfortable, but to me, it seems like this nanny has been pretending to be your bestie while she tries to get her hooks into your husband.
Abigail: It's just really hard for me to believe that gwen would be that cruel and calculating.
Anna: Okay, you want proof? Search her room.
Gwen: I know. I want to help you. Chad, I do, I want to help you, but this is not-- I-I don't know about this.
Chad: Okay, so, no, no, I get it. Okay, so you don't want hurt abigail. But what about-- how about jake? After everything that he did to you.
Gwen: [Sighs]
[Dramatic music]
Chad: Yeah.
Gwen: You know, after I walked in on seeing jake with gabby, I... I have never been more humiliated in my entire life. And, yes, we know that jake is a dog, but I never thought-- I never thought that he would go for abigail, too. I'm just so--I'm sorry.
Chad: No, it's not your fault. It's not your fault.
Gwen: I feel terrible, because I should have said something sooner to you.
Chad: He threatened you.
Gwen: [Sighs] You know, it just makes me so angry that they just go around not even trying to hide it anymore. It's like they get off on just shoving it in our faces. You know what I mean? And the nerve, the bloody nerve on jake, pretending that that bracelet was for me. When it was very obvious it was for abigail. I mean... what, like, we're bloody stupid not to figure it out?
Chad: Yeah, it makes me sick. They pretend like we're fools. It ends tonight.
Gwen: How? They're so determined to hurt us, what can we do?
Chad: We hurt them back.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Philip: Please, just forget what you heard.
Chloe: Philip, I can'T. You're my friend, and you're in trouble, and I want to help you. Come on, please just trust me. Tell me what's going on.
Philip: I owe the mob a lot of money.
Chloe: Oh, no.
Philip: They said they'd forgive my debt if I laundered their cash through titan.
Chloe: Oh, god, those people are ruthless.
Philip: It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Either I did it, or they hurt me or someone I care about.
Chloe: But there's got to be some way out of this.
Philip: Not that I know of. And it gets worse. My cousin xander thinks I'm up to something, and he's trying to expose me, which could get me killed.
Kate: Okay, I'm just going to go find abigail and make sure that she keeps her mouth shut.
Jake: No, wait. I already told her that the last thing that you want is for chad to find out about us.
Kate: Okay, so did she agree not to tell him?
Jake: No. Kate, chad thinks that I am having an affair with his wife. And abigail desperately wants to set that straight before it destroys their marriage.
Jennifer: Gwen told you that she encouraged me to forgive you? That's not true.
Jack: I'm confused.
Jennifer: Yeah, me too.
Jack: There's something about this gwen that just doesn't add up.
Jennifer: Huh.
Abigail: I can't search gwen's room. That feels deceitful.
Anna: Honey, she's taking care of your children. You have a right to know if she's hiding anything.
Abigail: [Sighs] Well, I just don't like going behind her back. I would rather just confront her.
Anna: Oh, and you think she'll level with you.
Tony: Anna, sweetheart, you're not helping.
Anna: No, tony, you're not helping. You want abigail to just stick her head in the sand while her nanny has a secret plan to steal her husband?
Tony: Is that what you expect to find in gwen's room? A file marked "my secret plan"?
Anna: Maybe. Lord knows I've found stranger things in this house.
Abigail: Okay, you know, I think the person that I need to talk to is chad, because I could clear all of this up just by telling him that kate is the person jake's been running around with, not me.
Anna: Hmm.
Tony: Well, why don't you call him?
Abigail: I have, about a dozen times, but he's not answering his phone.
Anna: Hmm, see? Wouldn't surprise me if gwen wasn't behind that, too.
Gwen: Is this what you want? Is this what you really want? What if abigail finds out?
Chad: Shh. Please do not say her name. Don't say her name. Just make me forget, please. Okay? Just, please, just make me forget.
Gwen: Okay.
[Dramatic music]
Welcome to silversneakers,
are you ready to get moving?
Philip: I'd hoped my father would let me run titan solo... which would've allowed me to launder the money relatively easy. But I have xander breathing down my neck as co-ceo.
Chloe: So what are you going to do?
Philip: [Sighs] I've been trying to get rid of him, which is why I was pursuing sarah.
Chloe: Oh, wait, so.... you were never really interested in her?
Philip: No. I was hoping to provoke xander into attacking me in a jealous rage, and then my father would fire him. And as I was telling you before, sarah isn't ready to jump into a new relationship, so that plan went bust.
Chloe: Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but the whole you and sarah thing--I'm kind of glad it was just a ruse.
Philip: Well, that means something in this whole mess. It means a whole lot, actually.
Chloe: So tell me how I can help you.
Philip: You can't, chloe. I mean it. For your own protection, you have to forget everything I told you.
Anna: So, let's go search gwen's room while we have the chance.
Abigail: The last time I went into someone's room without their permission, I found out my dad slept with kate. Really don't want another surprise like that.
Anna: Well, I hope we don't find one either. But, honey, it is just possible that gwen isn't as nice as you think she is. And don't you want to know for sure? Mm-hmm. Come on. Operation: Bad nanny is a go.
Abigail: But I--
Tony: Well, I see nothing's changed. Never a dull moment in the dimera household.
[Chuckles] Is there, daddy?
Kate: God... this is such a disaster. This is a disaster. I told you how upset chad was when I saw him earlier.
Jake: Yeah, but for no reason. I'm not sleeping with his wife.
Kate: He thinks that you are. He thinks that you are. And... I could have saved him from all of that worry and all of that anguish in an instant if I had just told him the truth. And I didn'T. I didn't do that. So, if he finds out that I was lying to him, that I have been lying to him, then he's going to hate us both.
Jake: Let him. Kate, it's time you stop worrying about what chad thinks of you.
Kate: I can't do that. I won't do that. I've told you, he's like a son to me, jake. He's like a son.
Jake: He's also a grown man an adult, okay, who should be mature enough to respect the decisions you make even if he doesn't agree with them?
Kate: He does respect them. He cares for me.
Jake: If that's true, if he really cares about you, then he should be happy that you're happy, no matter who you're with. We shouldn't have to sneak around, kate. I should be able to give you a christmas present!
Kate: God, who cares about that?
Jake: I do. I care about that. I like what we have. Hell, I'm proud of it. I want the whole damn world to know. Why is that such a problem?
Kate: It's complicated.
Jake: Mm. Shouldn't be. Unless you're ashamed of me, hmm?
Jack: I'm gonna have a talk with gwen, as soon and I run into her. But right now I don't want to talk about her anymore. I want to--
[Sighs] I want to focus on you... my beautiful wife. After everything... everything we've been through, so much struggle, pain, suffering, loss... I just hope that... this year, this new year... we can have hope... peace, joy, happiness. Not just for us... for everyone, everyone we love.
Jennifer: Yes. Yes, let's do that. And I'm going to think positive for everybody.
Jack: Good.
Jennifer: Especially for abigail and chad. Did you know that he thinks that she's been having an affair with jake?
Jack: I can't believe he's still got that in his head.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jack: You know, I talked to him, right after he accused abigail of cheating with his brother.
Jennifer: Oh.
Jack: He regretted it immediately, said it was baseless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.
Jennifer: Hmm. Well, apparently he's thinking it again.
Jack: I know. I know, and I can't imagine why.
Abigail: Oh, this feels so wrong.
Anna: Not under the circumstances. This is about your marriage, abigail. And if that nanny has designs on your husband, you need to know that so you can kick her out of this house.
Abigail: I just don't even know what we're looking for.
Anna: "Fashionista." This is pretty thick. I wonder if it's the spring issue. But... what is that?
Abigail: Newspaper clippings?
Anna: About you and your family.
Abigail: Wait. This is about me killing andre. Oh, this is about when jj shot theo.
Anna: And this is about when your father ran for mayor.
Abigail: Oh, my god. This is about when my mom fell off the balcony and was in the coma. But gwen told me she didn't know anything about it, that my parents had told her that.
Anna: Well, clearly, she did. She has been stalking you.
Abigail: Not necessarily. I mean, maybe she was just doing research about her new employers and she just wasn't able to remember every detail.
Anna: Or maybe, maybe she's a psycho obsessed with your family. Question is, why?
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: Well done, gwen. Thought it would be a lot harder to get you into bed. But it turns out you've got a lot less faith in abigail than I thought.
Look what you've done chad. You betrayed her. And there are only so many betrayals a marriage can take.
(Upbeat music plays)
Kate: I am not ashamed of you.
Jake: Really?
[Sighs] You know... you gave me this tie... because you said that I am an up-and-comer at dimera and... I should dress the part.
Kate: [Sighs] But really... you don't like my clothes. You're embarrassed. I embarrass you.
Kate: I never said that.
Jake: Then say it.
[Dramatic music]
I knew it.
Kate: Jake--
Jake: No, no, no, no, no, no.
Kate: Jake--
Jake: No. Don't, kate. I get it. It's okay for you to have a secret fling with a low-class grease monkey, but god forbid, god forbid anybody find out about it.
I hope you enjoyed that kiss at midnight... 'cause it was our last.
Kate: [Sighs]
Jack: I'm so happy being under this roof again with you. I just want to shout it from the rooftops! Because that's what I'm going to do.
Jennifer: No, no, no, don't you do that. You're going to wake doug and julie, and then they're going to come down and want to hear the whole story of how we got back together. And what I really want, my darling man, is to be alone, with you.
Jack: Well, in that case, let's see, uh... I'm sure I can... come up with some kind of an idea that... mmm.
Jennifer: Ooh!
Jack: How about...
Jennifer: Oh.
[Both laughing] I like it.
[Laughter continues] Oh, darling.
Jack: This way?
Both: After you.
Jennifer: Oh, no, after you.
Chloe: You're in trouble with the mob, and you expect me to just forget that? No, you need to go to the police.
Philip: If I did that, these people would kill me or someone close to me, which could be you. I've put you at risk just by telling you this.
Chloe: Come on, haven't you heard? I'm a badass. I killed the head of an international drug cartel.
Philip: It's not funny.
Chloe: I know, I know. I'm sorry, you're right. It's just--I've seen firsthand how these kinds of criminals operate, and it is truly terrifying. I'm scared for you.
Philip: I'll figure something out. In the meantime, don't tell anybody I told you this. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you.
Chloe: Philip, come--
Anna: Abigail and i found something in gwen's room.
Tony: What? A file marked "my secret plan"?
Anna: No, a folder full of press clippings about abigail and her family going back years.
Tony: Well, that's odd, isn't it?
Anna: It's hand rocking the cradle territory all the way. So you can go ahead and admit it, tony. Admit it. I was right.
Tony: Huh. Hmm. All right, my darling, yes... you were right.
[Glasses clink]
Anna: Oh, music to my ears.
Abigail: Chad, I just... I really, really need you.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line trilling]
[Cell phone vibrating]
Gwen: Sorry, abigail. Your husband is otherwise engaged, which you'll find out about soon enough.
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