Days Transcript Wednesday 12/30/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 12/30/20


Episode #13927 ~ Gwen's schemes come to a head; Philip gets jealous when he finds out Chloe is Brady's date; Jennifer arrives at the party and sees Jack with Kate; Jake confesses to Abigail; Will and Sonny connect on New Year's Eve.

Provided By Suzanne

[Dramatic music]

Maggie: Well, whatever you're looking at doesn't seem to be pleasing you.

Philip: Two tickets to the dimera new year's eve party.

Maggie: Oh. Are you mad at tickets to attend the dimera new year's eve party? 'Cause that's what it looks like.

Philip: No. No, I'm not mad at them.

Maggie: So, um, tickets, plural. Mind if I ask you who you're taking?

Philip: As it turns out, no one.

[Liquid pours]

Brady: So come on, what do you say? Look, two tickets to the dimera party. You want to go?

Chloe: I gotta be honest, brady, I don't-- I don't know that I want kristen dimera to find out that I was going out with her man while she was in prison. She's been known to... react badly to those things.

Brady: Point taken, but listen, it's not like we're going out to the party, okay? It was just the two of us going as friends, and I don't think kristen would have a problem with that. Unless you want to hold out for a better offer. I mean...

Chloe: Oh. Uh, yes.

Brady: You got one?

Chloe: I-I have hundreds of those. The phone is just ringing off the hook.

Brady: Okay, well, do me a favor. Call all those guys and tell them that you're not available 'cause you're going with me and we're gonna have fun. You know, I think, after everything that's happened this year, we deserve a little fun, don't we?

Chloe: You know what? Yeah. Let's do it.

Brady: Good.

[Soft music]

[Knock at door]

Will: Happy new year!

Jennifer: Oh. Happy new year.

Will: [Laughs] You know what I think? Uh, you were hoping it was someone else at your door.

Jennifer: [Sighs]

Kate: Jack, I'm sorry that jennifer's not going to the party. Looks like you haven't made any inroads, huh?

Jack: [Chuckles] It's gonna be a long time before jennifer forgives me for sleeping with you... if she ever does.

Jake: Me and kate? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Abigail: Did I not just mention it? You know, may-- you're probably distracted, so I'm talking about the fact that you and kate are sleeping together.

Gwen: You're right. I didn't throw the bracelet away. Jake took it back.

Chad: Why would he do that?

Gwen: I guess he had second thoughts about spending so much money on me.

Chad: Did he say that?

Gwen: Sort of.

Chad: Well, what exactly did he say?

Gwen: He said that the bracelet wasn't for me... and that he wanted to give it to the person that he-- that he bought it for.

Chad: He bought it for abigail.

Gwen: I'm sorry, chad.

[Tense music]

Chad: I knew it.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Jennifer: You got me. I was a little taken aback, but it's a really nice surprise.

Will: And I come bearing gifts. Since I couldn't make it for christmas eve, I figured I'd just drop these off.

Jennifer: Aw, that's so lovely, thank you. I have something for you, sonny, and ari, but I've already mailed it to arizona.

Will: Oh. Well, something to look forward to.

Jennifer: Yeah.

Will: Hey, this is nice. Was this a present too?

Jennifer: Uh, yeah. Jack gave me that.

Will: Hmm. So... new year's eve, I take it you and jack don't have any big plans for the night.

Jennifer: I don't have any plans at all.

Will: Oh. Yeah, I--maybe I shouldn't say this, but, um, I'm sorry. I-I heard what happened with jack and my grandmother.

Jennifer: Oh, yes, and so did a whole roomful of people.

Will: Wow, that must've really sucked.

Jennifer: Yeah. That would be the understatement of the century.

Kate: Jack, I'm sorry. I really am.

Jack: Hmm.

Kate: When's the last time you talked to her?

Jack: [Sighs] I went to visit her on christmas eve and brought her a little present.

Kate: Did she tell you to shove it?

Jack: No.

Kate: Oh, good. She took it?

Jack: Yeah.

Kate: All right, that's a little thaw. So what'd you get her, like, a necklace or a bracelet or a tiara?

Jack: I got her an hourglass.

Kate: An hourglass? Well, that's sure to sweep a girl off her feet.

Jack: And a note.

Kate: Oh, an hourglass and a note. Well, why not a gift certificate for a tire rotation, I mean, if that isn't overkill?

Jack: Oh, the note explained the meaning of the hourglass, which was that I wished I could turn back time.

Kate: Oh, you quoted cher.

Jack: I'm glad you find this all so amusing.

Kate: Oh, come on, jack. It is amusing. Don't be so dour. I mean, she accepted your gift. That's progress. So what did she--what'd she say when she opened it?

Jack: I don't know. Wasn't there. I haven't talked to her since, so I guess she didn't like it.

Kate: You don't know that.

Jack: For all I know, she just left it in the box and threw it away, just like she threw away our marriage.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: So that was when I realized there's another person in the dimera mansion with a name that starts with a J.

Jake: Whoa.

Abigail: Need I go on?

Jake: Well, you would've made a hell of a detective, just say that.

Abigail: Investigative reporter, same difference.

Jake: Ah.

Abigail: So let's just say you're going to comment on my little hypothetical article here. Would you confirm or deny the allegation?

Jake: Yeah. Okay. Kate and I are sleeping together. What's it to you?

Gwen: You know, chad, just because jake is going after abigail, it doesn't mean that she's gonna respond. Don't you think?

Chad: Yeah, I don't--I don't think, uh, jake's the kind of guy that does unrequited. You don't think so either. You were with me when we overheard him tell abigail that he didn't want to make me more suspicious than i already was.

Gwen: Yes, but did you even ask abigail what they were talking about? Maybe it was completely innocent.

Chad: Oh, please, I-- it's not just about what I overheard. I found her head in his lap. I found her scarf in his workroom.

Gwen: Well, what if she was just going over there to talk to him, you know, like you did?

Chad: I didn't go over there to talk. I went over there to yell at him for--for when he told me that he left a message for shin, 'cause I thought he was covering for something else. Then shin said he did leave a message, so I don't know; maybe shin's covering for him too.

Gwen: So you do think there's some sort of a conspiracy.

Chad: No, I think that nobody is telling me the whole story, all right, just like when I overheard him tell you to keep your mouth shut. Okay, there's something that he didn't want me to know. You covered for him by saying that it was about dimera. What was he really saying?

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

[Indistinct chatter, laughter]

Brady: Hello!

Abigail: Ah, brady, you made it, great!

Brady: Yes.

Abigail: Hey, chloe.

Chloe: Oh, my god.

Brady: What the--

Abigail: Um, yeah, this is jake lambert, uh, stefan's twin.

Chloe: Oh. Hi. I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to gasp. You just...

Jake: Surprise! I know. I know. I-- my late brother and I kinda resemble each other. It's fine.

Both: Kinda?

Brady: Wow, yeah. It's amazing. Nice to meet you.

Chloe: Yeah.

Brady: I-I guess, after living in salem, we should be used to this kind of thing.

Chloe: Yeah.

Abigail: [Laughs] Yeah.

Brady: Uh, where's, uh-- where's chad?

Abigail: Oh, he's not here yet. You know, I don't really know what he's doing. I think he has some work stuff he's dealing with right now.

Jake: Huh, late to your own new year's party. How 2002 of him.

Chloe: [Chuckles] Um, so, uh, abigail, I hope you don't mind. I gave my tickets to philip. Uh, is he here yet?

Philip: So would you and victor like these?

Maggie: Would victor and i like to attend the dimera party? Um...[Clears throat] Thanks. No, I don't think so.

Philip: Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be a whole lot of fun for you. And new year's eve, too much forced hilarity. Probably best to stay home and watch the ball drop.

Maggie: You could join us here, chez kiriakis. I'm sure I could dig up another party hat.

Philip: Nah, I wouldn't want to be a third wheel.

Maggie: Oh, come on, you wouldn't be that. And I'm sure your father would love it. On the other hand, there's bound to be a certain number of single ladies at the party. Why not go stag? Hmm?

Will: Yeah, it must've been awful.

Jennifer: Not great. One minute, I was celebrating my marriage, and the next, I was walking away from it.

Will: Well, I mean, for what it's worth, there were more than a few times when I thought that sonny and I were through and there was no way back. Yet there was, and now we're good.

Jennifer: Abigail's been telling me the same thing. She bought me a dress, asked me to go to the dimera party. Jack's gonna be there. I don't know; I think she's just trying to shove us back together. Don't think that's gonna work.

Will: Well, I mean, you'll never know unless you go.

Kate: Well, if you ask me, jennifer is being unreasonable.

Jack: I didn't ask you.

Kate: Jack, she was in a coma. You sat by her bed night and day. You didn't know if she was going to wake up. You didn't know if you were gonna get your life back.

Jack: Well... she may have been in a coma, but she was still my wife.

Kate: Oh, god, you were tested to the very limit, and you had one weak moment. How long is jennifer gonna hold that against you?

Jack: Well, it's like they say. It's not the crime. It's the cover-up. I lied to her...

Kate: No, you--

For over a year.

Kate: You didn't lie to her. You just didn't tell her something that would have really hurt her deeply. There was nothing to be gained in doing that and, as we have found out, only something to lose. Because jennifer--and I am saying this with all respect-- is judgmental, unforgiving, and self-righteous.

Jack: Wow! What do you say about people you don't respect?

Kate: You're suffering, jack, and I feel badly because i feel responsible, but there's nothing that I can do because of exactly what jennifer is.

Jack: [Sighs] Look, I-I don't want to talk about this anymore, all right? I just want to go to this party, have a great time, and act like my life doesn't suck.

Kate: Right. Okay.

Jack: Yes!

Kate: Let's do it.

Jack: Do it!

Kate: That's one thing. Next year will have to be a whole lot better than this one.

Abigail: So okay, enjoy the party.

Brady: Thank you. We intend to.

Chloe: Thanks.

Abigail: [Clears throat] Um, so I don't really appreciate it when you talk like that about chad in front of my friends.

Jake: Oh. You mean they don't know he's a jerk?

Abigail: Okay, look, let's-- back to you and kate. How long has that been going on?

Jake: Uh, it started... the night of the party you threw for your parents.

Abigail: Hmm.

Jake: She was in a pretty bad place, you know, upset, humiliated.

Abigail: Hmm, yeah, kate does tend to be so fragile.

Jake: Okay, it was a brutal night. Anyway, one thing led to another--

Abigail: As it generally does with her, but it-- I mean, you guys are consenting adults. I don't really understand. What you do is your business. Why is it such a big secret?

Jake: Because chad hates me, and kate knows that he would feel betrayed if he found out that she was sleeping with the enemy.

Chad: Okay, when jake claimed that I'd overheard him talking about him taking his rightful place at dimera, you backed him up. Was it true? Was that what he wanted you to keep quiet about?

Gwen: If you don't want to leave the house to have sex, you could always order in. I mean... kate, she's, um, really below the bar.

Jake: Watch it. Now, you listen up, and you listen good. You're gonna keep your big mouth shut about me and kate. Got it?

Gwen: Are you threatening me?

Jake: [Laughs] Chad can't know anything about this, okay?

Chad: Chad can't know about what?

[Tense music]

Gwen: No. It was about the fact that I'd seen him and abigail... kissing.

Feeling sluggish or weighed


Brady: I'm gonna get something to drink. What can I get you?

Chloe: I'll have what you're having.

Brady: I'm getting sparkling cider; are you sure?

Chloe: Sounds delicious, yes.

[Light lounge music playing]

Jennifer: Guess I'm just... confused. Part of me wants to take another chance with jack, and... another part of me is just terrified of been devastated.

Will: Yeah, I get that. But, you know, I mean, going to the party doesn't put the two of you back together, right? You don't even have to stay until midnight.

Jennifer: I know.

Will: But you're still not sure. And I mean, after the previous party, I completely understand you not being thrilled about another one.

Jennifer: And it's gonna be pretty much the same cast of characters.

Will: You--okay. I-I'm gonna say something that might be way out of line, but... you said you walked away from your marriage. That means you can walk back... not because jack wants you to or abigail, but... if you want to, there's nothing stopping you. Oh, um... and I-I hope you have a really happy new year.

[Dramatic music]

Philip: Well, fancy meeting you here.

Chloe: Hey, philip. Happy new year.

Philip: You been here long?

Chloe: No, just a few minutes. Where's sarah?

Philip: Oh, sarah. Turns out, I might have misjudged the whole "me and sarah" thing.

Chloe: Oh. No, not you overestimating your charm. When people say philip kiriakis, the word "self-deprecating" comes to mind.

Philip: [Chuckles] I'm in pain here.

Chloe: Pain? Come on, pain is when you lose the love of your life, not when you get turned down for a date. Besides, what, did you think you were gonna ride off into the sunset together?

Philip: No. I just thought we'd get to know each other a little better.

Chloe: Mm, I feel like you mean "get to know each other" in the biblical sense.

Philip: Right. Well, she wasn't ready to jump into another relationship.

Chloe: Or your bed.

Philip: [Laughs] You're in a real party mood. Hey, what are you doing here anyway? You--you gave me your ticket.

Chloe: I did, but i was given a spare one.

Philip: Great. Means I don't have to ring in the new year alone.

Brady: So apparently it's a great year for cider, not much else, unfortunately. Philip. Cheers.

Philip: You're with him?

Chloe: Uh, yes. I am his plus-one.

[Light lounge music playing]

Jake: So now that you know the truth about me and kate, I-- all right, look, you know i don't like asking you to keep things from your husband.

Abigail: Mm, but you are gonna ask me to do it anyway.

Jake: Kate really doesn't want chad to find out.

Abigail: So whatever she wants goes? Uh-uh, sorry. No. All of your skulking around the mansion didn't go unnoticed, and now chad thinks I'm the object of your affection. And I just think the easiest way to remedy it is just... tell him the truth as soon as possible.

Chad: You saw jake kissing abigail and you didn't say anything to me?

Gwen: I know. Chad, I'm really sorry. But jake, he threatened me. You heard him. I mean, jake, he--he carries through with his threats.

Chad: What, you think that jake could hurt you?

Gwen: Come on, chad, he was involved with the mob. Yes, of course I thought he would hurt me. Our breakup wasn't exactly amicable.

Chad: I'm not gonna let that happen.

Gwen: Mainly I just thought that... abigail would wake up and see who jake really is and then... realize what a wonderful man she had married. So I just decided to keep my mouth shut, because I did not want to be responsible for breaking up your marriage. Tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?

Will: Maggie?

Maggie: Yeah!

Will: Oh, there you are.

Maggie: Oh, my goodness, will! Oh. Goodness. Oh, it's so good to see you.

Will: I-I tried to call first, but I got your voice mail.

Maggie: Oh, you did?

[Gasps] Oh, I left my phone upstairs. It's always wherever I'm not.

Will: Look at you, all dressed up for a new year's eve dinner.

Maggie: Yeah, yeah, uh-huh. We're gonna have a little one, actually, um, a little quiet evening, with dinner and I will try-- we both will try to stay awake for midnight.

Will: Yeah, I'm sure you'll make it. Um, listen, I-I just wanted to tell you that, uh, I am headed back to arizona tomorrow.

Maggie: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. But I'm glad that you could stay with us at least briefly.

Will: Mm.

Maggie: Um, it's too bad sonny couldn't join you.

Will: Yeah, I know. He--he's kind of overwhelmed at work, unfortunately, but he's gonna try and visit early in the year.

Maggie: Oh, good. I'm sure justin and victor will love that. So will I. So what are you doing for this evening?

Will: I have no plans, actually. Uh, I was hoping to ring in the new year with sonny, but...

Maggie: But? But what? Why can't you?

Will: Why--why can't I?

Maggie: Right.

Will: Because he's in arizona and I'm--I'm here in salem.

Maggie: Oh. Now, will, you really should be embarrassed that I'm the one that has to tell you that that shouldn't prevent you from being with him on new year's eve or any other time. And it won'T. You just wait right here. I'm gonna go this way.

Chad: I can't believe-- here in my house, with my kids. I'm gonna kill him.

[Tense music]

Abigail: Oh, chad should definitely be here by now.

Jake: You really want to tell him tonight?

Abigail: Well, part of me would love to let him stew a little while longer. You know, I'm not exactly thrilled he thinks I'd throw away my marriage for you.

Jake: Well, you say that like I'm jeffrey dahmer.

Abigail: [Chuckles] His evidence is all just crap. But I know the longer I let him stew, the worse it's gonna get, so I'm gonna go home, and I want to tell him as soon as possible.

Jake: I'm going with you.

Abigail: Why?

Jake: Because I promised kate chad would never find out. I got my own damage control to do.

Philip: So how would kristen feel with you out on the town and her celebrating the new year in prison?

Brady: [Clears throat] Oh, I-I think kristen would understand that i appreciate spending time with my friends, which is exactly what chloe is-- not that it's any of your business.

Chloe: Well, it's always fun chatting with you, philip.

Jack: Look, there's a very pretty picture.

Kate: Absolutely.

Jack: All right. One for you...

Kate: Yes.

Jack: And one for me. So... happy new year, kate.

Kate: Ah, happy new year.

Jack: [Chuckles]

[Light lounge music playing]

Jack: Jennifer! You look beautiful.

Jennifer: I shouldn't have come.

Jack: No. No, no, please stay. Please, I... I-I'm not here with kate. We shared a ride, that's all. Please. Look, you--you came. You knew I'd be here, and you came. Please, can we just stay and bring in the new year together?

Maggie: All right. Here we go.

Will: Ah.

Maggie: Oh, great, thanks. Thanks.

Will: I get it.

Maggie: So do you do video chat? Or do I need to guide you through it? I mean, I video chat with melanie and parker all the time.

Will: I-I think I can, uh, figure it out, thank you.

Maggie: Okay. All right, well, now... you can ring in the new year with your wonderful husband. Okay, and I will go and give you some privacy.

Will: Thank you, maggie.

Maggie: Okay. Say hi for me.

Will: I will.

Maggie: Okay.

[Tender music]

[Computer beeps]

Sonny: Hey there!

Will: Hey, you. I, uh--I was gonna wait till later to see you, but I figured we might as well do it now because, um-- because maggie was very pleased with herself that she thought of the idea.

Sonny: Maggie was?

Will: Yeah. I-I came over to tell her and victor that I'm going back to arizona tomorrow, and she was very concerned that we weren't, uh, ringing in the new year together.

Sonny: Okay.

Will: So she had the wonderful idea that we could video chat, and I did not have the heart to tell her that we do that every day and that of course we'd do it on new year's eve.

Sonny: Well, that was kind of you that you let maggie think it was her idea.

Will: Yeah, well, she's pretty excited about it, so... so how's going over there?

Sonny: Um, it's good, you know? Just busy working, and I'm missing you a lot.

Will: Same. Yeah, same here. But, um, I'll be home in less than 21 hours.

Sonny: But who's counting, right?

Will: Yeah. What's that?

Sonny: My new year's resolution box. This morning, I was going through some of those cartons that we still haven't unpacked from our move, and this turned up.

Will: That's good timing.

Sonny: Yes. Here, check this out. Are you ready? 2012. "Get will to fall in love with me."

Will: Hmm. Guess you kept that resolution.

Sonny: Now, I bet you can't guess 2014.

Will: I wonder what that could've been.

Abigail: Chad, are you in here? Gonna check upstairs.

[Dramatic music]

Chad: Hey, um--hi-- have you seen abigail or--or jake?

Brady: Yeah, they--they were here.

Chloe: Yeah, I-I just saw them leave.

Chad: Together?

Chloe: Yeah. Sorry.

Chad: Did you hear that?

Gwen: [Clears throat]

Chad: Where the hell could they have gone? What? What do you know that you're not saying? Tell me.

Gwen: Before... I heard her book a room at the salem inn.

Chad: And you--you didn't think that I should know that?

Gwen: Well, I thought it was for the two of you.

Chad: No. No, obviously that's not what she had in mind.

[Tense music]

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Kate: Well, I think I'm gonna need something stronger.

Jack: I... I-I can't believe that you're here. I mean, at the risk of repeating myself, I... you look beautiful.

Jennifer: Abigail brought me the dress.

Jack: I wasn't talking about the dress.

Jennifer: Well, if you saw me before, you wouldn't think i looked so beautiful in my bathrobe with no makeup on. I wasn't thinking of coming. In fact, I almost didn'T.

Jack: Well, what changed your mind?

Jennifer: You.

[Light lounge music playing]

Philip: Is that helping?

Kate: It's not hurting. Something wrong?

Philip: Nothing. Just didn't expect to be alone tonight.

Kate: Yeah. Me too.

Jack: I changed your mind?

Jennifer: Well, you and the hourglass. I was looking at it and thinking of all the hours we've spent apart. I don't want to lose any more time with you, jack. It's a new year. Maybe it could be a new beginning for us.

Jack: A-are you saying--

Jennifer: I forgive you.

Jack: [Sighs] Thank god.

Will: So is there any chance that that 2014 resolution says, "marry will"?

Sonny: Yep. And I kept that one as well.

Will: Impressive.

Sonny: All right, here's another one. "Find a way to forgive will so that we can be together again."

Will: Three for three.

Sonny: You know, there was nothing to forgive, because what happened to my mom was not your fault. So I don't think I can take credit for that one.

Will: Are you kidding me? I mean, even when our marriage was falling apart and I told you I wanted a divorce, you never gave up on us.

Sonny: Babe, I will never give up on us.

Will: Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I can't wait.

Sonny: Neither can I. I actually planned a fancy dinner for us. I got some filet mignon, some potatoes au gratin, just so you know.

Will: Oh, that sounds delicious. You know, we've only been in arizona for a few months, but it already feels like home.

Sonny: Anywhere we're together feels like home to me.

Will: Yeah. I agree. Can't wait to see what the new year brings.

Sonny: [Breathes deeply]

Will: All right, what is that?

Sonny: Oh, this? Um, it's my resolution for next year.

Will: Okay, and what are you gonna resolve to do?

Sonny: I'll tell you... a year from tonight.

Will: Oh.

Jake: What are you doing in here?

Abigail: Chad wasn't in our room, so I thought maybe he'd be here.

Jake: Oh. I checked the garage. His car's gone. Maybe he went to the party. I'm gonna head back there, warn kate. You want to come with me?

Abigail: No, I'm just gonna stay here. I think chad and i need to talk in private.

Jake: If he turns up, I'll let you know.

[Dramatic music]

Gwen: Chad. Chad, is this a good idea?

Chad: Abigail? Abby?

[Cell phone ringing]

Abigail: Chad, pick up.

[Line ringing] Where are you?

[Ringing continues]

[Cell phone beeps]

Chad: She's not here... yet.

Gwen: You know, chad, maybe this is all a big misunderstanding.

Chad: Yeah, well, abigail made the reservation, ordered all of that and, uh... this. Her and jake left the party together.

[Cork pops] They're on their way here. And I'll be right here waiting for them.

(Upbeat music plays)

[Tense music]

Chad: Where in the hell are they?

[Cell phone beeps]

[Line rings]

[Cell phone buzzing]

Gwen: Maybe they decided not to come.

Chad: [Laughs]

Oh, or they, uh--or they figured out that I was onto them, so...


Kate: You know, I think I'm gonna get some air.

Philip: You feeling okay?

Kate: Yeah, just a little claustrophobic. I'll be right back, okay? Oh. Where have you been?

Brady and chloe: Ten, nine, eight...

Chad: It's almost midnight.

Brady and chloe: Seven, six, five, four, three...

Crowd: Five, four, three...

Brady and chloe: Two, one! Happy new year!

["Auld lang syne" playing]

[Fireworks popping]

Will: Happy new year, my love.

Sonny: Happy new year, my love.

Chad: [Sighing]

Gwen: Happy new year, chad.

Abigail: Hey, chad, it's just me again. You know, I've been trying to reach you all night and... not really sure where you are, but, um, happy new year.

Gwen: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

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