Days Transcript Tuesday 12/29/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 12/29/20


Episode #13926 ~ Sarah tries again to get the goods on Philip; Abigail shares a stunning revelation with Jennifer; Xander gives Jack relationship advice; Chloe attends the DiMera New Year's Eve party with an ex.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft dramatic music]

Chloe: Hey, wow, that is quite a look.

Philip: Glad you like it.

Chloe: Oh, I didn't say that.

Philip: It looks better on you.

Chloe: Mm. I was wondering where this went. I guess I must've left it at the house on christmas eve.

Philip: Sorry, it's the first time I had a chance to bring it back.

Chloe: [Sighs] No, it's okay. You didn't have to come all this way just to return my hat. But...I'm glad you did.

Sarah: Hello. I'm happy to report that philip has parted with his laptop for more than two minutes. So I am free to safely download all his financial data.

Xander: Excellent. Just be careful.

Sarah: He's out of the house now, so there's no danger of him walking in this time.

Xander: Mm, perhaps he's going to meet up with his partner in crime, the notorious ava vitali.

Sarah: Yeah, I still can't believe they're working together. But once I find the proof that he is embezzling from titan, we're gonna have everything that we need.

Xander: Then I can give philip the boot for good, and we can stop pretending to be broken up, 'cause, honestly, every moment apart from you is torture.

Sarah: Aww! Okay, now leave me alone so that I can do this and we can ring in the new year together.

Xander: I'll be counting the seconds.

Brady: [Clears throat] Hi. What are you up to?

[Mellow music playing]

Xander: Hey, uh, why so glum, chum?

Jack: It's new year's eve, chum, and I'm not spending it with my wife.

[Doorbell rings]

Jennifer: [Gasps] Abigail. You look beautiful. As always.

Abigail: Well...

Jennifer: Come in, come in.

Abigail: Thank you. And so will you, in this.

Jennifer: What is this?

Abigail: I went out and bought you the perfect dress, and you're gonna take it and you're gonna go upstairs and put it on because you are coming with me to the dimera new year's eve party.

Jennifer: [Sighs]

Chad: I don't care if it's new year's eve. If the boxes aren't here by tomorrow, your contract is terminated.

Kate: Okay, you do know that tomorrow is a national holiday, right?

Chad: Idiots don't deserve holidays.

Kate: Well, not that I disagree with that, but I have a feeling this mood is about something more than a delayed delivery. What's wrong?

[Tense music]

Chad: What's wrong is... jake is trying to steal my wife, and I'm not gonna sit by and let it happen.

Gwen: Hi, yes. I'd like to book a room for tonight. Anything with a view, and there must be a king-sized bed. Sure, my name is abigail dimera. Mm-hmm. 0108.

Jake: I know what you're up to, gwen. You are not gonna get away with it!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Xander: You had an affair with kate dimera?

Jake: It wasn't an affair. It was one time only, and it was a terrible mistake.

Xander: Oh, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You love your wife. And, to be fair, she was in a coma with little hope for recovery for a year. I mean, surely jennifer understands.

Jake: Surely, jennifer does not understand, mostly because I lied to her through omission. If I'd just come clean from the start--

Xander: [Scoffs] Why would anybody do that, if they didn't have to?

Jack: Said one habitual liar sticking up for another.

Xander: Hey, I'm reformed... mostly.

Jake: Well, I thought I was too, but maybe some things don't change. You know, my marriage to jennifer must've had about nine lives. I just kind of wonder if I've used up the last one.

Abigail: Okay. Let's go. The party starts in one hour.

Jennifer: I assume your father is going to be at this party.

Abigail: He is covering for "the spectator."

Jennifer: And does he know that you're inviting me?

Abigail: No. No, but he's gonna be thrilled to see you, because he misses you terribly.

Jennifer: Abigail, we've been through this so many times.

Abigail: [Sighs] You guys always find a way back to each other.

Jennifer: And we always break up again. I just think at some point you're going to have to accept that no matter how much your father and I love each other... we're just not meant to be together.

Abigail: [Sighs]

Gwen: I'm so sorry, but I'm actually going to have to phone you back. Have you ever heard of knocking?

Jake: You ever heard of not being a manipulative snake?

Gwen: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jake: I'm talking about the stunt you pulled on christmas. You saw me wrapping that bracelet for kate.

Gwen: Did I?

Jake: Don't play dumb with me, gwen. You must've swiped it from her room.

Gwen: Well, now, why would I do that?

Jake: Oh, I don't know. Maybe so you can give it to abigail, and she could open it in front of everyone, and they'd think I gave it to her.

Gwen: Well, now, that sounds like a lot of work. What would be in that for me?

Jake: Seems pretty clear you want chad to believe there's something going on between me and abigail.

Gwen: Is there?

Jake: I don't know why you're trying so damn hard to make her life miserable. What the hell did she ever do to you? (Upbeat music plays)

Chloe: I am very happy to see you.

Philip: You are, huh?

Chloe: I am, because I've been wanting to ask you a favor.

Philip: Sure. Lay it on me.

Chloe: Okay. Now, I know that brady talked to you about this before christmas, and he said he didn't get very far.

Philip: If this is about basic black renting titan warehouses to store merchandise, it was a decent offer, but I turned him down.

Chloe: Why?

Philip: Isn't it obvious? We're competitors, chloe.

Chloe: Oh, come on. Aren't you the one who said you're not afraid of a little healthy competition?

Philip: I'm not. It doesn't mean I'm gonna go out of my way to help brady black.

Chloe: Come on, philip. Admit it, the reason you said no to brady is 'cause you don't like the guy.

Philip: This was strictly a business decision.

Chloe: Okay, if that's true, then you can look me in the eyes and tell me no.

Philip: This is silly.

Chloe: Well, then, it should be easy for you. You just look me in the eyes. Right here, come on. Okay, good. Now, philip, we would like to rent your warehouses to store some of our merchandise, and we will pay you handsomely. What do you say?

Philip: This is very unfair.

Chloe: And why is that?

Philip: 'Cause you know I have a hard time saying no to you and those eyes. Always have.

Chloe: So is that a yes?

Philip: It's a deal.

Sarah: Brady. I didn't hear you come in.

Brady: Yeah, clearly.


Sarah: What are you doing here?

Brady: Well, I dropped your mom off. She had been to a meeting, and then she asked me to bring some stuff up from the garage, so...

Sarah: Aw. That's really nice of you.

Brady: Yeah. Are you avoiding my question?

Sarah: Hm? I don't remember what it was.

Brady: I asked you what you're up to. What are you doing?

Sarah: Oh! Right.

Brady: Yeah.

Sarah: I was downloading a file from my laptop onto a flash drive.

Brady: Ah. It just felt like you were startled when I came in.

Sarah: Uh-huh, yeah. Maybe because I thought I was home alone, and then you came in and snuck up behind me, and scared the bejeebers out of me.

Brady: Sorry about that. Okay, point made. Why are you doing work on new year's eve?

Sarah: Because I'M... mm-hmm, I have work.

Brady: You have work? But the hospital gave you time off, right?

Sarah: Mm-hmm, but I have nothing better to do tonight, so...

Brady: Mm, yeah, no, I heard what happened between you and xander. I'm sorry. I can say I'm sorry, but I'm really not sorry, because I think you're way too good for that scum anyway.

Sarah: Whoa! Hey! Xander's not scum.

Brady: Okay. All right. Sorry. That's an interesting response, because maggie told me that you were furious with him. I--I don't know why you're defending him. Why are you doing that?

Xander: [Sighs] Buck up, jack.

Jack: Buck up? Is that the best you got? Is that supposed to be inspiring?

Xander: I'm building up to it, but a few months ago, you told me not to give up on sarah, to keep fighting for her, and I did just that, and I won her back, because I listened to you.

Jack: Which you generally should never do, since I'm known for giving terrible advice and bad judgment in general.

Xander: Well, you did right by me.

Jack: All right, so... you were being persistent, and sarah forgave you.

Xander: Exactly.

Jack: And now you're happier than ever.

Xander: [Sighs] Actually, not so much. We broke up again.

Abigail: Are you telling me that you're giving up on you and dad?

Jennifer: I'm saying that I'm confused and terrified of having my heart broken again.

Abigail: Okay. Look, I understand that it is really scary to take that risk and open yourself up, but it's so worth it. I mean, mom, what if you guys can be happy again?

Jennifer: [Sighs] Your father gave me this for christmas.

Abigail: It's beautiful. Like the one he had by your bedside when you were in the coma.

Jennifer: He said it came with a promise--that he would wait for me as long as it takes.

Abigail: And he means it.

Jennifer: I know he does. That's not what's holding me back.

Abigail: Okay, then what is?

Jennifer: For starters, how do I know that he's telling the truth? That he only slept with kate that one time?

Abigail: Because he swears it's true, mom. Look, dad and kate are not together. It's not like they went and had some torrid love affair. It's been over for months.

Jennifer: Actually, I had good reason to believe it was still going on.

Kate: Jake is not trying to steal your wife.

Chad: How do you know that?

Kate: I just know. And I also know that stefan put you through hell, but jake is not stefan.

Chad: Yeah, he might be worse.

Kate: Okay, so that's just ludicrous. I mean, you're acting paranoid.

Chad: Am I? I mean, you saw abigail open up that present from jake.

Kate: And jake said that that present was for gwen.

Chad: Oh, come on! Everybody in the room knows that that was a lie, all right? Why in the hell would he spend so much money on a bracelet for somebody he hates? Because, well, no one knows what's going through his head.

Chad: Yeah, I do. He bought it for my wife, okay? Now, I've--I have-- I have sensed something going on for a while now, all right? There's a voice in my head telling me that something isn't right.

Kate: Okay, well, you should get that checked out.

Chad: No, this isn't a joke, kate, all right? Do you have any idea how much time they have spent together? Every time I ask jake a question, he gets defensive. Okay? And I--jake is sleeping with somebody in this house. It's not gwen. It's not gabi. That only leaves my wife.

Kate: There's something that I have to tell you.

You must go and I must bide

Chloe: As always, it has been a pleasure doing business with you.

Philip: Yeah, because you got your way, as always.

Chloe: Oh, come on! You know this deal is mutually beneficial. But I do appreciate you working with us, so thank you so much. Oh, and as an extra sign of my gratitude, I have a little perk I can offer.

Philip: Oh, what kind of perk are we talking about?

Chloe: Well, as a subsidiary of dimera enterprises, basic black was given two tickets to the dimera new year's eve party.

Philip: Interesting.

Chloe: Yeah, and I'm not going, but maybe you'd like to.

Philip: Chloe, are you asking me on a date?

Gwen: Abigail never did anything to me. She treats me like I'm a member of the family.

Jake: Huh, why are you trying to ruin her life?

Gwen: Jake, I really don't care what you want me to believe. Just whatever you do, don't drag me into one of your stupid conspiracy theories. That's all I ask of you.

Jake: Oh, don't worry. And I won't even say anything to abigail, as long as you give me the bracelet back.

Gwen: This bracelet?

Jake: Yeah.

Gwen: This one right here?

Jake: That one.

Gwen: This one, the one that you gave me to make up for all that bloody pain and suffering you put me through? You know what? I'm not satisfied. How about you get me a pair of matching earrings?

Jake: Oh, cut the crap, gwen. You know I bought that bracelet for kate.

Gwen: But there's the problem, right? Can't give her to her now, can you? Everyone's seen it. What would chad say when he finds out that kate's been sleeping with the enemy?

Jake: I'm not his enemy. I'm his brother.

Gwen: Wow, even worse.

Jake: You're the reason chad hates me. Now, give me the bracelet back.

Gwen: Ow! God, bloody hell, jake! Don't go all bloody mobster on me.

Jake: Yeah, I'll let you go when you give me the damn bracelet.

Gwen: Fine.

[Sighs] Give you the bloody bracelet back.

Jake: Yeah.

Gwen: You know what?

Jake: What, did you weld it to your wrist?

Gwen: Doesn't go with my dress anyway. No. When little miss fancy pants gets tired of slumming it with a grease monkey like you-- and, believe me, she will-- I want my bracelet back.

Kate: I told you that I would keep an eye on jake for you, and I haven't seen one single sign that there is anything going on between them.

Chad: Then you're not paying attention.

Kate: I am paying attention. Okay? As a matter of fact, I've got to know him a little bit.

Chad: Oh, god, if you're just gonna defend him, stop.

Kate: I'm not, I--

Chad: No, I don't wanna hear it, kate. I don't, I don't-- I don't wanna hear it, all right? I'm hanging on by a thread. All right? I don't know if I can trust my wife, and I need you to be on my side. You haven't always been.

Kate: I am on your side.

Chad: Good. Then you understand that jake is a threat.

Kate: Chad, you know our relationship means everything to me. I don't wanna jeopardize it.

Chad: Good.

Abigail: Okay, so you overheard kate booking a room at the salem inn and you just automatically assumed it was for a romantic rendezvous with dad.

Jennifer: No, that's not all that happened.

Abigail: Well, I hope not 'cause it's a little flimsy.

Jennifer: From what kate said, it sounded like she was seeing someone who lived at the dimera mansion.

Abigail: Okay.

Jennifer: So I did a little investigative reporting.

Abigail: As an investigative reporter does.

Jennifer: And julie called her friend, saul, who works at the salem inn.

Abigail: So julie got roped into this.

Jennifer: Well, saul said that he saw the guy that kate was with, and he remembered that his name started with a J.

Abigail: Hmm.

Jennifer: He couldn't remember the whole name but, when pressed, he said it could have been jack.

Abigail: I don't believe it.

Jennifer: Well, your uncle lucas and I then went and showed him a picture of your father.

Abigail: So lucas is in on this too.

Jennifer: And saul said it was a different guy.

Abigail: So you were wrong.

Jennifer: Well, maybe, but-- listen, if it wasn't jack, then who could kate have been seeing?

Abigail: Well, okay, so now are you doubting saul's memory?

Jennifer: Well, maybe he was just trying not to hurt my feelings.

Abigail: Oh, my god! I know who it is. Are you one of the millions of americans

Brady: I thought you hated xander right now. [Laughs]

Sarah: I never said that.

Brady: Well, according to maggie, the two of you had a pretty nasty breakup, right?

Sarah: Yeah, things just didn't work out between us. It doesn't mean I wanna sit here and listen to you calling names.

Brady: Sorry, okay? I'll tell you what. I won't call xander another name for the rest of my life.

Sarah: Okay, well, now you're just lying.

Brady: Of course I'm lying, because he's a sociopath, and he's--he's a criminal, and if you consider getting back together with him, I'd think you're out of your mind, but, that said, you have a happy new year, mm-kay?

Sarah: Same to you. Finally.

[Mischievous music]

Jack: So after all that, you and sarah broke up anyway?

Xander: Sadly.

Jack: Well, that's a bummer. Why?

Xander: [Sighs] It's my idiot cousin, philip-- never mind, it's complicated.

Jack: It always is.

Xander: I can't say more than I have.

Jack: It's all right. I don't need the details, but it changes things, you know? Changes things. I mean, here I was, looking at your success as my inspiration when your victory is only temporary at best.

Xander: Well, jack, once I've dealt with philip, I have a feeling that sarah and I are gonna find a way to work things out.

Jack: Oh, so you're staying the course, still not giving up.

Xander: Never. And you shouldn't give up on jennifer either.

Jack: [Sighs]

Jennifer: So you know who kate's sleeping with?

Abigail: I think I figured it out.

Jennifer: And it's-- it's not your father?

Abigail: No. No, think about it. It's somebody who lives at the dimera mansion, whose name starts with a j, and sounds like jack.

[Soft dramatic music]

Jennifer: [Sighs] Jake? Jake is sleeping with kate?

Abigail: It makes sense.

Jennifer: Does it? I mean, isn't she a little... not young for him?

Abigail: [Sighs] They came to your anniversary party together.

Jennifer: I suppose they did. Thank you for reminding me of that wonderful night and the part kate played in it.

Abigail: Well, I'm sorry to bring up a sore subject, but jake and kate? Oh, that just explains so many things.

Jennifer: Really? Like what?

Abigail: Well, for starters, it explains why chad thinks that jake is having an affair with me.

Gwen: 3648. Yes. Expiration is 01/24. And, could you perhaps add the romance package? Yes, I would like rose petals on the bed, champagne, room service. I want this to be very special for mr. Dimera. Yes, I'm sure that he will. Thank you.

[Knocking on door]

[Sighs] God, what now? Oh, hi.

Chad: Hey.

Gwen: What's up?

Chad: Uh, can I have a word with you?

Gwen: Of course.

[Tense music]

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Chloe: You thought I was asking you to go to the party with me?

Philip: You're not?

Chloe: I just told you I wasn't going.

Philip: But then you said you had two tickets.

Chloe: Yeah, and I was offering you both of them, because I'm not using them.

Philip: Oh. Right, of course.

Chloe: [Laughs] Well, you're in business with dimera now. I figured you'd wanna go and, you know, bring sarah.

Philip: Sarah?

Chloe: Yeah. You two are a thing, right?

Philip: Yes, sort of, I guess.

Chloe: Well, you better be more definitive around her.

Philip: It's new, that's all.

Chloe: Okay. But if I'm gonna be honest, she doesn't really seem like your type.

[Soft dramatic music]

Philip: I pushed xander's buttons and got exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Not at all. It was almost too easy. One little poke, and he lost his mind. I just know I have to keep poking and eventually he'll do something really stupid. And my father will fire him once and for all. She's not the type of girl I'M...normally going after, but I just wanna see where it goes.

Chloe: Okay. So, uh, do you-- do you want these, or not? Or maybe you already have plans.

Philip: No, yeah, yeah. I'll take them, thanks.

Chloe: Okay.

Philip: Uh, so what about you? Any plans?

Chloe: [Sighs] Not this year, but you have fun.

Philip: Happy new year. I hope it's a great one for both of us.

Jake: Wow! You certainly clean up well.

Kate: Wow. You don't look so bad yourself.

Both: [Chuckle]

Kate: I see you're wearing my christmas tie I gave you.

Jake: Yeah, and I'm hoping that you will wear the gift that I got for you. Sorry I couldn't give it to you then.

Kate: It's so beautiful.

Jake: Mm.

Kate: Thank you. Really, thank you. But, uh, you know I can't wear it tonight.

Jake: Why not?

Kate: Because if chad sees it...

Jake: [Chuckles] Okay.

[Sighs] You know, I'm tired of sneaking around behind his back. He's already suspicious. He knows I'm sleeping with someone.

Kate: And he suspects that you're sleeping with his wife.

Jake: Yeah, I know, I know.

Kate: He'S...a wreck. He's a wreck. I was actually tempted to tell him about us tonight, but as soon as I mentioned your name, he got worse. I think if he knew about the two of us, it would just be the ultimate betrayal to him.

Jake: I don't care about his feelings, you know? I also don't wanna see you hurt. So I'll keep my distance tonight, okay?

Kate: Thank you.

Jake: Mm-hmm.

Kate: That means a lot to me.

Jake: [Chuckles] I also understand why you can't wear this... to the party, but... afterwards, I'm hoping it's the only thing you're gonna be wearing.

Kate: Oh, my.

Jake: "Oh, my."

Kate: Well, I think I could arrange that.

Jake: [Laughs]

Jennifer: So chad thinks you and jake are having an affair? Why?

Abigail: Well, because jake's been hiding some secret relationship.

Jennifer: And chad jumped to the conclusion that it was with you?

Abigail: Yeah, because-- I mean, it's such a long story. I don't even really wanna go into it.

Jennifer: Did chad actually accuse you of sleeping with him?

Abigail: Yeah, but I-- I told him that was absolutely ridiculous.

Jennifer: Well, please tell me that he believed you.

Abigail: Yeah, he did, I'm-- he did, but it's just been so weird between us ever since.

Jennifer: Of course. I can completely understand why.

Abigail: You know, and he-- he blames jake for everything, but I still feel like he doesn't trust me.

Jennifer: All right. I'm going to have some very strong words for your husband next time I see him, but you need to go home and explain to--to chad what you just figured out, and put this misunderstanding to bed right away.

Abigail: Yeah, I mean, I can't go home right now, because I gotta go finish setting up for the party, but I'm gonna go and I'm gonna tell him there tonight.

Jennifer: All right. Don't let it linger, though. No one knows more than me how much lack of trust can destroy a marriage.

Abigail: I'm not gonna let that happen.

Gwen: Something going on with the kids or...

Chad: Uh, no, I--you're going to the party tonight, so I asked the babysitter to sleep over, so you can--you can stay as late as you want.

Gwen: Wow. That's very kind.

Chad: Yeah, well, you deserve it. That's a nice dress.

Gwen: Really? You think so? I didn't know. It was between this one and another one, so--

Chad: No, it looks-- it looks good.

Gwen: Thank you, chad.

Chad: Yeah. Um, you--the... bracelet that jake gave you, it would look good with the dress.

Gwen: Oh, uh... yeah, well, I didn't wanna give that jerk the satisfaction of wearing it, so...

Chad: You were wearing it this morning.

Gwen: Yes, I know. But, um...

[Sighs] It was a moment of weakness, and I felt guilty about it, so I just threw it away.

Chad: That's not true, isn't it?

[Phone rings] "Hello, how can I"

[Mischievous music]

Philip: Hey, there.

Sarah: Hey! You're back.

Philip: Good news. Just snagged two tickets to the dimera new year's eve party.

Sarah: That is so lovely. I, um... I have plans tonight.

Philip: Plans?

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I mean, philip, I did tell you that... you know, I'm not ready for another relationship.

Philip: And I'm not trying to push. I just meant we could go as friends.

Sarah: Yeah, I--I do get that, uh, but I also know that you'd like to be more than friends. And I do know that there's an attraction here, but... if I'm honest, I just-- I don't see it happening between us.

Philip: Okay. Okay, I see. Thanks for being honest.

Sarah: Well, that is me. Honest to a fault. So, uh, no hard feelings?

Philip: Of course not.

Sarah: Great. Well, uh, you know, it's not too late, so maybe you can find someone to use that ticket.

Brady: You're still here? Really? [Laughs]

Chloe: No, I'm out partying on a yacht in the mediterranean.

Brady: Chloe, it's new year's eve. Go, go home. Just go.

Chloe: Can I point out that you're here too?

Brady: Yeah, but it's not because I'm a workaholic or anything. I just need to be here because I need to be busy 'cause that's better than being alone with my thoughts, okay?

Chloe: I do have a little bit of good news that might cheer you up.

Brady: Please, tell me some good news, yeah.

Chloe: I was able to convince philip to let us rent the titan warehouses.

Brady: Really? Really? And he gave me a hard no. How did you convince him to say yes?

Chloe: Mm, you know, I have my ways.

Brady: Ew. What--what did you do?

Chloe: Not those ways, you jerk.

Brady: I know, I'm just-- I wasn't suggesting anything, but okay. Good for you, well done.

Chloe: Thank you.

Brady: [Sighs] So seriously? This is it, paperwork? You just gonna drown yourself in this on new year's eve?

Chloe: Yeah, pretty much. I did have two tickets to the dimera party, but I gave them to philip, so my plans are the same as yours--nothing.

Brady: You know what? Why don't we do something about that?

Jack: I assure you I've no intention of giving up on jennifer.

Xander: Then what are you doing here, all by yourself, on new year's eve?

Jack: I'm-- I'm just feeling a little discouraged, that's all. I gave her a special gift on christmas eve.

Xander: And?

Jack: And she seemed receptive, but I haven't heard from her since.

Xander: I see. You do remember the advice you gave me on the futility of grand gestures, don't you?

Jack: It wasn't a ferrari. It was simple and meaningful and--

Xander: You were hoping that she would take one look at it and take you back.

Jack: [Sighs] You know, there's-- there's a saying. "If you kiss someone that you love, at the stroke of midnight on new year's eve, that that love will carry the two of you forward for 12 months and beyond."

[Sighs] It doesn't look like that's going to be happening for me and my wife.

Abigail: [Clears throat] Okay, mom, now tell me you're gonna go upstairs, you're gonna put this on and you're gonna meet me at the party.

Jennifer: I don't know if I can do that. I was planning on staying here and watching the ball drop with doug and julie.

Abigail: Oh, well, I'm sure they'll appreciate the third wheel.

Jennifer: [Gasps] That's not nice.

Abigail: I don't care. Mom, it's new year's eve.

Jennifer: I know that! It's just so full of expectations and resolutions and confetti and midnight kisses.

Abigail: That is the best part. Look, you know dad loves you. You know you love him too.

Jennifer: I never denied that.

Abigail: It is time to work it out with him.

Jennifer: Mm...

Abigail: Now, I gotta go, but I am expecting to see you there tonight.

Jennifer: Mm, I'll think about it, that's the best I can promise you.

Abigail: Okay. Now, if I don't hear from you, I'm just gonna keep calling if you don't show.

Jennifer: I would expect nothing less.

Abigail: I love you.

Jennifer: I love you.

[Soft dramatic music]

[Sighs] Hm.

Welcome to silversneakers,

are you ready to get moving?

[Soft dramatic music]

Xander: Well?

Sarah: Happy new year, xander.

Brady: Looking at spreadsheets all night is not gonna help me get my mind off kristen, and not being with her tonight, so... and you--we don't wanna spend tonight doing nothing.

Chloe: So, what do you have in mind?

Brady: I still have my two tickets to the dimera bash.

Chloe: Mm.

Brady: How about we go together?

Jake: Wow! Place looks great. Can I help you with anything?

Abigail: Oh. You can tell me the truth.

Jake: Huh? What are you talking about?

Abigail: Okay, I'ma tell you the truth. You and kate are sleeping together.

Jake: [Laughs]

Kate: Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Kate: I didn't know that you were going to the party.

Jack: Well, I didn't know that you were going to the party either.

Kate: Is that gonna be a problem for you?

Jack: No, no. Don't think it really matters anyway. Jennifer's not gonna be there.

[Tender music]

Jennifer: [Sighs]



Gwen: You're right. I didn't throw the bracelet away. Jake took it back.

Chad: Why would he do that?

Gwen: I guess he had second thoughts about spending so much money on me.

Chad: Did he say that?

Gwen: Sort of.

Chad: Well, what exactly did he say?

Gwen: He said that the bracelet wasn't for me. And that he wanted to give it to the person that he... that he bought it for.

Chad: He bought it for abigail.

Gwen: I'm sorry, chad.

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