Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 12/28/20
Episode #13925 ~ Steve and John work together to uncover the truth; Claire catches Charlie in an inopportune moment; Kate and Will have a tense encounter with Tripp; Lucas confesses to Allie and Marlena.
Provided By Suzanne
John: You bought the good stuff.
Steve: I did. To old friends.
John: Old friends.
Steve: I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're here, that you've accepted my gift.
John: Well, I'll be honest with you... I wasn't gonna at first, but then marlena reminded me with a history like yours, really shouldn't be throwing that away.
Steve: Smart woman.
John: I don't want to lose your friendship, but I need to make my feelings clear.
Steve: I wouldn't expect anything less.
John: I can understand you standing by your son, but I can't understand you standing by the lie. It's not you, man. It is not who you are.
[Steve clears throat] So, if you would respect our friendship enough to go with the truth and admit what the evidence confirms, that tripp raped allie, then we can move on from this.
Steve: I'm sorry. I can't do that.
Ava: Look, I know that you're mad at me. I understand that, but we can move forward from this. We can build on the relationship that we both want.
Charlie: I'm sorry, mom, but I have spent way too many years hoping for that, and all you've done is kick me in the face. I have a real shot at love, and I'm not going to let you stand in the way of that. But at least we'll always have this: Our first and last christmas together.
Ava: Charlie, charlie, no! Charlie, no!
[Muffled] Help me.
[Knock on door]
Claire: Charlie? It's me, claire. Are you there? Charlie?
Charlie: How does she know where I live?
Claire: Merry christmas. Charlie. It's me, claire. I couldn't reach you on the phone, so here I am. Are you there? Charlie?
Announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: Sweet girl.
Allie: Okay, well, I think I should probably bring henry home now.
Marlena: Oh, I'd love it if you could stay for supper.
Allie: Thank you, but I have to feed him and change him and--
[Knock on door]
Marlena: I wonder who that is.
Allie: Maybe my dad, because I texted him that I'd come to see you.
Marlena: Oh. Yes, it's your dad. Hello, lucas.
Lucas: Marlena, hi.
Marlena: Is everything all right? Please.
Lucas: Thanks. Thank you. Thank you for telling me where you were.
Allie: Well, I wish you told me where you were. I was kind of worried. You said you're going out for air, and then you never came back to the pub.
Lucas: Yeah, I know. It's just--when you were video chatting your mom and you started explaining everything that happened to you, it just really--
Allie: Really what?
Lucas: It really got me worked up all over again.
Allie: Worked up? Okay, did the walk help?
Lucas: I lied.
Allie: What?
Lucas: I didn't go on a walk to get fresh air. I went to find tripp.
Kate: So, allie must be happy to have you here, at just for a while.
Will: Yeah, well, you know, I'm happy to be here, especially considering she needs support right now.
Kate: She sure does. Having a baby at her age, being a single mom.
Will: It's tough, yeah. But it seems to me that she's really adjusting to motherhood. She's amazing with henry. I mean, she's had over heels with the little guy.
Kate: Yeah, he's a great little guy, conceived in the worst possible way.
Will: Grandma, let's not focus on that anymore, okay?
Kate: How are we supposed to not focus on that? Tripp dalton should be behind bars. Instead, he's running around salem, free as a bird, enjoying his life, and allie? Allie's life has been completely derailed.
Will: Yeah, I know. It's hard to believe that he ran into her in london, and they didn't know their families were so connected. So close.
Kate: Right? A very weird coincidence.
Will: And not a happy one, as it turned out. And, for what it's worth, grandma, I agree with you. For tripp to be running around free, it's a travesty.
Kate: Honey, everyone agrees with that, except for steve. Steve johnson.
John: All right. Well, if that's your attitude, there's really no nothing more to talk about here.
Steve: How about my son's innocence?
John: Now, now, don't even start that crap with me.
Steve: Hey, what you just said about respecting our friendship-- can you respect it enough to let me explain?
John: What's there to explain?
Steve: I might have evidence that tripp is innocent. That's what kayla and I were talking about when you came in.
John: What more evidence do you need? Allie said that he did it, and the dna proves it.
Steve: Are you going to yell at me, or you going to listen? Now, if you're not convinced when I'm finished, I'll drop it. I won't bring it up again.
John: Okay, I'm listening.
Charlie: Claire?
Claire: Finally.
Charlie: What are you doing here?
Claire: Well, I'm worried about you. You looked so pale when you left on christmas eve, and then you... you didn't return my call.
Ava: [Muffled yells]
Charlie: I'm still not feeling so good.
Claire: Which is exactly why you need some tlc.
Charlie: You're the best, but I would really hate to give you whatever this is that I have.
Claire: Don't worry about me. I have a very strong immune system, and I really want to see you. Unless you don't want to see me?
Charlie: Of course I do.
Claire: Okay, so, then let me in already so I can wish you a merry christmas in person.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
John: So your theory is that tripp tucked allie into bed and then left, and then someone else came in and attacked her?
Steve: Yeah.
John: We'll, I'll give you points for thinking outside the box, but that doesn't explain away the dna, does it?
Steve: It does if the real rapist is related to tripp.
Claire: I brought you a present.
Charlie: You did?
Claire: Uh-huh. But you can't open it if I'm out here, and you're in there.
Charlie: I just really, really don't want to get you sick too.
Claire: Charlie, I'm not afraid of catching a little cold. I just really want to see for myself that you're alright.
Charlie: Okay. Alright, just give me a minute to...clean up this mess.
Ava: [Muffled yelling] Research shows that people remember
John: Okay, okay. So some relative of tripp's just happened to be in london, just happened to be walking by, went inside, assaulted allie just when tripp left. Maybe you better go easy on that scotch.
Steve: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I know it's out there, okay? Kayla said the same thing. But if there's even the slightest chance that it could be true, don't you want the bastard who raped your granddaughter to pay for his crime?
Ava: [Screams]
Charlie: Stop it! Just stop it. Not a sound, or you'll be sorry.
[Soft music plays]
Hey! Sorry, I was just straightening up. Come on in.
Claire: Oh, wow. Nice place.
Charlie: Thanks.
Claire: I hope you don't mind me just showing up like this.
Charlie: No, it was really sweet. But how did you know where I lived?
Claire: You work for my great grandfather. It wasn't exactly hard to find out.
Charlie: Oh, yeah, of course.
Claire: You look a little sweaty.
Charlie: Yeah, I think I just had a little bit of a fever still. I'm not 100%, like I said.
Claire: Yeah. That was so weird. I mean, you were totally fine when you got to my grandma's for christmas eve, and then, the next minute, you're practically running out the door.
Charlie: Anyway, it was really nice to meet you. I think I already said that.
Allie: Yeah, you did.
Charlie: I should go put this down.
Allie: I'm sorry. Do I know you from somewhere?
Charlie: I don't think so.
Allie: You just seem so familiar.
Charlie: I just have one of those faces, I guess. Sorry, this is really heavy. I guess it just hit me all of a sudden.
Claire: Well, at least you're really sick.
Charlie: Excuse me?
Claire: Sorry, that came out wrong. I just meant that--when you left so quickly, and then you didn't return my call, I just thought that maybe you were blowing me off.
Charlie: Claire, I would never do that. You're great. You're an angel.
Claire: You are the angel. I may have opened your gift because I couldn't wait a second longer. I can't believe that you got me tickets to my favorite band.
Charlie: So you like them?
Claire: I love them. And you got them on valentine's day, which just makes it so much more special.
Charlie: That's exactly what I was thinking.
Claire: Well, your gift is not nearly as cool as that, but I hope you like it.
Charlie: I already do.
Claire: I was feeling kind of bad because you weren't gonna get open it on christmas, but then allie suggested that I come here to surprise you, deliver it in person.
Charlie: Allie?
Allie: You did what?
Marlena: You went to see tripp?
Lucas: Yeah, I thought he would be at ava's apartment, and I was right. He was there.
Allie: Oh, my god, dad. Please tell me you didn't hurt him.
Lucas: I didn't hurt him, alright? We just talked a little bit. In the beginning, we talked.
Allie: Oh, my god.
Lucas: Well, don't do that to me--don't treat me like I'm some ogre who's trying to kill the kid for no reason. I mean, that smug son of a bitch denied everything--every single thing. He said that it didn't matter that the baby shared his dna. He said your word didn't matter, and the next thing I know, there were some scissors on the counter, and I grabbed them, and I went after him, and you should've seen how scared he was. He was scared, but--I was going to stab him, but I didn't because rafe, unfortunately, stopped me before I could.
Marlena: Unfortunately? Thank god rafe came by. How could you do a thing like that?
Lucas: Did you tell her the same thing?
Marlena: What do you mean?
Lucas: Well, she pulled a gun on tripp.
Marlena: You pulled a gun on tripp?
Lucas: Oh, wait, okay. You didn't tell her yet. I'm sorry. I think what happened was that she was just trying to emulate her mother, you know the way her mother the alan harris situation when she was in high school. You were trying to give tripp the same treatment, right? I'm just sorry that neither one of us succeeded in giving that son of a bitch exactly what he deserves.
Will: Ever consider confronting him? Not that I'm encouraging that, mind you.
Kate: Yeah, I do think about it. I do think about looking him straight in the eye and telling him exactly what I think about him. And then I realize that, if I got that close to him, I'd probably shred him with my bare hands.
John: Of course I want the real culprit to be held responsible for what he did to allie, but this theory of yours--the odds of it being true are slim to none.
Steve: John, how many cases has black patch taken on with the same odds? And we always managed to get to the bottom of things.
John: Yeah, but we-- was this you sucking up to me to get me to help?
Steve: No. This was about me missing my best friend and hoping to see him again.
John: Alright, well, you've seen me, and I've heard you out. Why don't you just pursue this on your own?
Steve: Listen, man, we're black patch, the best there is. There is no patch without black, and vice versa. Now, I know if we put our heads together on this thing, we can figure it out. Come on, what do you say? Well?
John: Dna points right to tripp.
Steve: For now.
John: Allie said he did it.
Steve: She did.
John: And you've got this crazy theory that this kid that keeps squawking about his innocence is just that-- innocent.
Steve: I do.
John: Despite all of the evidence?
Steve: Despite all the evidence. Is that a no?
John: Let's do it.
This week on
"the upper hands"...
Marlena: Please don't condone what allie did.
Lucas: Why wouldn't I? She had the guts to stand up for himself on the system failed her.
Marlena: Look, you weren't actually going to shoot tripp, were you? You just wanted to scare him into confessing.
Lucas: Oh, no, she was gonna shoot him. She was headed right for the sweet spot. She was aiming right for it. That's what tripp said, and ava showed up and stopped her before she could do it, which is a shame, because that son of a bench would've gotten what he deserved.
Marlena: And what about what allie deserves? Because that would've sent her right to prison.
Lucas: But she didn't do anything, so she's not going to go to prison. Listen, I am so sorry that you didn't get the justice that you deserve, but you--you took matters into your own hands, and I'm so proud of you for that. I am, I'm really proud.
Kate: Son of a bitch!
Will: Stop. Stop!
Tripp: Stay away from me.
Will: Stop it. Stop it. He's not worth it.
Kate: You are a piece of filth!
Tripp: I didn't rape your her granddaughter.
Kate: You did rape my granddaughter!
Tripp: I don't know how many different ways I can tell you and everyone else in your family, but I didn't do what allie's accused me of, okay? And if I did, I would admit it. If I was that kid's father, I would own up to it. But I didn't hurt allie, and that baby isn't mine.
Will: The more you deny it, the guiltier you sound. So just stay away from my family, okay? It shouldn't be too hard for a coward like you.
Kate: You need to get the hell out of salem and stay away! Let's go.
[Christmas carol plays in background]
Charlie: You talked to allie about me?
Claire: Well, yeah, we're family. She knows all about you. So, how about the grand tour?
Charlie: No, uh... it's just--the place is a mess. There's dirty dishes in the sink, and I put all my clothes in my bedroom before you got here, so I would just like some time to clean up. I don't want you to think I'm a total slob.
Claire: Charlie, I don't care if it's clean or not, but there is definitely something wrong.
Charlie: What do you mean?
Claire: You have zero christmas decorations.
Charlie: Yeah. Work just keeps me so busy that I didn't have time to--
Claire: I get that, but still, it's kind of sad.
Charlie: Well, it's not sad anymore, especially because somebody brought me a christmas present.
Claire: Okay, well, merry christmas.
John: Whoa!
Steve: So, the first part of the puzzle: Who is this relative of tripp's? Definitely not anybody on my side.
John: Alright, we'll flip it then--what about someone on ava's side? She got a brother? Cousin, nephew maybe?
Steve: Oh, my god.
John: What?
Steve: Why didn't I think of this before? I think I know who it is. Is skincare from around the world better than olay?
Marlena: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're proud of allie for taking matters into her own hands? That isn't just wrong, it's dangerous for both of them. And I'm not thrilled that you've giving her pat on the back for it.
Lucas: I'm sorry, all right? It's just I thought it was the right thing to do.
Marlena: You're angry.
Lucas: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: You're angry at what happened to her.
Lucas: Yeah.
Marlena: And everybody who loves her feels her feels the same way. We're all angry at it but you gotta find a way to channel that anger. You can't be destructive. You gotta find a way to be constructive about it. There is nothing to be gained by violence of any kind. I hope you both understand that.
Allie: I know. You're right, grandma.
Marlena: Lucas?
Lucas: No, you are. You are right. Nothing to be gained.
Marlena: Good. You know, allie also took matters into her own hands in a way that made me very proud of her.
Allie: Grandma.
Lucas: What, there's something you're not telling me again? What?
Allie: Well, I didn't want to talk about this on christmas. I just wanted to talk enjoy christmas and not talk about this for a little while at least, but--well, maybe if I'd been honest with you, wouldn't of gone off on tripp, so... I'm filing a civil suit against him.
Lucas: A civil suit?
Allie: Aunt belle is representing me.
Lucas: Are you sure that's what you want?
Allie: Yeah. I mean, I know it's not like tripp will go to prison, but if the judge rules in my favor, at least he'll be found guilty. You know, it will be on the record that he's guilty of raping me.
Lucas: Well, at least he will have some financial responsibilities to answer to. I mean, it's not the same is going to prison, but at least everyone will know what he's about. They'll see him for what he really is.
[Henry crying]
Allie: Hey, you. What is all the fuss about?
Marlena: You are so good at calming him.
Allie: Well, he is very calming to me. A little angel. Dad, do you want to hold him?
Lucas: I would love to, yeah. I got you. Grandpa's got you. I'm going to miss you, little guy.
Marlena: Are you going somewhere?
Lucas: I just have a little business trip I have to go on, but I won't be gone that long. I can't spend too much time away from this one. You're right, you know. He is calming, isn't he? That calming effect--I need you more in my life. You got to calm me down. Grandpa's stressed out. Yeah.
Marlena: Such a beautiful picture. The family. My lovely granddaughter, devoted dad... it's a very special baby.
Lucas: Yeah, he is.
Marlena: Isn't that amazing? Just--no matter how bad things seem sometimes, family--family is what gets us through everything.
Tripp: Mom?
[Dark music]
Where are you?
Charlie: This is great.
Claire: You really like it?
Charlie: It's perfect. Just like you.
Claire: Well, I wasn't so perfect when I spilled that smoothie all over you.
Charlie: I'm so glad you did.
Claire: Yeah, me too. And, I figured what better gift than to replace the shirt I ruined?
Charlie: You didn't ruin anything. If that hadn't happened, then I would have walked right past the sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world. And now here I am spending christmas with her.
Claire: And valentine's day, don't you forget that.
Charlie: And a lot of days in between, I hope.
Claire: Yeah, me too. But, right now, you need to try on that shirt.
Charlie: Now? I'm sure it'll fit. It's the right size.
Claire: Please? I want to see how it looks on you.
Charlie: Okay, because, for some reason, I can't say no to you.
[Soft jazz in background[
John: Interesting theory. Definitely a close relative.
Steve: It's a start. John, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're working on this with me.
John: You know, I'm not letting tripp off the hook here, but I love the hell out of your boy here, and, if this crazy theory of yours somehow ends up proving his innocence, I... I want to help you get there.
Steve: I appreciate that.
John: But if it's a dead end, you're going to have to have a day of reckoning with your boy and that lie.
Steve: There won't be. I know it. I know in my gut that tripp isn't guilty of this.
John: For your sake, I hope so. And I also hope that we are on the right path to find a little bit of justice for allie and tripp, and I gotta get going. I gotta get home to the doc.
Steve: Hey, hold on. Don't forget this. Merry christmas, partner.
John: Back at you, buddy. Good stuff.
Tripp: Hey, mom, it's me, tripp. I'm really worried, okay? So please call me back as soon as you get this. I really hope you're okay.
[Knock on door]
Steve: Hey.
Tripp: Hey.
Steve: Got any word from your mother?
Tripp: No, and I'm starting to freak out.
Steve: Oh, it's too soon for that. Ava's more than capable of taking care of herself. Believe me.
Tripp: That's what rafe said. He said that she got what she wanted. The charge is dropped, and so she took off.
Steve: It sounds like ava.
Tripp: What about this? I found it after he left. Go ahead, read for yourself. You see? She was planning on spending the holidays with me. Okay? So she wouldn't have just taken off without telling me. And, look, I know that you feel like I'm overreacting, but I printed off some flyers, and I distributed them around town. And I ran into will and kate in the process.
Steve: I bet that was a lot of fun, huh?
Tripp: It was as you'd expect. You know, kate lashed out at me. She tried to physically attack me, but will stopped her.
Steve: I'm sorry that happened, son.
Tripp: Yeah, and just before that, lucas came by here and he made it very clear that he pretty much wanted me dead. Heck, they all would--or to just get the hell out of town, and that's actually not a bad idea.
Steve: I'm sorry.
Tripp: Maybe that's just what we'll do. When I find my mom, we'll take off. You know, just get out of town. Everyone hates her too, so it makes sense.
Steve: No, it doesn't make sense. You're staying right here, because I got good news. John and I are partners again.
Tripp: Okay.
Steve: And we're going to clear your name. We're going to find out who really raped allie.
Claire: Who cares if your bedroom is a mess? I'm pretty sure we wouldn't even notice.
Charlie: I'm pretty sure you're right, but you specifically asked me to try the shirt on, so... how do I look?
Claire: It's perfect. Just like you. You know, there is one more christmas gift I really want to give you.
Charlie: You have no idea how much I want that, but I can't risk you getting that bug that I have. If you got it, I would never forgive myself.
Claire: You are such a good guy.
Charlie: A good guy? You really think so?
Claire: I know so.
[Clang] What was that? (Upbeat music plays)
Tripp: John black is going to help you clear my name? But he's convinced that I raped allie. He hates me.
Steve: But he also has an open mind, and the scotch I plied him with didn't hurt. But it was my theory that got him thinking.
Tripp: Theory?
Steve: The dna test that implicates you could point to someone who shares your dna. Kayla confirmed it's possible.
Tripp: You lost me.
Steve: John and i have a real suspect, and he happens to be a relative of yours.
Tripp: A relative? What relative?
Charlie: What was what?
Claire: It was like a bang or something. You didn't hear it?
Charlie: No, that's just the pipes. They make a lot of noise when they turn on. You want some water?
Claire: No, I'm good.
Charlie: You know, I'm really--I hate to say this, but I feel really worse than I did before, and now I have a headache too.
Claire: Oh, that sucks. Okay, well, I'll go.
Charlie: Sorry.
Claire: No, don't be sorry. Just get better. Is there--is there something else going on with you?
Charlie: No. Everything's fine.
Claire: You just seem a little tense. Like there's something on your mind.
Charlie: Is just work stuff, you know. The usual.
Claire: If you're worried about something, anything, you know you can talk to me, right?
Charlie: No one's ever been as sweet to me as you are.
Claire: Well, get used to it. Because I think you are amazing. And you look so hot in that shirt.
Charlie: Well, my girlfriend has great taste, and now I know exactly what I'm going to be wearing on valentine's day to the concert.
Claire: Well, I can't wait.
Charlie: What the hell did I tell you about not making a sound?
Ava: Well, I don't always do what I'm told, charlie. So what is the plan here? You going to kill me?
Charlie: I should after what you pulled. But I'm not a murderer.
Ava: Yeah, I heard. Claire thinks you're a good guy. Hmph. If only she knew.
Charlie: Would you shut up? Claire gets me. Who I am, who I want to be, for her... so I can't exactly kill my mother. The problem is: What the hell do I do with you?
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