Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 12/25/20
Episode #13924 ~ Marlena encourages John to work it out with Steve; Steve tells Kayla about his new theory; Lucas confronts Tripp; Allie urges Claire to surprise Charlie.
Provided By Suzanne
John: Who-who-who was at our door?
[Both laugh]
Marlena: It was a messenger with a package for mr. John black.
John: All right!
Marlena: Mm, as if you weren't spoiled enough already.
John: Doc, I feel spoiled every time I look into your eyes.
Marlena: Aw. As well you should be.
John: Okay, now the important stuff. Who's the gift from?
Marlena: It's--well, shall I do the honors? The envelope, please. Oh, it's from steve.
[Suspenseful music]
Charlie: Christmas feast. Okay, so maybe it's all I could find in the fridge, but I did warm it up for you. I hope you're hungry.
Ava: [Muffled] You need to get me out of here.
Charlie: That doesn't sound very enthusiastic. You should be thanking me. After you tried to run out on me yesterday, you totally deserve coal in your stocking, but here I am, trying to forgive you. And since you offered to spend your holiday with me, I wanna make sure you get your wish.
Tripp: Mom, it's me. If you come back, I'm on my way to the police station. Please call me.
[Knocking on door] Finally, she's home.
[Dramatic musical sting]
Mr. Horton, what are you doing here?
Lucas: I came here to make sure you pay for what you did to my daughter.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Knocking at door]
Rafe: Yeah?
Nicole: Working on christmas? Mm, I don't approve.
Rafe: Oh yeah? Well, you'd be surprised how many grinches there are out there trying to make trouble, I tell ya. What about you? What are you doing here on christmas? You know, shouldn't you be home with holly, helping her open all her new toys?
Nicole: Yeah, well, my daughter made me stay up till midnight waiting for santa claus, and then she woke me up at 5:00 A.M. To open presents, so, naturally, she has fallen fast asleep, and maggie is helping her with the dollhouse.
Rafe: Ah, maggie. Bless her heart, huh?
Nicole: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, I know. Toys--that's no easy feat.
Nicole: No, it's not. Listen, I really wanted to thank you for last night. You know, the company, the cookies, and I'm afraid, um, "santa claus" might have eaten too many.
Rafe: Well, I'm glad you-- I mean, I'm glad santa...
Nicole: Santa, yeah.
Rafe: Enjoyed them. That's great.
Nicole: Yeah, well, I can't say the same for that dinner I fed you.
Rafe: No, no, no. No. What did I tell you? I loved it, it was good, the company was great, it's just... I felt terrible that the only reason I was there was because eric was not, so.
Nicole: Me too.
Rafe: Yeah. But I talked to eric this morning, and he said that he's gonna try again soon.
Rafe: Good, good.
Nicole: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah, that's-- that is good to hear. Yes, it is.
Nicole: Listen, last night is why I came here. You left something behind, so.
Rafe: Oh, my-- where did you find-- I was looking for these. You hid them?
Nicole: Ava vitali, huh? I heard she was in town.
Rafe: Uh, yeah. Well, maybe. According to tripp, she may have gone missing.
Charlie: Open up.
Ava: I'm not hungry.
Charlie: Where's that christmas spirit?
Ava: Untie me, charlie.
Charlie: Maybe if you would make an effort to share this moment, I would consider it. But serious trust issues. You understand. One bite?
Ava: Okay, fine, fine.
[Groans in disgust]
Charlie: More?
Ava: No, it's terrible.
Charlie: Yeah, I know.
[Ava exclaims] It's not like had a mom to teach me how to cook.
Ava: Okay, charlie, I've apologized. I told you how sorry I am.
Charlie: And then you tried to leave and go to the cops.
[Phone ringing]
Ava: Is it your new girlfriend?
Charlie: Maybe.
Ava: Why aren't you picking it up?
Charlie: Because I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Ava: Charlie, you seemed so excited to go and spend christmas eve with her, and then you came home so early.
Charlie: And it's a good thing I did, because you tried to get away.
Ava: What happened? Is there trouble in paradise?
Charlie: If you must know, claire got me a present, but I had to leave before I could open it.
Ava: What happened? Why the rush?
Charlie: Allie horton was there.
Tripp: I don't have time for this .
Lucas: The hell you don'T.
Tripp: I'm on my way to the police station.
Lucas: To what, confess?
Tripp: Like I told allie and everyone else a million times, I did not have sex with her.
Lucas: Are you calling my daughter a liar? Are you? There it is, grandma's recipe.
Kayla: Hey.
Steve: Hi.
Kayla: Hi. What's up? Oh.
Steve: For you, sweetness.
Kayla: Those are beautiful.
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Kate: You shouldn't have.
Steve: Whoa, and there's that beautiful smile I was hoping to see.
Kayla: I'm sorry I got so upset before. It's just--like I said, joey just got back, and now he's going to be gone again. And I was really hoping that stephanie would come home for christmas.
Steve: Yeah, so was I. But, hey, thank god she has a career she loves, and our joey is finally free.
Kayla: Yeah. And I certainly don't want to be the parents that guilt him into not doing what he wants to do.
Steve: No. Sweetness, I know our kids aren't in salem anymore, but you still got me. Do I still have you?
John: I'm not really interested in any gift from steven johnson.
Marlena: Okay, why don't i just read the card?
[John exhales] "John, I know we're not in a good place right now, but you and I have been in some bad places before. It never stopped me from buying my old friend drink. So this one's on me, steve."
John: Man's got a lot of nerve, doesn't he?
Marlena: John--
John: What? No, what? What? What, you think a bottle of booze is supposed to make us forget about what his son did to our granddaughter? Maybe it's supposed to numb the pain of him supporting that little bastard. Well, I'll tell you something, doc, it's not gonna happen. Forget about it.
Tripp: Look, I don't give a damn what you or anyone else thinks, do you understand? Because I know exactly what happened that night. I know the truth.
Lucas: You know the truth? You know you're a rapist? Is that what you know?
Tripp: I did not force myself on your daughter.
Lucas: The dna test says you did, and, more importantly, my daughter says you did, and now she's going to have to live with what you did to her for the rest of her life, and I'm not talking about the baby. I'm talking about the emotional scars you put on her! I guarantee I'm not gonna let you get away with this. No way!
Tripp: Again, I didn't do it. And the fact is, the authorities didn't think there was enough evidence to charge me because there is no evidence. Because I didn't do it. So you can yell and scream all you want.
Lucas: You know what? I'm going to do more than yell and scream. I'm gonna do more than that. If I had a gun right now, I would point it right between your legs, and I'd pull the trigger.
Tripp: Well, your daughter's already tried that.
Allie: When I told my mom had happened, I thought she was gonna totally freak out--you know, get on the first flight to salem--but she was surprisingly calm. For her, I mean. I don't know, maybe she realizes that I don't need her help to fight my battles. You know, I can take care of myself.
Claire: Yeah.
Allie: Anyway, I would much rather talk about what's going on with you right now, so. And this gift that you haven't opened. What are you waiting for?
Claire: It's a gift from charlie. Yeah, I got him something too, and I thought that, you know, we were going to open them together at grandma marlena's, but he had to leave before he got the chance. As you know.
Allie: Right. Yeah, that was kind of weird. Like, him not feeling well all of a sudden.
Claire: Yeah, that's what he said.
Allie: But, I mean, do you think it was something else? Do you think it wasn't that he wasn't feeling well?
Ava: You saw allie horton? You are lucky that she didn't have you arrested. No wonder you got the hell out of there. You know, maybe she's calling the police as we speak.
Charlie: Would you shut up? Allie didn't recognize me, so I just told claire that i wasn't feeling well, and I left.
Ava: Wow. You were face-to-face with the woman who... you violated. Yeah, that would kill the christmas mood.
Charlie: Just like every word that comes out of your mouth.
Ava: Hey, hey, come on, charlie, just hold on a second. Are you sure? Are you sure that she didn't recognize you?
Charlie: Yes! Although she did say that she had a feeling that we met before, but she was totally wasted that night, and, obviously, she still thinks that tripp is the one that--did it.
Ava: Okay, for now. But now that the girl saw you, honey, it is only a matter of time before she remembers that you were the one who raped her.
Trelegy for copd.
Charlie: You're wrong. I'm in the clear. Allie's not going to remember anything, and you know what? I'm really tired of talking about this.
Ava: Wait, wait, what if you are wrong, charlie? What are you going to do?
Charlie: Like you care.
Ava: I do. Look, I know we haven't been close, and it's mostly my fault. Okay, it's completely my fault, but I am still your mother, and I love you, and I would like to help you make the right decision here.
Charlie: Sure you do.
Ava: Look, charlie. I have a lot to make up for. And, clearly, you are very angry with me, and I understand, but if I could help you, if I could help you navigate your way through this, if I could prove to you that I want to make amends, then maybe it would be the first step towards us fixing our relationship.
Charlie: You'd really help me?
Ava: Honey, of course. And, given the situation, and the variables and the possible fallout, I really think that the best thing for you is to turn yourself in to the police and confess.
Nicole: Ava's missing?
Rafe: Tripp thinks she is.
Nicole: Well, what you think?
Rafe: I think that he doesn't know ava as well as the rest of us. That she came to town and got the charges that were hanging over her head cleared, and then took off.
Nicole: Without a word? Even though she and her son are getting to know each other?
Rafe: Mm, and since when has ava ever cared about anyone or anything but herself?
Nicole: Look, rafe, I mean, I know ava has done some horrible things, but ava and I, we became friends. And I know you know that. And we have a lot of things in common. We were both pariahs of this town, but I... having holly changed me. It made me see the world through my daughter's eyes, made me want a better world, to be part of that world.
Rafe: Okay, but ava is not you.
Nicole: True, but she's still mother, and kids tend to bring out the best in us. And I just don't think that ava would run out on her son.
Rafe: Mmkay. Well, tripp did say that he was on his way down here to file a missing person's report, and he's a no-show, so maybe she turned up.
Nicole: Maybe. Or maybe something's wrong. Maybe someone stopped tripp from coming here.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. And why would they do that?
Nicole: Well, I don't know. It's just a feeling that I'm getting. Okay, so maybe, maybe because it's christmas, you could just go over to ava's, talk to tripp, and make sure that everything's okay?
Lucas: My daughter did what?
Tripp: She found out what her mother did to the guy who attacked her, so she grabbed your mom's gun and came to my dad's place, ready to pull the trigger. If my mom hadn't shown up when she did, allie was ready to go through with it.
Lucas: Well, I guess allie is a little bit more like her mom that I thought, isn't she? And I guess ava vitali could say the same thing about you, because you're just a sick and twisted as she is.
Kayla: Do you still have me? I'm not sure what you mean.
Steve: I was thinking about tripp.
Kayla: Okay.
Steve: You know, he's not only ava's son, he's mine too. And I love him just the way you and I love joe and stephanie.
Kayla: I know that. And I know that you're still upset with me that I asked you to have him move out.
Steve: No, I understand why you did it. You think tripp's guilty. I think he's innocent. Three of us rattling around under the same roof, we wouldn't have been happy. But just because tripp is out of sight, or out of our house, anyway, doesn't mean he's not still on my mind. He is. Constantly. And I'm still working to clear his name. The truth is, I could use your help.
Tripp: What happened to allie was horrible, okay, so of course you're enraged, and of course you want justice, to have her rapist behind bars. Who wouldn't?
Lucas: That's right.
Tripp: But I didn't do it, mr. Horton. Okay, I did not have sex with allie, consensual or otherwise. And I really need to go, and so do you. So you need to get out right now, okay?
[Knife clatters]
Lucas: You know what, man? I might not have a gun right now, but I could sure as hell make you pay for what you did to my daughter.
John: You know it is really ticking me off here, doc? It's just the way that steve is defending that kid of his.
Marlena: I know. You've said that over and over.
John: Oh, jeez, I'm sorry. Am I boring you now?
Marlena: No! You're not boring me. I just--I wish you could have some empathy towards steve. I mean, you've shown empathy towards your own children when they've made some mistakes.
John: What do you mean-- they've never destroyed a young woman's life!
Marlena: They have really hurt some people in the past. Everybody does, but the thing is that you try to understand that. You move on. I don't know why you're begrudging steve the same right.
John: I'm not begrudging him. Is not the same thing. Steve isn't just standing by tripp, steve is supporting tripp's lies when he should be convincing him to own it and face the consequences. Damn it! Come on.
Marlena: What are you doing?
John: Well, I'm gonna go find my old buddy, patch, and I'm gonna tell him what he can do with this bottle.
Marlena: No, you're not. Not until you hear me out.
Kayla: You want me to help you do what?
Steve: I ran into allie the other day and asked her about what happened that night in london.
Kayla: Oh, god, you didn't cross-examine her, did you?
Steve: Of course not. Allie's family. I love that girl. I was gentle with her. I let her decide whether she wanted to talk about it or not.
Kayla: Did she?
Steve: Yeah, she did. I asked her what she remembered, and she described two distinct flashes of memory.
Kayla: And what were they?
Steve: The first was of tripp's face over her when she was in her bed. The second memory was a hand holding her down by her wrist as she said "no."
Kayla: Okay.
Steve: Allie said "a hand." Not "tripp's hand."
Kayla: Who else's could it be?
Steve: Okay, let's just assume for a minute that tripp's story is true, all right? He gets allie back to her place, puts her in her bed, that explains the first memory. Tripp's face over her. Then he leaves. Now, what if somebody else got into allie's apartment after that, and that's the hand she remembers holding her down? That's a person who assaulted her.
Kayla: But what about the dna? How do you explain that? This hypothetical person wouldn't have tripp's dna.
Steve: Not unless he was related to tripp.
Charlie: Turn myself in? There is no way in hell I'm gonna do that.
Ava: Listen to me, charlie. Allie will remember. She will, and it's only a matter of time, so you need to be prepared, and you need to play it smart. If you admit it, if you admit it and you express deep regret about it instead of waiting for the law to come for you, then you will save that girl so much pain of having to relive that traumatic night again during a trial. Her family is going to be grateful. They will be inclined to go easier on you. They have the power.
Charlie: They would castrate me in the town square.
Ava: Oh, charlie! Don't be so dramatic!
Charlie: You! How stupid do you think that I am? You don't give a damn about what happens to me! All you care about is what happens to tripp!
Claire: Charlie did look awfully pale before he left. It's just that I haven't heard from him since. I mean, I've called. I've left a voicemail. And he still hasn't called me back.
Allie: He definitely has a good reason, so try not to worry about it.
Claire: Okay. I'll try. Allie, I know you hardly got to talk to him, but what do you think?
Allie: Um, he's definitely cute.
Claire: But?
Allie: No but, no, I... I told you. He just seems so familiar. And I know I've seen him before, and I just don't know where. Where is he from again?
Claire: He's from philadelphia. That's about all I know. He grew up with his dad. He has a brother, but they're not very close.
Allie: Yeah, I've never been to philadelphia, so I obviously wouldn't have run into him there.
Claire: Well, he works at pop pop's company. He goes to the pub to eat. You've probably just seen him around town.
Allie: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I have an idea.
Claire: Mm-hmm?
Allie: I think you should open it.
Claire: I think you're right.
Allie: Yeah.
Claire: I was waiting, though, until we could open them together, but that's silly, right?
Allie: So silly.
Claire: Plus, I am dying to know I what he got me.
Allie: Same! Do you want scissors?
Claire: Mm-hmm.
Lucas: What's the matter, huh? Your mommy not here to save you this time?
Steve: You're crazy.
Lucas: Yeah, I am crazy. I am just as crazy as the justice system is that lets a rapist free just so he can do the same thing again to an innocent girl. I'm not gonna let you do it. I'm not going to let you hurt another girl the way you did my daughter.
Rafe: Lucas! Stop. You're not using too much are you hon?
Rafe: Lucas, put down the scissors.
Lucas: Get out of here, man. This is between me and my daughter's rapist. Don't you have somewhere to go?
Rafe: No, no. I'm not going anywhere. Now give me the damn scissors. Now. Give them to me. Lucas.
Marlena: Honey, we both know that sami has done some questionable things in her life. I've always stood by her, so I can understand why steve is standing by tripp.
John: And his lies.
Marlena: We both know steve. He's an honest, decent man with a good heart. So if he is standing by his son, he must believe that he's is innocent.
John: How is that possible, doctor, when allie has identified tripp, and the dna has proven it?
Marlena: Maybe steve doesn't believe the test. Look, the two of you have been partners for a long time. You've stood by each other through good times and bad times, and maybe this offering is just a way of steve trying to bridge the divide. I hope to hell you can accept that.
Steve: So? What do you think of my theory?
Kayla: I'm not sure what to think. I mean, it's already a crazy coincidence that tripp and allie met in london, and they didn't realize the family connection.
Steve: Yeah, it is.
Kayla: And then to think, on top of that, the idea that tripp left allie, and some unknown relative of his entered the apartment and attacked her?
Steve: It seems a little far-fetched.
Kayla: It's more than a little.
Steve: That's where I need your help.
Kayla: I don't really know how I could possibly help.
Steve: Okay, let's just say that my more than a little far-fetched scenario is somehow true. Could that explain the dna match?
Kayla: Well, I mean that test was looking to see if henry and tripp shared similar dna. When they came back related, we all just assumed that tripp was the father.
Steve: So, hypothetically, someone who shares tripp's dna could be the father?
Kayla: Yeah, hypothetically. Yeah, but who would that somebody be?
Claire: One, two...
Both: Three. Oh, my god, charlie, you didn'T.
Allie: What did he do?
Claire: He got me tickets to my most favorite band in the entire world. Allie, these are impossible to get.
Allie: Okay, so he pays attention.
Claire: Oh, my god.
Allie: What?
Claire: The concert's on valentine's day.
Allie: Stop. That's only the most romantic day of the whole year.
Claire: Oh, my god, charlie! He's just the sweetest.
Allie: Yeah.
Claire: Oh, now I really want to go and give him his gift. Damn, why won't he call me back?
Allie: Well, why wait? I mean, you go get your gift, and you should go over to his place and surprise him. Go, go, go, go.
Charlie: It's true, isn't it? You just want me to throw my life away so that tripp's name can be cleared. After all that I've done for you! You couldn't care less about me, could you? But your precious tripp? Better make sure he has the perfect life.
Ava: But, honey, tripp didn't rape allie. You did.
Charlie: Yeah, and nobody knows about that. Except you. Does scrubbing grease feel like a workout?
Tripp: This nut job, man.
Lucas: What, nut job? He sexually assaulted my daughter. Your stepdaughter. Arrest him, man. Put the cuffs on him right now.
Rafe: I wish I could, lucas. Okay, and it breaks heart what happened to allie, but because it didn't happen here in salem, there is no way that I can prosecute him for the crime.
Lucas: Don't give me that.
Tripp: But this one almost did. So, why don't you just leave before I decide to press charges?
Lucas: All right, fine. But I'll be back.
Rafe: Lucas.
Tripp: No, you know what, I'm willing to not report this because it's christmas, and i would really rather the rest of my day at least be uneventful, if not merry, but you need to make sure you keep this jerk and the rest of his family away from me.
Rafe: Yeah, I'll do my damnedest.
Lucas: What are you doing, man? You going to protect him?
Rafe: The only one I'm protecting here is you.
Lucas: Rafe, what are you doing?
Rafe: Go. Goodbye.
Lucas: See you around, tripp.
Claire: It would be so cool to surprise him, but I don't know where he lives.
Allie: Okay, well, he works for titan, and you are the founder's great-granddaughter, so...
Claire: Of course. How hard would it be to, you know, make a call, find out where he lives
Allie: Not hard at all.
Claire: Allie, you are a genius!
Allie: Thank you. But this genius needs to go pick up henry from grandpa roman, so--
Claire: You know what? This might just be the greatest christmas ever.
Allie: Claire, it is so nice to see you happy, and you deserve it. You really do.
Claire: I am finally starting to believe that. And hey, by the way, you deserve it too.
Allie: Thank you.
Claire: I love you.
Allie: I love you. Now go over there, okay?
Charlie: I'm sorry, but I don't have a choice.
Ava: Yes, yes, you do, charlie, and you need to be smart about it. Come on, honey. You cannot keep me tied-up and gagged forever.
Charlie: You're right. I do have to be smart about it, and, the way I see it, letting you go isn't an option.
Ava: Charlie--
Charlie: I know you, mom. You're going to do whatever it takes to protect your perfect son. You don't care if I go to prison, if I lose claire, if I lose any shot at happiness I've had.
Ava: No, I can help you, charlie. I will help you!
Charlie: I have spent a lifetime watching you choose tripp. Well, now I choose me! My happiness! And I am so close to having everything I want, but that can't happen unless you're not around anymore.
Kayla: So, who could this hypothetical person be?
Steve: I have no idea, but for him to share tripp's dna, he'd have to be a blood relative, right?
Kayla: A very close blood relative.
Steve: There's nobody on my side of the family.
Kayla: Well, who else is there?
[Knocking at door]
Kayla: Hey.
Steve: Oh, looky there. Looks like old john is here to return my christmas gift. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.
Kayla: Well, we can continue this conversation later. I want to go catch up with joey and say goodbye. Have a merry christmas, john.
John: You too, kayla.
Kayla: Steve--
Steve: See you, babe. John, I know we're on different sides about what happened with allie, but I was hoping, just for christmas, we could agree to disagree. I guess I was wrong.
John: Actually, the reason that I'm here is, I was kind of hoping I might have a drink with an old friend.
Steve: I'd like that.
Marlena: Allie!
Allie: Hey, bad time?
Marlena: No, no, no, not at all. Please.
Allie: Henry was asleep, so I just thought that I would come and see you.
Marlena: Oh. I'm glad you did. Come sit. Oof. How has your christmas been?
Allie: Um, it was fine. Some of it was fine.
Marlena: Some of it was fine?
Allie: Earlier today, I told my mother everything about the rape. It was on a video call over at the pub. Grandpa actually set the call up. Not for that reason--not at all--just to have us all wish each other a merry christmas.
Marlena: Right.
Allie: Anyway, I didn't intend on telling her anything about it. It was the last thing I wanted to do today, but grandpa roman said something that let her know that henry was conceived because...
Marlena: Yeah. That must've been a hard conversation to have with your mother.
Allie: Yeah. She was good though. She was angry, of course, at tripp, but, I don't know, I'm just grateful that she's a thousand miles away, so she doesn't do anything too sami-like about it.
Marlena: Right. Right.
Allie: She was sweet and sad. She said that she wished she could take me in her arms, and I wished that to.
Marlena: Well, I'm here. I'm here, sweetheart.
Rafe: Okay. Well, that should do it. I filed a missing persons report, and that should get the ball rolling.
Tripp: And the police will start searching for her immediately?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, they will. But I'll be honest with you. Knowing ava, I think that she left of her own accord.
Tripp: Yeah, everyone keeps saying that, but not me. No, I've got a bad feeling my mom's in trouble.
Ava: Okay, you're mad at me, charlie, right now, I get that okay? But we can move forward from this. We can build on our relationship--the relationship that we both want.
Charlie: I'm sorry, mom. I spent way too many years hoping for that, but all you've done is kick me in the face. I have a shot at real love, and I'm not going to let you stand in the way of that.
Ava: Charlie--
Charlie: But at least we'll always have today. Our first and last christmas together.
Ava: No, charlie. Charlie, no, you don't mean that. Charlie, I'm your mother! I love you!
[Muffled] Charlie, don't do this!
[Knocking at door]
[Muffled screaming]
Claire: Charlie? It's me, claire. Charlie? Are you there?
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